package protocols; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Arrays; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import communication.Communication; import crypto.Crypto; import exceptions.AccessException; import exceptions.NoSuchPartyException; import oram.Bucket; import oram.Forest; import oram.Metadata; import oram.Tree; import oram.Tuple; import protocols.precomputation.PreAccess; import protocols.struct.OutAccess; import protocols.struct.OutSSCOT; import protocols.struct.OutSSIOT; import protocols.struct.Party; import protocols.struct.PreData; import util.M; import util.P; import util.Timer; import util.Util; public class Access extends Protocol { private int pid = P.ACC; public Access(Communication con1, Communication con2) { super(con1, con2); } public OutAccess runE(PreData predata, Tree OTi, byte[] Ni, byte[] Nip1_pr, Timer timer) { timer.start(pid, M.online_comp); // step 0: get Li from C byte[] Li = new byte[0]; timer.start(pid, M.online_read); if (OTi.getTreeIndex() > 0) Li =; timer.stop(pid, M.online_read); // step 1 Bucket[] pathBuckets = OTi.getBucketsOnPath(Li); Tuple[] pathTuples = Bucket.bucketsToTuples(pathBuckets); for (int i = 0; i < pathTuples.length; i++) pathTuples[i].setXor(predata.access_p[i]); pathTuples = Util.permute(pathTuples, predata.access_sigma); // step 3 byte[] y = null; if (OTi.getTreeIndex() == 0) y = pathTuples[0].getA(); else if (OTi.getTreeIndex() < OTi.getH() - 1) y = Util.nextBytes(OTi.getABytes(),; else y = new byte[OTi.getABytes()]; if (OTi.getTreeIndex() > 0) { byte[][] a = new byte[pathTuples.length][]; byte[][] m = new byte[pathTuples.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < pathTuples.length; i++) { m[i] = Util.xor(pathTuples[i].getA(), y); a[i] = ArrayUtils.addAll(pathTuples[i].getF(), pathTuples[i].getN()); for (int j = 0; j < Ni.length; j++) a[i][a[i].length - 1 - j] ^= Ni[Ni.length - 1 - j]; } SSCOT sscot = new SSCOT(con1, con2); sscot.runE(predata, m, a, timer); } // step 4 if (OTi.getTreeIndex() < OTi.getH() - 1) { int ySegBytes = y.length / OTi.getTwoTauPow(); byte[][] y_array = new byte[OTi.getTwoTauPow()][]; for (int i = 0; i < OTi.getTwoTauPow(); i++) y_array[i] = Arrays.copyOfRange(y, i * ySegBytes, (i + 1) * ySegBytes); SSIOT ssiot = new SSIOT(con1, con2); ssiot.runE(predata, y_array, Nip1_pr, timer); } // step 5 Tuple Ti = null; if (OTi.getTreeIndex() == 0) Ti = pathTuples[0]; else Ti = new Tuple(new byte[1], Ni, Li, y); OutAccess outaccess = new OutAccess(Li, null, null, null, null, Ti, pathTuples); timer.stop(pid, M.online_comp); return outaccess; } public byte[] runD(PreData predata, Tree OTi, byte[] Ni, byte[] Nip1_pr, Timer timer) { timer.start(pid, M.online_comp); // step 0: get Li from C byte[] Li = new byte[0]; timer.start(pid, M.online_read); if (OTi.getTreeIndex() > 0) Li =; timer.stop(pid, M.online_read); // step 1 Bucket[] pathBuckets = OTi.getBucketsOnPath(Li); Tuple[] pathTuples = Bucket.bucketsToTuples(pathBuckets); for (int i = 0; i < pathTuples.length; i++) pathTuples[i].setXor(predata.access_p[i]); pathTuples = Util.permute(pathTuples, predata.access_sigma); // step 2 timer.start(pid, M.online_write); con2.write(pid, pathTuples); con2.write(pid, Ni); timer.stop(pid, M.online_write); // step 3 if (OTi.getTreeIndex() > 0) { byte[][] b = new byte[pathTuples.