avadapal 2 years ago
100 changed files with 31020 additions and 0 deletions
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+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@


+ 51 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+## duoram
+#  Copyright (C) 2020  duoram authors
+#  @file    Makefile
+#  @brief   Makefile for compiling duoram
+#  @license GNU Public License (version 2); see LICENSE for full license text
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+#    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+#    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+CXX = g++
+CXXFLAGS = -g -march=native -std=c++17 -Wall -pedantic -fopenmp -O3 -Wno-ignored-attributes -pthread
+LIBS = -lbsd
+all: setup duoram0 duoram1 p2
+setup: p2.cpp setup.cpp duoram-utils.h duoram-read.h duoram-write.h duoram-refresh.h
+	$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o  setup setup.cpp $(LIBS) -I.
+p2: p2.cpp duoram-utils.h duoram-read.h duoram-write.h duoram-refresh.h
+	$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o  p2 p2.cpp $(LIBS) $(FLAGS) -I.
+duoram1: duoram.cpp duoram-utils.h duoram-read.h duoram-write.h duoram-refresh.h
+	$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o duoram1 duoram.cpp $(LIBS) $(FLAGS) -DPARTY=1 -I.
+duoram0: duoram.cpp duoram-utils.h duoram-read.h duoram-write.h duoram-refresh.h
+	$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o duoram0 duoram.cpp $(LIBS) $(FLAGS) -DPARTY=0 -I.
+	 rm p2 duoram0 duoram1 setup
+	doxygen Doxyfile
+.PHONY: directories

+ 152 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+/* crypto/aes/aes.h -*- mode:C; c-file-style: "eay" -*- */
+/* ====================================================================
+ * Copyright (c) 1998-2002 The OpenSSL Project.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+ *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+ *    distribution.
+ *
+ * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
+ *    software must display the following acknowledgment:
+ *    "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
+ *    for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.openssl.org/)"
+ *
+ * 4. The names "OpenSSL Toolkit" and "OpenSSL Project" must not be used to
+ *    endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+ *    prior written permission. For written permission, please contact
+ *    openssl-core@openssl.org.
+ *
+ * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "OpenSSL"
+ *    nor may "OpenSSL" appear in their names without prior written
+ *    permission of the OpenSSL Project.
+ *
+ * 6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following
+ *    acknowledgment:
+ *    "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
+ *    for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org/)"
+ *
+ * ====================================================================
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef DPFPP_AES_H
+#define DPFPP_AES_H
+#include <x86intrin.h>
+#define EXPAND_ASSIST(v1,v2,v3,v4,shuff_const,aes_const)                    \
+    v2 = _mm_aeskeygenassist_si128(v4,aes_const);                           \
+    v3 = _mm_castps_si128(_mm_shuffle_ps(_mm_castsi128_ps(v3),              \
+                                         _mm_castsi128_ps(v1), 16));        \
+    v1 = _mm_xor_si128(v1,v3);                                              \
+    v3 = _mm_castps_si128(_mm_shuffle_ps(_mm_castsi128_ps(v3),              \
+                                         _mm_castsi128_ps(v1), 140));       \
+    v1 = _mm_xor_si128(v1,v3);                                              \
+    v2 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(v2,shuff_const);                                 \
+    v1 = _mm_xor_si128(v1,v2)
+struct AES_KEY
+    AES_KEY(const __m128i userkey = _mm_set_epi64x(597349, 121379))
+      : rounds(10)
+    {
+        __m128i x0, x1, x2;
+        rd_key[0] = x0 = userkey;
+        x2 = _mm_setzero_si128();
+        EXPAND_ASSIST(x0, x1, x2, x0, 255, 1);
+        rd_key[1] = x0;
+        EXPAND_ASSIST(x0, x1, x2, x0, 255, 2);
+        rd_key[2] = x0;
+        EXPAND_ASSIST(x0, x1, x2, x0, 255, 4);
+        rd_key[3] = x0;
+        EXPAND_ASSIST(x0, x1, x2, x0, 255, 8);
+        rd_key[4] = x0;
+        EXPAND_ASSIST(x0, x1, x2, x0, 255, 16);
+        rd_key[5] = x0;
+        EXPAND_ASSIST(x0, x1, x2, x0, 255, 32);
+        rd_key[6] = x0;
+        EXPAND_ASSIST(x0, x1, x2, x0, 255, 64);
+        rd_key[7] = x0;
+        EXPAND_ASSIST(x0, x1, x2, x0, 255, 128);
+        rd_key[8] = x0;
+        EXPAND_ASSIST(x0, x1, x2, x0, 255, 27);
+        rd_key[9] = x0;
+        EXPAND_ASSIST(x0, x1, x2, x0, 255, 54);
+        rd_key[10] = x0;
+    }
+    __m128i rd_key[11];
+    unsigned int rounds;
+} ;
+static const AES_KEY default_aes_key;
+static inline void
+AES_ecb_encrypt_blks(__m128i * __restrict__ blks, unsigned int nblks, const AES_KEY * __restrict__ key)
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nblks; ++i)
+        blks[i] = _mm_xor_si128(blks[i], key->rd_key[0]);
+    for (unsigned int j = 1; j < key->rounds; ++j)
+        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nblks; ++i)
+            blks[i] = _mm_aesenc_si128(blks[i], key->rd_key[j]);
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nblks; ++i)
+        blks[i] = _mm_aesenclast_si128(blks[i], key->rd_key[key->rounds]);
+static inline void
+AES_set_decrypt_key_fast(AES_KEY * __restrict__ dkey, const AES_KEY * __restrict__ ekey)
+    int j = 0;
+    int i = ekey->rounds;
+#if (OCB_KEY_LEN == 0)
+    dkey->rounds = i;
+    dkey->rd_key[i--] = ekey->rd_key[j++];
+    while (i)
+        dkey->rd_key[i--] = _mm_aesimc_si128(ekey->rd_key[j++]);
+    dkey->rd_key[i] = ekey->rd_key[j];
+static inline void
+AES_set_decrypt_key(__m128i userkey, AES_KEY * __restrict__ key)
+    AES_KEY temp_key;
+    AES_set_encrypt_key(userkey, &temp_key);
+    AES_set_decrypt_key_fast(key, &temp_key);
+static inline void
+AES_ecb_decrypt_blks(__m128i * __restrict__ blks, unsigned nblks, const AES_KEY * __restrict__ key)
+    unsigned i, j, rnds = key->rounds;
+    for (i = 0; i < nblks; ++i)
+        blks[i] = _mm_xor_si128(blks[i], key->rd_key[0]);
+    for (j = 1; j < rnds; ++j)
+        for (i = 0; i < nblks; ++i)
+            blks[i] = _mm_aesdec_si128(blks[i], key->rd_key[j]);
+    for (i = 0; i < nblks; ++i)
+        blks[i] = _mm_aesdeclast_si128(blks[i], key->rd_key[j]);

+ 202 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2019  Anonymous
+ *
+ * This is a pre-release version of the DPF++ library distributed anonymously
+ * for peer review. A public release of the software will be published under the
+ * LPGL v2.1 license in the near future. Please do not redistribute this version
+ * of the software.
+ */
+#ifndef DPF_BITUTILS_H__
+#define DPF_BITUTILS_H__
+#include <bitset>       // std::bitset
+#include <x86intrin.h>  // SSE and AVX intrinsics
+namespace dpf
+static const __m128i bool128_mask[2] = {
+	_mm_set_epi64x(0,1),                                        // 0b00...0001
+	_mm_set_epi64x(1,0)                                         // 0b00...0001 << 64
+static const __m256i bool256_mask[4] = {
+	_mm256_set_epi64x(0,0,0,1),                                 // 0b00...0001
+	_mm256_set_epi64x(0,0,1,0),                                 // 0b00...0001 << 64
+	_mm256_set_epi64x(0,1,0,0),                                 // 0b00...0001 << 128
+	_mm256_set_epi64x(1,0,0,0)                                  // 0b00...0001 << 192
+static const __m128i lsb128_mask[4] = {
+	_mm_setzero_si128(),                                        // 0b00...0000
+	_mm_set_epi64x(0,1),                                        // 0b00...0001
+	_mm_set_epi64x(0,2),                                        // 0b00...0010
+	_mm_set_epi64x(0,3)                                         // 0b00...0011
+static const __m128i lsb128_mask_inv[4] = {
+	_mm_set1_epi8(-1),                                          // 0b11...1111
+	_mm_set_epi64x(-1,-2),                                      // 0b11...1110
+	_mm_set_epi64x(-1,-3),                                      // 0b11...1101
+	_mm_set_epi64x(-1,-4)                                       // 0b11...1100
+static const __m128i if128_mask[2] = {
+	_mm_setzero_si128(),                                        // 0b00...0000
+	_mm_set1_epi8(-1)                                           // 0b11...1111
+static const __m256i lsb256_mask[4] = {
+	_mm256_setzero_si256(),                                     // 0b00...0000
+	_mm256_set_epi64x(0,0,0,1),                                 // 0b00...0001
+	_mm256_set_epi64x(0,0,0,2),                                 // 0b00...0010
+	_mm256_set_epi64x(0,0,0,3)                                  // 0b00...0011
+static const __m256i lsb256_mask_inv[4] = {
+	_mm256_set1_epi8(-1),                                       // 0b11...1111
+	_mm256_set_epi64x(-1,-1,-1,-2),                             // 0b11...1110
+	_mm256_set_epi64x(-1,-1,-1,-3),                             // 0b11...1101
+	_mm256_set_epi64x(-1,-1,-1,-4)                              // 0b11...1100
+static const __m256i if256_mask[2] = {
+	_mm256_setzero_si256(),                                     // 0b00...0000
+	_mm256_set1_epi8(-1)                                        // 0b11...1111
+inline __m128i xor_if(const __m128i & block1, const __m128i & block2, __m128i flag)
+ return _mm_xor_si128(block1, _mm_and_si128(block2, flag));
+ inline __m256i xor_if(const __m256i & block1, const __m256i & block2, __m256i flag)
+ return _mm256_xor_si256(block1, _mm256_and_si256(block2, flag));
+inline __m128i xor_if(const __m128i & block1, const __m128i & block2, bool flag)
+	return _mm_xor_si128(block1, _mm_and_si128(block2, if128_mask[flag ? 1 : 0]));
+inline __m256i xor_if(const __m256i & block1, const __m256i & block2, bool flag)
+	return _mm256_xor_si256(block1, _mm256_and_si256(block2, if256_mask[flag ? 1 : 0]));
+inline uint8_t get_lsb(const __m128i & block, uint8_t bits = 0b01)
+	__m128i vcmp = _mm_xor_si128(_mm_and_si128(block, lsb128_mask[bits]), lsb128_mask[bits]);
+	return static_cast<uint8_t>(_mm_testz_si128(vcmp, vcmp));
+inline uint8_t get_lsb(const __m256i & block, uint8_t bits = 0b01)
+	__m256i vcmp = _mm256_xor_si256(_mm256_and_si256(block, lsb256_mask[bits]), lsb256_mask[bits]);
+	return static_cast<uint8_t>(_mm256_testz_si256(vcmp, vcmp));
+template <typename __mX>
+inline uint8_t get_lsb01(const __mX & block) { return get_lsb(block, 0b01); }
+template <typename __mX>
+inline uint8_t get_lsb10(const __mX & block) { return get_lsb(block, 0b10); }
+inline __m128i clear_lsb(const __m128i & block, uint8_t bits = 0b01)
+	return _mm_and_si128(block, lsb128_mask_inv[bits]);
+inline __m256i clear_lsb(const __m256i & block, uint8_t bits = 0b01)
+	return _mm256_and_si256(block, lsb256_mask_inv[bits]);
+// template<typename row_t = __m256i >	
+// inline std::array<row_t, 128> bitsliced_clear_lsb(std::array<row_t, 128>& block, uint8_t bits = 0b11)
+// {
+// 	if(bits == 0b11)
+// 	{
+// 	 block[0] = _mm_set_epi64x(0, 0); 
+// 	 block[1] = _mm_set_epi64x(0, 0); 
+// 	}
+// 	if(bits == 0b01)
+// 	{
+// 	  block[0] = _mm_set_epi64x(0, 0); 
+// 	}
+// 	return block;
+// }
+template<typename row_t = __m256i, size_t nrows >	
+inline row_t bitslicled_get_lsb(std::array<row_t, nrows> block, uint8_t bit = 0b01)
+	if(bit == 0b01)	
+	{
+	 return block[0];
+	}
+	else if (bit == 0b10)
+	{
+	 return block[1];
+	}
+	else
+	{
+      return block[0];
+	}
+template <typename __mX>
+inline __mX clear_lsb01(const __mX & block) { return clear_lsb(block, 0b01); }
+template <typename __mX>
+inline __mX clear_lsb10(const __mX & block) { return clear_lsb(block, 0b10); }
+template <typename __mX>
+inline __mX clear_lsb11(const __mX & block) { return clear_lsb(block, 0b11); }
+inline void set_ones(__m128i & input)
+	input = _mm_set1_epi64x(-1);
+inline void set_ones(__m256i & input)
+	input = _mm256_set1_epi64x(-1);
+inline void set_zeros(__m128i & input)
+	input = _mm_setzero_si128();
+inline void set_zeros(__m256i & input)
+	input = _mm256_setzero_si256();
+// inline void zeros(block<__m128i> & input)
+// {
+// 	input = _mm_setzero_si128();
+// }
+// inline void zeros(block<__m256i> & input)
+// {
+// 	input = _mm256_setzero_si256();
+// }
+inline __m128i set_lsb(const __m128i & block, const bool val = true)
+	return _mm_or_si128(clear_lsb(block, 0b01), lsb128_mask[val ? 0b01 : 0b00]);
+inline __m256i set_lsb(const __m256i & block, const bool val = true)
+	return _mm256_or_si256(clear_lsb(block, 0b01), lsb256_mask[val ? 0b01 : 0b00]);;
+inline __m128i set_lsbs(const __m128i & block, const bool bits[2])
+	int i = (bits[0] ? 1 : 0) + 2 * (bits[1] ? 1 : 0);
+	return _mm_or_si128(clear_lsb(block, 0b11), lsb128_mask[i]);
+inline __m256i set_lsbs(const __m256i & block, const bool bits[2])
+	int i = (bits[0] ? 1 : 0) + 2 * (bits[1] ? 1 : 0);
+	return _mm256_or_si256(clear_lsb(block, 0b11), lsb256_mask[i]);
+} // namespace lowmc
+#endif // DPF_BITUTILS_H__

+ 185 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+ *  
+ *  @license GNU Public License (version 2); see LICENSE for full license text
+ *
+ *    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *    (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *    GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ *    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ *    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ **/
+#ifndef LOWMC_BLOCK_H__
+#define LOWMC_BLOCK_H__
+#include <bitset>       // std::bitset
+#include <string>       // std::string
+#include <iostream>     // std::istream and std::ostream
+#include <x86intrin.h>  // SSE and AVX intrinsics
+// namespace lowmc
+// {
+template <typename __mX>
+union block
+  public:
+	typedef __mX value_type;
+	block(const uint64_t input = 0ULL) : bits(input) { }
+	block(const __mX & val) : mX(val) { }
+	block(const std::string bit_string) : bits(bit_string) { }
+	inline operator __mX() const { return mX; }
+	inline block<__mX> & operator=(const __mX & val) { mX = val; return *this; }
+	inline bool operator==(const __mX & rhs) const;
+	inline bool operator!=(const __mX & rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
+	inline typename std::bitset<sizeof(__mX) * 8>::reference operator[](const size_t pos) { return bits[pos]; }
+	inline const bool operator[](const size_t pos) const { return bits[pos]; }
+	constexpr inline size_t size() const { return sizeof(__mX) * 8; }
+	inline const unsigned parity() const { return bits.count() % 2; }
+	inline void shiftr(const size_t pos) { bits >>= pos; }
+ 	inline void shiftl(const size_t pos) { bits <<= pos; }
+	std::bitset<8 * sizeof(__mX)> bits;
+  //private:
+	block(std::bitset<8 * sizeof(__mX)> & bitset) : bits(bitset) { }
+	__mX mX;
+inline bool block<__m128i>::operator==(const __m128i & rhs) const
+	auto vcmp = _mm_xor_si128(*this, rhs);
+	return _mm_testz_si128(vcmp, vcmp);
+inline bool block<__m256i>::operator==(const __m256i & rhs) const
+	auto vcmp = _mm256_xor_si256(*this, rhs);
+	return _mm256_testz_si256(vcmp, vcmp);
+template<typename __mX>
+inline block<__mX> operator|(const block<__mX> & block1, const block<__mX> & block2);
+inline block<__m256i> operator|(const block<__m256i> & block1, const block<__m256i> & block2)
+	return _mm256_or_si256(block1, block2);
+inline block<__m128i> operator|(const block<__m128i> & block1, const block<__m128i> & block2)
+	return _mm_or_si128(block1, block2);
+template<typename __mX>
+inline block<__mX> operator&(const block<__mX> & block1, const block<__mX> & block2);
+inline block<__m256i> operator&(const block<__m256i> & block1, const block<__m256i> & block2)
+	return _mm256_and_si256(block1, block2);
+inline block<__m128i> operator&(const block<__m128i> & block1, const block<__m128i> & block2)
+	return _mm_and_si128(block1, block2);
+template<typename __mX>
+inline block<__mX> operator^(const block<__mX> & block1, const block<__mX> & block2);
+inline block<__m256i> operator^(const block<__m256i> & block1, const block<__m256i> & block2)
+	return _mm256_xor_si256(block1, block2);
+inline block<__m128i> operator^(const block<__m128i> & block1, const block<__m128i> & block2)
+	return _mm_xor_si128(block1, block2);
+template<typename __mX>
+inline block<__mX> & operator^=(block<__mX> & block1, const block<__mX> & block2);
+inline block<__m256i> & operator^=(block<__m256i> & block1, const block<__m256i> & block2)
+	block1 = _mm256_xor_si256(block1, block2);
+	return block1;
+inline block<__m128i> & operator^=(block<__m128i> & block1, const block<__m128i> & block2)
+	block1 = _mm_xor_si128(block1, block2);
+	return block1;
+template<typename __mX>
+inline block<__mX> operator~(const block<__mX> & block);
+inline block<__m256i> operator~(const block<__m256i> & block)
+	return ~static_cast<__m256i>(block);
+inline block<__m128i> operator~(const block<__m128i> & block)
+	return ~static_cast<__m128i>(block);
+template<typename __mX>
+inline block<__mX> operator<<(const block<__mX> & block, const long & shift);
+inline block<__m256i> operator<<(const block<__m256i> & block , const long & shift)
+	return _mm256_or_si256(_mm256_slli_epi64(block, shift), _mm256_blend_epi32(_mm256_setzero_si256(), _mm256_permute4x64_epi64(_mm256_srli_epi64(block, 64 - shift), _MM_SHUFFLE(2,1,0,0)), _MM_SHUFFLE(3,3,3,0)));
+inline block<__m128i> operator<<(const block<__m128i> & block, const long & shift)
+  return _mm_or_si128(_mm_slli_epi64(block, shift), _mm_srli_epi64(_mm_slli_si128(block, 8), 64 - shift));
+template<typename __mX>
+inline block<__mX> & operator<<=(block<__mX> & block, const long & shift)
+	block = block << shift;
+	return block;
+template<typename __mX>
+inline block<__mX> operator>>(const block<__mX> & block, const long & shift);
+inline block<__m256i> operator>>(const block<__m256i> & block, const long & shift)
+	return _mm256_or_si256(_mm256_srli_epi64(block, shift), _mm256_blend_epi32(_mm256_setzero_si256(), _mm256_permute4x64_epi64(_mm256_slli_epi64(block, 64 - shift), _MM_SHUFFLE(0,3,2,1)), _MM_SHUFFLE(0,3,3,3)));
+inline block<__m128i> operator>>(const block<__m128i> & block, const long & shift)
+	return _mm_or_si128(_mm_srli_epi64(block, shift), _mm_slli_epi64(_mm_srli_si128(block, 8), 64 - shift));
+template<typename __mX>
+inline block<__mX> & operator>>=(block<__mX> & block, const long & shift)
+	block = block >> shift;
+	return block;
+//} // namespace lowmc
+#endif // LOWMC_BLOCK_H__

+ 133 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+// associated_allocator.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <memory>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/type_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+template <typename>
+struct associated_allocator_check
+  typedef void type;
+template <typename T, typename E, typename = void>
+struct associated_allocator_impl
+  typedef E type;
+  static type get(const T&, const E& e) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return e;
+  }
+template <typename T, typename E>
+struct associated_allocator_impl<T, E,
+  typename associated_allocator_check<typename T::allocator_type>::type>
+  typedef typename T::allocator_type type;
+  static type get(const T& t, const E&) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return t.get_allocator();
+  }
+} // namespace detail
+/// Traits type used to obtain the allocator associated with an object.
+ * A program may specialise this traits type if the @c T template parameter in
+ * the specialisation is a user-defined type. The template parameter @c
+ * Allocator shall be a type meeting the Allocator requirements.
+ *
+ * Specialisations shall meet the following requirements, where @c t is a const
+ * reference to an object of type @c T, and @c a is an object of type @c
+ * Allocator.
+ *
+ * @li Provide a nested typedef @c type that identifies a type meeting the
+ * Allocator requirements.
+ *
+ * @li Provide a noexcept static member function named @c get, callable as @c
+ * get(t) and with return type @c type.
+ *
+ * @li Provide a noexcept static member function named @c get, callable as @c
+ * get(t,a) and with return type @c type.
+ */
+template <typename T, typename Allocator = std::allocator<void> >
+struct associated_allocator
+  /// If @c T has a nested type @c allocator_type, <tt>T::allocator_type</tt>.
+  /// Otherwise @c Allocator.
+  typedef see_below type;
+  typedef typename detail::associated_allocator_impl<T, Allocator>::type type;
+  /// If @c T has a nested type @c allocator_type, returns
+  /// <tt>t.get_allocator()</tt>. Otherwise returns @c a.
+  static type get(const T& t,
+      const Allocator& a = Allocator()) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return detail::associated_allocator_impl<T, Allocator>::get(t, a);
+  }
+/// Helper function to obtain an object's associated allocator.
+ * @returns <tt>associated_allocator<T>::get(t)</tt>
+ */
+template <typename T>
+inline typename associated_allocator<T>::type
+get_associated_allocator(const T& t) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return associated_allocator<T>::get(t);
+/// Helper function to obtain an object's associated allocator.
+ * @returns <tt>associated_allocator<T, Allocator>::get(t, a)</tt>
+ */
+template <typename T, typename Allocator>
+inline typename associated_allocator<T, Allocator>::type
+get_associated_allocator(const T& t, const Allocator& a) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return associated_allocator<T, Allocator>::get(t, a);
+template <typename T, typename Allocator = std::allocator<void> >
+using associated_allocator_t
+  = typename associated_allocator<T, Allocator>::type;
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 151 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+// associated_executor.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/type_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/is_executor.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/system_executor.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+template <typename>
+struct associated_executor_check
+  typedef void type;
+template <typename T, typename E, typename = void>
+struct associated_executor_impl
+  typedef E type;
+  static type get(const T&, const E& e) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return e;
+  }
+template <typename T, typename E>
+struct associated_executor_impl<T, E,
+  typename associated_executor_check<typename T::executor_type>::type>
+  typedef typename T::executor_type type;
+  static type get(const T& t, const E&) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return t.get_executor();
+  }
+} // namespace detail
+/// Traits type used to obtain the executor associated with an object.
+ * A program may specialise this traits type if the @c T template parameter in
+ * the specialisation is a user-defined type. The template parameter @c
+ * Executor shall be a type meeting the Executor requirements.
+ *
+ * Specialisations shall meet the following requirements, where @c t is a const
+ * reference to an object of type @c T, and @c e is an object of type @c
+ * Executor.
+ *
+ * @li Provide a nested typedef @c type that identifies a type meeting the
+ * Executor requirements.
+ *
+ * @li Provide a noexcept static member function named @c get, callable as @c
+ * get(t) and with return type @c type.
+ *
+ * @li Provide a noexcept static member function named @c get, callable as @c
+ * get(t,e) and with return type @c type.
+ */
+template <typename T, typename Executor = system_executor>
+struct associated_executor
+  /// If @c T has a nested type @c executor_type, <tt>T::executor_type</tt>.
+  /// Otherwise @c Executor.
+  typedef see_below type;
+  typedef typename detail::associated_executor_impl<T, Executor>::type type;
+  /// If @c T has a nested type @c executor_type, returns
+  /// <tt>t.get_executor()</tt>. Otherwise returns @c ex.
+  static type get(const T& t,
+      const Executor& ex = Executor()) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return detail::associated_executor_impl<T, Executor>::get(t, ex);
+  }
+/// Helper function to obtain an object's associated executor.
+ * @returns <tt>associated_executor<T>::get(t)</tt>
+ */
+template <typename T>
+inline typename associated_executor<T>::type
+get_associated_executor(const T& t) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return associated_executor<T>::get(t);
+/// Helper function to obtain an object's associated executor.
+ * @returns <tt>associated_executor<T, Executor>::get(t, ex)</tt>
+ */
+template <typename T, typename Executor>
+inline typename associated_executor<T, Executor>::type
+get_associated_executor(const T& t, const Executor& ex,
+    typename enable_if<is_executor<
+      Executor>::value>::type* = 0) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return associated_executor<T, Executor>::get(t, ex);
+/// Helper function to obtain an object's associated executor.
+ * @returns <tt>associated_executor<T, typename
+ * ExecutionContext::executor_type>::get(t, ctx.get_executor())</tt>
+ */
+template <typename T, typename ExecutionContext>
+inline typename associated_executor<T,
+  typename ExecutionContext::executor_type>::type
+get_associated_executor(const T& t, ExecutionContext& ctx,
+    typename enable_if<is_convertible<ExecutionContext&,
+      execution_context&>::value>::type* = 0) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return associated_executor<T,
+    typename ExecutionContext::executor_type>::get(t, ctx.get_executor());
+template <typename T, typename Executor = system_executor>
+using associated_executor_t = typename associated_executor<T, Executor>::type;
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 223 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+// async_result.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/type_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/handler_type.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+/// An interface for customising the behaviour of an initiating function.
+ * The async_result traits class is used for determining:
+ *
+ * @li the concrete completion handler type to be called at the end of the
+ * asynchronous operation;
+ *
+ * @li the initiating function return type; and
+ *
+ * @li how the return value of the initiating function is obtained.
+ *
+ * The trait allows the handler and return types to be determined at the point
+ * where the specific completion handler signature is known.
+ *
+ * This template may be specialised for user-defined completion token types.
+ * The primary template assumes that the CompletionToken is the completion
+ * handler.
+ */
+template <typename CompletionToken, typename Signature>
+template <typename CompletionToken, typename Signature = void>
+class async_result
+  /// The concrete completion handler type for the specific signature.
+  typedef CompletionToken completion_handler_type;
+  /// The return type of the initiating function.
+  typedef void return_type;
+  // For backward compatibility, determine the concrete completion handler type
+  // by using the legacy handler_type trait.
+  typedef typename handler_type<CompletionToken, Signature>::type
+    completion_handler_type;
+  // For backward compatibility, determine the initiating function return type
+  // using the legacy single-parameter version of async_result.
+  typedef typename async_result<completion_handler_type>::type return_type;
+  /// Construct an async result from a given handler.
+  /**
+   * When using a specalised async_result, the constructor has an opportunity
+   * to initialise some state associated with the completion handler, which is
+   * then returned from the initiating function.
+   */
+  explicit async_result(completion_handler_type& h)
+    // No data members to initialise.
+    : legacy_result_(h)
+  {
+    (void)h;
+  }
+  /// Obtain the value to be returned from the initiating function.
+  return_type get()
+  {
+    // Nothing to do.
+    return legacy_result_.get();
+  }
+  async_result(const async_result&) BOOST_ASIO_DELETED;
+  async_result& operator=(const async_result&) BOOST_ASIO_DELETED;
+  // No data members.
+  async_result<completion_handler_type> legacy_result_;
+/// (Deprecated: Use two-parameter version of async_result.) An interface for
+/// customising the behaviour of an initiating function.
+ * This template may be specialised for user-defined handler types.
+ */
+template <typename Handler>
+class async_result<Handler>
+  /// The return type of the initiating function.
+  typedef void type;
+  /// Construct an async result from a given handler.
+  /**
+   * When using a specalised async_result, the constructor has an opportunity
+   * to initialise some state associated with the handler, which is then
+   * returned from the initiating function.
+   */
+  explicit async_result(Handler&)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Obtain the value to be returned from the initiating function.
+  type get()
+  {
+  }
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+/// Helper template to deduce the handler type from a CompletionToken, capture
+/// a local copy of the handler, and then create an async_result for the
+/// handler.
+template <typename CompletionToken, typename Signature>
+struct async_completion
+  /// The real handler type to be used for the asynchronous operation.
+  typedef typename boost::asio::async_result<
+    typename decay<CompletionToken>::type,
+      Signature>::completion_handler_type completion_handler_type;
+  /// Constructor.
+  /**
+   * The constructor creates the concrete completion handler and makes the link
+   * between the handler and the asynchronous result.
+   */
+  explicit async_completion(CompletionToken& token)
+    : completion_handler(static_cast<typename conditional<
+        is_same<CompletionToken, completion_handler_type>::value,
+        completion_handler_type&, CompletionToken&&>::type>(token)),
+      result(completion_handler)
+  {
+  }
+  explicit async_completion(typename decay<CompletionToken>::type& token)
+    : completion_handler(token),
+      result(completion_handler)
+  {
+  }
+  explicit async_completion(const typename decay<CompletionToken>::type& token)
+    : completion_handler(token),
+      result(completion_handler)
+  {
+  }
+  /// A copy of, or reference to, a real handler object.
+  typename conditional<
+    is_same<CompletionToken, completion_handler_type>::value,
+    completion_handler_type&, completion_handler_type>::type completion_handler;
+  completion_handler_type completion_handler;
+  /// The result of the asynchronous operation's initiating function.
+  async_result<typename decay<CompletionToken>::type, Signature> result;
+namespace detail {
+template <typename CompletionToken, typename Signature>
+struct async_result_helper
+  : async_result<typename decay<CompletionToken>::type, Signature>
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+# define BOOST_ASIO_INITFN_RESULT_TYPE(ct, sig) \
+  void_or_deduced
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1500)
+# define BOOST_ASIO_INITFN_RESULT_TYPE(ct, sig) \
+  typename ::boost::asio::detail::async_result_helper< \
+    ct, sig>::return_type
+#define BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_TYPE(ct, sig) \
+  typename ::boost::asio::detail::async_result_helper< \
+    ct, sig>::completion_handler_type
+# define BOOST_ASIO_INITFN_RESULT_TYPE(ct, sig) \
+  typename ::boost::asio::async_result< \
+    typename ::boost::asio::decay<ct>::type, sig>::return_type
+#define BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_TYPE(ct, sig) \
+  typename ::boost::asio::async_result< \
+    typename ::boost::asio::decay<ct>::type, sig>::completion_handler_type

+ 1042 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1042 @@
+// basic_datagram_socket.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <boost/asio/basic_socket.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/handler_type_requirements.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/throw_error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/type_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/datagram_socket_service.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+/// Provides datagram-oriented socket functionality.
+ * The basic_datagram_socket class template provides asynchronous and blocking
+ * datagram-oriented socket functionality.
+ *
+ * @par Thread Safety
+ * @e Distinct @e objects: Safe.@n
+ * @e Shared @e objects: Unsafe.
+ */
+template <typename Protocol
+    BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM_DEF1(= datagram_socket_service<Protocol>)>
+class basic_datagram_socket
+  : public basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>
+  /// The native representation of a socket.
+  typedef implementation_defined native_handle_type;
+  typedef typename basic_socket<
+    Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>::native_handle_type native_handle_type;
+  /// The protocol type.
+  typedef Protocol protocol_type;
+  /// The endpoint type.
+  typedef typename Protocol::endpoint endpoint_type;
+  /// Construct a basic_datagram_socket without opening it.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates a datagram socket without opening it. The open()
+   * function must be called before data can be sent or received on the socket.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the datagram socket will use
+   * to dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the
+   * socket.
+   */
+  explicit basic_datagram_socket(boost::asio::io_context& io_context)
+    : basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>(io_context)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct and open a basic_datagram_socket.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates and opens a datagram socket.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the datagram socket will use
+   * to dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the
+   * socket.
+   *
+   * @param protocol An object specifying protocol parameters to be used.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  basic_datagram_socket(boost::asio::io_context& io_context,
+      const protocol_type& protocol)
+    : basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>(io_context, protocol)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct a basic_datagram_socket, opening it and binding it to the given
+  /// local endpoint.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates a datagram socket and automatically opens it bound
+   * to the specified endpoint on the local machine. The protocol used is the
+   * protocol associated with the given endpoint.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the datagram socket will use
+   * to dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the
+   * socket.
+   *
+   * @param endpoint An endpoint on the local machine to which the datagram
+   * socket will be bound.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  basic_datagram_socket(boost::asio::io_context& io_context,
+      const endpoint_type& endpoint)
+    : basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>(io_context, endpoint)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct a basic_datagram_socket on an existing native socket.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates a datagram socket object to hold an existing
+   * native socket.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the datagram socket will use
+   * to dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the
+   * socket.
+   *
+   * @param protocol An object specifying protocol parameters to be used.
+   *
+   * @param native_socket The new underlying socket implementation.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  basic_datagram_socket(boost::asio::io_context& io_context,
+      const protocol_type& protocol, const native_handle_type& native_socket)
+    : basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>(
+        io_context, protocol, native_socket)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Move-construct a basic_datagram_socket from another.
+  /**
+   * This constructor moves a datagram socket from one object to another.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_datagram_socket object from which the move
+   * will occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_datagram_socket(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  basic_datagram_socket(basic_datagram_socket&& other)
+    : basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>(std::move(other))
+  {
+  }
+  /// Move-assign a basic_datagram_socket from another.
+  /**
+   * This assignment operator moves a datagram socket from one object to
+   * another.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_datagram_socket object from which the move
+   * will occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_datagram_socket(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  basic_datagram_socket& operator=(basic_datagram_socket&& other)
+  {
+    basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>::operator=(std::move(other));
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Move-construct a basic_datagram_socket from a socket of another protocol
+  /// type.
+  /**
+   * This constructor moves a datagram socket from one object to another.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_datagram_socket object from which the move
+   * will occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_datagram_socket(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  template <typename Protocol1 BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM1>
+  basic_datagram_socket(
+      basic_datagram_socket<Protocol1 BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG1>&& other,
+      typename enable_if<is_convertible<Protocol1, Protocol>::value>::type* = 0)
+    : basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>(std::move(other))
+  {
+  }
+  /// Move-assign a basic_datagram_socket from a socket of another protocol
+  /// type.
+  /**
+   * This assignment operator moves a datagram socket from one object to
+   * another.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_datagram_socket object from which the move
+   * will occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_datagram_socket(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  template <typename Protocol1 BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM1>
+  typename enable_if<is_convertible<Protocol1, Protocol>::value,
+      basic_datagram_socket>::type& operator=(
+        basic_datagram_socket<Protocol1 BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG1>&& other)
+  {
+    basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>::operator=(std::move(other));
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Destroys the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function destroys the socket, cancelling any outstanding asynchronous
+   * operations associated with the socket as if by calling @c cancel.
+   */
+  ~basic_datagram_socket()
+  {
+  }
+  /// Send some data on a connected socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to send data on the datagram socket. The function
+   * call will block until the data has been sent successfully or an error
+   * occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One ore more data buffers to be sent on the socket.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes sent.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @note The send operation can only be used with a connected socket. Use
+   * the send_to function to send data on an unconnected datagram socket.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To send a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as follows:
+   * @code socket.send(boost::asio::buffer(data, size)); @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on sending multiple
+   * buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t send(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().send(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, 0, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "send");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Send some data on a connected socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to send data on the datagram socket. The function
+   * call will block until the data has been sent successfully or an error
+   * occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One ore more data buffers to be sent on the socket.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the send call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes sent.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @note The send operation can only be used with a connected socket. Use
+   * the send_to function to send data on an unconnected datagram socket.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t send(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags flags)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().send(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, flags, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "send");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Send some data on a connected socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to send data on the datagram socket. The function
+   * call will block until the data has been sent successfully or an error
+   * occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be sent on the socket.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the send call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes sent.
+   *
+   * @note The send operation can only be used with a connected socket. Use
+   * the send_to function to send data on an unconnected datagram socket.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t send(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags flags, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().send(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, flags, ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous send on a connected socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously send data on the datagram socket.
+   * The function call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be sent on the socket. Although
+   * the buffers object may be copied as necessary, ownership of the underlying
+   * memory blocks is retained by the caller, which must guarantee that they
+   * remain valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the send operation completes.
+   * Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function signature of
+   * the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   std::size_t bytes_transferred           // Number of bytes sent.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @note The async_send operation can only be used with a connected socket.
+   * Use the async_send_to function to send data on an unconnected datagram
+   * socket.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To send a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as follows:
+   * @code
+   * socket.async_send(boost::asio::buffer(data, size), handler);
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on sending multiple
+   * buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence, typename WriteHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_send(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(WriteHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a WriteHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_WRITE_HANDLER_CHECK(WriteHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_send(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, 0, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(WriteHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<WriteHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_send(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, 0, init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous send on a connected socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously send data on the datagram socket.
+   * The function call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be sent on the socket. Although
+   * the buffers object may be copied as necessary, ownership of the underlying
+   * memory blocks is retained by the caller, which must guarantee that they
+   * remain valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the send call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the send operation completes.
+   * Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function signature of
+   * the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   std::size_t bytes_transferred           // Number of bytes sent.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @note The async_send operation can only be used with a connected socket.
+   * Use the async_send_to function to send data on an unconnected datagram
+   * socket.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence, typename WriteHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_send(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags flags,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(WriteHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a WriteHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_WRITE_HANDLER_CHECK(WriteHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_send(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, flags, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(WriteHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<WriteHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_send(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, flags, init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Send a datagram to the specified endpoint.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to send a datagram to the specified remote endpoint.
+   * The function call will block until the data has been sent successfully or
+   * an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be sent to the remote endpoint.
+   *
+   * @param destination The remote endpoint to which the data will be sent.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes sent.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To send a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as follows:
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint destination(
+   *     boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(""), 12345);
+   * socket.send_to(boost::asio::buffer(data, size), destination);
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on sending multiple
+   * buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t send_to(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      const endpoint_type& destination)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().send_to(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, destination, 0, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "send_to");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Send a datagram to the specified endpoint.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to send a datagram to the specified remote endpoint.
+   * The function call will block until the data has been sent successfully or
+   * an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be sent to the remote endpoint.
+   *
+   * @param destination The remote endpoint to which the data will be sent.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the send call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes sent.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t send_to(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      const endpoint_type& destination, socket_base::message_flags flags)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().send_to(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, destination, flags, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "send_to");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Send a datagram to the specified endpoint.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to send a datagram to the specified remote endpoint.
+   * The function call will block until the data has been sent successfully or
+   * an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be sent to the remote endpoint.
+   *
+   * @param destination The remote endpoint to which the data will be sent.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the send call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes sent.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t send_to(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      const endpoint_type& destination, socket_base::message_flags flags,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().send_to(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, destination, flags, ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous send.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously send a datagram to the specified
+   * remote endpoint. The function call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be sent to the remote endpoint.
+   * Although the buffers object may be copied as necessary, ownership of the
+   * underlying memory blocks is retained by the caller, which must guarantee
+   * that they remain valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param destination The remote endpoint to which the data will be sent.
+   * Copies will be made of the endpoint as required.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the send operation completes.
+   * Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function signature of
+   * the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   std::size_t bytes_transferred           // Number of bytes sent.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To send a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as follows:
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint destination(
+   *     boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(""), 12345);
+   * socket.async_send_to(
+   *     boost::asio::buffer(data, size), destination, handler);
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on sending multiple
+   * buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence, typename WriteHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_send_to(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      const endpoint_type& destination,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(WriteHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a WriteHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_WRITE_HANDLER_CHECK(WriteHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_send_to(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, destination, 0,
+        BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(WriteHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<WriteHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_send_to(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, destination, 0,
+        init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous send.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously send a datagram to the specified
+   * remote endpoint. The function call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be sent to the remote endpoint.
+   * Although the buffers object may be copied as necessary, ownership of the
+   * underlying memory blocks is retained by the caller, which must guarantee
+   * that they remain valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the send call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @param destination The remote endpoint to which the data will be sent.
+   * Copies will be made of the endpoint as required.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the send operation completes.
+   * Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function signature of
+   * the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   std::size_t bytes_transferred           // Number of bytes sent.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence, typename WriteHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_send_to(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      const endpoint_type& destination, socket_base::message_flags flags,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(WriteHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a WriteHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_WRITE_HANDLER_CHECK(WriteHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_send_to(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, destination, flags,
+        BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(WriteHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<WriteHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_send_to(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, destination, flags,
+        init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Receive some data on a connected socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to receive data on the datagram socket. The function
+   * call will block until data has been received successfully or an error
+   * occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes received.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @note The receive operation can only be used with a connected socket. Use
+   * the receive_from function to receive data on an unconnected datagram
+   * socket.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To receive into a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as
+   * follows:
+   * @code socket.receive(boost::asio::buffer(data, size)); @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on receiving into
+   * multiple buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t receive(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().receive(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, 0, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "receive");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Receive some data on a connected socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to receive data on the datagram socket. The function
+   * call will block until data has been received successfully or an error
+   * occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the receive call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes received.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @note The receive operation can only be used with a connected socket. Use
+   * the receive_from function to receive data on an unconnected datagram
+   * socket.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t receive(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags flags)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().receive(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, flags, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "receive");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Receive some data on a connected socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to receive data on the datagram socket. The function
+   * call will block until data has been received successfully or an error
+   * occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the receive call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes received.
+   *
+   * @note The receive operation can only be used with a connected socket. Use
+   * the receive_from function to receive data on an unconnected datagram
+   * socket.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t receive(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags flags, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().receive(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, flags, ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous receive on a connected socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously receive data from the datagram
+   * socket. The function call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   * Although the buffers object may be copied as necessary, ownership of the
+   * underlying memory blocks is retained by the caller, which must guarantee
+   * that they remain valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the receive operation
+   * completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
+   * signature of the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   std::size_t bytes_transferred           // Number of bytes received.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @note The async_receive operation can only be used with a connected socket.
+   * Use the async_receive_from function to receive data on an unconnected
+   * datagram socket.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To receive into a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as
+   * follows:
+   * @code
+   * socket.async_receive(boost::asio::buffer(data, size), handler);
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on receiving into
+   * multiple buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence, typename ReadHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_receive(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ReadHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a ReadHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_READ_HANDLER_CHECK(ReadHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_receive(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, 0, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(ReadHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<ReadHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_receive(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, 0, init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous receive on a connected socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously receive data from the datagram
+   * socket. The function call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   * Although the buffers object may be copied as necessary, ownership of the
+   * underlying memory blocks is retained by the caller, which must guarantee
+   * that they remain valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the receive call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the receive operation
+   * completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
+   * signature of the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   std::size_t bytes_transferred           // Number of bytes received.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @note The async_receive operation can only be used with a connected socket.
+   * Use the async_receive_from function to receive data on an unconnected
+   * datagram socket.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence, typename ReadHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_receive(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags flags,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ReadHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a ReadHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_READ_HANDLER_CHECK(ReadHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_receive(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, flags, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(ReadHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<ReadHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_receive(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, flags, init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Receive a datagram with the endpoint of the sender.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to receive a datagram. The function call will block
+   * until data has been received successfully or an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   *
+   * @param sender_endpoint An endpoint object that receives the endpoint of
+   * the remote sender of the datagram.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes received.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To receive into a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as
+   * follows:
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint sender_endpoint;
+   * socket.receive_from(
+   *     boost::asio::buffer(data, size), sender_endpoint);
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on receiving into
+   * multiple buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t receive_from(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      endpoint_type& sender_endpoint)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().receive_from(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, sender_endpoint, 0, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "receive_from");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Receive a datagram with the endpoint of the sender.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to receive a datagram. The function call will block
+   * until data has been received successfully or an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   *
+   * @param sender_endpoint An endpoint object that receives the endpoint of
+   * the remote sender of the datagram.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the receive call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes received.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t receive_from(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      endpoint_type& sender_endpoint, socket_base::message_flags flags)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().receive_from(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, sender_endpoint, flags, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "receive_from");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Receive a datagram with the endpoint of the sender.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to receive a datagram. The function call will block
+   * until data has been received successfully or an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   *
+   * @param sender_endpoint An endpoint object that receives the endpoint of
+   * the remote sender of the datagram.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the receive call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes received.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t receive_from(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      endpoint_type& sender_endpoint, socket_base::message_flags flags,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().receive_from(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, sender_endpoint, flags, ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous receive.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously receive a datagram. The function
+   * call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   * Although the buffers object may be copied as necessary, ownership of the
+   * underlying memory blocks is retained by the caller, which must guarantee
+   * that they remain valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param sender_endpoint An endpoint object that receives the endpoint of
+   * the remote sender of the datagram. Ownership of the sender_endpoint object
+   * is retained by the caller, which must guarantee that it is valid until the
+   * handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the receive operation
+   * completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
+   * signature of the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   std::size_t bytes_transferred           // Number of bytes received.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To receive into a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as
+   * follows:
+   * @code socket.async_receive_from(
+   *     boost::asio::buffer(data, size), sender_endpoint, handler); @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on receiving into
+   * multiple buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence, typename ReadHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_receive_from(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      endpoint_type& sender_endpoint,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ReadHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a ReadHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_READ_HANDLER_CHECK(ReadHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_receive_from(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, sender_endpoint, 0,
+        BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(ReadHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<ReadHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_receive_from(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, sender_endpoint, 0,
+        init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous receive.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously receive a datagram. The function
+   * call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   * Although the buffers object may be copied as necessary, ownership of the
+   * underlying memory blocks is retained by the caller, which must guarantee
+   * that they remain valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param sender_endpoint An endpoint object that receives the endpoint of
+   * the remote sender of the datagram. Ownership of the sender_endpoint object
+   * is retained by the caller, which must guarantee that it is valid until the
+   * handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the receive call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the receive operation
+   * completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
+   * signature of the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   std::size_t bytes_transferred           // Number of bytes received.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence, typename ReadHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_receive_from(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      endpoint_type& sender_endpoint, socket_base::message_flags flags,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ReadHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a ReadHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_READ_HANDLER_CHECK(ReadHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_receive_from(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, sender_endpoint, flags,
+        BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(ReadHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<ReadHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_receive_from(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, sender_endpoint, flags,
+        init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 630 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,630 @@
+// basic_deadline_timer.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <boost/asio/basic_io_object.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/handler_type_requirements.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/throw_error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/time_traits.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/deadline_timer_service.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/detail/deadline_timer_service.hpp>
+# define BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T detail::deadline_timer_service<TimeTraits>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+/// Provides waitable timer functionality.
+ * The basic_deadline_timer class template provides the ability to perform a
+ * blocking or asynchronous wait for a timer to expire.
+ *
+ * A deadline timer is always in one of two states: "expired" or "not expired".
+ * If the wait() or async_wait() function is called on an expired timer, the
+ * wait operation will complete immediately.
+ *
+ * Most applications will use the boost::asio::deadline_timer typedef.
+ *
+ * @par Thread Safety
+ * @e Distinct @e objects: Safe.@n
+ * @e Shared @e objects: Unsafe.
+ *
+ * @par Examples
+ * Performing a blocking wait:
+ * @code
+ * // Construct a timer without setting an expiry time.
+ * boost::asio::deadline_timer timer(io_context);
+ *
+ * // Set an expiry time relative to now.
+ * timer.expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::seconds(5));
+ *
+ * // Wait for the timer to expire.
+ * timer.wait();
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @par 
+ * Performing an asynchronous wait:
+ * @code
+ * void handler(const boost::system::error_code& error)
+ * {
+ *   if (!error)
+ *   {
+ *     // Timer expired.
+ *   }
+ * }
+ *
+ * ...
+ *
+ * // Construct a timer with an absolute expiry time.
+ * boost::asio::deadline_timer timer(io_context,
+ *     boost::posix_time::time_from_string("2005-12-07 23:59:59.000"));
+ *
+ * // Start an asynchronous wait.
+ * timer.async_wait(handler);
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @par Changing an active deadline_timer's expiry time
+ *
+ * Changing the expiry time of a timer while there are pending asynchronous
+ * waits causes those wait operations to be cancelled. To ensure that the action
+ * associated with the timer is performed only once, use something like this:
+ * used:
+ *
+ * @code
+ * void on_some_event()
+ * {
+ *   if (my_timer.expires_from_now(seconds(5)) > 0)
+ *   {
+ *     // We managed to cancel the timer. Start new asynchronous wait.
+ *     my_timer.async_wait(on_timeout);
+ *   }
+ *   else
+ *   {
+ *     // Too late, timer has already expired!
+ *   }
+ * }
+ *
+ * void on_timeout(const boost::system::error_code& e)
+ * {
+ *   if (e != boost::asio::error::operation_aborted)
+ *   {
+ *     // Timer was not cancelled, take necessary action.
+ *   }
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @li The boost::asio::basic_deadline_timer::expires_from_now() function
+ * cancels any pending asynchronous waits, and returns the number of
+ * asynchronous waits that were cancelled. If it returns 0 then you were too
+ * late and the wait handler has already been executed, or will soon be
+ * executed. If it returns 1 then the wait handler was successfully cancelled.
+ *
+ * @li If a wait handler is cancelled, the boost::system::error_code passed to
+ * it contains the value boost::asio::error::operation_aborted.
+ */
+template <typename Time,
+    typename TimeTraits = boost::asio::time_traits<Time>
+    BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM_DEF2(= deadline_timer_service<Time, TimeTraits>)>
+class basic_deadline_timer
+  /// The type of the executor associated with the object.
+  typedef io_context::executor_type executor_type;
+  /// The time traits type.
+  typedef TimeTraits traits_type;
+  /// The time type.
+  typedef typename traits_type::time_type time_type;
+  /// The duration type.
+  typedef typename traits_type::duration_type duration_type;
+  /// Constructor.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates a timer without setting an expiry time. The
+   * expires_at() or expires_from_now() functions must be called to set an
+   * expiry time before the timer can be waited on.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the timer will use to dispatch
+   * handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the timer.
+   */
+  explicit basic_deadline_timer(boost::asio::io_context& io_context)
+    : basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>(io_context)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Constructor to set a particular expiry time as an absolute time.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates a timer and sets the expiry time.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the timer will use to dispatch
+   * handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the timer.
+   *
+   * @param expiry_time The expiry time to be used for the timer, expressed
+   * as an absolute time.
+   */
+  basic_deadline_timer(boost::asio::io_context& io_context,
+      const time_type& expiry_time)
+    : basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>(io_context)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().expires_at(this->get_implementation(), expiry_time, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "expires_at");
+  }
+  /// Constructor to set a particular expiry time relative to now.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates a timer and sets the expiry time.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the timer will use to dispatch
+   * handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the timer.
+   *
+   * @param expiry_time The expiry time to be used for the timer, relative to
+   * now.
+   */
+  basic_deadline_timer(boost::asio::io_context& io_context,
+      const duration_type& expiry_time)
+    : basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>(io_context)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().expires_from_now(
+        this->get_implementation(), expiry_time, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "expires_from_now");
+  }
+  /// Move-construct a basic_deadline_timer from another.
+  /**
+   * This constructor moves a timer from one object to another.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_deadline_timer object from which the move will
+   * occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_deadline_timer(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  basic_deadline_timer(basic_deadline_timer&& other)
+    : basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>(std::move(other))
+  {
+  }
+  /// Move-assign a basic_deadline_timer from another.
+  /**
+   * This assignment operator moves a timer from one object to another. Cancels
+   * any outstanding asynchronous operations associated with the target object.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_deadline_timer object from which the move will
+   * occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_deadline_timer(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  basic_deadline_timer& operator=(basic_deadline_timer&& other)
+  {
+    basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>::operator=(std::move(other));
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Destroys the timer.
+  /**
+   * This function destroys the timer, cancelling any outstanding asynchronous
+   * wait operations associated with the timer as if by calling @c cancel.
+   */
+  ~basic_deadline_timer()
+  {
+  }
+  // These functions are provided by basic_io_object<>.
+  /// (Deprecated: Use get_executor().) Get the io_context associated with the
+  /// object.
+  /**
+   * This function may be used to obtain the io_context object that the I/O
+   * object uses to dispatch handlers for asynchronous operations.
+   *
+   * @return A reference to the io_context object that the I/O object will use
+   * to dispatch handlers. Ownership is not transferred to the caller.
+   */
+  boost::asio::io_context& get_io_context()
+  {
+    return basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>::get_io_context();
+  }
+  /// (Deprecated: Use get_executor().) Get the io_context associated with the
+  /// object.
+  /**
+   * This function may be used to obtain the io_context object that the I/O
+   * object uses to dispatch handlers for asynchronous operations.
+   *
+   * @return A reference to the io_context object that the I/O object will use
+   * to dispatch handlers. Ownership is not transferred to the caller.
+   */
+  boost::asio::io_context& get_io_service()
+  {
+    return basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>::get_io_service();
+  }
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+  /// Get the executor associated with the object.
+  executor_type get_executor() BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>::get_executor();
+  }
+  /// Cancel any asynchronous operations that are waiting on the timer.
+  /**
+   * This function forces the completion of any pending asynchronous wait
+   * operations against the timer. The handler for each cancelled operation will
+   * be invoked with the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error code.
+   *
+   * Cancelling the timer does not change the expiry time.
+   *
+   * @return The number of asynchronous operations that were cancelled.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @note If the timer has already expired when cancel() is called, then the
+   * handlers for asynchronous wait operations will:
+   *
+   * @li have already been invoked; or
+   *
+   * @li have been queued for invocation in the near future.
+   *
+   * These handlers can no longer be cancelled, and therefore are passed an
+   * error code that indicates the successful completion of the wait operation.
+   */
+  std::size_t cancel()
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().cancel(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "cancel");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Cancel any asynchronous operations that are waiting on the timer.
+  /**
+   * This function forces the completion of any pending asynchronous wait
+   * operations against the timer. The handler for each cancelled operation will
+   * be invoked with the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error code.
+   *
+   * Cancelling the timer does not change the expiry time.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @return The number of asynchronous operations that were cancelled.
+   *
+   * @note If the timer has already expired when cancel() is called, then the
+   * handlers for asynchronous wait operations will:
+   *
+   * @li have already been invoked; or
+   *
+   * @li have been queued for invocation in the near future.
+   *
+   * These handlers can no longer be cancelled, and therefore are passed an
+   * error code that indicates the successful completion of the wait operation.
+   */
+  std::size_t cancel(boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().cancel(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+  }
+  /// Cancels one asynchronous operation that is waiting on the timer.
+  /**
+   * This function forces the completion of one pending asynchronous wait
+   * operation against the timer. Handlers are cancelled in FIFO order. The
+   * handler for the cancelled operation will be invoked with the
+   * boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error code.
+   *
+   * Cancelling the timer does not change the expiry time.
+   *
+   * @return The number of asynchronous operations that were cancelled. That is,
+   * either 0 or 1.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @note If the timer has already expired when cancel_one() is called, then
+   * the handlers for asynchronous wait operations will:
+   *
+   * @li have already been invoked; or
+   *
+   * @li have been queued for invocation in the near future.
+   *
+   * These handlers can no longer be cancelled, and therefore are passed an
+   * error code that indicates the successful completion of the wait operation.
+   */
+  std::size_t cancel_one()
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().cancel_one(
+        this->get_implementation(), ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "cancel_one");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Cancels one asynchronous operation that is waiting on the timer.
+  /**
+   * This function forces the completion of one pending asynchronous wait
+   * operation against the timer. Handlers are cancelled in FIFO order. The
+   * handler for the cancelled operation will be invoked with the
+   * boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error code.
+   *
+   * Cancelling the timer does not change the expiry time.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @return The number of asynchronous operations that were cancelled. That is,
+   * either 0 or 1.
+   *
+   * @note If the timer has already expired when cancel_one() is called, then
+   * the handlers for asynchronous wait operations will:
+   *
+   * @li have already been invoked; or
+   *
+   * @li have been queued for invocation in the near future.
+   *
+   * These handlers can no longer be cancelled, and therefore are passed an
+   * error code that indicates the successful completion of the wait operation.
+   */
+  std::size_t cancel_one(boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().cancel_one(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+  }
+  /// Get the timer's expiry time as an absolute time.
+  /**
+   * This function may be used to obtain the timer's current expiry time.
+   * Whether the timer has expired or not does not affect this value.
+   */
+  time_type expires_at() const
+  {
+    return this->get_service().expires_at(this->get_implementation());
+  }
+  /// Set the timer's expiry time as an absolute time.
+  /**
+   * This function sets the expiry time. Any pending asynchronous wait
+   * operations will be cancelled. The handler for each cancelled operation will
+   * be invoked with the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error code.
+   *
+   * @param expiry_time The expiry time to be used for the timer.
+   *
+   * @return The number of asynchronous operations that were cancelled.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @note If the timer has already expired when expires_at() is called, then
+   * the handlers for asynchronous wait operations will:
+   *
+   * @li have already been invoked; or
+   *
+   * @li have been queued for invocation in the near future.
+   *
+   * These handlers can no longer be cancelled, and therefore are passed an
+   * error code that indicates the successful completion of the wait operation.
+   */
+  std::size_t expires_at(const time_type& expiry_time)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().expires_at(
+        this->get_implementation(), expiry_time, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "expires_at");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Set the timer's expiry time as an absolute time.
+  /**
+   * This function sets the expiry time. Any pending asynchronous wait
+   * operations will be cancelled. The handler for each cancelled operation will
+   * be invoked with the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error code.
+   *
+   * @param expiry_time The expiry time to be used for the timer.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @return The number of asynchronous operations that were cancelled.
+   *
+   * @note If the timer has already expired when expires_at() is called, then
+   * the handlers for asynchronous wait operations will:
+   *
+   * @li have already been invoked; or
+   *
+   * @li have been queued for invocation in the near future.
+   *
+   * These handlers can no longer be cancelled, and therefore are passed an
+   * error code that indicates the successful completion of the wait operation.
+   */
+  std::size_t expires_at(const time_type& expiry_time,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().expires_at(
+        this->get_implementation(), expiry_time, ec);
+  }
+  /// Get the timer's expiry time relative to now.
+  /**
+   * This function may be used to obtain the timer's current expiry time.
+   * Whether the timer has expired or not does not affect this value.
+   */
+  duration_type expires_from_now() const
+  {
+    return this->get_service().expires_from_now(this->get_implementation());
+  }
+  /// Set the timer's expiry time relative to now.
+  /**
+   * This function sets the expiry time. Any pending asynchronous wait
+   * operations will be cancelled. The handler for each cancelled operation will
+   * be invoked with the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error code.
+   *
+   * @param expiry_time The expiry time to be used for the timer.
+   *
+   * @return The number of asynchronous operations that were cancelled.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @note If the timer has already expired when expires_from_now() is called,
+   * then the handlers for asynchronous wait operations will:
+   *
+   * @li have already been invoked; or
+   *
+   * @li have been queued for invocation in the near future.
+   *
+   * These handlers can no longer be cancelled, and therefore are passed an
+   * error code that indicates the successful completion of the wait operation.
+   */
+  std::size_t expires_from_now(const duration_type& expiry_time)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().expires_from_now(
+        this->get_implementation(), expiry_time, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "expires_from_now");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Set the timer's expiry time relative to now.
+  /**
+   * This function sets the expiry time. Any pending asynchronous wait
+   * operations will be cancelled. The handler for each cancelled operation will
+   * be invoked with the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error code.
+   *
+   * @param expiry_time The expiry time to be used for the timer.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @return The number of asynchronous operations that were cancelled.
+   *
+   * @note If the timer has already expired when expires_from_now() is called,
+   * then the handlers for asynchronous wait operations will:
+   *
+   * @li have already been invoked; or
+   *
+   * @li have been queued for invocation in the near future.
+   *
+   * These handlers can no longer be cancelled, and therefore are passed an
+   * error code that indicates the successful completion of the wait operation.
+   */
+  std::size_t expires_from_now(const duration_type& expiry_time,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().expires_from_now(
+        this->get_implementation(), expiry_time, ec);
+  }
+  /// Perform a blocking wait on the timer.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to wait for the timer to expire. This function
+   * blocks and does not return until the timer has expired.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  void wait()
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().wait(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "wait");
+  }
+  /// Perform a blocking wait on the timer.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to wait for the timer to expire. This function
+   * blocks and does not return until the timer has expired.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   */
+  void wait(boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().wait(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous wait on the timer.
+  /**
+   * This function may be used to initiate an asynchronous wait against the
+   * timer. It always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * For each call to async_wait(), the supplied handler will be called exactly
+   * once. The handler will be called when:
+   *
+   * @li The timer has expired.
+   *
+   * @li The timer was cancelled, in which case the handler is passed the error
+   * code boost::asio::error::operation_aborted.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the timer expires. Copies
+   * will be made of the handler as required. The function signature of the
+   * handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error // Result of operation.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   */
+  template <typename WaitHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code))
+  async_wait(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(WaitHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a WaitHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_WAIT_HANDLER_CHECK(WaitHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_wait(this->get_implementation(),
+        BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(WaitHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<WaitHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_wait(this->get_implementation(),
+        init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_DATE_TIME)
+       // || defined(GENERATING_DOCUMENTATION)

