// Copyright (C) 2014 by Xiao Shaun Wang <wangxiao@cs.umd.edu>, Yan Huang <yhuang@cs.umd.edu> and Kartik Nayak <kartik@cs.umd.edu> package com.oblivm.backend.circuits.arithmetic; import java.util.Arrays; import com.oblivm.backend.circuits.CircuitLib; import com.oblivm.backend.flexsc.CompEnv; import com.oblivm.backend.util.Utils; public class IntegerLib<T> extends CircuitLib<T> implements ArithmeticLib<T> { public int width; public IntegerLib(CompEnv<T> e) { super(e); width = 32; } public IntegerLib(CompEnv<T> e, int width) { super(e); this.width = width; } static final int S = 0; static final int COUT = 1; public T[] publicValue(double v) { int intv = (int) v; return toSignals(intv, width); } // full 1-bit adder protected T[] add(T x, T y, T cin) { T[] res = env.newTArray(2); T t1 = xor(x, cin); T t2 = xor(y, cin); res[S] = xor(x, t2); t1 = and(t1, t2); res[COUT] = xor(cin, t1); return res; } // full n-bit adder public T[] addFull(T[] x, T[] y, boolean cin) { assert (x != null && y != null && x.length == y.length) : "add: bad inputs."; T[] res = env.newTArray(x.length + 1); T[] t = add(x[0], y[0], env.newT(cin)); res[0] = t[S]; for (int i = 0; i < x.length - 1; i++) { t = add(x[i + 1], y[i + 1], t[COUT]); res[i + 1] = t[S]; } res[res.length - 1] = t[COUT]; return res; } public T[] addFull(T[] x, T[] y) { return addFull(x, y, false); } public T[] add(T[] x, T[] y, boolean cin) { return Arrays.copyOf(addFull(x, y, cin), x.length); } public T[] add(T[] x, T[] y) { return add(x, y, false); } public T[] sub(T x, T y) throws Exception { T[] ax = env.newTArray(2); ax[1] = SIGNAL_ZERO; ax[0] = x; T[] ay = env.newTArray(2); ay[1] = SIGNAL_ZERO; ay[0] = y; return sub(x, y); } public T[] sub(T[] x, T[] y) { assert (x != null && y != null && x.length == y.length) : "sub: bad inputs."; return add(x, not(y), true); } public T[] incrementByOne(T[] x) { T[] one = zeros(x.length); one[0] = SIGNAL_ONE; return add(x, one); } public T[] decrementByOne(T[] x) { T[] one = zeros(x.length); one[0] = SIGNAL_ONE; return sub(x, one); } public T[] conditionalIncreament(T[] x, T flag) { T[] one = zeros(x.length); one[0] = mux(SIGNAL_ZERO, SIGNAL_ONE, flag); return add(x, one); } public T[] conditionalDecrement(T[] x, T flag) { T[] one = zeros(x.length); one[0] = mux(SIGNAL_ZERO, SIGNAL_ONE, flag); return sub(x, one); } public T less(T[] x, T[] y) { assert (x.length == y.length) : "bad input"; T[] result = sub(x, y); return result[result.length - 1]; } public T greater(T[] x, T[] y) { return less(y, x); } public T geq(T[] x, T[] y) { assert (x.length == y.length) : "bad input"; T[] result = sub(x, y); return not(result[result.length - 1]); } public T leq(T[] x, T[] y) { return geq(y, x); } public T[] multiply(T[] x, T[] y) { return Arrays.copyOf(multiplyInternal(x, y), x.length);// res; } // This multiplication does not truncate the length of x and y public T[] multiplyFull(T[] x, T[] y) { return multiplyInternal(x, y); } private T[] multiplyInternal(T[] x, T[] y) { // return karatsubaMultiply(x,y); assert (x != null && y != null) : "multiply: bad inputs"; T[] res = zeros(x.length + y.length); T[] zero = zeros(x.length); T[] toAdd = mux(zero, x, y[0]); System.arraycopy(toAdd, 0, res, 0, toAdd.length); for (int i = 1; i < y.length; ++i) { toAdd = Arrays.copyOfRange(res, i, i + x.length); toAdd = add(toAdd, mux(zero, x, y[i]), false); System.arraycopy(toAdd, 0, res, i, toAdd.length); } return res; } public T[] absolute(T[] x) { T reachedOneSignal = SIGNAL_ZERO; T[] result = zeros(x.length); for (int i = 0; i < x.length; ++i) { T comp = eq(SIGNAL_ONE, x[i]); result[i] = xor(x[i], reachedOneSignal); reachedOneSignal = or(reachedOneSignal, comp); } return mux(x, result, x[x.length - 1]); } public T[] div(T[] x, T[] y) { T[] absoluteX = absolute(x); T[] absoluteY = absolute(y); T[] PA = divInternal(absoluteX, absoluteY); return addSign(Arrays.copyOf(PA, x.length), xor(x[x.length - 1], y[y.length - 1])); } // Restoring Division Algorithm public T[] divInternal(T[] x, T[] y) { T[] PA = zeros(x.length + y.length); T[] B = y; System.arraycopy(x, 0, PA, 0, x.length); for (int i = 0; i < x.length; ++i) { PA = leftShift(PA); T[] tempP = sub(Arrays.copyOfRange(PA, x.length, PA.length), B); PA[0] = not(tempP[tempP.length - 1]); System.arraycopy(mux(tempP, Arrays.copyOfRange(PA, x.length, PA.length), tempP[tempP.length - 1]), 0, PA, x.length, y.length); } return PA; } public T[] mod(T[] x, T[] y) { T Xneg = x[x.length - 1]; T[] absoluteX = absolute(x); T[] absoluteY = absolute(y); T[] PA = divInternal(absoluteX, absoluteY); T[] res = Arrays.copyOfRange(PA, y.length, PA.length); return mux(res, sub(toSignals(0, res.length), res), Xneg); } public T[] addSign(T[] x, T sign) { T[] reachedOneSignal = zeros(x.length); T[] result = env.newTArray(x.length); for (int i = 0; i < x.length - 1; ++i) { reachedOneSignal[i + 1] = or(reachedOneSignal[i], x[i]); result[i] = xor(x[i], reachedOneSignal[i]); } result[x.length - 1] = xor(x[x.length - 1], reachedOneSignal[x.length - 1]); return mux(x, result, sign); } public T[] commonPrefix(T[] x, T[] y) { assert (x != null && y != null) : "multiply: bad inputs"; T[] result = xor(x, y); for (int i = x.length - 2; i >= 0; --i) { result[i] = or(result[i], result[i + 1]); } return result; } public T[] leadingZeros(T[] x) { assert (x != null) : "leading zeros: bad inputs"; T[] result = Arrays.copyOf(x, x.length); for (int i = result.length - 2; i >= 0; --i) { result[i] = or(result[i], result[i + 1]); } return numberOfOnes(not(result)); } public T[] lengthOfCommenPrefix(T[] x, T[] y) { assert (x != null) : "lengthOfCommenPrefix : bad inputs"; return leadingZeros(xor(x, y)); } /* * Integer manipulation */ public T[] leftShift(T[] x) { assert (x != null) : "leftShift: bad inputs"; return leftPublicShift(x, 1); } public T[] rightShift(T[] x) { assert (x != null) : "rightShift: bad inputs"; return rightPublicShift(x, 1); } public T[] leftPublicShift(T[] x, int s) { assert (x != null && s < x.length) : "leftshift: bad inputs"; T res[] = env.newTArray(x.length); System.arraycopy(zeros(s), 0, res, 0, s); System.arraycopy(x, 0, res, s, x.length - s); return res; } public T[] rightPublicShift(T[] x, int s) { assert (x != null && s < x.length) : "rightshift: bad inputs"; T[] res = env.newTArray(x.length); System.arraycopy(x, s, res, 0, x.length - s); System.arraycopy(zeros(s), 0, res, x.length - s, s); return res; } public T[] conditionalLeftPublicShift(T[] x, int s, T sign) { assert (x != null && s < x.length) : "leftshift: bad inputs"; T[] res = env.newTArray(x.length); System.arraycopy(mux(Arrays.copyOfRange(x, 0, s), zeros(s), sign), 