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < pathTuples.length; i++) { b[i] = ArrayUtils.addAll(pathTuples[i].getF(), pathTuples[i].getN()); b[i][0] ^= 1; for (int j = 0; j < Ni.length; j++) b[i][b[i].length - 1 - j] ^= Ni[Ni.length - 1 - j]; } SSCOT sscot = new SSCOT(con1, con2); sscot.runD(predata, b, timer); } // step 4 if (OTi.getTreeIndex() < OTi.getH() - 1) { SSIOT ssiot = new SSIOT(con1, con2); ssiot.runD(predata, Nip1_pr, timer); } timer.stop(pid, M.online_comp); return Li; } public OutAccess runC(Metadata md, int treeIndex, byte[] Li, Timer timer) { timer.start(pid, M.online_comp); // step 0: send Li to E and D timer.start(pid, M.online_write); if (treeIndex > 0) { con1.write(Li); con2.write(Li); } timer.stop(pid, M.online_write); // step 2 timer.start(pid, M.online_read); Tuple[] pathTuples = con2.readTupleArray(); byte[] Ni =; timer.stop(pid, M.online_read); // step 3 int j1 = 0; byte[] z = null; if (treeIndex == 0) { z = pathTuples[0].getA(); } else { SSCOT sscot = new SSCOT(con1, con2); OutSSCOT je = sscot.runC(timer); j1 = je.t; byte[] d = pathTuples[j1].getA(); z = Util.xor(je.m_t, d); } // step 4 int j2 = 0; byte[] Lip1 = null; if (treeIndex < md.getNumTrees() - 1) { SSIOT ssiot = new SSIOT(con1, con2); OutSSIOT jy = ssiot.runC(timer); // step 5 j2 = jy.t; int lSegBytes = md.getABytesOfTree(treeIndex) / md.getTwoTauPow(); byte[] z_j2 = Arrays.copyOfRange(z, j2 * lSegBytes, (j2 + 1) * lSegBytes); Lip1 = Util.xor(jy.m_t, z_j2); } Tuple Ti = null; if (treeIndex == 0) { Ti = pathTuples[0]; } else { Ti = new Tuple(new byte[] { 1 }, Ni, new byte[md.getLBytesOfTree(treeIndex)], z); pathTuples[j1].getF()[0] = (byte) (1 - pathTuples[j1].getF()[0]);[j1].getN());[j1].getL());[j1].getA()); } OutAccess outaccess = new OutAccess(Li, Lip1, Ti, pathTuples, j2, null, null); timer.stop(pid, M.online_comp); return outaccess; } public OutAccess runE2(Tree OTi, Timer timer) { timer.start(pid, M.online_comp); // step 0: get Li from C byte[] Li = new byte[0]; timer.start(pid, M.online_read); if (OTi.getTreeIndex() > 0) Li =; timer.stop(pid, M.online_read); // step 1 Bucket[] pathBuckets = OTi.getBucketsOnPath(Li); Tuple[] pathTuples = Bucket.bucketsToTuples(pathBuckets); // step 5 Tuple Ti = null; if (OTi.getTreeIndex() == 0) Ti = pathTuples[0]; else { Ti = new Tuple(1, OTi.getNBytes(), OTi.getLBytes(), OTi.getABytes(),; Ti.setF(new byte[1]); } OutAccess outaccess = new OutAccess(Li, null, null, null, null, Ti, pathTuples); timer.stop(pid, M.online_comp); return outaccess; } public byte[] runD2(Tree OTi, Timer timer) { timer.start(pid, M.online_comp); // step 0: get Li from C byte[] Li = new byte[0]; timer.start(pid, M.online_read); if (OTi.getTreeIndex() > 0) Li =; timer.stop(pid, M.online_read); // step 1 Bucket[] pathBuckets = OTi.getBucketsOnPath(Li); Tuple[] pathTuples = Bucket.bucketsToTuples(pathBuckets); // step 2 timer.start(pid, M.online_write); con2.write(pid, pathTuples); timer.stop(pid, M.online_write); timer.stop(pid, M.online_comp); return