+ 292 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+// basic_io_object.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/io_context.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+namespace detail
+  // Type trait used to determine whether a service supports move.
+  template <typename IoObjectService>
+  class service_has_move
+  {
+  private:
+    typedef IoObjectService service_type;
+    typedef typename service_type::implementation_type implementation_type;
+    template <typename T, typename U>
+    static auto asio_service_has_move_eval(T* t, U* u)
+      -> decltype(t->move_construct(*u, *u), char());
+    static char (&asio_service_has_move_eval(...))[2];
+  public:
+    static const bool value =
+      sizeof(asio_service_has_move_eval(
+        static_cast<service_type*>(0),
+        static_cast<implementation_type*>(0))) == 1;
+  };
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+/// Base class for all I/O objects.
+ * @note All I/O objects are non-copyable. However, when using C++0x, certain
+ * I/O objects do support move construction and move assignment.
+ */
+template <typename IoObjectService>
+template <typename IoObjectService,
+    bool Movable = detail::service_has_move<IoObjectService>::value>
+class basic_io_object
+  /// The type of the service that will be used to provide I/O operations.
+  typedef IoObjectService service_type;
+  /// The underlying implementation type of I/O object.
+  typedef typename service_type::implementation_type implementation_type;
+  /// (Deprecated: Use get_executor().) Get the io_context associated with the
+  /// object.
+  /**
+   * This function may be used to obtain the io_context object that the I/O
+   * object uses to dispatch handlers for asynchronous operations.
+   *
+   * @return A reference to the io_context object that the I/O object will use
+   * to dispatch handlers. Ownership is not transferred to the caller.
+   */
+  boost::asio::io_context& get_io_context()
+  {
+    return service_.get_io_context();
+  }
+  /// (Deprecated: Use get_executor().) Get the io_context associated with the
+  /// object.
+  /**
+   * This function may be used to obtain the io_context object that the I/O
+   * object uses to dispatch handlers for asynchronous operations.
+   *
+   * @return A reference to the io_context object that the I/O object will use
+   * to dispatch handlers. Ownership is not transferred to the caller.
+   */
+  boost::asio::io_context& get_io_service()
+  {
+    return service_.get_io_context();
+  }
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+  /// The type of the executor associated with the object.
+  typedef boost::asio::io_context::executor_type executor_type;
+  /// Get the executor associated with the object.
+  executor_type get_executor() BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return service_.get_io_context().get_executor();
+  }
+  /// Construct a basic_io_object.
+  /**
+   * Performs:
+   * @code get_service().construct(get_implementation()); @endcode
+   */
+  explicit basic_io_object(boost::asio::io_context& io_context)
+    : service_(boost::asio::use_service<IoObjectService>(io_context))
+  {
+    service_.construct(implementation_);
+  }
+  /// Move-construct a basic_io_object.
+  /**
+   * Performs:
+   * @code get_service().move_construct(
+   *     get_implementation(), other.get_implementation()); @endcode
+   *
+   * @note Available only for services that support movability,
+   */
+  basic_io_object(basic_io_object&& other);
+  /// Move-assign a basic_io_object.
+  /**
+   * Performs:
+   * @code get_service().move_assign(get_implementation(),
+   *     other.get_service(), other.get_implementation()); @endcode
+   *
+   * @note Available only for services that support movability,
+   */
+  basic_io_object& operator=(basic_io_object&& other);
+  /// Perform a converting move-construction of a basic_io_object.
+  template <typename IoObjectService1>
+  basic_io_object(IoObjectService1& other_service,
+      typename IoObjectService1::implementation_type& other_implementation);
+  /// Protected destructor to prevent deletion through this type.
+  /**
+   * Performs:
+   * @code get_service().destroy(get_implementation()); @endcode
+   */
+  ~basic_io_object()
+  {
+    service_.destroy(implementation_);
+  }
+  /// Get the service associated with the I/O object.
+  service_type& get_service()
+  {
+    return service_;
+  }
+  /// Get the service associated with the I/O object.
+  const service_type& get_service() const
+  {
+    return service_;
+  }
+  /// Get the underlying implementation of the I/O object.
+  implementation_type& get_implementation()
+  {
+    return implementation_;
+  }
+  /// Get the underlying implementation of the I/O object.
+  const implementation_type& get_implementation() const
+  {
+    return implementation_;
+  }
+  basic_io_object(const basic_io_object&);
+  basic_io_object& operator=(const basic_io_object&);
+  // The service associated with the I/O object.
+  service_type& service_;
+  /// The underlying implementation of the I/O object.
+  implementation_type implementation_;
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+// Specialisation for movable objects.
+template <typename IoObjectService>
+class basic_io_object<IoObjectService, true>
+  typedef IoObjectService service_type;
+  typedef typename service_type::implementation_type implementation_type;
+  boost::asio::io_context& get_io_context()
+  {
+    return service_->get_io_context();
+  }
+  boost::asio::io_context& get_io_service()
+  {
+    return service_->get_io_context();
+  }
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+  typedef boost::asio::io_context::executor_type executor_type;
+  executor_type get_executor() BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return service_->get_io_context().get_executor();
+  }
+  explicit basic_io_object(boost::asio::io_context& io_context)
+    : service_(&boost::asio::use_service<IoObjectService>(io_context))
+  {
+    service_->construct(implementation_);
+  }
+  basic_io_object(basic_io_object&& other)
+    : service_(&other.get_service())
+  {
+    service_->move_construct(implementation_, other.implementation_);
+  }
+  template <typename IoObjectService1>
+  basic_io_object(IoObjectService1& other_service,
+      typename IoObjectService1::implementation_type& other_implementation)
+    : service_(&boost::asio::use_service<IoObjectService>(
+          other_service.get_io_context()))
+  {
+    service_->converting_move_construct(implementation_,
+        other_service, other_implementation);
+  }
+  ~basic_io_object()
+  {
+    service_->destroy(implementation_);
+  }
+  basic_io_object& operator=(basic_io_object&& other)
+  {
+    service_->move_assign(implementation_,
+        *other.service_, other.implementation_);
+    service_ = other.service_;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  service_type& get_service()
+  {
+    return *service_;
+  }
+  const service_type& get_service() const
+  {
+    return *service_;
+  }
+  implementation_type& get_implementation()
+  {
+    return implementation_;
+  }
+  const implementation_type& get_implementation() const
+  {
+    return implementation_;
+  }
+  basic_io_object(const basic_io_object&);
+  void operator=(const basic_io_object&);
+  IoObjectService* service_;
+  implementation_type implementation_;
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 1032 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1032 @@
+// basic_raw_socket.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <boost/asio/basic_socket.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/handler_type_requirements.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/throw_error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/type_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/raw_socket_service.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+/// Provides raw-oriented socket functionality.
+ * The basic_raw_socket class template provides asynchronous and blocking
+ * raw-oriented socket functionality.
+ *
+ * @par Thread Safety
+ * @e Distinct @e objects: Safe.@n
+ * @e Shared @e objects: Unsafe.
+ */
+template <typename Protocol
+    BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM_DEF1(= raw_socket_service<Protocol>)>
+class basic_raw_socket
+  : public basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>
+  /// The native representation of a socket.
+  typedef implementation_defined native_handle_type;
+  typedef typename basic_socket<
+    Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>::native_handle_type native_handle_type;
+  /// The protocol type.
+  typedef Protocol protocol_type;
+  /// The endpoint type.
+  typedef typename Protocol::endpoint endpoint_type;
+  /// Construct a basic_raw_socket without opening it.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates a raw socket without opening it. The open()
+   * function must be called before data can be sent or received on the socket.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the raw socket will use
+   * to dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the
+   * socket.
+   */
+  explicit basic_raw_socket(boost::asio::io_context& io_context)
+    : basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>(io_context)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct and open a basic_raw_socket.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates and opens a raw socket.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the raw socket will use
+   * to dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the
+   * socket.
+   *
+   * @param protocol An object specifying protocol parameters to be used.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  basic_raw_socket(boost::asio::io_context& io_context,
+      const protocol_type& protocol)
+    : basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>(io_context, protocol)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct a basic_raw_socket, opening it and binding it to the given
+  /// local endpoint.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates a raw socket and automatically opens it bound
+   * to the specified endpoint on the local machine. The protocol used is the
+   * protocol associated with the given endpoint.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the raw socket will use
+   * to dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the
+   * socket.
+   *
+   * @param endpoint An endpoint on the local machine to which the raw
+   * socket will be bound.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  basic_raw_socket(boost::asio::io_context& io_context,
+      const endpoint_type& endpoint)
+    : basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>(io_context, endpoint)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct a basic_raw_socket on an existing native socket.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates a raw socket object to hold an existing
+   * native socket.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the raw socket will use
+   * to dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the
+   * socket.
+   *
+   * @param protocol An object specifying protocol parameters to be used.
+   *
+   * @param native_socket The new underlying socket implementation.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  basic_raw_socket(boost::asio::io_context& io_context,
+      const protocol_type& protocol, const native_handle_type& native_socket)
+    : basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>(
+        io_context, protocol, native_socket)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Move-construct a basic_raw_socket from another.
+  /**
+   * This constructor moves a raw socket from one object to another.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_raw_socket object from which the move
+   * will occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_raw_socket(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  basic_raw_socket(basic_raw_socket&& other)
+    : basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>(std::move(other))
+  {
+  }
+  /// Move-assign a basic_raw_socket from another.
+  /**
+   * This assignment operator moves a raw socket from one object to another.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_raw_socket object from which the move
+   * will occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_raw_socket(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  basic_raw_socket& operator=(basic_raw_socket&& other)
+  {
+    basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>::operator=(std::move(other));
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Move-construct a basic_raw_socket from a socket of another protocol type.
+  /**
+   * This constructor moves a raw socket from one object to another.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_raw_socket object from which the move will
+   * occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_raw_socket(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  template <typename Protocol1 BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM1>
+  basic_raw_socket(basic_raw_socket<Protocol1 BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG1>&& other,
+      typename enable_if<is_convertible<Protocol1, Protocol>::value>::type* = 0)
+    : basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>(std::move(other))
+  {
+  }
+  /// Move-assign a basic_raw_socket from a socket of another protocol type.
+  /**
+   * This assignment operator moves a raw socket from one object to another.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_raw_socket object from which the move
+   * will occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_raw_socket(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  template <typename Protocol1 BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM1>
+  typename enable_if<is_convertible<Protocol1, Protocol>::value,
+      basic_raw_socket>::type& operator=(
+        basic_raw_socket<Protocol1 BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG1>&& other)
+  {
+    basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>::operator=(std::move(other));
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Destroys the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function destroys the socket, cancelling any outstanding asynchronous
+   * operations associated with the socket as if by calling @c cancel.
+   */
+  ~basic_raw_socket()
+  {
+  }
+  /// Send some data on a connected socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to send data on the raw socket. The function call
+   * will block until the data has been sent successfully or an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One ore more data buffers to be sent on the socket.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes sent.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @note The send operation can only be used with a connected socket. Use
+   * the send_to function to send data on an unconnected raw socket.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To send a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as follows:
+   * @code socket.send(boost::asio::buffer(data, size)); @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on sending multiple
+   * buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t send(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().send(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, 0, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "send");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Send some data on a connected socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to send data on the raw socket. The function call
+   * will block until the data has been sent successfully or an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One ore more data buffers to be sent on the socket.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the send call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes sent.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @note The send operation can only be used with a connected socket. Use
+   * the send_to function to send data on an unconnected raw socket.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t send(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags flags)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().send(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, flags, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "send");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Send some data on a connected socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to send data on the raw socket. The function call
+   * will block until the data has been sent successfully or an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be sent on the socket.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the send call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes sent.
+   *
+   * @note The send operation can only be used with a connected socket. Use
+   * the send_to function to send data on an unconnected raw socket.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t send(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags flags, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().send(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, flags, ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous send on a connected socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to send data on the raw socket. The function call
+   * will block until the data has been sent successfully or an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be sent on the socket. Although
+   * the buffers object may be copied as necessary, ownership of the underlying
+   * memory blocks is retained by the caller, which must guarantee that they
+   * remain valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the send operation completes.
+   * Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function signature of
+   * the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   std::size_t bytes_transferred           // Number of bytes sent.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @note The async_send operation can only be used with a connected socket.
+   * Use the async_send_to function to send data on an unconnected raw
+   * socket.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To send a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as follows:
+   * @code
+   * socket.async_send(boost::asio::buffer(data, size), handler);
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on sending multiple
+   * buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence, typename WriteHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_send(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(WriteHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a WriteHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_WRITE_HANDLER_CHECK(WriteHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_send(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, 0, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(WriteHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<WriteHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_send(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, 0, init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous send on a connected socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to send data on the raw socket. The function call
+   * will block until the data has been sent successfully or an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be sent on the socket. Although
+   * the buffers object may be copied as necessary, ownership of the underlying
+   * memory blocks is retained by the caller, which must guarantee that they
+   * remain valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the send call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the send operation completes.
+   * Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function signature of
+   * the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   std::size_t bytes_transferred           // Number of bytes sent.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @note The async_send operation can only be used with a connected socket.
+   * Use the async_send_to function to send data on an unconnected raw
+   * socket.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence, typename WriteHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_send(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags flags,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(WriteHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a WriteHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_WRITE_HANDLER_CHECK(WriteHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_send(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, flags, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(WriteHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<WriteHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_send(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, flags, init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Send raw data to the specified endpoint.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to send raw data to the specified remote endpoint.
+   * The function call will block until the data has been sent successfully or
+   * an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be sent to the remote endpoint.
+   *
+   * @param destination The remote endpoint to which the data will be sent.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes sent.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To send a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as follows:
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint destination(
+   *     boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(""), 12345);
+   * socket.send_to(boost::asio::buffer(data, size), destination);
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on sending multiple
+   * buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t send_to(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      const endpoint_type& destination)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().send_to(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, destination, 0, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "send_to");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Send raw data to the specified endpoint.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to send raw data to the specified remote endpoint.
+   * The function call will block until the data has been sent successfully or
+   * an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be sent to the remote endpoint.
+   *
+   * @param destination The remote endpoint to which the data will be sent.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the send call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes sent.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t send_to(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      const endpoint_type& destination, socket_base::message_flags flags)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().send_to(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, destination, flags, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "send_to");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Send raw data to the specified endpoint.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to send raw data to the specified remote endpoint.
+   * The function call will block until the data has been sent successfully or
+   * an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be sent to the remote endpoint.
+   *
+   * @param destination The remote endpoint to which the data will be sent.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the send call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes sent.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t send_to(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      const endpoint_type& destination, socket_base::message_flags flags,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().send_to(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, destination, flags, ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous send.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously send raw data to the specified
+   * remote endpoint. The function call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be sent to the remote endpoint.
+   * Although the buffers object may be copied as necessary, ownership of the
+   * underlying memory blocks is retained by the caller, which must guarantee
+   * that they remain valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param destination The remote endpoint to which the data will be sent.
+   * Copies will be made of the endpoint as required.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the send operation completes.
+   * Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function signature of
+   * the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   std::size_t bytes_transferred           // Number of bytes sent.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To send a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as follows:
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint destination(
+   *     boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(""), 12345);
+   * socket.async_send_to(
+   *     boost::asio::buffer(data, size), destination, handler);
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on sending multiple
+   * buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence, typename WriteHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_send_to(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      const endpoint_type& destination,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(WriteHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a WriteHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_WRITE_HANDLER_CHECK(WriteHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_send_to(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, destination, 0, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(WriteHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<WriteHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_send_to(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, destination, 0, init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous send.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously send raw data to the specified
+   * remote endpoint. The function call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be sent to the remote endpoint.
+   * Although the buffers object may be copied as necessary, ownership of the
+   * underlying memory blocks is retained by the caller, which must guarantee
+   * that they remain valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the send call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @param destination The remote endpoint to which the data will be sent.
+   * Copies will be made of the endpoint as required.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the send operation completes.
+   * Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function signature of
+   * the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   std::size_t bytes_transferred           // Number of bytes sent.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence, typename WriteHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_send_to(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      const endpoint_type& destination, socket_base::message_flags flags,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(WriteHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a WriteHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_WRITE_HANDLER_CHECK(WriteHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_send_to(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, destination, flags,
+        BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(WriteHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<WriteHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_send_to(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, destination, flags,
+        init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Receive some data on a connected socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to receive data on the raw socket. The function
+   * call will block until data has been received successfully or an error
+   * occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes received.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @note The receive operation can only be used with a connected socket. Use
+   * the receive_from function to receive data on an unconnected raw
+   * socket.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To receive into a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as
+   * follows:
+   * @code socket.receive(boost::asio::buffer(data, size)); @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on receiving into
+   * multiple buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t receive(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().receive(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, 0, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "receive");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Receive some data on a connected socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to receive data on the raw socket. The function
+   * call will block until data has been received successfully or an error
+   * occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the receive call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes received.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @note The receive operation can only be used with a connected socket. Use
+   * the receive_from function to receive data on an unconnected raw
+   * socket.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t receive(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags flags)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().receive(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, flags, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "receive");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Receive some data on a connected socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to receive data on the raw socket. The function
+   * call will block until data has been received successfully or an error
+   * occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the receive call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes received.
+   *
+   * @note The receive operation can only be used with a connected socket. Use
+   * the receive_from function to receive data on an unconnected raw
+   * socket.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t receive(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags flags, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().receive(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, flags, ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous receive on a connected socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously receive data from the raw
+   * socket. The function call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   * Although the buffers object may be copied as necessary, ownership of the
+   * underlying memory blocks is retained by the caller, which must guarantee
+   * that they remain valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the receive operation
+   * completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
+   * signature of the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   std::size_t bytes_transferred           // Number of bytes received.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @note The async_receive operation can only be used with a connected socket.
+   * Use the async_receive_from function to receive data on an unconnected
+   * raw socket.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To receive into a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as
+   * follows:
+   * @code
+   * socket.async_receive(boost::asio::buffer(data, size), handler);
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on receiving into
+   * multiple buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence, typename ReadHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_receive(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ReadHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a ReadHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_READ_HANDLER_CHECK(ReadHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_receive(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, 0, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(ReadHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<ReadHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_receive(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, 0, init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous receive on a connected socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously receive data from the raw
+   * socket. The function call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   * Although the buffers object may be copied as necessary, ownership of the
+   * underlying memory blocks is retained by the caller, which must guarantee
+   * that they remain valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the receive call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the receive operation
+   * completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
+   * signature of the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   std::size_t bytes_transferred           // Number of bytes received.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @note The async_receive operation can only be used with a connected socket.
+   * Use the async_receive_from function to receive data on an unconnected
+   * raw socket.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence, typename ReadHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_receive(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags flags,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ReadHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a ReadHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_READ_HANDLER_CHECK(ReadHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_receive(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, flags, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(ReadHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<ReadHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_receive(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, flags, init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Receive raw data with the endpoint of the sender.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to receive raw data. The function call will block
+   * until data has been received successfully or an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   *
+   * @param sender_endpoint An endpoint object that receives the endpoint of
+   * the remote sender of the data.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes received.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To receive into a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as
+   * follows:
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint sender_endpoint;
+   * socket.receive_from(
+   *     boost::asio::buffer(data, size), sender_endpoint);
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on receiving into
+   * multiple buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t receive_from(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      endpoint_type& sender_endpoint)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().receive_from(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, sender_endpoint, 0, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "receive_from");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Receive raw data with the endpoint of the sender.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to receive raw data. The function call will block
+   * until data has been received successfully or an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   *
+   * @param sender_endpoint An endpoint object that receives the endpoint of
+   * the remote sender of the data.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the receive call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes received.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t receive_from(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      endpoint_type& sender_endpoint, socket_base::message_flags flags)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().receive_from(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, sender_endpoint, flags, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "receive_from");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Receive raw data with the endpoint of the sender.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to receive raw data. The function call will block
+   * until data has been received successfully or an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   *
+   * @param sender_endpoint An endpoint object that receives the endpoint of
+   * the remote sender of the data.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the receive call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes received.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t receive_from(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      endpoint_type& sender_endpoint, socket_base::message_flags flags,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().receive_from(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, sender_endpoint, flags, ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous receive.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously receive raw data. The function
+   * call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   * Although the buffers object may be copied as necessary, ownership of the
+   * underlying memory blocks is retained by the caller, which must guarantee
+   * that they remain valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param sender_endpoint An endpoint object that receives the endpoint of
+   * the remote sender of the data. Ownership of the sender_endpoint object
+   * is retained by the caller, which must guarantee that it is valid until the
+   * handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the receive operation
+   * completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
+   * signature of the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   std::size_t bytes_transferred           // Number of bytes received.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To receive into a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as
+   * follows:
+   * @code socket.async_receive_from(
+   *     boost::asio::buffer(data, size), 0, sender_endpoint, handler); @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on receiving into
+   * multiple buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence, typename ReadHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_receive_from(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      endpoint_type& sender_endpoint,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ReadHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a ReadHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_READ_HANDLER_CHECK(ReadHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_receive_from(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, sender_endpoint, 0,
+        BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(ReadHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<ReadHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_receive_from(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, sender_endpoint, 0,
+        init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous receive.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously receive raw data. The function
+   * call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   * Although the buffers object may be copied as necessary, ownership of the
+   * underlying memory blocks is retained by the caller, which must guarantee
+   * that they remain valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param sender_endpoint An endpoint object that receives the endpoint of
+   * the remote sender of the data. Ownership of the sender_endpoint object
+   * is retained by the caller, which must guarantee that it is valid until the
+   * handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the receive call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the receive operation
+   * completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
+   * signature of the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   std::size_t bytes_transferred           // Number of bytes received.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence, typename ReadHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_receive_from(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      endpoint_type& sender_endpoint, socket_base::message_flags flags,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ReadHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a ReadHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_READ_HANDLER_CHECK(ReadHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_receive_from(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, sender_endpoint, flags,
+        BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(ReadHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<ReadHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_receive_from(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, sender_endpoint, flags,
+        init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 620 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
+// basic_seq_packet_socket.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <boost/asio/basic_socket.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/handler_type_requirements.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/throw_error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/seq_packet_socket_service.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+/// Provides sequenced packet socket functionality.
+ * The basic_seq_packet_socket class template provides asynchronous and blocking
+ * sequenced packet socket functionality.
+ *
+ * @par Thread Safety
+ * @e Distinct @e objects: Safe.@n
+ * @e Shared @e objects: Unsafe.
+ */
+template <typename Protocol
+    BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM_DEF1(= seq_packet_socket_service<Protocol>)>
+class basic_seq_packet_socket
+  : public basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>
+  /// The native representation of a socket.
+  typedef implementation_defined native_handle_type;
+  typedef typename basic_socket<
+    Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>::native_handle_type native_handle_type;
+  /// The protocol type.
+  typedef Protocol protocol_type;
+  /// The endpoint type.
+  typedef typename Protocol::endpoint endpoint_type;
+  /// Construct a basic_seq_packet_socket without opening it.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates a sequenced packet socket without opening it. The
+   * socket needs to be opened and then connected or accepted before data can
+   * be sent or received on it.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the sequenced packet socket
+   * will use to dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on
+   * the socket.
+   */
+  explicit basic_seq_packet_socket(boost::asio::io_context& io_context)
+    : basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>(io_context)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct and open a basic_seq_packet_socket.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates and opens a sequenced_packet socket. The socket
+   * needs to be connected or accepted before data can be sent or received on
+   * it.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the sequenced packet socket
+   * will use to dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on
+   * the socket.
+   *
+   * @param protocol An object specifying protocol parameters to be used.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  basic_seq_packet_socket(boost::asio::io_context& io_context,
+      const protocol_type& protocol)
+    : basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>(io_context, protocol)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct a basic_seq_packet_socket, opening it and binding it to the
+  /// given local endpoint.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates a sequenced packet socket and automatically opens
+   * it bound to the specified endpoint on the local machine. The protocol used
+   * is the protocol associated with the given endpoint.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the sequenced packet socket
+   * will use to dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on
+   * the socket.
+   *
+   * @param endpoint An endpoint on the local machine to which the sequenced
+   * packet socket will be bound.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  basic_seq_packet_socket(boost::asio::io_context& io_context,
+      const endpoint_type& endpoint)
+    : basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>(io_context, endpoint)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct a basic_seq_packet_socket on an existing native socket.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates a sequenced packet socket object to hold an
+   * existing native socket.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the sequenced packet socket
+   * will use to dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on
+   * the socket.
+   *
+   * @param protocol An object specifying protocol parameters to be used.
+   *
+   * @param native_socket The new underlying socket implementation.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  basic_seq_packet_socket(boost::asio::io_context& io_context,
+      const protocol_type& protocol, const native_handle_type& native_socket)
+    : basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>(
+        io_context, protocol, native_socket)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Move-construct a basic_seq_packet_socket from another.
+  /**
+   * This constructor moves a sequenced packet socket from one object to
+   * another.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_seq_packet_socket object from which the move
+   * will occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_seq_packet_socket(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  basic_seq_packet_socket(basic_seq_packet_socket&& other)
+    : basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>(std::move(other))
+  {
+  }
+  /// Move-assign a basic_seq_packet_socket from another.
+  /**
+   * This assignment operator moves a sequenced packet socket from one object to
+   * another.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_seq_packet_socket object from which the move
+   * will occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_seq_packet_socket(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  basic_seq_packet_socket& operator=(basic_seq_packet_socket&& other)
+  {
+    basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>::operator=(std::move(other));
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Move-construct a basic_seq_packet_socket from a socket of another protocol
+  /// type.
+  /**
+   * This constructor moves a sequenced packet socket from one object to
+   * another.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_seq_packet_socket object from which the move
+   * will occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_seq_packet_socket(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  template <typename Protocol1 BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM1>
+  basic_seq_packet_socket(
+      basic_seq_packet_socket<Protocol1 BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG1>&& other,
+      typename enable_if<is_convertible<Protocol1, Protocol>::value>::type* = 0)
+    : basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>(std::move(other))
+  {
+  }
+  /// Move-assign a basic_seq_packet_socket from a socket of another protocol
+  /// type.
+  /**
+   * This assignment operator moves a sequenced packet socket from one object to
+   * another.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_seq_packet_socket object from which the move
+   * will occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_seq_packet_socket(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  template <typename Protocol1 BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM1>
+  typename enable_if<is_convertible<Protocol1, Protocol>::value,
+      basic_seq_packet_socket>::type& operator=(
+        basic_seq_packet_socket<Protocol1 BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG1>&& other)
+  {
+    basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>::operator=(std::move(other));
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Destroys the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function destroys the socket, cancelling any outstanding asynchronous
+   * operations associated with the socket as if by calling @c cancel.
+   */
+  ~basic_seq_packet_socket()
+  {
+  }
+  /// Send some data on the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to send data on the sequenced packet socket. The
+   * function call will block until the data has been sent successfully, or an
+   * until error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be sent on the socket.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the send call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes sent.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To send a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as follows:
+   * @code
+   * socket.send(boost::asio::buffer(data, size), 0);
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on sending multiple
+   * buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t send(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags flags)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().send(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, flags, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "send");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Send some data on the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to send data on the sequenced packet socket. The
+   * function call will block the data has been sent successfully, or an until
+   * error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be sent on the socket.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the send call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes sent. Returns 0 if an error occurred.
+   *
+   * @note The send operation may not transmit all of the data to the peer.
+   * Consider using the @ref write function if you need to ensure that all data
+   * is written before the blocking operation completes.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t send(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags flags, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().send(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, flags, ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous send.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously send data on the sequenced packet
+   * socket. The function call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be sent on the socket. Although
+   * the buffers object may be copied as necessary, ownership of the underlying
+   * memory blocks is retained by the caller, which must guarantee that they
+   * remain valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the send call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the send operation completes.
+   * Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function signature of
+   * the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   std::size_t bytes_transferred           // Number of bytes sent.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To send a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as follows:
+   * @code
+   * socket.async_send(boost::asio::buffer(data, size), 0, handler);
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on sending multiple
+   * buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence, typename WriteHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_send(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags flags,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(WriteHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a WriteHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_WRITE_HANDLER_CHECK(WriteHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_send(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, flags, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(WriteHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<WriteHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_send(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, flags, init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Receive some data on the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to receive data on the sequenced packet socket. The
+   * function call will block until data has been received successfully, or
+   * until an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   *
+   * @param out_flags After the receive call completes, contains flags
+   * associated with the received data. For example, if the
+   * socket_base::message_end_of_record bit is set then the received data marks
+   * the end of a record.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes received.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure. An error code of
+   * boost::asio::error::eof indicates that the connection was closed by the
+   * peer.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To receive into a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as
+   * follows:
+   * @code
+   * socket.receive(boost::asio::buffer(data, size), out_flags);
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on receiving into
+   * multiple buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t receive(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags& out_flags)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().receive(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, 0, out_flags, ec);
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().receive_with_flags(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, 0, out_flags, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "receive");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Receive some data on the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to receive data on the sequenced packet socket. The
+   * function call will block until data has been received successfully, or
+   * until an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   *
+   * @param in_flags Flags specifying how the receive call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @param out_flags After the receive call completes, contains flags
+   * associated with the received data. For example, if the
+   * socket_base::message_end_of_record bit is set then the received data marks
+   * the end of a record.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes received.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure. An error code of
+   * boost::asio::error::eof indicates that the connection was closed by the
+   * peer.
+   *
+   * @note The receive operation may not receive all of the requested number of
+   * bytes. Consider using the @ref read function if you need to ensure that the
+   * requested amount of data is read before the blocking operation completes.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To receive into a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as
+   * follows:
+   * @code
+   * socket.receive(boost::asio::buffer(data, size), 0, out_flags);
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on receiving into
+   * multiple buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t receive(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags in_flags,
+      socket_base::message_flags& out_flags)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().receive(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, in_flags, out_flags, ec);
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().receive_with_flags(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, in_flags, out_flags, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "receive");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Receive some data on a connected socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to receive data on the sequenced packet socket. The
+   * function call will block until data has been received successfully, or
+   * until an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   *
+   * @param in_flags Flags specifying how the receive call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @param out_flags After the receive call completes, contains flags
+   * associated with the received data. For example, if the
+   * socket_base::message_end_of_record bit is set then the received data marks
+   * the end of a record.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes received. Returns 0 if an error occurred.
+   *
+   * @note The receive operation may not receive all of the requested number of
+   * bytes. Consider using the @ref read function if you need to ensure that the
+   * requested amount of data is read before the blocking operation completes.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t receive(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags in_flags,
+      socket_base::message_flags& out_flags, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().receive(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, in_flags, out_flags, ec);
+    return this->get_service().receive_with_flags(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, in_flags, out_flags, ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous receive.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously receive data from the sequenced
+   * packet socket. The function call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   * Although the buffers object may be copied as necessary, ownership of the
+   * underlying memory blocks is retained by the caller, which must guarantee
+   * that they remain valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param out_flags Once the asynchronous operation completes, contains flags
+   * associated with the received data. For example, if the
+   * socket_base::message_end_of_record bit is set then the received data marks
+   * the end of a record. The caller must guarantee that the referenced
+   * variable remains valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the receive operation
+   * completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
+   * signature of the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   std::size_t bytes_transferred           // Number of bytes received.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To receive into a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as
+   * follows:
+   * @code
+   * socket.async_receive(boost::asio::buffer(data, size), out_flags, handler);
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on receiving into
+   * multiple buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence, typename ReadHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_receive(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags& out_flags,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ReadHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a ReadHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_READ_HANDLER_CHECK(ReadHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_receive(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, 0, out_flags,
+        BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(ReadHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<ReadHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_receive_with_flags(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, 0, out_flags,
+        init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous receive.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously receive data from the sequenced
+   * data socket. The function call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   * Although the buffers object may be copied as necessary, ownership of the
+   * underlying memory blocks is retained by the caller, which must guarantee
+   * that they remain valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param in_flags Flags specifying how the receive call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @param out_flags Once the asynchronous operation completes, contains flags
+   * associated with the received data. For example, if the
+   * socket_base::message_end_of_record bit is set then the received data marks
+   * the end of a record. The caller must guarantee that the referenced
+   * variable remains valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the receive operation
+   * completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
+   * signature of the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   std::size_t bytes_transferred           // Number of bytes received.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To receive into a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as
+   * follows:
+   * @code
+   * socket.async_receive(
+   *     boost::asio::buffer(data, size),
+   *     0, out_flags, handler);
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on receiving into
+   * multiple buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence, typename ReadHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_receive(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags in_flags,
+      socket_base::message_flags& out_flags,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ReadHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a ReadHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_READ_HANDLER_CHECK(ReadHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_receive(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, in_flags, out_flags,
+        BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(ReadHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<ReadHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_receive_with_flags(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, in_flags, out_flags,
+        init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 690 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,690 @@
+// basic_serial_port.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Copyright (c) 2008 Rep Invariant Systems, Inc. (info@repinvariant.com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <string>
+#include <boost/asio/basic_io_object.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/handler_type_requirements.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/throw_error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/serial_port_base.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/serial_port_service.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+/// Provides serial port functionality.
+ * The basic_serial_port class template provides functionality that is common
+ * to all serial ports.
+ *
+ * @par Thread Safety
+ * @e Distinct @e objects: Safe.@n
+ * @e Shared @e objects: Unsafe.
+ */
+template <typename SerialPortService = serial_port_service>
+class basic_serial_port
+  : public basic_io_object<SerialPortService>,
+    public serial_port_base
+  /// The native representation of a serial port.
+  typedef typename SerialPortService::native_handle_type native_handle_type;
+  /// A basic_serial_port is always the lowest layer.
+  typedef basic_serial_port<SerialPortService> lowest_layer_type;
+  /// Construct a basic_serial_port without opening it.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates a serial port without opening it.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the serial port will use to
+   * dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the port.
+   */
+  explicit basic_serial_port(boost::asio::io_context& io_context)
+    : basic_io_object<SerialPortService>(io_context)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct and open a basic_serial_port.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates and opens a serial port for the specified device
+   * name.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the serial port will use to
+   * dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the port.
+   *
+   * @param device The platform-specific device name for this serial
+   * port.
+   */
+  explicit basic_serial_port(boost::asio::io_context& io_context,
+      const char* device)
+    : basic_io_object<SerialPortService>(io_context)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), device, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "open");
+  }
+  /// Construct and open a basic_serial_port.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates and opens a serial port for the specified device
+   * name.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the serial port will use to
+   * dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the port.
+   *
+   * @param device The platform-specific device name for this serial
+   * port.
+   */
+  explicit basic_serial_port(boost::asio::io_context& io_context,
+      const std::string& device)
+    : basic_io_object<SerialPortService>(io_context)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), device, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "open");
+  }
+  /// Construct a basic_serial_port on an existing native serial port.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates a serial port object to hold an existing native
+   * serial port.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the serial port will use to
+   * dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the port.
+   *
+   * @param native_serial_port A native serial port.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  basic_serial_port(boost::asio::io_context& io_context,
+      const native_handle_type& native_serial_port)
+    : basic_io_object<SerialPortService>(io_context)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().assign(this->get_implementation(),
+        native_serial_port, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "assign");
+  }
+  /// Move-construct a basic_serial_port from another.
+  /**
+   * This constructor moves a serial port from one object to another.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_serial_port object from which the move will
+   * occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_serial_port(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  basic_serial_port(basic_serial_port&& other)
+    : basic_io_object<SerialPortService>(
+        BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(basic_serial_port)(other))
+  {
+  }
+  /// Move-assign a basic_serial_port from another.
+  /**
+   * This assignment operator moves a serial port from one object to another.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_serial_port object from which the move will
+   * occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_serial_port(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  basic_serial_port& operator=(basic_serial_port&& other)
+  {
+    basic_io_object<SerialPortService>::operator=(
+        BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(basic_serial_port)(other));
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Get a reference to the lowest layer.
+  /**
+   * This function returns a reference to the lowest layer in a stack of
+   * layers. Since a basic_serial_port cannot contain any further layers, it
+   * simply returns a reference to itself.
+   *
+   * @return A reference to the lowest layer in the stack of layers. Ownership
+   * is not transferred to the caller.
+   */
+  lowest_layer_type& lowest_layer()
+  {
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Get a const reference to the lowest layer.
+  /**
+   * This function returns a const reference to the lowest layer in a stack of
+   * layers. Since a basic_serial_port cannot contain any further layers, it
+   * simply returns a reference to itself.
+   *
+   * @return A const reference to the lowest layer in the stack of layers.
+   * Ownership is not transferred to the caller.
+   */
+  const lowest_layer_type& lowest_layer() const
+  {
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Open the serial port using the specified device name.
+  /**
+   * This function opens the serial port for the specified device name.
+   *
+   * @param device The platform-specific device name.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  void open(const std::string& device)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), device, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "open");
+  }
+  /// Open the serial port using the specified device name.
+  /**
+   * This function opens the serial port using the given platform-specific
+   * device name.
+   *
+   * @param device The platform-specific device name.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set the indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   */
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID open(const std::string& device,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), device, ec);
+  }
+  /// Assign an existing native serial port to the serial port.
+  /*
+   * This function opens the serial port to hold an existing native serial port.
+   *
+   * @param native_serial_port A native serial port.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  void assign(const native_handle_type& native_serial_port)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().assign(this->get_implementation(),
+        native_serial_port, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "assign");
+  }
+  /// Assign an existing native serial port to the serial port.
+  /*
+   * This function opens the serial port to hold an existing native serial port.
+   *
+   * @param native_serial_port A native serial port.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   */
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID assign(const native_handle_type& native_serial_port,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().assign(this->get_implementation(),
+        native_serial_port, ec);
+  }
+  /// Determine whether the serial port is open.
+  bool is_open() const
+  {
+    return this->get_service().is_open(this->get_implementation());
+  }
+  /// Close the serial port.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to close the serial port. Any asynchronous read or
+   * write operations will be cancelled immediately, and will complete with the
+   * boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  void close()
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().close(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "close");
+  }
+  /// Close the serial port.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to close the serial port. Any asynchronous read or
+   * write operations will be cancelled immediately, and will complete with the
+   * boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   */
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID close(boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().close(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+  }
+  /// Get the native serial port representation.
+  /**
+   * This function may be used to obtain the underlying representation of the
+   * serial port. This is intended to allow access to native serial port
+   * functionality that is not otherwise provided.
+   */
+  native_handle_type native_handle()
+  {
+    return this->get_service().native_handle(this->get_implementation());
+  }
+  /// Cancel all asynchronous operations associated with the serial port.
+  /**
+   * This function causes all outstanding asynchronous read or write operations
+   * to finish immediately, and the handlers for cancelled operations will be
+   * passed the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  void cancel()
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().cancel(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "cancel");
+  }
+  /// Cancel all asynchronous operations associated with the serial port.
+  /**
+   * This function causes all outstanding asynchronous read or write operations
+   * to finish immediately, and the handlers for cancelled operations will be
+   * passed the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   */
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID cancel(boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().cancel(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+  }
+  /// Send a break sequence to the serial port.
+  /**
+   * This function causes a break sequence of platform-specific duration to be
+   * sent out the serial port.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  void send_break()
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().send_break(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "send_break");
+  }
+  /// Send a break sequence to the serial port.
+  /**
+   * This function causes a break sequence of platform-specific duration to be
+   * sent out the serial port.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   */
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID send_break(boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().send_break(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+  }
+  /// Set an option on the serial port.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to set an option on the serial port.
+   *
+   * @param option The option value to be set on the serial port.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @sa SettableSerialPortOption @n
+   * boost::asio::serial_port_base::baud_rate @n
+   * boost::asio::serial_port_base::flow_control @n
+   * boost::asio::serial_port_base::parity @n
+   * boost::asio::serial_port_base::stop_bits @n
+   * boost::asio::serial_port_base::character_size
+   */
+  template <typename SettableSerialPortOption>
+  void set_option(const SettableSerialPortOption& option)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().set_option(this->get_implementation(), option, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "set_option");
+  }
+  /// Set an option on the serial port.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to set an option on the serial port.
+   *
+   * @param option The option value to be set on the serial port.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @sa SettableSerialPortOption @n
+   * boost::asio::serial_port_base::baud_rate @n
+   * boost::asio::serial_port_base::flow_control @n
+   * boost::asio::serial_port_base::parity @n
+   * boost::asio::serial_port_base::stop_bits @n
+   * boost::asio::serial_port_base::character_size
+   */
+  template <typename SettableSerialPortOption>
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID set_option(const SettableSerialPortOption& option,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().set_option(this->get_implementation(), option, ec);
+  }
+  /// Get an option from the serial port.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to get the current value of an option on the serial
+   * port.
+   *
+   * @param option The option value to be obtained from the serial port.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @sa GettableSerialPortOption @n
+   * boost::asio::serial_port_base::baud_rate @n
+   * boost::asio::serial_port_base::flow_control @n
+   * boost::asio::serial_port_base::parity @n
+   * boost::asio::serial_port_base::stop_bits @n
+   * boost::asio::serial_port_base::character_size
+   */
+  template <typename GettableSerialPortOption>
+  void get_option(GettableSerialPortOption& option)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().get_option(this->get_implementation(), option, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "get_option");
+  }
+  /// Get an option from the serial port.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to get the current value of an option on the serial
+   * port.
+   *
+   * @param option The option value to be obtained from the serial port.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @sa GettableSerialPortOption @n
+   * boost::asio::serial_port_base::baud_rate @n
+   * boost::asio::serial_port_base::flow_control @n
+   * boost::asio::serial_port_base::parity @n
+   * boost::asio::serial_port_base::stop_bits @n
+   * boost::asio::serial_port_base::character_size
+   */
+  template <typename GettableSerialPortOption>
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID get_option(GettableSerialPortOption& option,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().get_option(this->get_implementation(), option, ec);
+  }
+  /// Write some data to the serial port.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to write data to the serial port. The function call
+   * will block until one or more bytes of the data has been written
+   * successfully, or until an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be written to the serial port.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes written.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure. An error code of
+   * boost::asio::error::eof indicates that the connection was closed by the
+   * peer.
+   *
+   * @note The write_some operation may not transmit all of the data to the
+   * peer. Consider using the @ref write function if you need to ensure that
+   * all data is written before the blocking operation completes.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To write a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as follows:
+   * @code
+   * serial_port.write_some(boost::asio::buffer(data, size));
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on writing multiple
+   * buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t write_some(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().write_some(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "write_some");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Write some data to the serial port.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to write data to the serial port. The function call
+   * will block until one or more bytes of the data has been written
+   * successfully, or until an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be written to the serial port.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes written. Returns 0 if an error occurred.
+   *
+   * @note The write_some operation may not transmit all of the data to the
+   * peer. Consider using the @ref write function if you need to ensure that
+   * all data is written before the blocking operation completes.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t write_some(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().write_some(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous write.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously write data to the serial port.
+   * The function call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be written to the serial port.
+   * Although the buffers object may be copied as necessary, ownership of the
+   * underlying memory blocks is retained by the caller, which must guarantee
+   * that they remain valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the write operation completes.
+   * Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function signature of
+   * the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   std::size_t bytes_transferred           // Number of bytes written.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @note The write operation may not transmit all of the data to the peer.
+   * Consider using the @ref async_write function if you need to ensure that all
+   * data is written before the asynchronous operation completes.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To write a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as follows:
+   * @code
+   * serial_port.async_write_some(boost::asio::buffer(data, size), handler);
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on writing multiple
+   * buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence, typename WriteHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_write_some(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(WriteHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a WriteHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_WRITE_HANDLER_CHECK(WriteHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_write_some(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(WriteHandler)(handler));
+  }
+  /// Read some data from the serial port.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to read data from the serial port. The function
+   * call will block until one or more bytes of data has been read successfully,
+   * or until an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be read.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes read.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure. An error code of
+   * boost::asio::error::eof indicates that the connection was closed by the
+   * peer.
+   *
+   * @note The read_some operation may not read all of the requested number of
+   * bytes. Consider using the @ref read function if you need to ensure that
+   * the requested amount of data is read before the blocking operation
+   * completes.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To read into a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as follows:
+   * @code
+   * serial_port.read_some(boost::asio::buffer(data, size));
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on reading into multiple
+   * buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t read_some(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().read_some(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "read_some");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Read some data from the serial port.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to read data from the serial port. The function
+   * call will block until one or more bytes of data has been read successfully,
+   * or until an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be read.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes read. Returns 0 if an error occurred.
+   *
+   * @note The read_some operation may not read all of the requested number of
+   * bytes. Consider using the @ref read function if you need to ensure that
+   * the requested amount of data is read before the blocking operation
+   * completes.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t read_some(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().read_some(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous read.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously read data from the serial port.
+   * The function call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be read.
+   * Although the buffers object may be copied as necessary, ownership of the
+   * underlying memory blocks is retained by the caller, which must guarantee
+   * that they remain valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the read operation completes.
+   * Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function signature of
+   * the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   std::size_t bytes_transferred           // Number of bytes read.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @note The read operation may not read all of the requested number of bytes.
+   * Consider using the @ref async_read function if you need to ensure that the
+   * requested amount of data is read before the asynchronous operation
+   * completes.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To read into a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as follows:
+   * @code
+   * serial_port.async_read_some(boost::asio::buffer(data, size), handler);
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on reading into multiple
+   * buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence, typename ReadHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_read_some(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ReadHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a ReadHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_READ_HANDLER_CHECK(ReadHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_read_some(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(ReadHandler)(handler));
+  }
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_SERIAL_PORT)
+       //   || defined(GENERATING_DOCUMENTATION)

+ 393 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+// basic_signal_set.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/basic_io_object.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/handler_type_requirements.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/throw_error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/signal_set_service.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+/// Provides signal functionality.
+ * The basic_signal_set class template provides the ability to perform an
+ * asynchronous wait for one or more signals to occur.
+ *
+ * Most applications will use the boost::asio::signal_set typedef.
+ *
+ * @par Thread Safety
+ * @e Distinct @e objects: Safe.@n
+ * @e Shared @e objects: Unsafe.
+ *
+ * @par Example
+ * Performing an asynchronous wait:
+ * @code
+ * void handler(
+ *     const boost::system::error_code& error,
+ *     int signal_number)
+ * {
+ *   if (!error)
+ *   {
+ *     // A signal occurred.
+ *   }
+ * }
+ *
+ * ...
+ *
+ * // Construct a signal set registered for process termination.
+ * boost::asio::signal_set signals(io_context, SIGINT, SIGTERM);
+ *
+ * // Start an asynchronous wait for one of the signals to occur.
+ * signals.async_wait(handler);
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @par Queueing of signal notifications
+ *
+ * If a signal is registered with a signal_set, and the signal occurs when
+ * there are no waiting handlers, then the signal notification is queued. The
+ * next async_wait operation on that signal_set will dequeue the notification.
+ * If multiple notifications are queued, subsequent async_wait operations
+ * dequeue them one at a time. Signal notifications are dequeued in order of
+ * ascending signal number.
+ *
+ * If a signal number is removed from a signal_set (using the @c remove or @c
+ * erase member functions) then any queued notifications for that signal are
+ * discarded.
+ *
+ * @par Multiple registration of signals
+ *
+ * The same signal number may be registered with different signal_set objects.
+ * When the signal occurs, one handler is called for each signal_set object.
+ *
+ * Note that multiple registration only works for signals that are registered
+ * using Asio. The application must not also register a signal handler using
+ * functions such as @c signal() or @c sigaction().
+ *
+ * @par Signal masking on POSIX platforms
+ *
+ * POSIX allows signals to be blocked using functions such as @c sigprocmask()
+ * and @c pthread_sigmask(). For signals to be delivered, programs must ensure
+ * that any signals registered using signal_set objects are unblocked in at
+ * least one thread.
+ */
+template <typename SignalSetService = signal_set_service>
+class basic_signal_set
+  : public basic_io_object<SignalSetService>
+  /// Construct a signal set without adding any signals.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates a signal set without registering for any signals.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the signal set will use to
+   * dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the set.
+   */
+  explicit basic_signal_set(boost::asio::io_context& io_context)
+    : basic_io_object<SignalSetService>(io_context)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct a signal set and add one signal.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates a signal set and registers for one signal.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the signal set will use to
+   * dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the set.
+   *
+   * @param signal_number_1 The signal number to be added.
+   *
+   * @note This constructor is equivalent to performing:
+   * @code boost::asio::signal_set signals(io_context);
+   * signals.add(signal_number_1); @endcode
+   */
+  basic_signal_set(boost::asio::io_context& io_context, int signal_number_1)
+    : basic_io_object<SignalSetService>(io_context)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().add(this->get_implementation(), signal_number_1, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "add");
+  }
+  /// Construct a signal set and add two signals.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates a signal set and registers for two signals.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the signal set will use to
+   * dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the set.
+   *
+   * @param signal_number_1 The first signal number to be added.
+   *
+   * @param signal_number_2 The second signal number to be added.
+   *
+   * @note This constructor is equivalent to performing:
+   * @code boost::asio::signal_set signals(io_context);
+   * signals.add(signal_number_1);
+   * signals.add(signal_number_2); @endcode
+   */
+  basic_signal_set(boost::asio::io_context& io_context, int signal_number_1,
+      int signal_number_2)
+    : basic_io_object<SignalSetService>(io_context)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().add(this->get_implementation(), signal_number_1, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "add");
+    this->get_service().add(this->get_implementation(), signal_number_2, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "add");
+  }
+  /// Construct a signal set and add three signals.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates a signal set and registers for three signals.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the signal set will use to
+   * dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the set.
+   *
+   * @param signal_number_1 The first signal number to be added.
+   *
+   * @param signal_number_2 The second signal number to be added.
+   *
+   * @param signal_number_3 The third signal number to be added.
+   *
+   * @note This constructor is equivalent to performing:
+   * @code boost::asio::signal_set signals(io_context);
+   * signals.add(signal_number_1);
+   * signals.add(signal_number_2);
+   * signals.add(signal_number_3); @endcode
+   */
+  basic_signal_set(boost::asio::io_context& io_context, int signal_number_1,
+      int signal_number_2, int signal_number_3)
+    : basic_io_object<SignalSetService>(io_context)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().add(this->get_implementation(), signal_number_1, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "add");
+    this->get_service().add(this->get_implementation(), signal_number_2, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "add");
+    this->get_service().add(this->get_implementation(), signal_number_3, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "add");
+  }
+  /// Add a signal to a signal_set.
+  /**
+   * This function adds the specified signal to the set. It has no effect if the
+   * signal is already in the set.
+   *
+   * @param signal_number The signal to be added to the set.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  void add(int signal_number)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().add(this->get_implementation(), signal_number, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "add");
+  }
+  /// Add a signal to a signal_set.
+  /**
+   * This function adds the specified signal to the set. It has no effect if the
+   * signal is already in the set.
+   *
+   * @param signal_number The signal to be added to the set.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   */
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID add(int signal_number, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().add(this->get_implementation(), signal_number, ec);
+  }
+  /// Remove a signal from a signal_set.
+  /**
+   * This function removes the specified signal from the set. It has no effect
+   * if the signal is not in the set.
+   *
+   * @param signal_number The signal to be removed from the set.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @note Removes any notifications that have been queued for the specified
+   * signal number.
+   */
+  void remove(int signal_number)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().remove(this->get_implementation(), signal_number, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "remove");
+  }
+  /// Remove a signal from a signal_set.
+  /**
+   * This function removes the specified signal from the set. It has no effect
+   * if the signal is not in the set.
+   *
+   * @param signal_number The signal to be removed from the set.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @note Removes any notifications that have been queued for the specified
+   * signal number.
+   */
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID remove(int signal_number,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().remove(this->get_implementation(), signal_number, ec);
+  }
+  /// Remove all signals from a signal_set.
+  /**
+   * This function removes all signals from the set. It has no effect if the set
+   * is already empty.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @note Removes all queued notifications.
+   */
+  void clear()
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().clear(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "clear");
+  }
+  /// Remove all signals from a signal_set.
+  /**
+   * This function removes all signals from the set. It has no effect if the set
+   * is already empty.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @note Removes all queued notifications.
+   */
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID clear(boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().clear(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+  }
+  /// Cancel all operations associated with the signal set.
+  /**
+   * This function forces the completion of any pending asynchronous wait
+   * operations against the signal set. The handler for each cancelled
+   * operation will be invoked with the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted
+   * error code.
+   *
+   * Cancellation does not alter the set of registered signals.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @note If a registered signal occurred before cancel() is called, then the
+   * handlers for asynchronous wait operations will:
+   *
+   * @li have already been invoked; or
+   *
+   * @li have been queued for invocation in the near future.
+   *
+   * These handlers can no longer be cancelled, and therefore are passed an
+   * error code that indicates the successful completion of the wait operation.
+   */
+  void cancel()
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().cancel(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "cancel");
+  }
+  /// Cancel all operations associated with the signal set.
+  /**
+   * This function forces the completion of any pending asynchronous wait
+   * operations against the signal set. The handler for each cancelled
+   * operation will be invoked with the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted
+   * error code.
+   *
+   * Cancellation does not alter the set of registered signals.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @note If a registered signal occurred before cancel() is called, then the
+   * handlers for asynchronous wait operations will:
+   *
+   * @li have already been invoked; or
+   *
+   * @li have been queued for invocation in the near future.
+   *
+   * These handlers can no longer be cancelled, and therefore are passed an
+   * error code that indicates the successful completion of the wait operation.
+   */
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID cancel(boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().cancel(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous operation to wait for a signal to be delivered.
+  /**
+   * This function may be used to initiate an asynchronous wait against the
+   * signal set. It always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * For each call to async_wait(), the supplied handler will be called exactly
+   * once. The handler will be called when:
+   *
+   * @li One of the registered signals in the signal set occurs; or
+   *
+   * @li The signal set was cancelled, in which case the handler is passed the
+   * error code boost::asio::error::operation_aborted.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the signal occurs. Copies
+   * will be made of the handler as required. The function signature of the
+   * handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   int signal_number // Indicates which signal occurred.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   */
+  template <typename SignalHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, int))
+  async_wait(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(SignalHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a SignalHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_SIGNAL_HANDLER_CHECK(SignalHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_wait(this->get_implementation(),
+        BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(SignalHandler)(handler));
+  }
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 1759 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1759 @@
+// basic_socket.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/async_result.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/basic_io_object.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/handler_type_requirements.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/throw_error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/type_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/post.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/socket_base.hpp>
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+# include <utility>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+#  include <boost/asio/detail/winrt_ssocket_service.hpp>
+#  define BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T detail::winrt_ssocket_service<Protocol>
+# elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_IOCP)
+#  include <boost/asio/detail/win_iocp_socket_service.hpp>
+#  define BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T detail::win_iocp_socket_service<Protocol>
+# else
+#  include <boost/asio/detail/reactive_socket_service.hpp>
+#  define BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T detail::reactive_socket_service<Protocol>
+# endif
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+/// Provides socket functionality.
+ * The basic_socket class template provides functionality that is common to both
+ * stream-oriented and datagram-oriented sockets.
+ *
+ * @par Thread Safety
+ * @e Distinct @e objects: Safe.@n
+ * @e Shared @e objects: Unsafe.
+ */
+template <typename Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM>
+class basic_socket
+    public socket_base
+  /// The type of the executor associated with the object.
+  typedef io_context::executor_type executor_type;
+  /// The native representation of a socket.
+  typedef implementation_defined native_handle_type;
+  typedef typename BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T::native_handle_type native_handle_type;
+  /// The protocol type.
+  typedef Protocol protocol_type;
+  /// The endpoint type.
+  typedef typename Protocol::endpoint endpoint_type;
+  /// A basic_socket is always the lowest layer.
+  typedef basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG> lowest_layer_type;
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_EXTENSIONS)
+  /// Construct a basic_socket without opening it.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates a socket without opening it.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the socket will use to
+   * dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the socket.
+   */
+  explicit basic_socket(boost::asio::io_context& io_context)
+    : basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>(io_context)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct and open a basic_socket.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates and opens a socket.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the socket will use to
+   * dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the socket.
+   *
+   * @param protocol An object specifying protocol parameters to be used.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  basic_socket(boost::asio::io_context& io_context,
+      const protocol_type& protocol)
+    : basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>(io_context)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), protocol, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "open");
+  }
+  /// Construct a basic_socket, opening it and binding it to the given local
+  /// endpoint.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates a socket and automatically opens it bound to the
+   * specified endpoint on the local machine. The protocol used is the protocol
+   * associated with the given endpoint.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the socket will use to
+   * dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the socket.
+   *
+   * @param endpoint An endpoint on the local machine to which the socket will
+   * be bound.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  basic_socket(boost::asio::io_context& io_context,
+      const endpoint_type& endpoint)
+    : basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>(io_context)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    const protocol_type protocol = endpoint.protocol();
+    this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), protocol, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "open");
+    this->get_service().bind(this->get_implementation(), endpoint, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "bind");
+  }
+  /// Construct a basic_socket on an existing native socket.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates a socket object to hold an existing native socket.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the socket will use to
+   * dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the socket.
+   *
+   * @param protocol An object specifying protocol parameters to be used.
+   *
+   * @param native_socket A native socket.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  basic_socket(boost::asio::io_context& io_context,
+      const protocol_type& protocol, const native_handle_type& native_socket)
+    : basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>(io_context)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().assign(this->get_implementation(),
+        protocol, native_socket, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "assign");
+  }
+  /// Move-construct a basic_socket from another.
+  /**
+   * This constructor moves a socket from one object to another.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_socket object from which the move will
+   * occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_socket(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  basic_socket(basic_socket&& other)
+    : basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>(std::move(other))
+  {
+  }
+  /// Move-assign a basic_socket from another.
+  /**
+   * This assignment operator moves a socket from one object to another.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_socket object from which the move will
+   * occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_socket(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  basic_socket& operator=(basic_socket&& other)
+  {
+    basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>::operator=(std::move(other));
+    return *this;
+  }
+  // All sockets have access to each other's implementations.
+  template <typename Protocol1 BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM1>
+  friend class basic_socket;
+  /// Move-construct a basic_socket from a socket of another protocol type.
+  /**
+   * This constructor moves a socket from one object to another.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_socket object from which the move will
+   * occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_socket(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  template <typename Protocol1 BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM1>
+  basic_socket(basic_socket<Protocol1 BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG1>&& other,
+      typename enable_if<is_convertible<Protocol1, Protocol>::value>::type* = 0)
+    : basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>(
+        other.get_service(), other.get_implementation())
+  {
+  }
+  /// Move-assign a basic_socket from a socket of another protocol type.
+  /**
+   * This assignment operator moves a socket from one object to another.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_socket object from which the move will
+   * occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_socket(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  template <typename Protocol1 BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM1>
+  typename enable_if<is_convertible<Protocol1, Protocol>::value,
+      basic_socket>::type& operator=(
+        basic_socket<Protocol1 BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG1>&& other)
+  {
+    basic_socket tmp(std::move(other));
+    basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>::operator=(std::move(tmp));
+    return *this;
+  }
+  // These functions are provided by basic_io_object<>.
+  /// (Deprecated: Use get_executor().) Get the io_context associated with the
+  /// object.
+  /**
+   * This function may be used to obtain the io_context object that the I/O
+   * object uses to dispatch handlers for asynchronous operations.
+   *
+   * @return A reference to the io_context object that the I/O object will use
+   * to dispatch handlers. Ownership is not transferred to the caller.
+   */
+  boost::asio::io_context& get_io_context()
+  {
+    return basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>::get_io_context();
+  }
+  /// (Deprecated: Use get_executor().) Get the io_context associated with the
+  /// object.
+  /**
+   * This function may be used to obtain the io_context object that the I/O
+   * object uses to dispatch handlers for asynchronous operations.
+   *
+   * @return A reference to the io_context object that the I/O object will use
+   * to dispatch handlers. Ownership is not transferred to the caller.
+   */
+  boost::asio::io_context& get_io_service()
+  {
+    return basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>::get_io_service();
+  }
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+  /// Get the executor associated with the object.
+  executor_type get_executor() BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>::get_executor();
+  }
+  /// Get a reference to the lowest layer.
+  /**
+   * This function returns a reference to the lowest layer in a stack of
+   * layers. Since a basic_socket cannot contain any further layers, it simply
+   * returns a reference to itself.
+   *
+   * @return A reference to the lowest layer in the stack of layers. Ownership
+   * is not transferred to the caller.
+   */
+  lowest_layer_type& lowest_layer()
+  {
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Get a const reference to the lowest layer.
+  /**
+   * This function returns a const reference to the lowest layer in a stack of
+   * layers. Since a basic_socket cannot contain any further layers, it simply
+   * returns a reference to itself.
+   *
+   * @return A const reference to the lowest layer in the stack of layers.
+   * Ownership is not transferred to the caller.
+   */
+  const lowest_layer_type& lowest_layer() const
+  {
+    return *this;
+  }
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_EXTENSIONS)
+  /// Open the socket using the specified protocol.
+  /**
+   * This function opens the socket so that it will use the specified protocol.
+   *
+   * @param protocol An object specifying protocol parameters to be used.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(io_context);
+   * socket.open(boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4());
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  void open(const protocol_type& protocol = protocol_type())
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), protocol, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "open");
+  }
+  /// Open the socket using the specified protocol.
+  /**
+   * This function opens the socket so that it will use the specified protocol.
+   *
+   * @param protocol An object specifying which protocol is to be used.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(io_context);
+   * boost::system::error_code ec;
+   * socket.open(boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4(), ec);
+   * if (ec)
+   * {
+   *   // An error occurred.
+   * }
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID open(const protocol_type& protocol,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), protocol, ec);
+  }
+  /// Assign an existing native socket to the socket.
+  /*
+   * This function opens the socket to hold an existing native socket.
+   *
+   * @param protocol An object specifying which protocol is to be used.
+   *
+   * @param native_socket A native socket.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  void assign(const protocol_type& protocol,
+      const native_handle_type& native_socket)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().assign(this->get_implementation(),
+        protocol, native_socket, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "assign");
+  }
+  /// Assign an existing native socket to the socket.
+  /*
+   * This function opens the socket to hold an existing native socket.
+   *
+   * @param protocol An object specifying which protocol is to be used.
+   *
+   * @param native_socket A native socket.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   */
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID assign(const protocol_type& protocol,
+      const native_handle_type& native_socket, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().assign(this->get_implementation(),
+        protocol, native_socket, ec);
+  }
+  /// Determine whether the socket is open.
+  bool is_open() const
+  {
+    return this->get_service().is_open(this->get_implementation());
+  }
+  /// Close the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to close the socket. Any asynchronous send, receive
+   * or connect operations will be cancelled immediately, and will complete
+   * with the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure. Note that, even if
+   * the function indicates an error, the underlying descriptor is closed.
+   *
+   * @note For portable behaviour with respect to graceful closure of a
+   * connected socket, call shutdown() before closing the socket.
+   */
+  void close()
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().close(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "close");
+  }
+  /// Close the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to close the socket. Any asynchronous send, receive
+   * or connect operations will be cancelled immediately, and will complete
+   * with the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any. Note that, even if
+   * the function indicates an error, the underlying descriptor is closed.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::system::error_code ec;
+   * socket.close(ec);
+   * if (ec)
+   * {
+   *   // An error occurred.
+   * }
+   * @endcode
+   *
+   * @note For portable behaviour with respect to graceful closure of a
+   * connected socket, call shutdown() before closing the socket.
+   */
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID close(boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().close(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+  }
+  /// Release ownership of the underlying native socket.
+  /**
+   * This function causes all outstanding asynchronous connect, send and receive
+   * operations to finish immediately, and the handlers for cancelled operations
+   * will be passed the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error. Ownership
+   * of the native socket is then transferred to the caller.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @note This function is unsupported on Windows versions prior to Windows
+   * 8.1, and will fail with boost::asio::error::operation_not_supported on
+   * these platforms.
+   */
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC) && (BOOST_ASIO_MSVC >= 1400) \
+  && (!defined(_WIN32_WINNT) || _WIN32_WINNT < 0x0603)
+  __declspec(deprecated("This function always fails with "
+        "operation_not_supported when used on Windows versions "
+        "prior to Windows 8.1."))
+  native_handle_type release()
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    native_handle_type s = this->get_service().release(
+        this->get_implementation(), ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "release");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Release ownership of the underlying native socket.
+  /**
+   * This function causes all outstanding asynchronous connect, send and receive
+   * operations to finish immediately, and the handlers for cancelled operations
+   * will be passed the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error. Ownership
+   * of the native socket is then transferred to the caller.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @note This function is unsupported on Windows versions prior to Windows
+   * 8.1, and will fail with boost::asio::error::operation_not_supported on
+   * these platforms.
+   */
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC) && (BOOST_ASIO_MSVC >= 1400) \
+  && (!defined(_WIN32_WINNT) || _WIN32_WINNT < 0x0603)
+  __declspec(deprecated("This function always fails with "
+        "operation_not_supported when used on Windows versions "
+        "prior to Windows 8.1."))
+  native_handle_type release(boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().release(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+  }
+  /// Get the native socket representation.
+  /**
+   * This function may be used to obtain the underlying representation of the
+   * socket. This is intended to allow access to native socket functionality
+   * that is not otherwise provided.
+   */
+  native_handle_type native_handle()
+  {
+    return this->get_service().native_handle(this->get_implementation());
+  }
+  /// Cancel all asynchronous operations associated with the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function causes all outstanding asynchronous connect, send and receive
+   * operations to finish immediately, and the handlers for cancelled operations
+   * will be passed the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @note Calls to cancel() will always fail with
+   * boost::asio::error::operation_not_supported when run on Windows XP, Windows
+   * Server 2003, and earlier versions of Windows, unless
+   * BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO is defined. However, the CancelIo function has
+   * two issues that should be considered before enabling its use:
+   *
+   * @li It will only cancel asynchronous operations that were initiated in the
+   * current thread.
+   *
+   * @li It can appear to complete without error, but the request to cancel the
+   * unfinished operations may be silently ignored by the operating system.
+   * Whether it works or not seems to depend on the drivers that are installed.
+   *
+   * For portable cancellation, consider using one of the following
+   * alternatives:
+   *
+   * @li Disable asio's I/O completion port backend by defining
+   *
+   * @li Use the close() function to simultaneously cancel the outstanding
+   * operations and close the socket.
+   *
+   * When running on Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and later, the
+   * CancelIoEx function is always used. This function does not have the
+   * problems described above.
+   */
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC) && (BOOST_ASIO_MSVC >= 1400) \
+  && (!defined(_WIN32_WINNT) || _WIN32_WINNT < 0x0600) \
+  __declspec(deprecated("By default, this function always fails with "
+        "operation_not_supported when used on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, "
+        "or earlier. Consult documentation for details."))
+  void cancel()
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().cancel(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "cancel");
+  }
+  /// Cancel all asynchronous operations associated with the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function causes all outstanding asynchronous connect, send and receive
+   * operations to finish immediately, and the handlers for cancelled operations
+   * will be passed the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @note Calls to cancel() will always fail with
+   * boost::asio::error::operation_not_supported when run on Windows XP, Windows
+   * Server 2003, and earlier versions of Windows, unless
+   * BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO is defined. However, the CancelIo function has
+   * two issues that should be considered before enabling its use:
+   *
+   * @li It will only cancel asynchronous operations that were initiated in the
+   * current thread.
+   *
+   * @li It can appear to complete without error, but the request to cancel the
+   * unfinished operations may be silently ignored by the operating system.
+   * Whether it works or not seems to depend on the drivers that are installed.
+   *
+   * For portable cancellation, consider using one of the following
+   * alternatives:
+   *
+   * @li Disable asio's I/O completion port backend by defining
+   *
+   * @li Use the close() function to simultaneously cancel the outstanding
+   * operations and close the socket.
+   *
+   * When running on Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and later, the
+   * CancelIoEx function is always used. This function does not have the
+   * problems described above.
+   */
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC) && (BOOST_ASIO_MSVC >= 1400) \
+  && (!defined(_WIN32_WINNT) || _WIN32_WINNT < 0x0600) \
+  __declspec(deprecated("By default, this function always fails with "
+        "operation_not_supported when used on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, "
+        "or earlier. Consult documentation for details."))
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID cancel(boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().cancel(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+  }
+  /// Determine whether the socket is at the out-of-band data mark.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to check whether the socket input is currently
+   * positioned at the out-of-band data mark.
+   *
+   * @return A bool indicating whether the socket is at the out-of-band data
+   * mark.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  bool at_mark() const
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    bool b = this->get_service().at_mark(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "at_mark");
+    return b;
+  }
+  /// Determine whether the socket is at the out-of-band data mark.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to check whether the socket input is currently
+   * positioned at the out-of-band data mark.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @return A bool indicating whether the socket is at the out-of-band data
+   * mark.
+   */
+  bool at_mark(boost::system::error_code& ec) const
+  {
+    return this->get_service().at_mark(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+  }
+  /// Determine the number of bytes available for reading.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to determine the number of bytes that may be read
+   * without blocking.
+   *
+   * @return The number of bytes that may be read without blocking, or 0 if an
+   * error occurs.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  std::size_t available() const
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().available(
+        this->get_implementation(), ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "available");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Determine the number of bytes available for reading.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to determine the number of bytes that may be read
+   * without blocking.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @return The number of bytes that may be read without blocking, or 0 if an
+   * error occurs.
+   */
+  std::size_t available(boost::system::error_code& ec) const
+  {
+    return this->get_service().available(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+  }
+  /// Bind the socket to the given local endpoint.
+  /**
+   * This function binds the socket to the specified endpoint on the local
+   * machine.
+   *
+   * @param endpoint An endpoint on the local machine to which the socket will
+   * be bound.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(io_context);
+   * socket.open(boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4());
+   * socket.bind(boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(
+   *       boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4(), 12345));
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  void bind(const endpoint_type& endpoint)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().bind(this->get_implementation(), endpoint, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "bind");
+  }
+  /// Bind the socket to the given local endpoint.
+  /**
+   * This function binds the socket to the specified endpoint on the local
+   * machine.
+   *
+   * @param endpoint An endpoint on the local machine to which the socket will
+   * be bound.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(io_context);
+   * socket.open(boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4());
+   * boost::system::error_code ec;
+   * socket.bind(boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(
+   *       boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4(), 12345), ec);
+   * if (ec)
+   * {
+   *   // An error occurred.
+   * }
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID bind(const endpoint_type& endpoint,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().bind(this->get_implementation(), endpoint, ec);
+  }
+  /// Connect the socket to the specified endpoint.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to connect a socket to the specified remote endpoint.
+   * The function call will block until the connection is successfully made or
+   * an error occurs.
+   *
+   * The socket is automatically opened if it is not already open. If the
+   * connect fails, and the socket was automatically opened, the socket is
+   * not returned to the closed state.
+   *
+   * @param peer_endpoint The remote endpoint to which the socket will be
+   * connected.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(io_context);
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint(
+   *     boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(""), 12345);
+   * socket.connect(endpoint);
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  void connect(const endpoint_type& peer_endpoint)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    if (!is_open())
+    {
+      this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(),
+          peer_endpoint.protocol(), ec);
+      boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "connect");
+    }
+    this->get_service().connect(this->get_implementation(), peer_endpoint, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "connect");
+  }
+  /// Connect the socket to the specified endpoint.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to connect a socket to the specified remote endpoint.
+   * The function call will block until the connection is successfully made or
+   * an error occurs.
+   *
+   * The socket is automatically opened if it is not already open. If the
+   * connect fails, and the socket was automatically opened, the socket is
+   * not returned to the closed state.
+   *
+   * @param peer_endpoint The remote endpoint to which the socket will be
+   * connected.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(io_context);
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint(
+   *     boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(""), 12345);
+   * boost::system::error_code ec;
+   * socket.connect(endpoint, ec);
+   * if (ec)
+   * {
+   *   // An error occurred.
+   * }
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID connect(const endpoint_type& peer_endpoint,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    if (!is_open())
+    {
+      this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(),
+            peer_endpoint.protocol(), ec);
+      if (ec)
+      {
+      }
+    }
+    this->get_service().connect(this->get_implementation(), peer_endpoint, ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous connect.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously connect a socket to the specified
+   * remote endpoint. The function call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * The socket is automatically opened if it is not already open. If the
+   * connect fails, and the socket was automatically opened, the socket is
+   * not returned to the closed state.
+   *
+   * @param peer_endpoint The remote endpoint to which the socket will be
+   * connected. Copies will be made of the endpoint object as required.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the connection operation
+   * completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
+   * signature of the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error // Result of operation
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * void connect_handler(const boost::system::error_code& error)
+   * {
+   *   if (!error)
+   *   {
+   *     // Connect succeeded.
+   *   }
+   * }
+   *
+   * ...
+   *
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(io_context);
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint(
+   *     boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(""), 12345);
+   * socket.async_connect(endpoint, connect_handler);
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  template <typename ConnectHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code))
+  async_connect(const endpoint_type& peer_endpoint,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ConnectHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a ConnectHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_CONNECT_HANDLER_CHECK(ConnectHandler, handler) type_check;
+    if (!is_open())
+    {
+      boost::system::error_code ec;
+      const protocol_type protocol = peer_endpoint.protocol();
+      this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), protocol, ec);
+      if (ec)
+      {
+        async_completion<ConnectHandler,
+          void (boost::system::error_code)> init(handler);
+        boost::asio::post(this->get_executor(),
+            boost::asio::detail::bind_handler(
+                ConnectHandler, void (boost::system::error_code)))(
+                  init.completion_handler), ec));
+        return init.result.get();
+      }
+    }
+    return this->get_service().async_connect(this->get_implementation(),
+        peer_endpoint, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(ConnectHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<ConnectHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_connect(
+        this->get_implementation(), peer_endpoint, init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Set an option on the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to set an option on the socket.
+   *
+   * @param option The new option value to be set on the socket.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @sa SettableSocketOption @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::broadcast @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::do_not_route @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::keep_alive @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::linger @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::receive_buffer_size @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::receive_low_watermark @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::reuse_address @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::send_buffer_size @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::send_low_watermark @n
+   * boost::asio::ip::multicast::join_group @n
+   * boost::asio::ip::multicast::leave_group @n
+   * boost::asio::ip::multicast::enable_loopback @n
+   * boost::asio::ip::multicast::outbound_interface @n
+   * boost::asio::ip::multicast::hops @n
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::no_delay
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * Setting the IPPROTO_TCP/TCP_NODELAY option:
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::no_delay option(true);
+   * socket.set_option(option);
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  template <typename SettableSocketOption>
+  void set_option(const SettableSocketOption& option)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().set_option(this->get_implementation(), option, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "set_option");
+  }
+  /// Set an option on the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to set an option on the socket.
+   *
+   * @param option The new option value to be set on the socket.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @sa SettableSocketOption @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::broadcast @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::do_not_route @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::keep_alive @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::linger @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::receive_buffer_size @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::receive_low_watermark @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::reuse_address @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::send_buffer_size @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::send_low_watermark @n
+   * boost::asio::ip::multicast::join_group @n
+   * boost::asio::ip::multicast::leave_group @n
+   * boost::asio::ip::multicast::enable_loopback @n
+   * boost::asio::ip::multicast::outbound_interface @n
+   * boost::asio::ip::multicast::hops @n
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::no_delay
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * Setting the IPPROTO_TCP/TCP_NODELAY option:
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::no_delay option(true);
+   * boost::system::error_code ec;
+   * socket.set_option(option, ec);
+   * if (ec)
+   * {
+   *   // An error occurred.
+   * }
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  template <typename SettableSocketOption>
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID set_option(const SettableSocketOption& option,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().set_option(this->get_implementation(), option, ec);
+  }
+  /// Get an option from the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to get the current value of an option on the socket.
+   *
+   * @param option The option value to be obtained from the socket.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @sa GettableSocketOption @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::broadcast @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::do_not_route @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::keep_alive @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::linger @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::receive_buffer_size @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::receive_low_watermark @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::reuse_address @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::send_buffer_size @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::send_low_watermark @n
+   * boost::asio::ip::multicast::join_group @n
+   * boost::asio::ip::multicast::leave_group @n
+   * boost::asio::ip::multicast::enable_loopback @n
+   * boost::asio::ip::multicast::outbound_interface @n
+   * boost::asio::ip::multicast::hops @n
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::no_delay
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * Getting the value of the SOL_SOCKET/SO_KEEPALIVE option:
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::keep_alive option;
+   * socket.get_option(option);
+   * bool is_set = option.value();
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  template <typename GettableSocketOption>
+  void get_option(GettableSocketOption& option) const
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().get_option(this->get_implementation(), option, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "get_option");
+  }
+  /// Get an option from the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to get the current value of an option on the socket.
+   *
+   * @param option The option value to be obtained from the socket.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @sa GettableSocketOption @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::broadcast @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::do_not_route @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::keep_alive @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::linger @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::receive_buffer_size @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::receive_low_watermark @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::reuse_address @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::send_buffer_size @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::send_low_watermark @n
+   * boost::asio::ip::multicast::join_group @n
+   * boost::asio::ip::multicast::leave_group @n
+   * boost::asio::ip::multicast::enable_loopback @n
+   * boost::asio::ip::multicast::outbound_interface @n
+   * boost::asio::ip::multicast::hops @n
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::no_delay
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * Getting the value of the SOL_SOCKET/SO_KEEPALIVE option:
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::keep_alive option;
+   * boost::system::error_code ec;
+   * socket.get_option(option, ec);
+   * if (ec)
+   * {
+   *   // An error occurred.
+   * }
+   * bool is_set = option.value();
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  template <typename GettableSocketOption>
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID get_option(GettableSocketOption& option,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec) const
+  {
+    this->get_service().get_option(this->get_implementation(), option, ec);
+  }
+  /// Perform an IO control command on the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to execute an IO control command on the socket.
+   *
+   * @param command The IO control command to be performed on the socket.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @sa IoControlCommand @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::bytes_readable @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::non_blocking_io
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * Getting the number of bytes ready to read:
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::bytes_readable command;
+   * socket.io_control(command);
+   * std::size_t bytes_readable = command.get();
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  template <typename IoControlCommand>
+  void io_control(IoControlCommand& command)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().io_control(this->get_implementation(), command, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "io_control");
+  }
+  /// Perform an IO control command on the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to execute an IO control command on the socket.
+   *
+   * @param command The IO control command to be performed on the socket.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @sa IoControlCommand @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::bytes_readable @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::non_blocking_io
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * Getting the number of bytes ready to read:
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::bytes_readable command;
+   * boost::system::error_code ec;
+   * socket.io_control(command, ec);
+   * if (ec)
+   * {
+   *   // An error occurred.
+   * }
+   * std::size_t bytes_readable = command.get();
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  template <typename IoControlCommand>
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID io_control(IoControlCommand& command,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().io_control(this->get_implementation(), command, ec);
+  }
+  /// Gets the non-blocking mode of the socket.
+  /**
+   * @returns @c true if the socket's synchronous operations will fail with
+   * boost::asio::error::would_block if they are unable to perform the requested
+   * operation immediately. If @c false, synchronous operations will block
+   * until complete.
+   *
+   * @note The non-blocking mode has no effect on the behaviour of asynchronous
+   * operations. Asynchronous operations will never fail with the error
+   * boost::asio::error::would_block.
+   */
+  bool non_blocking() const
+  {
+    return this->get_service().non_blocking(this->get_implementation());
+  }
+  /// Sets the non-blocking mode of the socket.
+  /**
+   * @param mode If @c true, the socket's synchronous operations will fail with
+   * boost::asio::error::would_block if they are unable to perform the requested
+   * operation immediately. If @c false, synchronous operations will block
+   * until complete.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @note The non-blocking mode has no effect on the behaviour of asynchronous
+   * operations. Asynchronous operations will never fail with the error
+   * boost::asio::error::would_block.
+   */
+  void non_blocking(bool mode)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().non_blocking(this->get_implementation(), mode, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "non_blocking");
+  }
+  /// Sets the non-blocking mode of the socket.
+  /**
+   * @param mode If @c true, the socket's synchronous operations will fail with
+   * boost::asio::error::would_block if they are unable to perform the requested
+   * operation immediately. If @c false, synchronous operations will block
+   * until complete.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @note The non-blocking mode has no effect on the behaviour of asynchronous
+   * operations. Asynchronous operations will never fail with the error
+   * boost::asio::error::would_block.
+   */
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID non_blocking(
+      bool mode, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().non_blocking(this->get_implementation(), mode, ec);
+  }
+  /// Gets the non-blocking mode of the native socket implementation.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to retrieve the non-blocking mode of the underlying
+   * native socket. This mode has no effect on the behaviour of the socket
+   * object's synchronous operations.
+   *
+   * @returns @c true if the underlying socket is in non-blocking mode and
+   * direct system calls may fail with boost::asio::error::would_block (or the
+   * equivalent system error).
+   *
+   * @note The current non-blocking mode is cached by the socket object.
+   * Consequently, the return value may be incorrect if the non-blocking mode
+   * was set directly on the native socket.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * This function is intended to allow the encapsulation of arbitrary
+   * non-blocking system calls as asynchronous operations, in a way that is
+   * transparent to the user of the socket object. The following example
+   * illustrates how Linux's @c sendfile system call might be encapsulated:
+   * @code template <typename Handler>
+   * struct sendfile_op
+   * {
+   *   tcp::socket& sock_;
+   *   int fd_;
+   *   Handler handler_;
+   *   off_t offset_;
+   *   std::size_t total_bytes_transferred_;
+   *
+   *   // Function call operator meeting WriteHandler requirements.
+   *   // Used as the handler for the async_write_some operation.
+   *   void operator()(boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t)
+   *   {
+   *     // Put the underlying socket into non-blocking mode.
+   *     if (!ec)
+   *       if (!sock_.native_non_blocking())
+   *         sock_.native_non_blocking(true, ec);
+   *
+   *     if (!ec)
+   *     {
+   *       for (;;)
+   *       {
+   *         // Try the system call.
+   *         errno = 0;
+   *         int n = ::sendfile(sock_.native_handle(), fd_, &offset_, 65536);
+   *         ec = boost::system::error_code(n < 0 ? errno : 0,
+   *             boost::asio::error::get_system_category());
+   *         total_bytes_transferred_ += ec ? 0 : n;
+   *
+   *         // Retry operation immediately if interrupted by signal.
+   *         if (ec == boost::asio::error::interrupted)
+   *           continue;
+   *
+   *         // Check if we need to run the operation again.
+   *         if (ec == boost::asio::error::would_block
+   *             || ec == boost::asio::error::try_again)
+   *         {
+   *           // We have to wait for the socket to become ready again.
+   *           sock_.async_wait(tcp::socket::wait_write, *this);
+   *           return;
+   *         }
+   *
+   *         if (ec || n == 0)
+   *         {
+   *           // An error occurred, or we have reached the end of the file.
+   *           // Either way we must exit the loop so we can call the handler.
+   *           break;
+   *         }
+   *
+   *         // Loop around to try calling sendfile again.
+   *       }
+   *     }
+   *
+   *     // Pass result back to user's handler.
+   *     handler_(ec, total_bytes_transferred_);
+   *   }
+   * };
+   *
+   * template <typename Handler>
+   * void async_sendfile(tcp::socket& sock, int fd, Handler h)
+   * {
+   *   sendfile_op<Handler> op = { sock, fd, h, 0, 0 };
+   *   sock.async_wait(tcp::socket::wait_write, op);
+   * } @endcode
+   */
+  bool native_non_blocking() const
+  {
+    return this->get_service().native_non_blocking(this->get_implementation());
+  }
+  /// Sets the non-blocking mode of the native socket implementation.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to modify the non-blocking mode of the underlying
+   * native socket. It has no effect on the behaviour of the socket object's
+   * synchronous operations.
+   *
+   * @param mode If @c true, the underlying socket is put into non-blocking
+   * mode and direct system calls may fail with boost::asio::error::would_block
+   * (or the equivalent system error).
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure. If the @c mode is
+   * @c false, but the current value of @c non_blocking() is @c true, this
+   * function fails with boost::asio::error::invalid_argument, as the
+   * combination does not make sense.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * This function is intended to allow the encapsulation of arbitrary
+   * non-blocking system calls as asynchronous operations, in a way that is
+   * transparent to the user of the socket object. The following example
+   * illustrates how Linux's @c sendfile system call might be encapsulated:
+   * @code template <typename Handler>
+   * struct sendfile_op
+   * {
+   *   tcp::socket& sock_;
+   *   int fd_;
+   *   Handler handler_;
+   *   off_t offset_;
+   *   std::size_t total_bytes_transferred_;
+   *
+   *   // Function call operator meeting WriteHandler requirements.
+   *   // Used as the handler for the async_write_some operation.
+   *   void operator()(boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t)
+   *   {
+   *     // Put the underlying socket into non-blocking mode.
+   *     if (!ec)
+   *       if (!sock_.native_non_blocking())
+   *         sock_.native_non_blocking(true, ec);
+   *
+   *     if (!ec)
+   *     {
+   *       for (;;)
+   *       {
+   *         // Try the system call.
+   *         errno = 0;
+   *         int n = ::sendfile(sock_.native_handle(), fd_, &offset_, 65536);
+   *         ec = boost::system::error_code(n < 0 ? errno : 0,
+   *             boost::asio::error::get_system_category());
+   *         total_bytes_transferred_ += ec ? 0 : n;
+   *
+   *         // Retry operation immediately if interrupted by signal.
+   *         if (ec == boost::asio::error::interrupted)
+   *           continue;
+   *
+   *         // Check if we need to run the operation again.
+   *         if (ec == boost::asio::error::would_block
+   *             || ec == boost::asio::error::try_again)
+   *         {
+   *           // We have to wait for the socket to become ready again.
+   *           sock_.async_wait(tcp::socket::wait_write, *this);
+   *           return;
+   *         }
+   *
+   *         if (ec || n == 0)
+   *         {
+   *           // An error occurred, or we have reached the end of the file.
+   *           // Either way we must exit the loop so we can call the handler.
+   *           break;
+   *         }
+   *
+   *         // Loop around to try calling sendfile again.
+   *       }
+   *     }
+   *
+   *     // Pass result back to user's handler.
+   *     handler_(ec, total_bytes_transferred_);
+   *   }
+   * };
+   *
+   * template <typename Handler>
+   * void async_sendfile(tcp::socket& sock, int fd, Handler h)
+   * {
+   *   sendfile_op<Handler> op = { sock, fd, h, 0, 0 };
+   *   sock.async_wait(tcp::socket::wait_write, op);
+   * } @endcode
+   */
+  void native_non_blocking(bool mode)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().native_non_blocking(
+        this->get_implementation(), mode, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "native_non_blocking");
+  }
+  /// Sets the non-blocking mode of the native socket implementation.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to modify the non-blocking mode of the underlying
+   * native socket. It has no effect on the behaviour of the socket object's
+   * synchronous operations.
+   *
+   * @param mode If @c true, the underlying socket is put into non-blocking
+   * mode and direct system calls may fail with boost::asio::error::would_block
+   * (or the equivalent system error).
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any. If the @c mode is
+   * @c false, but the current value of @c non_blocking() is @c true, this
+   * function fails with boost::asio::error::invalid_argument, as the
+   * combination does not make sense.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * This function is intended to allow the encapsulation of arbitrary
+   * non-blocking system calls as asynchronous operations, in a way that is
+   * transparent to the user of the socket object. The following example
+   * illustrates how Linux's @c sendfile system call might be encapsulated:
+   * @code template <typename Handler>
+   * struct sendfile_op
+   * {
+   *   tcp::socket& sock_;
+   *   int fd_;
+   *   Handler handler_;
+   *   off_t offset_;
+   *   std::size_t total_bytes_transferred_;
+   *
+   *   // Function call operator meeting WriteHandler requirements.
+   *   // Used as the handler for the async_write_some operation.
+   *   void operator()(boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t)
+   *   {
+   *     // Put the underlying socket into non-blocking mode.
+   *     if (!ec)
+   *       if (!sock_.native_non_blocking())
+   *         sock_.native_non_blocking(true, ec);
+   *
+   *     if (!ec)
+   *     {
+   *       for (;;)
+   *       {
+   *         // Try the system call.
+   *         errno = 0;
+   *         int n = ::sendfile(sock_.native_handle(), fd_, &offset_, 65536);
+   *         ec = boost::system::error_code(n < 0 ? errno : 0,
+   *             boost::asio::error::get_system_category());
+   *         total_bytes_transferred_ += ec ? 0 : n;
+   *
+   *         // Retry operation immediately if interrupted by signal.
+   *         if (ec == boost::asio::error::interrupted)
+   *           continue;
+   *
+   *         // Check if we need to run the operation again.
+   *         if (ec == boost::asio::error::would_block
+   *             || ec == boost::asio::error::try_again)
+   *         {
+   *           // We have to wait for the socket to become ready again.
+   *           sock_.async_wait(tcp::socket::wait_write, *this);
+   *           return;
+   *         }
+   *
+   *         if (ec || n == 0)
+   *         {
+   *           // An error occurred, or we have reached the end of the file.
+   *           // Either way we must exit the loop so we can call the handler.
+   *           break;
+   *         }
+   *
+   *         // Loop around to try calling sendfile again.
+   *       }
+   *     }
+   *
+   *     // Pass result back to user's handler.
+   *     handler_(ec, total_bytes_transferred_);
+   *   }
+   * };
+   *
+   * template <typename Handler>
+   * void async_sendfile(tcp::socket& sock, int fd, Handler h)
+   * {
+   *   sendfile_op<Handler> op = { sock, fd, h, 0, 0 };
+   *   sock.async_wait(tcp::socket::wait_write, op);
+   * } @endcode
+   */
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID native_non_blocking(
+      bool mode, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().native_non_blocking(
+        this->get_implementation(), mode, ec);
+  }
+  /// Get the local endpoint of the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to obtain the locally bound endpoint of the socket.
+   *
+   * @returns An object that represents the local endpoint of the socket.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint = socket.local_endpoint();
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  endpoint_type local_endpoint() const
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    endpoint_type ep = this->get_service().local_endpoint(
+        this->get_implementation(), ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "local_endpoint");
+    return ep;
+  }
+  /// Get the local endpoint of the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to obtain the locally bound endpoint of the socket.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @returns An object that represents the local endpoint of the socket.
+   * Returns a default-constructed endpoint object if an error occurred.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::system::error_code ec;
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint = socket.local_endpoint(ec);
+   * if (ec)
+   * {
+   *   // An error occurred.
+   * }
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  endpoint_type local_endpoint(boost::system::error_code& ec) const
+  {
+    return this->get_service().local_endpoint(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+  }
+  /// Get the remote endpoint of the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to obtain the remote endpoint of the socket.
+   *
+   * @returns An object that represents the remote endpoint of the socket.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint = socket.remote_endpoint();
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  endpoint_type remote_endpoint() const
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    endpoint_type ep = this->get_service().remote_endpoint(
+        this->get_implementation(), ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "remote_endpoint");
+    return ep;
+  }
+  /// Get the remote endpoint of the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to obtain the remote endpoint of the socket.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @returns An object that represents the remote endpoint of the socket.
+   * Returns a default-constructed endpoint object if an error occurred.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::system::error_code ec;
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint = socket.remote_endpoint(ec);
+   * if (ec)
+   * {
+   *   // An error occurred.
+   * }
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  endpoint_type remote_endpoint(boost::system::error_code& ec) const
+  {
+    return this->get_service().remote_endpoint(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+  }
+  /// Disable sends or receives on the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to disable send operations, receive operations, or
+   * both.
+   *
+   * @param what Determines what types of operation will no longer be allowed.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * Shutting down the send side of the socket:
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * socket.shutdown(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_send);
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  void shutdown(shutdown_type what)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().shutdown(this->get_implementation(), what, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "shutdown");
+  }
+  /// Disable sends or receives on the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to disable send operations, receive operations, or
+   * both.
+   *
+   * @param what Determines what types of operation will no longer be allowed.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * Shutting down the send side of the socket:
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::system::error_code ec;
+   * socket.shutdown(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_send, ec);
+   * if (ec)
+   * {
+   *   // An error occurred.
+   * }
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID shutdown(shutdown_type what,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().shutdown(this->get_implementation(), what, ec);
+  }
+  /// Wait for the socket to become ready to read, ready to write, or to have
+  /// pending error conditions.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to perform a blocking wait for a socket to enter
+   * a ready to read, write or error condition state.
+   *
+   * @param w Specifies the desired socket state.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * Waiting for a socket to become readable.
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * socket.wait(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::wait_read);
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  void wait(wait_type w)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().wait(this->get_implementation(), w, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "wait");
+  }
+  /// Wait for the socket to become ready to read, ready to write, or to have
+  /// pending error conditions.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to perform a blocking wait for a socket to enter
+   * a ready to read, write or error condition state.
+   *
+   * @param w Specifies the desired socket state.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * Waiting for a socket to become readable.
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::system::error_code ec;
+   * socket.wait(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::wait_read, ec);
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID wait(wait_type w, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().wait(this->get_implementation(), w, ec);
+  }
+  /// Asynchronously wait for the socket to become ready to read, ready to
+  /// write, or to have pending error conditions.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to perform an asynchronous wait for a socket to enter
+   * a ready to read, write or error condition state.
+   *
+   * @param w Specifies the desired socket state.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the wait operation completes.
+   * Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function signature of
+   * the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error // Result of operation
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * void wait_handler(const boost::system::error_code& error)
+   * {
+   *   if (!error)
+   *   {
+   *     // Wait succeeded.
+   *   }
+   * }
+   *
+   * ...
+   *
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * socket.async_wait(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::wait_read, wait_handler);
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  template <typename WaitHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code))
+  async_wait(wait_type w, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(WaitHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a WaitHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_WAIT_HANDLER_CHECK(WaitHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_wait(this->get_implementation(),
+        w, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(WaitHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<WaitHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_wait(this->get_implementation(),
+        w, init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Protected destructor to prevent deletion through this type.
+  /**
+   * This function destroys the socket, cancelling any outstanding asynchronous
+   * operations associated with the socket as if by calling @c cancel.
+   */
+  ~basic_socket()
+  {
+  }
+  // Disallow copying and assignment.
+  basic_socket(const basic_socket&) BOOST_ASIO_DELETED;
+  basic_socket& operator=(const basic_socket&) BOOST_ASIO_DELETED;
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 1988 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1988 @@
+// basic_socket_acceptor.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/basic_io_object.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/basic_socket.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/handler_type_requirements.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/throw_error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/type_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/socket_base.hpp>
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+# include <utility>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+# include <boost/asio/socket_acceptor_service.hpp>
+#  include <boost/asio/detail/null_socket_service.hpp>
+#  define BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T detail::null_socket_service<Protocol>
+# elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_IOCP)
+#  include <boost/asio/detail/win_iocp_socket_service.hpp>
+#  define BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T detail::win_iocp_socket_service<Protocol>
+# else
+#  include <boost/asio/detail/reactive_socket_service.hpp>
+#  define BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T detail::reactive_socket_service<Protocol>
+# endif
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+/// Provides the ability to accept new connections.
+ * The basic_socket_acceptor class template is used for accepting new socket
+ * connections.
+ *
+ * @par Thread Safety
+ * @e Distinct @e objects: Safe.@n
+ * @e Shared @e objects: Unsafe.
+ *
+ * @par Example
+ * Opening a socket acceptor with the SO_REUSEADDR option enabled:
+ * @code
+ * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+ * boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint(boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4(), port);
+ * acceptor.open(endpoint.protocol());
+ * acceptor.set_option(boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor::reuse_address(true));
+ * acceptor.bind(endpoint);
+ * acceptor.listen();
+ * @endcode
+ */
+template <typename Protocol
+    BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM_DEF1(= socket_acceptor_service<Protocol>)>
+class basic_socket_acceptor
+    public socket_base
+  /// The type of the executor associated with the object.
+  typedef io_context::executor_type executor_type;
+  /// The native representation of an acceptor.
+  typedef implementation_defined native_handle_type;
+  typedef typename BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T::native_handle_type native_handle_type;
+  /// The protocol type.
+  typedef Protocol protocol_type;
+  /// The endpoint type.
+  typedef typename Protocol::endpoint endpoint_type;
+  /// Construct an acceptor without opening it.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates an acceptor without opening it to listen for new
+   * connections. The open() function must be called before the acceptor can
+   * accept new socket connections.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the acceptor will use to
+   * dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the
+   * acceptor.
+   */
+  explicit basic_socket_acceptor(boost::asio::io_context& io_context)
+    : basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>(io_context)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct an open acceptor.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates an acceptor and automatically opens it.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the acceptor will use to
+   * dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the
+   * acceptor.
+   *
+   * @param protocol An object specifying protocol parameters to be used.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  basic_socket_acceptor(boost::asio::io_context& io_context,
+      const protocol_type& protocol)
+    : basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>(io_context)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), protocol, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "open");
+  }
+  /// Construct an acceptor opened on the given endpoint.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates an acceptor and automatically opens it to listen
+   * for new connections on the specified endpoint.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the acceptor will use to
+   * dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the
+   * acceptor.
+   *
+   * @param endpoint An endpoint on the local machine on which the acceptor
+   * will listen for new connections.
+   *
+   * @param reuse_addr Whether the constructor should set the socket option
+   * socket_base::reuse_address.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @note This constructor is equivalent to the following code:
+   * @code
+   * basic_socket_acceptor<Protocol> acceptor(io_context);
+   * acceptor.open(endpoint.protocol());
+   * if (reuse_addr)
+   *   acceptor.set_option(socket_base::reuse_address(true));
+   * acceptor.bind(endpoint);
+   * acceptor.listen(listen_backlog);
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  basic_socket_acceptor(boost::asio::io_context& io_context,
+      const endpoint_type& endpoint, bool reuse_addr = true)
+    : basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>(io_context)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    const protocol_type protocol = endpoint.protocol();
+    this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), protocol, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "open");
+    if (reuse_addr)
+    {
+      this->get_service().set_option(this->get_implementation(),
+          socket_base::reuse_address(true), ec);
+      boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "set_option");
+    }
+    this->get_service().bind(this->get_implementation(), endpoint, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "bind");
+    this->get_service().listen(this->get_implementation(),
+        socket_base::max_listen_connections, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "listen");
+  }
+  /// Construct a basic_socket_acceptor on an existing native acceptor.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates an acceptor object to hold an existing native
+   * acceptor.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the acceptor will use to
+   * dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the
+   * acceptor.
+   *
+   * @param protocol An object specifying protocol parameters to be used.
+   *
+   * @param native_acceptor A native acceptor.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  basic_socket_acceptor(boost::asio::io_context& io_context,
+      const protocol_type& protocol, const native_handle_type& native_acceptor)
+    : basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>(io_context)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().assign(this->get_implementation(),
+        protocol, native_acceptor, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "assign");
+  }
+  /// Move-construct a basic_socket_acceptor from another.
+  /**
+   * This constructor moves an acceptor from one object to another.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_socket_acceptor object from which the move
+   * will occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_socket_acceptor(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  basic_socket_acceptor(basic_socket_acceptor&& other)
+    : basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>(std::move(other))
+  {
+  }
+  /// Move-assign a basic_socket_acceptor from another.
+  /**
+   * This assignment operator moves an acceptor from one object to another.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_socket_acceptor object from which the move
+   * will occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_socket_acceptor(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  basic_socket_acceptor& operator=(basic_socket_acceptor&& other)
+  {
+    basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>::operator=(std::move(other));
+    return *this;
+  }
+  // All socket acceptors have access to each other's implementations.
+  template <typename Protocol1 BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM1>
+  friend class basic_socket_acceptor;
+  /// Move-construct a basic_socket_acceptor from an acceptor of another
+  /// protocol type.
+  /**
+   * This constructor moves an acceptor from one object to another.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_socket_acceptor object from which the move
+   * will occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_socket(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  template <typename Protocol1 BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM1>
+  basic_socket_acceptor(
+      basic_socket_acceptor<Protocol1 BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG1>&& other,
+      typename enable_if<is_convertible<Protocol1, Protocol>::value>::type* = 0)
+    : basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>(
+        other.get_service(), other.get_implementation())
+  {
+  }
+  /// Move-assign a basic_socket_acceptor from an acceptor of another protocol
+  /// type.
+  /**
+   * This assignment operator moves an acceptor from one object to another.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_socket_acceptor object from which the move
+   * will occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_socket(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  template <typename Protocol1 BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM1>
+  typename enable_if<is_convertible<Protocol1, Protocol>::value,
+      basic_socket_acceptor>::type& operator=(
+        basic_socket_acceptor<Protocol1 BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG1>&& other)
+  {
+    basic_socket_acceptor tmp(std::move(other));
+    basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>::operator=(std::move(tmp));
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Destroys the acceptor.
+  /**
+   * This function destroys the acceptor, cancelling any outstanding
+   * asynchronous operations associated with the acceptor as if by calling
+   * @c cancel.
+   */
+  ~basic_socket_acceptor()
+  {
+  }
+  // These functions are provided by basic_io_object<>.
+  /// (Deprecated: Use get_executor().) Get the io_context associated with the
+  /// object.
+  /**
+   * This function may be used to obtain the io_context object that the I/O
+   * object uses to dispatch handlers for asynchronous operations.
+   *
+   * @return A reference to the io_context object that the I/O object will use
+   * to dispatch handlers. Ownership is not transferred to the caller.
+   */
+  boost::asio::io_context& get_io_context()
+  {
+    return basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>::get_io_context();
+  }
+  /// (Deprecated: Use get_executor().) Get the io_context associated with the
+  /// object.
+  /**
+   * This function may be used to obtain the io_context object that the I/O
+   * object uses to dispatch handlers for asynchronous operations.
+   *
+   * @return A reference to the io_context object that the I/O object will use
+   * to dispatch handlers. Ownership is not transferred to the caller.
+   */
+  boost::asio::io_context& get_io_service()
+  {
+    return basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>::get_io_service();
+  }
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+  /// Get the executor associated with the object.
+  executor_type get_executor() BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>::get_executor();
+  }
+  /// Open the acceptor using the specified protocol.
+  /**
+   * This function opens the socket acceptor so that it will use the specified
+   * protocol.
+   *
+   * @param protocol An object specifying which protocol is to be used.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * acceptor.open(boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4());
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  void open(const protocol_type& protocol = protocol_type())
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), protocol, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "open");
+  }
+  /// Open the acceptor using the specified protocol.
+  /**
+   * This function opens the socket acceptor so that it will use the specified
+   * protocol.
+   *
+   * @param protocol An object specifying which protocol is to be used.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * boost::system::error_code ec;
+   * acceptor.open(boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4(), ec);
+   * if (ec)
+   * {
+   *   // An error occurred.
+   * }
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID open(const protocol_type& protocol,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), protocol, ec);
+  }
+  /// Assigns an existing native acceptor to the acceptor.
+  /*
+   * This function opens the acceptor to hold an existing native acceptor.
+   *
+   * @param protocol An object specifying which protocol is to be used.
+   *
+   * @param native_acceptor A native acceptor.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  void assign(const protocol_type& protocol,
+      const native_handle_type& native_acceptor)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().assign(this->get_implementation(),
+        protocol, native_acceptor, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "assign");
+  }
+  /// Assigns an existing native acceptor to the acceptor.
+  /*
+   * This function opens the acceptor to hold an existing native acceptor.
+   *
+   * @param protocol An object specifying which protocol is to be used.
+   *
+   * @param native_acceptor A native acceptor.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   */
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID assign(const protocol_type& protocol,
+      const native_handle_type& native_acceptor, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().assign(this->get_implementation(),
+        protocol, native_acceptor, ec);
+  }
+  /// Determine whether the acceptor is open.
+  bool is_open() const
+  {
+    return this->get_service().is_open(this->get_implementation());
+  }
+  /// Bind the acceptor to the given local endpoint.
+  /**
+   * This function binds the socket acceptor to the specified endpoint on the
+   * local machine.
+   *
+   * @param endpoint An endpoint on the local machine to which the socket
+   * acceptor will be bound.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint(boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4(), 12345);
+   * acceptor.open(endpoint.protocol());
+   * acceptor.bind(endpoint);
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  void bind(const endpoint_type& endpoint)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().bind(this->get_implementation(), endpoint, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "bind");
+  }
+  /// Bind the acceptor to the given local endpoint.
+  /**
+   * This function binds the socket acceptor to the specified endpoint on the
+   * local machine.
+   *
+   * @param endpoint An endpoint on the local machine to which the socket
+   * acceptor will be bound.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint(boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4(), 12345);
+   * acceptor.open(endpoint.protocol());
+   * boost::system::error_code ec;
+   * acceptor.bind(endpoint, ec);
+   * if (ec)
+   * {
+   *   // An error occurred.
+   * }
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID bind(const endpoint_type& endpoint,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().bind(this->get_implementation(), endpoint, ec);
+  }
+  /// Place the acceptor into the state where it will listen for new
+  /// connections.
+  /**
+   * This function puts the socket acceptor into the state where it may accept
+   * new connections.
+   *
+   * @param backlog The maximum length of the queue of pending connections.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  void listen(int backlog = socket_base::max_listen_connections)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().listen(this->get_implementation(), backlog, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "listen");
+  }
+  /// Place the acceptor into the state where it will listen for new
+  /// connections.
+  /**
+   * This function puts the socket acceptor into the state where it may accept
+   * new connections.
+   *
+   * @param backlog The maximum length of the queue of pending connections.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::system::error_code ec;
+   * acceptor.listen(boost::asio::socket_base::max_listen_connections, ec);
+   * if (ec)
+   * {
+   *   // An error occurred.
+   * }
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID listen(int backlog, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().listen(this->get_implementation(), backlog, ec);
+  }
+  /// Close the acceptor.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to close the acceptor. Any asynchronous accept
+   * operations will be cancelled immediately.
+   *
+   * A subsequent call to open() is required before the acceptor can again be
+   * used to again perform socket accept operations.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  void close()
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().close(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "close");
+  }
+  /// Close the acceptor.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to close the acceptor. Any asynchronous accept
+   * operations will be cancelled immediately.
+   *
+   * A subsequent call to open() is required before the acceptor can again be
+   * used to again perform socket accept operations.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::system::error_code ec;
+   * acceptor.close(ec);
+   * if (ec)
+   * {
+   *   // An error occurred.
+   * }
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID close(boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().close(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+  }
+  /// Release ownership of the underlying native acceptor.
+  /**
+   * This function causes all outstanding asynchronous accept operations to
+   * finish immediately, and the handlers for cancelled operations will be
+   * passed the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error. Ownership of the
+   * native acceptor is then transferred to the caller.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @note This function is unsupported on Windows versions prior to Windows
+   * 8.1, and will fail with boost::asio::error::operation_not_supported on
+   * these platforms.
+   */
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC) && (BOOST_ASIO_MSVC >= 1400) \
+  && (!defined(_WIN32_WINNT) || _WIN32_WINNT < 0x0603)
+  __declspec(deprecated("This function always fails with "
+        "operation_not_supported when used on Windows versions "
+        "prior to Windows 8.1."))
+  native_handle_type release()
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    native_handle_type s = this->get_service().release(
+        this->get_implementation(), ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "release");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Release ownership of the underlying native acceptor.
+  /**
+   * This function causes all outstanding asynchronous accept operations to
+   * finish immediately, and the handlers for cancelled operations will be
+   * passed the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error. Ownership of the
+   * native acceptor is then transferred to the caller.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @note This function is unsupported on Windows versions prior to Windows
+   * 8.1, and will fail with boost::asio::error::operation_not_supported on
+   * these platforms.
+   */
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC) && (BOOST_ASIO_MSVC >= 1400) \
+  && (!defined(_WIN32_WINNT) || _WIN32_WINNT < 0x0603)
+  __declspec(deprecated("This function always fails with "
+        "operation_not_supported when used on Windows versions "
+        "prior to Windows 8.1."))
+  native_handle_type release(boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().release(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+  }
+  /// Get the native acceptor representation.
+  /**
+   * This function may be used to obtain the underlying representation of the
+   * acceptor. This is intended to allow access to native acceptor functionality
+   * that is not otherwise provided.
+   */
+  native_handle_type native_handle()
+  {
+    return this->get_service().native_handle(this->get_implementation());
+  }
+  /// Cancel all asynchronous operations associated with the acceptor.
+  /**
+   * This function causes all outstanding asynchronous connect, send and receive
+   * operations to finish immediately, and the handlers for cancelled operations
+   * will be passed the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  void cancel()
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().cancel(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "cancel");
+  }
+  /// Cancel all asynchronous operations associated with the acceptor.
+  /**
+   * This function causes all outstanding asynchronous connect, send and receive
+   * operations to finish immediately, and the handlers for cancelled operations
+   * will be passed the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   */
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID cancel(boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().cancel(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+  }
+  /// Set an option on the acceptor.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to set an option on the acceptor.
+   *
+   * @param option The new option value to be set on the acceptor.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @sa SettableSocketOption @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::reuse_address
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::enable_connection_aborted
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * Setting the SOL_SOCKET/SO_REUSEADDR option:
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor::reuse_address option(true);
+   * acceptor.set_option(option);
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  template <typename SettableSocketOption>
+  void set_option(const SettableSocketOption& option)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().set_option(this->get_implementation(), option, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "set_option");
+  }
+  /// Set an option on the acceptor.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to set an option on the acceptor.
+   *
+   * @param option The new option value to be set on the acceptor.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @sa SettableSocketOption @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::reuse_address
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::enable_connection_aborted
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * Setting the SOL_SOCKET/SO_REUSEADDR option:
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor::reuse_address option(true);
+   * boost::system::error_code ec;
+   * acceptor.set_option(option, ec);
+   * if (ec)
+   * {
+   *   // An error occurred.
+   * }
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  template <typename SettableSocketOption>
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID set_option(const SettableSocketOption& option,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().set_option(this->get_implementation(), option, ec);
+  }
+  /// Get an option from the acceptor.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to get the current value of an option on the
+   * acceptor.
+   *
+   * @param option The option value to be obtained from the acceptor.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @sa GettableSocketOption @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::reuse_address
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * Getting the value of the SOL_SOCKET/SO_REUSEADDR option:
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor::reuse_address option;
+   * acceptor.get_option(option);
+   * bool is_set = option.get();
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  template <typename GettableSocketOption>
+  void get_option(GettableSocketOption& option) const
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().get_option(this->get_implementation(), option, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "get_option");
+  }
+  /// Get an option from the acceptor.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to get the current value of an option on the
+   * acceptor.
+   *
+   * @param option The option value to be obtained from the acceptor.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @sa GettableSocketOption @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::reuse_address
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * Getting the value of the SOL_SOCKET/SO_REUSEADDR option:
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor::reuse_address option;
+   * boost::system::error_code ec;
+   * acceptor.get_option(option, ec);
+   * if (ec)
+   * {
+   *   // An error occurred.
+   * }
+   * bool is_set = option.get();
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  template <typename GettableSocketOption>
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID get_option(GettableSocketOption& option,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec) const
+  {
+    this->get_service().get_option(this->get_implementation(), option, ec);
+  }
+  /// Perform an IO control command on the acceptor.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to execute an IO control command on the acceptor.
+   *
+   * @param command The IO control command to be performed on the acceptor.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @sa IoControlCommand @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::non_blocking_io
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * Getting the number of bytes ready to read:
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor::non_blocking_io command(true);
+   * socket.io_control(command);
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  template <typename IoControlCommand>
+  void io_control(IoControlCommand& command)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().io_control(this->get_implementation(), command, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "io_control");
+  }
+  /// Perform an IO control command on the acceptor.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to execute an IO control command on the acceptor.
+   *
+   * @param command The IO control command to be performed on the acceptor.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @sa IoControlCommand @n
+   * boost::asio::socket_base::non_blocking_io
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * Getting the number of bytes ready to read:
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor::non_blocking_io command(true);
+   * boost::system::error_code ec;
+   * socket.io_control(command, ec);
+   * if (ec)
+   * {
+   *   // An error occurred.
+   * }
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  template <typename IoControlCommand>
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID io_control(IoControlCommand& command,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().io_control(this->get_implementation(), command, ec);
+  }
+  /// Gets the non-blocking mode of the acceptor.
+  /**
+   * @returns @c true if the acceptor's synchronous operations will fail with
+   * boost::asio::error::would_block if they are unable to perform the requested
+   * operation immediately. If @c false, synchronous operations will block
+   * until complete.
+   *
+   * @note The non-blocking mode has no effect on the behaviour of asynchronous
+   * operations. Asynchronous operations will never fail with the error
+   * boost::asio::error::would_block.
+   */
+  bool non_blocking() const
+  {
+    return this->get_service().non_blocking(this->get_implementation());
+  }
+  /// Sets the non-blocking mode of the acceptor.
+  /**
+   * @param mode If @c true, the acceptor's synchronous operations will fail
+   * with boost::asio::error::would_block if they are unable to perform the
+   * requested operation immediately. If @c false, synchronous operations will
+   * block until complete.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @note The non-blocking mode has no effect on the behaviour of asynchronous
+   * operations. Asynchronous operations will never fail with the error
+   * boost::asio::error::would_block.
+   */
+  void non_blocking(bool mode)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().non_blocking(this->get_implementation(), mode, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "non_blocking");
+  }
+  /// Sets the non-blocking mode of the acceptor.
+  /**
+   * @param mode If @c true, the acceptor's synchronous operations will fail
+   * with boost::asio::error::would_block if they are unable to perform the
+   * requested operation immediately. If @c false, synchronous operations will
+   * block until complete.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @note The non-blocking mode has no effect on the behaviour of asynchronous
+   * operations. Asynchronous operations will never fail with the error
+   * boost::asio::error::would_block.
+   */
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID non_blocking(
+      bool mode, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().non_blocking(this->get_implementation(), mode, ec);
+  }
+  /// Gets the non-blocking mode of the native acceptor implementation.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to retrieve the non-blocking mode of the underlying
+   * native acceptor. This mode has no effect on the behaviour of the acceptor
+   * object's synchronous operations.
+   *
+   * @returns @c true if the underlying acceptor is in non-blocking mode and
+   * direct system calls may fail with boost::asio::error::would_block (or the
+   * equivalent system error).
+   *
+   * @note The current non-blocking mode is cached by the acceptor object.
+   * Consequently, the return value may be incorrect if the non-blocking mode
+   * was set directly on the native acceptor.
+   */
+  bool native_non_blocking() const
+  {
+    return this->get_service().native_non_blocking(this->get_implementation());
+  }
+  /// Sets the non-blocking mode of the native acceptor implementation.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to modify the non-blocking mode of the underlying
+   * native acceptor. It has no effect on the behaviour of the acceptor object's
+   * synchronous operations.
+   *
+   * @param mode If @c true, the underlying acceptor is put into non-blocking
+   * mode and direct system calls may fail with boost::asio::error::would_block
+   * (or the equivalent system error).
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure. If the @c mode is
+   * @c false, but the current value of @c non_blocking() is @c true, this
+   * function fails with boost::asio::error::invalid_argument, as the
+   * combination does not make sense.
+   */
+  void native_non_blocking(bool mode)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().native_non_blocking(
+        this->get_implementation(), mode, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "native_non_blocking");
+  }
+  /// Sets the non-blocking mode of the native acceptor implementation.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to modify the non-blocking mode of the underlying
+   * native acceptor. It has no effect on the behaviour of the acceptor object's
+   * synchronous operations.
+   *
+   * @param mode If @c true, the underlying acceptor is put into non-blocking
+   * mode and direct system calls may fail with boost::asio::error::would_block
+   * (or the equivalent system error).
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any. If the @c mode is
+   * @c false, but the current value of @c non_blocking() is @c true, this
+   * function fails with boost::asio::error::invalid_argument, as the
+   * combination does not make sense.
+   */
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID native_non_blocking(
+      bool mode, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().native_non_blocking(
+        this->get_implementation(), mode, ec);
+  }
+  /// Get the local endpoint of the acceptor.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to obtain the locally bound endpoint of the acceptor.
+   *
+   * @returns An object that represents the local endpoint of the acceptor.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint = acceptor.local_endpoint();
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  endpoint_type local_endpoint() const
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    endpoint_type ep = this->get_service().local_endpoint(
+        this->get_implementation(), ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "local_endpoint");
+    return ep;
+  }
+  /// Get the local endpoint of the acceptor.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to obtain the locally bound endpoint of the acceptor.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @returns An object that represents the local endpoint of the acceptor.
+   * Returns a default-constructed endpoint object if an error occurred and the
+   * error handler did not throw an exception.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::system::error_code ec;
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint = acceptor.local_endpoint(ec);
+   * if (ec)
+   * {
+   *   // An error occurred.
+   * }
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  endpoint_type local_endpoint(boost::system::error_code& ec) const
+  {
+    return this->get_service().local_endpoint(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+  }
+  /// Wait for the acceptor to become ready to read, ready to write, or to have
+  /// pending error conditions.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to perform a blocking wait for an acceptor to enter
+   * a ready to read, write or error condition state.
+   *
+   * @param w Specifies the desired acceptor state.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * Waiting for an acceptor to become readable.
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * acceptor.wait(boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor::wait_read);
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  void wait(wait_type w)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().wait(this->get_implementation(), w, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "wait");
+  }
+  /// Wait for the acceptor to become ready to read, ready to write, or to have
+  /// pending error conditions.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to perform a blocking wait for an acceptor to enter
+   * a ready to read, write or error condition state.
+   *
+   * @param w Specifies the desired acceptor state.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * Waiting for an acceptor to become readable.
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::system::error_code ec;
+   * acceptor.wait(boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor::wait_read, ec);
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID wait(wait_type w, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().wait(this->get_implementation(), w, ec);
+  }
+  /// Asynchronously wait for the acceptor to become ready to read, ready to
+  /// write, or to have pending error conditions.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to perform an asynchronous wait for an acceptor to
+   * enter a ready to read, write or error condition state.
+   *
+   * @param w Specifies the desired acceptor state.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the wait operation completes.
+   * Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function signature of
+   * the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error // Result of operation
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * void wait_handler(const boost::system::error_code& error)
+   * {
+   *   if (!error)
+   *   {
+   *     // Wait succeeded.
+   *   }
+   * }
+   *
+   * ...
+   *
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * acceptor.async_wait(
+   *     boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor::wait_read,
+   *     wait_handler);
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  template <typename WaitHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code))
+  async_wait(wait_type w, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(WaitHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a WaitHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_WAIT_HANDLER_CHECK(WaitHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_wait(this->get_implementation(),
+        w, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(WaitHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<WaitHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_wait(this->get_implementation(),
+        w, init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Accept a new connection.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to accept a new connection from a peer into the
+   * given socket. The function call will block until a new connection has been
+   * accepted successfully or an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param peer The socket into which the new connection will be accepted.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(io_context);
+   * acceptor.accept(socket);
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  template <typename Protocol1, typename SocketService>
+  void accept(basic_socket<Protocol1, SocketService>& peer,
+      typename enable_if<is_convertible<Protocol, Protocol1>::value>::type* = 0)
+  template <typename Protocol1>
+  void accept(basic_socket<Protocol1>& peer,
+      typename enable_if<is_convertible<Protocol, Protocol1>::value>::type* = 0)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().accept(this->get_implementation(),
+        peer, static_cast<endpoint_type*>(0), ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "accept");
+  }
+  /// Accept a new connection.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to accept a new connection from a peer into the
+   * given socket. The function call will block until a new connection has been
+   * accepted successfully or an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param peer The socket into which the new connection will be accepted.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(io_context);
+   * boost::system::error_code ec;
+   * acceptor.accept(socket, ec);
+   * if (ec)
+   * {
+   *   // An error occurred.
+   * }
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  template <typename Protocol1, typename SocketService>
+      basic_socket<Protocol1, SocketService>& peer,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec,
+      typename enable_if<is_convertible<Protocol, Protocol1>::value>::type* = 0)
+  template <typename Protocol1>
+      basic_socket<Protocol1>& peer, boost::system::error_code& ec,
+      typename enable_if<is_convertible<Protocol, Protocol1>::value>::type* = 0)
+  {
+    this->get_service().accept(this->get_implementation(),
+        peer, static_cast<endpoint_type*>(0), ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous accept.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously accept a new connection into a
+   * socket. The function call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * @param peer The socket into which the new connection will be accepted.
+   * Ownership of the peer object is retained by the caller, which must
+   * guarantee that it is valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the accept operation
+   * completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
+   * signature of the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error // Result of operation.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * void accept_handler(const boost::system::error_code& error)
+   * {
+   *   if (!error)
+   *   {
+   *     // Accept succeeded.
+   *   }
+   * }
+   *
+   * ...
+   *
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(io_context);
+   * acceptor.async_accept(socket, accept_handler);
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  template <typename Protocol1, typename SocketService, typename AcceptHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code))
+  async_accept(basic_socket<Protocol1, SocketService>& peer,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(AcceptHandler) handler,
+      typename enable_if<is_convertible<Protocol, Protocol1>::value>::type* = 0)
+  template <typename Protocol1, typename AcceptHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code))
+  async_accept(basic_socket<Protocol1>& peer,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(AcceptHandler) handler,
+      typename enable_if<is_convertible<Protocol, Protocol1>::value>::type* = 0)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a AcceptHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_ACCEPT_HANDLER_CHECK(AcceptHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_accept(this->get_implementation(),
+        peer, static_cast<endpoint_type*>(0),
+        BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(AcceptHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<AcceptHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_accept(this->get_implementation(),
+        peer, static_cast<endpoint_type*>(0), init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Accept a new connection and obtain the endpoint of the peer
+  /**
+   * This function is used to accept a new connection from a peer into the
+   * given socket, and additionally provide the endpoint of the remote peer.
+   * The function call will block until a new connection has been accepted
+   * successfully or an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param peer The socket into which the new connection will be accepted.
+   *
+   * @param peer_endpoint An endpoint object which will receive the endpoint of
+   * the remote peer.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(io_context);
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint;
+   * acceptor.accept(socket, endpoint);
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  template <typename SocketService>
+  void accept(basic_socket<protocol_type, SocketService>& peer,
+      endpoint_type& peer_endpoint)
+  void accept(basic_socket<protocol_type>& peer, endpoint_type& peer_endpoint)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().accept(this->get_implementation(),
+        peer, &peer_endpoint, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "accept");
+  }
+  /// Accept a new connection and obtain the endpoint of the peer
+  /**
+   * This function is used to accept a new connection from a peer into the
+   * given socket, and additionally provide the endpoint of the remote peer.
+   * The function call will block until a new connection has been accepted
+   * successfully or an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param peer The socket into which the new connection will be accepted.
+   *
+   * @param peer_endpoint An endpoint object which will receive the endpoint of
+   * the remote peer.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(io_context);
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint;
+   * boost::system::error_code ec;
+   * acceptor.accept(socket, endpoint, ec);
+   * if (ec)
+   * {
+   *   // An error occurred.
+   * }
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  template <typename SocketService>
+      basic_socket<protocol_type, SocketService>& peer,
+      endpoint_type& peer_endpoint, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID accept(basic_socket<protocol_type>& peer,
+      endpoint_type& peer_endpoint, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().accept(
+        this->get_implementation(), peer, &peer_endpoint, ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous accept.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously accept a new connection into a
+   * socket, and additionally obtain the endpoint of the remote peer. The
+   * function call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * @param peer The socket into which the new connection will be accepted.
+   * Ownership of the peer object is retained by the caller, which must
+   * guarantee that it is valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param peer_endpoint An endpoint object into which the endpoint of the
+   * remote peer will be written. Ownership of the peer_endpoint object is
+   * retained by the caller, which must guarantee that it is valid until the
+   * handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the accept operation
+   * completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
+   * signature of the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error // Result of operation.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   */
+  template <typename SocketService, typename AcceptHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code))
+  async_accept(basic_socket<protocol_type, SocketService>& peer,
+      endpoint_type& peer_endpoint, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(AcceptHandler) handler)
+  template <typename AcceptHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code))
+  async_accept(basic_socket<protocol_type>& peer,
+      endpoint_type& peer_endpoint, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(AcceptHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a AcceptHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_ACCEPT_HANDLER_CHECK(AcceptHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_accept(this->get_implementation(), peer,
+        &peer_endpoint, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(AcceptHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<AcceptHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_accept(this->get_implementation(),
+        peer, &peer_endpoint, init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_EXTENSIONS)
+  /// Accept a new connection.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to accept a new connection from a peer. The function
+   * call will block until a new connection has been accepted successfully or
+   * an error occurs.
+   *
+   * This overload requires that the Protocol template parameter satisfy the
+   * AcceptableProtocol type requirements.
+   *
+   * @returns A socket object representing the newly accepted connection.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(acceptor.accept());
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  typename Protocol::socket accept()
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    typename Protocol::socket peer(
+        this->get_service().accept(
+          this->get_implementation(), 0, 0, ec));
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "accept");
+    return peer;
+  }
+  /// Accept a new connection.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to accept a new connection from a peer. The function
+   * call will block until a new connection has been accepted successfully or
+   * an error occurs.
+   *
+   * This overload requires that the Protocol template parameter satisfy the
+   * AcceptableProtocol type requirements.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @returns On success, a socket object representing the newly accepted
+   * connection. On error, a socket object where is_open() is false.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(acceptor.accept(ec));
+   * if (ec)
+   * {
+   *   // An error occurred.
+   * }
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  typename Protocol::socket accept(boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().accept(this->get_implementation(), 0, 0, ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous accept.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously accept a new connection. The
+   * function call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * This overload requires that the Protocol template parameter satisfy the
+   * AcceptableProtocol type requirements.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the accept operation
+   * completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
+   * signature of the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   typename Protocol::socket peer // On success, the newly accepted socket.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * void accept_handler(const boost::system::error_code& error,
+   *     boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket peer)
+   * {
+   *   if (!error)
+   *   {
+   *     // Accept succeeded.
+   *   }
+   * }
+   *
+   * ...
+   *
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * acceptor.async_accept(accept_handler);
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  template <typename MoveAcceptHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, typename Protocol::socket))
+  async_accept(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(MoveAcceptHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a MoveAcceptHandler.
+        handler, typename Protocol::socket) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_accept(
+        this->get_implementation(), static_cast<boost::asio::io_context*>(0),
+        static_cast<endpoint_type*>(0),
+        BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(MoveAcceptHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<MoveAcceptHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code,
+        typename Protocol::socket)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_accept(
+        this->get_implementation(), static_cast<boost::asio::io_context*>(0),
+        static_cast<endpoint_type*>(0), init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Accept a new connection.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to accept a new connection from a peer. The function
+   * call will block until a new connection has been accepted successfully or
+   * an error occurs.
+   *
+   * This overload requires that the Protocol template parameter satisfy the
+   * AcceptableProtocol type requirements.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object to be used for the newly accepted
+   * socket.
+   *
+   * @returns A socket object representing the newly accepted connection.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(acceptor.accept());
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  typename Protocol::socket accept(boost::asio::io_context& io_context)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    typename Protocol::socket peer(
+        this->get_service().accept(this->get_implementation(),
+          &io_context, static_cast<endpoint_type*>(0), ec));
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "accept");
+    return peer;
+  }
+  /// Accept a new connection.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to accept a new connection from a peer. The function
+   * call will block until a new connection has been accepted successfully or
+   * an error occurs.
+   *
+   * This overload requires that the Protocol template parameter satisfy the
+   * AcceptableProtocol type requirements.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object to be used for the newly accepted
+   * socket.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @returns On success, a socket object representing the newly accepted
+   * connection. On error, a socket object where is_open() is false.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(acceptor.accept(io_context2, ec));
+   * if (ec)
+   * {
+   *   // An error occurred.
+   * }
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  typename Protocol::socket accept(
+      boost::asio::io_context& io_context, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().accept(this->get_implementation(),
+        &io_context, static_cast<endpoint_type*>(0), ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous accept.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously accept a new connection. The
+   * function call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * This overload requires that the Protocol template parameter satisfy the
+   * AcceptableProtocol type requirements.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object to be used for the newly accepted
+   * socket.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the accept operation
+   * completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
+   * signature of the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   typename Protocol::socket peer // On success, the newly accepted socket.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * void accept_handler(const boost::system::error_code& error,
+   *     boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket peer)
+   * {
+   *   if (!error)
+   *   {
+   *     // Accept succeeded.
+   *   }
+   * }
+   *
+   * ...
+   *
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * acceptor.async_accept(io_context2, accept_handler);
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  template <typename MoveAcceptHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, typename Protocol::socket))
+  async_accept(boost::asio::io_context& io_context,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(MoveAcceptHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a MoveAcceptHandler.
+        handler, typename Protocol::socket) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_accept(this->get_implementation(),
+        &io_context, static_cast<endpoint_type*>(0),
+        BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(MoveAcceptHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<MoveAcceptHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code,
+        typename Protocol::socket)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_accept(this->get_implementation(),
+        &io_context, static_cast<endpoint_type*>(0), init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Accept a new connection.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to accept a new connection from a peer. The function
+   * call will block until a new connection has been accepted successfully or
+   * an error occurs.
+   *
+   * This overload requires that the Protocol template parameter satisfy the
+   * AcceptableProtocol type requirements.
+   *
+   * @param peer_endpoint An endpoint object into which the endpoint of the
+   * remote peer will be written.
+   *
+   * @returns A socket object representing the newly accepted connection.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint;
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(acceptor.accept(endpoint));
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  typename Protocol::socket accept(endpoint_type& peer_endpoint)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    typename Protocol::socket peer(
+        this->get_service().accept(this->get_implementation(),
+          static_cast<boost::asio::io_context*>(0), &peer_endpoint, ec));
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "accept");
+    return peer;
+  }
+  /// Accept a new connection.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to accept a new connection from a peer. The function
+   * call will block until a new connection has been accepted successfully or
+   * an error occurs.
+   *
+   * This overload requires that the Protocol template parameter satisfy the
+   * AcceptableProtocol type requirements.
+   *
+   * @param peer_endpoint An endpoint object into which the endpoint of the
+   * remote peer will be written.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @returns On success, a socket object representing the newly accepted
+   * connection. On error, a socket object where is_open() is false.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint;
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(acceptor.accept(endpoint, ec));
+   * if (ec)
+   * {
+   *   // An error occurred.
+   * }
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  typename Protocol::socket accept(
+      endpoint_type& peer_endpoint, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().accept(this->get_implementation(),
+        static_cast<boost::asio::io_context*>(0), &peer_endpoint, ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous accept.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously accept a new connection. The
+   * function call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * This overload requires that the Protocol template parameter satisfy the
+   * AcceptableProtocol type requirements.
+   *
+   * @param peer_endpoint An endpoint object into which the endpoint of the
+   * remote peer will be written. Ownership of the peer_endpoint object is
+   * retained by the caller, which must guarantee that it is valid until the
+   * handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the accept operation
+   * completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
+   * signature of the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   typename Protocol::socket peer // On success, the newly accepted socket.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * void accept_handler(const boost::system::error_code& error,
+   *     boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket peer)
+   * {
+   *   if (!error)
+   *   {
+   *     // Accept succeeded.
+   *   }
+   * }
+   *
+   * ...
+   *
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint;
+   * acceptor.async_accept(endpoint, accept_handler);
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  template <typename MoveAcceptHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, typename Protocol::socket))
+  async_accept(endpoint_type& peer_endpoint,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(MoveAcceptHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a MoveAcceptHandler.
+        handler, typename Protocol::socket) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_accept(this->get_implementation(),
+        static_cast<boost::asio::io_context*>(0), &peer_endpoint,
+        BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(MoveAcceptHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<MoveAcceptHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code,
+        typename Protocol::socket)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_accept(this->get_implementation(),
+        static_cast<boost::asio::io_context*>(0), &peer_endpoint,
+        init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Accept a new connection.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to accept a new connection from a peer. The function
+   * call will block until a new connection has been accepted successfully or
+   * an error occurs.
+   *
+   * This overload requires that the Protocol template parameter satisfy the
+   * AcceptableProtocol type requirements.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object to be used for the newly accepted
+   * socket.
+   *
+   * @param peer_endpoint An endpoint object into which the endpoint of the
+   * remote peer will be written.
+   *
+   * @returns A socket object representing the newly accepted connection.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint;
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(
+   *     acceptor.accept(io_context2, endpoint));
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  typename Protocol::socket accept(
+      boost::asio::io_context& io_context, endpoint_type& peer_endpoint)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    typename Protocol::socket peer(
+        this->get_service().accept(this->get_implementation(),
+          &io_context, &peer_endpoint, ec));
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "accept");
+    return peer;
+  }
+  /// Accept a new connection.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to accept a new connection from a peer. The function
+   * call will block until a new connection has been accepted successfully or
+   * an error occurs.
+   *
+   * This overload requires that the Protocol template parameter satisfy the
+   * AcceptableProtocol type requirements.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object to be used for the newly accepted
+   * socket.
+   *
+   * @param peer_endpoint An endpoint object into which the endpoint of the
+   * remote peer will be written.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @returns On success, a socket object representing the newly accepted
+   * connection. On error, a socket object where is_open() is false.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint;
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket(
+   *     acceptor.accept(io_context2, endpoint, ec));
+   * if (ec)
+   * {
+   *   // An error occurred.
+   * }
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  typename Protocol::socket accept(boost::asio::io_context& io_context,
+      endpoint_type& peer_endpoint, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().accept(this->get_implementation(),
+        &io_context, &peer_endpoint, ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous accept.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously accept a new connection. The
+   * function call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * This overload requires that the Protocol template parameter satisfy the
+   * AcceptableProtocol type requirements.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object to be used for the newly accepted
+   * socket.
+   *
+   * @param peer_endpoint An endpoint object into which the endpoint of the
+   * remote peer will be written. Ownership of the peer_endpoint object is
+   * retained by the caller, which must guarantee that it is valid until the
+   * handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the accept operation
+   * completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
+   * signature of the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   typename Protocol::socket peer // On success, the newly accepted socket.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * @code
+   * void accept_handler(const boost::system::error_code& error,
+   *     boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket peer)
+   * {
+   *   if (!error)
+   *   {
+   *     // Accept succeeded.
+   *   }
+   * }
+   *
+   * ...
+   *
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor acceptor(io_context);
+   * ...
+   * boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint;
+   * acceptor.async_accept(io_context2, endpoint, accept_handler);
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  template <typename MoveAcceptHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, typename Protocol::socket))
+  async_accept(boost::asio::io_context& io_context,
+      endpoint_type& peer_endpoint,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(MoveAcceptHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a MoveAcceptHandler.
+        handler, typename Protocol::socket) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_accept(
+        this->get_implementation(), &io_context, &peer_endpoint,
+        BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(MoveAcceptHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<MoveAcceptHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code,
+        typename Protocol::socket)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_accept(this->get_implementation(),
+        &io_context, &peer_endpoint, init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 432 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+// basic_socket_iostream.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <istream>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <boost/asio/basic_socket_streambuf.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/stream_socket_service.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/detail/variadic_templates.hpp>
+// A macro that should expand to:
+//   template <typename T1, ..., typename Tn>
+//   explicit basic_socket_iostream(T1 x1, ..., Tn xn)
+//     : std::basic_iostream<char>(
+//         &this->detail::socket_iostream_base<
+//           Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG, Clock,
+//           WaitTraits BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG1>::streambuf_)
+//   {
+//     if (rdbuf()->connect(x1, ..., xn) == 0)
+//       this->setstate(std::ios_base::failbit);
+//   }
+// This macro should only persist within this file.
+  explicit basic_socket_iostream(BOOST_ASIO_VARIADIC_BYVAL_PARAMS(n)) \
+    : std::basic_iostream<char>( \
+        &this->detail::socket_iostream_base< \
+          Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG, Clock, \
+          WaitTraits BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG1>::streambuf_) \
+  { \
+    this->setf(std::ios_base::unitbuf); \
+    if (rdbuf()->connect(BOOST_ASIO_VARIADIC_BYVAL_ARGS(n)) == 0) \
+      this->setstate(std::ios_base::failbit); \
+  } \
+  /**/
+// A macro that should expand to:
+//   template <typename T1, ..., typename Tn>
+//   void connect(T1 x1, ..., Tn xn)
+//   {
+//     if (rdbuf()->connect(x1, ..., xn) == 0)
+//       this->setstate(std::ios_base::failbit);
+//   }
+// This macro should only persist within this file.
+  { \
+    if (rdbuf()->connect(BOOST_ASIO_VARIADIC_BYVAL_ARGS(n)) == 0) \
+      this->setstate(std::ios_base::failbit); \
+  } \
+  /**/
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+// A separate base class is used to ensure that the streambuf is initialised
+// prior to the basic_socket_iostream's basic_iostream base class.
+template <typename Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM,
+    typename Clock, typename WaitTraits BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM1>
+class socket_iostream_base
+  socket_iostream_base()
+  {
+  }
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+  socket_iostream_base(socket_iostream_base&& other)
+    : streambuf_(std::move(other.streambuf_))
+  {
+  }
+  socket_iostream_base(basic_stream_socket<Protocol> s)
+    : streambuf_(std::move(s))
+  {
+  }
+  socket_iostream_base& operator=(socket_iostream_base&& other)
+  {
+    streambuf_ = std::move(other.streambuf_);
+    return *this;
+  }
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+  basic_socket_streambuf<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG,
+    Clock, WaitTraits BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG1> streambuf_;
+} // namespace detail
+// Forward declaration with defaulted arguments.
+template <typename Protocol
+    BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM_DEF1(= stream_socket_service<Protocol>),
+    typename Clock = boost::posix_time::ptime,
+    typename WaitTraits = time_traits<Clock>
+    BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM1_DEF2(= deadline_timer_service<Clock, WaitTraits>)>
+    typename Clock = chrono::steady_clock,
+    typename WaitTraits = wait_traits<Clock>
+    BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM1_DEF1(= steady_timer::service_type)>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_DATE_TIME)
+class basic_socket_iostream;
+/// Iostream interface for a socket.
+template <typename Protocol,
+    typename Clock = chrono::steady_clock,
+    typename WaitTraits = wait_traits<Clock> >
+template <typename Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM,
+    typename Clock, typename WaitTraits BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM1>
+class basic_socket_iostream
+  : private detail::socket_iostream_base<Protocol
+        BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG, Clock, WaitTraits BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG1>,
+    public std::basic_iostream<char>
+  // These typedefs are intended keep this class's implementation independent
+  // of whether it's using Boost.DateClock, Boost.Chrono or std::chrono.
+  typedef WaitTraits traits_helper;
+  typedef detail::chrono_time_traits<Clock, WaitTraits> traits_helper;
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_DATE_TIME)
+  /// The protocol type.
+  typedef Protocol protocol_type;
+  /// The endpoint type.
+  typedef typename Protocol::endpoint endpoint_type;
+  /// The clock type.
+  typedef Clock clock_type;
+  /// (Deprecated: Use time_point.) The time type.
+  typedef typename WaitTraits::time_type time_type;
+  /// The time type.
+  typedef typename WaitTraits::time_point time_point;
+  /// (Deprecated: Use duration.) The duration type.
+  typedef typename WaitTraits::duration_type duration_type;
+  /// The duration type.
+  typedef typename WaitTraits::duration duration;
+  typedef typename traits_helper::time_type time_type;
+  typedef typename traits_helper::duration_type duration_type;
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+  typedef typename traits_helper::time_type time_point;
+  typedef typename traits_helper::duration_type duration;
+  /// Construct a basic_socket_iostream without establishing a connection.
+  basic_socket_iostream()
+    : std::basic_iostream<char>(
+        &this->detail::socket_iostream_base<
+          Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG, Clock,
+          WaitTraits BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG1>::streambuf_)
+  {
+    this->setf(std::ios_base::unitbuf);
+  }
+  /// Construct a basic_socket_iostream from the supplied socket.
+  explicit basic_socket_iostream(basic_stream_socket<protocol_type> s)
+    : detail::socket_iostream_base<
+        Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG, Clock,
+        WaitTraits BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG1>(std::move(s)),
+      std::basic_iostream<char>(
+        &this->detail::socket_iostream_base<
+          Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG, Clock,
+          WaitTraits BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG1>::streambuf_)
+  {
+    this->setf(std::ios_base::unitbuf);
+  }
+  /// Move-construct a basic_socket_iostream from another.
+  basic_socket_iostream(basic_socket_iostream&& other)
+    : detail::socket_iostream_base<
+        Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG, Clock,
+        WaitTraits BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG1>(std::move(other)),
+      std::basic_iostream<char>(std::move(other))
+  {
+    this->set_rdbuf(&this->detail::socket_iostream_base<
+          Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG, Clock,
+          WaitTraits BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG1>::streambuf_);
+  }
+  /// Move-assign a basic_socket_iostream from another.
+  basic_socket_iostream& operator=(basic_socket_iostream&& other)
+  {
+    std::basic_iostream<char>::operator=(std::move(other));
+    detail::socket_iostream_base<
+        Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG, Clock,
+        WaitTraits BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG1>::operator=(std::move(other));
+    return *this;
+  }
+       //   || defined(GENERATING_DOCUMENTATION)
+  /// Establish a connection to an endpoint corresponding to a resolver query.
+  /**
+   * This constructor automatically establishes a connection based on the
+   * supplied resolver query parameters. The arguments are used to construct
+   * a resolver query object.
+   */
+  template <typename T1, ..., typename TN>
+  explicit basic_socket_iostream(T1 t1, ..., TN tn);
+  template <typename... T>
+  explicit basic_socket_iostream(T... x)
+    : std::basic_iostream<char>(
+        &this->detail::socket_iostream_base<
+          Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG, Clock,
+          WaitTraits BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG1>::streambuf_)
+  {
+    this->setf(std::ios_base::unitbuf);
+    if (rdbuf()->connect(x...) == 0)
+      this->setstate(std::ios_base::failbit);
+  }
+  /// Establish a connection to an endpoint corresponding to a resolver query.
+  /**
+   * This function automatically establishes a connection based on the supplied
+   * resolver query parameters. The arguments are used to construct a resolver
+   * query object.
+   */
+  template <typename T1, ..., typename TN>
+  void connect(T1 t1, ..., TN tn);
+  template <typename... T>
+  void connect(T... x)
+  {
+    if (rdbuf()->connect(x...) == 0)
+      this->setstate(std::ios_base::failbit);
+  }
+  /// Close the connection.
+  void close()
+  {
+    if (rdbuf()->close() == 0)
+      this->setstate(std::ios_base::failbit);
+  }
+  /// Return a pointer to the underlying streambuf.
+  basic_socket_streambuf<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG,
+    Clock, WaitTraits BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG1>* rdbuf() const
+  {
+    return const_cast<basic_socket_streambuf<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG,
+      Clock, WaitTraits BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG1>*>(
+        &this->detail::socket_iostream_base<
+          Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG, Clock,
+          WaitTraits BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG1>::streambuf_);
+  }
+  /// Get a reference to the underlying socket.
+  basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>& socket()
+  {
+    return rdbuf()->socket();
+  }
+  /// Get the last error associated with the stream.
+  /**
+   * @return An \c error_code corresponding to the last error from the stream.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To print the error associated with a failure to establish a connection:
+   * @code tcp::iostream s("www.boost.org", "http");
+   * if (!s)
+   * {
+   *   std::cout << "Error: " << s.error().message() << std::endl;
+   * } @endcode
+   */
+  const boost::system::error_code& error() const
+  {
+    return rdbuf()->error();
+  }
+  /// (Deprecated: Use expiry().) Get the stream's expiry time as an absolute
+  /// time.
+  /**
+   * @return An absolute time value representing the stream's expiry time.
+   */
+  time_point expires_at() const
+  {
+    return rdbuf()->expires_at();
+  }
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+  /// Get the stream's expiry time as an absolute time.
+  /**
+   * @return An absolute time value representing the stream's expiry time.
+   */
+  time_point expiry() const
+  {
+    return rdbuf()->expiry();
+  }
+  /// Set the stream's expiry time as an absolute time.
+  /**
+   * This function sets the expiry time associated with the stream. Stream
+   * operations performed after this time (where the operations cannot be
+   * completed using the internal buffers) will fail with the error
+   * boost::asio::error::operation_aborted.
+   *
+   * @param expiry_time The expiry time to be used for the stream.
+   */
+  void expires_at(const time_point& expiry_time)
+  {
+    rdbuf()->expires_at(expiry_time);
+  }
+  /// Set the stream's expiry time relative to now.
+  /**
+   * This function sets the expiry time associated with the stream. Stream
+   * operations performed after this time (where the operations cannot be
+   * completed using the internal buffers) will fail with the error
+   * boost::asio::error::operation_aborted.
+   *
+   * @param expiry_time The expiry time to be used for the timer.
+   */
+  void expires_after(const duration& expiry_time)
+  {
+    rdbuf()->expires_after(expiry_time);
+  }
+  /// (Deprecated: Use expiry().) Get the stream's expiry time relative to now.
+  /**
+   * @return A relative time value representing the stream's expiry time.
+   */
+  duration expires_from_now() const
+  {
+    return rdbuf()->expires_from_now();
+  }
+  /// (Deprecated: Use expires_after().) Set the stream's expiry time relative
+  /// to now.
+  /**
+   * This function sets the expiry time associated with the stream. Stream
+   * operations performed after this time (where the operations cannot be
+   * completed using the internal buffers) will fail with the error
+   * boost::asio::error::operation_aborted.
+   *
+   * @param expiry_time The expiry time to be used for the timer.
+   */
+  void expires_from_now(const duration& expiry_time)
+  {
+    rdbuf()->expires_from_now(expiry_time);
+  }
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+  // Disallow copying and assignment.
+  basic_socket_iostream(const basic_socket_iostream&) BOOST_ASIO_DELETED;
+  basic_socket_iostream& operator=(
+      const basic_socket_iostream&) BOOST_ASIO_DELETED;
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_IOSTREAM)