0, res, 0, s); System.arraycopy(mux(Arrays.copyOfRange(x, s, x.length), Arrays.copyOfRange(x, 0, x.length), sign), 0, res, s, x.length - s); return res; } public T[] conditionalRightPublicShift(T[] x, int s, T sign) { assert (x != null && s < x.length) : "rightshift: bad inputs"; T res[] = env.newTArray(x.length); System.arraycopy(mux(Arrays.copyOfRange(x, 0, x.length - s), Arrays.copyOfRange(x, s, x.length), sign), 0, res, 0, x.length - s); System.arraycopy(mux(Arrays.copyOfRange(x, x.length - s, x.length), zeros(s), sign), 0, res, x.length - s, s); return res; } public T[] leftPrivateShift(T[] x, T[] lengthToShift) { T[] res = Arrays.copyOf(x, x.length); for (int i = 0; ((1 << i) < x.length) && i < lengthToShift.length; ++i) res = conditionalLeftPublicShift(res, (1 << i), lengthToShift[i]); T clear = SIGNAL_ZERO; for (int i = 0; i < lengthToShift.length; ++i) { if ((1 << i) >= x.length) clear = or(clear, lengthToShift[i]); } return mux(res, zeros(x.length), clear); } public T[] rightPrivateShift(T[] x, T[] lengthToShift) { T[] res = Arrays.copyOf(x, x.length); for (int i = 0; ((1 << i) < x.length) && i < lengthToShift.length; ++i) res = conditionalRightPublicShift(res, (1 << i), lengthToShift[i]); T clear = SIGNAL_ZERO; for (int i = 0; i < lengthToShift.length; ++i) { if ((1 << i) >= x.length) clear = or(clear, lengthToShift[i]); } return mux(res, zeros(x.length), clear); } T compare(T x, T y, T cin) { T t1 = xor(x, cin); T t2 = xor(y, cin); t1 = and(t1, t2); return xor(x, t1); } public T compare(T[] x, T[] y) { assert (x != null && y != null && x.length == y.length) : "compare: bad inputs."; T t = env.newT(false); for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { t = compare(x[i], y[i], t); } return t; } public T eq(T x, T y) { assert (x != null && y != null) : "CircuitLib.eq: bad inputs"; return not(xor(x, y)); } public T eq(T[] x, T[] y) { assert (x != null && y != null && x.length == y.length) : "CircuitLib.eq[]: bad inputs."; T res = env.newT(true); for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { T t = eq(x[i], y[i]); res = env.and(res, t); } return res; } public T[] twosComplement(T[] x) { T reachOne = SIGNAL_ZERO; T[] result = env.newTArray(x.length); for (int i = 0; i < x.length; ++i) { result[i] = xor(x[i], reachOne); reachOne = or(reachOne, x[i]); } return result; } public T[] hammingDistance(T[] x, T[] y) { T[] a = xor(x, y); return numberOfOnes(a); } public T[] numberOfOnes(T[] t) { if (t.length == 0) { T[] res = env.newTArray(1); res[0] = SIGNAL_ZERO; return res; } if (t.length == 1) { return t; } else { int length = 1; int w = 1; while (length <= t.length) { length <<= 1; w++; } length >>= 1; T[] res1 = numberOfOnesN(Arrays.copyOfRange(t, 0, length)); T[] res2 = numberOfOnes(Arrays.copyOfRange(t, length, t.length)); return add(padSignal(res1, w), padSignal(res2, w)); } } public T[] numberOfOnesN(T[] res) { if (res.length == 1) return res; T[] left = numberOfOnesN(Arrays.copyOfRange(res, 0, res.length / 2)); T[] right = numberOfOnesN(Arrays.copyOfRange(res, res.length / 2, res.length)); return unSignedAdd(left, right); } public T[] unSignedAdd(T[] x, T[] y) { assert (x != null && y != null && x.length == y.length) : "add: bad inputs."; T[] res = env.newTArray(x.length + 1); T[] t = add(x[0], y[0], env.newT(false)); res[0] = t[S]; for (int i = 0; i < x.length - 1; i++) { t = add(x[i + 1], y[i + 1], t[COUT]); res[i + 1] = t[S]; } res[res.length - 1] = t[COUT]; return res; } public T[] unSignedMultiply(T[] x, T[] y) { assert (x != null && y != null) : "multiply: bad inputs"; T[] res = zeros(x.length + y.length); T[] zero = zeros(x.length); T[] toAdd = mux(zero, x, y[0]); System.arraycopy(toAdd, 0, res, 0, toAdd.length); for (int i = 1; i < y.length; ++i) { toAdd = Arrays.copyOfRange(res, i, i + x.length); toAdd = unSignedAdd(toAdd, mux(zero, x, y[i])); System.arraycopy(toAdd, 0, res, i, toAdd.length); } return res; } public T[] karatsubaMultiply(T[] x, T[] y) { if (x.length <= 18) return unSignedMultiply(x, y); int length = (x.length + y.length); T[] xlo = Arrays.copyOfRange(x, 0, x.length / 2); T[] xhi = Arrays.copyOfRange(x, x.length / 2, x.length); T[] ylo = Arrays.copyOfRange(y, 0, y.length / 2); T[] yhi = Arrays.copyOfRange(y, y.length / 2, y.length); int nextlength = Math.max(x.length / 2, x.length - x.length / 2); xlo = padSignal(xlo, nextlength); xhi = padSignal(xhi, nextlength); ylo = padSignal(ylo, nextlength); yhi = padSignal(yhi, nextlength); T[] z0 = karatsubaMultiply(xlo, ylo); T[] z2 = karatsubaMultiply(xhi, yhi); T[] z1 = sub(padSignal(karatsubaMultiply(unSignedAdd(xlo, xhi), unSignedAdd(ylo, yhi)), 2 * nextlength + 2), padSignal(unSignedAdd(padSignal(z2, 2 * nextlength), padSignal(z0, 2 * nextlength)), 2 * nextlength + 2)); z1 = padSignal(z1, length); z1 = leftPublicShift(z1, x.length / 2); T[] z0Pad = padSignal(z0, length); T[] z2Pad = padSignal(z2, length); z2Pad = leftPublicShift(z2Pad, 2 * (x.length / 2)); return add(add(z0Pad, z1), z2Pad); } public T[] min(T[] x, T[] y) { T leq = leq(x, y); return mux(y, x, leq); } public T[] sqrt(T[] a) { int newLength = a.length; if (newLength % 2 == 1) newLength++; T[] x = padSignal(a, newLength); T[] rem = zeros(x.length); T[] root = zeros(x.length); for (int i = 0; i < x.length / 2; i++) { root = leftShift(root); rem = add(leftPublicShift(rem, 2), rightPublicShift(x, x.length - 2)); x = leftPublicShift(x, 2); T[] oldRoot = root; root = copy(root); root[0] = SIGNAL_ONE; T[] remMinusRoot = sub(rem, root); T isRootSmaller = not(remMinusRoot[remMinusRoot.length - 1]); rem = mux(rem, remMinusRoot, isRootSmaller); root = mux(oldRoot, incrementByOne(root), isRootSmaller); } return padSignal(rightShift(root), a.length); } public T[] inputOfAlice(double d) { return env.inputOfAlice(Utils.fromLong((long) d, width)); } public T[] inputOfBob(double d) { return env.inputOfBob(Utils.fromLong((long) d, width)); } @Override public CompEnv<T> getEnv() { return env; } @Override public T[] toSecureInt(T[] a, IntegerLib<T> lib) { return a; } // not fully implemented, more cases to consider @Override public T[] toSecureFloat(T[] a, FloatLib<T> lib) { T[] v = padSignal(a, lib.VLength); T[] p = leadingZeros(v); v = leftPrivateShift(v, p); p = padSignal(p, lib.PLength); p = sub(zeros(p.length), p); return lib.pack(new FloatLib.Representation<T>(SIGNAL_ZERO, v, p)); } @Override public T[] toSecureFixPoint(T[] a, FixedPointLib<T> lib) { return leftPublicShift(padSignal(a, lib.width), lib.offset); } @Override public double outputToAlice(T[] a) { return Utils.toInt(env.outputToAlice(a)); } @Override public int numBits() { return width; } }