Li; } public OutAccess runC2(Metadata md, int treeIndex, byte[] Li, Timer timer) { timer.start(pid, M.online_comp); // step 0: send Li to E and D timer.start(pid, M.online_write); if (treeIndex > 0) { con1.write(Li); con2.write(Li); } timer.stop(pid, M.online_write); // step 2 timer.start(pid, M.online_read); Tuple[] pathTuples = con2.readTupleArray(); timer.stop(pid, M.online_read); // step 5 Tuple Ti = null; if (treeIndex == 0) { Ti = pathTuples[0]; } else { Ti = new Tuple(1, md.getNBytesOfTree(treeIndex), md.getLBytesOfTree(treeIndex), md.getABytesOfTree(treeIndex),; Ti.setF(new byte[1]); } OutAccess outaccess = new OutAccess(Li, null, Ti, pathTuples, null, null, null); timer.stop(pid, M.online_comp); return outaccess; } // for testing correctness @Override public void run(Party party, Metadata md, Forest forest) { int records = 5; int repeat = 5; int tau = md.getTau(); int numTrees = md.getNumTrees(); long numInsert = md.getNumInsertRecords(); int addrBits = md.getAddrBits(); Timer timer = new Timer(); sanityCheck(); System.out.println(); for (int i = 0; i < records; i++) { long N = Metadata.cheat ? 0 : Util.nextLong(numInsert,; for (int j = 0; j < repeat; j++) { System.out.println("Test: " + i + " " + j); System.out.println("N=" + BigInteger.valueOf(N).toString(2)); byte[] Li = new byte[0]; for (int ti = 0; ti < numTrees; ti++) { long Ni_value = Util.getSubBits(N, addrBits, addrBits - md.getNBitsOfTree(ti)); long Nip1_pr_value = Util.getSubBits(N, addrBits - md.getNBitsOfTree(ti), Math.max(addrBits - md.getNBitsOfTree(ti) - tau, 0)); byte[] Ni = Util.longToBytes(Ni_value, md.getNBytesOfTree(ti)); byte[] Nip1_pr = Util.longToBytes(Nip1_pr_value, (tau + 7) / 8); PreData predata = new PreData(); PreAccess preaccess = new PreAccess(con1, con2); if (party == Party.Eddie) { Tree OTi = forest.getTree(ti); int numTuples = (OTi.getD() - 1) * OTi.getW() + OTi.getStashSize(); int[] tupleParam = new int[] { ti == 0 ? 0 : 1, md.getNBytesOfTree(ti), md.getLBytesOfTree(ti), md.getABytesOfTree(ti) }; preaccess.runE(predata, md.getTwoTauPow(), numTuples, tupleParam, timer); byte[] sE_Ni = Util.nextBytes(Ni.length,; byte[] sD_Ni = Util.xor(Ni, sE_Ni); con1.write(sD_Ni); byte[] sE_Nip1_pr = Util.nextBytes(Nip1_pr.length,; byte[] sD_Nip1_pr = Util.xor(Nip1_pr, sE_Nip1_pr); con1.write(sD_Nip1_pr); runE(predata, OTi, sE_Ni, sE_Nip1_pr, timer); if (ti == numTrees - 1) con2.write(N); } else if (party == Party.Debbie) { Tree OTi = forest.getTree(ti); preaccess.runD(predata, timer); byte[] sD_Ni =; byte[] sD_Nip1_pr =; runD(predata, OTi, sD_Ni, sD_Nip1_pr, timer); } else if (party == Party.Charlie) { preaccess.runC(timer); System.out.println("L" + ti + "=" + new BigInteger(1, Li).toString(2)); OutAccess outaccess = runC(md, ti, Li, timer); Li = outaccess.C_Lip1; if (ti == numTrees - 1) { N = con1.readLong(); long data = new BigInteger(1, outaccess.C_Ti.getA()).longValue(); if (N == data) { System.out.println("Access passed"); System.out.println(); } else { throw new AccessException("Access failed"); } } } else { throw new NoSuchPartyException(party + ""); } } } } // timer.print(); } }