+ 709 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,709 @@
+// basic_socket_streambuf.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <streambuf>
+#include <vector>
+#include <boost/asio/basic_socket.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/basic_stream_socket.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/buffer_sequence_adapter.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/memory.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/throw_error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/io_context.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/stream_socket_service.hpp>
+#  include <boost/asio/deadline_timer_service.hpp>
+#  include <boost/asio/detail/deadline_timer_service.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/steady_timer.hpp>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_DATE_TIME)
+# include <boost/asio/detail/variadic_templates.hpp>
+// A macro that should expand to:
+//   template <typename T1, ..., typename Tn>
+//   basic_socket_streambuf* connect(T1 x1, ..., Tn xn)
+//   {
+//     init_buffers();
+//     typedef typename Protocol::resolver resolver_type;
+//     resolver_type resolver(socket().get_executor().context());
+//     connect_to_endpoints(
+//         resolver.resolve(x1, ..., xn, ec_));
+//     return !ec_ ? this : 0;
+//   }
+// This macro should only persist within this file.
+  basic_socket_streambuf* connect(BOOST_ASIO_VARIADIC_BYVAL_PARAMS(n)) \
+  { \
+    init_buffers(); \
+    typedef typename Protocol::resolver resolver_type; \
+    resolver_type resolver(socket().get_executor().context()); \
+    connect_to_endpoints( \
+        resolver.resolve(BOOST_ASIO_VARIADIC_BYVAL_ARGS(n), ec_)); \
+    return !ec_ ? this : 0; \
+  } \
+  /**/
+# define BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T1 detail::deadline_timer_service<traits_helper>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+// A separate base class is used to ensure that the io_context member is
+// initialised prior to the basic_socket_streambuf's basic_socket base class.
+class socket_streambuf_io_context
+  socket_streambuf_io_context(io_context* ctx)
+    : default_io_context_(ctx)
+  {
+  }
+  shared_ptr<io_context> default_io_context_;
+// A separate base class is used to ensure that the dynamically allocated
+// buffers are constructed prior to the basic_socket_streambuf's basic_socket
+// base class. This makes moving the socket is the last potentially throwing
+// step in the streambuf's move constructor, giving the constructor a strong
+// exception safety guarantee.
+class socket_streambuf_buffers
+  socket_streambuf_buffers()
+    : get_buffer_(buffer_size),
+      put_buffer_(buffer_size)
+  {
+  }
+  enum { buffer_size = 512 };
+  std::vector<char> get_buffer_;
+  std::vector<char> put_buffer_;
+} // namespace detail
+// Forward declaration with defaulted arguments.
+template <typename Protocol
+    BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM_DEF1(= stream_socket_service<Protocol>),
+    typename Clock = boost::posix_time::ptime,
+    typename WaitTraits = time_traits<Clock>
+    BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM1_DEF2(= deadline_timer_service<Clock, WaitTraits>)>
+    typename Clock = chrono::steady_clock,
+    typename WaitTraits = wait_traits<Clock>
+    BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM1_DEF1(= steady_timer::service_type)>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_DATE_TIME)
+class basic_socket_streambuf;
+/// Iostream streambuf for a socket.
+template <typename Protocol,
+    typename Clock = chrono::steady_clock,
+    typename WaitTraits = wait_traits<Clock> >
+template <typename Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM,
+    typename Clock, typename WaitTraits BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM1>
+class basic_socket_streambuf
+  : public std::streambuf,
+    private detail::socket_streambuf_io_context,
+    private detail::socket_streambuf_buffers,
+    private basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>
+    public basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>
+  // These typedefs are intended keep this class's implementation independent
+  // of whether it's using Boost.DateClock, Boost.Chrono or std::chrono.
+  typedef WaitTraits traits_helper;
+  typedef detail::chrono_time_traits<Clock, WaitTraits> traits_helper;
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_DATE_TIME)
+  /// The protocol type.
+  typedef Protocol protocol_type;
+  /// The endpoint type.
+  typedef typename Protocol::endpoint endpoint_type;
+  /// The clock type.
+  typedef Clock clock_type;
+  /// (Deprecated: Use time_point.) The time type.
+  typedef typename WaitTraits::time_type time_type;
+  /// The time type.
+  typedef typename WaitTraits::time_point time_point;
+  /// (Deprecated: Use duration.) The duration type.
+  typedef typename WaitTraits::duration_type duration_type;
+  /// The duration type.
+  typedef typename WaitTraits::duration duration;
+  typedef typename traits_helper::time_type time_type;
+  typedef typename traits_helper::duration_type duration_type;
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+  typedef typename traits_helper::time_type time_point;
+  typedef typename traits_helper::duration_type duration;
+  /// Construct a basic_socket_streambuf without establishing a connection.
+  basic_socket_streambuf()
+    : detail::socket_streambuf_io_context(new io_context),
+      basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>(*default_io_context_),
+      expiry_time_(max_expiry_time())
+  {
+    init_buffers();
+  }
+  /// Construct a basic_socket_streambuf from the supplied socket.
+  explicit basic_socket_streambuf(basic_stream_socket<protocol_type> s)
+    : detail::socket_streambuf_io_context(0),
+      basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>(std::move(s)),
+      expiry_time_(max_expiry_time())
+  {
+    init_buffers();
+  }
+  /// Move-construct a basic_socket_streambuf from another.
+  basic_socket_streambuf(basic_socket_streambuf&& other)
+    : detail::socket_streambuf_io_context(other),
+      basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>(std::move(other.socket())),
+      ec_(other.ec_),
+      expiry_time_(other.expiry_time_)
+  {
+    get_buffer_.swap(other.get_buffer_);
+    put_buffer_.swap(other.put_buffer_);
+    setg(other.eback(), other.gptr(), other.egptr());
+    setp(other.pptr(), other.epptr());
+    other.ec_ = boost::system::error_code();
+    other.expiry_time_ = max_expiry_time();
+    other.init_buffers();
+  }
+  /// Move-assign a basic_socket_streambuf from another.
+  basic_socket_streambuf& operator=(basic_socket_streambuf&& other)
+  {
+    this->close();
+    socket() = std::move(other.socket());
+    detail::socket_streambuf_io_context::operator=(other);
+    ec_ = other.ec_;
+    expiry_time_ = other.expiry_time_;
+    get_buffer_.swap(other.get_buffer_);
+    put_buffer_.swap(other.put_buffer_);
+    setg(other.eback(), other.gptr(), other.egptr());
+    setp(other.pptr(), other.epptr());
+    other.ec_ = boost::system::error_code();
+    other.expiry_time_ = max_expiry_time();
+    other.put_buffer_.resize(buffer_size);
+    other.init_buffers();
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Destructor flushes buffered data.
+  virtual ~basic_socket_streambuf()
+  {
+    if (pptr() != pbase())
+      overflow(traits_type::eof());
+  }
+  /// Establish a connection.
+  /**
+   * This function establishes a connection to the specified endpoint.
+   *
+   * @return \c this if a connection was successfully established, a null
+   * pointer otherwise.
+   */
+  basic_socket_streambuf* connect(const endpoint_type& endpoint)
+  {
+    init_buffers();
+    ec_ = boost::system::error_code();
+    this->connect_to_endpoints(&endpoint, &endpoint + 1);
+    return !ec_ ? this : 0;
+  }
+  /// Establish a connection.
+  /**
+   * This function automatically establishes a connection based on the supplied
+   * resolver query parameters. The arguments are used to construct a resolver
+   * query object.
+   *
+   * @return \c this if a connection was successfully established, a null
+   * pointer otherwise.
+   */
+  template <typename T1, ..., typename TN>
+  basic_socket_streambuf* connect(T1 t1, ..., TN tn);
+  template <typename... T>
+  basic_socket_streambuf* connect(T... x)
+  {
+    init_buffers();
+    typedef typename Protocol::resolver resolver_type;
+    resolver_type resolver(socket().get_executor().context());
+    connect_to_endpoints(resolver.resolve(x..., ec_));
+    return !ec_ ? this : 0;
+  }
+  /// Close the connection.
+  /**
+   * @return \c this if a connection was successfully established, a null
+   * pointer otherwise.
+   */
+  basic_socket_streambuf* close()
+  {
+    sync();
+    socket().close(ec_);
+    if (!ec_)
+      init_buffers();
+    return !ec_ ? this : 0;
+  }
+  /// Get a reference to the underlying socket.
+  basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>& socket()
+  {
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Get the last error associated with the stream buffer.
+  /**
+   * @return An \c error_code corresponding to the last error from the stream
+   * buffer.
+   */
+  const boost::system::error_code& error() const
+  {
+    return ec_;
+  }
+  /// (Deprecated: Use error().) Get the last error associated with the stream
+  /// buffer.
+  /**
+   * @return An \c error_code corresponding to the last error from the stream
+   * buffer.
+   */
+  const boost::system::error_code& puberror() const
+  {
+    return error();
+  }
+  /// (Deprecated: Use expiry().) Get the stream buffer's expiry time as an
+  /// absolute time.
+  /**
+   * @return An absolute time value representing the stream buffer's expiry
+   * time.
+   */
+  time_point expires_at() const
+  {
+    return expiry_time_;
+  }
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+  /// Get the stream buffer's expiry time as an absolute time.
+  /**
+   * @return An absolute time value representing the stream buffer's expiry
+   * time.
+   */
+  time_point expiry() const
+  {
+    return expiry_time_;
+  }
+  /// Set the stream buffer's expiry time as an absolute time.
+  /**
+   * This function sets the expiry time associated with the stream. Stream
+   * operations performed after this time (where the operations cannot be
+   * completed using the internal buffers) will fail with the error
+   * boost::asio::error::operation_aborted.
+   *
+   * @param expiry_time The expiry time to be used for the stream.
+   */
+  void expires_at(const time_point& expiry_time)
+  {
+    expiry_time_ = expiry_time;
+  }
+  /// Set the stream buffer's expiry time relative to now.
+  /**
+   * This function sets the expiry time associated with the stream. Stream
+   * operations performed after this time (where the operations cannot be
+   * completed using the internal buffers) will fail with the error
+   * boost::asio::error::operation_aborted.
+   *
+   * @param expiry_time The expiry time to be used for the timer.
+   */
+  void expires_after(const duration& expiry_time)
+  {
+    expiry_time_ = traits_helper::add(traits_helper::now(), expiry_time);
+  }
+  /// (Deprecated: Use expiry().) Get the stream buffer's expiry time relative
+  /// to now.
+  /**
+   * @return A relative time value representing the stream buffer's expiry time.
+   */
+  duration expires_from_now() const
+  {
+    return traits_helper::subtract(expires_at(), traits_helper::now());
+  }
+  /// (Deprecated: Use expires_after().) Set the stream buffer's expiry time
+  /// relative to now.
+  /**
+   * This function sets the expiry time associated with the stream. Stream
+   * operations performed after this time (where the operations cannot be
+   * completed using the internal buffers) will fail with the error
+   * boost::asio::error::operation_aborted.
+   *
+   * @param expiry_time The expiry time to be used for the timer.
+   */
+  void expires_from_now(const duration& expiry_time)
+  {
+    expiry_time_ = traits_helper::add(traits_helper::now(), expiry_time);
+  }
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+  int_type underflow()
+  {
+    ec_ = boost::asio::error::operation_not_supported;
+    return traits_type::eof();
+    if (gptr() != egptr())
+      return traits_type::eof();
+    for (;;)
+    {
+      // Check if we are past the expiry time.
+      if (traits_helper::less_than(expiry_time_, traits_helper::now()))
+      {
+        ec_ = boost::asio::error::timed_out;
+        return traits_type::eof();
+      }
+      // Try to complete the operation without blocking.
+      if (!socket().native_non_blocking())
+        socket().native_non_blocking(true, ec_);
+      detail::buffer_sequence_adapter<mutable_buffer, mutable_buffer>
+        bufs(boost::asio::buffer(get_buffer_) + putback_max);
+      detail::signed_size_type bytes = detail::socket_ops::recv(
+          socket().native_handle(), bufs.buffers(), bufs.count(), 0, ec_);
+      // Check if operation succeeded.
+      if (bytes > 0)
+      {
+        setg(&get_buffer_[0], &get_buffer_[0] + putback_max,
+            &get_buffer_[0] + putback_max + bytes);
+        return traits_type::to_int_type(*gptr());
+      }
+      // Check for EOF.
+      if (bytes == 0)
+      {
+        ec_ = boost::asio::error::eof;
+        return traits_type::eof();
+      }
+      // Operation failed.
+      if (ec_ != boost::asio::error::would_block
+          && ec_ != boost::asio::error::try_again)
+        return traits_type::eof();
+      // Wait for socket to become ready.
+      if (detail::socket_ops::poll_read(
+            socket().native_handle(), 0, timeout(), ec_) < 0)
+        return traits_type::eof();
+    }
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS_RUNTIME)
+  }
+  int_type overflow(int_type c)
+  {
+    ec_ = boost::asio::error::operation_not_supported;
+    return traits_type::eof();
+    char_type ch = traits_type::to_char_type(c);
+    // Determine what needs to be sent.
+    const_buffer output_buffer;
+    if (put_buffer_.empty())
+    {
+      if (traits_type::eq_int_type(c, traits_type::eof()))
+        return traits_type::not_eof(c); // Nothing to do.
+      output_buffer = boost::asio::buffer(&ch, sizeof(char_type));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      output_buffer = boost::asio::buffer(pbase(),
+          (pptr() - pbase()) * sizeof(char_type));
+    }
+    while (output_buffer.size() > 0)
+    {
+      // Check if we are past the expiry time.
+      if (traits_helper::less_than(expiry_time_, traits_helper::now()))
+      {
+        ec_ = boost::asio::error::timed_out;
+        return traits_type::eof();
+      }
+      // Try to complete the operation without blocking.
+      if (!socket().native_non_blocking())
+        socket().native_non_blocking(true, ec_);
+      detail::buffer_sequence_adapter<
+        const_buffer, const_buffer> bufs(output_buffer);
+      detail::signed_size_type bytes = detail::socket_ops::send(
+          socket().native_handle(), bufs.buffers(), bufs.count(), 0, ec_);
+      // Check if operation succeeded.
+      if (bytes > 0)
+      {
+        output_buffer += static_cast<std::size_t>(bytes);
+        continue;
+      }
+      // Operation failed.
+      if (ec_ != boost::asio::error::would_block
+          && ec_ != boost::asio::error::try_again)
+        return traits_type::eof();
+      // Wait for socket to become ready.
+      if (detail::socket_ops::poll_write(
+            socket().native_handle(), 0, timeout(), ec_) < 0)
+        return traits_type::eof();
+    }
+    if (!put_buffer_.empty())
+    {
+      setp(&put_buffer_[0], &put_buffer_[0] + put_buffer_.size());
+      // If the new character is eof then our work here is done.
+      if (traits_type::eq_int_type(c, traits_type::eof()))
+        return traits_type::not_eof(c);
+      // Add the new character to the output buffer.
+      *pptr() = ch;
+      pbump(1);
+    }
+    return c;
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS_RUNTIME)
+  }
+  int sync()
+  {
+    return overflow(traits_type::eof());
+  }
+  std::streambuf* setbuf(char_type* s, std::streamsize n)
+  {
+    if (pptr() == pbase() && s == 0 && n == 0)
+    {
+      put_buffer_.clear();
+      setp(0, 0);
+      sync();
+      return this;
+    }
+    return 0;
+  }
+  // Disallow copying and assignment.
+  basic_socket_streambuf(const basic_socket_streambuf&) BOOST_ASIO_DELETED;
+  basic_socket_streambuf& operator=(
+      const basic_socket_streambuf&) BOOST_ASIO_DELETED;
+  void init_buffers()
+  {
+    setg(&get_buffer_[0],
+        &get_buffer_[0] + putback_max,
+        &get_buffer_[0] + putback_max);
+    if (put_buffer_.empty())
+      setp(0, 0);
+    else
+      setp(&put_buffer_[0], &put_buffer_[0] + put_buffer_.size());
+  }
+  int timeout() const
+  {
+    int64_t msec = traits_helper::to_posix_duration(
+        traits_helper::subtract(expiry_time_,
+          traits_helper::now())).total_milliseconds();
+    if (msec > (std::numeric_limits<int>::max)())
+      msec = (std::numeric_limits<int>::max)();
+    else if (msec < 0)
+      msec = 0;
+    return static_cast<int>(msec);
+  }
+  template <typename EndpointSequence>
+  void connect_to_endpoints(const EndpointSequence& endpoints)
+  {
+    this->connect_to_endpoints(endpoints.begin(), endpoints.end());
+  }
+  template <typename EndpointIterator>
+  void connect_to_endpoints(EndpointIterator begin, EndpointIterator end)
+  {
+    ec_ = boost::asio::error::operation_not_supported;
+    if (ec_)
+      return;
+    ec_ = boost::asio::error::not_found;
+    for (EndpointIterator i = begin; i != end; ++i)
+    {
+      // Check if we are past the expiry time.
+      if (traits_helper::less_than(expiry_time_, traits_helper::now()))
+      {
+        ec_ = boost::asio::error::timed_out;
+        return;
+      }
+      // Close and reopen the socket.
+      typename Protocol::endpoint ep(*i);
+      socket().close(ec_);
+      socket().open(ep.protocol(), ec_);
+      if (ec_)
+        continue;
+      // Try to complete the operation without blocking.
+      if (!socket().native_non_blocking())
+        socket().native_non_blocking(true, ec_);
+      detail::socket_ops::connect(socket().native_handle(),
+          ep.data(), ep.size(), ec_);
+      // Check if operation succeeded.
+      if (!ec_)
+        return;
+      // Operation failed.
+      if (ec_ != boost::asio::error::in_progress
+          && ec_ != boost::asio::error::would_block)
+        continue;
+      // Wait for socket to become ready.
+      if (detail::socket_ops::poll_connect(
+            socket().native_handle(), timeout(), ec_) < 0)
+        continue;
+      // Get the error code from the connect operation.
+      int connect_error = 0;
+      size_t connect_error_len = sizeof(connect_error);
+      if (detail::socket_ops::getsockopt(socket().native_handle(), 0,
+            SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &connect_error, &connect_error_len, ec_)
+          == detail::socket_error_retval)
+        return;
+      // Check the result of the connect operation.
+      ec_ = boost::system::error_code(connect_error,
+          boost::asio::error::get_system_category());
+      if (!ec_)
+        return;
+    }
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS_RUNTIME)
+  }
+  // Helper function to get the maximum expiry time.
+  static time_point max_expiry_time()
+  {
+    return boost::posix_time::pos_infin;
+    return (time_point::max)();
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_DATE_TIME)
+  }
+  enum { putback_max = 8 };
+  boost::system::error_code ec_;
+  time_point expiry_time_;
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+# undef BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T1
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_IOSTREAM)

+ 923 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,923 @@
+// basic_stream_socket.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <boost/asio/async_result.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/basic_socket.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/handler_type_requirements.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/throw_error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/stream_socket_service.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+/// Provides stream-oriented socket functionality.
+ * The basic_stream_socket class template provides asynchronous and blocking
+ * stream-oriented socket functionality.
+ *
+ * @par Thread Safety
+ * @e Distinct @e objects: Safe.@n
+ * @e Shared @e objects: Unsafe.
+ *
+ * @par Concepts:
+ * AsyncReadStream, AsyncWriteStream, Stream, SyncReadStream, SyncWriteStream.
+ */
+template <typename Protocol
+    BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM_DEF1(= stream_socket_service<Protocol>)>
+class basic_stream_socket
+  : public basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>
+  /// The native representation of a socket.
+  typedef implementation_defined native_handle_type;
+  typedef typename basic_socket<
+    Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>::native_handle_type native_handle_type;
+  /// The protocol type.
+  typedef Protocol protocol_type;
+  /// The endpoint type.
+  typedef typename Protocol::endpoint endpoint_type;
+  /// Construct a basic_stream_socket without opening it.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates a stream socket without opening it. The socket
+   * needs to be opened and then connected or accepted before data can be sent
+   * or received on it.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the stream socket will use to
+   * dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the socket.
+   */
+  explicit basic_stream_socket(boost::asio::io_context& io_context)
+    : basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>(io_context)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct and open a basic_stream_socket.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates and opens a stream socket. The socket needs to be
+   * connected or accepted before data can be sent or received on it.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the stream socket will use to
+   * dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the socket.
+   *
+   * @param protocol An object specifying protocol parameters to be used.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  basic_stream_socket(boost::asio::io_context& io_context,
+      const protocol_type& protocol)
+    : basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>(io_context, protocol)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct a basic_stream_socket, opening it and binding it to the given
+  /// local endpoint.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates a stream socket and automatically opens it bound
+   * to the specified endpoint on the local machine. The protocol used is the
+   * protocol associated with the given endpoint.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the stream socket will use to
+   * dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the socket.
+   *
+   * @param endpoint An endpoint on the local machine to which the stream
+   * socket will be bound.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  basic_stream_socket(boost::asio::io_context& io_context,
+      const endpoint_type& endpoint)
+    : basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>(io_context, endpoint)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct a basic_stream_socket on an existing native socket.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates a stream socket object to hold an existing native
+   * socket.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the stream socket will use to
+   * dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the socket.
+   *
+   * @param protocol An object specifying protocol parameters to be used.
+   *
+   * @param native_socket The new underlying socket implementation.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  basic_stream_socket(boost::asio::io_context& io_context,
+      const protocol_type& protocol, const native_handle_type& native_socket)
+    : basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>(
+        io_context, protocol, native_socket)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Move-construct a basic_stream_socket from another.
+  /**
+   * This constructor moves a stream socket from one object to another.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_stream_socket object from which the move
+   * will occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_stream_socket(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  basic_stream_socket(basic_stream_socket&& other)
+    : basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>(std::move(other))
+  {
+  }
+  /// Move-assign a basic_stream_socket from another.
+  /**
+   * This assignment operator moves a stream socket from one object to another.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_stream_socket object from which the move
+   * will occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_stream_socket(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  basic_stream_socket& operator=(basic_stream_socket&& other)
+  {
+    basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>::operator=(std::move(other));
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Move-construct a basic_stream_socket from a socket of another protocol
+  /// type.
+  /**
+   * This constructor moves a stream socket from one object to another.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_stream_socket object from which the move
+   * will occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_stream_socket(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  template <typename Protocol1 BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM1>
+  basic_stream_socket(
+      basic_stream_socket<Protocol1 BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG1>&& other,
+      typename enable_if<is_convertible<Protocol1, Protocol>::value>::type* = 0)
+    : basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>(std::move(other))
+  {
+  }
+  /// Move-assign a basic_stream_socket from a socket of another protocol type.
+  /**
+   * This assignment operator moves a stream socket from one object to another.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_stream_socket object from which the move
+   * will occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_stream_socket(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  template <typename Protocol1 BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM1>
+  typename enable_if<is_convertible<Protocol1, Protocol>::value,
+      basic_stream_socket>::type& operator=(
+        basic_stream_socket<Protocol1 BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG1>&& other)
+  {
+    basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>::operator=(std::move(other));
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Destroys the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function destroys the socket, cancelling any outstanding asynchronous
+   * operations associated with the socket as if by calling @c cancel.
+   */
+  ~basic_stream_socket()
+  {
+  }
+  /// Send some data on the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to send data on the stream socket. The function
+   * call will block until one or more bytes of the data has been sent
+   * successfully, or an until error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be sent on the socket.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes sent.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @note The send operation may not transmit all of the data to the peer.
+   * Consider using the @ref write function if you need to ensure that all data
+   * is written before the blocking operation completes.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To send a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as follows:
+   * @code
+   * socket.send(boost::asio::buffer(data, size));
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on sending multiple
+   * buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t send(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().send(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, 0, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "send");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Send some data on the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to send data on the stream socket. The function
+   * call will block until one or more bytes of the data has been sent
+   * successfully, or an until error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be sent on the socket.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the send call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes sent.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @note The send operation may not transmit all of the data to the peer.
+   * Consider using the @ref write function if you need to ensure that all data
+   * is written before the blocking operation completes.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To send a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as follows:
+   * @code
+   * socket.send(boost::asio::buffer(data, size), 0);
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on sending multiple
+   * buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t send(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags flags)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().send(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, flags, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "send");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Send some data on the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to send data on the stream socket. The function
+   * call will block until one or more bytes of the data has been sent
+   * successfully, or an until error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be sent on the socket.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the send call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes sent. Returns 0 if an error occurred.
+   *
+   * @note The send operation may not transmit all of the data to the peer.
+   * Consider using the @ref write function if you need to ensure that all data
+   * is written before the blocking operation completes.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t send(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags flags, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().send(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, flags, ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous send.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously send data on the stream socket.
+   * The function call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be sent on the socket. Although
+   * the buffers object may be copied as necessary, ownership of the underlying
+   * memory blocks is retained by the caller, which must guarantee that they
+   * remain valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the send operation completes.
+   * Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function signature of
+   * the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   std::size_t bytes_transferred           // Number of bytes sent.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @note The send operation may not transmit all of the data to the peer.
+   * Consider using the @ref async_write function if you need to ensure that all
+   * data is written before the asynchronous operation completes.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To send a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as follows:
+   * @code
+   * socket.async_send(boost::asio::buffer(data, size), handler);
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on sending multiple
+   * buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence, typename WriteHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_send(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(WriteHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a WriteHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_WRITE_HANDLER_CHECK(WriteHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_send(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, 0,
+        BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(WriteHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<WriteHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_send(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, 0,
+        init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous send.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously send data on the stream socket.
+   * The function call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be sent on the socket. Although
+   * the buffers object may be copied as necessary, ownership of the underlying
+   * memory blocks is retained by the caller, which must guarantee that they
+   * remain valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the send call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the send operation completes.
+   * Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function signature of
+   * the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   std::size_t bytes_transferred           // Number of bytes sent.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @note The send operation may not transmit all of the data to the peer.
+   * Consider using the @ref async_write function if you need to ensure that all
+   * data is written before the asynchronous operation completes.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To send a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as follows:
+   * @code
+   * socket.async_send(boost::asio::buffer(data, size), 0, handler);
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on sending multiple
+   * buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence, typename WriteHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_send(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags flags,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(WriteHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a WriteHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_WRITE_HANDLER_CHECK(WriteHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_send(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, flags,
+        BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(WriteHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<WriteHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_send(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, flags,
+        init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Receive some data on the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to receive data on the stream socket. The function
+   * call will block until one or more bytes of data has been received
+   * successfully, or until an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes received.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure. An error code of
+   * boost::asio::error::eof indicates that the connection was closed by the
+   * peer.
+   *
+   * @note The receive operation may not receive all of the requested number of
+   * bytes. Consider using the @ref read function if you need to ensure that the
+   * requested amount of data is read before the blocking operation completes.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To receive into a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as
+   * follows:
+   * @code
+   * socket.receive(boost::asio::buffer(data, size));
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on receiving into
+   * multiple buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t receive(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().receive(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, 0, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "receive");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Receive some data on the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to receive data on the stream socket. The function
+   * call will block until one or more bytes of data has been received
+   * successfully, or until an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the receive call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes received.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure. An error code of
+   * boost::asio::error::eof indicates that the connection was closed by the
+   * peer.
+   *
+   * @note The receive operation may not receive all of the requested number of
+   * bytes. Consider using the @ref read function if you need to ensure that the
+   * requested amount of data is read before the blocking operation completes.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To receive into a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as
+   * follows:
+   * @code
+   * socket.receive(boost::asio::buffer(data, size), 0);
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on receiving into
+   * multiple buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t receive(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags flags)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().receive(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, flags, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "receive");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Receive some data on a connected socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to receive data on the stream socket. The function
+   * call will block until one or more bytes of data has been received
+   * successfully, or until an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the receive call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes received. Returns 0 if an error occurred.
+   *
+   * @note The receive operation may not receive all of the requested number of
+   * bytes. Consider using the @ref read function if you need to ensure that the
+   * requested amount of data is read before the blocking operation completes.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t receive(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags flags, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().receive(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, flags, ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous receive.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously receive data from the stream
+   * socket. The function call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   * Although the buffers object may be copied as necessary, ownership of the
+   * underlying memory blocks is retained by the caller, which must guarantee
+   * that they remain valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the receive operation
+   * completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
+   * signature of the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   std::size_t bytes_transferred           // Number of bytes received.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @note The receive operation may not receive all of the requested number of
+   * bytes. Consider using the @ref async_read function if you need to ensure
+   * that the requested amount of data is received before the asynchronous
+   * operation completes.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To receive into a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as
+   * follows:
+   * @code
+   * socket.async_receive(boost::asio::buffer(data, size), handler);
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on receiving into
+   * multiple buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence, typename ReadHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_receive(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ReadHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a ReadHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_READ_HANDLER_CHECK(ReadHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_receive(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, 0, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(ReadHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<ReadHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_receive(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, 0, init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous receive.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously receive data from the stream
+   * socket. The function call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be received.
+   * Although the buffers object may be copied as necessary, ownership of the
+   * underlying memory blocks is retained by the caller, which must guarantee
+   * that they remain valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param flags Flags specifying how the receive call is to be made.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the receive operation
+   * completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
+   * signature of the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   std::size_t bytes_transferred           // Number of bytes received.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @note The receive operation may not receive all of the requested number of
+   * bytes. Consider using the @ref async_read function if you need to ensure
+   * that the requested amount of data is received before the asynchronous
+   * operation completes.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To receive into a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as
+   * follows:
+   * @code
+   * socket.async_receive(boost::asio::buffer(data, size), 0, handler);
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on receiving into
+   * multiple buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence, typename ReadHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_receive(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags flags,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ReadHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a ReadHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_READ_HANDLER_CHECK(ReadHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_receive(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, flags, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(ReadHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<ReadHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_receive(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, flags, init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Write some data to the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to write data to the stream socket. The function call
+   * will block until one or more bytes of the data has been written
+   * successfully, or until an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be written to the socket.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes written.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure. An error code of
+   * boost::asio::error::eof indicates that the connection was closed by the
+   * peer.
+   *
+   * @note The write_some operation may not transmit all of the data to the
+   * peer. Consider using the @ref write function if you need to ensure that
+   * all data is written before the blocking operation completes.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To write a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as follows:
+   * @code
+   * socket.write_some(boost::asio::buffer(data, size));
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on writing multiple
+   * buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t write_some(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().send(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, 0, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "write_some");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Write some data to the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to write data to the stream socket. The function call
+   * will block until one or more bytes of the data has been written
+   * successfully, or until an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be written to the socket.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes written. Returns 0 if an error occurred.
+   *
+   * @note The write_some operation may not transmit all of the data to the
+   * peer. Consider using the @ref write function if you need to ensure that
+   * all data is written before the blocking operation completes.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t write_some(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().send(this->get_implementation(), buffers, 0, ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous write.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously write data to the stream socket.
+   * The function call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more data buffers to be written to the socket.
+   * Although the buffers object may be copied as necessary, ownership of the
+   * underlying memory blocks is retained by the caller, which must guarantee
+   * that they remain valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the write operation completes.
+   * Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function signature of
+   * the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   std::size_t bytes_transferred           // Number of bytes written.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @note The write operation may not transmit all of the data to the peer.
+   * Consider using the @ref async_write function if you need to ensure that all
+   * data is written before the asynchronous operation completes.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To write a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as follows:
+   * @code
+   * socket.async_write_some(boost::asio::buffer(data, size), handler);
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on writing multiple
+   * buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence, typename WriteHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_write_some(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(WriteHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a WriteHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_WRITE_HANDLER_CHECK(WriteHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_send(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, 0, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(WriteHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<WriteHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_send(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, 0, init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Read some data from the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to read data from the stream socket. The function
+   * call will block until one or more bytes of data has been read successfully,
+   * or until an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be read.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes read.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure. An error code of
+   * boost::asio::error::eof indicates that the connection was closed by the
+   * peer.
+   *
+   * @note The read_some operation may not read all of the requested number of
+   * bytes. Consider using the @ref read function if you need to ensure that
+   * the requested amount of data is read before the blocking operation
+   * completes.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To read into a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as follows:
+   * @code
+   * socket.read_some(boost::asio::buffer(data, size));
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on reading into multiple
+   * buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t read_some(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().receive(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, 0, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "read_some");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// Read some data from the socket.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to read data from the stream socket. The function
+   * call will block until one or more bytes of data has been read successfully,
+   * or until an error occurs.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be read.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @returns The number of bytes read. Returns 0 if an error occurred.
+   *
+   * @note The read_some operation may not read all of the requested number of
+   * bytes. Consider using the @ref read function if you need to ensure that
+   * the requested amount of data is read before the blocking operation
+   * completes.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t read_some(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().receive(
+        this->get_implementation(), buffers, 0, ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous read.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to asynchronously read data from the stream socket.
+   * The function call always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * @param buffers One or more buffers into which the data will be read.
+   * Although the buffers object may be copied as necessary, ownership of the
+   * underlying memory blocks is retained by the caller, which must guarantee
+   * that they remain valid until the handler is called.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the read operation completes.
+   * Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function signature of
+   * the handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
+   *   std::size_t bytes_transferred           // Number of bytes read.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   *
+   * @note The read operation may not read all of the requested number of bytes.
+   * Consider using the @ref async_read function if you need to ensure that the
+   * requested amount of data is read before the asynchronous operation
+   * completes.
+   *
+   * @par Example
+   * To read into a single data buffer use the @ref buffer function as follows:
+   * @code
+   * socket.async_read_some(boost::asio::buffer(data, size), handler);
+   * @endcode
+   * See the @ref buffer documentation for information on reading into multiple
+   * buffers in one go, and how to use it with arrays, boost::array or
+   * std::vector.
+   */
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence, typename ReadHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_read_some(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ReadHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a ReadHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_READ_HANDLER_CHECK(ReadHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_receive(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, 0, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(ReadHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<ReadHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_receive(this->get_implementation(),
+        buffers, 0, init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 454 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+// basic_streambuf.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <streambuf>
+#include <vector>
+#include <boost/asio/basic_streambuf_fwd.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/buffer.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/limits.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/noncopyable.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/throw_exception.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+/// Automatically resizable buffer class based on std::streambuf.
+ * The @c basic_streambuf class is derived from @c std::streambuf to associate
+ * the streambuf's input and output sequences with one or more character
+ * arrays. These character arrays are internal to the @c basic_streambuf
+ * object, but direct access to the array elements is provided to permit them
+ * to be used efficiently with I/O operations. Characters written to the output
+ * sequence of a @c basic_streambuf object are appended to the input sequence
+ * of the same object.
+ *
+ * The @c basic_streambuf class's public interface is intended to permit the
+ * following implementation strategies:
+ *
+ * @li A single contiguous character array, which is reallocated as necessary
+ * to accommodate changes in the size of the character sequence. This is the
+ * implementation approach currently used in Asio.
+ *
+ * @li A sequence of one or more character arrays, where each array is of the
+ * same size. Additional character array objects are appended to the sequence
+ * to accommodate changes in the size of the character sequence.
+ *
+ * @li A sequence of one or more character arrays of varying sizes. Additional
+ * character array objects are appended to the sequence to accommodate changes
+ * in the size of the character sequence.
+ *
+ * The constructor for basic_streambuf accepts a @c size_t argument specifying
+ * the maximum of the sum of the sizes of the input sequence and output
+ * sequence. During the lifetime of the @c basic_streambuf object, the following
+ * invariant holds:
+ * @code size() <= max_size()@endcode
+ * Any member function that would, if successful, cause the invariant to be
+ * violated shall throw an exception of class @c std::length_error.
+ *
+ * The constructor for @c basic_streambuf takes an Allocator argument. A copy
+ * of this argument is used for any memory allocation performed, by the
+ * constructor and by all member functions, during the lifetime of each @c
+ * basic_streambuf object.
+ *
+ * @par Examples
+ * Writing directly from an streambuf to a socket:
+ * @code
+ * boost::asio::streambuf b;
+ * std::ostream os(&b);
+ * os << "Hello, World!\n";
+ *
+ * // try sending some data in input sequence
+ * size_t n = sock.send(b.data());
+ *
+ * b.consume(n); // sent data is removed from input sequence
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * Reading from a socket directly into a streambuf:
+ * @code
+ * boost::asio::streambuf b;
+ *
+ * // reserve 512 bytes in output sequence
+ * boost::asio::streambuf::mutable_buffers_type bufs = b.prepare(512);
+ *
+ * size_t n = sock.receive(bufs);
+ *
+ * // received data is "committed" from output sequence to input sequence
+ * b.commit(n);
+ *
+ * std::istream is(&b);
+ * std::string s;
+ * is >> s;
+ * @endcode
+ */
+template <typename Allocator = std::allocator<char> >
+template <typename Allocator>
+class basic_streambuf
+  : public std::streambuf,
+    private noncopyable
+  /// The type used to represent the input sequence as a list of buffers.
+  typedef implementation_defined const_buffers_type;
+  /// The type used to represent the output sequence as a list of buffers.
+  typedef implementation_defined mutable_buffers_type;
+  typedef BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER const_buffers_type;
+  typedef BOOST_ASIO_MUTABLE_BUFFER mutable_buffers_type;
+  /// Construct a basic_streambuf object.
+  /**
+   * Constructs a streambuf with the specified maximum size. The initial size
+   * of the streambuf's input sequence is 0.
+   */
+  explicit basic_streambuf(
+      std::size_t maximum_size = (std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max)(),
+      const Allocator& allocator = Allocator())
+    : max_size_(maximum_size),
+      buffer_(allocator)
+  {
+    std::size_t pend = (std::min<std::size_t>)(max_size_, buffer_delta);
+    buffer_.resize((std::max<std::size_t>)(pend, 1));
+    setg(&buffer_[0], &buffer_[0], &buffer_[0]);
+    setp(&buffer_[0], &buffer_[0] + pend);
+  }
+  /// Get the size of the input sequence.
+  /**
+   * @returns The size of the input sequence. The value is equal to that
+   * calculated for @c s in the following code:
+   * @code
+   * size_t s = 0;
+   * const_buffers_type bufs = data();
+   * const_buffers_type::const_iterator i = bufs.begin();
+   * while (i != bufs.end())
+   * {
+   *   const_buffer buf(*i++);
+   *   s += buf.size();
+   * }
+   * @endcode
+   */
+  std::size_t size() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return pptr() - gptr();
+  }
+  /// Get the maximum size of the basic_streambuf.
+  /**
+   * @returns The allowed maximum of the sum of the sizes of the input sequence
+   * and output sequence.
+   */
+  std::size_t max_size() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return max_size_;
+  }
+  /// Get the current capacity of the basic_streambuf.
+  /**
+   * @returns The current total capacity of the streambuf, i.e. for both the
+   * input sequence and output sequence.
+   */
+  std::size_t capacity() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return buffer_.capacity();
+  }
+  /// Get a list of buffers that represents the input sequence.
+  /**
+   * @returns An object of type @c const_buffers_type that satisfies
+   * ConstBufferSequence requirements, representing all character arrays in the
+   * input sequence.
+   *
+   * @note The returned object is invalidated by any @c basic_streambuf member
+   * function that modifies the input sequence or output sequence.
+   */
+  const_buffers_type data() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return boost::asio::buffer(boost::asio::const_buffer(gptr(),
+          (pptr() - gptr()) * sizeof(char_type)));
+  }
+  /// Get a list of buffers that represents the output sequence, with the given
+  /// size.
+  /**
+   * Ensures that the output sequence can accommodate @c n characters,
+   * reallocating character array objects as necessary.
+   *
+   * @returns An object of type @c mutable_buffers_type that satisfies
+   * MutableBufferSequence requirements, representing character array objects
+   * at the start of the output sequence such that the sum of the buffer sizes
+   * is @c n.
+   *
+   * @throws std::length_error If <tt>size() + n > max_size()</tt>.
+   *
+   * @note The returned object is invalidated by any @c basic_streambuf member
+   * function that modifies the input sequence or output sequence.
+   */
+  mutable_buffers_type prepare(std::size_t n)
+  {
+    reserve(n);
+    return boost::asio::buffer(boost::asio::mutable_buffer(
+          pptr(), n * sizeof(char_type)));
+  }
+  /// Move characters from the output sequence to the input sequence.
+  /**
+   * Appends @c n characters from the start of the output sequence to the input
+   * sequence. The beginning of the output sequence is advanced by @c n
+   * characters.
+   *
+   * Requires a preceding call <tt>prepare(x)</tt> where <tt>x >= n</tt>, and
+   * no intervening operations that modify the input or output sequence.
+   *
+   * @note If @c n is greater than the size of the output sequence, the entire
+   * output sequence is moved to the input sequence and no error is issued.
+   */
+  void commit(std::size_t n)
+  {
+    n = std::min<std::size_t>(n, epptr() - pptr());
+    pbump(static_cast<int>(n));
+    setg(eback(), gptr(), pptr());
+  }
+  /// Remove characters from the input sequence.
+  /**
+   * Removes @c n characters from the beginning of the input sequence.
+   *
+   * @note If @c n is greater than the size of the input sequence, the entire
+   * input sequence is consumed and no error is issued.
+   */
+  void consume(std::size_t n)
+  {
+    if (egptr() < pptr())
+      setg(&buffer_[0], gptr(), pptr());
+    if (gptr() + n > pptr())
+      n = pptr() - gptr();
+    gbump(static_cast<int>(n));
+  }
+  enum { buffer_delta = 128 };
+  /// Override std::streambuf behaviour.
+  /**
+   * Behaves according to the specification of @c std::streambuf::underflow().
+   */
+  int_type underflow()
+  {
+    if (gptr() < pptr())
+    {
+      setg(&buffer_[0], gptr(), pptr());
+      return traits_type::to_int_type(*gptr());
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      return traits_type::eof();
+    }
+  }
+  /// Override std::streambuf behaviour.
+  /**
+   * Behaves according to the specification of @c std::streambuf::overflow(),
+   * with the specialisation that @c std::length_error is thrown if appending
+   * the character to the input sequence would require the condition
+   * <tt>size() > max_size()</tt> to be true.
+   */
+  int_type overflow(int_type c)
+  {
+    if (!traits_type::eq_int_type(c, traits_type::eof()))
+    {
+      if (pptr() == epptr())
+      {
+        std::size_t buffer_size = pptr() - gptr();
+        if (buffer_size < max_size_ && max_size_ - buffer_size < buffer_delta)
+        {
+          reserve(max_size_ - buffer_size);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          reserve(buffer_delta);
+        }
+      }
+      *pptr() = traits_type::to_char_type(c);
+      pbump(1);
+      return c;
+    }
+    return traits_type::not_eof(c);
+  }
+  void reserve(std::size_t n)
+  {
+    // Get current stream positions as offsets.
+    std::size_t gnext = gptr() - &buffer_[0];
+    std::size_t pnext = pptr() - &buffer_[0];
+    std::size_t pend = epptr() - &buffer_[0];
+    // Check if there is already enough space in the put area.
+    if (n <= pend - pnext)
+    {
+      return;
+    }
+    // Shift existing contents of get area to start of buffer.
+    if (gnext > 0)
+    {
+      pnext -= gnext;
+      std::memmove(&buffer_[0], &buffer_[0] + gnext, pnext);
+    }
+    // Ensure buffer is large enough to hold at least the specified size.
+    if (n > pend - pnext)
+    {
+      if (n <= max_size_ && pnext <= max_size_ - n)
+      {
+        pend = pnext + n;
+        buffer_.resize((std::max<std::size_t>)(pend, 1));
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        std::length_error ex("boost::asio::streambuf too long");
+        boost::asio::detail::throw_exception(ex);
+      }
+    }
+    // Update stream positions.
+    setg(&buffer_[0], &buffer_[0], &buffer_[0] + pnext);
+    setp(&buffer_[0] + pnext, &buffer_[0] + pend);
+  }
+  std::size_t max_size_;
+  std::vector<char_type, Allocator> buffer_;
+  // Helper function to get the preferred size for reading data.
+  friend std::size_t read_size_helper(
+      basic_streambuf& sb, std::size_t max_size)
+  {
+    return std::min<std::size_t>(
+        std::max<std::size_t>(512, sb.buffer_.capacity() - sb.size()),
+        std::min<std::size_t>(max_size, sb.max_size() - sb.size()));
+  }
+/// Adapts basic_streambuf to the dynamic buffer sequence type requirements.
+template <typename Allocator = std::allocator<char> >
+template <typename Allocator>
+class basic_streambuf_ref
+  /// The type used to represent the input sequence as a list of buffers.
+  typedef typename basic_streambuf<Allocator>::const_buffers_type
+    const_buffers_type;
+  /// The type used to represent the output sequence as a list of buffers.
+  typedef typename basic_streambuf<Allocator>::mutable_buffers_type
+    mutable_buffers_type;
+  /// Construct a basic_streambuf_ref for the given basic_streambuf object.
+  explicit basic_streambuf_ref(basic_streambuf<Allocator>& sb)
+    : sb_(sb)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Copy construct a basic_streambuf_ref.
+  basic_streambuf_ref(const basic_streambuf_ref& other) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+    : sb_(other.sb_)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Move construct a basic_streambuf_ref.
+  basic_streambuf_ref(basic_streambuf_ref&& other) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+    : sb_(other.sb_)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Get the size of the input sequence.
+  std::size_t size() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return sb_.size();
+  }
+  /// Get the maximum size of the dynamic buffer.
+  std::size_t max_size() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return sb_.max_size();
+  }
+  /// Get the current capacity of the dynamic buffer.
+  std::size_t capacity() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return sb_.capacity();
+  }
+  /// Get a list of buffers that represents the input sequence.
+  const_buffers_type data() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return sb_.data();
+  }
+  /// Get a list of buffers that represents the output sequence, with the given
+  /// size.
+  mutable_buffers_type prepare(std::size_t n)
+  {
+    return sb_.prepare(n);
+  }
+  /// Move bytes from the output sequence to the input sequence.
+  void commit(std::size_t n)
+  {
+    return sb_.commit(n);
+  }
+  /// Remove characters from the input sequence.
+  void consume(std::size_t n)
+  {
+    return sb_.consume(n);
+  }
+  basic_streambuf<Allocator>& sb_;
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_IOSTREAM)

+ 38 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// basic_streambuf_fwd.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <memory>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+template <typename Allocator = std::allocator<char> >
+class basic_streambuf;
+template <typename Allocator = std::allocator<char> >
+class basic_streambuf_ref;
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_IOSTREAM)

+ 707 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,707 @@
+// basic_waitable_timer.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <boost/asio/basic_io_object.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/handler_type_requirements.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/throw_error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/wait_traits.hpp>
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+# include <utility>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+# include <boost/asio/waitable_timer_service.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/detail/chrono_time_traits.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/detail/deadline_timer_service.hpp>
+# define BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T \
+    detail::deadline_timer_service< \
+      detail::chrono_time_traits<Clock, WaitTraits> >
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+// Forward declaration with defaulted arguments.
+template <typename Clock,
+    typename WaitTraits = boost::asio::wait_traits<Clock>
+    BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM_DEF2(= waitable_timer_service<Clock, WaitTraits>)>
+class basic_waitable_timer;
+/// Provides waitable timer functionality.
+ * The basic_waitable_timer class template provides the ability to perform a
+ * blocking or asynchronous wait for a timer to expire.
+ *
+ * A waitable timer is always in one of two states: "expired" or "not expired".
+ * If the wait() or async_wait() function is called on an expired timer, the
+ * wait operation will complete immediately.
+ *
+ * Most applications will use one of the boost::asio::steady_timer,
+ * boost::asio::system_timer or boost::asio::high_resolution_timer typedefs.
+ *
+ * @note This waitable timer functionality is for use with the C++11 standard
+ * library's @c &lt;chrono&gt; facility, or with the Boost.Chrono library.
+ *
+ * @par Thread Safety
+ * @e Distinct @e objects: Safe.@n
+ * @e Shared @e objects: Unsafe.
+ *
+ * @par Examples
+ * Performing a blocking wait (C++11):
+ * @code
+ * // Construct a timer without setting an expiry time.
+ * boost::asio::steady_timer timer(io_context);
+ *
+ * // Set an expiry time relative to now.
+ * timer.expires_after(std::chrono::seconds(5));
+ *
+ * // Wait for the timer to expire.
+ * timer.wait();
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @par 
+ * Performing an asynchronous wait (C++11):
+ * @code
+ * void handler(const boost::system::error_code& error)
+ * {
+ *   if (!error)
+ *   {
+ *     // Timer expired.
+ *   }
+ * }
+ *
+ * ...
+ *
+ * // Construct a timer with an absolute expiry time.
+ * boost::asio::steady_timer timer(io_context,
+ *     std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + std::chrono::seconds(60));
+ *
+ * // Start an asynchronous wait.
+ * timer.async_wait(handler);
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @par Changing an active waitable timer's expiry time
+ *
+ * Changing the expiry time of a timer while there are pending asynchronous
+ * waits causes those wait operations to be cancelled. To ensure that the action
+ * associated with the timer is performed only once, use something like this:
+ * used:
+ *
+ * @code
+ * void on_some_event()
+ * {
+ *   if (my_timer.expires_after(seconds(5)) > 0)
+ *   {
+ *     // We managed to cancel the timer. Start new asynchronous wait.
+ *     my_timer.async_wait(on_timeout);
+ *   }
+ *   else
+ *   {
+ *     // Too late, timer has already expired!
+ *   }
+ * }
+ *
+ * void on_timeout(const boost::system::error_code& e)
+ * {
+ *   if (e != boost::asio::error::operation_aborted)
+ *   {
+ *     // Timer was not cancelled, take necessary action.
+ *   }
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @li The boost::asio::basic_waitable_timer::expires_after() function
+ * cancels any pending asynchronous waits, and returns the number of
+ * asynchronous waits that were cancelled. If it returns 0 then you were too
+ * late and the wait handler has already been executed, or will soon be
+ * executed. If it returns 1 then the wait handler was successfully cancelled.
+ *
+ * @li If a wait handler is cancelled, the boost::system::error_code passed to
+ * it contains the value boost::asio::error::operation_aborted.
+ */
+template <typename Clock, typename WaitTraits BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM>
+class basic_waitable_timer
+  /// The type of the executor associated with the object.
+  typedef io_context::executor_type executor_type;
+  /// The clock type.
+  typedef Clock clock_type;
+  /// The duration type of the clock.
+  typedef typename clock_type::duration duration;
+  /// The time point type of the clock.
+  typedef typename clock_type::time_point time_point;
+  /// The wait traits type.
+  typedef WaitTraits traits_type;
+  /// Constructor.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates a timer without setting an expiry time. The
+   * expires_at() or expires_after() functions must be called to set an expiry
+   * time before the timer can be waited on.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the timer will use to dispatch
+   * handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the timer.
+   */
+  explicit basic_waitable_timer(boost::asio::io_context& io_context)
+    : basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>(io_context)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Constructor to set a particular expiry time as an absolute time.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates a timer and sets the expiry time.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the timer will use to dispatch
+   * handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the timer.
+   *
+   * @param expiry_time The expiry time to be used for the timer, expressed
+   * as an absolute time.
+   */
+  basic_waitable_timer(boost::asio::io_context& io_context,
+      const time_point& expiry_time)
+    : basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>(io_context)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().expires_at(this->get_implementation(), expiry_time, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "expires_at");
+  }
+  /// Constructor to set a particular expiry time relative to now.
+  /**
+   * This constructor creates a timer and sets the expiry time.
+   *
+   * @param io_context The io_context object that the timer will use to dispatch
+   * handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the timer.
+   *
+   * @param expiry_time The expiry time to be used for the timer, relative to
+   * now.
+   */
+  basic_waitable_timer(boost::asio::io_context& io_context,
+      const duration& expiry_time)
+    : basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>(io_context)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().expires_after(
+        this->get_implementation(), expiry_time, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "expires_after");
+  }
+  /// Move-construct a basic_waitable_timer from another.
+  /**
+   * This constructor moves a timer from one object to another.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_waitable_timer object from which the move will
+   * occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_waitable_timer(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  basic_waitable_timer(basic_waitable_timer&& other)
+    : basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>(std::move(other))
+  {
+  }
+  /// Move-assign a basic_waitable_timer from another.
+  /**
+   * This assignment operator moves a timer from one object to another. Cancels
+   * any outstanding asynchronous operations associated with the target object.
+   *
+   * @param other The other basic_waitable_timer object from which the move will
+   * occur.
+   *
+   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
+   * constructed using the @c basic_waitable_timer(io_context&) constructor.
+   */
+  basic_waitable_timer& operator=(basic_waitable_timer&& other)
+  {
+    basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>::operator=(std::move(other));
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Destroys the timer.
+  /**
+   * This function destroys the timer, cancelling any outstanding asynchronous
+   * wait operations associated with the timer as if by calling @c cancel.
+   */
+  ~basic_waitable_timer()
+  {
+  }
+  // These functions are provided by basic_io_object<>.
+  /// (Deprecated: Use get_executor().) Get the io_context associated with the
+  /// object.
+  /**
+   * This function may be used to obtain the io_context object that the I/O
+   * object uses to dispatch handlers for asynchronous operations.
+   *
+   * @return A reference to the io_context object that the I/O object will use
+   * to dispatch handlers. Ownership is not transferred to the caller.
+   */
+  boost::asio::io_context& get_io_context()
+  {
+    return basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>::get_io_context();
+  }
+  /// (Deprecated: Use get_executor().) Get the io_context associated with the
+  /// object.
+  /**
+   * This function may be used to obtain the io_context object that the I/O
+   * object uses to dispatch handlers for asynchronous operations.
+   *
+   * @return A reference to the io_context object that the I/O object will use
+   * to dispatch handlers. Ownership is not transferred to the caller.
+   */
+  boost::asio::io_context& get_io_service()
+  {
+    return basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>::get_io_service();
+  }
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+  /// Get the executor associated with the object.
+  executor_type get_executor() BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return basic_io_object<BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T>::get_executor();
+  }
+  /// Cancel any asynchronous operations that are waiting on the timer.
+  /**
+   * This function forces the completion of any pending asynchronous wait
+   * operations against the timer. The handler for each cancelled operation will
+   * be invoked with the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error code.
+   *
+   * Cancelling the timer does not change the expiry time.
+   *
+   * @return The number of asynchronous operations that were cancelled.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @note If the timer has already expired when cancel() is called, then the
+   * handlers for asynchronous wait operations will:
+   *
+   * @li have already been invoked; or
+   *
+   * @li have been queued for invocation in the near future.
+   *
+   * These handlers can no longer be cancelled, and therefore are passed an
+   * error code that indicates the successful completion of the wait operation.
+   */
+  std::size_t cancel()
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().cancel(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "cancel");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// (Deprecated: Use non-error_code overload.) Cancel any asynchronous
+  /// operations that are waiting on the timer.
+  /**
+   * This function forces the completion of any pending asynchronous wait
+   * operations against the timer. The handler for each cancelled operation will
+   * be invoked with the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error code.
+   *
+   * Cancelling the timer does not change the expiry time.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @return The number of asynchronous operations that were cancelled.
+   *
+   * @note If the timer has already expired when cancel() is called, then the
+   * handlers for asynchronous wait operations will:
+   *
+   * @li have already been invoked; or
+   *
+   * @li have been queued for invocation in the near future.
+   *
+   * These handlers can no longer be cancelled, and therefore are passed an
+   * error code that indicates the successful completion of the wait operation.
+   */
+  std::size_t cancel(boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().cancel(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+  }
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+  /// Cancels one asynchronous operation that is waiting on the timer.
+  /**
+   * This function forces the completion of one pending asynchronous wait
+   * operation against the timer. Handlers are cancelled in FIFO order. The
+   * handler for the cancelled operation will be invoked with the
+   * boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error code.
+   *
+   * Cancelling the timer does not change the expiry time.
+   *
+   * @return The number of asynchronous operations that were cancelled. That is,
+   * either 0 or 1.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @note If the timer has already expired when cancel_one() is called, then
+   * the handlers for asynchronous wait operations will:
+   *
+   * @li have already been invoked; or
+   *
+   * @li have been queued for invocation in the near future.
+   *
+   * These handlers can no longer be cancelled, and therefore are passed an
+   * error code that indicates the successful completion of the wait operation.
+   */
+  std::size_t cancel_one()
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().cancel_one(
+        this->get_implementation(), ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "cancel_one");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// (Deprecated: Use non-error_code overload.) Cancels one asynchronous
+  /// operation that is waiting on the timer.
+  /**
+   * This function forces the completion of one pending asynchronous wait
+   * operation against the timer. Handlers are cancelled in FIFO order. The
+   * handler for the cancelled operation will be invoked with the
+   * boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error code.
+   *
+   * Cancelling the timer does not change the expiry time.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @return The number of asynchronous operations that were cancelled. That is,
+   * either 0 or 1.
+   *
+   * @note If the timer has already expired when cancel_one() is called, then
+   * the handlers for asynchronous wait operations will:
+   *
+   * @li have already been invoked; or
+   *
+   * @li have been queued for invocation in the near future.
+   *
+   * These handlers can no longer be cancelled, and therefore are passed an
+   * error code that indicates the successful completion of the wait operation.
+   */
+  std::size_t cancel_one(boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().cancel_one(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+  }
+  /// (Deprecated: Use expiry().) Get the timer's expiry time as an absolute
+  /// time.
+  /**
+   * This function may be used to obtain the timer's current expiry time.
+   * Whether the timer has expired or not does not affect this value.
+   */
+  time_point expires_at() const
+  {
+    return this->get_service().expires_at(this->get_implementation());
+  }
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+  /// Get the timer's expiry time as an absolute time.
+  /**
+   * This function may be used to obtain the timer's current expiry time.
+   * Whether the timer has expired or not does not affect this value.
+   */
+  time_point expiry() const
+  {
+    return this->get_service().expiry(this->get_implementation());
+  }
+  /// Set the timer's expiry time as an absolute time.
+  /**
+   * This function sets the expiry time. Any pending asynchronous wait
+   * operations will be cancelled. The handler for each cancelled operation will
+   * be invoked with the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error code.
+   *
+   * @param expiry_time The expiry time to be used for the timer.
+   *
+   * @return The number of asynchronous operations that were cancelled.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @note If the timer has already expired when expires_at() is called, then
+   * the handlers for asynchronous wait operations will:
+   *
+   * @li have already been invoked; or
+   *
+   * @li have been queued for invocation in the near future.
+   *
+   * These handlers can no longer be cancelled, and therefore are passed an
+   * error code that indicates the successful completion of the wait operation.
+   */
+  std::size_t expires_at(const time_point& expiry_time)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().expires_at(
+        this->get_implementation(), expiry_time, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "expires_at");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// (Deprecated: Use non-error_code overload.) Set the timer's expiry time as
+  /// an absolute time.
+  /**
+   * This function sets the expiry time. Any pending asynchronous wait
+   * operations will be cancelled. The handler for each cancelled operation will
+   * be invoked with the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error code.
+   *
+   * @param expiry_time The expiry time to be used for the timer.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @return The number of asynchronous operations that were cancelled.
+   *
+   * @note If the timer has already expired when expires_at() is called, then
+   * the handlers for asynchronous wait operations will:
+   *
+   * @li have already been invoked; or
+   *
+   * @li have been queued for invocation in the near future.
+   *
+   * These handlers can no longer be cancelled, and therefore are passed an
+   * error code that indicates the successful completion of the wait operation.
+   */
+  std::size_t expires_at(const time_point& expiry_time,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().expires_at(
+        this->get_implementation(), expiry_time, ec);
+  }
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+  /// Set the timer's expiry time relative to now.
+  /**
+   * This function sets the expiry time. Any pending asynchronous wait
+   * operations will be cancelled. The handler for each cancelled operation will
+   * be invoked with the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error code.
+   *
+   * @param expiry_time The expiry time to be used for the timer.
+   *
+   * @return The number of asynchronous operations that were cancelled.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @note If the timer has already expired when expires_after() is called,
+   * then the handlers for asynchronous wait operations will:
+   *
+   * @li have already been invoked; or
+   *
+   * @li have been queued for invocation in the near future.
+   *
+   * These handlers can no longer be cancelled, and therefore are passed an
+   * error code that indicates the successful completion of the wait operation.
+   */
+  std::size_t expires_after(const duration& expiry_time)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().expires_after(
+        this->get_implementation(), expiry_time, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "expires_after");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// (Deprecated: Use expiry().) Get the timer's expiry time relative to now.
+  /**
+   * This function may be used to obtain the timer's current expiry time.
+   * Whether the timer has expired or not does not affect this value.
+   */
+  duration expires_from_now() const
+  {
+    return this->get_service().expires_from_now(this->get_implementation());
+  }
+  /// (Deprecated: Use expires_after().) Set the timer's expiry time relative
+  /// to now.
+  /**
+   * This function sets the expiry time. Any pending asynchronous wait
+   * operations will be cancelled. The handler for each cancelled operation will
+   * be invoked with the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error code.
+   *
+   * @param expiry_time The expiry time to be used for the timer.
+   *
+   * @return The number of asynchronous operations that were cancelled.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   *
+   * @note If the timer has already expired when expires_from_now() is called,
+   * then the handlers for asynchronous wait operations will:
+   *
+   * @li have already been invoked; or
+   *
+   * @li have been queued for invocation in the near future.
+   *
+   * These handlers can no longer be cancelled, and therefore are passed an
+   * error code that indicates the successful completion of the wait operation.
+   */
+  std::size_t expires_from_now(const duration& expiry_time)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    std::size_t s = this->get_service().expires_from_now(
+        this->get_implementation(), expiry_time, ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "expires_from_now");
+    return s;
+  }
+  /// (Deprecated: Use expires_after().) Set the timer's expiry time relative
+  /// to now.
+  /**
+   * This function sets the expiry time. Any pending asynchronous wait
+   * operations will be cancelled. The handler for each cancelled operation will
+   * be invoked with the boost::asio::error::operation_aborted error code.
+   *
+   * @param expiry_time The expiry time to be used for the timer.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   *
+   * @return The number of asynchronous operations that were cancelled.
+   *
+   * @note If the timer has already expired when expires_from_now() is called,
+   * then the handlers for asynchronous wait operations will:
+   *
+   * @li have already been invoked; or
+   *
+   * @li have been queued for invocation in the near future.
+   *
+   * These handlers can no longer be cancelled, and therefore are passed an
+   * error code that indicates the successful completion of the wait operation.
+   */
+  std::size_t expires_from_now(const duration& expiry_time,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return this->get_service().expires_from_now(
+        this->get_implementation(), expiry_time, ec);
+  }
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+  /// Perform a blocking wait on the timer.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to wait for the timer to expire. This function
+   * blocks and does not return until the timer has expired.
+   *
+   * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure.
+   */
+  void wait()
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    this->get_service().wait(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "wait");
+  }
+  /// Perform a blocking wait on the timer.
+  /**
+   * This function is used to wait for the timer to expire. This function
+   * blocks and does not return until the timer has expired.
+   *
+   * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.
+   */
+  void wait(boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    this->get_service().wait(this->get_implementation(), ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous wait on the timer.
+  /**
+   * This function may be used to initiate an asynchronous wait against the
+   * timer. It always returns immediately.
+   *
+   * For each call to async_wait(), the supplied handler will be called exactly
+   * once. The handler will be called when:
+   *
+   * @li The timer has expired.
+   *
+   * @li The timer was cancelled, in which case the handler is passed the error
+   * code boost::asio::error::operation_aborted.
+   *
+   * @param handler The handler to be called when the timer expires. Copies
+   * will be made of the handler as required. The function signature of the
+   * handler must be:
+   * @code void handler(
+   *   const boost::system::error_code& error // Result of operation.
+   * ); @endcode
+   * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+   * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+   * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+   * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+   */
+  template <typename WaitHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code))
+  async_wait(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(WaitHandler) handler)
+  {
+    // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
+    // not meet the documented type requirements for a WaitHandler.
+    BOOST_ASIO_WAIT_HANDLER_CHECK(WaitHandler, handler) type_check;
+    return this->get_service().async_wait(this->get_implementation(),
+        BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(WaitHandler)(handler));
+    async_completion<WaitHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code)> init(handler);
+    this->get_service().async_wait(this->get_implementation(),
+        init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  // Disallow copying and assignment.
+  basic_waitable_timer(const basic_waitable_timer&) BOOST_ASIO_DELETED;
+  basic_waitable_timer& operator=(
+      const basic_waitable_timer&) BOOST_ASIO_DELETED;
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 613 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+// bind_executor.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/type_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/variadic_templates.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/associated_executor.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/associated_allocator.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/async_result.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/execution_context.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/is_executor.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/uses_executor.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+template <typename T>
+struct executor_binder_check
+  typedef void type;
+// Helper to automatically define nested typedef result_type.
+template <typename T, typename = void>
+struct executor_binder_result_type
+  typedef void result_type_or_void;
+template <typename T>
+struct executor_binder_result_type<T,
+  typename executor_binder_check<typename T::result_type>::type>
+  typedef typename T::result_type result_type;
+  typedef result_type result_type_or_void;
+template <typename R>
+struct executor_binder_result_type<R(*)()>
+  typedef R result_type;
+  typedef result_type result_type_or_void;
+template <typename R>
+struct executor_binder_result_type<R(&)()>
+  typedef R result_type;
+  typedef result_type result_type_or_void;
+template <typename R, typename A1>
+struct executor_binder_result_type<R(*)(A1)>
+  typedef R result_type;
+  typedef result_type result_type_or_void;
+template <typename R, typename A1>
+struct executor_binder_result_type<R(&)(A1)>
+  typedef R result_type;
+  typedef result_type result_type_or_void;
+template <typename R, typename A1, typename A2>
+struct executor_binder_result_type<R(*)(A1, A2)>
+  typedef R result_type;
+  typedef result_type result_type_or_void;
+template <typename R, typename A1, typename A2>
+struct executor_binder_result_type<R(&)(A1, A2)>
+  typedef R result_type;
+  typedef result_type result_type_or_void;
+// Helper to automatically define nested typedef argument_type.
+template <typename T, typename = void>
+struct executor_binder_argument_type {};
+template <typename T>
+struct executor_binder_argument_type<T,
+  typename executor_binder_check<typename T::argument_type>::type>
+  typedef typename T::argument_type argument_type;
+template <typename R, typename A1>
+struct executor_binder_argument_type<R(*)(A1)>
+  typedef A1 argument_type;
+template <typename R, typename A1>
+struct executor_binder_argument_type<R(&)(A1)>
+  typedef A1 argument_type;
+// Helper to automatically define nested typedefs first_argument_type and
+// second_argument_type.
+template <typename T, typename = void>
+struct executor_binder_argument_types {};
+template <typename T>
+struct executor_binder_argument_types<T,
+  typename executor_binder_check<typename T::first_argument_type>::type>
+  typedef typename T::first_argument_type first_argument_type;
+  typedef typename T::second_argument_type second_argument_type;
+template <typename R, typename A1, typename A2>
+struct executor_binder_argument_type<R(*)(A1, A2)>
+  typedef A1 first_argument_type;
+  typedef A2 second_argument_type;
+template <typename R, typename A1, typename A2>
+struct executor_binder_argument_type<R(&)(A1, A2)>
+  typedef A1 first_argument_type;
+  typedef A2 second_argument_type;
+// Helper to:
+// - Apply the empty base optimisation to the executor.
+// - Perform uses_executor construction of the target type, if required.
+template <typename T, typename Executor, bool UsesExecutor>
+class executor_binder_base;
+template <typename T, typename Executor>
+class executor_binder_base<T, Executor, true>
+  : protected Executor
+  template <typename E, typename U>
+  executor_binder_base(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(E) e, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(U) u)
+    : executor_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(E)(e)),
+      target_(executor_arg_t(), executor_, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(U)(u))
+  {
+  }
+  Executor executor_;
+  T target_;
+template <typename T, typename Executor>
+class executor_binder_base<T, Executor, false>
+  template <typename E, typename U>
+  executor_binder_base(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(E) e, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(U) u)
+    : executor_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(E)(e)),
+      target_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(U)(u))
+  {
+  }
+  Executor executor_;
+  T target_;
+// Helper to enable SFINAE on zero-argument operator() below.
+template <typename T, typename = void>
+struct executor_binder_result_of0
+  typedef void type;
+template <typename T>
+struct executor_binder_result_of0<T,
+  typename executor_binder_check<typename result_of<T()>::type>::type>
+  typedef typename result_of<T()>::type type;
+} // namespace detail
+/// A call wrapper type to bind an executor of type @c Executor to an object of
+/// type @c T.
+template <typename T, typename Executor>
+class executor_binder
+  : public detail::executor_binder_result_type<T>,
+    public detail::executor_binder_argument_type<T>,
+    public detail::executor_binder_argument_types<T>,
+    private detail::executor_binder_base<
+      T, Executor, uses_executor<T, Executor>::value>
+  /// The type of the target object.
+  typedef T target_type;
+  /// The type of the associated executor.
+  typedef Executor executor_type;
+  /// The return type if a function.
+  /**
+   * The type of @c result_type is based on the type @c T of the wrapper's
+   * target object:
+   *
+   * @li if @c T is a pointer to function type, @c result_type is a synonym for
+   * the return type of @c T;
+   *
+   * @li if @c T is a class type with a member type @c result_type, then @c
+   * result_type is a synonym for @c T::result_type;
+   *
+   * @li otherwise @c result_type is not defined.
+   */
+  typedef see_below result_type;
+  /// The type of the function's argument.
+  /**
+   * The type of @c argument_type is based on the type @c T of the wrapper's
+   * target object:
+   *
+   * @li if @c T is a pointer to a function type accepting a single argument,
+   * @c argument_type is a synonym for the return type of @c T;
+   *
+   * @li if @c T is a class type with a member type @c argument_type, then @c
+   * argument_type is a synonym for @c T::argument_type;
+   *
+   * @li otherwise @c argument_type is not defined.
+   */
+  typedef see_below argument_type;
+  /// The type of the function's first argument.
+  /**
+   * The type of @c first_argument_type is based on the type @c T of the
+   * wrapper's target object:
+   *
+   * @li if @c T is a pointer to a function type accepting two arguments, @c
+   * first_argument_type is a synonym for the return type of @c T;
+   *
+   * @li if @c T is a class type with a member type @c first_argument_type,
+   * then @c first_argument_type is a synonym for @c T::first_argument_type;
+   *
+   * @li otherwise @c first_argument_type is not defined.
+   */
+  typedef see_below first_argument_type;
+  /// The type of the function's second argument.
+  /**
+   * The type of @c second_argument_type is based on the type @c T of the
+   * wrapper's target object:
+   *
+   * @li if @c T is a pointer to a function type accepting two arguments, @c
+   * second_argument_type is a synonym for the return type of @c T;
+   *
+   * @li if @c T is a class type with a member type @c first_argument_type,
+   * then @c second_argument_type is a synonym for @c T::second_argument_type;
+   *
+   * @li otherwise @c second_argument_type is not defined.
+   */
+  typedef see_below second_argument_type;
+  /// Construct an executor wrapper for the specified object.
+  /**
+   * This constructor is only valid if the type @c T is constructible from type
+   * @c U.
+   */
+  template <typename U>
+  executor_binder(executor_arg_t, const executor_type& e,
+    : base_type(e, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(U)(u))
+  {
+  }
+  /// Copy constructor.
+  executor_binder(const executor_binder& other)
+    : base_type(other.get_executor(), other.get())
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct a copy, but specify a different executor.
+  executor_binder(executor_arg_t, const executor_type& e,
+      const executor_binder& other)
+    : base_type(e, other.get())
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct a copy of a different executor wrapper type.
+  /**
+   * This constructor is only valid if the @c Executor type is constructible
+   * from type @c OtherExecutor, and the type @c T is constructible from type
+   * @c U.
+   */
+  template <typename U, typename OtherExecutor>
+  executor_binder(const executor_binder<U, OtherExecutor>& other)
+    : base_type(other.get_executor(), other.get())
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct a copy of a different executor wrapper type, but specify a
+  /// different executor.
+  /**
+   * This constructor is only valid if the type @c T is constructible from type
+   * @c U.
+   */
+  template <typename U, typename OtherExecutor>
+  executor_binder(executor_arg_t, const executor_type& e,
+      const executor_binder<U, OtherExecutor>& other)
+    : base_type(e, other.get())
+  {
+  }
+  /// Move constructor.
+  executor_binder(executor_binder&& other)
+    : base_type(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(executor_type)(other.get_executor()),
+        BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(T)(other.get()))
+  {
+  }
+  /// Move construct the target object, but specify a different executor.
+  executor_binder(executor_arg_t, const executor_type& e,
+      executor_binder&& other)
+    : base_type(e, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(T)(other.get()))
+  {
+  }
+  /// Move construct from a different executor wrapper type.
+  template <typename U, typename OtherExecutor>
+  executor_binder(executor_binder<U, OtherExecutor>&& other)
+    : base_type(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(OtherExecutor)(other.get_executor()),
+        BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(U)(other.get()))
+  {
+  }
+  /// Move construct from a different executor wrapper type, but specify a
+  /// different executor.
+  template <typename U, typename OtherExecutor>
+  executor_binder(executor_arg_t, const executor_type& e,
+      executor_binder<U, OtherExecutor>&& other)
+    : base_type(e, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(U)(other.get()))
+  {
+  }
+  /// Destructor.
+  ~executor_binder()
+  {
+  }
+  /// Obtain a reference to the target object.
+  target_type& get() BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return this->target_;
+  }
+  /// Obtain a reference to the target object.
+  const target_type& get() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return this->target_;
+  }
+  /// Obtain the associated executor.
+  executor_type get_executor() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return this->executor_;
+  }
+  template <typename... Args> auto operator()(Args&& ...);
+  template <typename... Args> auto operator()(Args&& ...) const;
+  /// Forwarding function call operator.
+  template <typename... Args>
+  typename result_of<T(Args...)>::type operator()(
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(Args)... args)
+  {
+    return this->target_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Args)(args)...);
+  }
+  /// Forwarding function call operator.
+  template <typename... Args>
+  typename result_of<T(Args...)>::type operator()(
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(Args)... args) const
+  {
+    return this->target_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Args)(args)...);
+  }
+#elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_TYPE_TRAITS) && !defined(_MSC_VER)
+  typename detail::executor_binder_result_of0<T>::type operator()()
+  {
+    return this->target_();
+  }
+  typename detail::executor_binder_result_of0<T>::type operator()() const
+  {
+    return this->target_();
+  }
+  typename result_of<T(BOOST_ASIO_VARIADIC_TARGS(n))>::type operator()( \
+  { \
+    return this->target_(BOOST_ASIO_VARIADIC_MOVE_ARGS(n)); \
+  } \
+  \
+  typename result_of<T(BOOST_ASIO_VARIADIC_TARGS(n))>::type operator()( \
+  { \
+    return this->target_(BOOST_ASIO_VARIADIC_MOVE_ARGS(n)); \
+  } \
+  /**/
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_TYPE_TRAITS) && !defined(_MSC_VER)
+  typedef typename detail::executor_binder_result_type<T>::result_type_or_void
+    result_type_or_void;
+  result_type_or_void operator()()
+  {
+    return this->target_();
+  }
+  result_type_or_void operator()() const
+  {
+    return this->target_();
+  }
+  result_type_or_void operator()( \
+  { \
+    return this->target_(BOOST_ASIO_VARIADIC_MOVE_ARGS(n)); \
+  } \
+  \
+  result_type_or_void operator()( \
+  { \
+    return this->target_(BOOST_ASIO_VARIADIC_MOVE_ARGS(n)); \
+  } \
+  /**/
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_TYPE_TRAITS) && !defined(_MSC_VER)
+  typedef detail::executor_binder_base<T, Executor,
+    uses_executor<T, Executor>::value> base_type;
+/// Associate an object of type @c T with an executor of type @c Executor.
+template <typename Executor, typename T>
+inline executor_binder<typename decay<T>::type, Executor>
+bind_executor(const Executor& ex, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(T) t,
+    typename enable_if<is_executor<Executor>::value>::type* = 0)
+  return executor_binder<typename decay<T>::type, Executor>(
+      executor_arg_t(), ex, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(T)(t));
+/// Associate an object of type @c T with an execution context's executor.
+template <typename ExecutionContext, typename T>
+inline executor_binder<typename decay<T>::type,
+  typename ExecutionContext::executor_type>
+bind_executor(ExecutionContext& ctx, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(T) t,
+    typename enable_if<is_convertible<
+      ExecutionContext&, execution_context&>::value>::type* = 0)
+  return executor_binder<typename decay<T>::type,
+    typename ExecutionContext::executor_type>(
+      executor_arg_t(), ctx.get_executor(), BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(T)(t));
+template <typename T, typename Executor>
+struct uses_executor<executor_binder<T, Executor>, Executor>
+  : true_type {};
+template <typename T, typename Executor, typename Signature>
+class async_result<executor_binder<T, Executor>, Signature>
+  typedef executor_binder<
+    typename async_result<T, Signature>::completion_handler_type, Executor>
+      completion_handler_type;
+  typedef typename async_result<T, Signature>::return_type return_type;
+  explicit async_result(executor_binder<T, Executor>& b)
+    : target_(b.get())
+  {
+  }
+  return_type get()
+  {
+    return target_.get();
+  }
+  async_result(const async_result&) BOOST_ASIO_DELETED;
+  async_result& operator=(const async_result&) BOOST_ASIO_DELETED;
+  async_result<T, Signature> target_;
+template <typename T, typename Executor, typename Signature>
+struct handler_type<executor_binder<T, Executor>, Signature>
+  typedef executor_binder<
+    typename handler_type<T, Signature>::type, Executor> type;
+template <typename T, typename Executor>
+class async_result<executor_binder<T, Executor> >
+  typedef typename async_result<T>::type type;
+  explicit async_result(executor_binder<T, Executor>& b)
+    : target_(b.get())
+  {
+  }
+  type get()
+  {
+    return target_.get();
+  }
+  async_result<T> target_;
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+template <typename T, typename Executor, typename Allocator>
+struct associated_allocator<executor_binder<T, Executor>, Allocator>
+  typedef typename associated_allocator<T, Allocator>::type type;
+  static type get(const executor_binder<T, Executor>& b,
+      const Allocator& a = Allocator()) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return associated_allocator<T, Allocator>::get(b.get(), a);
+  }
+template <typename T, typename Executor, typename Executor1>
+struct associated_executor<executor_binder<T, Executor>, Executor1>
+  typedef Executor type;
+  static type get(const executor_binder<T, Executor>& b,
+      const Executor1& = Executor1()) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return b.get_executor();
+  }
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 2164 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2164 @@
+// buffer.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <limits>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/array_fwd.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/is_buffer_sequence.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/string_view.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/throw_exception.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/type_traits.hpp>
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC) && (BOOST_ASIO_MSVC >= 1700)
+# endif // defined(_HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING)
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC) && (BOOST_ASIO_MSVC >= 1700)
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+# if defined(_GLIBCXX_DEBUG)
+# endif // defined(_GLIBCXX_DEBUG)
+#endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+# include <boost/asio/detail/functional.hpp>
+# include <boost/detail/workaround.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/detail/type_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+class mutable_buffer;
+class const_buffer;
+/// Holds a buffer that can be modified.
+ * The mutable_buffer class provides a safe representation of a buffer that can
+ * be modified. It does not own the underlying data, and so is cheap to copy or
+ * assign.
+ *
+ * @par Accessing Buffer Contents
+ *
+ * The contents of a buffer may be accessed using the @c data() and @c size()
+ * member functions:
+ *
+ * @code boost::asio::mutable_buffer b1 = ...;
+ * std::size_t s1 = b1.size();
+ * unsigned char* p1 = static_cast<unsigned char*>(b1.data());
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * The @c data() member function permits violations of type safety, so uses of
+ * it in application code should be carefully considered.
+ */
+class mutable_buffer
+  /// Construct an empty buffer.
+  mutable_buffer() BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+    : data_(0),
+      size_(0)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct a buffer to represent a given memory range.
+  mutable_buffer(void* data, std::size_t size) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+    : data_(data),
+      size_(size)
+  {
+  }
+  mutable_buffer(void* data, std::size_t size,
+      boost::asio::detail::function<void()> debug_check)
+    : data_(data),
+      size_(size),
+      debug_check_(debug_check)
+  {
+  }
+  const boost::asio::detail::function<void()>& get_debug_check() const
+  {
+    return debug_check_;
+  }
+  /// Get a pointer to the beginning of the memory range.
+  void* data() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    if (size_ && debug_check_)
+      debug_check_();
+    return data_;
+  }
+  /// Get the size of the memory range.
+  std::size_t size() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return size_;
+  }
+  /// Move the start of the buffer by the specified number of bytes.
+  mutable_buffer& operator+=(std::size_t n) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    std::size_t offset = n < size_ ? n : size_;
+    data_ = static_cast<char*>(data_) + offset;
+    size_ -= offset;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  void* data_;
+  std::size_t size_;
+  boost::asio::detail::function<void()> debug_check_;
+/// (Deprecated: Use mutable_buffer.) Adapts a single modifiable buffer so that
+/// it meets the requirements of the MutableBufferSequence concept.
+class mutable_buffers_1
+  : public mutable_buffer
+  /// The type for each element in the list of buffers.
+  typedef mutable_buffer value_type;
+  /// A random-access iterator type that may be used to read elements.
+  typedef const mutable_buffer* const_iterator;
+  /// Construct to represent a given memory range.
+  mutable_buffers_1(void* data, std::size_t size) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+    : mutable_buffer(data, size)
+  {
+  }
+  mutable_buffers_1(void* data, std::size_t size,
+      boost::asio::detail::function<void()> debug_check)
+    : mutable_buffer(data, size, debug_check)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct to represent a single modifiable buffer.
+  explicit mutable_buffers_1(const mutable_buffer& b) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+    : mutable_buffer(b)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Get a random-access iterator to the first element.
+  const_iterator begin() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return this;
+  }
+  /// Get a random-access iterator for one past the last element.
+  const_iterator end() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return begin() + 1;
+  }
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+/// Holds a buffer that cannot be modified.
+ * The const_buffer class provides a safe representation of a buffer that cannot
+ * be modified. It does not own the underlying data, and so is cheap to copy or
+ * assign.
+ *
+ * @par Accessing Buffer Contents
+ *
+ * The contents of a buffer may be accessed using the @c data() and @c size()
+ * member functions:
+ *
+ * @code boost::asio::const_buffer b1 = ...;
+ * std::size_t s1 = b1.size();
+ * const unsigned char* p1 = static_cast<const unsigned char*>(b1.data());
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * The @c data() member function permits violations of type safety, so uses of
+ * it in application code should be carefully considered.
+ */
+class const_buffer
+  /// Construct an empty buffer.
+  const_buffer() BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+    : data_(0),
+      size_(0)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct a buffer to represent a given memory range.
+  const_buffer(const void* data, std::size_t size) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+    : data_(data),
+      size_(size)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct a non-modifiable buffer from a modifiable one.
+  const_buffer(const mutable_buffer& b) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+    : data_(b.data()),
+      size_(b.size())
+      , debug_check_(b.get_debug_check())
+  {
+  }
+  const_buffer(const void* data, std::size_t size,
+      boost::asio::detail::function<void()> debug_check)
+    : data_(data),
+      size_(size),
+      debug_check_(debug_check)
+  {
+  }
+  const boost::asio::detail::function<void()>& get_debug_check() const
+  {
+    return debug_check_;
+  }
+  /// Get a pointer to the beginning of the memory range.
+  const void* data() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    if (size_ && debug_check_)
+      debug_check_();
+    return data_;
+  }
+  /// Get the size of the memory range.
+  std::size_t size() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return size_;
+  }
+  /// Move the start of the buffer by the specified number of bytes.
+  const_buffer& operator+=(std::size_t n) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    std::size_t offset = n < size_ ? n : size_;
+    data_ = static_cast<const char*>(data_) + offset;
+    size_ -= offset;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  const void* data_;
+  std::size_t size_;
+  boost::asio::detail::function<void()> debug_check_;
+/// (Deprecated: Use const_buffer.) Adapts a single non-modifiable buffer so
+/// that it meets the requirements of the ConstBufferSequence concept.
+class const_buffers_1
+  : public const_buffer
+  /// The type for each element in the list of buffers.
+  typedef const_buffer value_type;
+  /// A random-access iterator type that may be used to read elements.
+  typedef const const_buffer* const_iterator;
+  /// Construct to represent a given memory range.
+  const_buffers_1(const void* data, std::size_t size) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+    : const_buffer(data, size)
+  {
+  }
+  const_buffers_1(const void* data, std::size_t size,
+      boost::asio::detail::function<void()> debug_check)
+    : const_buffer(data, size, debug_check)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct to represent a single non-modifiable buffer.
+  explicit const_buffers_1(const const_buffer& b) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+    : const_buffer(b)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Get a random-access iterator to the first element.
+  const_iterator begin() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return this;
+  }
+  /// Get a random-access iterator for one past the last element.
+  const_iterator end() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return begin() + 1;
+  }
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+/// Trait to determine whether a type satisfies the MutableBufferSequence
+/// requirements.
+template <typename T>
+struct is_mutable_buffer_sequence
+  : integral_constant<bool, automatically_determined>
+  : boost::asio::detail::is_buffer_sequence<T, mutable_buffer>
+/// Trait to determine whether a type satisfies the ConstBufferSequence
+/// requirements.
+template <typename T>
+struct is_const_buffer_sequence
+  : integral_constant<bool, automatically_determined>
+  : boost::asio::detail::is_buffer_sequence<T, const_buffer>
+/// Trait to determine whether a type satisfies the DynamicBuffer requirements.
+template <typename T>
+struct is_dynamic_buffer
+  : integral_constant<bool, automatically_determined>
+  : boost::asio::detail::is_dynamic_buffer<T>
+/// (Deprecated: Use the socket/descriptor wait() and async_wait() member
+/// functions.) An implementation of both the ConstBufferSequence and
+/// MutableBufferSequence concepts to represent a null buffer sequence.
+class null_buffers
+  /// The type for each element in the list of buffers.
+  typedef mutable_buffer value_type;
+  /// A random-access iterator type that may be used to read elements.
+  typedef const mutable_buffer* const_iterator;
+  /// Get a random-access iterator to the first element.
+  const_iterator begin() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return &buf_;
+  }
+  /// Get a random-access iterator for one past the last element.
+  const_iterator end() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return &buf_;
+  }
+  mutable_buffer buf_;
+/** @defgroup buffer_sequence_begin boost::asio::buffer_sequence_begin
+ *
+ * @brief The boost::asio::buffer_sequence_begin function returns an iterator
+ * pointing to the first element in a buffer sequence.
+ */
+/// Get an iterator to the first element in a buffer sequence.
+inline const mutable_buffer* buffer_sequence_begin(const mutable_buffer& b)
+  return &b;
+/// Get an iterator to the first element in a buffer sequence.
+inline const const_buffer* buffer_sequence_begin(const const_buffer& b)
+  return &b;
+/// Get an iterator to the first element in a buffer sequence.
+template <typename C>
+inline auto buffer_sequence_begin(C& c) -> decltype(c.begin())
+  return c.begin();
+/// Get an iterator to the first element in a buffer sequence.
+template <typename C>
+inline auto buffer_sequence_begin(const C& c) -> decltype(c.begin())
+  return c.begin();
+template <typename C>
+inline typename C::iterator buffer_sequence_begin(C& c)
+  return c.begin();
+template <typename C>
+inline typename C::const_iterator buffer_sequence_begin(const C& c)
+  return c.begin();
+/** @defgroup buffer_sequence_end boost::asio::buffer_sequence_end
+ *
+ * @brief The boost::asio::buffer_sequence_end function returns an iterator
+ * pointing to one past the end element in a buffer sequence.
+ */
+/// Get an iterator to one past the end element in a buffer sequence.
+inline const mutable_buffer* buffer_sequence_end(const mutable_buffer& b)
+  return &b + 1;
+/// Get an iterator to one past the end element in a buffer sequence.
+inline const const_buffer* buffer_sequence_end(const const_buffer& b)
+  return &b + 1;
+/// Get an iterator to one past the end element in a buffer sequence.
+template <typename C>
+inline auto buffer_sequence_end(C& c) -> decltype(c.end())
+  return c.end();
+/// Get an iterator to one past the end element in a buffer sequence.
+template <typename C>
+inline auto buffer_sequence_end(const C& c) -> decltype(c.end())
+  return c.end();
+template <typename C>
+inline typename C::iterator buffer_sequence_end(C& c)
+  return c.end();
+template <typename C>
+inline typename C::const_iterator buffer_sequence_end(const C& c)
+  return c.end();
+namespace detail {
+// Tag types used to select appropriately optimised overloads.
+struct one_buffer {};
+struct multiple_buffers {};
+// Helper trait to detect single buffers.
+template <typename BufferSequence>
+struct buffer_sequence_cardinality :
+  conditional<
+    is_same<BufferSequence, mutable_buffer>::value
+      || is_same<BufferSequence, mutable_buffers_1>::value
+      || is_same<BufferSequence, const_buffers_1>::value
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+      || is_same<BufferSequence, const_buffer>::value,
+    one_buffer, multiple_buffers>::type {};
+template <typename Iterator>
+inline std::size_t buffer_size(one_buffer,
+    Iterator begin, Iterator) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return const_buffer(*begin).size();
+template <typename Iterator>
+inline std::size_t buffer_size(multiple_buffers,
+    Iterator begin, Iterator end) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  std::size_t total_buffer_size = 0;
+  Iterator iter = begin;
+  for (; iter != end; ++iter)
+  {
+    const_buffer b(*iter);
+    total_buffer_size += b.size();
+  }
+  return total_buffer_size;
+} // namespace detail
+/// Get the total number of bytes in a buffer sequence.
+ * The @c buffer_size function determines the total size of all buffers in the
+ * buffer sequence, as if computed as follows:
+ *
+ * @code size_t total_size = 0;
+ * auto i = boost::asio::buffer_sequence_begin(buffers);
+ * auto end = boost::asio::buffer_sequence_end(buffers);
+ * for (; i != end; ++i)
+ * {
+ *   const_buffer b(*i);
+ *   total_size += b.size();
+ * }
+ * return total_size; @endcode
+ *
+ * The @c BufferSequence template parameter may meet either of the @c
+ * ConstBufferSequence or @c MutableBufferSequence type requirements.
+ */
+template <typename BufferSequence>
+inline std::size_t buffer_size(const BufferSequence& b) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return detail::buffer_size(
+      detail::buffer_sequence_cardinality<BufferSequence>(),
+      boost::asio::buffer_sequence_begin(b),
+      boost::asio::buffer_sequence_end(b));
+/** @defgroup buffer_cast boost::asio::buffer_cast
+ *
+ * @brief (Deprecated: Use the @c data() member function.) The
+ * boost::asio::buffer_cast function is used to obtain a pointer to the
+ * underlying memory region associated with a buffer.
+ *
+ * @par Examples:
+ *
+ * To access the memory of a non-modifiable buffer, use:
+ * @code boost::asio::const_buffer b1 = ...;
+ * const unsigned char* p1 = boost::asio::buffer_cast<const unsigned char*>(b1);
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * To access the memory of a modifiable buffer, use:
+ * @code boost::asio::mutable_buffer b2 = ...;
+ * unsigned char* p2 = boost::asio::buffer_cast<unsigned char*>(b2);
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * The boost::asio::buffer_cast function permits violations of type safety, so
+ * uses of it in application code should be carefully considered.
+ */
+/// Cast a non-modifiable buffer to a specified pointer to POD type.
+template <typename PointerToPodType>
+inline PointerToPodType buffer_cast(const mutable_buffer& b) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return static_cast<PointerToPodType>(b.data());
+/// Cast a non-modifiable buffer to a specified pointer to POD type.
+template <typename PointerToPodType>
+inline PointerToPodType buffer_cast(const const_buffer& b) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return static_cast<PointerToPodType>(b.data());
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+/// Create a new modifiable buffer that is offset from the start of another.
+ * @relates mutable_buffer
+ */
+inline mutable_buffer operator+(const mutable_buffer& b,
+    std::size_t n) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  std::size_t offset = n < b.size() ? n : b.size();
+  char* new_data = static_cast<char*>(b.data()) + offset;
+  std::size_t new_size = b.size() - offset;
+  return mutable_buffer(new_data, new_size
+      , b.get_debug_check()
+      );
+/// Create a new modifiable buffer that is offset from the start of another.
+ * @relates mutable_buffer
+ */
+inline mutable_buffer operator+(std::size_t n,
+    const mutable_buffer& b) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return b + n;
+/// Create a new non-modifiable buffer that is offset from the start of another.
+ * @relates const_buffer
+ */
+inline const_buffer operator+(const const_buffer& b,
+    std::size_t n) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  std::size_t offset = n < b.size() ? n : b.size();
+  const char* new_data = static_cast<const char*>(b.data()) + offset;
+  std::size_t new_size = b.size() - offset;
+  return const_buffer(new_data, new_size
+      , b.get_debug_check()
+      );
+/// Create a new non-modifiable buffer that is offset from the start of another.
+ * @relates const_buffer
+ */
+inline const_buffer operator+(std::size_t n,
+    const const_buffer& b) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return b + n;
+namespace detail {
+template <typename Iterator>
+class buffer_debug_check
+  buffer_debug_check(Iterator iter)
+    : iter_(iter)
+  {
+  }
+  ~buffer_debug_check()
+  {
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC) && (BOOST_ASIO_MSVC == 1400)
+    // MSVC 8's string iterator checking may crash in a std::string::iterator
+    // object's destructor when the iterator points to an already-destroyed
+    // std::string object, unless the iterator is cleared first.
+    iter_ = Iterator();
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC) && (BOOST_ASIO_MSVC == 1400)
+  }
+  void operator()()
+  {
+    (void)*iter_;
+  }
+  Iterator iter_;
+} // namespace detail
+/** @defgroup buffer boost::asio::buffer
+ *
+ * @brief The boost::asio::buffer function is used to create a buffer object to
+ * represent raw memory, an array of POD elements, a vector of POD elements,
+ * or a std::string.
+ *
+ * A buffer object represents a contiguous region of memory as a 2-tuple
+ * consisting of a pointer and size in bytes. A tuple of the form <tt>{void*,
+ * size_t}</tt> specifies a mutable (modifiable) region of memory. Similarly, a
+ * tuple of the form <tt>{const void*, size_t}</tt> specifies a const
+ * (non-modifiable) region of memory. These two forms correspond to the classes
+ * mutable_buffer and const_buffer, respectively. To mirror C++'s conversion
+ * rules, a mutable_buffer is implicitly convertible to a const_buffer, and the
+ * opposite conversion is not permitted.
+ *
+ * The simplest use case involves reading or writing a single buffer of a
+ * specified size:
+ *
+ * @code sock.send(boost::asio::buffer(data, size)); @endcode
+ *
+ * In the above example, the return value of boost::asio::buffer meets the
+ * requirements of the ConstBufferSequence concept so that it may be directly
+ * passed to the socket's write function. A buffer created for modifiable
+ * memory also meets the requirements of the MutableBufferSequence concept.
+ *
+ * An individual buffer may be created from a builtin array, std::vector,
+ * std::array or boost::array of POD elements. This helps prevent buffer
+ * overruns by automatically determining the size of the buffer:
+ *
+ * @code char d1[128];
+ * size_t bytes_transferred = sock.receive(boost::asio::buffer(d1));
+ *
+ * std::vector<char> d2(128);
+ * bytes_transferred = sock.receive(boost::asio::buffer(d2));
+ *
+ * std::array<char, 128> d3;
+ * bytes_transferred = sock.receive(boost::asio::buffer(d3));
+ *
+ * boost::array<char, 128> d4;
+ * bytes_transferred = sock.receive(boost::asio::buffer(d4)); @endcode
+ *
+ * In all three cases above, the buffers created are exactly 128 bytes long.
+ * Note that a vector is @e never automatically resized when creating or using
+ * a buffer. The buffer size is determined using the vector's <tt>size()</tt>
+ * member function, and not its capacity.
+ *
+ * @par Accessing Buffer Contents
+ *
+ * The contents of a buffer may be accessed using the @c data() and @c size()
+ * member functions:
+ *
+ * @code boost::asio::mutable_buffer b1 = ...;
+ * std::size_t s1 = b1.size();
+ * unsigned char* p1 = static_cast<unsigned char*>(b1.data());
+ *
+ * boost::asio::const_buffer b2 = ...;
+ * std::size_t s2 = b2.size();
+ * const void* p2 = b2.data(); @endcode
+ *
+ * The @c data() member function permits violations of type safety, so
+ * uses of it in application code should be carefully considered.
+ *
+ * For convenience, a @ref buffer_size function is provided that works with
+ * both buffers and buffer sequences (that is, types meeting the
+ * ConstBufferSequence or MutableBufferSequence type requirements). In this
+ * case, the function returns the total size of all buffers in the sequence.
+ *
+ * @par Buffer Copying
+ *
+ * The @ref buffer_copy function may be used to copy raw bytes between
+ * individual buffers and buffer sequences.
+ * In particular, when used with the @ref buffer_size function, the @ref
+ * buffer_copy function can be used to linearise a sequence of buffers. For
+ * example:
+ *
+ * @code vector<const_buffer> buffers = ...;
+ *
+ * vector<unsigned char> data(boost::asio::buffer_size(buffers));
+ * boost::asio::buffer_copy(boost::asio::buffer(data), buffers); @endcode
+ *
+ * Note that @ref buffer_copy is implemented in terms of @c memcpy, and
+ * consequently it cannot be used to copy between overlapping memory regions.
+ *
+ * @par Buffer Invalidation
+ *
+ * A buffer object does not have any ownership of the memory it refers to. It
+ * is the responsibility of the application to ensure the memory region remains
+ * valid until it is no longer required for an I/O operation. When the memory
+ * is no longer available, the buffer is said to have been invalidated.
+ *
+ * For the boost::asio::buffer overloads that accept an argument of type
+ * std::vector, the buffer objects returned are invalidated by any vector
+ * operation that also invalidates all references, pointers and iterators
+ * referring to the elements in the sequence (C++ Std, 23.2.4)
+ *
+ * For the boost::asio::buffer overloads that accept an argument of type
+ * std::basic_string, the buffer objects returned are invalidated according to
+ * the rules defined for invalidation of references, pointers and iterators
+ * referring to elements of the sequence (C++ Std, 21.3).
+ *
+ * @par Buffer Arithmetic
+ *
+ * Buffer objects may be manipulated using simple arithmetic in a safe way
+ * which helps prevent buffer overruns. Consider an array initialised as
+ * follows:
+ *
+ * @code boost::array<char, 6> a = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' }; @endcode
+ *
+ * A buffer object @c b1 created using:
+ *
+ * @code b1 = boost::asio::buffer(a); @endcode
+ *
+ * represents the entire array, <tt>{ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' }</tt>. An
+ * optional second argument to the boost::asio::buffer function may be used to
+ * limit the size, in bytes, of the buffer:
+ *
+ * @code b2 = boost::asio::buffer(a, 3); @endcode
+ *
+ * such that @c b2 represents the data <tt>{ 'a', 'b', 'c' }</tt>. Even if the
+ * size argument exceeds the actual size of the array, the size of the buffer
+ * object created will be limited to the array size.
+ *
+ * An offset may be applied to an existing buffer to create a new one:
+ *
+ * @code b3 = b1 + 2; @endcode
+ *
+ * where @c b3 will set to represent <tt>{ 'c', 'd', 'e' }</tt>. If the offset
+ * exceeds the size of the existing buffer, the newly created buffer will be
+ * empty.
+ *
+ * Both an offset and size may be specified to create a buffer that corresponds
+ * to a specific range of bytes within an existing buffer:
+ *
+ * @code b4 = boost::asio::buffer(b1 + 1, 3); @endcode
+ *
+ * so that @c b4 will refer to the bytes <tt>{ 'b', 'c', 'd' }</tt>.
+ *
+ * @par Buffers and Scatter-Gather I/O
+ *
+ * To read or write using multiple buffers (i.e. scatter-gather I/O), multiple
+ * buffer objects may be assigned into a container that supports the
+ * MutableBufferSequence (for read) or ConstBufferSequence (for write) concepts:
+ *
+ * @code
+ * char d1[128];
+ * std::vector<char> d2(128);
+ * boost::array<char, 128> d3;
+ *
+ * boost::array<mutable_buffer, 3> bufs1 = {
+ *   boost::asio::buffer(d1),
+ *   boost::asio::buffer(d2),
+ *   boost::asio::buffer(d3) };
+ * bytes_transferred = sock.receive(bufs1);
+ *
+ * std::vector<const_buffer> bufs2;
+ * bufs2.push_back(boost::asio::buffer(d1));
+ * bufs2.push_back(boost::asio::buffer(d2));
+ * bufs2.push_back(boost::asio::buffer(d3));
+ * bytes_transferred = sock.send(bufs2); @endcode
+ */
+# define BOOST_ASIO_MUTABLE_BUFFER mutable_buffer
+# define BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER const_buffer
+# define BOOST_ASIO_MUTABLE_BUFFER mutable_buffers_1
+# define BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER const_buffers_1
+/// Create a new modifiable buffer from an existing buffer.
+ * @returns <tt>mutable_buffer(b)</tt>.
+ */
+    const mutable_buffer& b) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+/// Create a new modifiable buffer from an existing buffer.
+ * @returns A mutable_buffer value equivalent to:
+ * @code mutable_buffer(
+ *     b.data(),
+ *     min(b.size(), max_size_in_bytes)); @endcode
+ */
+inline BOOST_ASIO_MUTABLE_BUFFER buffer(const mutable_buffer& b,
+    std::size_t max_size_in_bytes) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+      mutable_buffer(b.data(),
+        b.size() < max_size_in_bytes
+        ? b.size() : max_size_in_bytes
+        , b.get_debug_check()
+        ));
+/// Create a new non-modifiable buffer from an existing buffer.
+ * @returns <tt>const_buffer(b)</tt>.
+ */
+    const const_buffer& b) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+/// Create a new non-modifiable buffer from an existing buffer.
+ * @returns A const_buffer value equivalent to:
+ * @code const_buffer(
+ *     b.data(),
+ *     min(b.size(), max_size_in_bytes)); @endcode
+ */
+inline BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER buffer(const const_buffer& b,
+    std::size_t max_size_in_bytes) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER(b.data(),
+      b.size() < max_size_in_bytes
+      ? b.size() : max_size_in_bytes
+      , b.get_debug_check()
+      );
+/// Create a new modifiable buffer that represents the given memory range.
+ * @returns <tt>mutable_buffer(data, size_in_bytes)</tt>.
+ */
+inline BOOST_ASIO_MUTABLE_BUFFER buffer(void* data,
+    std::size_t size_in_bytes) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return BOOST_ASIO_MUTABLE_BUFFER(data, size_in_bytes);
+/// Create a new non-modifiable buffer that represents the given memory range.
+ * @returns <tt>const_buffer(data, size_in_bytes)</tt>.
+ */
+inline BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER buffer(const void* data,
+    std::size_t size_in_bytes) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER(data, size_in_bytes);
+/// Create a new modifiable buffer that represents the given POD array.
+ * @returns A mutable_buffer value equivalent to:
+ * @code mutable_buffer(
+ *     static_cast<void*>(data),
+ *     N * sizeof(PodType)); @endcode
+ */
+template <typename PodType, std::size_t N>
+  return BOOST_ASIO_MUTABLE_BUFFER(data, N * sizeof(PodType));
+/// Create a new modifiable buffer that represents the given POD array.
+ * @returns A mutable_buffer value equivalent to:
+ * @code mutable_buffer(
+ *     static_cast<void*>(data),
+ *     min(N * sizeof(PodType), max_size_in_bytes)); @endcode
+ */
+template <typename PodType, std::size_t N>
+inline BOOST_ASIO_MUTABLE_BUFFER buffer(PodType (&data)[N],
+    std::size_t max_size_in_bytes) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+      N * sizeof(PodType) < max_size_in_bytes
+      ? N * sizeof(PodType) : max_size_in_bytes);
+/// Create a new non-modifiable buffer that represents the given POD array.
+ * @returns A const_buffer value equivalent to:
+ * @code const_buffer(
+ *     static_cast<const void*>(data),
+ *     N * sizeof(PodType)); @endcode
+ */
+template <typename PodType, std::size_t N>
+    const PodType (&data)[N]) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER(data, N * sizeof(PodType));
+/// Create a new non-modifiable buffer that represents the given POD array.
+ * @returns A const_buffer value equivalent to:
+ * @code const_buffer(
+ *     static_cast<const void*>(data),
+ *     min(N * sizeof(PodType), max_size_in_bytes)); @endcode
+ */
+template <typename PodType, std::size_t N>
+inline BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER buffer(const PodType (&data)[N],
+    std::size_t max_size_in_bytes) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+      N * sizeof(PodType) < max_size_in_bytes
+      ? N * sizeof(PodType) : max_size_in_bytes);
+// Borland C++ and Sun Studio think the overloads:
+//   unspecified buffer(boost::array<PodType, N>& array ...);
+// and
+//   unspecified buffer(boost::array<const PodType, N>& array ...);
+// are ambiguous. This will be worked around by using a buffer_types traits
+// class that contains typedefs for the appropriate buffer and container
+// classes, based on whether PodType is const or non-const.
+namespace detail {
+template <bool IsConst>
+struct buffer_types_base;
+template <>
+struct buffer_types_base<false>
+  typedef mutable_buffer buffer_type;
+  typedef BOOST_ASIO_MUTABLE_BUFFER container_type;
+template <>
+struct buffer_types_base<true>
+  typedef const_buffer buffer_type;
+  typedef BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER container_type;
+template <typename PodType>
+struct buffer_types
+  : public buffer_types_base<is_const<PodType>::value>
+} // namespace detail
+template <typename PodType, std::size_t N>
+inline typename detail::buffer_types<PodType>::container_type
+buffer(boost::array<PodType, N>& data) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  typedef typename boost::asio::detail::buffer_types<PodType>::buffer_type
+    buffer_type;
+  typedef typename boost::asio::detail::buffer_types<PodType>::container_type
+    container_type;
+  return container_type(
+      buffer_type(data.c_array(), data.size() * sizeof(PodType)));
+template <typename PodType, std::size_t N>
+inline typename detail::buffer_types<PodType>::container_type
+buffer(boost::array<PodType, N>& data,
+    std::size_t max_size_in_bytes) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  typedef typename boost::asio::detail::buffer_types<PodType>::buffer_type
+    buffer_type;
+  typedef typename boost::asio::detail::buffer_types<PodType>::container_type
+    container_type;
+  return container_type(
+      buffer_type(data.c_array(),
+        data.size() * sizeof(PodType) < max_size_in_bytes
+        ? data.size() * sizeof(PodType) : max_size_in_bytes));
+/// Create a new modifiable buffer that represents the given POD array.
+ * @returns A mutable_buffer value equivalent to:
+ * @code mutable_buffer(
+ *     data.data(),
+ *     data.size() * sizeof(PodType)); @endcode
+ */
+template <typename PodType, std::size_t N>
+    boost::array<PodType, N>& data) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+      data.c_array(), data.size() * sizeof(PodType));
+/// Create a new modifiable buffer that represents the given POD array.
+ * @returns A mutable_buffer value equivalent to:
+ * @code mutable_buffer(
+ *     data.data(),
+ *     min(data.size() * sizeof(PodType), max_size_in_bytes)); @endcode
+ */
+template <typename PodType, std::size_t N>
+inline BOOST_ASIO_MUTABLE_BUFFER buffer(boost::array<PodType, N>& data,
+    std::size_t max_size_in_bytes) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return BOOST_ASIO_MUTABLE_BUFFER(data.c_array(),
+      data.size() * sizeof(PodType) < max_size_in_bytes
+      ? data.size() * sizeof(PodType) : max_size_in_bytes);
+/// Create a new non-modifiable buffer that represents the given POD array.
+ * @returns A const_buffer value equivalent to:
+ * @code const_buffer(
+ *     data.data(),
+ *     data.size() * sizeof(PodType)); @endcode
+ */
+template <typename PodType, std::size_t N>
+    boost::array<const PodType, N>& data) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER(data.data(), data.size() * sizeof(PodType));
+/// Create a new non-modifiable buffer that represents the given POD array.
+ * @returns A const_buffer value equivalent to:
+ * @code const_buffer(
+ *     data.data(),
+ *     min(data.size() * sizeof(PodType), max_size_in_bytes)); @endcode
+ */
+template <typename PodType, std::size_t N>
+inline BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER buffer(boost::array<const PodType, N>& data,
+    std::size_t max_size_in_bytes) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER(data.data(),
+      data.size() * sizeof(PodType) < max_size_in_bytes
+      ? data.size() * sizeof(PodType) : max_size_in_bytes);
+/// Create a new non-modifiable buffer that represents the given POD array.
+ * @returns A const_buffer value equivalent to:
+ * @code const_buffer(
+ *     data.data(),
+ *     data.size() * sizeof(PodType)); @endcode
+ */
+template <typename PodType, std::size_t N>
+    const boost::array<PodType, N>& data) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER(data.data(), data.size() * sizeof(PodType));
+/// Create a new non-modifiable buffer that represents the given POD array.
+ * @returns A const_buffer value equivalent to:
+ * @code const_buffer(
+ *     data.data(),
+ *     min(data.size() * sizeof(PodType), max_size_in_bytes)); @endcode
+ */
+template <typename PodType, std::size_t N>
+inline BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER buffer(const boost::array<PodType, N>& data,
+    std::size_t max_size_in_bytes) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER(data.data(),
+      data.size() * sizeof(PodType) < max_size_in_bytes
+      ? data.size() * sizeof(PodType) : max_size_in_bytes);
+/// Create a new modifiable buffer that represents the given POD array.
+ * @returns A mutable_buffer value equivalent to:
+ * @code mutable_buffer(
+ *     data.data(),
+ *     data.size() * sizeof(PodType)); @endcode
+ */
+template <typename PodType, std::size_t N>
+    std::array<PodType, N>& data) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return BOOST_ASIO_MUTABLE_BUFFER(data.data(), data.size() * sizeof(PodType));
+/// Create a new modifiable buffer that represents the given POD array.
+ * @returns A mutable_buffer value equivalent to:
+ * @code mutable_buffer(
+ *     data.data(),
+ *     min(data.size() * sizeof(PodType), max_size_in_bytes)); @endcode
+ */
+template <typename PodType, std::size_t N>
+inline BOOST_ASIO_MUTABLE_BUFFER buffer(std::array<PodType, N>& data,
+    std::size_t max_size_in_bytes) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return BOOST_ASIO_MUTABLE_BUFFER(data.data(),
+      data.size() * sizeof(PodType) < max_size_in_bytes
+      ? data.size() * sizeof(PodType) : max_size_in_bytes);
+/// Create a new non-modifiable buffer that represents the given POD array.
+ * @returns A const_buffer value equivalent to:
+ * @code const_buffer(
+ *     data.data(),
+ *     data.size() * sizeof(PodType)); @endcode
+ */
+template <typename PodType, std::size_t N>
+    std::array<const PodType, N>& data) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER(data.data(), data.size() * sizeof(PodType));
+/// Create a new non-modifiable buffer that represents the given POD array.
+ * @returns A const_buffer value equivalent to:
+ * @code const_buffer(
+ *     data.data(),
+ *     min(data.size() * sizeof(PodType), max_size_in_bytes)); @endcode
+ */
+template <typename PodType, std::size_t N>
+inline BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER buffer(std::array<const PodType, N>& data,
+    std::size_t max_size_in_bytes) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER(data.data(),
+      data.size() * sizeof(PodType) < max_size_in_bytes
+      ? data.size() * sizeof(PodType) : max_size_in_bytes);
+/// Create a new non-modifiable buffer that represents the given POD array.
+ * @returns A const_buffer value equivalent to:
+ * @code const_buffer(
+ *     data.data(),
+ *     data.size() * sizeof(PodType)); @endcode
+ */
+template <typename PodType, std::size_t N>
+    const std::array<PodType, N>& data) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER(data.data(), data.size() * sizeof(PodType));
+/// Create a new non-modifiable buffer that represents the given POD array.
+ * @returns A const_buffer value equivalent to:
+ * @code const_buffer(
+ *     data.data(),
+ *     min(data.size() * sizeof(PodType), max_size_in_bytes)); @endcode
+ */
+template <typename PodType, std::size_t N>
+inline BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER buffer(const std::array<PodType, N>& data,
+    std::size_t max_size_in_bytes) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER(data.data(),
+      data.size() * sizeof(PodType) < max_size_in_bytes
+      ? data.size() * sizeof(PodType) : max_size_in_bytes);
+/// Create a new modifiable buffer that represents the given POD vector.
+ * @returns A mutable_buffer value equivalent to:
+ * @code mutable_buffer(
+ *     data.size() ? &data[0] : 0,
+ *     data.size() * sizeof(PodType)); @endcode
+ *
+ * @note The buffer is invalidated by any vector operation that would also
+ * invalidate iterators.
+ */
+template <typename PodType, typename Allocator>
+    std::vector<PodType, Allocator>& data) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+      data.size() ? &data[0] : 0, data.size() * sizeof(PodType)
+      , detail::buffer_debug_check<
+          typename std::vector<PodType, Allocator>::iterator
+        >(data.begin())
+      );
+/// Create a new modifiable buffer that represents the given POD vector.
+ * @returns A mutable_buffer value equivalent to:
+ * @code mutable_buffer(
+ *     data.size() ? &data[0] : 0,
+ *     min(data.size() * sizeof(PodType), max_size_in_bytes)); @endcode
+ *
+ * @note The buffer is invalidated by any vector operation that would also
+ * invalidate iterators.
+ */
+template <typename PodType, typename Allocator>
+inline BOOST_ASIO_MUTABLE_BUFFER buffer(std::vector<PodType, Allocator>& data,
+    std::size_t max_size_in_bytes) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return BOOST_ASIO_MUTABLE_BUFFER(data.size() ? &data[0] : 0,
+      data.size() * sizeof(PodType) < max_size_in_bytes
+      ? data.size() * sizeof(PodType) : max_size_in_bytes
+      , detail::buffer_debug_check<
+          typename std::vector<PodType, Allocator>::iterator
+        >(data.begin())
+      );
+/// Create a new non-modifiable buffer that represents the given POD vector.
+ * @returns A const_buffer value equivalent to:
+ * @code const_buffer(
+ *     data.size() ? &data[0] : 0,
+ *     data.size() * sizeof(PodType)); @endcode
+ *
+ * @note The buffer is invalidated by any vector operation that would also
+ * invalidate iterators.
+ */
+template <typename PodType, typename Allocator>
+    const std::vector<PodType, Allocator>& data) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+      data.size() ? &data[0] : 0, data.size() * sizeof(PodType)
+      , detail::buffer_debug_check<
+          typename std::vector<PodType, Allocator>::const_iterator
+        >(data.begin())
+      );
+/// Create a new non-modifiable buffer that represents the given POD vector.
+ * @returns A const_buffer value equivalent to:
+ * @code const_buffer(
+ *     data.size() ? &data[0] : 0,
+ *     min(data.size() * sizeof(PodType), max_size_in_bytes)); @endcode
+ *
+ * @note The buffer is invalidated by any vector operation that would also
+ * invalidate iterators.
+ */
+template <typename PodType, typename Allocator>
+    const std::vector<PodType, Allocator>& data,
+    std::size_t max_size_in_bytes) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER(data.size() ? &data[0] : 0,
+      data.size() * sizeof(PodType) < max_size_in_bytes
+      ? data.size() * sizeof(PodType) : max_size_in_bytes
+      , detail::buffer_debug_check<
+          typename std::vector<PodType, Allocator>::const_iterator
+        >(data.begin())
+      );
+/// Create a new modifiable buffer that represents the given string.
+ * @returns <tt>mutable_buffer(data.size() ? &data[0] : 0,
+ * data.size() * sizeof(Elem))</tt>.
+ *
+ * @note The buffer is invalidated by any non-const operation called on the
+ * given string object.
+ */
+template <typename Elem, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
+    std::basic_string<Elem, Traits, Allocator>& data) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return BOOST_ASIO_MUTABLE_BUFFER(data.size() ? &data[0] : 0,
+      data.size() * sizeof(Elem)
+      , detail::buffer_debug_check<
+          typename std::basic_string<Elem, Traits, Allocator>::iterator
+        >(data.begin())
+      );
+/// Create a new non-modifiable buffer that represents the given string.
+ * @returns A mutable_buffer value equivalent to:
+ * @code mutable_buffer(
+ *     data.size() ? &data[0] : 0,
+ *     min(data.size() * sizeof(Elem), max_size_in_bytes)); @endcode
+ *
+ * @note The buffer is invalidated by any non-const operation called on the
+ * given string object.
+ */
+template <typename Elem, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
+    std::basic_string<Elem, Traits, Allocator>& data,
+    std::size_t max_size_in_bytes) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return BOOST_ASIO_MUTABLE_BUFFER(data.size() ? &data[0] : 0,
+      data.size() * sizeof(Elem) < max_size_in_bytes
+      ? data.size() * sizeof(Elem) : max_size_in_bytes
+      , detail::buffer_debug_check<
+          typename std::basic_string<Elem, Traits, Allocator>::iterator
+        >(data.begin())
+      );
+/// Create a new non-modifiable buffer that represents the given string.
+ * @returns <tt>const_buffer(data.data(), data.size() * sizeof(Elem))</tt>.
+ *
+ * @note The buffer is invalidated by any non-const operation called on the
+ * given string object.
+ */
+template <typename Elem, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
+    const std::basic_string<Elem, Traits, Allocator>& data) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER(data.data(), data.size() * sizeof(Elem)
+      , detail::buffer_debug_check<
+          typename std::basic_string<Elem, Traits, Allocator>::const_iterator
+        >(data.begin())
+      );
+/// Create a new non-modifiable buffer that represents the given string.
+ * @returns A const_buffer value equivalent to:
+ * @code const_buffer(
+ *     data.data(),
+ *     min(data.size() * sizeof(Elem), max_size_in_bytes)); @endcode
+ *
+ * @note The buffer is invalidated by any non-const operation called on the
+ * given string object.
+ */
+template <typename Elem, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
+    const std::basic_string<Elem, Traits, Allocator>& data,
+    std::size_t max_size_in_bytes) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER(data.data(),
+      data.size() * sizeof(Elem) < max_size_in_bytes
+      ? data.size() * sizeof(Elem) : max_size_in_bytes
+      , detail::buffer_debug_check<
+          typename std::basic_string<Elem, Traits, Allocator>::const_iterator
+        >(data.begin())
+      );
+/// Create a new modifiable buffer that represents the given string_view.
+ * @returns <tt>mutable_buffer(data.size() ? &data[0] : 0,
+ * data.size() * sizeof(Elem))</tt>.
+ */
+template <typename Elem, typename Traits>
+    basic_string_view<Elem, Traits> data) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER(data.size() ? &data[0] : 0,
+      data.size() * sizeof(Elem)
+      , detail::buffer_debug_check<
+          typename basic_string_view<Elem, Traits>::iterator
+        >(data.begin())
+      );
+/// Create a new non-modifiable buffer that represents the given string.
+ * @returns A mutable_buffer value equivalent to:
+ * @code mutable_buffer(
+ *     data.size() ? &data[0] : 0,
+ *     min(data.size() * sizeof(Elem), max_size_in_bytes)); @endcode
+ */
+template <typename Elem, typename Traits>
+    basic_string_view<Elem, Traits> data,
+    std::size_t max_size_in_bytes) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER(data.size() ? &data[0] : 0,
+      data.size() * sizeof(Elem) < max_size_in_bytes
+      ? data.size() * sizeof(Elem) : max_size_in_bytes
+      , detail::buffer_debug_check<
+          typename basic_string_view<Elem, Traits>::iterator
+        >(data.begin())
+      );
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STRING_VIEW)
+       //  || defined(GENERATING_DOCUMENTATION)
+/// Adapt a basic_string to the DynamicBuffer requirements.
+ * Requires that <tt>sizeof(Elem) == 1</tt>.
+ */
+template <typename Elem, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
+class dynamic_string_buffer
+  /// The type used to represent the input sequence as a list of buffers.
+  typedef BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER const_buffers_type;
+  /// The type used to represent the output sequence as a list of buffers.
+  typedef BOOST_ASIO_MUTABLE_BUFFER mutable_buffers_type;
+  /// Construct a dynamic buffer from a string.
+  /**
+   * @param s The string to be used as backing storage for the dynamic buffer.
+   * Any existing data in the string is treated as the dynamic buffer's input
+   * sequence. The object stores a reference to the string and the user is
+   * responsible for ensuring that the string object remains valid until the
+   * dynamic_string_buffer object is destroyed.
+   *
+   * @param maximum_size Specifies a maximum size for the buffer, in bytes.
+   */
+  explicit dynamic_string_buffer(std::basic_string<Elem, Traits, Allocator>& s,
+      std::size_t maximum_size =
+        (std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max)()) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+    : string_(s),
+      size_(string_.size()),
+      max_size_(maximum_size)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Move construct a dynamic buffer.
+  dynamic_string_buffer(dynamic_string_buffer&& other) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+    : string_(other.string_),
+      size_(other.size_),
+      max_size_(other.max_size_)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Get the size of the input sequence.
+  std::size_t size() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return size_;
+  }
+  /// Get the maximum size of the dynamic buffer.
+  /**
+   * @returns The allowed maximum of the sum of the sizes of the input sequence
+   * and output sequence.
+   */
+  std::size_t max_size() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return max_size_;
+  }
+  /// Get the current capacity of the dynamic buffer.
+  /**
+   * @returns The current total capacity of the buffer, i.e. for both the input
+   * sequence and output sequence.
+   */
+  std::size_t capacity() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return string_.capacity();
+  }
+  /// Get a list of buffers that represents the input sequence.
+  /**
+   * @returns An object of type @c const_buffers_type that satisfies
+   * ConstBufferSequence requirements, representing the basic_string memory in
+   * input sequence.
+   *
+   * @note The returned object is invalidated by any @c dynamic_string_buffer
+   * or @c basic_string member function that modifies the input sequence or
+   * output sequence.
+   */
+  const_buffers_type data() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return const_buffers_type(boost::asio::buffer(string_, size_));
+  }
+  /// Get a list of buffers that represents the output sequence, with the given
+  /// size.
+  /**
+   * Ensures that the output sequence can accommodate @c n bytes, resizing the
+   * basic_string object as necessary.
+   *
+   * @returns An object of type @c mutable_buffers_type that satisfies
+   * MutableBufferSequence requirements, representing basic_string memory
+   * at the start of the output sequence of size @c n.
+   *
+   * @throws std::length_error If <tt>size() + n > max_size()</tt>.
+   *
+   * @note The returned object is invalidated by any @c dynamic_string_buffer
+   * or @c basic_string member function that modifies the input sequence or
+   * output sequence.
+   */
+  mutable_buffers_type prepare(std::size_t n)
+  {
+    if (size () > max_size() || max_size() - size() < n)
+    {
+      std::length_error ex("dynamic_string_buffer too long");
+      boost::asio::detail::throw_exception(ex);
+    }
+    string_.resize(size_ + n);
+    return boost::asio::buffer(boost::asio::buffer(string_) + size_, n);
+  }
+  /// Move bytes from the output sequence to the input sequence.
+  /**
+   * @param n The number of bytes to append from the start of the output
+   * sequence to the end of the input sequence. The remainder of the output
+   * sequence is discarded.
+   *
+   * Requires a preceding call <tt>prepare(x)</tt> where <tt>x >= n</tt>, and
+   * no intervening operations that modify the input or output sequence.
+   *
+   * @note If @c n is greater than the size of the output sequence, the entire
+   * output sequence is moved to the input sequence and no error is issued.
+   */
+  void commit(std::size_t n)
+  {
+    size_ += (std::min)(n, string_.size() - size_);
+    string_.resize(size_);
+  }
+  /// Remove characters from the input sequence.
+  /**
+   * Removes @c n characters from the beginning of the input sequence.
+   *
+   * @note If @c n is greater than the size of the input sequence, the entire
+   * input sequence is consumed and no error is issued.
+   */
+  void consume(std::size_t n)
+  {
+    std::size_t consume_length = (std::min)(n, size_);
+    string_.erase(0, consume_length);
+    size_ -= consume_length;
+  }
+  std::basic_string<Elem, Traits, Allocator>& string_;
+  std::size_t size_;
+  const std::size_t max_size_;
+/// Adapt a vector to the DynamicBuffer requirements.
+ * Requires that <tt>sizeof(Elem) == 1</tt>.
+ */
+template <typename Elem, typename Allocator>
+class dynamic_vector_buffer
+  /// The type used to represent the input sequence as a list of buffers.
+  typedef BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER const_buffers_type;
+  /// The type used to represent the output sequence as a list of buffers.
+  typedef BOOST_ASIO_MUTABLE_BUFFER mutable_buffers_type;
+  /// Construct a dynamic buffer from a string.
+  /**
+   * @param v The vector to be used as backing storage for the dynamic buffer.
+   * Any existing data in the vector is treated as the dynamic buffer's input
+   * sequence. The object stores a reference to the vector and the user is
+   * responsible for ensuring that the vector object remains valid until the
+   * dynamic_vector_buffer object is destroyed.
+   *
+   * @param maximum_size Specifies a maximum size for the buffer, in bytes.
+   */
+  explicit dynamic_vector_buffer(std::vector<Elem, Allocator>& v,
+      std::size_t maximum_size =
+        (std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max)()) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+    : vector_(v),
+      size_(vector_.size()),
+      max_size_(maximum_size)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Move construct a dynamic buffer.
+  dynamic_vector_buffer(dynamic_vector_buffer&& other) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+    : vector_(other.vector_),
+      size_(other.size_),
+      max_size_(other.max_size_)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Get the size of the input sequence.
+  std::size_t size() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return size_;
+  }
+  /// Get the maximum size of the dynamic buffer.
+  /**
+   * @returns The allowed maximum of the sum of the sizes of the input sequence
+   * and output sequence.
+   */
+  std::size_t max_size() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return max_size_;
+  }
+  /// Get the current capacity of the dynamic buffer.
+  /**
+   * @returns The current total capacity of the buffer, i.e. for both the input
+   * sequence and output sequence.
+   */
+  std::size_t capacity() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return vector_.capacity();
+  }
+  /// Get a list of buffers that represents the input sequence.
+  /**
+   * @returns An object of type @c const_buffers_type that satisfies
+   * ConstBufferSequence requirements, representing the basic_string memory in
+   * input sequence.
+   *
+   * @note The returned object is invalidated by any @c dynamic_vector_buffer
+   * or @c basic_string member function that modifies the input sequence or
+   * output sequence.
+   */
+  const_buffers_type data() const BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return const_buffers_type(boost::asio::buffer(vector_, size_));
+  }
+  /// Get a list of buffers that represents the output sequence, with the given
+  /// size.
+  /**
+   * Ensures that the output sequence can accommodate @c n bytes, resizing the
+   * basic_string object as necessary.
+   *
+   * @returns An object of type @c mutable_buffers_type that satisfies
+   * MutableBufferSequence requirements, representing basic_string memory
+   * at the start of the output sequence of size @c n.
+   *
+   * @throws std::length_error If <tt>size() + n > max_size()</tt>.
+   *
+   * @note The returned object is invalidated by any @c dynamic_vector_buffer
+   * or @c basic_string member function that modifies the input sequence or
+   * output sequence.
+   */
+  mutable_buffers_type prepare(std::size_t n)
+  {
+    if (size () > max_size() || max_size() - size() < n)
+    {
+      std::length_error ex("dynamic_vector_buffer too long");
+      boost::asio::detail::throw_exception(ex);
+    }
+    vector_.resize(size_ + n);
+    return boost::asio::buffer(boost::asio::buffer(vector_) + size_, n);
+  }
+  /// Move bytes from the output sequence to the input sequence.
+  /**
+   * @param n The number of bytes to append from the start of the output
+   * sequence to the end of the input sequence. The remainder of the output
+   * sequence is discarded.
+   *
+   * Requires a preceding call <tt>prepare(x)</tt> where <tt>x >= n</tt>, and
+   * no intervening operations that modify the input or output sequence.
+   *
+   * @note If @c n is greater than the size of the output sequence, the entire
+   * output sequence is moved to the input sequence and no error is issued.
+   */
+  void commit(std::size_t n)
+  {
+    size_ += (std::min)(n, vector_.size() - size_);
+    vector_.resize(size_);
+  }
+  /// Remove characters from the input sequence.
+  /**
+   * Removes @c n characters from the beginning of the input sequence.
+   *
+   * @note If @c n is greater than the size of the input sequence, the entire
+   * input sequence is consumed and no error is issued.
+   */
+  void consume(std::size_t n)
+  {
+    std::size_t consume_length = (std::min)(n, size_);
+    vector_.erase(vector_.begin(), vector_.begin() + consume_length);
+    size_ -= consume_length;
+  }
+  std::vector<Elem, Allocator>& vector_;
+  std::size_t size_;
+  const std::size_t max_size_;
+/** @defgroup dynamic_buffer boost::asio::dynamic_buffer
+ *
+ * @brief The boost::asio::dynamic_buffer function is used to create a
+ * dynamically resized buffer from a @c std::basic_string or @c std::vector.
+ */
+/// Create a new dynamic buffer that represents the given string.
+ * @returns <tt>dynamic_string_buffer<Elem, Traits, Allocator>(data)</tt>.
+ */
+template <typename Elem, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
+inline dynamic_string_buffer<Elem, Traits, Allocator> dynamic_buffer(
+    std::basic_string<Elem, Traits, Allocator>& data) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return dynamic_string_buffer<Elem, Traits, Allocator>(data);
+/// Create a new dynamic buffer that represents the given string.
+ * @returns <tt>dynamic_string_buffer<Elem, Traits, Allocator>(data,
+ * max_size)</tt>.
+ */
+template <typename Elem, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
+inline dynamic_string_buffer<Elem, Traits, Allocator> dynamic_buffer(
+    std::basic_string<Elem, Traits, Allocator>& data,
+    std::size_t max_size) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return dynamic_string_buffer<Elem, Traits, Allocator>(data, max_size);
+/// Create a new dynamic buffer that represents the given vector.
+ * @returns <tt>dynamic_vector_buffer<Elem, Allocator>(data)</tt>.
+ */
+template <typename Elem, typename Allocator>
+inline dynamic_vector_buffer<Elem, Allocator> dynamic_buffer(
+    std::vector<Elem, Allocator>& data) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return dynamic_vector_buffer<Elem, Allocator>(data);
+/// Create a new dynamic buffer that represents the given vector.
+ * @returns <tt>dynamic_vector_buffer<Elem, Allocator>(data, max_size)</tt>.
+ */
+template <typename Elem, typename Allocator>
+inline dynamic_vector_buffer<Elem, Allocator> dynamic_buffer(
+    std::vector<Elem, Allocator>& data,
+    std::size_t max_size) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return dynamic_vector_buffer<Elem, Allocator>(data, max_size);
+/** @defgroup buffer_copy boost::asio::buffer_copy
+ *
+ * @brief The boost::asio::buffer_copy function is used to copy bytes from a
+ * source buffer (or buffer sequence) to a target buffer (or buffer sequence).
+ *
+ * The @c buffer_copy function is available in two forms:
+ *
+ * @li A 2-argument form: @c buffer_copy(target, source)
+ *
+ * @li A 3-argument form: @c buffer_copy(target, source, max_bytes_to_copy)
+ *
+ * Both forms return the number of bytes actually copied. The number of bytes
+ * copied is the lesser of:
+ *
+ * @li @c buffer_size(target)
+ *
+ * @li @c buffer_size(source)
+ *
+ * @li @c If specified, @c max_bytes_to_copy.
+ *
+ * This prevents buffer overflow, regardless of the buffer sizes used in the
+ * copy operation.
+ *
+ * Note that @ref buffer_copy is implemented in terms of @c memcpy, and
+ * consequently it cannot be used to copy between overlapping memory regions.
+ */
+namespace detail {
+inline std::size_t buffer_copy_1(const mutable_buffer& target,
+    const const_buffer& source)
+  using namespace std; // For memcpy.
+  std::size_t target_size = target.size();
+  std::size_t source_size = source.size();
+  std::size_t n = target_size < source_size ? target_size : source_size;
+  if (n > 0)
+    memcpy(target.data(), source.data(), n);
+  return n;
+template <typename TargetIterator, typename SourceIterator>
+inline std::size_t buffer_copy(one_buffer, one_buffer,
+    TargetIterator target_begin, TargetIterator,
+    SourceIterator source_begin, SourceIterator) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return (buffer_copy_1)(*target_begin, *source_begin);
+template <typename TargetIterator, typename SourceIterator>
+inline std::size_t buffer_copy(one_buffer, one_buffer,
+    TargetIterator target_begin, TargetIterator,
+    SourceIterator source_begin, SourceIterator,
+    std::size_t max_bytes_to_copy) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return (buffer_copy_1)(*target_begin,
+      boost::asio::buffer(*source_begin, max_bytes_to_copy));
+template <typename TargetIterator, typename SourceIterator>
+std::size_t buffer_copy(one_buffer, multiple_buffers,
+    TargetIterator target_begin, TargetIterator,
+    SourceIterator source_begin, SourceIterator source_end,
+    std::size_t max_bytes_to_copy
+      = (std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max)()) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  std::size_t total_bytes_copied = 0;
+  SourceIterator source_iter = source_begin;
+  for (mutable_buffer target_buffer(
+        boost::asio::buffer(*target_begin, max_bytes_to_copy));
+      target_buffer.size() && source_iter != source_end; ++source_iter)
+  {
+    const_buffer source_buffer(*source_iter);
+    std::size_t bytes_copied = (buffer_copy_1)(target_buffer, source_buffer);
+    total_bytes_copied += bytes_copied;
+    target_buffer += bytes_copied;
+  }
+  return total_bytes_copied;
+template <typename TargetIterator, typename SourceIterator>
+std::size_t buffer_copy(multiple_buffers, one_buffer,
+    TargetIterator target_begin, TargetIterator target_end,
+    SourceIterator source_begin, SourceIterator,
+    std::size_t max_bytes_to_copy
+      = (std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max)()) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  std::size_t total_bytes_copied = 0;
+  TargetIterator target_iter = target_begin;
+  for (const_buffer source_buffer(
+        boost::asio::buffer(*source_begin, max_bytes_to_copy));
+      source_buffer.size() && target_iter != target_end; ++target_iter)
+  {
+    mutable_buffer target_buffer(*target_iter);
+    std::size_t bytes_copied = (buffer_copy_1)(target_buffer, source_buffer);
+    total_bytes_copied += bytes_copied;
+    source_buffer += bytes_copied;
+  }
+  return total_bytes_copied;
+template <typename TargetIterator, typename SourceIterator>
+std::size_t buffer_copy(multiple_buffers, multiple_buffers,
+    TargetIterator target_begin, TargetIterator target_end,
+    SourceIterator source_begin, SourceIterator source_end) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  std::size_t total_bytes_copied = 0;
+  TargetIterator target_iter = target_begin;
+  std::size_t target_buffer_offset = 0;
+  SourceIterator source_iter = source_begin;
+  std::size_t source_buffer_offset = 0;
+  while (target_iter != target_end && source_iter != source_end)
+  {
+    mutable_buffer target_buffer =
+      mutable_buffer(*target_iter) + target_buffer_offset;
+    const_buffer source_buffer =
+      const_buffer(*source_iter) + source_buffer_offset;
+    std::size_t bytes_copied = (buffer_copy_1)(target_buffer, source_buffer);
+    total_bytes_copied += bytes_copied;
+    if (bytes_copied == target_buffer.size())
+    {
+      ++target_iter;
+      target_buffer_offset = 0;
+    }
+    else
+      target_buffer_offset += bytes_copied;
+    if (bytes_copied == source_buffer.size())
+    {
+      ++source_iter;
+      source_buffer_offset = 0;
+    }
+    else
+      source_buffer_offset += bytes_copied;
+  }
+  return total_bytes_copied;
+template <typename TargetIterator, typename SourceIterator>
+std::size_t buffer_copy(multiple_buffers, multiple_buffers,
+    TargetIterator target_begin, TargetIterator target_end,
+    SourceIterator source_begin, SourceIterator source_end,
+    std::size_t max_bytes_to_copy) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  std::size_t total_bytes_copied = 0;
+  TargetIterator target_iter = target_begin;
+  std::size_t target_buffer_offset = 0;
+  SourceIterator source_iter = source_begin;
+  std::size_t source_buffer_offset = 0;
+  while (total_bytes_copied != max_bytes_to_copy
+      && target_iter != target_end && source_iter != source_end)
+  {
+    mutable_buffer target_buffer =
+      mutable_buffer(*target_iter) + target_buffer_offset;
+    const_buffer source_buffer =
+      const_buffer(*source_iter) + source_buffer_offset;
+    std::size_t bytes_copied = (buffer_copy_1)(
+        target_buffer, boost::asio::buffer(source_buffer,
+          max_bytes_to_copy - total_bytes_copied));
+    total_bytes_copied += bytes_copied;
+    if (bytes_copied == target_buffer.size())
+    {
+      ++target_iter;
+      target_buffer_offset = 0;
+    }
+    else
+      target_buffer_offset += bytes_copied;
+    if (bytes_copied == source_buffer.size())
+    {
+      ++source_iter;
+      source_buffer_offset = 0;
+    }
+    else
+      source_buffer_offset += bytes_copied;
+  }
+  return total_bytes_copied;
+} // namespace detail
+/// Copies bytes from a source buffer sequence to a target buffer sequence.
+ * @param target A modifiable buffer sequence representing the memory regions to
+ * which the bytes will be copied.
+ *
+ * @param source A non-modifiable buffer sequence representing the memory
+ * regions from which the bytes will be copied.
+ *
+ * @returns The number of bytes copied.
+ *
+ * @note The number of bytes copied is the lesser of:
+ *
+ * @li @c buffer_size(target)
+ *
+ * @li @c buffer_size(source)
+ *
+ * This function is implemented in terms of @c memcpy, and consequently it
+ * cannot be used to copy between overlapping memory regions.
+ */
+template <typename MutableBufferSequence, typename ConstBufferSequence>
+inline std::size_t buffer_copy(const MutableBufferSequence& target,
+    const ConstBufferSequence& source) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return detail::buffer_copy(
+      detail::buffer_sequence_cardinality<MutableBufferSequence>(),
+      detail::buffer_sequence_cardinality<ConstBufferSequence>(),
+      boost::asio::buffer_sequence_begin(target),
+      boost::asio::buffer_sequence_end(target),
+      boost::asio::buffer_sequence_begin(source),
+      boost::asio::buffer_sequence_end(source));
+/// Copies a limited number of bytes from a source buffer sequence to a target
+/// buffer sequence.
+ * @param target A modifiable buffer sequence representing the memory regions to
+ * which the bytes will be copied.
+ *
+ * @param source A non-modifiable buffer sequence representing the memory
+ * regions from which the bytes will be copied.
+ *
+ * @param max_bytes_to_copy The maximum number of bytes to be copied.
+ *
+ * @returns The number of bytes copied.
+ *
+ * @note The number of bytes copied is the lesser of:
+ *
+ * @li @c buffer_size(target)
+ *
+ * @li @c buffer_size(source)
+ *
+ * @li @c max_bytes_to_copy
+ *
+ * This function is implemented in terms of @c memcpy, and consequently it
+ * cannot be used to copy between overlapping memory regions.
+ */
+template <typename MutableBufferSequence, typename ConstBufferSequence>
+inline std::size_t buffer_copy(const MutableBufferSequence& target,
+    const ConstBufferSequence& source,
+    std::size_t max_bytes_to_copy) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  return detail::buffer_copy(
+      detail::buffer_sequence_cardinality<MutableBufferSequence>(),
+      detail::buffer_sequence_cardinality<ConstBufferSequence>(),
+      boost::asio::buffer_sequence_begin(target),
+      boost::asio::buffer_sequence_end(target),
+      boost::asio::buffer_sequence_begin(source),
+      boost::asio::buffer_sequence_end(source), max_bytes_to_copy);
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 259 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+// buffered_read_stream.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <boost/asio/async_result.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/buffered_read_stream_fwd.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/buffer.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/bind_handler.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/buffer_resize_guard.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/buffered_stream_storage.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/noncopyable.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/type_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/io_context.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+/// Adds buffering to the read-related operations of a stream.
+ * The buffered_read_stream class template can be used to add buffering to the
+ * synchronous and asynchronous read operations of a stream.
+ *
+ * @par Thread Safety
+ * @e Distinct @e objects: Safe.@n
+ * @e Shared @e objects: Unsafe.
+ *
+ * @par Concepts:
+ * AsyncReadStream, AsyncWriteStream, Stream, SyncReadStream, SyncWriteStream.
+ */
+template <typename Stream>
+class buffered_read_stream
+  : private noncopyable
+  /// The type of the next layer.
+  typedef typename remove_reference<Stream>::type next_layer_type;
+  /// The type of the lowest layer.
+  typedef typename next_layer_type::lowest_layer_type lowest_layer_type;
+  /// The type of the executor associated with the object.
+  typedef typename lowest_layer_type::executor_type executor_type;
+  /// The default buffer size.
+  static const std::size_t default_buffer_size = implementation_defined;
+  BOOST_ASIO_STATIC_CONSTANT(std::size_t, default_buffer_size = 1024);
+  /// Construct, passing the specified argument to initialise the next layer.
+  template <typename Arg>
+  explicit buffered_read_stream(Arg& a)
+    : next_layer_(a),
+      storage_(default_buffer_size)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct, passing the specified argument to initialise the next layer.
+  template <typename Arg>
+  buffered_read_stream(Arg& a, std::size_t buffer_size)
+    : next_layer_(a),
+      storage_(buffer_size)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Get a reference to the next layer.
+  next_layer_type& next_layer()
+  {
+    return next_layer_;
+  }
+  /// Get a reference to the lowest layer.
+  lowest_layer_type& lowest_layer()
+  {
+    return next_layer_.lowest_layer();
+  }
+  /// Get a const reference to the lowest layer.
+  const lowest_layer_type& lowest_layer() const
+  {
+    return next_layer_.lowest_layer();
+  }
+  /// Get the executor associated with the object.
+  executor_type get_executor() BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return next_layer_.lowest_layer().get_executor();
+  }
+  /// (Deprecated: Use get_executor().) Get the io_context associated with the
+  /// object.
+  boost::asio::io_context& get_io_context()
+  {
+    return next_layer_.get_io_context();
+  }
+  /// (Deprecated: Use get_executor().) Get the io_context associated with the
+  /// object.
+  boost::asio::io_context& get_io_service()
+  {
+    return next_layer_.get_io_service();
+  }
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+  /// Close the stream.
+  void close()
+  {
+    next_layer_.close();
+  }
+  /// Close the stream.
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID close(boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    next_layer_.close(ec);
+  }
+  /// Write the given data to the stream. Returns the number of bytes written.
+  /// Throws an exception on failure.
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t write_some(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers)
+  {
+    return next_layer_.write_some(buffers);
+  }
+  /// Write the given data to the stream. Returns the number of bytes written,
+  /// or 0 if an error occurred.
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t write_some(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return next_layer_.write_some(buffers, ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous write. The data being written must be valid for the
+  /// lifetime of the asynchronous operation.
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence, typename WriteHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_write_some(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(WriteHandler) handler)
+  {
+    return next_layer_.async_write_some(buffers,
+        BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(WriteHandler)(handler));
+  }
+  /// Fill the buffer with some data. Returns the number of bytes placed in the
+  /// buffer as a result of the operation. Throws an exception on failure.
+  std::size_t fill();
+  /// Fill the buffer with some data. Returns the number of bytes placed in the
+  /// buffer as a result of the operation, or 0 if an error occurred.
+  std::size_t fill(boost::system::error_code& ec);
+  /// Start an asynchronous fill.
+  template <typename ReadHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_fill(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ReadHandler) handler);
+  /// Read some data from the stream. Returns the number of bytes read. Throws
+  /// an exception on failure.
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t read_some(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers);
+  /// Read some data from the stream. Returns the number of bytes read or 0 if
+  /// an error occurred.
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t read_some(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec);
+  /// Start an asynchronous read. The buffer into which the data will be read
+  /// must be valid for the lifetime of the asynchronous operation.
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence, typename ReadHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_read_some(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ReadHandler) handler);
+  /// Peek at the incoming data on the stream. Returns the number of bytes read.
+  /// Throws an exception on failure.
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t peek(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers);
+  /// Peek at the incoming data on the stream. Returns the number of bytes read,
+  /// or 0 if an error occurred.
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t peek(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec);
+  /// Determine the amount of data that may be read without blocking.
+  std::size_t in_avail()
+  {
+    return storage_.size();
+  }
+  /// Determine the amount of data that may be read without blocking.
+  std::size_t in_avail(boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    ec = boost::system::error_code();
+    return storage_.size();
+  }
+  /// Copy data out of the internal buffer to the specified target buffer.
+  /// Returns the number of bytes copied.
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t copy(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers)
+  {
+    std::size_t bytes_copied = boost::asio::buffer_copy(
+        buffers, storage_.data(), storage_.size());
+    storage_.consume(bytes_copied);
+    return bytes_copied;
+  }
+  /// Copy data from the internal buffer to the specified target buffer, without
+  /// removing the data from the internal buffer. Returns the number of bytes
+  /// copied.
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t peek_copy(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers)
+  {
+    return boost::asio::buffer_copy(buffers, storage_.data(), storage_.size());
+  }
+  /// The next layer.
+  Stream next_layer_;
+  // The data in the buffer.
+  detail::buffered_stream_storage storage_;
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/impl/buffered_read_stream.hpp>

+ 27 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+// buffered_read_stream_fwd.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+template <typename Stream>
+class buffered_read_stream;
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost

+ 280 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+// buffered_stream.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <boost/asio/async_result.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/buffered_read_stream.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/buffered_write_stream.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/buffered_stream_fwd.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/noncopyable.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/io_context.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+/// Adds buffering to the read- and write-related operations of a stream.
+ * The buffered_stream class template can be used to add buffering to the
+ * synchronous and asynchronous read and write operations of a stream.
+ *
+ * @par Thread Safety
+ * @e Distinct @e objects: Safe.@n
+ * @e Shared @e objects: Unsafe.
+ *
+ * @par Concepts:
+ * AsyncReadStream, AsyncWriteStream, Stream, SyncReadStream, SyncWriteStream.
+ */
+template <typename Stream>
+class buffered_stream
+  : private noncopyable
+  /// The type of the next layer.
+  typedef typename remove_reference<Stream>::type next_layer_type;
+  /// The type of the lowest layer.
+  typedef typename next_layer_type::lowest_layer_type lowest_layer_type;
+  /// The type of the executor associated with the object.
+  typedef typename lowest_layer_type::executor_type executor_type;
+  /// Construct, passing the specified argument to initialise the next layer.
+  template <typename Arg>
+  explicit buffered_stream(Arg& a)
+    : inner_stream_impl_(a),
+      stream_impl_(inner_stream_impl_)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct, passing the specified argument to initialise the next layer.
+  template <typename Arg>
+  explicit buffered_stream(Arg& a, std::size_t read_buffer_size,
+      std::size_t write_buffer_size)
+    : inner_stream_impl_(a, write_buffer_size),
+      stream_impl_(inner_stream_impl_, read_buffer_size)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Get a reference to the next layer.
+  next_layer_type& next_layer()
+  {
+    return stream_impl_.next_layer().next_layer();
+  }
+  /// Get a reference to the lowest layer.
+  lowest_layer_type& lowest_layer()
+  {
+    return stream_impl_.lowest_layer();
+  }
+  /// Get a const reference to the lowest layer.
+  const lowest_layer_type& lowest_layer() const
+  {
+    return stream_impl_.lowest_layer();
+  }
+  /// Get the executor associated with the object.
+  executor_type get_executor() BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return stream_impl_.lowest_layer().get_executor();
+  }
+  /// (Deprecated: Use get_executor().) Get the io_context associated with the
+  /// object.
+  boost::asio::io_context& get_io_context()
+  {
+    return stream_impl_.get_io_context();
+  }
+  /// (Deprecated: Use get_executor().) Get the io_context associated with the
+  /// object.
+  boost::asio::io_context& get_io_service()
+  {
+    return stream_impl_.get_io_service();
+  }
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+  /// Close the stream.
+  void close()
+  {
+    stream_impl_.close();
+  }
+  /// Close the stream.
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID close(boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    stream_impl_.close(ec);
+  }
+  /// Flush all data from the buffer to the next layer. Returns the number of
+  /// bytes written to the next layer on the last write operation. Throws an
+  /// exception on failure.
+  std::size_t flush()
+  {
+    return stream_impl_.next_layer().flush();
+  }
+  /// Flush all data from the buffer to the next layer. Returns the number of
+  /// bytes written to the next layer on the last write operation, or 0 if an
+  /// error occurred.
+  std::size_t flush(boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return stream_impl_.next_layer().flush(ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous flush.
+  template <typename WriteHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_flush(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(WriteHandler) handler)
+  {
+    return stream_impl_.next_layer().async_flush(
+        BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(WriteHandler)(handler));
+  }
+  /// Write the given data to the stream. Returns the number of bytes written.
+  /// Throws an exception on failure.
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t write_some(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers)
+  {
+    return stream_impl_.write_some(buffers);
+  }
+  /// Write the given data to the stream. Returns the number of bytes written,
+  /// or 0 if an error occurred.
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t write_some(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return stream_impl_.write_some(buffers, ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous write. The data being written must be valid for the
+  /// lifetime of the asynchronous operation.
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence, typename WriteHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_write_some(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(WriteHandler) handler)
+  {
+    return stream_impl_.async_write_some(buffers,
+        BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(WriteHandler)(handler));
+  }
+  /// Fill the buffer with some data. Returns the number of bytes placed in the
+  /// buffer as a result of the operation. Throws an exception on failure.
+  std::size_t fill()
+  {
+    return stream_impl_.fill();
+  }
+  /// Fill the buffer with some data. Returns the number of bytes placed in the
+  /// buffer as a result of the operation, or 0 if an error occurred.
+  std::size_t fill(boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return stream_impl_.fill(ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous fill.
+  template <typename ReadHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_fill(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ReadHandler) handler)
+  {
+    return stream_impl_.async_fill(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(ReadHandler)(handler));
+  }
+  /// Read some data from the stream. Returns the number of bytes read. Throws
+  /// an exception on failure.
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t read_some(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers)
+  {
+    return stream_impl_.read_some(buffers);
+  }
+  /// Read some data from the stream. Returns the number of bytes read or 0 if
+  /// an error occurred.
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t read_some(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return stream_impl_.read_some(buffers, ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous read. The buffer into which the data will be read
+  /// must be valid for the lifetime of the asynchronous operation.
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence, typename ReadHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_read_some(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ReadHandler) handler)
+  {
+    return stream_impl_.async_read_some(buffers,
+        BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(ReadHandler)(handler));
+  }
+  /// Peek at the incoming data on the stream. Returns the number of bytes read.
+  /// Throws an exception on failure.
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t peek(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers)
+  {
+    return stream_impl_.peek(buffers);
+  }
+  /// Peek at the incoming data on the stream. Returns the number of bytes read,
+  /// or 0 if an error occurred.
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t peek(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return stream_impl_.peek(buffers, ec);
+  }
+  /// Determine the amount of data that may be read without blocking.
+  std::size_t in_avail()
+  {
+    return stream_impl_.in_avail();
+  }
+  /// Determine the amount of data that may be read without blocking.
+  std::size_t in_avail(boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return stream_impl_.in_avail(ec);
+  }
+  // The buffered write stream.
+  typedef buffered_write_stream<Stream> write_stream_type;
+  write_stream_type inner_stream_impl_;
+  // The buffered read stream.
+  typedef buffered_read_stream<write_stream_type&> read_stream_type;
+  read_stream_type stream_impl_;
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 27 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+// buffered_stream_fwd.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+template <typename Stream>
+class buffered_stream;
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost

+ 251 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+// buffered_write_stream.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <boost/asio/buffered_write_stream_fwd.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/buffer.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/completion_condition.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/bind_handler.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/buffered_stream_storage.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/noncopyable.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/type_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/io_context.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/write.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+/// Adds buffering to the write-related operations of a stream.
+ * The buffered_write_stream class template can be used to add buffering to the
+ * synchronous and asynchronous write operations of a stream.
+ *
+ * @par Thread Safety
+ * @e Distinct @e objects: Safe.@n
+ * @e Shared @e objects: Unsafe.
+ *
+ * @par Concepts:
+ * AsyncReadStream, AsyncWriteStream, Stream, SyncReadStream, SyncWriteStream.
+ */
+template <typename Stream>
+class buffered_write_stream
+  : private noncopyable
+  /// The type of the next layer.
+  typedef typename remove_reference<Stream>::type next_layer_type;
+  /// The type of the lowest layer.
+  typedef typename next_layer_type::lowest_layer_type lowest_layer_type;
+  /// The type of the executor associated with the object.
+  typedef typename lowest_layer_type::executor_type executor_type;
+  /// The default buffer size.
+  static const std::size_t default_buffer_size = implementation_defined;
+  BOOST_ASIO_STATIC_CONSTANT(std::size_t, default_buffer_size = 1024);
+  /// Construct, passing the specified argument to initialise the next layer.
+  template <typename Arg>
+  explicit buffered_write_stream(Arg& a)
+    : next_layer_(a),
+      storage_(default_buffer_size)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct, passing the specified argument to initialise the next layer.
+  template <typename Arg>
+  buffered_write_stream(Arg& a, std::size_t buffer_size)
+    : next_layer_(a),
+      storage_(buffer_size)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Get a reference to the next layer.
+  next_layer_type& next_layer()
+  {
+    return next_layer_;
+  }
+  /// Get a reference to the lowest layer.
+  lowest_layer_type& lowest_layer()
+  {
+    return next_layer_.lowest_layer();
+  }
+  /// Get a const reference to the lowest layer.
+  const lowest_layer_type& lowest_layer() const
+  {
+    return next_layer_.lowest_layer();
+  }
+  /// Get the executor associated with the object.
+  executor_type get_executor() BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return next_layer_.lowest_layer().get_executor();
+  }
+  /// (Deprecated: Use get_executor().) Get the io_context associated with the
+  /// object.
+  boost::asio::io_context& get_io_context()
+  {
+    return next_layer_.get_io_context();
+  }
+  /// (Deprecated: Use get_executor().) Get the io_context associated with the
+  /// object.
+  boost::asio::io_context& get_io_service()
+  {
+    return next_layer_.get_io_service();
+  }
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+  /// Close the stream.
+  void close()
+  {
+    next_layer_.close();
+  }
+  /// Close the stream.
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID close(boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    next_layer_.close(ec);
+  }
+  /// Flush all data from the buffer to the next layer. Returns the number of
+  /// bytes written to the next layer on the last write operation. Throws an
+  /// exception on failure.
+  std::size_t flush();
+  /// Flush all data from the buffer to the next layer. Returns the number of
+  /// bytes written to the next layer on the last write operation, or 0 if an
+  /// error occurred.
+  std::size_t flush(boost::system::error_code& ec);
+  /// Start an asynchronous flush.
+  template <typename WriteHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_flush(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(WriteHandler) handler);
+  /// Write the given data to the stream. Returns the number of bytes written.
+  /// Throws an exception on failure.
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t write_some(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers);
+  /// Write the given data to the stream. Returns the number of bytes written,
+  /// or 0 if an error occurred and the error handler did not throw.
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t write_some(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec);
+  /// Start an asynchronous write. The data being written must be valid for the
+  /// lifetime of the asynchronous operation.
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence, typename WriteHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_write_some(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(WriteHandler) handler);
+  /// Read some data from the stream. Returns the number of bytes read. Throws
+  /// an exception on failure.
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t read_some(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers)
+  {
+    return next_layer_.read_some(buffers);
+  }
+  /// Read some data from the stream. Returns the number of bytes read or 0 if
+  /// an error occurred.
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t read_some(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return next_layer_.read_some(buffers, ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous read. The buffer into which the data will be read
+  /// must be valid for the lifetime of the asynchronous operation.
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence, typename ReadHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_read_some(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ReadHandler) handler)
+  {
+    return next_layer_.async_read_some(buffers,
+        BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(ReadHandler)(handler));
+  }
+  /// Peek at the incoming data on the stream. Returns the number of bytes read.
+  /// Throws an exception on failure.
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t peek(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers)
+  {
+    return next_layer_.peek(buffers);
+  }
+  /// Peek at the incoming data on the stream. Returns the number of bytes read,
+  /// or 0 if an error occurred.
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t peek(const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return next_layer_.peek(buffers, ec);
+  }
+  /// Determine the amount of data that may be read without blocking.
+  std::size_t in_avail()
+  {
+    return next_layer_.in_avail();
+  }
+  /// Determine the amount of data that may be read without blocking.
+  std::size_t in_avail(boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return next_layer_.in_avail(ec);
+  }
+  /// Copy data into the internal buffer from the specified source buffer.
+  /// Returns the number of bytes copied.
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t copy(const ConstBufferSequence& buffers);
+  /// The next layer.
+  Stream next_layer_;
+  // The data in the buffer.
+  detail::buffered_stream_storage storage_;
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/impl/buffered_write_stream.hpp>

+ 27 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+// buffered_write_stream_fwd.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+template <typename Stream>
+class buffered_write_stream;
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost

+ 523 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+// buffers_iterator.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <boost/asio/buffer.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/assert.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/type_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail
+  template <bool IsMutable>
+  struct buffers_iterator_types_helper;
+  template <>
+  struct buffers_iterator_types_helper<false>
+  {
+    typedef const_buffer buffer_type;
+    template <typename ByteType>
+    struct byte_type
+    {
+      typedef typename add_const<ByteType>::type type;
+    };
+  };
+  template <>
+  struct buffers_iterator_types_helper<true>
+  {
+    typedef mutable_buffer buffer_type;
+    template <typename ByteType>
+    struct byte_type
+    {
+      typedef ByteType type;
+    };
+  };
+  template <typename BufferSequence, typename ByteType>
+  struct buffers_iterator_types
+  {
+    enum
+    {
+      is_mutable = is_convertible<
+          typename BufferSequence::value_type,
+          mutable_buffer>::value
+    };
+    typedef buffers_iterator_types_helper<is_mutable> helper;
+    typedef typename helper::buffer_type buffer_type;
+    typedef typename helper::template byte_type<ByteType>::type byte_type;
+    typedef typename BufferSequence::const_iterator const_iterator;
+  };
+  template <typename ByteType>
+  struct buffers_iterator_types<mutable_buffer, ByteType>
+  {
+    typedef mutable_buffer buffer_type;
+    typedef ByteType byte_type;
+    typedef const mutable_buffer* const_iterator;
+  };
+  template <typename ByteType>
+  struct buffers_iterator_types<const_buffer, ByteType>
+  {
+    typedef const_buffer buffer_type;
+    typedef typename add_const<ByteType>::type byte_type;
+    typedef const const_buffer* const_iterator;
+  };
+  template <typename ByteType>
+  struct buffers_iterator_types<mutable_buffers_1, ByteType>
+  {
+    typedef mutable_buffer buffer_type;
+    typedef ByteType byte_type;
+    typedef const mutable_buffer* const_iterator;
+  };
+  template <typename ByteType>
+  struct buffers_iterator_types<const_buffers_1, ByteType>
+  {
+    typedef const_buffer buffer_type;
+    typedef typename add_const<ByteType>::type byte_type;
+    typedef const const_buffer* const_iterator;
+  };
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+/// A random access iterator over the bytes in a buffer sequence.
+template <typename BufferSequence, typename ByteType = char>
+class buffers_iterator
+  typedef typename detail::buffers_iterator_types<
+      BufferSequence, ByteType>::buffer_type buffer_type;
+  typedef typename detail::buffers_iterator_types<BufferSequence,
+          ByteType>::const_iterator buffer_sequence_iterator_type;
+  /// The type used for the distance between two iterators.
+  typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+  /// The type of the value pointed to by the iterator.
+  typedef ByteType value_type;
+  /// The type of the result of applying operator->() to the iterator.
+  /**
+   * If the buffer sequence stores buffer objects that are convertible to
+   * mutable_buffer, this is a pointer to a non-const ByteType. Otherwise, a
+   * pointer to a const ByteType.
+   */
+  typedef const_or_non_const_ByteType* pointer;
+  typedef typename detail::buffers_iterator_types<
+      BufferSequence, ByteType>::byte_type* pointer;
+  /// The type of the result of applying operator*() to the iterator.
+  /**
+   * If the buffer sequence stores buffer objects that are convertible to
+   * mutable_buffer, this is a reference to a non-const ByteType. Otherwise, a
+   * reference to a const ByteType.
+   */
+  typedef const_or_non_const_ByteType& reference;
+  typedef typename detail::buffers_iterator_types<
+      BufferSequence, ByteType>::byte_type& reference;
+  /// The iterator category.
+  typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+  /// Default constructor. Creates an iterator in an undefined state.
+  buffers_iterator()
+    : current_buffer_(),
+      current_buffer_position_(0),
+      begin_(),
+      current_(),
+      end_(),
+      position_(0)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct an iterator representing the beginning of the buffers' data.
+  static buffers_iterator begin(const BufferSequence& buffers)
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ == 3)
+    __attribute__ ((__noinline__))
+#endif // defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ == 3)
+  {
+    buffers_iterator new_iter;
+    new_iter.begin_ = boost::asio::buffer_sequence_begin(buffers);
+    new_iter.current_ = boost::asio::buffer_sequence_begin(buffers);
+    new_iter.end_ = boost::asio::buffer_sequence_end(buffers);
+    while (new_iter.current_ != new_iter.end_)
+    {
+      new_iter.current_buffer_ = *new_iter.current_;
+      if (new_iter.current_buffer_.size() > 0)
+        break;
+      ++new_iter.current_;
+    }
+    return new_iter;
+  }
+  /// Construct an iterator representing the end of the buffers' data.
+  static buffers_iterator end(const BufferSequence& buffers)
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ == 3)
+    __attribute__ ((__noinline__))
+#endif // defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ == 3)
+  {
+    buffers_iterator new_iter;
+    new_iter.begin_ = boost::asio::buffer_sequence_begin(buffers);
+    new_iter.current_ = boost::asio::buffer_sequence_begin(buffers);
+    new_iter.end_ = boost::asio::buffer_sequence_end(buffers);
+    while (new_iter.current_ != new_iter.end_)
+    {
+      buffer_type buffer = *new_iter.current_;
+      new_iter.position_ += buffer.size();
+      ++new_iter.current_;
+    }
+    return new_iter;
+  }
+  /// Dereference an iterator.
+  reference operator*() const
+  {
+    return dereference();
+  }
+  /// Dereference an iterator.
+  pointer operator->() const
+  {
+    return &dereference();
+  }
+  /// Access an individual element.
+  reference operator[](std::ptrdiff_t difference) const
+  {
+    buffers_iterator tmp(*this);
+    tmp.advance(difference);
+    return *tmp;
+  }
+  /// Increment operator (prefix).
+  buffers_iterator& operator++()
+  {
+    increment();
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Increment operator (postfix).
+  buffers_iterator operator++(int)
+  {
+    buffers_iterator tmp(*this);
+    ++*this;
+    return tmp;
+  }
+  /// Decrement operator (prefix).
+  buffers_iterator& operator--()
+  {
+    decrement();
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Decrement operator (postfix).
+  buffers_iterator operator--(int)
+  {
+    buffers_iterator tmp(*this);
+    --*this;
+    return tmp;
+  }
+  /// Addition operator.
+  buffers_iterator& operator+=(std::ptrdiff_t difference)
+  {
+    advance(difference);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Subtraction operator.
+  buffers_iterator& operator-=(std::ptrdiff_t difference)
+  {
+    advance(-difference);
+    return *this;
+  }
+  /// Addition operator.
+  friend buffers_iterator operator+(const buffers_iterator& iter,
+      std::ptrdiff_t difference)
+  {
+    buffers_iterator tmp(iter);
+    tmp.advance(difference);
+    return tmp;
+  }
+  /// Addition operator.
+  friend buffers_iterator operator+(std::ptrdiff_t difference,
+      const buffers_iterator& iter)
+  {
+    buffers_iterator tmp(iter);
+    tmp.advance(difference);
+    return tmp;
+  }
+  /// Subtraction operator.
+  friend buffers_iterator operator-(const buffers_iterator& iter,
+      std::ptrdiff_t difference)
+  {
+    buffers_iterator tmp(iter);
+    tmp.advance(-difference);
+    return tmp;
+  }
+  /// Subtraction operator.
+  friend std::ptrdiff_t operator-(const buffers_iterator& a,
+      const buffers_iterator& b)
+  {
+    return b.distance_to(a);
+  }
+  /// Test two iterators for equality.
+  friend bool operator==(const buffers_iterator& a, const buffers_iterator& b)
+  {
+    return a.equal(b);
+  }
+  /// Test two iterators for inequality.
+  friend bool operator!=(const buffers_iterator& a, const buffers_iterator& b)
+  {
+    return !a.equal(b);
+  }
+  /// Compare two iterators.
+  friend bool operator<(const buffers_iterator& a, const buffers_iterator& b)
+  {
+    return a.distance_to(b) > 0;
+  }
+  /// Compare two iterators.
+  friend bool operator<=(const buffers_iterator& a, const buffers_iterator& b)
+  {
+    return !(b < a);
+  }
+  /// Compare two iterators.
+  friend bool operator>(const buffers_iterator& a, const buffers_iterator& b)
+  {
+    return b < a;
+  }
+  /// Compare two iterators.
+  friend bool operator>=(const buffers_iterator& a, const buffers_iterator& b)
+  {
+    return !(a < b);
+  }
+  // Dereference the iterator.
+  reference dereference() const
+  {
+    return static_cast<pointer>(
+        current_buffer_.data())[current_buffer_position_];
+  }
+  // Compare two iterators for equality.
+  bool equal(const buffers_iterator& other) const
+  {
+    return position_ == other.position_;
+  }
+  // Increment the iterator.
+  void increment()
+  {
+    BOOST_ASIO_ASSERT(current_ != end_ && "iterator out of bounds");
+    ++position_;
+    // Check if the increment can be satisfied by the current buffer.
+    ++current_buffer_position_;
+    if (current_buffer_position_ != current_buffer_.size())
+      return;
+    // Find the next non-empty buffer.
+    ++current_;
+    current_buffer_position_ = 0;
+    while (current_ != end_)
+    {
+      current_buffer_ = *current_;
+      if (current_buffer_.size() > 0)
+        return;
+      ++current_;
+    }
+  }
+  // Decrement the iterator.
+  void decrement()
+  {
+    BOOST_ASIO_ASSERT(position_ > 0 && "iterator out of bounds");
+    --position_;
+    // Check if the decrement can be satisfied by the current buffer.
+    if (current_buffer_position_ != 0)
+    {
+      --current_buffer_position_;
+      return;
+    }
+    // Find the previous non-empty buffer.
+    buffer_sequence_iterator_type iter = current_;
+    while (iter != begin_)
+    {
+      --iter;
+      buffer_type buffer = *iter;
+      std::size_t buffer_size = buffer.size();
+      if (buffer_size > 0)
+      {
+        current_ = iter;
+        current_buffer_ = buffer;
+        current_buffer_position_ = buffer_size - 1;
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Advance the iterator by the specified distance.
+  void advance(std::ptrdiff_t n)
+  {
+    if (n > 0)
+    {
+      BOOST_ASIO_ASSERT(current_ != end_ && "iterator out of bounds");
+      for (;;)
+      {
+        std::ptrdiff_t current_buffer_balance
+          = current_buffer_.size() - current_buffer_position_;
+        // Check if the advance can be satisfied by the current buffer.
+        if (current_buffer_balance > n)
+        {
+          position_ += n;
+          current_buffer_position_ += n;
+          return;
+        }
+        // Update position.
+        n -= current_buffer_balance;
+        position_ += current_buffer_balance;
+        // Move to next buffer. If it is empty then it will be skipped on the
+        // next iteration of this loop.
+        if (++current_ == end_)
+        {
+          BOOST_ASIO_ASSERT(n == 0 && "iterator out of bounds");
+          current_buffer_ = buffer_type();
+          current_buffer_position_ = 0;
+          return;
+        }
+        current_buffer_ = *current_;
+        current_buffer_position_ = 0;
+      }
+    }
+    else if (n < 0)
+    {
+      std::size_t abs_n = -n;
+      BOOST_ASIO_ASSERT(position_ >= abs_n && "iterator out of bounds");
+      for (;;)
+      {
+        // Check if the advance can be satisfied by the current buffer.
+        if (current_buffer_position_ >= abs_n)
+        {
+          position_ -= abs_n;
+          current_buffer_position_ -= abs_n;
+          return;
+        }
+        // Update position.
+        abs_n -= current_buffer_position_;
+        position_ -= current_buffer_position_;
+        // Check if we've reached the beginning of the buffers.
+        if (current_ == begin_)
+        {
+          BOOST_ASIO_ASSERT(abs_n == 0 && "iterator out of bounds");
+          current_buffer_position_ = 0;
+          return;
+        }
+        // Find the previous non-empty buffer.
+        buffer_sequence_iterator_type iter = current_;
+        while (iter != begin_)
+        {
+          --iter;
+          buffer_type buffer = *iter;
+          std::size_t buffer_size = buffer.size();
+          if (buffer_size > 0)
+          {
+            current_ = iter;
+            current_buffer_ = buffer;
+            current_buffer_position_ = buffer_size;
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Determine the distance between two iterators.
+  std::ptrdiff_t distance_to(const buffers_iterator& other) const
+  {
+    return other.position_ - position_;
+  }
+  buffer_type current_buffer_;
+  std::size_t current_buffer_position_;
+  buffer_sequence_iterator_type begin_;
+  buffer_sequence_iterator_type current_;
+  buffer_sequence_iterator_type end_;
+  std::size_t position_;
+/// Construct an iterator representing the beginning of the buffers' data.
+template <typename BufferSequence>
+inline buffers_iterator<BufferSequence> buffers_begin(
+    const BufferSequence& buffers)
+  return buffers_iterator<BufferSequence>::begin(buffers);
+/// Construct an iterator representing the end of the buffers' data.
+template <typename BufferSequence>
+inline buffers_iterator<BufferSequence> buffers_end(
+    const BufferSequence& buffers)
+  return buffers_iterator<BufferSequence>::end(buffers);
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 220 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+// completion_condition.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+// The default maximum number of bytes to transfer in a single operation.
+enum default_max_transfer_size_t { default_max_transfer_size = 65536 };
+// Adapt result of old-style completion conditions (which had a bool result
+// where true indicated that the operation was complete).
+inline std::size_t adapt_completion_condition_result(bool result)
+  return result ? 0 : default_max_transfer_size;
+// Adapt result of current completion conditions (which have a size_t result
+// where 0 means the operation is complete, and otherwise the result is the
+// maximum number of bytes to transfer on the next underlying operation).
+inline std::size_t adapt_completion_condition_result(std::size_t result)
+  return result;
+class transfer_all_t
+  typedef std::size_t result_type;
+  template <typename Error>
+  std::size_t operator()(const Error& err, std::size_t)
+  {
+    return !!err ? 0 : default_max_transfer_size;
+  }
+class transfer_at_least_t
+  typedef std::size_t result_type;
+  explicit transfer_at_least_t(std::size_t minimum)
+    : minimum_(minimum)
+  {
+  }
+  template <typename Error>
+  std::size_t operator()(const Error& err, std::size_t bytes_transferred)
+  {
+    return (!!err || bytes_transferred >= minimum_)
+      ? 0 : default_max_transfer_size;
+  }
+  std::size_t minimum_;
+class transfer_exactly_t
+  typedef std::size_t result_type;
+  explicit transfer_exactly_t(std::size_t size)
+    : size_(size)
+  {
+  }
+  template <typename Error>
+  std::size_t operator()(const Error& err, std::size_t bytes_transferred)
+  {
+    return (!!err || bytes_transferred >= size_) ? 0 :
+      (size_ - bytes_transferred < default_max_transfer_size
+        ? size_ - bytes_transferred : std::size_t(default_max_transfer_size));
+  }
+  std::size_t size_;
+} // namespace detail
+ * @defgroup completion_condition Completion Condition Function Objects
+ *
+ * Function objects used for determining when a read or write operation should
+ * complete.
+ */
+/// Return a completion condition function object that indicates that a read or
+/// write operation should continue until all of the data has been transferred,
+/// or until an error occurs.
+ * This function is used to create an object, of unspecified type, that meets
+ * CompletionCondition requirements.
+ *
+ * @par Example
+ * Reading until a buffer is full:
+ * @code
+ * boost::array<char, 128> buf;
+ * boost::system::error_code ec;
+ * std::size_t n = boost::asio::read(
+ *     sock, boost::asio::buffer(buf),
+ *     boost::asio::transfer_all(), ec);
+ * if (ec)
+ * {
+ *   // An error occurred.
+ * }
+ * else
+ * {
+ *   // n == 128
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ */
+unspecified transfer_all();
+inline detail::transfer_all_t transfer_all()
+  return detail::transfer_all_t();
+/// Return a completion condition function object that indicates that a read or
+/// write operation should continue until a minimum number of bytes has been
+/// transferred, or until an error occurs.
+ * This function is used to create an object, of unspecified type, that meets
+ * CompletionCondition requirements.
+ *
+ * @par Example
+ * Reading until a buffer is full or contains at least 64 bytes:
+ * @code
+ * boost::array<char, 128> buf;
+ * boost::system::error_code ec;
+ * std::size_t n = boost::asio::read(
+ *     sock, boost::asio::buffer(buf),
+ *     boost::asio::transfer_at_least(64), ec);
+ * if (ec)
+ * {
+ *   // An error occurred.
+ * }
+ * else
+ * {
+ *   // n >= 64 && n <= 128
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ */
+unspecified transfer_at_least(std::size_t minimum);
+inline detail::transfer_at_least_t transfer_at_least(std::size_t minimum)
+  return detail::transfer_at_least_t(minimum);
+/// Return a completion condition function object that indicates that a read or
+/// write operation should continue until an exact number of bytes has been
+/// transferred, or until an error occurs.
+ * This function is used to create an object, of unspecified type, that meets
+ * CompletionCondition requirements.
+ *
+ * @par Example
+ * Reading until a buffer is full or contains exactly 64 bytes:
+ * @code
+ * boost::array<char, 128> buf;
+ * boost::system::error_code ec;
+ * std::size_t n = boost::asio::read(
+ *     sock, boost::asio::buffer(buf),
+ *     boost::asio::transfer_exactly(64), ec);
+ * if (ec)
+ * {
+ *   // An error occurred.
+ * }
+ * else
+ * {
+ *   // n == 64
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ */
+unspecified transfer_exactly(std::size_t size);
+inline detail::transfer_exactly_t transfer_exactly(std::size_t size)
+  return detail::transfer_exactly_t(size);
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 1061 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1061 @@
+// connect.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/async_result.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/basic_socket.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/type_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail
+  char (&has_iterator_helper(...))[2];
+  template <typename T>
+  char has_iterator_helper(T*, typename T::iterator* = 0);
+  template <typename T>
+  struct has_iterator_typedef
+  {
+    enum { value = (sizeof((has_iterator_helper)((T*)(0))) == 1) };
+  };
+} // namespace detail
+/// Type trait used to determine whether a type is an endpoint sequence that can
+/// be used with with @c connect and @c async_connect.
+template <typename T>
+struct is_endpoint_sequence
+  /// The value member is true if the type may be used as an endpoint sequence.
+  static const bool value;
+  enum
+  {
+    value = detail::has_iterator_typedef<T>::value
+  };
+ * @defgroup connect boost::asio::connect
+ *
+ * @brief Establishes a socket connection by trying each endpoint in a sequence.
+ */
+/// Establishes a socket connection by trying each endpoint in a sequence.
+ * This function attempts to connect a socket to one of a sequence of
+ * endpoints. It does this by repeated calls to the socket's @c connect member
+ * function, once for each endpoint in the sequence, until a connection is
+ * successfully established.
+ *
+ * @param s The socket to be connected. If the socket is already open, it will
+ * be closed.
+ *
+ * @param endpoints A sequence of endpoints.
+ *
+ * @returns The successfully connected endpoint.
+ *
+ * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure. If the sequence is
+ * empty, the associated @c error_code is boost::asio::error::not_found.
+ * Otherwise, contains the error from the last connection attempt.
+ *
+ * @par Example
+ * @code tcp::resolver r(io_context);
+ * tcp::resolver::query q("host", "service");
+ * tcp::socket s(io_context);
+ * boost::asio::connect(s, r.resolve(q)); @endcode
+ */
+template <typename Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM, typename EndpointSequence>
+typename Protocol::endpoint connect(
+    basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>& s,
+    const EndpointSequence& endpoints,
+    typename enable_if<is_endpoint_sequence<
+        EndpointSequence>::value>::type* = 0);
+/// Establishes a socket connection by trying each endpoint in a sequence.
+ * This function attempts to connect a socket to one of a sequence of
+ * endpoints. It does this by repeated calls to the socket's @c connect member
+ * function, once for each endpoint in the sequence, until a connection is
+ * successfully established.
+ *
+ * @param s The socket to be connected. If the socket is already open, it will
+ * be closed.
+ *
+ * @param endpoints A sequence of endpoints.
+ *
+ * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any. If the sequence is
+ * empty, set to boost::asio::error::not_found. Otherwise, contains the error
+ * from the last connection attempt.
+ *
+ * @returns On success, the successfully connected endpoint. Otherwise, a
+ * default-constructed endpoint.
+ *
+ * @par Example
+ * @code tcp::resolver r(io_context);
+ * tcp::resolver::query q("host", "service");
+ * tcp::socket s(io_context);
+ * boost::system::error_code ec;
+ * boost::asio::connect(s, r.resolve(q), ec);
+ * if (ec)
+ * {
+ *   // An error occurred.
+ * } @endcode
+ */
+template <typename Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM, typename EndpointSequence>
+typename Protocol::endpoint connect(
+    basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>& s,
+    const EndpointSequence& endpoints, boost::system::error_code& ec,
+    typename enable_if<is_endpoint_sequence<
+        EndpointSequence>::value>::type* = 0);
+/// (Deprecated.) Establishes a socket connection by trying each endpoint in a
+/// sequence.
+ * This function attempts to connect a socket to one of a sequence of
+ * endpoints. It does this by repeated calls to the socket's @c connect member
+ * function, once for each endpoint in the sequence, until a connection is
+ * successfully established.
+ *
+ * @param s The socket to be connected. If the socket is already open, it will
+ * be closed.
+ *
+ * @param begin An iterator pointing to the start of a sequence of endpoints.
+ *
+ * @returns On success, an iterator denoting the successfully connected
+ * endpoint. Otherwise, the end iterator.
+ *
+ * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure. If the sequence is
+ * empty, the associated @c error_code is boost::asio::error::not_found.
+ * Otherwise, contains the error from the last connection attempt.
+ *
+ * @note This overload assumes that a default constructed object of type @c
+ * Iterator represents the end of the sequence. This is a valid assumption for
+ * iterator types such as @c boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::iterator.
+ */
+template <typename Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM, typename Iterator>
+Iterator connect(basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>& s, Iterator begin,
+    typename enable_if<!is_endpoint_sequence<Iterator>::value>::type* = 0);
+/// (Deprecated.) Establishes a socket connection by trying each endpoint in a
+/// sequence.
+ * This function attempts to connect a socket to one of a sequence of
+ * endpoints. It does this by repeated calls to the socket's @c connect member
+ * function, once for each endpoint in the sequence, until a connection is
+ * successfully established.
+ *
+ * @param s The socket to be connected. If the socket is already open, it will
+ * be closed.
+ *
+ * @param begin An iterator pointing to the start of a sequence of endpoints.
+ *
+ * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any. If the sequence is
+ * empty, set to boost::asio::error::not_found. Otherwise, contains the error
+ * from the last connection attempt.
+ *
+ * @returns On success, an iterator denoting the successfully connected
+ * endpoint. Otherwise, the end iterator.
+ *
+ * @note This overload assumes that a default constructed object of type @c
+ * Iterator represents the end of the sequence. This is a valid assumption for
+ * iterator types such as @c boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::iterator.
+ */
+template <typename Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM, typename Iterator>
+Iterator connect(basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>& s,
+    Iterator begin, boost::system::error_code& ec,
+    typename enable_if<!is_endpoint_sequence<Iterator>::value>::type* = 0);
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+/// Establishes a socket connection by trying each endpoint in a sequence.
+ * This function attempts to connect a socket to one of a sequence of
+ * endpoints. It does this by repeated calls to the socket's @c connect member
+ * function, once for each endpoint in the sequence, until a connection is
+ * successfully established.
+ *
+ * @param s The socket to be connected. If the socket is already open, it will
+ * be closed.
+ *
+ * @param begin An iterator pointing to the start of a sequence of endpoints.
+ *
+ * @param end An iterator pointing to the end of a sequence of endpoints.
+ *
+ * @returns An iterator denoting the successfully connected endpoint.
+ *
+ * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure. If the sequence is
+ * empty, the associated @c error_code is boost::asio::error::not_found.
+ * Otherwise, contains the error from the last connection attempt.
+ *
+ * @par Example
+ * @code tcp::resolver r(io_context);
+ * tcp::resolver::query q("host", "service");
+ * tcp::resolver::results_type e = r.resolve(q);
+ * tcp::socket s(io_context);
+ * boost::asio::connect(s, e.begin(), e.end()); @endcode
+ */
+template <typename Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM, typename Iterator>
+Iterator connect(basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>& s,
+    Iterator begin, Iterator end);
+/// Establishes a socket connection by trying each endpoint in a sequence.
+ * This function attempts to connect a socket to one of a sequence of
+ * endpoints. It does this by repeated calls to the socket's @c connect member
+ * function, once for each endpoint in the sequence, until a connection is
+ * successfully established.
+ *
+ * @param s The socket to be connected. If the socket is already open, it will
+ * be closed.
+ *
+ * @param begin An iterator pointing to the start of a sequence of endpoints.
+ *
+ * @param end An iterator pointing to the end of a sequence of endpoints.
+ *
+ * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any. If the sequence is
+ * empty, set to boost::asio::error::not_found. Otherwise, contains the error
+ * from the last connection attempt.
+ *
+ * @returns On success, an iterator denoting the successfully connected
+ * endpoint. Otherwise, the end iterator.
+ *
+ * @par Example
+ * @code tcp::resolver r(io_context);
+ * tcp::resolver::query q("host", "service");
+ * tcp::resolver::results_type e = r.resolve(q);
+ * tcp::socket s(io_context);
+ * boost::system::error_code ec;
+ * boost::asio::connect(s, e.begin(), e.end(), ec);
+ * if (ec)
+ * {
+ *   // An error occurred.
+ * } @endcode
+ */
+template <typename Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM, typename Iterator>
+Iterator connect(basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>& s,
+    Iterator begin, Iterator end, boost::system::error_code& ec);
+/// Establishes a socket connection by trying each endpoint in a sequence.
+ * This function attempts to connect a socket to one of a sequence of
+ * endpoints. It does this by repeated calls to the socket's @c connect member
+ * function, once for each endpoint in the sequence, until a connection is
+ * successfully established.
+ *
+ * @param s The socket to be connected. If the socket is already open, it will
+ * be closed.
+ *
+ * @param endpoints A sequence of endpoints.
+ *
+ * @param connect_condition A function object that is called prior to each
+ * connection attempt. The signature of the function object must be:
+ * @code bool connect_condition(
+ *     const boost::system::error_code& ec,
+ *     const typename Protocol::endpoint& next); @endcode
+ * The @c ec parameter contains the result from the most recent connect
+ * operation. Before the first connection attempt, @c ec is always set to
+ * indicate success. The @c next parameter is the next endpoint to be tried.
+ * The function object should return true if the next endpoint should be tried,
+ * and false if it should be skipped.
+ *
+ * @returns The successfully connected endpoint.
+ *
+ * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure. If the sequence is
+ * empty, the associated @c error_code is boost::asio::error::not_found.
+ * Otherwise, contains the error from the last connection attempt.
+ *
+ * @par Example
+ * The following connect condition function object can be used to output
+ * information about the individual connection attempts:
+ * @code struct my_connect_condition
+ * {
+ *   bool operator()(
+ *       const boost::system::error_code& ec,
+ *       const::tcp::endpoint& next)
+ *   {
+ *     if (ec) std::cout << "Error: " << ec.message() << std::endl;
+ *     std::cout << "Trying: " << next << std::endl;
+ *     return true;
+ *   }
+ * }; @endcode
+ * It would be used with the boost::asio::connect function as follows:
+ * @code tcp::resolver r(io_context);
+ * tcp::resolver::query q("host", "service");
+ * tcp::socket s(io_context);
+ * tcp::endpoint e = boost::asio::connect(s,
+ *     r.resolve(q), my_connect_condition());
+ * std::cout << "Connected to: " << e << std::endl; @endcode
+ */
+template <typename Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM,
+    typename EndpointSequence, typename ConnectCondition>
+typename Protocol::endpoint connect(
+    basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>& s,
+    const EndpointSequence& endpoints, ConnectCondition connect_condition,
+    typename enable_if<is_endpoint_sequence<
+        EndpointSequence>::value>::type* = 0);
+/// Establishes a socket connection by trying each endpoint in a sequence.
+ * This function attempts to connect a socket to one of a sequence of
+ * endpoints. It does this by repeated calls to the socket's @c connect member
+ * function, once for each endpoint in the sequence, until a connection is
+ * successfully established.
+ *
+ * @param s The socket to be connected. If the socket is already open, it will
+ * be closed.
+ *
+ * @param endpoints A sequence of endpoints.
+ *
+ * @param connect_condition A function object that is called prior to each
+ * connection attempt. The signature of the function object must be:
+ * @code bool connect_condition(
+ *     const boost::system::error_code& ec,
+ *     const typename Protocol::endpoint& next); @endcode
+ * The @c ec parameter contains the result from the most recent connect
+ * operation. Before the first connection attempt, @c ec is always set to
+ * indicate success. The @c next parameter is the next endpoint to be tried.
+ * The function object should return true if the next endpoint should be tried,
+ * and false if it should be skipped.
+ *
+ * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any. If the sequence is
+ * empty, set to boost::asio::error::not_found. Otherwise, contains the error
+ * from the last connection attempt.
+ *
+ * @returns On success, the successfully connected endpoint. Otherwise, a
+ * default-constructed endpoint.
+ *
+ * @par Example
+ * The following connect condition function object can be used to output
+ * information about the individual connection attempts:
+ * @code struct my_connect_condition
+ * {
+ *   bool operator()(
+ *       const boost::system::error_code& ec,
+ *       const::tcp::endpoint& next)
+ *   {
+ *     if (ec) std::cout << "Error: " << ec.message() << std::endl;
+ *     std::cout << "Trying: " << next << std::endl;
+ *     return true;
+ *   }
+ * }; @endcode
+ * It would be used with the boost::asio::connect function as follows:
+ * @code tcp::resolver r(io_context);
+ * tcp::resolver::query q("host", "service");
+ * tcp::socket s(io_context);
+ * boost::system::error_code ec;
+ * tcp::endpoint e = boost::asio::connect(s,
+ *     r.resolve(q), my_connect_condition(), ec);
+ * if (ec)
+ * {
+ *   // An error occurred.
+ * }
+ * else
+ * {
+ *   std::cout << "Connected to: " << e << std::endl;
+ * } @endcode
+ */
+template <typename Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM,
+    typename EndpointSequence, typename ConnectCondition>
+typename Protocol::endpoint connect(
+    basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>& s,
+    const EndpointSequence& endpoints, ConnectCondition connect_condition,
+    boost::system::error_code& ec,
+    typename enable_if<is_endpoint_sequence<
+        EndpointSequence>::value>::type* = 0);
+/// (Deprecated.) Establishes a socket connection by trying each endpoint in a
+/// sequence.
+ * This function attempts to connect a socket to one of a sequence of
+ * endpoints. It does this by repeated calls to the socket's @c connect member
+ * function, once for each endpoint in the sequence, until a connection is
+ * successfully established.
+ *
+ * @param s The socket to be connected. If the socket is already open, it will
+ * be closed.
+ *
+ * @param begin An iterator pointing to the start of a sequence of endpoints.
+ *
+ * @param connect_condition A function object that is called prior to each
+ * connection attempt. The signature of the function object must be:
+ * @code bool connect_condition(
+ *     const boost::system::error_code& ec,
+ *     const typename Protocol::endpoint& next); @endcode
+ * The @c ec parameter contains the result from the most recent connect
+ * operation. Before the first connection attempt, @c ec is always set to
+ * indicate success. The @c next parameter is the next endpoint to be tried.
+ * The function object should return true if the next endpoint should be tried,
+ * and false if it should be skipped.
+ *
+ * @returns On success, an iterator denoting the successfully connected
+ * endpoint. Otherwise, the end iterator.
+ *
+ * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure. If the sequence is
+ * empty, the associated @c error_code is boost::asio::error::not_found.
+ * Otherwise, contains the error from the last connection attempt.
+ *
+ * @note This overload assumes that a default constructed object of type @c
+ * Iterator represents the end of the sequence. This is a valid assumption for
+ * iterator types such as @c boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::iterator.
+ */
+template <typename Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM,
+    typename Iterator, typename ConnectCondition>
+Iterator connect(basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>& s,
+    Iterator begin, ConnectCondition connect_condition,
+    typename enable_if<!is_endpoint_sequence<Iterator>::value>::type* = 0);
+/// (Deprecated.) Establishes a socket connection by trying each endpoint in a
+/// sequence.
+ * This function attempts to connect a socket to one of a sequence of
+ * endpoints. It does this by repeated calls to the socket's @c connect member
+ * function, once for each endpoint in the sequence, until a connection is
+ * successfully established.
+ *
+ * @param s The socket to be connected. If the socket is already open, it will
+ * be closed.
+ *
+ * @param begin An iterator pointing to the start of a sequence of endpoints.
+ *
+ * @param connect_condition A function object that is called prior to each
+ * connection attempt. The signature of the function object must be:
+ * @code bool connect_condition(
+ *     const boost::system::error_code& ec,
+ *     const typename Protocol::endpoint& next); @endcode
+ * The @c ec parameter contains the result from the most recent connect
+ * operation. Before the first connection attempt, @c ec is always set to
+ * indicate success. The @c next parameter is the next endpoint to be tried.
+ * The function object should return true if the next endpoint should be tried,
+ * and false if it should be skipped.
+ *
+ * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any. If the sequence is
+ * empty, set to boost::asio::error::not_found. Otherwise, contains the error
+ * from the last connection attempt.
+ *
+ * @returns On success, an iterator denoting the successfully connected
+ * endpoint. Otherwise, the end iterator.
+ *
+ * @note This overload assumes that a default constructed object of type @c
+ * Iterator represents the end of the sequence. This is a valid assumption for
+ * iterator types such as @c boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::iterator.
+ */
+template <typename Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM,
+    typename Iterator, typename ConnectCondition>
+Iterator connect(basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>& s, Iterator begin,
+    ConnectCondition connect_condition, boost::system::error_code& ec,
+    typename enable_if<!is_endpoint_sequence<Iterator>::value>::type* = 0);
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+/// Establishes a socket connection by trying each endpoint in a sequence.
+ * This function attempts to connect a socket to one of a sequence of
+ * endpoints. It does this by repeated calls to the socket's @c connect member
+ * function, once for each endpoint in the sequence, until a connection is
+ * successfully established.
+ *
+ * @param s The socket to be connected. If the socket is already open, it will
+ * be closed.
+ *
+ * @param begin An iterator pointing to the start of a sequence of endpoints.
+ *
+ * @param end An iterator pointing to the end of a sequence of endpoints.
+ *
+ * @param connect_condition A function object that is called prior to each
+ * connection attempt. The signature of the function object must be:
+ * @code bool connect_condition(
+ *     const boost::system::error_code& ec,
+ *     const typename Protocol::endpoint& next); @endcode
+ * The @c ec parameter contains the result from the most recent connect
+ * operation. Before the first connection attempt, @c ec is always set to
+ * indicate success. The @c next parameter is the next endpoint to be tried.
+ * The function object should return true if the next endpoint should be tried,
+ * and false if it should be skipped.
+ *
+ * @returns An iterator denoting the successfully connected endpoint.
+ *
+ * @throws boost::system::system_error Thrown on failure. If the sequence is
+ * empty, the associated @c error_code is boost::asio::error::not_found.
+ * Otherwise, contains the error from the last connection attempt.
+ *
+ * @par Example
+ * The following connect condition function object can be used to output
+ * information about the individual connection attempts:
+ * @code struct my_connect_condition
+ * {
+ *   bool operator()(
+ *       const boost::system::error_code& ec,
+ *       const::tcp::endpoint& next)
+ *   {
+ *     if (ec) std::cout << "Error: " << ec.message() << std::endl;
+ *     std::cout << "Trying: " << next << std::endl;
+ *     return true;
+ *   }
+ * }; @endcode
+ * It would be used with the boost::asio::connect function as follows:
+ * @code tcp::resolver r(io_context);
+ * tcp::resolver::query q("host", "service");
+ * tcp::resolver::results_type e = r.resolve(q);
+ * tcp::socket s(io_context);
+ * tcp::resolver::results_type::iterator i = boost::asio::connect(
+ *     s, e.begin(), e.end(), my_connect_condition());
+ * std::cout << "Connected to: " << i->endpoint() << std::endl; @endcode
+ */
+template <typename Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM,
+    typename Iterator, typename ConnectCondition>
+Iterator connect(basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>& s, Iterator begin,
+    Iterator end, ConnectCondition connect_condition);
+/// Establishes a socket connection by trying each endpoint in a sequence.
+ * This function attempts to connect a socket to one of a sequence of
+ * endpoints. It does this by repeated calls to the socket's @c connect member
+ * function, once for each endpoint in the sequence, until a connection is
+ * successfully established.
+ *
+ * @param s The socket to be connected. If the socket is already open, it will
+ * be closed.
+ *
+ * @param begin An iterator pointing to the start of a sequence of endpoints.
+ *
+ * @param end An iterator pointing to the end of a sequence of endpoints.
+ *
+ * @param connect_condition A function object that is called prior to each
+ * connection attempt. The signature of the function object must be:
+ * @code bool connect_condition(
+ *     const boost::system::error_code& ec,
+ *     const typename Protocol::endpoint& next); @endcode
+ * The @c ec parameter contains the result from the most recent connect
+ * operation. Before the first connection attempt, @c ec is always set to
+ * indicate success. The @c next parameter is the next endpoint to be tried.
+ * The function object should return true if the next endpoint should be tried,
+ * and false if it should be skipped.
+ *
+ * @param ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any. If the sequence is
+ * empty, set to boost::asio::error::not_found. Otherwise, contains the error
+ * from the last connection attempt.
+ *
+ * @returns On success, an iterator denoting the successfully connected
+ * endpoint. Otherwise, the end iterator.
+ *
+ * @par Example
+ * The following connect condition function object can be used to output
+ * information about the individual connection attempts:
+ * @code struct my_connect_condition
+ * {
+ *   bool operator()(
+ *       const boost::system::error_code& ec,
+ *       const::tcp::endpoint& next)
+ *   {
+ *     if (ec) std::cout << "Error: " << ec.message() << std::endl;
+ *     std::cout << "Trying: " << next << std::endl;
+ *     return true;
+ *   }
+ * }; @endcode
+ * It would be used with the boost::asio::connect function as follows:
+ * @code tcp::resolver r(io_context);
+ * tcp::resolver::query q("host", "service");
+ * tcp::resolver::results_type e = r.resolve(q);
+ * tcp::socket s(io_context);
+ * boost::system::error_code ec;
+ * tcp::resolver::results_type::iterator i = boost::asio::connect(
+ *     s, e.begin(), e.end(), my_connect_condition());
+ * if (ec)
+ * {
+ *   // An error occurred.
+ * }
+ * else
+ * {
+ *   std::cout << "Connected to: " << i->endpoint() << std::endl;
+ * } @endcode
+ */
+template <typename Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM,
+    typename Iterator, typename ConnectCondition>
+Iterator connect(basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>& s,
+    Iterator begin, Iterator end, ConnectCondition connect_condition,
+    boost::system::error_code& ec);
+ * @defgroup async_connect boost::asio::async_connect
+ *
+ * @brief Asynchronously establishes a socket connection by trying each
+ * endpoint in a sequence.
+ */
+/// Asynchronously establishes a socket connection by trying each endpoint in a
+/// sequence.
+ * This function attempts to connect a socket to one of a sequence of
+ * endpoints. It does this by repeated calls to the socket's @c async_connect
+ * member function, once for each endpoint in the sequence, until a connection
+ * is successfully established.
+ *
+ * @param s The socket to be connected. If the socket is already open, it will
+ * be closed.
+ *
+ * @param endpoints A sequence of endpoints.
+ *
+ * @param handler The handler to be called when the connect operation
+ * completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
+ * signature of the handler must be:
+ * @code void handler(
+ *   // Result of operation. if the sequence is empty, set to
+ *   // boost::asio::error::not_found. Otherwise, contains the
+ *   // error from the last connection attempt.
+ *   const boost::system::error_code& error,
+ *
+ *   // On success, the successfully connected endpoint.
+ *   // Otherwise, a default-constructed endpoint.
+ *   const typename Protocol::endpoint& endpoint
+ * ); @endcode
+ * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+ * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+ * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+ * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+ *
+ * @par Example
+ * @code tcp::resolver r(io_context);
+ * tcp::resolver::query q("host", "service");
+ * tcp::socket s(io_context);
+ *
+ * // ...
+ *
+ * r.async_resolve(q, resolve_handler);
+ *
+ * // ...
+ *
+ * void resolve_handler(
+ *     const boost::system::error_code& ec,
+ *     tcp::resolver::results_type results)
+ * {
+ *   if (!ec)
+ *   {
+ *     boost::asio::async_connect(s, results, connect_handler);
+ *   }
+ * }
+ *
+ * // ...
+ *
+ * void connect_handler(
+ *     const boost::system::error_code& ec,
+ *     const tcp::endpoint& endpoint)
+ * {
+ *   // ...
+ * } @endcode
+ */
+template <typename Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM,
+    typename EndpointSequence, typename RangeConnectHandler>
+    void (boost::system::error_code, typename Protocol::endpoint))
+async_connect(basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>& s,
+    const EndpointSequence& endpoints,
+    BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(RangeConnectHandler) handler,
+    typename enable_if<is_endpoint_sequence<
+        EndpointSequence>::value>::type* = 0);
+/// (Deprecated.) Asynchronously establishes a socket connection by trying each
+/// endpoint in a sequence.
+ * This function attempts to connect a socket to one of a sequence of
+ * endpoints. It does this by repeated calls to the socket's @c async_connect
+ * member function, once for each endpoint in the sequence, until a connection
+ * is successfully established.
+ *
+ * @param s The socket to be connected. If the socket is already open, it will
+ * be closed.
+ *
+ * @param begin An iterator pointing to the start of a sequence of endpoints.
+ *
+ * @param handler The handler to be called when the connect operation
+ * completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
+ * signature of the handler must be:
+ * @code void handler(
+ *   // Result of operation. if the sequence is empty, set to
+ *   // boost::asio::error::not_found. Otherwise, contains the
+ *   // error from the last connection attempt.
+ *   const boost::system::error_code& error,
+ *
+ *   // On success, an iterator denoting the successfully
+ *   // connected endpoint. Otherwise, the end iterator.
+ *   Iterator iterator
+ * ); @endcode
+ * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+ * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+ * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+ * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+ *
+ * @note This overload assumes that a default constructed object of type @c
+ * Iterator represents the end of the sequence. This is a valid assumption for
+ * iterator types such as @c boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::iterator.
+ */
+template <typename Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM,
+    typename Iterator, typename IteratorConnectHandler>
+    void (boost::system::error_code, Iterator))
+async_connect(basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>& s,
+    Iterator begin, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(IteratorConnectHandler) handler,
+    typename enable_if<!is_endpoint_sequence<Iterator>::value>::type* = 0);
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+/// Asynchronously establishes a socket connection by trying each endpoint in a
+/// sequence.
+ * This function attempts to connect a socket to one of a sequence of
+ * endpoints. It does this by repeated calls to the socket's @c async_connect
+ * member function, once for each endpoint in the sequence, until a connection
+ * is successfully established.
+ *
+ * @param s The socket to be connected. If the socket is already open, it will
+ * be closed.
+ *
+ * @param begin An iterator pointing to the start of a sequence of endpoints.
+ *
+ * @param end An iterator pointing to the end of a sequence of endpoints.
+ *
+ * @param handler The handler to be called when the connect operation
+ * completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
+ * signature of the handler must be:
+ * @code void handler(
+ *   // Result of operation. if the sequence is empty, set to
+ *   // boost::asio::error::not_found. Otherwise, contains the
+ *   // error from the last connection attempt.
+ *   const boost::system::error_code& error,
+ *
+ *   // On success, an iterator denoting the successfully
+ *   // connected endpoint. Otherwise, the end iterator.
+ *   Iterator iterator
+ * ); @endcode
+ * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+ * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+ * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+ * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+ *
+ * @par Example
+ * @code std::vector<tcp::endpoint> endpoints = ...;
+ * tcp::socket s(io_context);
+ * boost::asio::async_connect(s,
+ *     endpoints.begin(), endpoints.end(),
+ *     connect_handler);
+ *
+ * // ...
+ *
+ * void connect_handler(
+ *     const boost::system::error_code& ec,
+ *     std::vector<tcp::endpoint>::iterator i)
+ * {
+ *   // ...
+ * } @endcode
+ */
+template <typename Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM,
+    typename Iterator, typename IteratorConnectHandler>
+    void (boost::system::error_code, Iterator))
+async_connect(basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>& s,
+    Iterator begin, Iterator end,
+    BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(IteratorConnectHandler) handler);
+/// Asynchronously establishes a socket connection by trying each endpoint in a
+/// sequence.
+ * This function attempts to connect a socket to one of a sequence of
+ * endpoints. It does this by repeated calls to the socket's @c async_connect
+ * member function, once for each endpoint in the sequence, until a connection
+ * is successfully established.
+ *
+ * @param s The socket to be connected. If the socket is already open, it will
+ * be closed.
+ *
+ * @param endpoints A sequence of endpoints.
+ *
+ * @param connect_condition A function object that is called prior to each
+ * connection attempt. The signature of the function object must be:
+ * @code bool connect_condition(
+ *     const boost::system::error_code& ec,
+ *     const typename Protocol::endpoint& next); @endcode
+ * The @c ec parameter contains the result from the most recent connect
+ * operation. Before the first connection attempt, @c ec is always set to
+ * indicate success. The @c next parameter is the next endpoint to be tried.
+ * The function object should return true if the next endpoint should be tried,
+ * and false if it should be skipped.
+ *
+ * @param handler The handler to be called when the connect operation
+ * completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
+ * signature of the handler must be:
+ * @code void handler(
+ *   // Result of operation. if the sequence is empty, set to
+ *   // boost::asio::error::not_found. Otherwise, contains the
+ *   // error from the last connection attempt.
+ *   const boost::system::error_code& error,
+ *
+ *   // On success, an iterator denoting the successfully
+ *   // connected endpoint. Otherwise, the end iterator.
+ *   Iterator iterator
+ * ); @endcode
+ * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+ * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+ * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+ * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+ *
+ * @par Example
+ * The following connect condition function object can be used to output
+ * information about the individual connection attempts:
+ * @code struct my_connect_condition
+ * {
+ *   bool operator()(
+ *       const boost::system::error_code& ec,
+ *       const::tcp::endpoint& next)
+ *   {
+ *     if (ec) std::cout << "Error: " << ec.message() << std::endl;
+ *     std::cout << "Trying: " << next << std::endl;
+ *     return true;
+ *   }
+ * }; @endcode
+ * It would be used with the boost::asio::connect function as follows:
+ * @code tcp::resolver r(io_context);
+ * tcp::resolver::query q("host", "service");
+ * tcp::socket s(io_context);
+ *
+ * // ...
+ *
+ * r.async_resolve(q, resolve_handler);
+ *
+ * // ...
+ *
+ * void resolve_handler(
+ *     const boost::system::error_code& ec,
+ *     tcp::resolver::results_type results)
+ * {
+ *   if (!ec)
+ *   {
+ *     boost::asio::async_connect(s, results,
+ *         my_connect_condition(),
+ *         connect_handler);
+ *   }
+ * }
+ *
+ * // ...
+ *
+ * void connect_handler(
+ *     const boost::system::error_code& ec,
+ *     const tcp::endpoint& endpoint)
+ * {
+ *   if (ec)
+ *   {
+ *     // An error occurred.
+ *   }
+ *   else
+ *   {
+ *     std::cout << "Connected to: " << endpoint << std::endl;
+ *   }
+ * } @endcode
+ */
+template <typename Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM, typename EndpointSequence,
+    typename ConnectCondition, typename RangeConnectHandler>
+    void (boost::system::error_code, typename Protocol::endpoint))
+async_connect(basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>& s,
+    const EndpointSequence& endpoints, ConnectCondition connect_condition,
+    BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(RangeConnectHandler) handler,
+    typename enable_if<is_endpoint_sequence<
+        EndpointSequence>::value>::type* = 0);
+/// (Deprecated.) Asynchronously establishes a socket connection by trying each
+/// endpoint in a sequence.
+ * This function attempts to connect a socket to one of a sequence of
+ * endpoints. It does this by repeated calls to the socket's @c async_connect
+ * member function, once for each endpoint in the sequence, until a connection
+ * is successfully established.
+ *
+ * @param s The socket to be connected. If the socket is already open, it will
+ * be closed.
+ *
+ * @param begin An iterator pointing to the start of a sequence of endpoints.
+ *
+ * @param connect_condition A function object that is called prior to each
+ * connection attempt. The signature of the function object must be:
+ * @code bool connect_condition(
+ *     const boost::system::error_code& ec,
+ *     const typename Protocol::endpoint& next); @endcode
+ * The @c ec parameter contains the result from the most recent connect
+ * operation. Before the first connection attempt, @c ec is always set to
+ * indicate success. The @c next parameter is the next endpoint to be tried.
+ * The function object should return true if the next endpoint should be tried,
+ * and false if it should be skipped.
+ *
+ * @param handler The handler to be called when the connect operation
+ * completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
+ * signature of the handler must be:
+ * @code void handler(
+ *   // Result of operation. if the sequence is empty, set to
+ *   // boost::asio::error::not_found. Otherwise, contains the
+ *   // error from the last connection attempt.
+ *   const boost::system::error_code& error,
+ *
+ *   // On success, an iterator denoting the successfully
+ *   // connected endpoint. Otherwise, the end iterator.
+ *   Iterator iterator
+ * ); @endcode
+ * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+ * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+ * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+ * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+ *
+ * @note This overload assumes that a default constructed object of type @c
+ * Iterator represents the end of the sequence. This is a valid assumption for
+ * iterator types such as @c boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::iterator.
+ */
+template <typename Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM, typename Iterator,
+    typename ConnectCondition, typename IteratorConnectHandler>
+    void (boost::system::error_code, Iterator))
+async_connect(basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>& s, Iterator begin,
+    ConnectCondition connect_condition,
+    BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(IteratorConnectHandler) handler,
+    typename enable_if<!is_endpoint_sequence<Iterator>::value>::type* = 0);
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+/// Asynchronously establishes a socket connection by trying each endpoint in a
+/// sequence.
+ * This function attempts to connect a socket to one of a sequence of
+ * endpoints. It does this by repeated calls to the socket's @c async_connect
+ * member function, once for each endpoint in the sequence, until a connection
+ * is successfully established.
+ *
+ * @param s The socket to be connected. If the socket is already open, it will
+ * be closed.
+ *
+ * @param begin An iterator pointing to the start of a sequence of endpoints.
+ *
+ * @param end An iterator pointing to the end of a sequence of endpoints.
+ *
+ * @param connect_condition A function object that is called prior to each
+ * connection attempt. The signature of the function object must be:
+ * @code bool connect_condition(
+ *     const boost::system::error_code& ec,
+ *     const typename Protocol::endpoint& next); @endcode
+ * The @c ec parameter contains the result from the most recent connect
+ * operation. Before the first connection attempt, @c ec is always set to
+ * indicate success. The @c next parameter is the next endpoint to be tried.
+ * The function object should return true if the next endpoint should be tried,
+ * and false if it should be skipped.
+ *
+ * @param handler The handler to be called when the connect operation
+ * completes. Copies will be made of the handler as required. The function
+ * signature of the handler must be:
+ * @code void handler(
+ *   // Result of operation. if the sequence is empty, set to
+ *   // boost::asio::error::not_found. Otherwise, contains the
+ *   // error from the last connection attempt.
+ *   const boost::system::error_code& error,
+ *
+ *   // On success, an iterator denoting the successfully
+ *   // connected endpoint. Otherwise, the end iterator.
+ *   Iterator iterator
+ * ); @endcode
+ * Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or
+ * not, the handler will not be invoked from within this function. Invocation
+ * of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to using
+ * boost::asio::io_context::post().
+ *
+ * @par Example
+ * The following connect condition function object can be used to output
+ * information about the individual connection attempts:
+ * @code struct my_connect_condition
+ * {
+ *   bool operator()(
+ *       const boost::system::error_code& ec,
+ *       const::tcp::endpoint& next)
+ *   {
+ *     if (ec) std::cout << "Error: " << ec.message() << std::endl;
+ *     std::cout << "Trying: " << next << std::endl;
+ *     return true;
+ *   }
+ * }; @endcode
+ * It would be used with the boost::asio::connect function as follows:
+ * @code tcp::resolver r(io_context);
+ * tcp::resolver::query q("host", "service");
+ * tcp::socket s(io_context);
+ *
+ * // ...
+ *
+ * r.async_resolve(q, resolve_handler);
+ *
+ * // ...
+ *
+ * void resolve_handler(
+ *     const boost::system::error_code& ec,
+ *     tcp::resolver::iterator i)
+ * {
+ *   if (!ec)
+ *   {
+ *     tcp::resolver::iterator end;
+ *     boost::asio::async_connect(s, i, end,
+ *         my_connect_condition(),
+ *         connect_handler);
+ *   }
+ * }
+ *
+ * // ...
+ *
+ * void connect_handler(
+ *     const boost::system::error_code& ec,
+ *     tcp::resolver::iterator i)
+ * {
+ *   if (ec)
+ *   {
+ *     // An error occurred.
+ *   }
+ *   else
+ *   {
+ *     std::cout << "Connected to: " << i->endpoint() << std::endl;
+ *   }
+ * } @endcode
+ */
+template <typename Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM, typename Iterator,
+    typename ConnectCondition, typename IteratorConnectHandler>
+    void (boost::system::error_code, Iterator))
+async_connect(basic_socket<Protocol BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG>& s,
+    Iterator begin, Iterator end, ConnectCondition connect_condition,
+    BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(IteratorConnectHandler) handler);
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/impl/connect.hpp>

+ 330 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+// coroutine.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+class coroutine_ref;
+} // namespace detail
+/// Provides support for implementing stackless coroutines.
+ * The @c coroutine class may be used to implement stackless coroutines. The
+ * class itself is used to store the current state of the coroutine.
+ *
+ * Coroutines are copy-constructible and assignable, and the space overhead is
+ * a single int. They can be used as a base class:
+ *
+ * @code class session : coroutine
+ * {
+ *   ...
+ * }; @endcode
+ *
+ * or as a data member:
+ *
+ * @code class session
+ * {
+ *   ...
+ *   coroutine coro_;
+ * }; @endcode
+ *
+ * or even bound in as a function argument using lambdas or @c bind(). The
+ * important thing is that as the application maintains a copy of the object
+ * for as long as the coroutine must be kept alive.
+ *
+ * @par Pseudo-keywords
+ *
+ * A coroutine is used in conjunction with certain "pseudo-keywords", which
+ * are implemented as macros. These macros are defined by a header file:
+ *
+ * @code #include <boost/asio/yield.hpp>@endcode
+ *
+ * and may conversely be undefined as follows:
+ *
+ * @code #include <boost/asio/unyield.hpp>@endcode
+ *
+ * <b>reenter</b>
+ *
+ * The @c reenter macro is used to define the body of a coroutine. It takes a
+ * single argument: a pointer or reference to a coroutine object. For example,
+ * if the base class is a coroutine object you may write:
+ *
+ * @code reenter (this)
+ * {
+ *   ... coroutine body ...
+ * } @endcode
+ *
+ * and if a data member or other variable you can write:
+ *
+ * @code reenter (coro_)
+ * {
+ *   ... coroutine body ...
+ * } @endcode
+ *
+ * When @c reenter is executed at runtime, control jumps to the location of the
+ * last @c yield or @c fork.
+ *
+ * The coroutine body may also be a single statement, such as:
+ *
+ * @code reenter (this) for (;;)
+ * {
+ *   ...
+ * } @endcode
+ *
+ * @b Limitation: The @c reenter macro is implemented using a switch. This
+ * means that you must take care when using local variables within the
+ * coroutine body. The local variable is not allowed in a position where
+ * reentering the coroutine could bypass the variable definition.
+ *
+ * <b>yield <em>statement</em></b>
+ *
+ * This form of the @c yield keyword is often used with asynchronous operations:
+ *
+ * @code yield socket_->async_read_some(buffer(*buffer_), *this); @endcode
+ *
+ * This divides into four logical steps:
+ *
+ * @li @c yield saves the current state of the coroutine.
+ * @li The statement initiates the asynchronous operation.
+ * @li The resume point is defined immediately following the statement.
+ * @li Control is transferred to the end of the coroutine body.
+ *
+ * When the asynchronous operation completes, the function object is invoked
+ * and @c reenter causes control to transfer to the resume point. It is
+ * important to remember to carry the coroutine state forward with the
+ * asynchronous operation. In the above snippet, the current class is a
+ * function object object with a coroutine object as base class or data member.
+ *
+ * The statement may also be a compound statement, and this permits us to
+ * define local variables with limited scope:
+ *
+ * @code yield
+ * {
+ *   mutable_buffers_1 b = buffer(*buffer_);
+ *   socket_->async_read_some(b, *this);
+ * } @endcode
+ *
+ * <b>yield return <em>expression</em> ;</b>
+ *
+ * This form of @c yield is often used in generators or coroutine-based parsers.
+ * For example, the function object:
+ *
+ * @code struct interleave : coroutine
+ * {
+ *   istream& is1;
+ *   istream& is2;
+ *   char operator()(char c)
+ *   {
+ *     reenter (this) for (;;)
+ *     {
+ *       yield return is1.get();
+ *       yield return is2.get();
+ *     }
+ *   }
+ * }; @endcode
+ *
+ * defines a trivial coroutine that interleaves the characters from two input
+ * streams.
+ *
+ * This type of @c yield divides into three logical steps:
+ *
+ * @li @c yield saves the current state of the coroutine.
+ * @li The resume point is defined immediately following the semicolon.
+ * @li The value of the expression is returned from the function.
+ *
+ * <b>yield ;</b>
+ *
+ * This form of @c yield is equivalent to the following steps:
+ *
+ * @li @c yield saves the current state of the coroutine.
+ * @li The resume point is defined immediately following the semicolon.
+ * @li Control is transferred to the end of the coroutine body.
+ *
+ * This form might be applied when coroutines are used for cooperative
+ * threading and scheduling is explicitly managed. For example:
+ *
+ * @code struct task : coroutine
+ * {
+ *   ...
+ *   void operator()()
+ *   {
+ *     reenter (this)
+ *     {
+ *       while (... not finished ...)
+ *       {
+ *         ... do something ...
+ *         yield;
+ *         ... do some more ...
+ *         yield;
+ *       }
+ *     }
+ *   }
+ *   ...
+ * };
+ * ...
+ * task t1, t2;
+ * for (;;)
+ * {
+ *   t1();
+ *   t2();
+ * } @endcode
+ *
+ * <b>yield break ;</b>
+ *
+ * The final form of @c yield is used to explicitly terminate the coroutine.
+ * This form is comprised of two steps:
+ *
+ * @li @c yield sets the coroutine state to indicate termination.
+ * @li Control is transferred to the end of the coroutine body.
+ *
+ * Once terminated, calls to is_complete() return true and the coroutine cannot
+ * be reentered.
+ *
+ * Note that a coroutine may also be implicitly terminated if the coroutine
+ * body is exited without a yield, e.g. by return, throw or by running to the
+ * end of the body.
+ *
+ * <b>fork <em>statement</em></b>
+ *
+ * The @c fork pseudo-keyword is used when "forking" a coroutine, i.e. splitting
+ * it into two (or more) copies. One use of @c fork is in a server, where a new
+ * coroutine is created to handle each client connection:
+ * 
+ * @code reenter (this)
+ * {
+ *   do
+ *   {
+ *     socket_.reset(new tcp::socket(io_context_));
+ *     yield acceptor->async_accept(*socket_, *this);
+ *     fork server(*this)();
+ *   } while (is_parent());
+ *   ... client-specific handling follows ...
+ * } @endcode
+ * 
+ * The logical steps involved in a @c fork are:
+ * 
+ * @li @c fork saves the current state of the coroutine.
+ * @li The statement creates a copy of the coroutine and either executes it
+ *     immediately or schedules it for later execution.
+ * @li The resume point is defined immediately following the semicolon.
+ * @li For the "parent", control immediately continues from the next line.
+ *
+ * The functions is_parent() and is_child() can be used to differentiate
+ * between parent and child. You would use these functions to alter subsequent
+ * control flow.
+ *
+ * Note that @c fork doesn't do the actual forking by itself. It is the
+ * application's responsibility to create a clone of the coroutine and call it.
+ * The clone can be called immediately, as above, or scheduled for delayed
+ * execution using something like io_context::post().
+ *
+ * @par Alternate macro names
+ *
+ * If preferred, an application can use macro names that follow a more typical
+ * naming convention, rather than the pseudo-keywords. These are:
+ *
+ * @li @c BOOST_ASIO_CORO_REENTER instead of @c reenter
+ * @li @c BOOST_ASIO_CORO_YIELD instead of @c yield
+ * @li @c BOOST_ASIO_CORO_FORK instead of @c fork
+ */
+class coroutine
+  /// Constructs a coroutine in its initial state.
+  coroutine() : value_(0) {}
+  /// Returns true if the coroutine is the child of a fork.
+  bool is_child() const { return value_ < 0; }
+  /// Returns true if the coroutine is the parent of a fork.
+  bool is_parent() const { return !is_child(); }
+  /// Returns true if the coroutine has reached its terminal state.
+  bool is_complete() const { return value_ == -1; }
+  friend class detail::coroutine_ref;
+  int value_;
+namespace detail {
+class coroutine_ref
+  coroutine_ref(coroutine& c) : value_(c.value_), modified_(false) {}
+  coroutine_ref(coroutine* c) : value_(c->value_), modified_(false) {}
+  ~coroutine_ref() { if (!modified_) value_ = -1; }
+  operator int() const { return value_; }
+  int& operator=(int v) { modified_ = true; return value_ = v; }
+  void operator=(const coroutine_ref&);
+  int& value_;
+  bool modified_;
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+  switch (::boost::asio::detail::coroutine_ref _coro_value = c) \
+    case -1: if (_coro_value) \
+    { \
+      goto terminate_coroutine; \
+      terminate_coroutine: \
+      _coro_value = -1; \
+      goto bail_out_of_coroutine; \
+      bail_out_of_coroutine: \
+      break; \
+    } \
+    else /* fall-through */ case 0:
+  for (_coro_value = (n);;) \
+    if (_coro_value == 0) \
+    { \
+      case (n): ; \
+      break; \
+    } \
+    else \
+      switch (_coro_value ? 0 : 1) \
+        for (;;) \
+          /* fall-through */ case -1: if (_coro_value) \
+            goto terminate_coroutine; \
+          else for (;;) \
+            /* fall-through */ case 1: if (_coro_value) \
+              goto bail_out_of_coroutine; \
+            else /* fall-through */ case 0:
+  for (_coro_value = -(n);; _coro_value = (n)) \
+    if (_coro_value == (n)) \
+    { \
+      case -(n): ; \
+      break; \
+    } \
+    else
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#else // defined(_MSC_VER)
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER)

+ 468 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+// datagram_socket_service.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <boost/asio/async_result.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/type_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/io_context.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/detail/null_socket_service.hpp>
+#elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_IOCP)
+# include <boost/asio/detail/win_iocp_socket_service.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/detail/reactive_socket_service.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+/// Default service implementation for a datagram socket.
+template <typename Protocol>
+class datagram_socket_service
+  : public boost::asio::io_context::service
+  : public boost::asio::detail::service_base<datagram_socket_service<Protocol> >
+  /// The unique service identifier.
+  static boost::asio::io_context::id id;
+  /// The protocol type.
+  typedef Protocol protocol_type;
+  /// The endpoint type.
+  typedef typename Protocol::endpoint endpoint_type;
+  // The type of the platform-specific implementation.
+  typedef detail::null_socket_service<Protocol> service_impl_type;
+#elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_IOCP)
+  typedef detail::win_iocp_socket_service<Protocol> service_impl_type;
+  typedef detail::reactive_socket_service<Protocol> service_impl_type;
+  /// The type of a datagram socket.
+  typedef implementation_defined implementation_type;
+  typedef typename service_impl_type::implementation_type implementation_type;
+  /// The native socket type.
+  typedef implementation_defined native_handle_type;
+  typedef typename service_impl_type::native_handle_type native_handle_type;
+  /// Construct a new datagram socket service for the specified io_context.
+  explicit datagram_socket_service(boost::asio::io_context& io_context)
+    : boost::asio::detail::service_base<
+        datagram_socket_service<Protocol> >(io_context),
+      service_impl_(io_context)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct a new datagram socket implementation.
+  void construct(implementation_type& impl)
+  {
+    service_impl_.construct(impl);
+  }
+  /// Move-construct a new datagram socket implementation.
+  void move_construct(implementation_type& impl,
+      implementation_type& other_impl)
+  {
+    service_impl_.move_construct(impl, other_impl);
+  }
+  /// Move-assign from another datagram socket implementation.
+  void move_assign(implementation_type& impl,
+      datagram_socket_service& other_service,
+      implementation_type& other_impl)
+  {
+    service_impl_.move_assign(impl, other_service.service_impl_, other_impl);
+  }
+  // All socket services have access to each other's implementations.
+  template <typename Protocol1> friend class datagram_socket_service;
+  /// Move-construct a new datagram socket implementation from another protocol
+  /// type.
+  template <typename Protocol1>
+  void converting_move_construct(implementation_type& impl,
+      datagram_socket_service<Protocol1>& other_service,
+      typename datagram_socket_service<
+        Protocol1>::implementation_type& other_impl,
+      typename enable_if<is_convertible<
+        Protocol1, Protocol>::value>::type* = 0)
+  {
+    service_impl_.template converting_move_construct<Protocol1>(
+        impl, other_service.service_impl_, other_impl);
+  }
+  /// Destroy a datagram socket implementation.
+  void destroy(implementation_type& impl)
+  {
+    service_impl_.destroy(impl);
+  }
+  // Open a new datagram socket implementation.
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID open(implementation_type& impl,
+      const protocol_type& protocol, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    if (protocol.type() == BOOST_ASIO_OS_DEF(SOCK_DGRAM))
+      service_impl_.open(impl, protocol, ec);
+    else
+      ec = boost::asio::error::invalid_argument;
+  }
+  /// Assign an existing native socket to a datagram socket.
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID assign(implementation_type& impl,
+      const protocol_type& protocol, const native_handle_type& native_socket,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    service_impl_.assign(impl, protocol, native_socket, ec);
+  }
+  /// Determine whether the socket is open.
+  bool is_open(const implementation_type& impl) const
+  {
+    return service_impl_.is_open(impl);
+  }
+  /// Close a datagram socket implementation.
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID close(implementation_type& impl,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    service_impl_.close(impl, ec);
+  }
+  /// Release ownership of the underlying socket.
+  native_handle_type release(implementation_type& impl,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return service_impl_.release(impl, ec);
+  }
+  /// Get the native socket implementation.
+  native_handle_type native_handle(implementation_type& impl)
+  {
+    return service_impl_.native_handle(impl);
+  }
+  /// Cancel all asynchronous operations associated with the socket.
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID cancel(implementation_type& impl,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    service_impl_.cancel(impl, ec);
+  }
+  /// Determine whether the socket is at the out-of-band data mark.
+  bool at_mark(const implementation_type& impl,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec) const
+  {
+    return service_impl_.at_mark(impl, ec);
+  }
+  /// Determine the number of bytes available for reading.
+  std::size_t available(const implementation_type& impl,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec) const
+  {
+    return service_impl_.available(impl, ec);
+  }
+  // Bind the datagram socket to the specified local endpoint.
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID bind(implementation_type& impl,
+      const endpoint_type& endpoint, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    service_impl_.bind(impl, endpoint, ec);
+  }
+  /// Connect the datagram socket to the specified endpoint.
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID connect(implementation_type& impl,
+      const endpoint_type& peer_endpoint, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    service_impl_.connect(impl, peer_endpoint, ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous connect.
+  template <typename ConnectHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code))
+  async_connect(implementation_type& impl,
+      const endpoint_type& peer_endpoint,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ConnectHandler) handler)
+  {
+    async_completion<ConnectHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code)> init(handler);
+    service_impl_.async_connect(impl, peer_endpoint, init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Set a socket option.
+  template <typename SettableSocketOption>
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID set_option(implementation_type& impl,
+      const SettableSocketOption& option, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    service_impl_.set_option(impl, option, ec);
+  }
+  /// Get a socket option.
+  template <typename GettableSocketOption>
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID get_option(const implementation_type& impl,
+      GettableSocketOption& option, boost::system::error_code& ec) const
+  {
+    service_impl_.get_option(impl, option, ec);
+  }
+  /// Perform an IO control command on the socket.
+  template <typename IoControlCommand>
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID io_control(implementation_type& impl,
+      IoControlCommand& command, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    service_impl_.io_control(impl, command, ec);
+  }
+  /// Gets the non-blocking mode of the socket.
+  bool non_blocking(const implementation_type& impl) const
+  {
+    return service_impl_.non_blocking(impl);
+  }
+  /// Sets the non-blocking mode of the socket.
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID non_blocking(implementation_type& impl,
+      bool mode, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    service_impl_.non_blocking(impl, mode, ec);
+  }
+  /// Gets the non-blocking mode of the native socket implementation.
+  bool native_non_blocking(const implementation_type& impl) const
+  {
+    return service_impl_.native_non_blocking(impl);
+  }
+  /// Sets the non-blocking mode of the native socket implementation.
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID native_non_blocking(implementation_type& impl,
+      bool mode, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    service_impl_.native_non_blocking(impl, mode, ec);
+  }
+  /// Get the local endpoint.
+  endpoint_type local_endpoint(const implementation_type& impl,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec) const
+  {
+    return service_impl_.local_endpoint(impl, ec);
+  }
+  /// Get the remote endpoint.
+  endpoint_type remote_endpoint(const implementation_type& impl,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec) const
+  {
+    return service_impl_.remote_endpoint(impl, ec);
+  }
+  /// Disable sends or receives on the socket.
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID shutdown(implementation_type& impl,
+      socket_base::shutdown_type what, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    service_impl_.shutdown(impl, what, ec);
+  }
+  /// Wait for the socket to become ready to read, ready to write, or to have
+  /// pending error conditions.
+  BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID wait(implementation_type& impl,
+      socket_base::wait_type w, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    service_impl_.wait(impl, w, ec);
+  }
+  /// Asynchronously wait for the socket to become ready to read, ready to
+  /// write, or to have pending error conditions.
+  template <typename WaitHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code))
+  async_wait(implementation_type& impl, socket_base::wait_type w,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(WaitHandler) handler)
+  {
+    async_completion<WaitHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code)> init(handler);
+    service_impl_.async_wait(impl, w, init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Send the given data to the peer.
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t send(implementation_type& impl,
+      const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags flags, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return service_impl_.send(impl, buffers, flags, ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous send.
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence, typename WriteHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_send(implementation_type& impl, const ConstBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags flags,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(WriteHandler) handler)
+  {
+    async_completion<WriteHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)> init(handler);
+    service_impl_.async_send(impl, buffers, flags, init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Send a datagram to the specified endpoint.
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t send_to(implementation_type& impl,
+      const ConstBufferSequence& buffers, const endpoint_type& destination,
+      socket_base::message_flags flags, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return service_impl_.send_to(impl, buffers, destination, flags, ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous send.
+  template <typename ConstBufferSequence, typename WriteHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_send_to(implementation_type& impl,
+      const ConstBufferSequence& buffers, const endpoint_type& destination,
+      socket_base::message_flags flags,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(WriteHandler) handler)
+  {
+    async_completion<WriteHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)> init(handler);
+    service_impl_.async_send_to(impl, buffers,
+        destination, flags, init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Receive some data from the peer.
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t receive(implementation_type& impl,
+      const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags flags, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return service_impl_.receive(impl, buffers, flags, ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous receive.
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence, typename ReadHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_receive(implementation_type& impl,
+      const MutableBufferSequence& buffers,
+      socket_base::message_flags flags,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ReadHandler) handler)
+  {
+    async_completion<ReadHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)> init(handler);
+    service_impl_.async_receive(impl, buffers, flags, init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  /// Receive a datagram with the endpoint of the sender.
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+  std::size_t receive_from(implementation_type& impl,
+      const MutableBufferSequence& buffers, endpoint_type& sender_endpoint,
+      socket_base::message_flags flags, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return service_impl_.receive_from(impl, buffers, sender_endpoint, flags,
+        ec);
+  }
+  /// Start an asynchronous receive that will get the endpoint of the sender.
+  template <typename MutableBufferSequence, typename ReadHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t))
+  async_receive_from(implementation_type& impl,
+      const MutableBufferSequence& buffers, endpoint_type& sender_endpoint,
+      socket_base::message_flags flags,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ReadHandler) handler)
+  {
+    async_completion<ReadHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)> init(handler);
+    service_impl_.async_receive_from(impl, buffers,
+        sender_endpoint, flags, init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  // Destroy all user-defined handler objects owned by the service.
+  void shutdown()
+  {
+    service_impl_.shutdown();
+  }
+  // The platform-specific implementation.
+  service_impl_type service_impl_;
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 40 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// deadline_timer.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/socket_types.hpp> // Must come before posix_time.
+#include <boost/asio/basic_deadline_timer.hpp>
+#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time_types.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+/// Typedef for the typical usage of timer. Uses a UTC clock.
+typedef basic_deadline_timer<boost::posix_time::ptime> deadline_timer;
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_DATE_TIME)
+       // || defined(GENERATING_DOCUMENTATION)

+ 175 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+// deadline_timer_service.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <boost/asio/async_result.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/deadline_timer_service.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/io_context.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/time_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+/// Default service implementation for a timer.
+template <typename TimeType,
+    typename TimeTraits = boost::asio::time_traits<TimeType> >
+class deadline_timer_service
+  : public boost::asio::io_context::service
+  : public boost::asio::detail::service_base<
+      deadline_timer_service<TimeType, TimeTraits> >
+  /// The unique service identifier.
+  static boost::asio::io_context::id id;
+  /// The time traits type.
+  typedef TimeTraits traits_type;
+  /// The time type.
+  typedef typename traits_type::time_type time_type;
+  /// The duration type.
+  typedef typename traits_type::duration_type duration_type;
+  // The type of the platform-specific implementation.
+  typedef detail::deadline_timer_service<traits_type> service_impl_type;
+  /// The implementation type of the deadline timer.
+  typedef implementation_defined implementation_type;
+  typedef typename service_impl_type::implementation_type implementation_type;
+  /// Construct a new timer service for the specified io_context.
+  explicit deadline_timer_service(boost::asio::io_context& io_context)
+    : boost::asio::detail::service_base<
+        deadline_timer_service<TimeType, TimeTraits> >(io_context),
+      service_impl_(io_context)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Construct a new timer implementation.
+  void construct(implementation_type& impl)
+  {
+    service_impl_.construct(impl);
+  }
+  /// Destroy a timer implementation.
+  void destroy(implementation_type& impl)
+  {
+    service_impl_.destroy(impl);
+  }
+  /// Cancel any asynchronous wait operations associated with the timer.
+  std::size_t cancel(implementation_type& impl, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return service_impl_.cancel(impl, ec);
+  }
+  /// Cancels one asynchronous wait operation associated with the timer.
+  std::size_t cancel_one(implementation_type& impl,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return service_impl_.cancel_one(impl, ec);
+  }
+  /// Get the expiry time for the timer as an absolute time.
+  time_type expires_at(const implementation_type& impl) const
+  {
+    return service_impl_.expiry(impl);
+  }
+  /// Set the expiry time for the timer as an absolute time.
+  std::size_t expires_at(implementation_type& impl,
+      const time_type& expiry_time, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return service_impl_.expires_at(impl, expiry_time, ec);
+  }
+  /// Get the expiry time for the timer relative to now.
+  duration_type expires_from_now(const implementation_type& impl) const
+  {
+    return TimeTraits::subtract(service_impl_.expiry(impl), TimeTraits::now());
+  }
+  /// Set the expiry time for the timer relative to now.
+  std::size_t expires_from_now(implementation_type& impl,
+      const duration_type& expiry_time, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return service_impl_.expires_after(impl, expiry_time, ec);
+  }
+  // Perform a blocking wait on the timer.
+  void wait(implementation_type& impl, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    service_impl_.wait(impl, ec);
+  }
+  // Start an asynchronous wait on the timer.
+  template <typename WaitHandler>
+      void (boost::system::error_code))
+  async_wait(implementation_type& impl,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(WaitHandler) handler)
+  {
+    async_completion<WaitHandler,
+      void (boost::system::error_code)> init(handler);
+    service_impl_.async_wait(impl, init.completion_handler);
+    return init.result.get();
+  }
+  // Destroy all user-defined handler objects owned by the service.
+  void shutdown()
+  {
+    service_impl_.shutdown();
+  }
+  // The platform-specific implementation.
+  service_impl_type service_impl_;
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_DATE_TIME)
+       // || defined(GENERATING_DOCUMENTATION)

+ 109 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+// defer.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/async_result.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/type_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/execution_context.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/is_executor.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+/// Submits a completion token or function object for execution.
+ * This function submits an object for execution using the object's associated
+ * executor. The function object is queued for execution, and is never called
+ * from the current thread prior to returning from <tt>defer()</tt>.
+ *
+ * This function has the following effects:
+ *
+ * @li Constructs a function object handler of type @c Handler, initialized
+ * with <tt>handler(forward<CompletionToken>(token))</tt>.
+ *
+ * @li Constructs an object @c result of type <tt>async_result<Handler></tt>,
+ * initializing the object as <tt>result(handler)</tt>.
+ *
+ * @li Obtains the handler's associated executor object @c ex by performing
+ * <tt>get_associated_executor(handler)</tt>.
+ *
+ * @li Obtains the handler's associated allocator object @c alloc by performing
+ * <tt>get_associated_allocator(handler)</tt>.
+ *
+ * @li Performs <tt>ex.defer(std::move(handler), alloc)</tt>.
+ *
+ * @li Returns <tt>result.get()</tt>.
+ */
+template <typename CompletionToken>
+BOOST_ASIO_INITFN_RESULT_TYPE(CompletionToken, void()) defer(
+    BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(CompletionToken) token);
+/// Submits a completion token or function object for execution.
+ * This function submits an object for execution using the specified executor.
+ * The function object is queued for execution, and is never called from the
+ * current thread prior to returning from <tt>defer()</tt>.
+ *
+ * This function has the following effects:
+ *
+ * @li Constructs a function object handler of type @c Handler, initialized
+ * with <tt>handler(forward<CompletionToken>(token))</tt>.
+ *
+ * @li Constructs an object @c result of type <tt>async_result<Handler></tt>,
+ * initializing the object as <tt>result(handler)</tt>.
+ *
+ * @li Obtains the handler's associated executor object @c ex1 by performing
+ * <tt>get_associated_executor(handler)</tt>.
+ *
+ * @li Creates a work object @c w by performing <tt>make_work(ex1)</tt>.
+ *
+ * @li Obtains the handler's associated allocator object @c alloc by performing
+ * <tt>get_associated_allocator(handler)</tt>.
+ *
+ * @li Constructs a function object @c f with a function call operator that
+ * performs <tt>ex1.dispatch(std::move(handler), alloc)</tt> followed by
+ * <tt>w.reset()</tt>.
+ *
+ * @li Performs <tt>Executor(ex).defer(std::move(f), alloc)</tt>.
+ *
+ * @li Returns <tt>result.get()</tt>.
+ */
+template <typename Executor, typename CompletionToken>
+BOOST_ASIO_INITFN_RESULT_TYPE(CompletionToken, void()) defer(
+    const Executor& ex, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(CompletionToken) token,
+    typename enable_if<is_executor<Executor>::value>::type* = 0);
+/// Submits a completion token or function object for execution.
+ * @returns <tt>defer(ctx.get_executor(), forward<CompletionToken>(token))</tt>.
+ */
+template <typename ExecutionContext, typename CompletionToken>
+BOOST_ASIO_INITFN_RESULT_TYPE(CompletionToken, void()) defer(
+    ExecutionContext& ctx, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(CompletionToken) token,
+    typename enable_if<is_convertible<
+      ExecutionContext&, execution_context&>::value>::type* = 0);
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/impl/defer.hpp>

+ 40 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// detail/array.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+# include <array>
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_ARRAY)
+# include <boost/array.hpp>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_ARRAY)
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+using std::array;
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_ARRAY)
+using boost::array;
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_ARRAY)
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost

+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// detail/array_fwd.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+template<class T, std::size_t N>
+class array;
+} // namespace boost
+// Standard library components can't be forward declared, so we'll have to
+// include the array header. Fortunately, it's fairly lightweight and doesn't
+// add significantly to the compile time.
+# include <array>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_ARRAY)

+ 32 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// detail/assert.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+# include <boost/assert.hpp>
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_ASSERT)
+# include <cassert>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_ASSERT)
+# define BOOST_ASIO_ASSERT(expr) BOOST_ASSERT(expr)
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_ASSERT)
+# define BOOST_ASIO_ASSERT(expr) assert(expr)
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_ASSERT)

+ 47 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+// detail/atomic_count.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+// Nothing to include.
+# include <atomic>
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_ATOMIC)
+# include <boost/detail/atomic_count.hpp>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_ATOMIC)
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+typedef long atomic_count;
+inline void increment(atomic_count& a, long b) { a += b; }
+typedef std::atomic<long> atomic_count;
+inline void increment(atomic_count& a, long b) { a += b; }
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_ATOMIC)
+typedef boost::detail::atomic_count atomic_count;
+inline void increment(atomic_count& a, long b) { while (b > 0) ++a, --b; }
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_ATOMIC)
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost

+ 70 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+// detail/base_from_completion_cond.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/completion_condition.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+template <typename CompletionCondition>
+class base_from_completion_cond
+  explicit base_from_completion_cond(CompletionCondition completion_condition)
+    : completion_condition_(completion_condition)
+  {
+  }
+  std::size_t check_for_completion(
+      const boost::system::error_code& ec,
+      std::size_t total_transferred)
+  {
+    return detail::adapt_completion_condition_result(
+        completion_condition_(ec, total_transferred));
+  }
+  CompletionCondition completion_condition_;
+template <>
+class base_from_completion_cond<transfer_all_t>
+  explicit base_from_completion_cond(transfer_all_t)
+  {
+  }
+  static std::size_t check_for_completion(
+      const boost::system::error_code& ec,
+      std::size_t total_transferred)
+  {
+    return transfer_all_t()(ec, total_transferred);
+  }
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 818 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,818 @@
+// detail/bind_handler.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/associated_allocator.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/associated_executor.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/handler_alloc_helpers.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/handler_cont_helpers.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/handler_invoke_helpers.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/type_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1>
+class binder1
+  template <typename T>
+  binder1(int, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(T) handler, const Arg1& arg1)
+    : handler_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(T)(handler)),
+      arg1_(arg1)
+  {
+  }
+  binder1(Handler& handler, const Arg1& arg1)
+    : handler_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Handler)(handler)),
+      arg1_(arg1)
+  {
+  }
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+  binder1(const binder1& other)
+    : handler_(other.handler_),
+      arg1_(other.arg1_)
+  {
+  }
+  binder1(binder1&& other)
+    : handler_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Handler)(other.handler_)),
+      arg1_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Arg1)(other.arg1_))
+  {
+  }
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+  void operator()()
+  {
+    handler_(static_cast<const Arg1&>(arg1_));
+  }
+  void operator()() const
+  {
+    handler_(arg1_);
+  }
+  Handler handler_;
+  Arg1 arg1_;
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1>
+inline void* asio_handler_allocate(std::size_t size,
+    binder1<Handler, Arg1>* this_handler)
+  return boost_asio_handler_alloc_helpers::allocate(
+      size, this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1>
+inline void asio_handler_deallocate(void* pointer, std::size_t size,
+    binder1<Handler, Arg1>* this_handler)
+  boost_asio_handler_alloc_helpers::deallocate(
+      pointer, size, this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1>
+inline bool asio_handler_is_continuation(
+    binder1<Handler, Arg1>* this_handler)
+  return boost_asio_handler_cont_helpers::is_continuation(
+      this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Function, typename Handler, typename Arg1>
+inline void asio_handler_invoke(Function& function,
+    binder1<Handler, Arg1>* this_handler)
+  boost_asio_handler_invoke_helpers::invoke(
+      function, this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Function, typename Handler, typename Arg1>
+inline void asio_handler_invoke(const Function& function,
+    binder1<Handler, Arg1>* this_handler)
+  boost_asio_handler_invoke_helpers::invoke(
+      function, this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1>
+inline binder1<typename decay<Handler>::type, Arg1> bind_handler(
+    BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(Handler) handler, const Arg1& arg1)
+  return binder1<typename decay<Handler>::type, Arg1>(0,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Handler)(handler), arg1);
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
+class binder2
+  template <typename T>
+  binder2(int, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(T) handler,
+      const Arg1& arg1, const Arg2& arg2)
+    : handler_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(T)(handler)),
+      arg1_(arg1),
+      arg2_(arg2)
+  {
+  }
+  binder2(Handler& handler, const Arg1& arg1, const Arg2& arg2)
+    : handler_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Handler)(handler)),
+      arg1_(arg1),
+      arg2_(arg2)
+  {
+  }
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+  binder2(const binder2& other)
+    : handler_(other.handler_),
+      arg1_(other.arg1_),
+      arg2_(other.arg2_)
+  {
+  }
+  binder2(binder2&& other)
+    : handler_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Handler)(other.handler_)),
+      arg1_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Arg1)(other.arg1_)),
+      arg2_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Arg2)(other.arg2_))
+  {
+  }
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+  void operator()()
+  {
+    handler_(static_cast<const Arg1&>(arg1_),
+        static_cast<const Arg2&>(arg2_));
+  }
+  void operator()() const
+  {
+    handler_(arg1_, arg2_);
+  }
+  Handler handler_;
+  Arg1 arg1_;
+  Arg2 arg2_;
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
+inline void* asio_handler_allocate(std::size_t size,
+    binder2<Handler, Arg1, Arg2>* this_handler)
+  return boost_asio_handler_alloc_helpers::allocate(
+      size, this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
+inline void asio_handler_deallocate(void* pointer, std::size_t size,
+    binder2<Handler, Arg1, Arg2>* this_handler)
+  boost_asio_handler_alloc_helpers::deallocate(
+      pointer, size, this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
+inline bool asio_handler_is_continuation(
+    binder2<Handler, Arg1, Arg2>* this_handler)
+  return boost_asio_handler_cont_helpers::is_continuation(
+      this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Function, typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
+inline void asio_handler_invoke(Function& function,
+    binder2<Handler, Arg1, Arg2>* this_handler)
+  boost_asio_handler_invoke_helpers::invoke(
+      function, this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Function, typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
+inline void asio_handler_invoke(const Function& function,
+    binder2<Handler, Arg1, Arg2>* this_handler)
+  boost_asio_handler_invoke_helpers::invoke(
+      function, this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
+inline binder2<typename decay<Handler>::type, Arg1, Arg2> bind_handler(
+    BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(Handler) handler, const Arg1& arg1, const Arg2& arg2)
+  return binder2<typename decay<Handler>::type, Arg1, Arg2>(0,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Handler)(handler), arg1, arg2);
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename Arg3>
+class binder3
+  template <typename T>
+  binder3(int, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(T) handler, const Arg1& arg1,
+      const Arg2& arg2, const Arg3& arg3)
+    : handler_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(T)(handler)),
+      arg1_(arg1),
+      arg2_(arg2),
+      arg3_(arg3)
+  {
+  }
+  binder3(Handler& handler, const Arg1& arg1,
+      const Arg2& arg2, const Arg3& arg3)
+    : handler_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Handler)(handler)),
+      arg1_(arg1),
+      arg2_(arg2),
+      arg3_(arg3)
+  {
+  }
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+  binder3(const binder3& other)
+    : handler_(other.handler_),
+      arg1_(other.arg1_),
+      arg2_(other.arg2_),
+      arg3_(other.arg3_)
+  {
+  }
+  binder3(binder3&& other)
+    : handler_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Handler)(other.handler_)),
+      arg1_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Arg1)(other.arg1_)),
+      arg2_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Arg2)(other.arg2_)),
+      arg3_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Arg3)(other.arg3_))
+  {
+  }
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+  void operator()()
+  {
+    handler_(static_cast<const Arg1&>(arg1_),
+        static_cast<const Arg2&>(arg2_), static_cast<const Arg3&>(arg3_));
+  }
+  void operator()() const
+  {
+    handler_(arg1_, arg2_, arg3_);
+  }
+  Handler handler_;
+  Arg1 arg1_;
+  Arg2 arg2_;
+  Arg3 arg3_;
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename Arg3>
+inline void* asio_handler_allocate(std::size_t size,
+    binder3<Handler, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3>* this_handler)
+  return boost_asio_handler_alloc_helpers::allocate(
+      size, this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename Arg3>
+inline void asio_handler_deallocate(void* pointer, std::size_t size,
+    binder3<Handler, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3>* this_handler)
+  boost_asio_handler_alloc_helpers::deallocate(
+      pointer, size, this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename Arg3>
+inline bool asio_handler_is_continuation(
+    binder3<Handler, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3>* this_handler)
+  return boost_asio_handler_cont_helpers::is_continuation(
+      this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Function, typename Handler,
+    typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename Arg3>
+inline void asio_handler_invoke(Function& function,
+    binder3<Handler, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3>* this_handler)
+  boost_asio_handler_invoke_helpers::invoke(
+      function, this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Function, typename Handler,
+    typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename Arg3>
+inline void asio_handler_invoke(const Function& function,
+    binder3<Handler, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3>* this_handler)
+  boost_asio_handler_invoke_helpers::invoke(
+      function, this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename Arg3>
+inline binder3<typename decay<Handler>::type, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3> bind_handler(
+    BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(Handler) handler, const Arg1& arg1, const Arg2& arg2,
+    const Arg3& arg3)
+  return binder3<typename decay<Handler>::type, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3>(0,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Handler)(handler), arg1, arg2, arg3);
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1,
+    typename Arg2, typename Arg3, typename Arg4>
+class binder4
+  template <typename T>
+  binder4(int, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(T) handler, const Arg1& arg1,
+      const Arg2& arg2, const Arg3& arg3, const Arg4& arg4)
+    : handler_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(T)(handler)),
+      arg1_(arg1),
+      arg2_(arg2),
+      arg3_(arg3),
+      arg4_(arg4)
+  {
+  }
+  binder4(Handler& handler, const Arg1& arg1,
+      const Arg2& arg2, const Arg3& arg3, const Arg4& arg4)
+    : handler_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Handler)(handler)),
+      arg1_(arg1),
+      arg2_(arg2),
+      arg3_(arg3),
+      arg4_(arg4)
+  {
+  }
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+  binder4(const binder4& other)
+    : handler_(other.handler_),
+      arg1_(other.arg1_),
+      arg2_(other.arg2_),
+      arg3_(other.arg3_),
+      arg4_(other.arg4_)
+  {
+  }
+  binder4(binder4&& other)
+    : handler_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Handler)(other.handler_)),
+      arg1_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Arg1)(other.arg1_)),
+      arg2_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Arg2)(other.arg2_)),
+      arg3_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Arg3)(other.arg3_)),
+      arg4_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Arg4)(other.arg4_))
+  {
+  }
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+  void operator()()
+  {
+    handler_(static_cast<const Arg1&>(arg1_),
+        static_cast<const Arg2&>(arg2_), static_cast<const Arg3&>(arg3_),
+        static_cast<const Arg4&>(arg4_));
+  }
+  void operator()() const
+  {
+    handler_(arg1_, arg2_, arg3_, arg4_);
+  }
+  Handler handler_;
+  Arg1 arg1_;
+  Arg2 arg2_;
+  Arg3 arg3_;
+  Arg4 arg4_;
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1,
+    typename Arg2, typename Arg3, typename Arg4>
+inline void* asio_handler_allocate(std::size_t size,
+    binder4<Handler, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4>* this_handler)
+  return boost_asio_handler_alloc_helpers::allocate(
+      size, this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1,
+    typename Arg2, typename Arg3, typename Arg4>
+inline void asio_handler_deallocate(void* pointer, std::size_t size,
+    binder4<Handler, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4>* this_handler)
+  boost_asio_handler_alloc_helpers::deallocate(
+      pointer, size, this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1,
+    typename Arg2, typename Arg3, typename Arg4>
+inline bool asio_handler_is_continuation(
+    binder4<Handler, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4>* this_handler)
+  return boost_asio_handler_cont_helpers::is_continuation(
+      this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Function, typename Handler, typename Arg1,
+    typename Arg2, typename Arg3, typename Arg4>
+inline void asio_handler_invoke(Function& function,
+    binder4<Handler, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4>* this_handler)
+  boost_asio_handler_invoke_helpers::invoke(
+      function, this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Function, typename Handler, typename Arg1,
+    typename Arg2, typename Arg3, typename Arg4>
+inline void asio_handler_invoke(const Function& function,
+    binder4<Handler, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4>* this_handler)
+  boost_asio_handler_invoke_helpers::invoke(
+      function, this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1,
+    typename Arg2, typename Arg3, typename Arg4>
+inline binder4<typename decay<Handler>::type, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4>
+bind_handler(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(Handler) handler, const Arg1& arg1,
+    const Arg2& arg2, const Arg3& arg3, const Arg4& arg4)
+  return binder4<typename decay<Handler>::type, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4>(0,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Handler)(handler), arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Arg2,
+    typename Arg3, typename Arg4, typename Arg5>
+class binder5
+  template <typename T>
+  binder5(int, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(T) handler, const Arg1& arg1,
+      const Arg2& arg2, const Arg3& arg3, const Arg4& arg4, const Arg5& arg5)
+    : handler_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(T)(handler)),
+      arg1_(arg1),
+      arg2_(arg2),
+      arg3_(arg3),
+      arg4_(arg4),
+      arg5_(arg5)
+  {
+  }
+  binder5(Handler& handler, const Arg1& arg1, const Arg2& arg2,
+      const Arg3& arg3, const Arg4& arg4, const Arg5& arg5)
+    : handler_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Handler)(handler)),
+      arg1_(arg1),
+      arg2_(arg2),
+      arg3_(arg3),
+      arg4_(arg4),
+      arg5_(arg5)
+  {
+  }
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+  binder5(const binder5& other)
+    : handler_(other.handler_),
+      arg1_(other.arg1_),
+      arg2_(other.arg2_),
+      arg3_(other.arg3_),
+      arg4_(other.arg4_),
+      arg5_(other.arg5_)
+  {
+  }
+  binder5(binder5&& other)
+    : handler_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Handler)(other.handler_)),
+      arg1_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Arg1)(other.arg1_)),
+      arg2_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Arg2)(other.arg2_)),
+      arg3_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Arg3)(other.arg3_)),
+      arg4_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Arg4)(other.arg4_)),
+      arg5_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Arg5)(other.arg5_))
+  {
+  }
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+  void operator()()
+  {
+    handler_(static_cast<const Arg1&>(arg1_),
+        static_cast<const Arg2&>(arg2_), static_cast<const Arg3&>(arg3_),
+        static_cast<const Arg4&>(arg4_), static_cast<const Arg5&>(arg5_));
+  }
+  void operator()() const
+  {
+    handler_(arg1_, arg2_, arg3_, arg4_, arg5_);
+  }
+  Handler handler_;
+  Arg1 arg1_;
+  Arg2 arg2_;
+  Arg3 arg3_;
+  Arg4 arg4_;
+  Arg5 arg5_;
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Arg2,
+    typename Arg3, typename Arg4, typename Arg5>
+inline void* asio_handler_allocate(std::size_t size,
+    binder5<Handler, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5>* this_handler)
+  return boost_asio_handler_alloc_helpers::allocate(
+      size, this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Arg2,
+    typename Arg3, typename Arg4, typename Arg5>
+inline void asio_handler_deallocate(void* pointer, std::size_t size,
+    binder5<Handler, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5>* this_handler)
+  boost_asio_handler_alloc_helpers::deallocate(
+      pointer, size, this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Arg2,
+    typename Arg3, typename Arg4, typename Arg5>
+inline bool asio_handler_is_continuation(
+    binder5<Handler, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5>* this_handler)
+  return boost_asio_handler_cont_helpers::is_continuation(
+      this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Function, typename Handler, typename Arg1,
+    typename Arg2, typename Arg3, typename Arg4, typename Arg5>
+inline void asio_handler_invoke(Function& function,
+    binder5<Handler, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5>* this_handler)
+  boost_asio_handler_invoke_helpers::invoke(
+      function, this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Function, typename Handler, typename Arg1,
+    typename Arg2, typename Arg3, typename Arg4, typename Arg5>
+inline void asio_handler_invoke(const Function& function,
+    binder5<Handler, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5>* this_handler)
+  boost_asio_handler_invoke_helpers::invoke(
+      function, this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Arg2,
+    typename Arg3, typename Arg4, typename Arg5>
+inline binder5<typename decay<Handler>::type, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5>
+bind_handler(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(Handler) handler, const Arg1& arg1,
+    const Arg2& arg2, const Arg3& arg3, const Arg4& arg4, const Arg5& arg5)
+  return binder5<typename decay<Handler>::type, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5>(0,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Handler)(handler), arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1>
+class move_binder1
+  move_binder1(int, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(Handler) handler,
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(Arg1) arg1)
+    : handler_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Handler)(handler)),
+      arg1_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Arg1)(arg1))
+  {
+  }
+  move_binder1(move_binder1&& other)
+    : handler_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Handler)(other.handler_)),
+      arg1_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Arg1)(other.arg1_))
+  {
+  }
+  void operator()()
+  {
+    handler_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Arg1)(arg1_));
+  }
+  Handler handler_;
+  Arg1 arg1_;
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1>
+inline void* asio_handler_allocate(std::size_t size,
+    move_binder1<Handler, Arg1>* this_handler)
+  return boost_asio_handler_alloc_helpers::allocate(
+      size, this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1>
+inline void asio_handler_deallocate(void* pointer, std::size_t size,
+    move_binder1<Handler, Arg1>* this_handler)
+  boost_asio_handler_alloc_helpers::deallocate(
+      pointer, size, this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1>
+inline bool asio_handler_is_continuation(
+    move_binder1<Handler, Arg1>* this_handler)
+  return boost_asio_handler_cont_helpers::is_continuation(
+      this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Function, typename Handler, typename Arg1>
+inline void asio_handler_invoke(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(Function) function,
+    move_binder1<Handler, Arg1>* this_handler)
+  boost_asio_handler_invoke_helpers::invoke(
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Function)(function), this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
+class move_binder2
+  move_binder2(int, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(Handler) handler,
+      const Arg1& arg1, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(Arg2) arg2)
+    : handler_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Handler)(handler)),
+      arg1_(arg1),
+      arg2_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Arg2)(arg2))
+  {
+  }
+  move_binder2(move_binder2&& other)
+    : handler_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Handler)(other.handler_)),
+      arg1_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Arg1)(other.arg1_)),
+      arg2_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Arg2)(other.arg2_))
+  {
+  }
+  void operator()()
+  {
+    handler_(static_cast<const Arg1&>(arg1_),
+        BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Arg2)(arg2_));
+  }
+  Handler handler_;
+  Arg1 arg1_;
+  Arg2 arg2_;
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
+inline void* asio_handler_allocate(std::size_t size,
+    move_binder2<Handler, Arg1, Arg2>* this_handler)
+  return boost_asio_handler_alloc_helpers::allocate(
+      size, this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
+inline void asio_handler_deallocate(void* pointer, std::size_t size,
+    move_binder2<Handler, Arg1, Arg2>* this_handler)
+  boost_asio_handler_alloc_helpers::deallocate(
+      pointer, size, this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
+inline bool asio_handler_is_continuation(
+    move_binder2<Handler, Arg1, Arg2>* this_handler)
+  return boost_asio_handler_cont_helpers::is_continuation(
+      this_handler->handler_);
+template <typename Function, typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
+inline void asio_handler_invoke(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(Function) function,
+    move_binder2<Handler, Arg1, Arg2>* this_handler)
+  boost_asio_handler_invoke_helpers::invoke(
+      BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Function)(function), this_handler->handler_);
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+} // namespace detail
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Allocator>
+struct associated_allocator<detail::binder1<Handler, Arg1>, Allocator>
+  typedef typename associated_allocator<Handler, Allocator>::type type;
+  static type get(const detail::binder1<Handler, Arg1>& h,
+      const Allocator& a = Allocator()) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return associated_allocator<Handler, Allocator>::get(h.handler_, a);
+  }
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename Allocator>
+struct associated_allocator<detail::binder2<Handler, Arg1, Arg2>, Allocator>
+  typedef typename associated_allocator<Handler, Allocator>::type type;
+  static type get(const detail::binder2<Handler, Arg1, Arg2>& h,
+      const Allocator& a = Allocator()) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return associated_allocator<Handler, Allocator>::get(h.handler_, a);
+  }
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Executor>
+struct associated_executor<detail::binder1<Handler, Arg1>, Executor>
+  typedef typename associated_executor<Handler, Executor>::type type;
+  static type get(const detail::binder1<Handler, Arg1>& h,
+      const Executor& ex = Executor()) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return associated_executor<Handler, Executor>::get(h.handler_, ex);
+  }
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename Executor>
+struct associated_executor<detail::binder2<Handler, Arg1, Arg2>, Executor>
+  typedef typename associated_executor<Handler, Executor>::type type;
+  static type get(const detail::binder2<Handler, Arg1, Arg2>& h,
+      const Executor& ex = Executor()) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return associated_executor<Handler, Executor>::get(h.handler_, ex);
+  }
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Allocator>
+struct associated_allocator<detail::move_binder1<Handler, Arg1>, Allocator>
+  typedef typename associated_allocator<Handler, Allocator>::type type;
+  static type get(const detail::move_binder1<Handler, Arg1>& h,
+      const Allocator& a = Allocator()) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return associated_allocator<Handler, Allocator>::get(h.handler_, a);
+  }
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename Allocator>
+struct associated_allocator<
+    detail::move_binder2<Handler, Arg1, Arg2>, Allocator>
+  typedef typename associated_allocator<Handler, Allocator>::type type;
+  static type get(const detail::move_binder2<Handler, Arg1, Arg2>& h,
+      const Allocator& a = Allocator()) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return associated_allocator<Handler, Allocator>::get(h.handler_, a);
+  }
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Executor>
+struct associated_executor<detail::move_binder1<Handler, Arg1>, Executor>
+  typedef typename associated_executor<Handler, Executor>::type type;
+  static type get(const detail::move_binder1<Handler, Arg1>& h,
+      const Executor& ex = Executor()) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return associated_executor<Handler, Executor>::get(h.handler_, ex);
+  }
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Arg2, typename Executor>
+struct associated_executor<detail::move_binder2<Handler, Arg1, Arg2>, Executor>
+  typedef typename associated_executor<Handler, Executor>::type type;
+  static type get(const detail::move_binder2<Handler, Arg1, Arg2>& h,
+      const Executor& ex = Executor()) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    return associated_executor<Handler, Executor>::get(h.handler_, ex);
+  }
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 68 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+// detail/buffer_resize_guard.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/limits.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+// Helper class to manage buffer resizing in an exception safe way.
+template <typename Buffer>
+class buffer_resize_guard
+  // Constructor.
+  buffer_resize_guard(Buffer& buffer)
+    : buffer_(buffer),
+      old_size_(buffer.size())
+  {
+  }
+  // Destructor rolls back the buffer resize unless commit was called.
+  ~buffer_resize_guard()
+  {
+    if (old_size_ != (std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max)())
+    {
+      buffer_.resize(old_size_);
+    }
+  }
+  // Commit the resize transaction.
+  void commit()
+  {
+    old_size_ = (std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max)();
+  }
+  // The buffer being managed.
+  Buffer& buffer_;
+  // The size of the buffer at the time the guard was constructed.
+  size_t old_size_;
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 546 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,546 @@
+// detail/buffer_sequence_adapter.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/buffer.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/array_fwd.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/socket_types.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+class buffer_sequence_adapter_base
+  // The maximum number of buffers to support in a single operation.
+  enum { max_buffers = 1 };
+  typedef Windows::Storage::Streams::IBuffer^ native_buffer_type;
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL static void init_native_buffer(
+      native_buffer_type& buf,
+      const boost::asio::mutable_buffer& buffer);
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL static void init_native_buffer(
+      native_buffer_type& buf,
+      const boost::asio::const_buffer& buffer);
+#elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+  // The maximum number of buffers to support in a single operation.
+  enum { max_buffers = 64 < max_iov_len ? 64 : max_iov_len };
+  typedef WSABUF native_buffer_type;
+  static void init_native_buffer(WSABUF& buf,
+      const boost::asio::mutable_buffer& buffer)
+  {
+    buf.buf = static_cast<char*>(buffer.data());
+    buf.len = static_cast<ULONG>(buffer.size());
+  }
+  static void init_native_buffer(WSABUF& buf,
+      const boost::asio::const_buffer& buffer)
+  {
+    buf.buf = const_cast<char*>(static_cast<const char*>(buffer.data()));
+    buf.len = static_cast<ULONG>(buffer.size());
+  }
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+  // The maximum number of buffers to support in a single operation.
+  enum { max_buffers = 64 < max_iov_len ? 64 : max_iov_len };
+  typedef iovec native_buffer_type;
+  static void init_iov_base(void*& base, void* addr)
+  {
+    base = addr;
+  }
+  template <typename T>
+  static void init_iov_base(T& base, void* addr)
+  {
+    base = static_cast<T>(addr);
+  }
+  static void init_native_buffer(iovec& iov,
+      const boost::asio::mutable_buffer& buffer)
+  {
+    init_iov_base(iov.iov_base, buffer.data());
+    iov.iov_len = buffer.size();
+  }
+  static void init_native_buffer(iovec& iov,
+      const boost::asio::const_buffer& buffer)
+  {
+    init_iov_base(iov.iov_base, const_cast<void*>(buffer.data()));
+    iov.iov_len = buffer.size();
+  }
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+// Helper class to translate buffers into the native buffer representation.
+template <typename Buffer, typename Buffers>
+class buffer_sequence_adapter
+  : buffer_sequence_adapter_base
+  explicit buffer_sequence_adapter(const Buffers& buffer_sequence)
+    : count_(0), total_buffer_size_(0)
+  {
+    buffer_sequence_adapter::init(
+        boost::asio::buffer_sequence_begin(buffer_sequence),
+        boost::asio::buffer_sequence_end(buffer_sequence));
+  }
+  native_buffer_type* buffers()
+  {
+    return buffers_;
+  }
+  std::size_t count() const
+  {
+    return count_;
+  }
+  std::size_t total_size() const
+  {
+    return total_buffer_size_;
+  }
+  bool all_empty() const
+  {
+    return total_buffer_size_ == 0;
+  }
+  static bool all_empty(const Buffers& buffer_sequence)
+  {
+    return buffer_sequence_adapter::all_empty(
+        boost::asio::buffer_sequence_begin(buffer_sequence),
+        boost::asio::buffer_sequence_end(buffer_sequence));
+  }
+  static void validate(const Buffers& buffer_sequence)
+  {
+    buffer_sequence_adapter::validate(
+        boost::asio::buffer_sequence_begin(buffer_sequence),
+        boost::asio::buffer_sequence_end(buffer_sequence));
+  }
+  static Buffer first(const Buffers& buffer_sequence)
+  {
+    return buffer_sequence_adapter::first(
+        boost::asio::buffer_sequence_begin(buffer_sequence),
+        boost::asio::buffer_sequence_end(buffer_sequence));
+  }
+  template <typename Iterator>
+  void init(Iterator begin, Iterator end)
+  {
+    Iterator iter = begin;
+    for (; iter != end && count_ < max_buffers; ++iter, ++count_)
+    {
+      Buffer buffer(*iter);
+      init_native_buffer(buffers_[count_], buffer);
+      total_buffer_size_ += buffer.size();
+    }
+  }
+  template <typename Iterator>
+  static bool all_empty(Iterator begin, Iterator end)
+  {
+    Iterator iter = begin;
+    std::size_t i = 0;
+    for (; iter != end && i < max_buffers; ++iter, ++i)
+      if (Buffer(*iter).size() > 0)
+        return false;
+    return true;
+  }
+  template <typename Iterator>
+  static void validate(Iterator begin, Iterator end)
+  {
+    Iterator iter = begin;
+    for (; iter != end; ++iter)
+    {
+      Buffer buffer(*iter);
+      buffer.data();
+    }
+  }
+  template <typename Iterator>
+  static Buffer first(Iterator begin, Iterator end)
+  {
+    Iterator iter = begin;
+    for (; iter != end; ++iter)
+    {
+      Buffer buffer(*iter);
+      if (buffer.size() != 0)
+        return buffer;
+    }
+    return Buffer();
+  }
+  native_buffer_type buffers_[max_buffers];
+  std::size_t count_;
+  std::size_t total_buffer_size_;
+template <typename Buffer>
+class buffer_sequence_adapter<Buffer, boost::asio::mutable_buffer>
+  : buffer_sequence_adapter_base
+  explicit buffer_sequence_adapter(
+      const boost::asio::mutable_buffer& buffer_sequence)
+  {
+    init_native_buffer(buffer_, Buffer(buffer_sequence));
+    total_buffer_size_ = buffer_sequence.size();
+  }
+  native_buffer_type* buffers()
+  {
+    return &buffer_;
+  }
+  std::size_t count() const
+  {
+    return 1;
+  }
+  std::size_t total_size() const
+  {
+    return total_buffer_size_;
+  }
+  bool all_empty() const
+  {
+    return total_buffer_size_ == 0;
+  }
+  static bool all_empty(const boost::asio::mutable_buffer& buffer_sequence)
+  {
+    return buffer_sequence.size() == 0;
+  }
+  static void validate(const boost::asio::mutable_buffer& buffer_sequence)
+  {
+    buffer_sequence.data();
+  }
+  static Buffer first(const boost::asio::mutable_buffer& buffer_sequence)
+  {
+    return Buffer(buffer_sequence);
+  }
+  native_buffer_type buffer_;
+  std::size_t total_buffer_size_;
+template <typename Buffer>
+class buffer_sequence_adapter<Buffer, boost::asio::const_buffer>
+  : buffer_sequence_adapter_base
+  explicit buffer_sequence_adapter(
+      const boost::asio::const_buffer& buffer_sequence)
+  {
+    init_native_buffer(buffer_, Buffer(buffer_sequence));
+    total_buffer_size_ = buffer_sequence.size();
+  }
+  native_buffer_type* buffers()
+  {
+    return &buffer_;
+  }
+  std::size_t count() const
+  {
+    return 1;
+  }
+  std::size_t total_size() const
+  {
+    return total_buffer_size_;
+  }
+  bool all_empty() const
+  {
+    return total_buffer_size_ == 0;
+  }
+  static bool all_empty(const boost::asio::const_buffer& buffer_sequence)
+  {
+    return buffer_sequence.size() == 0;
+  }
+  static void validate(const boost::asio::const_buffer& buffer_sequence)
+  {
+    buffer_sequence.data();
+  }
+  static Buffer first(const boost::asio::const_buffer& buffer_sequence)
+  {
+    return Buffer(buffer_sequence);
+  }
+  native_buffer_type buffer_;
+  std::size_t total_buffer_size_;
+template <typename Buffer>
+class buffer_sequence_adapter<Buffer, boost::asio::mutable_buffers_1>
+  : buffer_sequence_adapter_base
+  explicit buffer_sequence_adapter(
+      const boost::asio::mutable_buffers_1& buffer_sequence)
+  {
+    init_native_buffer(buffer_, Buffer(buffer_sequence));
+    total_buffer_size_ = buffer_sequence.size();
+  }
+  native_buffer_type* buffers()
+  {
+    return &buffer_;
+  }
+  std::size_t count() const
+  {
+    return 1;
+  }
+  std::size_t total_size() const
+  {
+    return total_buffer_size_;
+  }
+  bool all_empty() const
+  {
+    return total_buffer_size_ == 0;
+  }
+  static bool all_empty(const boost::asio::mutable_buffers_1& buffer_sequence)
+  {
+    return buffer_sequence.size() == 0;
+  }
+  static void validate(const boost::asio::mutable_buffers_1& buffer_sequence)
+  {
+    buffer_sequence.data();
+  }
+  static Buffer first(const boost::asio::mutable_buffers_1& buffer_sequence)
+  {
+    return Buffer(buffer_sequence);
+  }
+  native_buffer_type buffer_;
+  std::size_t total_buffer_size_;
+template <typename Buffer>
+class buffer_sequence_adapter<Buffer, boost::asio::const_buffers_1>
+  : buffer_sequence_adapter_base
+  explicit buffer_sequence_adapter(
+      const boost::asio::const_buffers_1& buffer_sequence)
+  {
+    init_native_buffer(buffer_, Buffer(buffer_sequence));
+    total_buffer_size_ = buffer_sequence.size();
+  }
+  native_buffer_type* buffers()
+  {
+    return &buffer_;
+  }
+  std::size_t count() const
+  {
+    return 1;
+  }
+  std::size_t total_size() const
+  {
+    return total_buffer_size_;
+  }
+  bool all_empty() const
+  {
+    return total_buffer_size_ == 0;
+  }
+  static bool all_empty(const boost::asio::const_buffers_1& buffer_sequence)
+  {
+    return buffer_sequence.size() == 0;
+  }
+  static void validate(const boost::asio::const_buffers_1& buffer_sequence)
+  {
+    buffer_sequence.data();
+  }
+  static Buffer first(const boost::asio::const_buffers_1& buffer_sequence)
+  {
+    return Buffer(buffer_sequence);
+  }
+  native_buffer_type buffer_;
+  std::size_t total_buffer_size_;
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+template <typename Buffer, typename Elem>
+class buffer_sequence_adapter<Buffer, boost::array<Elem, 2> >
+  : buffer_sequence_adapter_base
+  explicit buffer_sequence_adapter(
+      const boost::array<Elem, 2>& buffer_sequence)
+  {
+    init_native_buffer(buffers_[0], Buffer(buffer_sequence[0]));
+    init_native_buffer(buffers_[1], Buffer(buffer_sequence[1]));
+    total_buffer_size_ = buffer_sequence[0].size() + buffer_sequence[1].size();
+  }
+  native_buffer_type* buffers()
+  {
+    return buffers_;
+  }
+  std::size_t count() const
+  {
+    return 2;
+  }
+  std::size_t total_size() const
+  {
+    return total_buffer_size_;
+  }
+  bool all_empty() const
+  {
+    return total_buffer_size_ == 0;
+  }
+  static bool all_empty(const boost::array<Elem, 2>& buffer_sequence)
+  {
+    return buffer_sequence[0].size() == 0 && buffer_sequence[1].size() == 0;
+  }
+  static void validate(const boost::array<Elem, 2>& buffer_sequence)
+  {
+    buffer_sequence[0].data();
+    buffer_sequence[1].data();
+  }
+  static Buffer first(const boost::array<Elem, 2>& buffer_sequence)
+  {
+    return Buffer(buffer_sequence[0].size() != 0
+        ? buffer_sequence[0] : buffer_sequence[1]);
+  }
+  native_buffer_type buffers_[2];
+  std::size_t total_buffer_size_;
+template <typename Buffer, typename Elem>
+class buffer_sequence_adapter<Buffer, std::array<Elem, 2> >
+  : buffer_sequence_adapter_base
+  explicit buffer_sequence_adapter(
+      const std::array<Elem, 2>& buffer_sequence)
+  {
+    init_native_buffer(buffers_[0], Buffer(buffer_sequence[0]));
+    init_native_buffer(buffers_[1], Buffer(buffer_sequence[1]));
+    total_buffer_size_ = buffer_sequence[0].size() + buffer_sequence[1].size();
+  }
+  native_buffer_type* buffers()
+  {
+    return buffers_;
+  }
+  std::size_t count() const
+  {
+    return 2;
+  }
+  std::size_t total_size() const
+  {
+    return total_buffer_size_;
+  }
+  bool all_empty() const
+  {
+    return total_buffer_size_ == 0;
+  }
+  static bool all_empty(const std::array<Elem, 2>& buffer_sequence)
+  {
+    return buffer_sequence[0].size() == 0 && buffer_sequence[1].size() == 0;
+  }
+  static void validate(const std::array<Elem, 2>& buffer_sequence)
+  {
+    buffer_sequence[0].data();
+    buffer_sequence[1].data();
+  }
+  static Buffer first(const std::array<Elem, 2>& buffer_sequence)
+  {
+    return Buffer(buffer_sequence[0].size() != 0
+        ? buffer_sequence[0] : buffer_sequence[1]);
+  }
+  native_buffer_type buffers_[2];
+  std::size_t total_buffer_size_;
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_ARRAY)
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/detail/impl/buffer_sequence_adapter.ipp>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HEADER_ONLY)

+ 128 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+// detail/buffered_stream_storage.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/buffer.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/assert.hpp>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <vector>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+class buffered_stream_storage
+  // The type of the bytes stored in the buffer.
+  typedef unsigned char byte_type;
+  // The type used for offsets into the buffer.
+  typedef std::size_t size_type;
+  // Constructor.
+  explicit buffered_stream_storage(std::size_t buffer_capacity)
+    : begin_offset_(0),
+      end_offset_(0),
+      buffer_(buffer_capacity)
+  {
+  }
+  /// Clear the buffer.
+  void clear()
+  {
+    begin_offset_ = 0;
+    end_offset_ = 0;
+  }
+  // Return a pointer to the beginning of the unread data.
+  mutable_buffer data()
+  {
+    return boost::asio::buffer(buffer_) + begin_offset_;
+  }
+  // Return a pointer to the beginning of the unread data.
+  const_buffer data() const
+  {
+    return boost::asio::buffer(buffer_) + begin_offset_;
+  }
+  // Is there no unread data in the buffer.
+  bool empty() const
+  {
+    return begin_offset_ == end_offset_;
+  }
+  // Return the amount of unread data the is in the buffer.
+  size_type size() const
+  {
+    return end_offset_ - begin_offset_;
+  }
+  // Resize the buffer to the specified length.
+  void resize(size_type length)
+  {
+    BOOST_ASIO_ASSERT(length <= capacity());
+    if (begin_offset_ + length <= capacity())
+    {
+      end_offset_ = begin_offset_ + length;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      using namespace std; // For memmove.
+      memmove(&buffer_[0], &buffer_[0] + begin_offset_, size());
+      end_offset_ = length;
+      begin_offset_ = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  // Return the maximum size for data in the buffer.
+  size_type capacity() const
+  {
+    return buffer_.size();
+  }
+  // Consume multiple bytes from the beginning of the buffer.
+  void consume(size_type count)
+  {
+    BOOST_ASIO_ASSERT(begin_offset_ + count <= end_offset_);
+    begin_offset_ += count;
+    if (empty())
+      clear();
+  }
+  // The offset to the beginning of the unread data.
+  size_type begin_offset_;
+  // The offset to the end of the unread data.
+  size_type end_offset_;
+  // The data in the buffer.
+  std::vector<byte_type> buffer_;
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 127 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+// detail/call_stack.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/noncopyable.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/tss_ptr.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+// Helper class to determine whether or not the current thread is inside an
+// invocation of io_context::run() for a specified io_context object.
+template <typename Key, typename Value = unsigned char>
+class call_stack
+  // Context class automatically pushes the key/value pair on to the stack.
+  class context
+    : private noncopyable
+  {
+  public:
+    // Push the key on to the stack.
+    explicit context(Key* k)
+      : key_(k),
+        next_(call_stack<Key, Value>::top_)
+    {
+      value_ = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(this);
+      call_stack<Key, Value>::top_ = this;
+    }
+    // Push the key/value pair on to the stack.
+    context(Key* k, Value& v)
+      : key_(k),
+        value_(&v),
+        next_(call_stack<Key, Value>::top_)
+    {
+      call_stack<Key, Value>::top_ = this;
+    }
+    // Pop the key/value pair from the stack.
+    ~context()
+    {
+      call_stack<Key, Value>::top_ = next_;
+    }
+    // Find the next context with the same key.
+    Value* next_by_key() const
+    {
+      context* elem = next_;
+      while (elem)
+      {
+        if (elem->key_ == key_)
+          return elem->value_;
+        elem = elem->next_;
+      }
+      return 0;
+    }
+  private:
+    friend class call_stack<Key, Value>;
+    // The key associated with the context.
+    Key* key_;
+    // The value associated with the context.
+    Value* value_;
+    // The next element in the stack.
+    context* next_;
+  };
+  friend class context;
+  // Determine whether the specified owner is on the stack. Returns address of
+  // key if present, 0 otherwise.
+  static Value* contains(Key* k)
+  {
+    context* elem = top_;
+    while (elem)
+    {
+      if (elem->key_ == k)
+        return elem->value_;
+      elem = elem->next_;
+    }
+    return 0;
+  }
+  // Obtain the value at the top of the stack.
+  static Value* top()
+  {
+    context* elem = top_;
+    return elem ? elem->value_ : 0;
+  }
+  // The top of the stack of calls for the current thread.
+  static tss_ptr<context> top_;
+template <typename Key, typename Value>
+tss_ptr<typename call_stack<Key, Value>::context>
+call_stack<Key, Value>::top_;
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 68 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+// detail/chrono.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+# include <chrono>
+# include <boost/chrono/system_clocks.hpp>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_CHRONO)
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace chrono {
+using std::chrono::duration;
+using std::chrono::time_point;
+using std::chrono::duration_cast;
+using std::chrono::nanoseconds;
+using std::chrono::microseconds;
+using std::chrono::milliseconds;
+using std::chrono::seconds;
+using std::chrono::minutes;
+using std::chrono::hours;
+using std::chrono::time_point_cast;
+typedef std::chrono::monotonic_clock steady_clock;
+using std::chrono::steady_clock;
+using std::chrono::system_clock;
+using std::chrono::high_resolution_clock;
+using boost::chrono::duration;
+using boost::chrono::time_point;
+using boost::chrono::duration_cast;
+using boost::chrono::nanoseconds;
+using boost::chrono::microseconds;
+using boost::chrono::milliseconds;
+using boost::chrono::seconds;
+using boost::chrono::minutes;
+using boost::chrono::hours;
+using boost::chrono::time_point_cast;
+using boost::chrono::system_clock;
+using boost::chrono::steady_clock;
+using boost::chrono::high_resolution_clock;
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_CHRONO)
+} // namespace chrono
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost

+ 192 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+// detail/chrono_time_traits.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/cstdint.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+// Helper template to compute the greatest common divisor.
+template <int64_t v1, int64_t v2>
+struct gcd { enum { value = gcd<v2, v1 % v2>::value }; };
+template <int64_t v1>
+struct gcd<v1, 0> { enum { value = v1 }; };
+// Adapts std::chrono clocks for use with a deadline timer.
+template <typename Clock, typename WaitTraits>
+struct chrono_time_traits
+  // The clock type.
+  typedef Clock clock_type;
+  // The duration type of the clock.
+  typedef typename clock_type::duration duration_type;
+  // The time point type of the clock.
+  typedef typename clock_type::time_point time_type;
+  // The period of the clock.
+  typedef typename duration_type::period period_type;
+  // Get the current time.
+  static time_type now()
+  {
+    return clock_type::now();
+  }
+  // Add a duration to a time.
+  static time_type add(const time_type& t, const duration_type& d)
+  {
+    const time_type epoch;
+    if (t >= epoch)
+    {
+      if ((time_type::max)() - t < d)
+        return (time_type::max)();
+    }
+    else // t < epoch
+    {
+      if (-(t - (time_type::min)()) > d)
+        return (time_type::min)();
+    }
+    return t + d;
+  }
+  // Subtract one time from another.
+  static duration_type subtract(const time_type& t1, const time_type& t2)
+  {
+    const time_type epoch;
+    if (t1 >= epoch)
+    {
+      if (t2 >= epoch)
+      {
+        return t1 - t2;
+      }
+      else if (t2 == (time_type::min)())
+      {
+        return (duration_type::max)();
+      }
+      else if ((time_type::max)() - t1 < epoch - t2)
+      {
+        return (duration_type::max)();
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        return t1 - t2;
+      }
+    }
+    else // t1 < epoch
+    {
+      if (t2 < epoch)
+      {
+        return t1 - t2;
+      }
+      else if (t1 == (time_type::min)())
+      {
+        return (duration_type::min)();
+      }
+      else if ((time_type::max)() - t2 < epoch - t1)
+      {
+        return (duration_type::min)();
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        return -(t2 - t1);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Test whether one time is less than another.
+  static bool less_than(const time_type& t1, const time_type& t2)
+  {
+    return t1 < t2;
+  }
+  // Implement just enough of the posix_time::time_duration interface to supply
+  // what the timer_queue requires.
+  class posix_time_duration
+  {
+  public:
+    explicit posix_time_duration(const duration_type& d)
+      : d_(d)
+    {
+    }
+    int64_t ticks() const
+    {
+      return d_.count();
+    }
+    int64_t total_seconds() const
+    {
+      return duration_cast<1, 1>();
+    }
+    int64_t total_milliseconds() const
+    {
+      return duration_cast<1, 1000>();
+    }
+    int64_t total_microseconds() const
+    {
+      return duration_cast<1, 1000000>();
+    }
+  private:
+    template <int64_t Num, int64_t Den>
+    int64_t duration_cast() const
+    {
+      const int64_t num1 = period_type::num / gcd<period_type::num, Num>::value;
+      const int64_t num2 = Num / gcd<period_type::num, Num>::value;
+      const int64_t den1 = period_type::den / gcd<period_type::den, Den>::value;
+      const int64_t den2 = Den / gcd<period_type::den, Den>::value;
+      const int64_t num = num1 * den2;
+      const int64_t den = num2 * den1;
+      if (num == 1 && den == 1)
+        return ticks();
+      else if (num != 1 && den == 1)
+        return ticks() * num;
+      else if (num == 1 && period_type::den != 1)
+        return ticks() / den;
+      else
+        return ticks() * num / den;
+    }
+    duration_type d_;
+  };
+  // Convert to POSIX duration type.
+  static posix_time_duration to_posix_duration(const duration_type& d)
+  {
+    return posix_time_duration(WaitTraits::to_wait_duration(d));
+  }
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 85 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+// detail/completion_handler.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/fenced_block.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/handler_alloc_helpers.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/handler_work.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/memory.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/operation.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+template <typename Handler>
+class completion_handler : public operation
+  BOOST_ASIO_DEFINE_HANDLER_PTR(completion_handler);
+  completion_handler(Handler& h)
+    : operation(&completion_handler::do_complete),
+      handler_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Handler)(h))
+  {
+    handler_work<Handler>::start(handler_);
+  }
+  static void do_complete(void* owner, operation* base,
+      const boost::system::error_code& /*ec*/,
+      std::size_t /*bytes_transferred*/)
+  {
+    // Take ownership of the handler object.
+    completion_handler* h(static_cast<completion_handler*>(base));
+    ptr p = { boost::asio::detail::addressof(h->handler_), h, h };
+    handler_work<Handler> w(h->handler_);
+    // Make a copy of the handler so that the memory can be deallocated before
+    // the upcall is made. Even if we're not about to make an upcall, a
+    // sub-object of the handler may be the true owner of the memory associated
+    // with the handler. Consequently, a local copy of the handler is required
+    // to ensure that any owning sub-object remains valid until after we have
+    // deallocated the memory here.
+    Handler handler(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Handler)(h->handler_));
+    p.h = boost::asio::detail::addressof(handler);
+    p.reset();
+    // Make the upcall if required.
+    if (owner)
+    {
+      fenced_block b(fenced_block::half);
+      w.complete(handler, handler);
+    }
+  }
+  Handler handler_;
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 94 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+// detail/concurrency_hint.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/noncopyable.hpp>
+// The concurrency hint ID and mask are used to identify when a "well-known"
+// concurrency hint value has been passed to the io_context.
+// If set, this bit indicates that the scheduler should perform locking.
+// If set, this bit indicates that the reactor should perform locking when
+// managing descriptor registrations.
+// If set, this bit indicates that the reactor should perform locking for I/O.
+// Helper macro to determine if we have a special concurrency hint.
+  ((static_cast<unsigned>(hint) \
+// Helper macro to determine if locking is enabled for a given facility.
+  (((static_cast<unsigned>(hint) \
+// This special concurrency hint disables locking in both the scheduler and
+// reactor I/O. This hint has the following restrictions:
+// - Care must be taken to ensure that all operations on the io_context and any
+//   of its associated I/O objects (such as sockets and timers) occur in only
+//   one thread at a time.
+// - Asynchronous resolve operations fail with operation_not_supported.
+// - If a signal_set is used with the io_context, signal_set objects cannot be
+//   used with any other io_context in the program.
+// This special concurrency hint disables locking in the reactor I/O. This hint
+// has the following restrictions:
+// - Care must be taken to ensure that run functions on the io_context, and all
+//   operations on the io_context's associated I/O objects (such as sockets and
+//   timers), occur in only one thread at a time.
+  static_cast<int>(BOOST_ASIO_CONCURRENCY_HINT_ID \
+// The special concurrency hint provides full thread safety.
+  static_cast<int>(BOOST_ASIO_CONCURRENCY_HINT_ID \
+// This #define may be overridden at compile time to specify a program-wide
+// default concurrency hint, used by the zero-argument io_context constructor.
+// This #define may be overridden at compile time to specify a program-wide
+// concurrency hint, used by the one-argument io_context constructor when
+// passed a value of 1.

+ 114 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+// detail/conditionally_enabled_event.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/conditionally_enabled_mutex.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/event.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/noncopyable.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/null_event.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/scoped_lock.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+// Mutex adapter used to conditionally enable or disable locking.
+class conditionally_enabled_event
+  : private noncopyable
+  // Constructor.
+  conditionally_enabled_event()
+  {
+  }
+  // Destructor.
+  ~conditionally_enabled_event()
+  {
+  }
+  // Signal the event. (Retained for backward compatibility.)
+  void signal(conditionally_enabled_mutex::scoped_lock& lock)
+  {
+    if (lock.mutex_.enabled_)
+      event_.signal(lock);
+  }
+  // Signal all waiters.
+  void signal_all(conditionally_enabled_mutex::scoped_lock& lock)
+  {
+    if (lock.mutex_.enabled_)
+      event_.signal_all(lock);
+  }
+  // Unlock the mutex and signal one waiter.
+  void unlock_and_signal_one(
+      conditionally_enabled_mutex::scoped_lock& lock)
+  {
+    if (lock.mutex_.enabled_)
+      event_.unlock_and_signal_one(lock);
+  }
+  // If there's a waiter, unlock the mutex and signal it.
+  bool maybe_unlock_and_signal_one(
+      conditionally_enabled_mutex::scoped_lock& lock)
+  {
+    if (lock.mutex_.enabled_)
+      return event_.maybe_unlock_and_signal_one(lock);
+    else
+      return false;
+  }
+  // Reset the event.
+  void clear(conditionally_enabled_mutex::scoped_lock& lock)
+  {
+    if (lock.mutex_.enabled_)
+      event_.clear(lock);
+  }
+  // Wait for the event to become signalled.
+  void wait(conditionally_enabled_mutex::scoped_lock& lock)
+  {
+    if (lock.mutex_.enabled_)
+      event_.wait(lock);
+    else
+      null_event().wait(lock);
+  }
+  // Timed wait for the event to become signalled.
+  bool wait_for_usec(
+      conditionally_enabled_mutex::scoped_lock& lock, long usec)
+  {
+    if (lock.mutex_.enabled_)
+      return event_.wait_for_usec(lock, usec);
+    else
+      return null_event().wait_for_usec(lock, usec);
+  }
+  boost::asio::detail::event event_;
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 151 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+// detail/conditionally_enabled_mutex.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/mutex.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/noncopyable.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/scoped_lock.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+// Mutex adapter used to conditionally enable or disable locking.
+class conditionally_enabled_mutex
+  : private noncopyable
+  // Helper class to lock and unlock a mutex automatically.
+  class scoped_lock
+    : private noncopyable
+  {
+  public:
+    // Tag type used to distinguish constructors.
+    enum adopt_lock_t { adopt_lock };
+    // Constructor adopts a lock that is already held.
+    scoped_lock(conditionally_enabled_mutex& m, adopt_lock_t)
+      : mutex_(m),
+        locked_(m.enabled_)
+    {
+    }
+    // Constructor acquires the lock.
+    explicit scoped_lock(conditionally_enabled_mutex& m)
+      : mutex_(m)
+    {
+      if (m.enabled_)
+      {
+        mutex_.mutex_.lock();
+        locked_ = true;
+      }
+      else
+        locked_ = false;
+    }
+    // Destructor releases the lock.
+    ~scoped_lock()
+    {
+      if (locked_)
+        mutex_.mutex_.unlock();
+    }
+    // Explicitly acquire the lock.
+    void lock()
+    {
+      if (mutex_.enabled_ && !locked_)
+      {
+        mutex_.mutex_.lock();
+        locked_ = true;
+      }
+    }
+    // Explicitly release the lock.
+    void unlock()
+    {
+      if (locked_)
+      {
+        mutex_.unlock();
+        locked_ = false;
+      }
+    }
+    // Test whether the lock is held.
+    bool locked() const
+    {
+      return locked_;
+    }
+    // Get the underlying mutex.
+    boost::asio::detail::mutex& mutex()
+    {
+      return mutex_.mutex_;
+    }
+  private:
+    friend class conditionally_enabled_event;
+    conditionally_enabled_mutex& mutex_;
+    bool locked_;
+  };
+  // Constructor.
+  explicit conditionally_enabled_mutex(bool enabled)
+    : enabled_(enabled)
+  {
+  }
+  // Destructor.
+  ~conditionally_enabled_mutex()
+  {
+  }
+  // Determine whether locking is enabled.
+  bool enabled() const
+  {
+    return enabled_;
+  }
+  // Lock the mutex.
+  void lock()
+  {
+    if (enabled_)
+      mutex_.lock();
+  }
+  // Unlock the mutex.
+  void unlock()
+  {
+    if (enabled_)
+      mutex_.unlock();
+  }
+  friend class scoped_lock;
+  friend class conditionally_enabled_event;
+  boost::asio::detail::mutex mutex_;
+  const bool enabled_;
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 1435 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1435 @@
+// detail/config.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_STANDALONE)
+# include <boost/config.hpp>
+# include <boost/version.hpp>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_STANDALONE)
+// Default to a header-only implementation. The user must specifically request
+// separate compilation by defining either BOOST_ASIO_SEPARATE_COMPILATION or
+// BOOST_ASIO_DYN_LINK (as a DLL/shared library implies separate compilation).
+#  if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DYN_LINK)
+#  endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DYN_LINK)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HEADER_ONLY)
+# define BOOST_ASIO_DECL inline
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HEADER_ONLY)
+# if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(__CODEGEARC__)
+// We need to import/export our code only if the user has specifically asked
+// for it by defining BOOST_ASIO_DYN_LINK.
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_DYN_LINK)
+// Export if this is our own source, otherwise import.
+#   if defined(BOOST_ASIO_SOURCE)
+#    define BOOST_ASIO_DECL __declspec(dllexport)
+#   else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_SOURCE)
+#    define BOOST_ASIO_DECL __declspec(dllimport)
+#   endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_SOURCE)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_DYN_LINK)
+# endif // defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(__CODEGEARC__)
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HEADER_ONLY)
+// If BOOST_ASIO_DECL isn't defined yet define it now.
+#if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DECL)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DECL)
+// Microsoft Visual C++ detection.
+#if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+# if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_CONFIG) && defined(BOOST_MSVC)
+# elif defined(_MSC_VER) && (defined(__INTELLISENSE__) \
+      || (!defined(__MWERKS__) && !defined(__EDG_VERSION__)))
+# endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_CONFIG) && defined(BOOST_MSVC)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+# include <ciso646> // Needed for _HAS_CXX17.
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+// Clang / libc++ detection.
+#if defined(__clang__)
+# if (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#  if __has_include(<__config>)
+#   include <__config>
+#   if defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION)
+#   endif // defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION)
+#  endif // __has_include(<__config>)
+# endif // (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#endif // defined(__clang__)
+// Android platform detection.
+#if defined(__ANDROID__)
+# include <android/api-level.h>
+#endif // defined(__ANDROID__)
+// Support move construction and assignment on compilers known to allow it.
+#if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+#  if defined(__clang__)
+#   if __has_feature(__cxx_rvalue_references__)
+#    define BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE 1
+#   endif // __has_feature(__cxx_rvalue_references__)
+#  endif // defined(__clang__)
+#  if defined(__GNUC__)
+#   if ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#    if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#     define BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE 1
+#    endif // defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#   endif // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#  endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#   if (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#    define BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE 1
+#   endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_MOVE)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+// If BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST isn't defined, and move support is available, define
+// BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG and BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST to take advantage of rvalue
+// references and perfect forwarding.
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE) && !defined(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST)
+# define BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(type) type&&
+# define BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG2(type1, type2) type1, type2&&
+# define BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(type) static_cast<type&&>
+# define BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST2(type1, type2) static_cast<type1, type2&&>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE) && !defined(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST)
+// If BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST still isn't defined, default to a C++03-compatible
+// implementation. Note that older g++ and MSVC versions don't like it when you
+// pass a non-member function through a const reference, so for most compilers
+// we'll play it safe and stick with the old approach of passing the handler by
+// value.
+#if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST)
+# if defined(__GNUC__)
+#  if ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#   define BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(type) const type&
+#  else // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#   define BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(type) type
+#  endif // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+# elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#  if (_MSC_VER >= 1400)
+#   define BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(type) const type&
+#  else // (_MSC_VER >= 1400)
+#   define BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(type) type
+#  endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1400)
+# else
+#  define BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(type) type
+# endif
+# define BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(type) static_cast<const type&>
+# define BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST2(type1, type2) static_cast<const type1, type2&>
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST)
+// Support variadic templates on compilers known to allow it.
+#  if defined(__clang__)
+#   if __has_feature(__cxx_variadic_templates__)
+#   endif // __has_feature(__cxx_variadic_templates__)
+#  endif // defined(__clang__)
+#  if defined(__GNUC__)
+#   if ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#    if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#    endif // defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#   endif // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#  endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#   if (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
+#   endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+// Support deleted functions on compilers known to allow it.
+#if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DELETED)
+# if defined(__GNUC__)
+#  if ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#   if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#    define BOOST_ASIO_DELETED = delete
+#   endif // defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#  endif // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+# endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+# if defined(__clang__)
+#  if __has_feature(__cxx_deleted_functions__)
+#   define BOOST_ASIO_DELETED = delete
+#  endif // __has_feature(__cxx_deleted_functions__)
+# endif // defined(__clang__)
+# if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#  if (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
+#   define BOOST_ASIO_DELETED = delete
+#  endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
+# endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+# if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DELETED)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DELETED)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DELETED)
+// Support constexpr on compilers known to allow it.
+#  if defined(__clang__)
+#   if __has_feature(__cxx_constexpr__)
+#   endif // __has_feature(__cxx_constexr__)
+#  endif // defined(__clang__)
+#  if defined(__GNUC__)
+#   if ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#    if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#    endif // defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#   endif // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#  endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#   if (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
+#   endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_CONSTEXPR)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_CONSTEXPR)
+#  define BOOST_ASIO_CONSTEXPR constexpr
+# else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_CONSTEXPR)
+# endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_CONSTEXPR)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_CONSTEXPR)
+// Support noexcept on compilers known to allow it.
+#if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT)
+#  if (BOOST_VERSION >= 105300)
+#  elif defined(__clang__)
+#   if __has_feature(__cxx_noexcept__)
+#    define BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT noexcept(true)
+#    define BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT_OR_NOTHROW noexcept(true)
+#   endif // __has_feature(__cxx_noexcept__)
+#  elif defined(__GNUC__)
+#   if ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#    if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#      define BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT noexcept(true)
+#      define BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT_OR_NOTHROW noexcept(true)
+#    endif // defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#   endif // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#  elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#   if (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
+#    define BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT noexcept(true)
+#    define BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT_OR_NOTHROW noexcept(true)
+#   endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_NOEXCEPT)
+# if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT_OR_NOTHROW)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT)
+// Support automatic type deduction on compilers known to support it.
+#  if defined(__clang__)
+#   if __has_feature(__cxx_decltype__)
+#   endif // __has_feature(__cxx_decltype__)
+#  endif // defined(__clang__)
+#  if defined(__GNUC__)
+#   if ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#    if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#    endif // defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#   endif // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#  endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#   if (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#   endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_DECLTYPE)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_DECLTYPE)
+// Support alias templates on compilers known to allow it.
+#  if defined(__clang__)
+#   if __has_feature(__cxx_alias_templates__)
+#   endif // __has_feature(__cxx_alias_templates__)
+#  endif // defined(__clang__)
+#  if defined(__GNUC__)
+#   if ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#    if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#    endif // defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#   endif // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#  endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#   if (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
+#   endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+// Standard library support for system errors.
+#  if defined(__clang__)
+#   elif (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#    if __has_include(<system_error>)
+#    endif // __has_include(<system_error>)
+#   endif // (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#  endif // defined(__clang__)
+#  if defined(__GNUC__)
+#   if ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#    if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#    endif // defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#   endif // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#  endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#   if (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#   endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+// Compliant C++11 compilers put noexcept specifiers on error_category members.
+# if (BOOST_VERSION >= 105300)
+# elif defined(__clang__)
+#  if __has_feature(__cxx_noexcept__)
+#   define BOOST_ASIO_ERROR_CATEGORY_NOEXCEPT noexcept(true)
+#  endif // __has_feature(__cxx_noexcept__)
+# elif defined(__GNUC__)
+#  if ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#   if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#     define BOOST_ASIO_ERROR_CATEGORY_NOEXCEPT noexcept(true)
+#   endif // defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#  endif // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+# elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#  if (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
+#   define BOOST_ASIO_ERROR_CATEGORY_NOEXCEPT noexcept(true)
+#  endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1900)
+# endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+// Standard library support for arrays.
+#  if defined(__clang__)
+#   elif (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#    if __has_include(<array>)
+#     define BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_ARRAY 1
+#    endif // __has_include(<array>)
+#   endif // (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#  endif // defined(__clang__)
+#  if defined(__GNUC__)
+#   if ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#    if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#     define BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_ARRAY 1
+#    endif // defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#   endif // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#  endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#   if (_MSC_VER >= 1600)
+#   endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1600)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_STD_ARRAY)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_ARRAY)
+// Standard library support for shared_ptr and weak_ptr.
+#  if defined(__clang__)
+#   elif (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#   endif // (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#  endif // defined(__clang__)
+#  if defined(__GNUC__)
+#   if ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#    if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#    endif // defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#   endif // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#  endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#   if (_MSC_VER >= 1600)
+#   endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1600)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_SHARED_PTR)
+// Standard library support for allocator_arg_t.
+#  if defined(__clang__)
+#   elif (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#   endif // (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#  endif // defined(__clang__)
+#  if defined(__GNUC__)
+#   if ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#    if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#    endif // defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#   endif // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#  endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#   if (_MSC_VER >= 1600)
+#   endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1600)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+// Standard library support for atomic operations.
+#  if defined(__clang__)
+#   elif (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#    if __has_include(<atomic>)
+#    endif // __has_include(<atomic>)
+#   endif // (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#  endif // defined(__clang__)
+#  if defined(__GNUC__)
+#   if ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#    if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#    endif // defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#   endif // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#  endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#   if (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#   endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_STD_ATOMIC)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_ATOMIC)
+// Standard library support for chrono. Some standard libraries (such as the
+// libstdc++ shipped with gcc 4.6) provide monotonic_clock as per early C++0x
+// drafts, rather than the eventually standardised name of steady_clock.
+#  if defined(__clang__)
+#   elif (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#    if __has_include(<chrono>)
+#    endif // __has_include(<chrono>)
+#   endif // (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#  endif // defined(__clang__)
+#  if defined(__GNUC__)
+#   if ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#    if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#     if ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ == 6))
+#     endif // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ == 6))
+#    endif // defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#   endif // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#  endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#   if (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#   endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_STD_CHRONO)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_CHRONO)
+// Boost support for chrono.
+#  if (BOOST_VERSION >= 104700)
+#  endif // (BOOST_VERSION >= 104700)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_CHRONO)
+// Some form of chrono library is available.
+#if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_CHRONO)
+# if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_CHRONO) \
+# endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_CHRONO)
+        // || defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_CHRONO)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_CHRONO)
+// Boost support for the DateTime library.
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_DATE_TIME)
+// Standard library support for addressof.
+#  if defined(__clang__)
+#   elif (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#   endif // (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#  endif // defined(__clang__)
+#  if defined(__GNUC__)
+#   if ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#    if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#    endif // defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#   endif // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#  endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#   if (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#   endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_ADDRESSOF)
+// Standard library support for the function class.
+#  if defined(__clang__)
+#   elif (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#   endif // (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#  endif // defined(__clang__)
+#  if defined(__GNUC__)
+#   if ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#    if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#    endif // defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#   endif // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#  endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#   if (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#   endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_FUNCTION)
+// Standard library support for type traits.
+#  if defined(__clang__)
+#   elif (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#    if __has_include(<type_traits>)
+#    endif // __has_include(<type_traits>)
+#   endif // (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#  endif // defined(__clang__)
+#  if defined(__GNUC__)
+#   if ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#    if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#    endif // defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#   endif // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#  endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#   if (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#   endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_TYPE_TRAITS)
+// Standard library support for the nullptr_t type.
+#  if defined(__clang__)
+#   if __has_feature(__cxx_nullptr__)
+#   endif // __has_feature(__cxx_rvalue_references__)
+#  elif defined(__GNUC__)
+#   if ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#    if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#     define BOOST_ASIO_HAS_NULLPTR 1
+#    endif // defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#   endif // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#  endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#   if (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#   endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_NULLPTR)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_NULLPTR)
+// Standard library support for the C++11 allocator additions.
+#  if defined(__clang__)
+#   elif (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#   endif // (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#  elif defined(__GNUC__)
+#   if ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#    if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#    endif // defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#   endif // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#  endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#   if (_MSC_VER >= 1800)
+#   endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1800)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_CXX11_ALLOCATORS)
+// Standard library support for the cstdint header.
+#  if defined(__clang__)
+#   elif (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#   endif // (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#  endif // defined(__clang__)
+#  if defined(__GNUC__)
+#   if ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#    if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#     define BOOST_ASIO_HAS_CSTDINT 1
+#    endif // defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#   endif // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#  endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#   if (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#   endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_CSTDINT)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_CSTDINT)
+// Standard library support for the thread class.
+#  if defined(__clang__)
+#   elif (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#    if __has_include(<thread>)
+#    endif // __has_include(<thread>)
+#   endif // (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#  endif // defined(__clang__)
+#  if defined(__GNUC__)
+#   if ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#    if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#    endif // defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#   endif // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#  endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#   if (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#   endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_STD_THREAD)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_THREAD)
+// Standard library support for the mutex and condition variable classes.
+#  if defined(__clang__)
+#   elif (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#    if __has_include(<mutex>)
+#    endif // __has_include(<mutex>)
+#   endif // (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#  endif // defined(__clang__)
+#  if defined(__GNUC__)
+#   if ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#    if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#    endif // defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#   endif // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#  endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#   if (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#   endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+// Standard library support for the call_once function.
+#  if defined(__clang__)
+#   elif (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#    if __has_include(<mutex>)
+#    endif // __has_include(<mutex>)
+#   endif // (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#  endif // defined(__clang__)
+#  if defined(__GNUC__)
+#   if ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#    if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#    endif // defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#   endif // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#  endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#   if (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#   endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_STD_CALL_ONCE)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_CALL_ONCE)
+// Standard library support for futures.
+#  if defined(__clang__)
+#   elif (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#    if __has_include(<future>)
+#    endif // __has_include(<mutex>)
+#   endif // (__cplusplus >= 201103)
+#  endif // defined(__clang__)
+#  if defined(__GNUC__)
+#   if ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#    if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#     if defined(_GLIBCXX_HAS_GTHREADS)
+#      define BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_FUTURE 1
+#     endif // defined(_GLIBCXX_HAS_GTHREADS)
+#    endif // defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#   endif // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#  endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#   if (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#   endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_STD_FUTURE)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_FUTURE)
+// Standard library support for std::string_view.
+#  if defined(__clang__)
+#   if (__cplusplus >= 201703)
+#    if __has_include(<string_view>)
+#    endif // __has_include(<string_view>)
+#   endif // (__cplusplus >= 201703)
+#  endif // defined(__clang__)
+#  if defined(__GNUC__)
+#   if (__GNUC__ >= 7)
+#    if (__cplusplus >= 201703)
+#    endif // (__cplusplus >= 201703)
+#   endif // (__GNUC__ >= 7)
+#  endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#   if (_MSC_VER >= 1910 && _HAS_CXX17)
+#   endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1910 && _HAS_CXX17)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_STRING_VIEW)
+// Standard library support for std::experimental::string_view.
+#  if defined(__clang__)
+#   if (__cplusplus >= 201402)
+#    if __has_include(<experimental/string_view>)
+#    endif // __has_include(<experimental/string_view>)
+#   endif // (__cplusplus >= 201402)
+#  endif // defined(__clang__)
+#  if defined(__GNUC__)
+#   if ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 9)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#    if (__cplusplus >= 201402)
+#    endif // (__cplusplus >= 201402)
+#   endif // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 9)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#  endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+// Standard library has a string_view that we can use.
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_STRING_VIEW)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STRING_VIEW)
+// Standard library support for iostream move construction and assignment.
+#  if defined(__GNUC__)
+#   if (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#    if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#    endif // defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#   endif // (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#  endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#   if (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#   endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+// Standard library has invoke_result (which supersedes result_of).
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#   if (_MSC_VER >= 1910 && _HAS_CXX17)
+#   endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1910 && _HAS_CXX17)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+// Windows App target. Windows but with a limited API.
+# if defined(_WIN32_WINNT) && (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0603)
+#  include <winapifamily.h>
+# endif // defined(_WIN32_WINNT) && (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0603)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS_APP)
+// Legacy WinRT target. Windows App is preferred.
+# if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS_APP)
+#  if defined(__cplusplus_winrt)
+#   include <winapifamily.h>
+#  endif // defined(__cplusplus_winrt)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS_APP)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS_RUNTIME)
+// Windows target. Excludes WinRT but includes Windows App targets.
+#if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+#   define BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS 1
+#  elif defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__)
+#   define BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS 1
+#  elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS_APP)
+#   define BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS 1
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_CONFIG) && defined(BOOST_WINDOWS)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS_RUNTIME)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+// Windows: target OS version.
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+# if !defined(_WIN32_WINNT) && !defined(_WIN32_WINDOWS)
+#  if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
+#   pragma message( \
+  "Please define _WIN32_WINNT or _WIN32_WINDOWS appropriately. For example:\n"\
+  "- add -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 to the compiler command line; or\n"\
+  "- add _WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 to your project's Preprocessor Definitions.\n"\
+  "Assuming _WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 (i.e. Windows XP target).")
+#  else // defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
+#   warning Please define _WIN32_WINNT or _WIN32_WINDOWS appropriately.
+#   warning For example, add -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 to the compiler command line.
+#   warning Assuming _WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 (i.e. Windows XP target).
+#  endif // defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
+#  define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501
+# endif // !defined(_WIN32_WINNT) && !defined(_WIN32_WINDOWS)
+# if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#  if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(WIN32)
+#   if !defined(_WINSOCK2API_)
+#    define WIN32 // Needed for correct types in winsock2.h
+#   else // !defined(_WINSOCK2API_)
+#    error Please define the macro WIN32 in your compiler options
+#   endif // !defined(_WINSOCK2API_)
+#  endif // defined(_WIN32) && !defined(WIN32)
+# endif // defined(_MSC_VER)
+# if defined(__BORLANDC__)
+#  if defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(WIN32)
+#   if !defined(_WINSOCK2API_)
+#    define WIN32 // Needed for correct types in winsock2.h
+#   else // !defined(_WINSOCK2API_)
+#    error Please define the macro WIN32 in your compiler options
+#   endif // !defined(_WINSOCK2API_)
+#  endif // defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(WIN32)
+# endif // defined(__BORLANDC__)
+# if defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#  if !defined(__USE_W32_SOCKETS)
+#   error You must add -D__USE_W32_SOCKETS to your compiler options.
+#  endif // !defined(__USE_W32_SOCKETS)
+# endif // defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+// Windows: minimise header inclusion.
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#  if !defined(WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN)
+#   define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+#  endif // !defined(WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN)
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+// Windows: suppress definition of "min" and "max" macros.
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+# if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_NOMINMAX)
+#  if !defined(NOMINMAX)
+#   define NOMINMAX 1
+#  endif // !defined(NOMINMAX)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_NOMINMAX)
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+// Windows: IO Completion Ports.
+#if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_IOCP)
+# if defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#  if defined(_WIN32_WINNT) && (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0400)
+#   if !defined(UNDER_CE) && !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS_APP)
+#    if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_IOCP)
+#     define BOOST_ASIO_HAS_IOCP 1
+#    endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_IOCP)
+#   endif // !defined(UNDER_CE) && !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS_APP)
+#  endif // defined(_WIN32_WINNT) && (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0400)
+# endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_IOCP)
+// On POSIX (and POSIX-like) platforms we need to include unistd.h in order to
+// get access to the various platform feature macros, e.g. to be able to test
+// for threads support.
+#if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_UNISTD_H)
+#  if defined(unix) \
+   || defined(__unix) \
+   || defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) \
+   || defined(_POSIX_SOURCE) \
+   || (defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__)) \
+   || defined(__FreeBSD__) \
+   || defined(__NetBSD__) \
+   || defined(__OpenBSD__) \
+   || defined(__linux__)
+#  endif
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_CONFIG)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_UNISTD_H)
+# include <unistd.h>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_UNISTD_H)
+// Linux: epoll, eventfd and timerfd.
+#if defined(__linux__)
+# include <linux/version.h>
+# if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_EPOLL)
+#    define BOOST_ASIO_HAS_EPOLL 1
+#   endif // LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2,5,45)
+#  endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_EPOLL)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_EPOLL)
+# if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_EVENTFD)
+#   endif // LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,22)
+#  endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_EVENTFD)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_EVENTFD)
+# if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_TIMERFD)
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_EPOLL)
+#   if (__GLIBC__ > 2) || (__GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= 8)
+#   endif // (__GLIBC__ > 2) || (__GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= 8)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_EPOLL)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_TIMERFD)
+#endif // defined(__linux__)
+// Mac OS X, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD: kqueue.
+#if (defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__)) \
+  || defined(__FreeBSD__) \
+  || defined(__NetBSD__) \
+  || defined(__OpenBSD__)
+# if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_KQUEUE)
+#  endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_KQUEUE)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_KQUEUE)
+#endif // (defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__))
+       //   || defined(__FreeBSD__)
+       //   || defined(__NetBSD__)
+       //   || defined(__OpenBSD__)
+// Solaris: /dev/poll.
+#if defined(__sun)
+# if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_DEV_POLL)
+#  endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_DEV_POLL)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_DEV_POLL)
+#endif // defined(__sun)
+// Serial ports.
+# if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_IOCP) \
+  || !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) \
+  && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#  if !defined(__SYMBIAN32__)
+#   endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_SERIAL_PORT)
+#  endif // !defined(__SYMBIAN32__)
+# endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_IOCP)
+        //   || !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+        //   && !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS_RUNTIME)
+        //   && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_SERIAL_PORT)
+// Windows: stream handles.
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_IOCP)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_IOCP)
+// Windows: random access handles.
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_IOCP)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_IOCP)
+// Windows: object handles.
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#   if !defined(UNDER_CE) && !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS_APP)
+#   endif // !defined(UNDER_CE) && !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS_APP)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+// Windows: OVERLAPPED wrapper.
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_IOCP)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_IOCP)
+// POSIX: stream-oriented file descriptors.
+#  if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) \
+  && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#  endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+         //   && !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS_RUNTIME)
+         //   && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
+// UNIX domain sockets.
+#  if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) \
+  && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#  endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+         //   && !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS_RUNTIME)
+         //   && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_LOCAL_SOCKETS)
+// Can use sigaction() instead of signal().
+#  if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) \
+  && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#  endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+         //   && !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS_RUNTIME)
+         //   && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_SIGACTION)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_SIGACTION)
+// Can use signal().
+#if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_SIGNAL)
+#  if !defined(UNDER_CE)
+#  endif // !defined(UNDER_CE)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_SIGNAL)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_SIGNAL)
+// Can use getaddrinfo() and getnameinfo().
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#   if defined(_WIN32_WINNT) && (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501)
+#   elif defined(UNDER_CE)
+#   endif // defined(UNDER_CE)
+#  elif defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__)
+#   if defined(__MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED)
+#    if (__MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= 1050)
+#    endif // (__MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= 1050)
+#   else // defined(__MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED)
+#   endif // defined(__MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED)
+#  else // defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__)
+#  endif // defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_GETADDRINFO)
+// Whether standard iostreams are disabled.
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_NO_IOSTREAM)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_IOSTREAM)
+// Whether exception handling is disabled.
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_EXCEPTIONS)
+// Whether the typeid operator is supported.
+#if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_TYPEID)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_NO_TYPEID)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_TYPEID)
+// Threads.
+#  elif defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__MINGW32__) \
+     && !defined(linux) && !defined(__linux) && !defined(__linux__)
+#  elif defined(_MT) || defined(__MT__)
+#  elif defined(_REENTRANT)
+#  elif defined(__APPLE__)
+#  elif defined(_POSIX_THREADS) && (_POSIX_THREADS + 0 >= 0)
+#  elif defined(_PTHREADS)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_CONFIG) && defined(BOOST_HAS_THREADS)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_THREADS)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_THREADS)
+// POSIX threads.
+#  elif defined(_POSIX_THREADS) && (_POSIX_THREADS + 0 >= 0)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_CONFIG) && defined(BOOST_HAS_PTHREADS)
+# endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_THREADS)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_PTHREADS)
+// Helper to prevent macro expansion.
+// Helper to define in-class constants.
+#  define BOOST_ASIO_STATIC_CONSTANT(type, assignment) \
+    BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(type, assignment)
+#  define BOOST_ASIO_STATIC_CONSTANT(type, assignment) \
+    static const type assignment
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_STATIC_CONSTANT)
+// Boost array library.
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_BOOST_ARRAY)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_ARRAY)
+// Boost assert macro.
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_ASSERT)
+// Boost limits header.
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_LIMITS)
+// Boost throw_exception function.
+// Boost regex library.
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_BOOST_REGEX)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_REGEX)
+// Boost bind function.
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_BOOST_BIND)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_BIND)
+// Boost's BOOST_WORKAROUND macro.
+// Microsoft Visual C++'s secure C runtime library.
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC) \
+    && (BOOST_ASIO_MSVC >= 1400) \
+    && !defined(UNDER_CE)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+         // && (BOOST_ASIO_MSVC >= 1400)
+         // && !defined(UNDER_CE)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_SECURE_RTL)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_SECURE_RTL)
+// Handler hooking. Disabled for ancient Borland C++ and gcc compilers.
+#  if defined(__GNUC__)
+#   if (__GNUC__ >= 3)
+#   endif // (__GNUC__ >= 3)
+#  elif !defined(__BORLANDC__)
+#  endif // !defined(__BORLANDC__)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_HANDLER_HOOKS)
+// Support for the __thread keyword extension.
+# if defined(__linux__)
+#  if defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__))
+#   if ((__GNUC__ == 3) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3)) || (__GNUC__ > 3)
+#    if !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && !defined(__ICL) \
+       && !(defined(__clang__) && defined(__ANDROID__))
+#     define BOOST_ASIO_THREAD_KEYWORD __thread
+#    elif defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && (__INTEL_COMPILER >= 1100)
+#    endif // defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && (__INTEL_COMPILER >= 1100)
+           // && !(defined(__clang__) && defined(__ANDROID__))
+#   endif // ((__GNUC__ == 3) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3)) || (__GNUC__ > 3)
+#  endif // defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__))
+# endif // defined(__linux__)
+#  if (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+#   define BOOST_ASIO_THREAD_KEYWORD __declspec(thread)
+#  endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+# endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC) && defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS_RUNTIME)
+# define BOOST_ASIO_THREAD_KEYWORD __thread
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_THREAD_KEYWORD)
+// Support for POSIX ssize_t typedef.
+# if defined(__linux__) \
+   || (defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__))
+# endif // defined(__linux__)
+        //   || (defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__))
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_SSIZE_T)
+// Helper macros to manage the transition away from the old services-based API.
+# define BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM , typename Service
+# define BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM_DEF1(d1) , typename Service d1
+# define BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM_DEF2(d1, d2) , typename Service d1, d2
+# define BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG , Service
+# define BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T Service
+# define BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM1 , typename Service1
+# define BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM1_DEF1(d1) , typename Service1 d1
+# define BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM1_DEF2(d1, d2) , typename Service1 d1, d2
+# define BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TARG1 , Service1
+# define BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T1 Service1
+# define BOOST_ASIO_SVC_ACCESS public
+# define BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM_DEF2(d1, d2)
+// BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T is defined at each point of use.
+# define BOOST_ASIO_SVC_TPARAM1_DEF2(d1, d2)
+// BOOST_ASIO_SVC_T1 is defined at each point of use.
+# define BOOST_ASIO_SVC_ACCESS protected
+// Helper macros to manage transition away from error_code return values.
+# define BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID void
+# define BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID_RETURN(e) return
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+# define BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID boost::system::error_code
+# define BOOST_ASIO_SYNC_OP_VOID_RETURN(e) return e
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+// Newer gcc, clang need special treatment to suppress unused typedef warnings.
+#if defined(__clang__)
+# if defined(__apple_build_version__)
+#  if (__clang_major__ >= 7)
+#   define BOOST_ASIO_UNUSED_TYPEDEF __attribute__((__unused__))
+#  endif // (__clang_major__ >= 7)
+# elif ((__clang_major__ == 3) && (__clang_minor__ >= 6)) \
+    || (__clang_major__ > 3)
+#  define BOOST_ASIO_UNUSED_TYPEDEF __attribute__((__unused__))
+# endif // ((__clang_major__ == 3) && (__clang_minor__ >= 6))
+        //   || (__clang_major__ > 3)
+#elif defined(__GNUC__)
+# if ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 8)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#  define BOOST_ASIO_UNUSED_TYPEDEF __attribute__((__unused__))
+# endif // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 8)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_UNUSED_TYPEDEF)
+// Some versions of gcc generate spurious warnings about unused variables.
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+# if (__GNUC__ >= 4)
+#  define BOOST_ASIO_UNUSED_VARIABLE __attribute__((__unused__))
+# endif // (__GNUC__ >= 4)
+#endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_UNUSED_VARIABLE)
+// Support co_await on compilers known to allow it.
+#if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_CO_AWAIT)
+#  if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#   if (_MSC_FULL_VER >= 190023506)
+#     define BOOST_ASIO_HAS_CO_AWAIT 1
+#    endif // defined(_RESUMABLE_FUNCTIONS_SUPPORTED)
+#   endif // (_MSC_FULL_VER >= 190023506)
+#  endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+# endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_CO_AWAIT)
+# if defined(__clang__)
+#  if (__cpp_coroutines >= 201703)
+#   if __has_include(<experimental/coroutine>)
+#    define BOOST_ASIO_HAS_CO_AWAIT 1
+#   endif // __has_include(<experimental/coroutine>)
+#  endif // (__cpp_coroutines >= 201703)
+# endif // defined(__clang__)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_CO_AWAIT)

+ 416 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+// detail/consuming_buffers.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <boost/asio/buffer.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/buffer_sequence_adapter.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/limits.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+// Helper template to determine the maximum number of prepared buffers.
+template <typename Buffers>
+struct prepared_buffers_max
+  enum { value = buffer_sequence_adapter_base::max_buffers };
+template <typename Elem, std::size_t N>
+struct prepared_buffers_max<boost::array<Elem, N> >
+  enum { value = N };
+template <typename Elem, std::size_t N>
+struct prepared_buffers_max<std::array<Elem, N> >
+  enum { value = N };
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_ARRAY)
+// A buffer sequence used to represent a subsequence of the buffers.
+template <typename Buffer, std::size_t MaxBuffers>
+struct prepared_buffers
+  typedef Buffer value_type;
+  typedef const Buffer* const_iterator;
+  enum { max_buffers = MaxBuffers < 16 ? MaxBuffers : 16 };
+  prepared_buffers() : count(0) {}
+  const_iterator begin() const { return elems; }
+  const_iterator end() const { return elems + count; }
+  Buffer elems[max_buffers];
+  std::size_t count;
+// A proxy for a sub-range in a list of buffers.
+template <typename Buffer, typename Buffers, typename Buffer_Iterator>
+class consuming_buffers
+  typedef prepared_buffers<Buffer, prepared_buffers_max<Buffers>::value>
+    prepared_buffers_type;
+  // Construct to represent the entire list of buffers.
+  explicit consuming_buffers(const Buffers& buffers)
+    : buffers_(buffers),
+      total_consumed_(0),
+      next_elem_(0),
+      next_elem_offset_(0)
+  {
+    using boost::asio::buffer_size;
+    total_size_ = buffer_size(buffers);
+  }
+  // Determine if we are at the end of the buffers.
+  bool empty() const
+  {
+    return total_consumed_ >= total_size_;
+  }
+  // Get the buffer for a single transfer, with a size.
+  prepared_buffers_type prepare(std::size_t max_size)
+  {
+    prepared_buffers_type result;
+    Buffer_Iterator next = boost::asio::buffer_sequence_begin(buffers_);
+    Buffer_Iterator end = boost::asio::buffer_sequence_end(buffers_);
+    std::advance(next, next_elem_);
+    std::size_t elem_offset = next_elem_offset_;
+    while (next != end && max_size > 0 && (result.count) < result.max_buffers)
+    {
+      Buffer next_buf = Buffer(*next) + elem_offset;
+      result.elems[result.count] = boost::asio::buffer(next_buf, max_size);
+      max_size -= result.elems[result.count].size();
+      elem_offset = 0;
+      if (result.elems[result.count].size() > 0)
+        ++result.count;
+      ++next;
+    }
+    return result;
+  }
+  // Consume the specified number of bytes from the buffers.
+  void consume(std::size_t size)
+  {
+    total_consumed_ += size;
+    Buffer_Iterator next = boost::asio::buffer_sequence_begin(buffers_);
+    Buffer_Iterator end = boost::asio::buffer_sequence_end(buffers_);
+    std::advance(next, next_elem_);
+    while (next != end && size > 0)
+    {
+      Buffer next_buf = Buffer(*next) + next_elem_offset_;
+      if (size < next_buf.size())
+      {
+        next_elem_offset_ += size;
+        size = 0;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        size -= next_buf.size();
+        next_elem_offset_ = 0;
+        ++next_elem_;
+        ++next;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Get the total number of bytes consumed from the buffers.
+  std::size_t total_consumed() const
+  {
+    return total_consumed_;
+  }
+  Buffers buffers_;
+  std::size_t total_size_;
+  std::size_t total_consumed_;
+  std::size_t next_elem_;
+  std::size_t next_elem_offset_;
+// Base class of all consuming_buffers specialisations for single buffers.
+template <typename Buffer>
+class consuming_single_buffer
+  // Construct to represent the entire list of buffers.
+  template <typename Buffer1>
+  explicit consuming_single_buffer(const Buffer1& buffer)
+    : buffer_(buffer),
+      total_consumed_(0)
+  {
+  }
+  // Determine if we are at the end of the buffers.
+  bool empty() const
+  {
+    return total_consumed_ >= buffer_.size();
+  }
+  // Get the buffer for a single transfer, with a size.
+  Buffer prepare(std::size_t max_size)
+  {
+    return boost::asio::buffer(buffer_ + total_consumed_, max_size);
+  }
+  // Consume the specified number of bytes from the buffers.
+  void consume(std::size_t size)
+  {
+    total_consumed_ += size;
+  }
+  // Get the total number of bytes consumed from the buffers.
+  std::size_t total_consumed() const
+  {
+    return total_consumed_;
+  }
+  Buffer buffer_;
+  std::size_t total_consumed_;
+template <>
+class consuming_buffers<mutable_buffer, mutable_buffer, const mutable_buffer*>
+  : public consuming_single_buffer<BOOST_ASIO_MUTABLE_BUFFER>
+  explicit consuming_buffers(const mutable_buffer& buffer)
+    : consuming_single_buffer<BOOST_ASIO_MUTABLE_BUFFER>(buffer)
+  {
+  }
+template <>
+class consuming_buffers<const_buffer, mutable_buffer, const mutable_buffer*>
+  : public consuming_single_buffer<BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER>
+  explicit consuming_buffers(const mutable_buffer& buffer)
+    : consuming_single_buffer<BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER>(buffer)
+  {
+  }
+template <>
+class consuming_buffers<const_buffer, const_buffer, const const_buffer*>
+  : public consuming_single_buffer<BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER>
+  explicit consuming_buffers(const const_buffer& buffer)
+    : consuming_single_buffer<BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER>(buffer)
+  {
+  }
+template <>
+class consuming_buffers<mutable_buffer,
+    mutable_buffers_1, const mutable_buffer*>
+  : public consuming_single_buffer<BOOST_ASIO_MUTABLE_BUFFER>
+  explicit consuming_buffers(const mutable_buffers_1& buffer)
+    : consuming_single_buffer<BOOST_ASIO_MUTABLE_BUFFER>(buffer)
+  {
+  }
+template <>
+class consuming_buffers<const_buffer, mutable_buffers_1, const mutable_buffer*>
+  : public consuming_single_buffer<BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER>
+  explicit consuming_buffers(const mutable_buffers_1& buffer)
+    : consuming_single_buffer<BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER>(buffer)
+  {
+  }
+template <>
+class consuming_buffers<const_buffer, const_buffers_1, const const_buffer*>
+  : public consuming_single_buffer<BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER>
+  explicit consuming_buffers(const const_buffers_1& buffer)
+    : consuming_single_buffer<BOOST_ASIO_CONST_BUFFER>(buffer)
+  {
+  }
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED)
+template <typename Buffer, typename Elem>
+class consuming_buffers<Buffer, boost::array<Elem, 2>,
+    typename boost::array<Elem, 2>::const_iterator>
+  // Construct to represent the entire list of buffers.
+  explicit consuming_buffers(const boost::array<Elem, 2>& buffers)
+    : buffers_(buffers),
+      total_consumed_(0)
+  {
+  }
+  // Determine if we are at the end of the buffers.
+  bool empty() const
+  {
+    return total_consumed_ >=
+      Buffer(buffers_[0]).size() + Buffer(buffers_[1]).size();
+  }
+  // Get the buffer for a single transfer, with a size.
+  boost::array<Buffer, 2> prepare(std::size_t max_size)
+  {
+    boost::array<Buffer, 2> result = {{
+      Buffer(buffers_[0]), Buffer(buffers_[1]) }};
+    std::size_t buffer0_size = result[0].size();
+    result[0] = boost::asio::buffer(result[0] + total_consumed_, max_size);
+    result[1] = boost::asio::buffer(
+        result[1] + (total_consumed_ < buffer0_size
+          ? 0 : total_consumed_ - buffer0_size),
+        max_size - result[0].size());
+    return result;
+  }
+  // Consume the specified number of bytes from the buffers.
+  void consume(std::size_t size)
+  {
+    total_consumed_ += size;
+  }
+  // Get the total number of bytes consumed from the buffers.
+  std::size_t total_consumed() const
+  {
+    return total_consumed_;
+  }
+  boost::array<Elem, 2> buffers_;
+  std::size_t total_consumed_;
+template <typename Buffer, typename Elem>
+class consuming_buffers<Buffer, std::array<Elem, 2>,
+    typename std::array<Elem, 2>::const_iterator>
+  // Construct to represent the entire list of buffers.
+  explicit consuming_buffers(const std::array<Elem, 2>& buffers)
+    : buffers_(buffers),
+      total_consumed_(0)
+  {
+  }
+  // Determine if we are at the end of the buffers.
+  bool empty() const
+  {
+    return total_consumed_ >=
+      Buffer(buffers_[0]).size() + Buffer(buffers_[1]).size();
+  }
+  // Get the buffer for a single transfer, with a size.
+  std::array<Buffer, 2> prepare(std::size_t max_size)
+  {
+    std::array<Buffer, 2> result = {{
+      Buffer(buffers_[0]), Buffer(buffers_[1]) }};
+    std::size_t buffer0_size = result[0].size();
+    result[0] = boost::asio::buffer(result[0] + total_consumed_, max_size);
+    result[1] = boost::asio::buffer(
+        result[1] + (total_consumed_ < buffer0_size
+          ? 0 : total_consumed_ - buffer0_size),
+        max_size - result[0].size());
+    return result;
+  }
+  // Consume the specified number of bytes from the buffers.
+  void consume(std::size_t size)
+  {
+    total_consumed_ += size;
+  }
+  // Get the total number of bytes consumed from the buffers.
+  std::size_t total_consumed() const
+  {
+    return total_consumed_;
+  }
+  std::array<Elem, 2> buffers_;
+  std::size_t total_consumed_;
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_ARRAY)
+// Specialisation for null_buffers to ensure that the null_buffers type is
+// always passed through to the underlying read or write operation.
+template <typename Buffer>
+class consuming_buffers<Buffer, null_buffers, const mutable_buffer*>
+  : public boost::asio::null_buffers
+  consuming_buffers(const null_buffers&)
+  {
+    // No-op.
+  }
+  bool empty()
+  {
+    return false;
+  }
+  null_buffers prepare(std::size_t)
+  {
+    return null_buffers();
+  }
+  void consume(std::size_t)
+  {
+    // No-op.
+  }
+  std::size_t total_consumed() const
+  {
+    return 0;
+  }
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 33 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// detail/cstddef.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <cstddef>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+using std::nullptr_t;
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_NULLPTR)
+struct nullptr_t {};
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_NULLPTR)
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost

+ 62 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+// detail/cstdint.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+# include <cstdint>
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_CSTDINT)
+# include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_CSTDINT)
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+using std::int16_t;
+using std::int_least16_t;
+using std::uint16_t;
+using std::uint_least16_t;
+using std::int32_t;
+using std::int_least32_t;
+using std::uint32_t;
+using std::uint_least32_t;
+using std::int64_t;
+using std::int_least64_t;
+using std::uint64_t;
+using std::uint_least64_t;
+using std::uintmax_t;
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_CSTDINT)
+using boost::int16_t;
+using boost::int_least16_t;
+using boost::uint16_t;
+using boost::uint_least16_t;
+using boost::int32_t;
+using boost::int_least32_t;
+using boost::uint32_t;
+using boost::uint_least32_t;
+using boost::int64_t;
+using boost::int_least64_t;
+using boost::uint64_t;
+using boost::uint_least64_t;
+using boost::uintmax_t;
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_CSTDINT)
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost

+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// detail/date_time_fwd.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace date_time {
+template<class T, class TimeSystem>
+class base_time;
+} // namespace date_time
+namespace posix_time {
+class ptime;
+} // namespace posix_time
+} // namespace boost

+ 280 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+// detail/deadline_timer_service.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/io_context.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/bind_handler.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/fenced_block.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/memory.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/noncopyable.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/socket_ops.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/socket_types.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/timer_queue.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/timer_queue_ptime.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/timer_scheduler.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/wait_handler.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/wait_op.hpp>
+# include <chrono>
+# include <thread>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS_RUNTIME)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+template <typename Time_Traits>
+class deadline_timer_service
+  : public service_base<deadline_timer_service<Time_Traits> >
+  // The time type.
+  typedef typename Time_Traits::time_type time_type;
+  // The duration type.
+  typedef typename Time_Traits::duration_type duration_type;
+  // The implementation type of the timer. This type is dependent on the
+  // underlying implementation of the timer service.
+  struct implementation_type
+    : private boost::asio::detail::noncopyable
+  {
+    time_type expiry;
+    bool might_have_pending_waits;
+    typename timer_queue<Time_Traits>::per_timer_data timer_data;
+  };
+  // Constructor.
+  deadline_timer_service(boost::asio::io_context& io_context)
+    : service_base<deadline_timer_service<Time_Traits> >(io_context),
+      scheduler_(boost::asio::use_service<timer_scheduler>(io_context))
+  {
+    scheduler_.init_task();
+    scheduler_.add_timer_queue(timer_queue_);
+  }
+  // Destructor.
+  ~deadline_timer_service()
+  {
+    scheduler_.remove_timer_queue(timer_queue_);
+  }
+  // Destroy all user-defined handler objects owned by the service.
+  void shutdown()
+  {
+  }
+  // Construct a new timer implementation.
+  void construct(implementation_type& impl)
+  {
+    impl.expiry = time_type();
+    impl.might_have_pending_waits = false;
+  }
+  // Destroy a timer implementation.
+  void destroy(implementation_type& impl)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec;
+    cancel(impl, ec);
+  }
+  // Move-construct a new serial port implementation.
+  void move_construct(implementation_type& impl,
+      implementation_type& other_impl)
+  {
+    scheduler_.move_timer(timer_queue_, impl.timer_data, other_impl.timer_data);
+    impl.expiry = other_impl.expiry;
+    other_impl.expiry = time_type();
+    impl.might_have_pending_waits = other_impl.might_have_pending_waits;
+    other_impl.might_have_pending_waits = false;
+  }
+  // Move-assign from another serial port implementation.
+  void move_assign(implementation_type& impl,
+      deadline_timer_service& other_service,
+      implementation_type& other_impl)
+  {
+    if (this != &other_service)
+      if (impl.might_have_pending_waits)
+        scheduler_.cancel_timer(timer_queue_, impl.timer_data);
+    other_service.scheduler_.move_timer(other_service.timer_queue_,
+        impl.timer_data, other_impl.timer_data);
+    impl.expiry = other_impl.expiry;
+    other_impl.expiry = time_type();
+    impl.might_have_pending_waits = other_impl.might_have_pending_waits;
+    other_impl.might_have_pending_waits = false;
+  }
+  // Cancel any asynchronous wait operations associated with the timer.
+  std::size_t cancel(implementation_type& impl, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    if (!impl.might_have_pending_waits)
+    {
+      ec = boost::system::error_code();
+      return 0;
+    }
+    BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_OPERATION((scheduler_.context(),
+          "deadline_timer", &impl, 0, "cancel"));
+    std::size_t count = scheduler_.cancel_timer(timer_queue_, impl.timer_data);
+    impl.might_have_pending_waits = false;
+    ec = boost::system::error_code();
+    return count;
+  }
+  // Cancels one asynchronous wait operation associated with the timer.
+  std::size_t cancel_one(implementation_type& impl,
+      boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    if (!impl.might_have_pending_waits)
+    {
+      ec = boost::system::error_code();
+      return 0;
+    }
+    BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_OPERATION((scheduler_.context(),
+          "deadline_timer", &impl, 0, "cancel_one"));
+    std::size_t count = scheduler_.cancel_timer(
+        timer_queue_, impl.timer_data, 1);
+    if (count == 0)
+      impl.might_have_pending_waits = false;
+    ec = boost::system::error_code();
+    return count;
+  }
+  // Get the expiry time for the timer as an absolute time.
+  time_type expiry(const implementation_type& impl) const
+  {
+    return impl.expiry;
+  }
+  // Get the expiry time for the timer as an absolute time.
+  time_type expires_at(const implementation_type& impl) const
+  {
+    return impl.expiry;
+  }
+  // Get the expiry time for the timer relative to now.
+  duration_type expires_from_now(const implementation_type& impl) const
+  {
+    return Time_Traits::subtract(this->expiry(impl), Time_Traits::now());
+  }
+  // Set the expiry time for the timer as an absolute time.
+  std::size_t expires_at(implementation_type& impl,
+      const time_type& expiry_time, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    std::size_t count = cancel(impl, ec);
+    impl.expiry = expiry_time;
+    ec = boost::system::error_code();
+    return count;
+  }
+  // Set the expiry time for the timer relative to now.
+  std::size_t expires_after(implementation_type& impl,
+      const duration_type& expiry_time, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return expires_at(impl,
+        Time_Traits::add(Time_Traits::now(), expiry_time), ec);
+  }
+  // Set the expiry time for the timer relative to now.
+  std::size_t expires_from_now(implementation_type& impl,
+      const duration_type& expiry_time, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    return expires_at(impl,
+        Time_Traits::add(Time_Traits::now(), expiry_time), ec);
+  }
+  // Perform a blocking wait on the timer.
+  void wait(implementation_type& impl, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    time_type now = Time_Traits::now();
+    ec = boost::system::error_code();
+    while (Time_Traits::less_than(now, impl.expiry) && !ec)
+    {
+      this->do_wait(Time_Traits::to_posix_duration(
+            Time_Traits::subtract(impl.expiry, now)), ec);
+      now = Time_Traits::now();
+    }
+  }
+  // Start an asynchronous wait on the timer.
+  template <typename Handler>
+  void async_wait(implementation_type& impl, Handler& handler)
+  {
+    // Allocate and construct an operation to wrap the handler.
+    typedef wait_handler<Handler> op;
+    typename op::ptr p = { boost::asio::detail::addressof(handler),
+      op::ptr::allocate(handler), 0 };
+    p.p = new (p.v) op(handler);
+    impl.might_have_pending_waits = true;
+    BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_CREATION((scheduler_.context(),
+          *p.p, "deadline_timer", &impl, 0, "async_wait"));
+    scheduler_.schedule_timer(timer_queue_, impl.expiry, impl.timer_data, p.p);
+    p.v = p.p = 0;
+  }
+  // Helper function to wait given a duration type. The duration type should
+  // either be of type boost::posix_time::time_duration, or implement the
+  // required subset of its interface.
+  template <typename Duration>
+  void do_wait(const Duration& timeout, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  {
+    std::this_thread::sleep_for(
+        std::chrono::seconds(timeout.total_seconds())
+        + std::chrono::microseconds(timeout.total_microseconds()));
+    ec = boost::system::error_code();
+    ::timeval tv;
+    tv.tv_sec = timeout.total_seconds();
+    tv.tv_usec = timeout.total_microseconds() % 1000000;
+    socket_ops::select(0, 0, 0, 0, &tv, ec);
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS_RUNTIME)
+  }
+  // The queue of timers.
+  timer_queue<Time_Traits> timer_queue_;
+  // The object that schedules and executes timers. Usually a reactor.
+  timer_scheduler& scheduler_;
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 38 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// detail/dependent_type.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+template <typename DependsOn, typename T>
+struct dependent_type
+  typedef T type;
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 123 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+// detail/descriptor_ops.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) \
+  && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
+#include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/socket_types.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+namespace descriptor_ops {
+// Descriptor state bits.
+  // The user wants a non-blocking descriptor.
+  user_set_non_blocking = 1,
+  // The descriptor has been set non-blocking.
+  internal_non_blocking = 2,
+  // Helper "state" used to determine whether the descriptor is non-blocking.
+  non_blocking = user_set_non_blocking | internal_non_blocking,
+  // The descriptor may have been dup()-ed.
+  possible_dup = 4
+typedef unsigned char state_type;
+template <typename ReturnType>
+inline ReturnType error_wrapper(ReturnType return_value,
+    boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  ec = boost::system::error_code(errno,
+      boost::asio::error::get_system_category());
+  return return_value;
+BOOST_ASIO_DECL int open(const char* path, int flags,
+    boost::system::error_code& ec);
+BOOST_ASIO_DECL int close(int d, state_type& state,
+    boost::system::error_code& ec);
+BOOST_ASIO_DECL bool set_user_non_blocking(int d,
+    state_type& state, bool value, boost::system::error_code& ec);
+BOOST_ASIO_DECL bool set_internal_non_blocking(int d,
+    state_type& state, bool value, boost::system::error_code& ec);
+typedef iovec buf;
+BOOST_ASIO_DECL std::size_t sync_read(int d, state_type state, buf* bufs,
+    std::size_t count, bool all_empty, boost::system::error_code& ec);
+BOOST_ASIO_DECL bool non_blocking_read(int d, buf* bufs, std::size_t count,
+    boost::system::error_code& ec, std::size_t& bytes_transferred);
+BOOST_ASIO_DECL std::size_t sync_write(int d, state_type state,
+    const buf* bufs, std::size_t count, bool all_empty,
+    boost::system::error_code& ec);
+BOOST_ASIO_DECL bool non_blocking_write(int d,
+    const buf* bufs, std::size_t count,
+    boost::system::error_code& ec, std::size_t& bytes_transferred);
+BOOST_ASIO_DECL int ioctl(int d, state_type& state, long cmd,
+    ioctl_arg_type* arg, boost::system::error_code& ec);
+BOOST_ASIO_DECL int fcntl(int d, int cmd, boost::system::error_code& ec);
+BOOST_ASIO_DECL int fcntl(int d, int cmd,
+    long arg, boost::system::error_code& ec);
+BOOST_ASIO_DECL int poll_read(int d,
+    state_type state, boost::system::error_code& ec);
+BOOST_ASIO_DECL int poll_write(int d,
+    state_type state, boost::system::error_code& ec);
+BOOST_ASIO_DECL int poll_error(int d,
+    state_type state, boost::system::error_code& ec);
+} // namespace descriptor_ops
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/detail/impl/descriptor_ops.ipp>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HEADER_ONLY)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+       //   && !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS_RUNTIME)
+       //   && !defined(__CYGWIN__)

+ 130 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+// detail/descriptor_read_op.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/bind_handler.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/buffer_sequence_adapter.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/descriptor_ops.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/fenced_block.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/handler_work.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/memory.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/reactor_op.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+template <typename MutableBufferSequence>
+class descriptor_read_op_base : public reactor_op
+  descriptor_read_op_base(int descriptor,
+      const MutableBufferSequence& buffers, func_type complete_func)
+    : reactor_op(&descriptor_read_op_base::do_perform, complete_func),
+      descriptor_(descriptor),
+      buffers_(buffers)
+  {
+  }
+  static status do_perform(reactor_op* base)
+  {
+    descriptor_read_op_base* o(static_cast<descriptor_read_op_base*>(base));
+    buffer_sequence_adapter<boost::asio::mutable_buffer,
+        MutableBufferSequence> bufs(o->buffers_);
+    status result = descriptor_ops::non_blocking_read(o->descriptor_,
+        bufs.buffers(), bufs.count(), o->ec_, o->bytes_transferred_)
+      ? done : not_done;
+    BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_REACTOR_OPERATION((*o, "non_blocking_read",
+          o->ec_, o->bytes_transferred_));
+    return result;
+  }
+  int descriptor_;
+  MutableBufferSequence buffers_;
+template <typename MutableBufferSequence, typename Handler>
+class descriptor_read_op
+  : public descriptor_read_op_base<MutableBufferSequence>
+  BOOST_ASIO_DEFINE_HANDLER_PTR(descriptor_read_op);
+  descriptor_read_op(int descriptor,
+      const MutableBufferSequence& buffers, Handler& handler)
+    : descriptor_read_op_base<MutableBufferSequence>(
+        descriptor, buffers, &descriptor_read_op::do_complete),
+      handler_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Handler)(handler))
+  {
+    handler_work<Handler>::start(handler_);
+  }
+  static void do_complete(void* owner, operation* base,
+      const boost::system::error_code& /*ec*/,
+      std::size_t /*bytes_transferred*/)
+  {
+    // Take ownership of the handler object.
+    descriptor_read_op* o(static_cast<descriptor_read_op*>(base));
+    ptr p = { boost::asio::detail::addressof(o->handler_), o, o };
+    handler_work<Handler> w(o->handler_);
+    // Make a copy of the handler so that the memory can be deallocated before
+    // the upcall is made. Even if we're not about to make an upcall, a
+    // sub-object of the handler may be the true owner of the memory associated
+    // with the handler. Consequently, a local copy of the handler is required
+    // to ensure that any owning sub-object remains valid until after we have
+    // deallocated the memory here.
+    detail::binder2<Handler, boost::system::error_code, std::size_t>
+      handler(o->handler_, o->ec_, o->bytes_transferred_);
+    p.h = boost::asio::detail::addressof(handler.handler_);
+    p.reset();
+    // Make the upcall if required.
+    if (owner)
+    {
+      fenced_block b(fenced_block::half);
+      BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_INVOCATION_BEGIN((handler.arg1_, handler.arg2_));
+      w.complete(handler, handler.handler_);
+    }
+  }
+  Handler handler_;
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)

+ 130 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+// detail/descriptor_write_op.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/bind_handler.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/buffer_sequence_adapter.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/descriptor_ops.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/fenced_block.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/handler_work.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/memory.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/reactor_op.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+template <typename ConstBufferSequence>
+class descriptor_write_op_base : public reactor_op
+  descriptor_write_op_base(int descriptor,
+      const ConstBufferSequence& buffers, func_type complete_func)
+    : reactor_op(&descriptor_write_op_base::do_perform, complete_func),
+      descriptor_(descriptor),
+      buffers_(buffers)
+  {
+  }
+  static status do_perform(reactor_op* base)
+  {
+    descriptor_write_op_base* o(static_cast<descriptor_write_op_base*>(base));
+    buffer_sequence_adapter<boost::asio::const_buffer,
+        ConstBufferSequence> bufs(o->buffers_);
+    status result = descriptor_ops::non_blocking_write(o->descriptor_,
+        bufs.buffers(), bufs.count(), o->ec_, o->bytes_transferred_)
+      ? done : not_done;
+    BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_REACTOR_OPERATION((*o, "non_blocking_write",
+          o->ec_, o->bytes_transferred_));
+    return result;
+  }
+  int descriptor_;
+  ConstBufferSequence buffers_;
+template <typename ConstBufferSequence, typename Handler>
+class descriptor_write_op
+  : public descriptor_write_op_base<ConstBufferSequence>
+  BOOST_ASIO_DEFINE_HANDLER_PTR(descriptor_write_op);
+  descriptor_write_op(int descriptor,
+      const ConstBufferSequence& buffers, Handler& handler)
+    : descriptor_write_op_base<ConstBufferSequence>(
+        descriptor, buffers, &descriptor_write_op::do_complete),
+      handler_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Handler)(handler))
+  {
+    handler_work<Handler>::start(handler_);
+  }
+  static void do_complete(void* owner, operation* base,
+      const boost::system::error_code& /*ec*/,
+      std::size_t /*bytes_transferred*/)
+  {
+    // Take ownership of the handler object.
+    descriptor_write_op* o(static_cast<descriptor_write_op*>(base));
+    ptr p = { boost::asio::detail::addressof(o->handler_), o, o };
+    handler_work<Handler> w(o->handler_);
+    // Make a copy of the handler so that the memory can be deallocated before
+    // the upcall is made. Even if we're not about to make an upcall, a
+    // sub-object of the handler may be the true owner of the memory associated
+    // with the handler. Consequently, a local copy of the handler is required
+    // to ensure that any owning sub-object remains valid until after we have
+    // deallocated the memory here.
+    detail::binder2<Handler, boost::system::error_code, std::size_t>
+      handler(o->handler_, o->ec_, o->bytes_transferred_);
+    p.h = boost::asio::detail::addressof(handler.handler_);
+    p.reset();
+    // Make the upcall if required.
+    if (owner)
+    {
+      fenced_block b(fenced_block::half);
+      BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_INVOCATION_BEGIN((handler.arg1_, handler.arg2_));
+      w.complete(handler, handler.handler_);
+    }
+  }
+  Handler handler_;
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)

+ 220 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+// detail/dev_poll_reactor.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <vector>
+#include <sys/devpoll.h>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/hash_map.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/limits.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/mutex.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/op_queue.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/reactor_op.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/reactor_op_queue.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/select_interrupter.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/socket_types.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/timer_queue_base.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/timer_queue_set.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/wait_op.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/execution_context.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+class dev_poll_reactor
+  : public execution_context_service_base<dev_poll_reactor>
+  enum op_types { read_op = 0, write_op = 1,
+    connect_op = 1, except_op = 2, max_ops = 3 };
+  // Per-descriptor data.
+  struct per_descriptor_data
+  {
+  };
+  // Constructor.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL dev_poll_reactor(boost::asio::execution_context& ctx);
+  // Destructor.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL ~dev_poll_reactor();
+  // Destroy all user-defined handler objects owned by the service.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void shutdown();
+  // Recreate internal descriptors following a fork.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void notify_fork(
+      boost::asio::execution_context::fork_event fork_ev);
+  // Initialise the task.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void init_task();
+  // Register a socket with the reactor. Returns 0 on success, system error
+  // code on failure.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL int register_descriptor(socket_type, per_descriptor_data&);
+  // Register a descriptor with an associated single operation. Returns 0 on
+  // success, system error code on failure.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL int register_internal_descriptor(
+      int op_type, socket_type descriptor,
+      per_descriptor_data& descriptor_data, reactor_op* op);
+  // Move descriptor registration from one descriptor_data object to another.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void move_descriptor(socket_type descriptor,
+      per_descriptor_data& target_descriptor_data,
+      per_descriptor_data& source_descriptor_data);
+  // Post a reactor operation for immediate completion.
+  void post_immediate_completion(reactor_op* op, bool is_continuation)
+  {
+    scheduler_.post_immediate_completion(op, is_continuation);
+  }
+  // Start a new operation. The reactor operation will be performed when the
+  // given descriptor is flagged as ready, or an error has occurred.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void start_op(int op_type, socket_type descriptor,
+      per_descriptor_data&, reactor_op* op,
+      bool is_continuation, bool allow_speculative);
+  // Cancel all operations associated with the given descriptor. The
+  // handlers associated with the descriptor will be invoked with the
+  // operation_aborted error.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void cancel_ops(socket_type descriptor, per_descriptor_data&);
+  // Cancel any operations that are running against the descriptor and remove
+  // its registration from the reactor. The reactor resources associated with
+  // the descriptor must be released by calling cleanup_descriptor_data.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void deregister_descriptor(socket_type descriptor,
+      per_descriptor_data&, bool closing);
+  // Remove the descriptor's registration from the reactor. The reactor
+  // resources associated with the descriptor must be released by calling
+  // cleanup_descriptor_data.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void deregister_internal_descriptor(
+      socket_type descriptor, per_descriptor_data&);
+  // Perform any post-deregistration cleanup tasks associated with the
+  // descriptor data.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void cleanup_descriptor_data(per_descriptor_data&);
+  // Add a new timer queue to the reactor.
+  template <typename Time_Traits>
+  void add_timer_queue(timer_queue<Time_Traits>& queue);
+  // Remove a timer queue from the reactor.
+  template <typename Time_Traits>
+  void remove_timer_queue(timer_queue<Time_Traits>& queue);
+  // Schedule a new operation in the given timer queue to expire at the
+  // specified absolute time.
+  template <typename Time_Traits>
+  void schedule_timer(timer_queue<Time_Traits>& queue,
+      const typename Time_Traits::time_type& time,
+      typename timer_queue<Time_Traits>::per_timer_data& timer, wait_op* op);
+  // Cancel the timer operations associated with the given token. Returns the
+  // number of operations that have been posted or dispatched.
+  template <typename Time_Traits>
+  std::size_t cancel_timer(timer_queue<Time_Traits>& queue,
+      typename timer_queue<Time_Traits>::per_timer_data& timer,
+      std::size_t max_cancelled = (std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max)());
+  // Move the timer operations associated with the given timer.
+  template <typename Time_Traits>
+  void move_timer(timer_queue<Time_Traits>& queue,
+      typename timer_queue<Time_Traits>::per_timer_data& target,
+      typename timer_queue<Time_Traits>::per_timer_data& source);
+  // Run /dev/poll once until interrupted or events are ready to be dispatched.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void run(long usec, op_queue<operation>& ops);
+  // Interrupt the select loop.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void interrupt();
+  // Create the /dev/poll file descriptor. Throws an exception if the descriptor
+  // cannot be created.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL static int do_dev_poll_create();
+  // Helper function to add a new timer queue.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void do_add_timer_queue(timer_queue_base& queue);
+  // Helper function to remove a timer queue.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void do_remove_timer_queue(timer_queue_base& queue);
+  // Get the timeout value for the /dev/poll DP_POLL operation. The timeout
+  // value is returned as a number of milliseconds. A return value of -1
+  // indicates that the poll should block indefinitely.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL int get_timeout(int msec);
+  // Cancel all operations associated with the given descriptor. The do_cancel
+  // function of the handler objects will be invoked. This function does not
+  // acquire the dev_poll_reactor's mutex.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void cancel_ops_unlocked(socket_type descriptor,
+      const boost::system::error_code& ec);
+  // Add a pending event entry for the given descriptor.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL ::pollfd& add_pending_event_change(int descriptor);
+  // The scheduler implementation used to post completions.
+  scheduler& scheduler_;
+  // Mutex to protect access to internal data.
+  boost::asio::detail::mutex mutex_;
+  // The /dev/poll file descriptor.
+  int dev_poll_fd_;
+  // Vector of /dev/poll events waiting to be written to the descriptor.
+  std::vector< ::pollfd> pending_event_changes_;
+  // Hash map to associate a descriptor with a pending event change index.
+  hash_map<int, std::size_t> pending_event_change_index_;
+  // The interrupter is used to break a blocking DP_POLL operation.
+  select_interrupter interrupter_;
+  // The queues of read, write and except operations.
+  reactor_op_queue<socket_type> op_queue_[max_ops];
+  // The timer queues.
+  timer_queue_set timer_queues_;
+  // Whether the service has been shut down.
+  bool shutdown_;
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/impl/dev_poll_reactor.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/detail/impl/dev_poll_reactor.ipp>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HEADER_ONLY)
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_DEV_POLL)

+ 268 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+// detail/epoll_reactor.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_EPOLL)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/atomic_count.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/conditionally_enabled_mutex.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/limits.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/object_pool.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/op_queue.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/reactor_op.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/select_interrupter.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/socket_types.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/timer_queue_base.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/timer_queue_set.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/wait_op.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/execution_context.hpp>
+# include <sys/timerfd.h>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_TIMERFD)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+class epoll_reactor
+  : public execution_context_service_base<epoll_reactor>
+  // The mutex type used by this reactor.
+  typedef conditionally_enabled_mutex mutex;
+  enum op_types { read_op = 0, write_op = 1,
+    connect_op = 1, except_op = 2, max_ops = 3 };
+  // Per-descriptor queues.
+  class descriptor_state : operation
+  {
+    friend class epoll_reactor;
+    friend class object_pool_access;
+    descriptor_state* next_;
+    descriptor_state* prev_;
+    mutex mutex_;
+    epoll_reactor* reactor_;
+    int descriptor_;
+    uint32_t registered_events_;
+    op_queue<reactor_op> op_queue_[max_ops];
+    bool try_speculative_[max_ops];
+    bool shutdown_;
+    BOOST_ASIO_DECL descriptor_state(bool locking);
+    void set_ready_events(uint32_t events) { task_result_ = events; }
+    void add_ready_events(uint32_t events) { task_result_ |= events; }
+    BOOST_ASIO_DECL operation* perform_io(uint32_t events);
+    BOOST_ASIO_DECL static void do_complete(
+        void* owner, operation* base,
+        const boost::system::error_code& ec, std::size_t bytes_transferred);
+  };
+  // Per-descriptor data.
+  typedef descriptor_state* per_descriptor_data;
+  // Constructor.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL epoll_reactor(boost::asio::execution_context& ctx);
+  // Destructor.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL ~epoll_reactor();
+  // Destroy all user-defined handler objects owned by the service.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void shutdown();
+  // Recreate internal descriptors following a fork.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void notify_fork(
+      boost::asio::execution_context::fork_event fork_ev);
+  // Initialise the task.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void init_task();
+  // Register a socket with the reactor. Returns 0 on success, system error
+  // code on failure.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL int register_descriptor(socket_type descriptor,
+      per_descriptor_data& descriptor_data);
+  // Register a descriptor with an associated single operation. Returns 0 on
+  // success, system error code on failure.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL int register_internal_descriptor(
+      int op_type, socket_type descriptor,
+      per_descriptor_data& descriptor_data, reactor_op* op);
+  // Move descriptor registration from one descriptor_data object to another.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void move_descriptor(socket_type descriptor,
+      per_descriptor_data& target_descriptor_data,
+      per_descriptor_data& source_descriptor_data);
+  // Post a reactor operation for immediate completion.
+  void post_immediate_completion(reactor_op* op, bool is_continuation)
+  {
+    scheduler_.post_immediate_completion(op, is_continuation);
+  }
+  // Start a new operation. The reactor operation will be performed when the
+  // given descriptor is flagged as ready, or an error has occurred.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void start_op(int op_type, socket_type descriptor,
+      per_descriptor_data& descriptor_data, reactor_op* op,
+      bool is_continuation, bool allow_speculative);
+  // Cancel all operations associated with the given descriptor. The
+  // handlers associated with the descriptor will be invoked with the
+  // operation_aborted error.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void cancel_ops(socket_type descriptor,
+      per_descriptor_data& descriptor_data);
+  // Cancel any operations that are running against the descriptor and remove
+  // its registration from the reactor. The reactor resources associated with
+  // the descriptor must be released by calling cleanup_descriptor_data.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void deregister_descriptor(socket_type descriptor,
+      per_descriptor_data& descriptor_data, bool closing);
+  // Remove the descriptor's registration from the reactor. The reactor
+  // resources associated with the descriptor must be released by calling
+  // cleanup_descriptor_data.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void deregister_internal_descriptor(
+      socket_type descriptor, per_descriptor_data& descriptor_data);
+  // Perform any post-deregistration cleanup tasks associated with the
+  // descriptor data.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void cleanup_descriptor_data(
+      per_descriptor_data& descriptor_data);
+  // Add a new timer queue to the reactor.
+  template <typename Time_Traits>
+  void add_timer_queue(timer_queue<Time_Traits>& timer_queue);
+  // Remove a timer queue from the reactor.
+  template <typename Time_Traits>
+  void remove_timer_queue(timer_queue<Time_Traits>& timer_queue);
+  // Schedule a new operation in the given timer queue to expire at the
+  // specified absolute time.
+  template <typename Time_Traits>
+  void schedule_timer(timer_queue<Time_Traits>& queue,
+      const typename Time_Traits::time_type& time,
+      typename timer_queue<Time_Traits>::per_timer_data& timer, wait_op* op);
+  // Cancel the timer operations associated with the given token. Returns the
+  // number of operations that have been posted or dispatched.
+  template <typename Time_Traits>
+  std::size_t cancel_timer(timer_queue<Time_Traits>& queue,
+      typename timer_queue<Time_Traits>::per_timer_data& timer,
+      std::size_t max_cancelled = (std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max)());
+  // Move the timer operations associated with the given timer.
+  template <typename Time_Traits>
+  void move_timer(timer_queue<Time_Traits>& queue,
+      typename timer_queue<Time_Traits>::per_timer_data& target,
+      typename timer_queue<Time_Traits>::per_timer_data& source);
+  // Run epoll once until interrupted or events are ready to be dispatched.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void run(long usec, op_queue<operation>& ops);
+  // Interrupt the select loop.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void interrupt();
+  // The hint to pass to epoll_create to size its data structures.
+  enum { epoll_size = 20000 };
+  // Create the epoll file descriptor. Throws an exception if the descriptor
+  // cannot be created.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL static int do_epoll_create();
+  // Create the timerfd file descriptor. Does not throw.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL static int do_timerfd_create();
+  // Allocate a new descriptor state object.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL descriptor_state* allocate_descriptor_state();
+  // Free an existing descriptor state object.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void free_descriptor_state(descriptor_state* s);
+  // Helper function to add a new timer queue.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void do_add_timer_queue(timer_queue_base& queue);
+  // Helper function to remove a timer queue.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void do_remove_timer_queue(timer_queue_base& queue);
+  // Called to recalculate and update the timeout.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void update_timeout();
+  // Get the timeout value for the epoll_wait call. The timeout value is
+  // returned as a number of milliseconds. A return value of -1 indicates
+  // that epoll_wait should block indefinitely.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL int get_timeout(int msec);
+  // Get the timeout value for the timer descriptor. The return value is the
+  // flag argument to be used when calling timerfd_settime.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL int get_timeout(itimerspec& ts);
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_TIMERFD)
+  // The scheduler implementation used to post completions.
+  scheduler& scheduler_;
+  // Mutex to protect access to internal data.
+  mutex mutex_;
+  // The interrupter is used to break a blocking epoll_wait call.
+  select_interrupter interrupter_;
+  // The epoll file descriptor.
+  int epoll_fd_;
+  // The timer file descriptor.
+  int timer_fd_;
+  // The timer queues.
+  timer_queue_set timer_queues_;
+  // Whether the service has been shut down.
+  bool shutdown_;
+  // Mutex to protect access to the registered descriptors.
+  mutex registered_descriptors_mutex_;
+  // Keep track of all registered descriptors.
+  object_pool<descriptor_state> registered_descriptors_;
+  // Helper class to do post-perform_io cleanup.
+  struct perform_io_cleanup_on_block_exit;
+  friend struct perform_io_cleanup_on_block_exit;
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/impl/epoll_reactor.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/detail/impl/epoll_reactor.ipp>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HEADER_ONLY)
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_EPOLL)

+ 50 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// detail/event.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/detail/null_event.hpp>
+#elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+# include <boost/asio/detail/win_event.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/detail/posix_event.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/detail/std_event.hpp>
+# error Only Windows, POSIX and std::condition_variable are supported!
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+typedef null_event event;
+#elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+typedef win_event event;
+typedef posix_event event;
+typedef std_event event;
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost

+ 85 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+// detail/eventfd_select_interrupter.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Copyright (c) 2008 Roelof Naude (roelof.naude at gmail dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+class eventfd_select_interrupter
+  // Constructor.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL eventfd_select_interrupter();
+  // Destructor.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL ~eventfd_select_interrupter();
+  // Recreate the interrupter's descriptors. Used after a fork.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void recreate();
+  // Interrupt the select call.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void interrupt();
+  // Reset the select interrupt. Returns true if the call was interrupted.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL bool reset();
+  // Get the read descriptor to be passed to select.
+  int read_descriptor() const
+  {
+    return read_descriptor_;
+  }
+  // Open the descriptors. Throws on error.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void open_descriptors();
+  // Close the descriptors.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void close_descriptors();
+  // The read end of a connection used to interrupt the select call. This file
+  // descriptor is passed to select such that when it is time to stop, a single
+  // 64bit value will be written on the other end of the connection and this
+  // descriptor will become readable.
+  int read_descriptor_;
+  // The write end of a connection used to interrupt the select call. A single
+  // 64bit non-zero value may be written to this to wake up the select which is
+  // waiting for the other end to become readable. This descriptor will only
+  // differ from the read descriptor when a pipe is used.
+  int write_descriptor_;
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/detail/impl/eventfd_select_interrupter.ipp>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HEADER_ONLY)
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_EVENTFD)

+ 86 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+// detail/executor_op.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/fenced_block.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/handler_alloc_helpers.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/handler_invoke_helpers.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/scheduler_operation.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+template <typename Handler, typename Alloc,
+    typename Operation = scheduler_operation>
+class executor_op : public Operation
+  template <typename H>
+  executor_op(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(H) h, const Alloc& allocator)
+    : Operation(&executor_op::do_complete),
+      handler_(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(H)(h)),
+      allocator_(allocator)
+  {
+  }
+  static void do_complete(void* owner, Operation* base,
+      const boost::system::error_code& /*ec*/,
+      std::size_t /*bytes_transferred*/)
+  {
+    // Take ownership of the handler object.
+    executor_op* o(static_cast<executor_op*>(base));
+    Alloc allocator(o->allocator_);
+    ptr p = { detail::addressof(allocator), o, o };
+    // Make a copy of the handler so that the memory can be deallocated before
+    // the upcall is made. Even if we're not about to make an upcall, a
+    // sub-object of the handler may be the true owner of the memory associated
+    // with the handler. Consequently, a local copy of the handler is required
+    // to ensure that any owning sub-object remains valid until after we have
+    // deallocated the memory here.
+    Handler handler(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Handler)(o->handler_));
+    p.reset();
+    // Make the upcall if required.
+    if (owner)
+    {
+      fenced_block b(fenced_block::half);
+      boost_asio_handler_invoke_helpers::invoke(handler, handler);
+    }
+  }
+  Handler handler_;
+  Alloc allocator_;
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 41 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+// detail/fd_set_adapter.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/posix_fd_set_adapter.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/win_fd_set_adapter.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+typedef win_fd_set_adapter fd_set_adapter;
+typedef posix_fd_set_adapter fd_set_adapter;
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS_RUNTIME)

+ 82 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+// detail/fenced_block.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_THREADS) \
+# include <boost/asio/detail/null_fenced_block.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/detail/std_fenced_block.hpp>
+#elif defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__)
+# include <boost/asio/detail/macos_fenced_block.hpp>
+#elif defined(__sun)
+# include <boost/asio/detail/solaris_fenced_block.hpp>
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__arm__) \
+  && !defined(__GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_4)
+# include <boost/asio/detail/gcc_arm_fenced_block.hpp>
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__hppa) || defined(__hppa__))
+# include <boost/asio/detail/gcc_hppa_fenced_block.hpp>
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__))
+# include <boost/asio/detail/gcc_x86_fenced_block.hpp>
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) \
+  && ((__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1) || (__GNUC__ > 4)) \
+  && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && !defined(__ICL) \
+  && !defined(__ICC) && !defined(__ECC) && !defined(__PATHSCALE__)
+# include <boost/asio/detail/gcc_sync_fenced_block.hpp>
+#elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) && !defined(UNDER_CE)
+# include <boost/asio/detail/win_fenced_block.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/detail/null_fenced_block.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+#if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_THREADS) \
+typedef null_fenced_block fenced_block;
+typedef std_fenced_block fenced_block;
+#elif defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__)
+typedef macos_fenced_block fenced_block;
+#elif defined(__sun)
+typedef solaris_fenced_block fenced_block;
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__arm__) \
+  && !defined(__GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_4)
+typedef gcc_arm_fenced_block fenced_block;
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__hppa) || defined(__hppa__))
+typedef gcc_hppa_fenced_block fenced_block;
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__))
+typedef gcc_x86_fenced_block fenced_block;
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) \
+  && ((__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1) || (__GNUC__ > 4)) \
+  && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && !defined(__ICL) \
+  && !defined(__ICC) && !defined(__ECC) && !defined(__PATHSCALE__)
+typedef gcc_sync_fenced_block fenced_block;
+#elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) && !defined(UNDER_CE)
+typedef win_fenced_block fenced_block;
+typedef null_fenced_block fenced_block;
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost

+ 40 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// detail/functional.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <functional>
+# include <boost/function.hpp>
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_FUNCTION)
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+using std::function;
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_FUNCTION)
+using boost::function;
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_STD_FUNCTION)
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost

+ 93 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+// detail/gcc_arm_fenced_block.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__arm__)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/noncopyable.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+class gcc_arm_fenced_block
+  : private noncopyable
+  enum half_t { half };
+  enum full_t { full };
+  // Constructor for a half fenced block.
+  explicit gcc_arm_fenced_block(half_t)
+  {
+  }
+  // Constructor for a full fenced block.
+  explicit gcc_arm_fenced_block(full_t)
+  {
+    barrier();
+  }
+  // Destructor.
+  ~gcc_arm_fenced_block()
+  {
+    barrier();
+  }
+  static void barrier()
+  {
+#if defined(__ARM_ARCH_4__) \
+    || defined(__ARM_ARCH_4T__) \
+    || defined(__ARM_ARCH_5__) \
+    || defined(__ARM_ARCH_5E__) \
+    || defined(__ARM_ARCH_5T__) \
+    || defined(__ARM_ARCH_5TE__) \
+    || defined(__ARM_ARCH_5TEJ__) \
+    || defined(__ARM_ARCH_6__) \
+    || defined(__ARM_ARCH_6J__) \
+    || defined(__ARM_ARCH_6K__) \
+    || defined(__ARM_ARCH_6Z__) \
+    || defined(__ARM_ARCH_6ZK__) \
+    || defined(__ARM_ARCH_6T2__)
+# if defined(__thumb__)
+    // This is just a placeholder and almost certainly not sufficient.
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("" : : : "memory");
+# else // defined(__thumb__)
+    int a = 0, b = 0;
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("swp %0, %1, [%2]"
+        : "=&r"(a) : "r"(1), "r"(&b) : "memory", "cc");
+# endif // defined(__thumb__)
+    // ARMv7 and later.
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("dmb" : : : "memory");
+  }
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+#endif // defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__arm__)

+ 70 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+// detail/gcc_hppa_fenced_block.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__hppa) || defined(__hppa__))
+#include <boost/asio/detail/noncopyable.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+class gcc_hppa_fenced_block
+  : private noncopyable
+  enum half_t { half };
+  enum full_t { full };
+  // Constructor for a half fenced block.
+  explicit gcc_hppa_fenced_block(half_t)
+  {
+  }
+  // Constructor for a full fenced block.
+  explicit gcc_hppa_fenced_block(full_t)
+  {
+    barrier();
+  }
+  // Destructor.
+  ~gcc_hppa_fenced_block()
+  {
+    barrier();
+  }
+  static void barrier()
+  {
+    // This is just a placeholder and almost certainly not sufficient.
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("" : : : "memory");
+  }
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+#endif // defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__hppa) || defined(__hppa__))

+ 67 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+// detail/gcc_sync_fenced_block.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#if defined(__GNUC__) \
+  && ((__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1) || (__GNUC__ > 4)) \
+  && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && !defined(__ICL) \
+  && !defined(__ICC) && !defined(__ECC) && !defined(__PATHSCALE__)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/noncopyable.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+class gcc_sync_fenced_block
+  : private noncopyable
+  enum half_or_full_t { half, full };
+  // Constructor.
+  explicit gcc_sync_fenced_block(half_or_full_t)
+    : value_(0)
+  {
+    __sync_lock_test_and_set(&value_, 1);
+  }
+  // Destructor.
+  ~gcc_sync_fenced_block()
+  {
+    __sync_lock_release(&value_);
+  }
+  int value_;
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+#endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+       // && ((__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1) || (__GNUC__ > 4))
+       // && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && !defined(__ICL)
+       // && !defined(__ICC) && !defined(__ECC) && !defined(__PATHSCALE__)

+ 101 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+// detail/gcc_x86_fenced_block.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__))
+#include <boost/asio/detail/noncopyable.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+class gcc_x86_fenced_block
+  : private noncopyable
+  enum half_t { half };
+  enum full_t { full };
+  // Constructor for a half fenced block.
+  explicit gcc_x86_fenced_block(half_t)
+  {
+  }
+  // Constructor for a full fenced block.
+  explicit gcc_x86_fenced_block(full_t)
+  {
+    lbarrier();
+  }
+  // Destructor.
+  ~gcc_x86_fenced_block()
+  {
+    sbarrier();
+  }
+  static int barrier()
+  {
+    int r = 0, m = 1;
+    __asm__ __volatile__ (
+        "xchgl %0, %1" :
+        "=r"(r), "=m"(m) :
+        "0"(1), "m"(m) :
+        "memory", "cc");
+    return r;
+  }
+  static void lbarrier()
+  {
+#if defined(__SSE2__)
+# if (__GNUC__ >= 4) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && !defined(__ICL)
+    __builtin_ia32_lfence();
+# else // (__GNUC__ >= 4) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && !defined(__ICL)
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("lfence" ::: "memory");
+# endif // (__GNUC__ >= 4) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && !defined(__ICL)
+#else // defined(__SSE2__)
+    barrier();
+#endif // defined(__SSE2__)
+  }
+  static void sbarrier()
+  {
+#if defined(__SSE2__)
+# if (__GNUC__ >= 4) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && !defined(__ICL)
+    __builtin_ia32_sfence();
+# else // (__GNUC__ >= 4) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && !defined(__ICL)
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("sfence" ::: "memory");
+# endif // (__GNUC__ >= 4) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && !defined(__ICL)
+#else // defined(__SSE2__)
+    barrier();
+#endif // defined(__SSE2__)
+  }
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+#endif // defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__))

+ 54 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+// detail/global.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/detail/null_global.hpp>
+#elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+# include <boost/asio/detail/win_global.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/detail/posix_global.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/detail/std_global.hpp>
+# error Only Windows, POSIX and std::call_once are supported!
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+template <typename T>
+inline T& global()
+  return null_global<T>();
+#elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+  return win_global<T>();
+  return posix_global<T>();
+  return std_global<T>();
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost

+ 237 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+// detail/handler_alloc_helpers.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/memory.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/noncopyable.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/recycling_allocator.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/associated_allocator.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/handler_alloc_hook.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+// Calls to asio_handler_allocate and asio_handler_deallocate must be made from
+// a namespace that does not contain any overloads of these functions. The
+// boost_asio_handler_alloc_helpers namespace is defined here for that purpose.
+namespace boost_asio_handler_alloc_helpers {
+template <typename Handler>
+inline void* allocate(std::size_t s, Handler& h)
+  return ::operator new(s);
+  using boost::asio::asio_handler_allocate;
+  return asio_handler_allocate(s, boost::asio::detail::addressof(h));
+template <typename Handler>
+inline void deallocate(void* p, std::size_t s, Handler& h)
+  ::operator delete(p);
+  using boost::asio::asio_handler_deallocate;
+  asio_handler_deallocate(p, s, boost::asio::detail::addressof(h));
+} // namespace boost_asio_handler_alloc_helpers
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+template <typename Handler, typename T>
+class hook_allocator
+  typedef T value_type;
+  template <typename U>
+  struct rebind
+  {
+    typedef hook_allocator<Handler, U> other;
+  };
+  explicit hook_allocator(Handler& h)
+    : handler_(h)
+  {
+  }
+  template <typename U>
+  hook_allocator(const hook_allocator<Handler, U>& a)
+    : handler_(a.handler_)
+  {
+  }
+  T* allocate(std::size_t n)
+  {
+    return static_cast<T*>(
+        boost_asio_handler_alloc_helpers::allocate(sizeof(T) * n, handler_));
+  }
+  void deallocate(T* p, std::size_t n)
+  {
+    boost_asio_handler_alloc_helpers::deallocate(p, sizeof(T) * n, handler_);
+  }
+  Handler& handler_;
+template <typename Handler>
+class hook_allocator<Handler, void>
+  typedef void value_type;
+  template <typename U>
+  struct rebind
+  {
+    typedef hook_allocator<Handler, U> other;
+  };
+  explicit hook_allocator(Handler& h)
+    : handler_(h)
+  {
+  }
+  template <typename U>
+  hook_allocator(const hook_allocator<Handler, U>& a)
+    : handler_(a.handler_)
+  {
+  }
+  Handler& handler_;
+template <typename Handler, typename Allocator>
+struct get_hook_allocator
+  typedef Allocator type;
+  static type get(Handler&, const Allocator& a)
+  {
+    return a;
+  }
+template <typename Handler, typename T>
+struct get_hook_allocator<Handler, std::allocator<T> >
+  typedef hook_allocator<Handler, T> type;
+  static type get(Handler& handler, const std::allocator<T>&)
+  {
+    return type(handler);
+  }
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+  struct ptr \
+  { \
+    Handler* h; \
+    op* v; \
+    op* p; \
+    ~ptr() \
+    { \
+      reset(); \
+    } \
+    static op* allocate(Handler& handler) \
+    { \
+      typedef typename ::boost::asio::associated_allocator< \
+        Handler>::type associated_allocator_type; \
+      typedef typename ::boost::asio::detail::get_hook_allocator< \
+        Handler, associated_allocator_type>::type hook_allocator_type; \
+      BOOST_ASIO_REBIND_ALLOC(hook_allocator_type, op) a( \
+            ::boost::asio::detail::get_hook_allocator< \
+              Handler, associated_allocator_type>::get( \
+                handler, ::boost::asio::get_associated_allocator(handler))); \
+      return a.allocate(1); \
+    } \
+    void reset() \
+    { \
+      if (p) \
+      { \
+        p->~op(); \
+        p = 0; \
+      } \
+      if (v) \
+      { \
+        typedef typename ::boost::asio::associated_allocator< \
+          Handler>::type associated_allocator_type; \
+        typedef typename ::boost::asio::detail::get_hook_allocator< \
+          Handler, associated_allocator_type>::type hook_allocator_type; \
+        BOOST_ASIO_REBIND_ALLOC(hook_allocator_type, op) a( \
+              ::boost::asio::detail::get_hook_allocator< \
+                Handler, associated_allocator_type>::get( \
+                  *h, ::boost::asio::get_associated_allocator(*h))); \
+        a.deallocate(static_cast<op*>(v), 1); \
+        v = 0; \
+      } \
+    } \
+  } \
+  /**/
+  struct ptr \
+  { \
+    const Alloc* a; \
+    void* v; \
+    op* p; \
+    ~ptr() \
+    { \
+      reset(); \
+    } \
+    static op* allocate(const Alloc& a) \
+    { \
+      typedef typename ::boost::asio::detail::get_recycling_allocator< \
+        Alloc>::type recycling_allocator_type; \
+      BOOST_ASIO_REBIND_ALLOC(recycling_allocator_type, op) a1( \
+            ::boost::asio::detail::get_recycling_allocator<Alloc>::get(a)); \
+      return a1.allocate(1); \
+    } \
+    void reset() \
+    { \
+      if (p) \
+      { \
+        p->~op(); \
+        p = 0; \
+      } \
+      if (v) \
+      { \
+        typedef typename ::boost::asio::detail::get_recycling_allocator< \
+          Alloc>::type recycling_allocator_type; \
+        BOOST_ASIO_REBIND_ALLOC(recycling_allocator_type, op) a1( \
+              ::boost::asio::detail::get_recycling_allocator<Alloc>::get(*a)); \
+        a1.deallocate(static_cast<op*>(v), 1); \
+        v = 0; \
+      } \
+    } \
+  } \
+  /**/
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 45 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// detail/handler_cont_helpers.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/memory.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/handler_continuation_hook.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+// Calls to asio_handler_is_continuation must be made from a namespace that
+// does not contain overloads of this function. This namespace is defined here
+// for that purpose.
+namespace boost_asio_handler_cont_helpers {
+template <typename Context>
+inline bool is_continuation(Context& context)
+  return false;
+  using boost::asio::asio_handler_is_continuation;
+  return asio_handler_is_continuation(
+      boost::asio::detail::addressof(context));
+} // namespace boost_asio_handler_cont_helpers
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 57 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+// detail/handler_invoke_helpers.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/memory.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/handler_invoke_hook.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+// Calls to asio_handler_invoke must be made from a namespace that does not
+// contain overloads of this function. The boost_asio_handler_invoke_helpers
+// namespace is defined here for that purpose.
+namespace boost_asio_handler_invoke_helpers {
+template <typename Function, typename Context>
+inline void invoke(Function& function, Context& context)
+  Function tmp(function);
+  tmp();
+  using boost::asio::asio_handler_invoke;
+  asio_handler_invoke(function, boost::asio::detail::addressof(context));
+template <typename Function, typename Context>
+inline void invoke(const Function& function, Context& context)
+  Function tmp(function);
+  tmp();
+  using boost::asio::asio_handler_invoke;
+  asio_handler_invoke(function, boost::asio::detail::addressof(context));
+} // namespace boost_asio_handler_invoke_helpers
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 242 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+// detail/handler_tracking.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+class execution_context;
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+# include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/detail/cstdint.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/detail/static_mutex.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/detail/tss_ptr.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+// The user-specified header must define the following macros:
+class handler_tracking
+  class completion;
+  // Base class for objects containing tracked handlers.
+  class tracked_handler
+  {
+  private:
+    // Only the handler_tracking class will have access to the id.
+    friend class handler_tracking;
+    friend class completion;
+    uint64_t id_;
+  protected:
+    // Constructor initialises with no id.
+    tracked_handler() : id_(0) {}
+    // Prevent deletion through this type.
+    ~tracked_handler() {}
+  };
+  // Initialise the tracking system.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL static void init();
+  // Record the creation of a tracked handler.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL static void creation(
+      execution_context& context, tracked_handler& h,
+      const char* object_type, void* object,
+      uintmax_t native_handle, const char* op_name);
+  class completion
+  {
+  public:
+    // Constructor records that handler is to be invoked with no arguments.
+    BOOST_ASIO_DECL explicit completion(const tracked_handler& h);
+    // Destructor records only when an exception is thrown from the handler, or
+    // if the memory is being freed without the handler having been invoked.
+    BOOST_ASIO_DECL ~completion();
+    // Records that handler is to be invoked with no arguments.
+    BOOST_ASIO_DECL void invocation_begin();
+    // Records that handler is to be invoked with one arguments.
+    BOOST_ASIO_DECL void invocation_begin(const boost::system::error_code& ec);
+    // Constructor records that handler is to be invoked with two arguments.
+    BOOST_ASIO_DECL void invocation_begin(
+        const boost::system::error_code& ec, std::size_t bytes_transferred);
+    // Constructor records that handler is to be invoked with two arguments.
+    BOOST_ASIO_DECL void invocation_begin(
+        const boost::system::error_code& ec, int signal_number);
+    // Constructor records that handler is to be invoked with two arguments.
+    BOOST_ASIO_DECL void invocation_begin(
+        const boost::system::error_code& ec, const char* arg);
+    // Record that handler invocation has ended.
+    BOOST_ASIO_DECL void invocation_end();
+  private:
+    friend class handler_tracking;
+    uint64_t id_;
+    bool invoked_;
+    completion* next_;
+  };
+  // Record an operation that is not directly associated with a handler.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL static void operation(execution_context& context,
+      const char* object_type, void* object,
+      uintmax_t native_handle, const char* op_name);
+  // Record that a descriptor has been registered with the reactor.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL static void reactor_registration(execution_context& context,
+      uintmax_t native_handle, uintmax_t registration);
+  // Record that a descriptor has been deregistered from the reactor.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL static void reactor_deregistration(execution_context& context,
+      uintmax_t native_handle, uintmax_t registration);
+  // Record a reactor-based operation that is associated with a handler.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL static void reactor_events(execution_context& context,
+      uintmax_t registration, unsigned events);
+  // Record a reactor-based operation that is associated with a handler.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL static void reactor_operation(
+      const tracked_handler& h, const char* op_name,
+      const boost::system::error_code& ec);
+  // Record a reactor-based operation that is associated with a handler.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL static void reactor_operation(
+      const tracked_handler& h, const char* op_name,
+      const boost::system::error_code& ec, std::size_t bytes_transferred);
+  // Write a line of output.
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL static void write_line(const char* format, ...);
+  struct tracking_state;
+  BOOST_ASIO_DECL static tracking_state* get_state();
+  : public boost::asio::detail::handler_tracking::tracked_handler
+  , public boost::asio::detail::handler_tracking::tracked_handler
+  boost::asio::detail::handler_tracking::init()
+  boost::asio::detail::handler_tracking::creation args
+  boost::asio::detail::handler_tracking::completion tracked_completion args
+  tracked_completion.invocation_begin args
+  tracked_completion.invocation_end()
+  boost::asio::detail::handler_tracking::operation args
+  boost::asio::detail::handler_tracking::reactor_registration args
+  boost::asio::detail::handler_tracking::reactor_deregistration args
+  boost::asio::detail::handler_tracking::reactor_events args
+  boost::asio::detail::handler_tracking::reactor_operation args
+# define BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_CREATION(args) (void)0
+# define BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_COMPLETION(args) (void)0
+# define BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_OPERATION(args) (void)0
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/detail/impl/handler_tracking.ipp>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HEADER_ONLY)

+ 558 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,558 @@
+// detail/handler_type_requirements.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+// Older versions of gcc have difficulty compiling the sizeof expressions where
+// we test the handler type requirements. We'll disable checking of handler type
+// requirements for those compilers, but otherwise enable it by default.
+# if !defined(__GNUC__) || (__GNUC__ >= 4)
+# endif // !defined(__GNUC__) || (__GNUC__ >= 4)
+// With C++0x we can use a combination of enhanced SFINAE and static_assert to
+// generate better template error messages. As this technique is not yet widely
+// portable, we'll only enable it for tested compilers.
+# if defined(__GNUC__)
+#  if ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+#   if defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#   endif // defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
+#  endif // ((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5)) || (__GNUC__ > 4)
+# endif // defined(__GNUC__)
+# if defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+#  if (_MSC_VER >= 1600)
+#  endif // (_MSC_VER >= 1600)
+# endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_MSVC)
+# if defined(__clang__)
+#  if __has_feature(__cxx_static_assert__)
+#  endif // __has_feature(cxx_static_assert)
+# endif // defined(__clang__)
+# include <boost/asio/async_result.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+template <typename Handler>
+auto zero_arg_copyable_handler_test(Handler h, void*)
+  -> decltype(
+    sizeof(Handler(static_cast<const Handler&>(h))),
+    ((h)()),
+    char(0));
+template <typename Handler>
+char (&zero_arg_copyable_handler_test(Handler, ...))[2];
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1>
+auto one_arg_handler_test(Handler h, Arg1* a1)
+  -> decltype(
+    sizeof(Handler(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Handler)(h))),
+    ((h)(*a1)),
+    char(0));
+template <typename Handler>
+char (&one_arg_handler_test(Handler h, ...))[2];
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
+auto two_arg_handler_test(Handler h, Arg1* a1, Arg2* a2)
+  -> decltype(
+    sizeof(Handler(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Handler)(h))),
+    ((h)(*a1, *a2)),
+    char(0));
+template <typename Handler>
+char (&two_arg_handler_test(Handler, ...))[2];
+template <typename Handler, typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
+auto two_arg_move_handler_test(Handler h, Arg1* a1, Arg2* a2)
+  -> decltype(
+    sizeof(Handler(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Handler)(h))),
+    ((h)(*a1, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Arg2)(*a2))),
+    char(0));
+template <typename Handler>
+char (&two_arg_move_handler_test(Handler, ...))[2];
+     static_assert(expr, msg);
+template <typename T> T& lvref();
+template <typename T> T& lvref(T);
+template <typename T> const T& clvref();
+template <typename T> const T& clvref(T);
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+template <typename T> T rvref();
+template <typename T> T rvref(T);
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+template <typename T> const T& rvref();
+template <typename T> const T& rvref(T);
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_MOVE)
+template <typename T> char argbyv(T);
+template <int>
+struct handler_type_requirements
+    handler_type, handler) \
+  \
+  typedef BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_TYPE(handler_type, \
+      void()) asio_true_handler_type; \
+  \
+      sizeof(boost::asio::detail::zero_arg_copyable_handler_test( \
+          boost::asio::detail::clvref< \
+            asio_true_handler_type>(), 0)) == 1, \
+      "CompletionHandler type requirements not met") \
+  \
+  typedef boost::asio::detail::handler_type_requirements< \
+      sizeof( \
+        boost::asio::detail::argbyv( \
+          boost::asio::detail::clvref< \
+            asio_true_handler_type>())) + \
+      sizeof( \
+        boost::asio::detail::lvref< \
+          asio_true_handler_type>()(), \
+        char(0))> BOOST_ASIO_UNUSED_TYPEDEF
+    handler_type, handler) \
+  \
+  typedef BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_TYPE(handler_type, \
+      void(boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)) \
+    asio_true_handler_type; \
+  \
+      sizeof(boost::asio::detail::two_arg_handler_test( \
+          boost::asio::detail::rvref< \
+            asio_true_handler_type>(), \
+          static_cast<const boost::system::error_code*>(0), \
+          static_cast<const std::size_t*>(0))) == 1, \
+      "ReadHandler type requirements not met") \
+  \
+  typedef boost::asio::detail::handler_type_requirements< \
+      sizeof( \
+        boost::asio::detail::argbyv( \
+          boost::asio::detail::rvref< \
+            asio_true_handler_type>())) + \
+      sizeof( \
+        boost::asio::detail::lvref< \
+          asio_true_handler_type>()( \
+            boost::asio::detail::lvref<const boost::system::error_code>(), \
+            boost::asio::detail::lvref<const std::size_t>()), \
+        char(0))> BOOST_ASIO_UNUSED_TYPEDEF
+    handler_type, handler) \
+  \
+  typedef BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_TYPE(handler_type, \
+      void(boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)) \
+    asio_true_handler_type; \
+  \
+      sizeof(boost::asio::detail::two_arg_handler_test( \
+          boost::asio::detail::rvref< \
+            asio_true_handler_type>(), \
+          static_cast<const boost::system::error_code*>(0), \
+          static_cast<const std::size_t*>(0))) == 1, \
+      "WriteHandler type requirements not met") \
+  \
+  typedef boost::asio::detail::handler_type_requirements< \
+      sizeof( \
+        boost::asio::detail::argbyv( \
+          boost::asio::detail::rvref< \
+            asio_true_handler_type>())) + \
+      sizeof( \
+        boost::asio::detail::lvref< \
+          asio_true_handler_type>()( \
+            boost::asio::detail::lvref<const boost::system::error_code>(), \
+            boost::asio::detail::lvref<const std::size_t>()), \
+        char(0))> BOOST_ASIO_UNUSED_TYPEDEF
+    handler_type, handler) \
+  \
+  typedef BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_TYPE(handler_type, \
+      void(boost::system::error_code)) \
+    asio_true_handler_type; \
+  \
+      sizeof(boost::asio::detail::one_arg_handler_test( \
+          boost::asio::detail::rvref< \
+            asio_true_handler_type>(), \
+          static_cast<const boost::system::error_code*>(0))) == 1, \
+      "AcceptHandler type requirements not met") \
+  \
+  typedef boost::asio::detail::handler_type_requirements< \
+      sizeof( \
+        boost::asio::detail::argbyv( \
+          boost::asio::detail::rvref< \
+            asio_true_handler_type>())) + \
+      sizeof( \
+        boost::asio::detail::lvref< \
+          asio_true_handler_type>()( \
+            boost::asio::detail::lvref<const boost::system::error_code>()), \
+        char(0))> BOOST_ASIO_UNUSED_TYPEDEF
+    handler_type, handler, socket_type) \
+  \
+  typedef BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_TYPE(handler_type, \
+      void(boost::system::error_code, socket_type)) \
+    asio_true_handler_type; \
+  \
+      sizeof(boost::asio::detail::two_arg_move_handler_test( \
+          boost::asio::detail::rvref< \
+            asio_true_handler_type>(), \
+          static_cast<const boost::system::error_code*>(0), \
+          static_cast<socket_type*>(0))) == 1, \
+      "MoveAcceptHandler type requirements not met") \
+  \
+  typedef boost::asio::detail::handler_type_requirements< \
+      sizeof( \
+        boost::asio::detail::argbyv( \
+          boost::asio::detail::rvref< \
+            asio_true_handler_type>())) + \
+      sizeof( \
+        boost::asio::detail::lvref< \
+          asio_true_handler_type>()( \
+            boost::asio::detail::lvref<const boost::system::error_code>(), \
+            boost::asio::detail::rvref<socket_type>()), \
+        char(0))> BOOST_ASIO_UNUSED_TYPEDEF
+    handler_type, handler) \
+  \
+  typedef BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_TYPE(handler_type, \
+      void(boost::system::error_code)) \
+    asio_true_handler_type; \
+  \
+      sizeof(boost::asio::detail::one_arg_handler_test( \
+          boost::asio::detail::rvref< \
+            asio_true_handler_type>(), \
+          static_cast<const boost::system::error_code*>(0))) == 1, \
+      "ConnectHandler type requirements not met") \
+  \
+  typedef boost::asio::detail::handler_type_requirements< \
+      sizeof( \
+        boost::asio::detail::argbyv( \
+          boost::asio::detail::rvref< \
+            asio_true_handler_type>())) + \
+      sizeof( \
+        boost::asio::detail::lvref< \
+          asio_true_handler_type>()( \
+            boost::asio::detail::lvref<const boost::system::error_code>()), \
+        char(0))> BOOST_ASIO_UNUSED_TYPEDEF
+    handler_type, handler, endpoint_type) \
+  \
+  typedef BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_TYPE(handler_type, \
+      void(boost::system::error_code, endpoint_type)) \
+    asio_true_handler_type; \
+  \
+      sizeof(boost::asio::detail::two_arg_handler_test( \
+          boost::asio::detail::rvref< \
+            asio_true_handler_type>(), \
+          static_cast<const boost::system::error_code*>(0), \
+          static_cast<const endpoint_type*>(0))) == 1, \
+      "RangeConnectHandler type requirements not met") \
+  \
+  typedef boost::asio::detail::handler_type_requirements< \
+      sizeof( \
+        boost::asio::detail::argbyv( \
+          boost::asio::detail::rvref< \
+            asio_true_handler_type>())) + \
+      sizeof( \
+        boost::asio::detail::lvref< \
+          asio_true_handler_type>()( \
+            boost::asio::detail::lvref<const boost::system::error_code>(), \
+            boost::asio::detail::lvref<const endpoint_type>()), \
+        char(0))> BOOST_ASIO_UNUSED_TYPEDEF
+    handler_type, handler, iter_type) \
+  \
+  typedef BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_TYPE(handler_type, \
+      void(boost::system::error_code, iter_type)) \
+    asio_true_handler_type; \
+  \
+      sizeof(boost::asio::detail::two_arg_handler_test( \
+          boost::asio::detail::rvref< \
+            asio_true_handler_type>(), \
+          static_cast<const boost::system::error_code*>(0), \
+          static_cast<const iter_type*>(0))) == 1, \
+      "IteratorConnectHandler type requirements not met") \
+  \
+  typedef boost::asio::detail::handler_type_requirements< \
+      sizeof( \
+        boost::asio::detail::argbyv( \
+          boost::asio::detail::rvref< \
+            asio_true_handler_type>())) + \
+      sizeof( \
+        boost::asio::detail::lvref< \
+          asio_true_handler_type>()( \
+            boost::asio::detail::lvref<const boost::system::error_code>(), \
+            boost::asio::detail::lvref<const iter_type>()), \
+        char(0))> BOOST_ASIO_UNUSED_TYPEDEF
+    handler_type, handler, range_type) \
+  \
+  typedef BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_TYPE(handler_type, \
+      void(boost::system::error_code, range_type)) \
+    asio_true_handler_type; \
+  \
+      sizeof(boost::asio::detail::two_arg_handler_test( \
+          boost::asio::detail::rvref< \
+            asio_true_handler_type>(), \
+          static_cast<const boost::system::error_code*>(0), \
+          static_cast<const range_type*>(0))) == 1, \
+      "ResolveHandler type requirements not met") \
+  \
+  typedef boost::asio::detail::handler_type_requirements< \
+      sizeof( \
+        boost::asio::detail::argbyv( \
+          boost::asio::detail::rvref< \
+            asio_true_handler_type>())) + \
+      sizeof( \
+        boost::asio::detail::lvref< \
+          asio_true_handler_type>()( \
+            boost::asio::detail::lvref<const boost::system::error_code>(), \
+            boost::asio::detail::lvref<const range_type>()), \
+        char(0))> BOOST_ASIO_UNUSED_TYPEDEF
+    handler_type, handler) \
+  \
+  typedef BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_TYPE(handler_type, \
+      void(boost::system::error_code)) \
+    asio_true_handler_type; \
+  \
+      sizeof(boost::asio::detail::one_arg_handler_test( \
+          boost::asio::detail::rvref< \
+            asio_true_handler_type>(), \
+          static_cast<const boost::system::error_code*>(0))) == 1, \
+      "WaitHandler type requirements not met") \
+  \
+  typedef boost::asio::detail::handler_type_requirements< \
+      sizeof( \
+        boost::asio::detail::argbyv( \
+          boost::asio::detail::rvref< \
+            asio_true_handler_type>())) + \
+      sizeof( \
+        boost::asio::detail::lvref< \
+          asio_true_handler_type>()( \
+            boost::asio::detail::lvref<const boost::system::error_code>()), \
+        char(0))> BOOST_ASIO_UNUSED_TYPEDEF
+    handler_type, handler) \
+  \
+  typedef BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_TYPE(handler_type, \
+      void(boost::system::error_code, int)) \
+    asio_true_handler_type; \
+  \
+      sizeof(boost::asio::detail::two_arg_handler_test( \
+          boost::asio::detail::rvref< \
+            asio_true_handler_type>(), \
+          static_cast<const boost::system::error_code*>(0), \
+          static_cast<const int*>(0))) == 1, \
+      "SignalHandler type requirements not met") \
+  \
+  typedef boost::asio::detail::handler_type_requirements< \
+      sizeof( \
+        boost::asio::detail::argbyv( \
+          boost::asio::detail::rvref< \
+            asio_true_handler_type>())) + \
+      sizeof( \
+        boost::asio::detail::lvref< \
+          asio_true_handler_type>()( \
+            boost::asio::detail::lvref<const boost::system::error_code>(), \
+            boost::asio::detail::lvref<const int>()), \
+        char(0))> BOOST_ASIO_UNUSED_TYPEDEF
+    handler_type, handler) \
+  \
+  typedef BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_TYPE(handler_type, \
+      void(boost::system::error_code)) \
+    asio_true_handler_type; \
+  \
+      sizeof(boost::asio::detail::one_arg_handler_test( \
+          boost::asio::detail::rvref< \
+            asio_true_handler_type>(), \
+          static_cast<const boost::system::error_code*>(0))) == 1, \
+      "HandshakeHandler type requirements not met") \
+  \
+  typedef boost::asio::detail::handler_type_requirements< \
+      sizeof( \
+        boost::asio::detail::argbyv( \
+          boost::asio::detail::rvref< \
+            asio_true_handler_type>())) + \
+      sizeof( \
+        boost::asio::detail::lvref< \
+          asio_true_handler_type>()( \
+            boost::asio::detail::lvref<const boost::system::error_code>()), \
+        char(0))> BOOST_ASIO_UNUSED_TYPEDEF
+    handler_type, handler) \
+  \
+  typedef BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_TYPE(handler_type, \
+      void(boost::system::error_code, std::size_t)) \
+    asio_true_handler_type; \
+  \
+      sizeof(boost::asio::detail::two_arg_handler_test( \
+          boost::asio::detail::rvref< \
+            asio_true_handler_type>(), \
+          static_cast<const boost::system::error_code*>(0), \
+          static_cast<const std::size_t*>(0))) == 1, \
+      "BufferedHandshakeHandler type requirements not met") \
+  \
+  typedef boost::asio::detail::handler_type_requirements< \
+      sizeof( \
+        boost::asio::detail::argbyv( \
+          boost::asio::detail::rvref< \
+            asio_true_handler_type>())) + \
+      sizeof( \
+        boost::asio::detail::lvref< \
+          asio_true_handler_type>()( \
+          boost::asio::detail::lvref<const boost::system::error_code>(), \
+          boost::asio::detail::lvref<const std::size_t>()), \
+        char(0))> BOOST_ASIO_UNUSED_TYPEDEF
+    handler_type, handler) \
+  \
+  typedef BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_TYPE(handler_type, \
+      void(boost::system::error_code)) \
+    asio_true_handler_type; \
+  \
+      sizeof(boost::asio::detail::one_arg_handler_test( \
+          boost::asio::detail::rvref< \
+            asio_true_handler_type>(), \
+          static_cast<const boost::system::error_code*>(0))) == 1, \
+      "ShutdownHandler type requirements not met") \
+  \
+  typedef boost::asio::detail::handler_type_requirements< \
+      sizeof( \
+        boost::asio::detail::argbyv( \
+          boost::asio::detail::rvref< \
+            asio_true_handler_type>())) + \
+      sizeof( \
+        boost::asio::detail::lvref< \
+          asio_true_handler_type>()( \
+            boost::asio::detail::lvref<const boost::system::error_code>()), \
+        char(0))> BOOST_ASIO_UNUSED_TYPEDEF
+    handler_type, handler) \
+    handler_type, handler) \
+    handler_type, handler) \
+    handler_type, handler) \
+    handler_type, handler, socket_type) \
+    handler_type, handler) \
+    handler_type, handler, iter_type) \
+    handler_type, handler, iter_type) \
+    handler_type, handler, iter_type) \
+    handler_type, handler) \
+    handler_type, handler) \
+    handler_type, handler) \
+    handler_type, handler) \
+    handler_type, handler) \
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost

+ 97 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+// detail/handler_work.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/associated_executor.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/handler_invoke_helpers.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+// A helper class template to allow completion handlers to be dispatched
+// through either the new executors framework or the old invocaton hook. The
+// primary template uses the new executors framework.
+template <typename Handler, typename Executor
+    = typename associated_executor<Handler>::type>
+class handler_work
+  explicit handler_work(Handler& handler) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+    : executor_(associated_executor<Handler>::get(handler))
+  {
+  }
+  static void start(Handler& handler) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT
+  {
+    Executor ex(associated_executor<Handler>::get(handler));
+    ex.on_work_started();
+  }
+  ~handler_work()
+  {
+    executor_.on_work_finished();
+  }
+  template <typename Function>
+  void complete(Function& function, Handler& handler)
+  {
+    executor_.dispatch(BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(Function)(function),
+        associated_allocator<Handler>::get(handler));
+  }
+  // Disallow copying and assignment.
+  handler_work(const handler_work&);
+  handler_work& operator=(const handler_work&);
+  typename associated_executor<Handler>::type executor_;
+// This specialisation dispatches a handler through the old invocation hook.
+// The specialisation is not strictly required for correctness, as the
+// system_executor will dispatch through the hook anyway. However, by doing
+// this we avoid an extra copy of the handler.
+template <typename Handler>
+class handler_work<Handler, system_executor>
+  explicit handler_work(Handler&) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT {}
+  static void start(Handler&) BOOST_ASIO_NOEXCEPT {}
+  ~handler_work() {}
+  template <typename Function>
+  void complete(Function& function, Handler& handler)
+  {
+    boost_asio_handler_invoke_helpers::invoke(function, handler);
+  }
+  // Disallow copying and assignment.
+  handler_work(const handler_work&);
+  handler_work& operator=(const handler_work&);
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 333 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+// detail/hash_map.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <list>
+#include <utility>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/assert.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/noncopyable.hpp>
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+# include <boost/asio/detail/socket_types.hpp>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+inline std::size_t calculate_hash_value(int i)
+  return static_cast<std::size_t>(i);
+inline std::size_t calculate_hash_value(void* p)
+  return reinterpret_cast<std::size_t>(p)
+    + (reinterpret_cast<std::size_t>(p) >> 3);
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+inline std::size_t calculate_hash_value(SOCKET s)
+  return static_cast<std::size_t>(s);
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+// Note: assumes K and V are POD types.
+template <typename K, typename V>
+class hash_map
+  : private noncopyable
+  // The type of a value in the map.
+  typedef std::pair<K, V> value_type;
+  // The type of a non-const iterator over the hash map.
+  typedef typename std::list<value_type>::iterator iterator;
+  // The type of a const iterator over the hash map.
+  typedef typename std::list<value_type>::const_iterator const_iterator;
+  // Constructor.
+  hash_map()
+    : size_(0),
+      buckets_(0),
+      num_buckets_(0)
+  {
+  }
+  // Destructor.
+  ~hash_map()
+  {
+    delete[] buckets_;
+  }
+  // Get an iterator for the beginning of the map.
+  iterator begin()
+  {
+    return values_.begin();
+  }
+  // Get an iterator for the beginning of the map.
+  const_iterator begin() const
+  {
+    return values_.begin();
+  }
+  // Get an iterator for the end of the map.
+  iterator end()
+  {
+    return values_.end();
+  }
+  // Get an iterator for the end of the map.
+  const_iterator end() const
+  {
+    return values_.end();
+  }
+  // Check whether the map is empty.
+  bool empty() const
+  {
+    return values_.empty();
+  }
+  // Find an entry in the map.
+  iterator find(const K& k)
+  {
+    if (num_buckets_)
+    {
+      size_t bucket = calculate_hash_value(k) % num_buckets_;
+      iterator it = buckets_[bucket].first;
+      if (it == values_.end())
+        return values_.end();
+      iterator end_it = buckets_[bucket].last;
+      ++end_it;
+      while (it != end_it)
+      {
+        if (it->first == k)
+          return it;
+        ++it;
+      }
+    }
+    return values_.end();
+  }
+  // Find an entry in the map.
+  const_iterator find(const K& k) const
+  {
+    if (num_buckets_)
+    {
+      size_t bucket = calculate_hash_value(k) % num_buckets_;
+      const_iterator it = buckets_[bucket].first;
+      if (it == values_.end())
+        return it;
+      const_iterator end_it = buckets_[bucket].last;
+      ++end_it;
+      while (it != end_it)
+      {
+        if (it->first == k)
+          return it;
+        ++it;
+      }
+    }
+    return values_.end();
+  }
+  // Insert a new entry into the map.
+  std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(const value_type& v)
+  {
+    if (size_ + 1 >= num_buckets_)
+      rehash(hash_size(size_ + 1));
+    size_t bucket = calculate_hash_value(v.first) % num_buckets_;
+    iterator it = buckets_[bucket].first;
+    if (it == values_.end())
+    {
+      buckets_[bucket].first = buckets_[bucket].last =
+        values_insert(values_.end(), v);
+      ++size_;
+      return std::pair<iterator, bool>(buckets_[bucket].last, true);
+    }
+    iterator end_it = buckets_[bucket].last;
+    ++end_it;
+    while (it != end_it)
+    {
+      if (it->first == v.first)
+        return std::pair<iterator, bool>(it, false);
+      ++it;
+    }
+    buckets_[bucket].last = values_insert(end_it, v);
+    ++size_;
+    return std::pair<iterator, bool>(buckets_[bucket].last, true);
+  }
+  // Erase an entry from the map.
+  void erase(iterator it)
+  {
+    BOOST_ASIO_ASSERT(it != values_.end());
+    BOOST_ASIO_ASSERT(num_buckets_ != 0);
+    size_t bucket = calculate_hash_value(it->first) % num_buckets_;
+    bool is_first = (it == buckets_[bucket].first);
+    bool is_last = (it == buckets_[bucket].last);
+    if (is_first && is_last)
+      buckets_[bucket].first = buckets_[bucket].last = values_.end();
+    else if (is_first)
+      ++buckets_[bucket].first;
+    else if (is_last)
+      --buckets_[bucket].last;
+    values_erase(it);
+    --size_;
+  }
+  // Erase a key from the map.
+  void erase(const K& k)
+  {
+    iterator it = find(k);
+    if (it != values_.end())
+      erase(it);
+  }
+  // Remove all entries from the map.
+  void clear()
+  {
+    // Clear the values.
+    values_.clear();
+    size_ = 0;
+    // Initialise all buckets to empty.
+    iterator end_it = values_.end();
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_buckets_; ++i)
+      buckets_[i].first = buckets_[i].last = end_it;
+  }
+  // Calculate the hash size for the specified number of elements.
+  static std::size_t hash_size(std::size_t num_elems)
+  {
+    static std::size_t sizes[] =
+    {
+      3, 13, 23, 53, 97, 193, 389, 769, 1543, 3079, 6151, 12289, 24593,
+      49157, 98317, 196613, 393241, 786433, 1572869, 3145739, 6291469,
+      12582917, 25165843
+    };
+    const std::size_t nth_size = sizeof(sizes) / sizeof(std::size_t) - 1;
+    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nth_size; ++i)
+      if (num_elems < sizes[i])
+        return sizes[i];
+    return sizes[nth_size];
+  }
+  // Re-initialise the hash from the values already contained in the list.
+  void rehash(std::size_t num_buckets)
+  {
+    if (num_buckets == num_buckets_)
+      return;
+    BOOST_ASIO_ASSERT(num_buckets != 0);
+    iterator end_iter = values_.end();
+    // Update number of buckets and initialise all buckets to empty.
+    bucket_type* tmp = new bucket_type[num_buckets];
+    delete[] buckets_;
+    buckets_ = tmp;
+    num_buckets_ = num_buckets;
+    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_buckets_; ++i)
+      buckets_[i].first = buckets_[i].last = end_iter;
+    // Put all values back into the hash.
+    iterator iter = values_.begin();
+    while (iter != end_iter)
+    {
+      std::size_t bucket = calculate_hash_value(iter->first) % num_buckets_;
+      if (buckets_[bucket].last == end_iter)
+      {
+        buckets_[bucket].first = buckets_[bucket].last = iter++;
+      }
+      else if (++buckets_[bucket].last == iter)
+      {
+        ++iter;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        values_.splice(buckets_[bucket].last, values_, iter++);
+        --buckets_[bucket].last;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Insert an element into the values list by splicing from the spares list,
+  // if a spare is available, and otherwise by inserting a new element.
+  iterator values_insert(iterator it, const value_type& v)
+  {
+    if (spares_.empty())
+    {
+      return values_.insert(it, v);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      spares_.front() = v;
+      values_.splice(it, spares_, spares_.begin());
+      return --it;
+    }
+  }
+  // Erase an element from the values list by splicing it to the spares list.
+  void values_erase(iterator it)
+  {
+    *it = value_type();
+    spares_.splice(spares_.begin(), values_, it);
+  }
+  // The number of elements in the hash.
+  std::size_t size_;
+  // The list of all values in the hash map.
+  std::list<value_type> values_;
+  // The list of spare nodes waiting to be recycled. Assumes that POD types only
+  // are stored in the hash map.
+  std::list<value_type> spares_;
+  // The type for a bucket in the hash table.
+  struct bucket_type
+  {
+    iterator first;
+    iterator last;
+  };
+  // The buckets in the hash.
+  bucket_type* buckets_;
+  // The number of buckets in the hash.
+  std::size_t num_buckets_;
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 120 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+// detail/impl/buffer_sequence_adapter.ipp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <robuffer.h>
+#include <windows.storage.streams.h>
+#include <wrl/implements.h>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/buffer_sequence_adapter.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+class winrt_buffer_impl :
+  public Microsoft::WRL::RuntimeClass<
+    Microsoft::WRL::RuntimeClassFlags<
+      Microsoft::WRL::RuntimeClassType::WinRtClassicComMix>,
+    ABI::Windows::Storage::Streams::IBuffer,
+    Windows::Storage::Streams::IBufferByteAccess>
+  explicit winrt_buffer_impl(const boost::asio::const_buffer& b)
+  {
+    bytes_ = const_cast<byte*>(static_cast<const byte*>(b.data()));
+    length_ = b.size();
+    capacity_ = b.size();
+  }
+  explicit winrt_buffer_impl(const boost::asio::mutable_buffer& b)
+  {
+    bytes_ = static_cast<byte*>(b.data());
+    length_ = 0;
+    capacity_ = b.size();
+  }
+  ~winrt_buffer_impl()
+  {
+  }
+  STDMETHODIMP Buffer(byte** value)
+  {
+    *value = bytes_;
+    return S_OK;
+  }
+  STDMETHODIMP get_Capacity(UINT32* value)
+  {
+    *value = capacity_;
+    return S_OK;
+  }
+  STDMETHODIMP get_Length(UINT32 *value)
+  {
+    *value = length_;
+    return S_OK;
+  }
+  STDMETHODIMP put_Length(UINT32 value)
+  {
+    if (value > capacity_)
+      return E_INVALIDARG;
+    length_ = value;
+    return S_OK;
+  }
+  byte* bytes_;
+  UINT32 length_;
+  UINT32 capacity_;
+void buffer_sequence_adapter_base::init_native_buffer(
+    buffer_sequence_adapter_base::native_buffer_type& buf,
+    const boost::asio::mutable_buffer& buffer)
+  std::memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(native_buffer_type));
+  Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IInspectable> insp
+    = Microsoft::WRL::Make<winrt_buffer_impl>(buffer);
+  buf = reinterpret_cast<Windows::Storage::Streams::IBuffer^>(insp.Get());
+void buffer_sequence_adapter_base::init_native_buffer(
+    buffer_sequence_adapter_base::native_buffer_type& buf,
+    const boost::asio::const_buffer& buffer)
+  std::memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(native_buffer_type));
+  Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IInspectable> insp
+    = Microsoft::WRL::Make<winrt_buffer_impl>(buffer);
+  Platform::Object^ buf_obj = reinterpret_cast<Platform::Object^>(insp.Get());
+  buf = reinterpret_cast<Windows::Storage::Streams::IBuffer^>(insp.Get());
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS_RUNTIME)

+ 476 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+// detail/impl/descriptor_ops.ipp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/descriptor_ops.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
+#if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) \
+  && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+namespace descriptor_ops {
+int open(const char* path, int flags, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  errno = 0;
+  int result = error_wrapper(::open(path, flags), ec);
+  if (result >= 0)
+    ec = boost::system::error_code();
+  return result;
+int close(int d, state_type& state, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  int result = 0;
+  if (d != -1)
+  {
+    errno = 0;
+    result = error_wrapper(::close(d), ec);
+    if (result != 0
+        && (ec == boost::asio::error::would_block
+          || ec == boost::asio::error::try_again))
+    {
+      // According to UNIX Network Programming Vol. 1, it is possible for
+      // close() to fail with EWOULDBLOCK under certain circumstances. What
+      // isn't clear is the state of the descriptor after this error. The one
+      // current OS where this behaviour is seen, Windows, says that the socket
+      // remains open. Therefore we'll put the descriptor back into blocking
+      // mode and have another attempt at closing it.
+#if defined(__SYMBIAN32__)
+      int flags = ::fcntl(d, F_GETFL, 0);
+      if (flags >= 0)
+        ::fcntl(d, F_SETFL, flags & ~O_NONBLOCK);
+#else // defined(__SYMBIAN32__)
+      ioctl_arg_type arg = 0;
+      ::ioctl(d, FIONBIO, &arg);
+#endif // defined(__SYMBIAN32__)
+      state &= ~non_blocking;
+      errno = 0;
+      result = error_wrapper(::close(d), ec);
+    }
+  }
+  if (result == 0)
+    ec = boost::system::error_code();
+  return result;
+bool set_user_non_blocking(int d, state_type& state,
+    bool value, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  if (d == -1)
+  {
+    ec = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor;
+    return false;
+  }
+  errno = 0;
+#if defined(__SYMBIAN32__)
+  int result = error_wrapper(::fcntl(d, F_GETFL, 0), ec);
+  if (result >= 0)
+  {
+    errno = 0;
+    int flag = (value ? (result | O_NONBLOCK) : (result & ~O_NONBLOCK));
+    result = error_wrapper(::fcntl(d, F_SETFL, flag), ec);
+  }
+#else // defined(__SYMBIAN32__)
+  ioctl_arg_type arg = (value ? 1 : 0);
+  int result = error_wrapper(::ioctl(d, FIONBIO, &arg), ec);
+#endif // defined(__SYMBIAN32__)
+  if (result >= 0)
+  {
+    ec = boost::system::error_code();
+    if (value)
+      state |= user_set_non_blocking;
+    else
+    {
+      // Clearing the user-set non-blocking mode always overrides any
+      // internally-set non-blocking flag. Any subsequent asynchronous
+      // operations will need to re-enable non-blocking I/O.
+      state &= ~(user_set_non_blocking | internal_non_blocking);
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+bool set_internal_non_blocking(int d, state_type& state,
+    bool value, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  if (d == -1)
+  {
+    ec = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor;
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (!value && (state & user_set_non_blocking))
+  {
+    // It does not make sense to clear the internal non-blocking flag if the
+    // user still wants non-blocking behaviour. Return an error and let the
+    // caller figure out whether to update the user-set non-blocking flag.
+    ec = boost::asio::error::invalid_argument;
+    return false;
+  }
+  errno = 0;
+#if defined(__SYMBIAN32__)
+  int result = error_wrapper(::fcntl(d, F_GETFL, 0), ec);
+  if (result >= 0)
+  {
+    errno = 0;
+    int flag = (value ? (result | O_NONBLOCK) : (result & ~O_NONBLOCK));
+    result = error_wrapper(::fcntl(d, F_SETFL, flag), ec);
+  }
+#else // defined(__SYMBIAN32__)
+  ioctl_arg_type arg = (value ? 1 : 0);
+  int result = error_wrapper(::ioctl(d, FIONBIO, &arg), ec);
+#endif // defined(__SYMBIAN32__)
+  if (result >= 0)
+  {
+    ec = boost::system::error_code();
+    if (value)
+      state |= internal_non_blocking;
+    else
+      state &= ~internal_non_blocking;
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+std::size_t sync_read(int d, state_type state, buf* bufs,
+    std::size_t count, bool all_empty, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  if (d == -1)
+  {
+    ec = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor;
+    return 0;
+  }
+  // A request to read 0 bytes on a stream is a no-op.
+  if (all_empty)
+  {
+    ec = boost::system::error_code();
+    return 0;
+  }
+  // Read some data.
+  for (;;)
+  {
+    // Try to complete the operation without blocking.
+    errno = 0;
+    signed_size_type bytes = error_wrapper(::readv(
+          d, bufs, static_cast<int>(count)), ec);
+    // Check if operation succeeded.
+    if (bytes > 0)
+      return bytes;
+    // Check for EOF.
+    if (bytes == 0)
+    {
+      ec = boost::asio::error::eof;
+      return 0;
+    }
+    // Operation failed.
+    if ((state & user_set_non_blocking)
+        || (ec != boost::asio::error::would_block
+          && ec != boost::asio::error::try_again))
+      return 0;
+    // Wait for descriptor to become ready.
+    if (descriptor_ops::poll_read(d, 0, ec) < 0)
+      return 0;
+  }
+bool non_blocking_read(int d, buf* bufs, std::size_t count,
+    boost::system::error_code& ec, std::size_t& bytes_transferred)
+  for (;;)
+  {
+    // Read some data.
+    errno = 0;
+    signed_size_type bytes = error_wrapper(::readv(
+          d, bufs, static_cast<int>(count)), ec);
+    // Check for end of stream.
+    if (bytes == 0)
+    {
+      ec = boost::asio::error::eof;
+      return true;
+    }
+    // Retry operation if interrupted by signal.
+    if (ec == boost::asio::error::interrupted)
+      continue;
+    // Check if we need to run the operation again.
+    if (ec == boost::asio::error::would_block
+        || ec == boost::asio::error::try_again)
+      return false;
+    // Operation is complete.
+    if (bytes > 0)
+    {
+      ec = boost::system::error_code();
+      bytes_transferred = bytes;
+    }
+    else
+      bytes_transferred = 0;
+    return true;
+  }
+std::size_t sync_write(int d, state_type state, const buf* bufs,
+    std::size_t count, bool all_empty, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  if (d == -1)
+  {
+    ec = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor;
+    return 0;
+  }
+  // A request to write 0 bytes on a stream is a no-op.
+  if (all_empty)
+  {
+    ec = boost::system::error_code();
+    return 0;
+  }
+  // Write some data.
+  for (;;)
+  {
+    // Try to complete the operation without blocking.
+    errno = 0;
+    signed_size_type bytes = error_wrapper(::writev(
+          d, bufs, static_cast<int>(count)), ec);
+    // Check if operation succeeded.
+    if (bytes > 0)
+      return bytes;
+    // Operation failed.
+    if ((state & user_set_non_blocking)
+        || (ec != boost::asio::error::would_block
+          && ec != boost::asio::error::try_again))
+      return 0;
+    // Wait for descriptor to become ready.
+    if (descriptor_ops::poll_write(d, 0, ec) < 0)
+      return 0;
+  }
+bool non_blocking_write(int d, const buf* bufs, std::size_t count,
+    boost::system::error_code& ec, std::size_t& bytes_transferred)
+  for (;;)
+  {
+    // Write some data.
+    errno = 0;
+    signed_size_type bytes = error_wrapper(::writev(
+          d, bufs, static_cast<int>(count)), ec);
+    // Retry operation if interrupted by signal.
+    if (ec == boost::asio::error::interrupted)
+      continue;
+    // Check if we need to run the operation again.
+    if (ec == boost::asio::error::would_block
+        || ec == boost::asio::error::try_again)
+      return false;
+    // Operation is complete.
+    if (bytes >= 0)
+    {
+      ec = boost::system::error_code();
+      bytes_transferred = bytes;
+    }
+    else
+      bytes_transferred = 0;
+    return true;
+  }
+int ioctl(int d, state_type& state, long cmd,
+    ioctl_arg_type* arg, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  if (d == -1)
+  {
+    ec = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor;
+    return -1;
+  }
+  errno = 0;
+  int result = error_wrapper(::ioctl(d, cmd, arg), ec);
+  if (result >= 0)
+  {
+    ec = boost::system::error_code();
+    // When updating the non-blocking mode we always perform the ioctl syscall,
+    // even if the flags would otherwise indicate that the descriptor is
+    // already in the correct state. This ensures that the underlying
+    // descriptor is put into the state that has been requested by the user. If
+    // the ioctl syscall was successful then we need to update the flags to
+    // match.
+    if (cmd == static_cast<long>(FIONBIO))
+    {
+      if (*arg)
+      {
+        state |= user_set_non_blocking;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        // Clearing the non-blocking mode always overrides any internally-set
+        // non-blocking flag. Any subsequent asynchronous operations will need
+        // to re-enable non-blocking I/O.
+        state &= ~(user_set_non_blocking | internal_non_blocking);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return result;
+int fcntl(int d, int cmd, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  if (d == -1)
+  {
+    ec = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor;
+    return -1;
+  }
+  errno = 0;
+  int result = error_wrapper(::fcntl(d, cmd), ec);
+  if (result != -1)
+    ec = boost::system::error_code();
+  return result;
+int fcntl(int d, int cmd, long arg, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  if (d == -1)
+  {
+    ec = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor;
+    return -1;
+  }
+  errno = 0;
+  int result = error_wrapper(::fcntl(d, cmd, arg), ec);
+  if (result != -1)
+    ec = boost::system::error_code();
+  return result;
+int poll_read(int d, state_type state, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  if (d == -1)
+  {
+    ec = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor;
+    return -1;
+  }
+  pollfd fds;
+  fds.fd = d;
+  fds.events = POLLIN;
+  fds.revents = 0;
+  int timeout = (state & user_set_non_blocking) ? 0 : -1;
+  errno = 0;
+  int result = error_wrapper(::poll(&fds, 1, timeout), ec);
+  if (result == 0)
+    ec = (state & user_set_non_blocking)
+      ? boost::asio::error::would_block : boost::system::error_code();
+  else if (result > 0)
+    ec = boost::system::error_code();
+  return result;
+int poll_write(int d, state_type state, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  if (d == -1)
+  {
+    ec = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor;
+    return -1;
+  }
+  pollfd fds;
+  fds.fd = d;
+  fds.events = POLLOUT;
+  fds.revents = 0;
+  int timeout = (state & user_set_non_blocking) ? 0 : -1;
+  errno = 0;
+  int result = error_wrapper(::poll(&fds, 1, timeout), ec);
+  if (result == 0)
+    ec = (state & user_set_non_blocking)
+      ? boost::asio::error::would_block : boost::system::error_code();
+  else if (result > 0)
+    ec = boost::system::error_code();
+  return result;
+int poll_error(int d, state_type state, boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  if (d == -1)
+  {
+    ec = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor;
+    return -1;
+  }
+  pollfd fds;
+  fds.fd = d;
+  fds.events = POLLPRI | POLLERR | POLLHUP;
+  fds.revents = 0;
+  int timeout = (state & user_set_non_blocking) ? 0 : -1;
+  errno = 0;
+  int result = error_wrapper(::poll(&fds, 1, timeout), ec);
+  if (result == 0)
+    ec = (state & user_set_non_blocking)
+      ? boost::asio::error::would_block : boost::system::error_code();
+  else if (result > 0)
+    ec = boost::system::error_code();
+  return result;
+} // namespace descriptor_ops
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+       //   && !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS_RUNTIME)
+       //   && !defined(__CYGWIN__)

+ 93 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+// detail/impl/dev_poll_reactor.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+template <typename Time_Traits>
+void dev_poll_reactor::add_timer_queue(timer_queue<Time_Traits>& queue)
+  do_add_timer_queue(queue);
+template <typename Time_Traits>
+void dev_poll_reactor::remove_timer_queue(timer_queue<Time_Traits>& queue)
+  do_remove_timer_queue(queue);
+template <typename Time_Traits>
+void dev_poll_reactor::schedule_timer(timer_queue<Time_Traits>& queue,
+    const typename Time_Traits::time_type& time,
+    typename timer_queue<Time_Traits>::per_timer_data& timer, wait_op* op)
+  boost::asio::detail::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
+  if (shutdown_)
+  {
+    scheduler_.post_immediate_completion(op, false);
+    return;
+  }
+  bool earliest = queue.enqueue_timer(time, timer, op);
+  scheduler_.work_started();
+  if (earliest)
+    interrupter_.interrupt();
+template <typename Time_Traits>
+std::size_t dev_poll_reactor::cancel_timer(timer_queue<Time_Traits>& queue,
+    typename timer_queue<Time_Traits>::per_timer_data& timer,
+    std::size_t max_cancelled)
+  boost::asio::detail::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
+  op_queue<operation> ops;
+  std::size_t n = queue.cancel_timer(timer, ops, max_cancelled);
+  lock.unlock();
+  scheduler_.post_deferred_completions(ops);
+  return n;
+template <typename Time_Traits>
+void dev_poll_reactor::move_timer(timer_queue<Time_Traits>& queue,
+    typename timer_queue<Time_Traits>::per_timer_data& target,
+    typename timer_queue<Time_Traits>::per_timer_data& source)
+  boost::asio::detail::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
+  op_queue<operation> ops;
+  queue.cancel_timer(target, ops);
+  queue.move_timer(target, source);
+  lock.unlock();
+  scheduler_.post_deferred_completions(ops);
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_DEV_POLL)

+ 448 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+// detail/impl/dev_poll_reactor.ipp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/dev_poll_reactor.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/assert.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/throw_error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+dev_poll_reactor::dev_poll_reactor(boost::asio::execution_context& ctx)
+  : boost::asio::detail::execution_context_service_base<dev_poll_reactor>(ctx),
+    scheduler_(use_service<scheduler>(ctx)),
+    mutex_(),
+    dev_poll_fd_(do_dev_poll_create()),
+    interrupter_(),
+    shutdown_(false)
+  // Add the interrupter's descriptor to /dev/poll.
+  ::pollfd ev = { 0, 0, 0 };
+  ev.fd = interrupter_.read_descriptor();
+  ev.events = POLLIN | POLLERR;
+  ev.revents = 0;
+  ::write(dev_poll_fd_, &ev, sizeof(ev));
+  shutdown();
+  ::close(dev_poll_fd_);
+void dev_poll_reactor::shutdown()
+  boost::asio::detail::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
+  shutdown_ = true;
+  lock.unlock();
+  op_queue<operation> ops;
+  for (int i = 0; i < max_ops; ++i)
+    op_queue_[i].get_all_operations(ops);
+  timer_queues_.get_all_timers(ops);
+  scheduler_.abandon_operations(ops);
+void dev_poll_reactor::notify_fork(
+    boost::asio::execution_context::fork_event fork_ev)
+  if (fork_ev == boost::asio::execution_context::fork_child)
+  {
+    detail::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
+    if (dev_poll_fd_ != -1)
+      ::close(dev_poll_fd_);
+    dev_poll_fd_ = -1;
+    dev_poll_fd_ = do_dev_poll_create();
+    interrupter_.recreate();
+    // Add the interrupter's descriptor to /dev/poll.
+    ::pollfd ev = { 0, 0, 0 };
+    ev.fd = interrupter_.read_descriptor();
+    ev.events = POLLIN | POLLERR;
+    ev.revents = 0;
+    ::write(dev_poll_fd_, &ev, sizeof(ev));
+    // Re-register all descriptors with /dev/poll. The changes will be written
+    // to the /dev/poll descriptor the next time the reactor is run.
+    for (int i = 0; i < max_ops; ++i)
+    {
+      reactor_op_queue<socket_type>::iterator iter = op_queue_[i].begin();
+      reactor_op_queue<socket_type>::iterator end = op_queue_[i].end();
+      for (; iter != end; ++iter)
+      {
+        ::pollfd& pending_ev = add_pending_event_change(iter->first);
+        pending_ev.events |= POLLERR | POLLHUP;
+        switch (i)
+        {
+        case read_op: pending_ev.events |= POLLIN; break;
+        case write_op: pending_ev.events |= POLLOUT; break;
+        case except_op: pending_ev.events |= POLLPRI; break;
+        default: break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    interrupter_.interrupt();
+  }
+void dev_poll_reactor::init_task()
+  scheduler_.init_task();
+int dev_poll_reactor::register_descriptor(socket_type, per_descriptor_data&)
+  return 0;
+int dev_poll_reactor::register_internal_descriptor(int op_type,
+    socket_type descriptor, per_descriptor_data&, reactor_op* op)
+  boost::asio::detail::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
+  op_queue_[op_type].enqueue_operation(descriptor, op);
+  ::pollfd& ev = add_pending_event_change(descriptor);
+  ev.events = POLLERR | POLLHUP;
+  switch (op_type)
+  {
+  case read_op: ev.events |= POLLIN; break;
+  case write_op: ev.events |= POLLOUT; break;
+  case except_op: ev.events |= POLLPRI; break;
+  default: break;
+  }
+  interrupter_.interrupt();
+  return 0;
+void dev_poll_reactor::move_descriptor(socket_type,
+    dev_poll_reactor::per_descriptor_data&,
+    dev_poll_reactor::per_descriptor_data&)
+void dev_poll_reactor::start_op(int op_type, socket_type descriptor,
+    dev_poll_reactor::per_descriptor_data&, reactor_op* op,
+    bool is_continuation, bool allow_speculative)
+  boost::asio::detail::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
+  if (shutdown_)
+  {
+    post_immediate_completion(op, is_continuation);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (allow_speculative)
+  {
+    if (op_type != read_op || !op_queue_[except_op].has_operation(descriptor))
+    {
+      if (!op_queue_[op_type].has_operation(descriptor))
+      {
+        if (op->perform())
+        {
+          lock.unlock();
+          scheduler_.post_immediate_completion(op, is_continuation);
+          return;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  bool first = op_queue_[op_type].enqueue_operation(descriptor, op);
+  scheduler_.work_started();
+  if (first)
+  {
+    ::pollfd& ev = add_pending_event_change(descriptor);
+    ev.events = POLLERR | POLLHUP;
+    if (op_type == read_op
+        || op_queue_[read_op].has_operation(descriptor))
+      ev.events |= POLLIN;
+    if (op_type == write_op
+        || op_queue_[write_op].has_operation(descriptor))
+      ev.events |= POLLOUT;
+    if (op_type == except_op
+        || op_queue_[except_op].has_operation(descriptor))
+      ev.events |= POLLPRI;
+    interrupter_.interrupt();
+  }
+void dev_poll_reactor::cancel_ops(socket_type descriptor,
+    dev_poll_reactor::per_descriptor_data&)
+  boost::asio::detail::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
+  cancel_ops_unlocked(descriptor, boost::asio::error::operation_aborted);
+void dev_poll_reactor::deregister_descriptor(socket_type descriptor,
+    dev_poll_reactor::per_descriptor_data&, bool)
+  boost::asio::detail::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
+  // Remove the descriptor from /dev/poll.
+  ::pollfd& ev = add_pending_event_change(descriptor);
+  ev.events = POLLREMOVE;
+  interrupter_.interrupt();
+  // Cancel any outstanding operations associated with the descriptor.
+  cancel_ops_unlocked(descriptor, boost::asio::error::operation_aborted);
+void dev_poll_reactor::deregister_internal_descriptor(
+    socket_type descriptor, dev_poll_reactor::per_descriptor_data&)
+  boost::asio::detail::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
+  // Remove the descriptor from /dev/poll. Since this function is only called
+  // during a fork, we can apply the change immediately.
+  ::pollfd ev = { 0, 0, 0 };
+  ev.fd = descriptor;
+  ev.events = POLLREMOVE;
+  ev.revents = 0;
+  ::write(dev_poll_fd_, &ev, sizeof(ev));
+  // Destroy all operations associated with the descriptor.
+  op_queue<operation> ops;
+  boost::system::error_code ec;
+  for (int i = 0; i < max_ops; ++i)
+    op_queue_[i].cancel_operations(descriptor, ops, ec);
+void dev_poll_reactor::cleanup_descriptor_data(
+    dev_poll_reactor::per_descriptor_data&)
+void dev_poll_reactor::run(long usec, op_queue<operation>& ops)
+  boost::asio::detail::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
+  // We can return immediately if there's no work to do and the reactor is
+  // not supposed to block.
+  if (usec == 0 && op_queue_[read_op].empty() && op_queue_[write_op].empty()
+      && op_queue_[except_op].empty() && timer_queues_.all_empty())
+    return;
+  // Write the pending event registration changes to the /dev/poll descriptor.
+  std::size_t events_size = sizeof(::pollfd) * pending_event_changes_.size();
+  if (events_size > 0)
+  {
+    errno = 0;
+    int result = ::write(dev_poll_fd_,
+        &pending_event_changes_[0], events_size);
+    if (result != static_cast<int>(events_size))
+    {
+      boost::system::error_code ec = boost::system::error_code(
+          errno, boost::asio::error::get_system_category());
+      for (std::size_t i = 0; i < pending_event_changes_.size(); ++i)
+      {
+        int descriptor = pending_event_changes_[i].fd;
+        for (int j = 0; j < max_ops; ++j)
+          op_queue_[j].cancel_operations(descriptor, ops, ec);
+      }
+    }
+    pending_event_changes_.clear();
+    pending_event_change_index_.clear();
+  }
+  // Calculate timeout.
+  int timeout;
+  if (usec == 0)
+    timeout = 0;
+  else
+  {
+    timeout = (usec < 0) ? -1 : ((usec - 1) / 1000 + 1);
+    timeout = get_timeout(timeout);
+  }
+  lock.unlock();
+  // Block on the /dev/poll descriptor.
+  ::pollfd events[128] = { { 0, 0, 0 } };
+  ::dvpoll dp = { 0, 0, 0 };
+  dp.dp_fds = events;
+  dp.dp_nfds = 128;
+  dp.dp_timeout = timeout;
+  int num_events = ::ioctl(dev_poll_fd_, DP_POLL, &dp);
+  lock.lock();
+  // Dispatch the waiting events.
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_events; ++i)
+  {
+    int descriptor = events[i].fd;
+    if (descriptor == interrupter_.read_descriptor())
+    {
+      interrupter_.reset();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      bool more_reads = false;
+      bool more_writes = false;
+      bool more_except = false;
+      // Exception operations must be processed first to ensure that any
+      // out-of-band data is read before normal data.
+      if (events[i].events & (POLLPRI | POLLERR | POLLHUP))
+        more_except =
+          op_queue_[except_op].perform_operations(descriptor, ops);
+      else
+        more_except = op_queue_[except_op].has_operation(descriptor);
+      if (events[i].events & (POLLIN | POLLERR | POLLHUP))
+        more_reads = op_queue_[read_op].perform_operations(descriptor, ops);
+      else
+        more_reads = op_queue_[read_op].has_operation(descriptor);
+      if (events[i].events & (POLLOUT | POLLERR | POLLHUP))
+        more_writes = op_queue_[write_op].perform_operations(descriptor, ops);
+      else
+        more_writes = op_queue_[write_op].has_operation(descriptor);
+      if ((events[i].events & (POLLERR | POLLHUP)) != 0
+            && !more_except && !more_reads && !more_writes)
+      {
+        // If we have an event and no operations associated with the
+        // descriptor then we need to delete the descriptor from /dev/poll.
+        // The poll operation can produce POLLHUP or POLLERR events when there
+        // is no operation pending, so if we do not remove the descriptor we
+        // can end up in a tight polling loop.
+        ::pollfd ev = { 0, 0, 0 };
+        ev.fd = descriptor;
+        ev.events = POLLREMOVE;
+        ev.revents = 0;
+        ::write(dev_poll_fd_, &ev, sizeof(ev));
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        ::pollfd ev = { 0, 0, 0 };
+        ev.fd = descriptor;
+        ev.events = POLLERR | POLLHUP;
+        if (more_reads)
+          ev.events |= POLLIN;
+        if (more_writes)
+          ev.events |= POLLOUT;
+        if (more_except)
+          ev.events |= POLLPRI;
+        ev.revents = 0;
+        int result = ::write(dev_poll_fd_, &ev, sizeof(ev));
+        if (result != sizeof(ev))
+        {
+          boost::system::error_code ec(errno,
+              boost::asio::error::get_system_category());
+          for (int j = 0; j < max_ops; ++j)
+            op_queue_[j].cancel_operations(descriptor, ops, ec);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  timer_queues_.get_ready_timers(ops);
+void dev_poll_reactor::interrupt()
+  interrupter_.interrupt();
+int dev_poll_reactor::do_dev_poll_create()
+  int fd = ::open("/dev/poll", O_RDWR);
+  if (fd == -1)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec(errno,
+        boost::asio::error::get_system_category());
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "/dev/poll");
+  }
+  return fd;
+void dev_poll_reactor::do_add_timer_queue(timer_queue_base& queue)
+  mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
+  timer_queues_.insert(&queue);
+void dev_poll_reactor::do_remove_timer_queue(timer_queue_base& queue)
+  mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
+  timer_queues_.erase(&queue);
+int dev_poll_reactor::get_timeout(int msec)
+  // By default we will wait no longer than 5 minutes. This will ensure that
+  // any changes to the system clock are detected after no longer than this.
+  const int max_msec = 5 * 60 * 1000;
+  return timer_queues_.wait_duration_msec(
+      (msec < 0 || max_msec < msec) ? max_msec : msec);
+void dev_poll_reactor::cancel_ops_unlocked(socket_type descriptor,
+    const boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  bool need_interrupt = false;
+  op_queue<operation> ops;
+  for (int i = 0; i < max_ops; ++i)
+    need_interrupt = op_queue_[i].cancel_operations(
+        descriptor, ops, ec) || need_interrupt;
+  scheduler_.post_deferred_completions(ops);
+  if (need_interrupt)
+    interrupter_.interrupt();
+::pollfd& dev_poll_reactor::add_pending_event_change(int descriptor)
+  hash_map<int, std::size_t>::iterator iter
+    = pending_event_change_index_.find(descriptor);
+  if (iter == pending_event_change_index_.end())
+  {
+    std::size_t index = pending_event_changes_.size();
+    pending_event_changes_.reserve(pending_event_changes_.size() + 1);
+    pending_event_change_index_.insert(std::make_pair(descriptor, index));
+    pending_event_changes_.push_back(::pollfd());
+    pending_event_changes_[index].fd = descriptor;
+    pending_event_changes_[index].revents = 0;
+    return pending_event_changes_[index];
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    return pending_event_changes_[iter->second];
+  }
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_DEV_POLL)

+ 91 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+// detail/impl/epoll_reactor.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_EPOLL)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+template <typename Time_Traits>
+void epoll_reactor::add_timer_queue(timer_queue<Time_Traits>& queue)
+  do_add_timer_queue(queue);
+template <typename Time_Traits>
+void epoll_reactor::remove_timer_queue(timer_queue<Time_Traits>& queue)
+  do_remove_timer_queue(queue);
+template <typename Time_Traits>
+void epoll_reactor::schedule_timer(timer_queue<Time_Traits>& queue,
+    const typename Time_Traits::time_type& time,
+    typename timer_queue<Time_Traits>::per_timer_data& timer, wait_op* op)
+  mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
+  if (shutdown_)
+  {
+    scheduler_.post_immediate_completion(op, false);
+    return;
+  }
+  bool earliest = queue.enqueue_timer(time, timer, op);
+  scheduler_.work_started();
+  if (earliest)
+    update_timeout();
+template <typename Time_Traits>
+std::size_t epoll_reactor::cancel_timer(timer_queue<Time_Traits>& queue,
+    typename timer_queue<Time_Traits>::per_timer_data& timer,
+    std::size_t max_cancelled)
+  mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
+  op_queue<operation> ops;
+  std::size_t n = queue.cancel_timer(timer, ops, max_cancelled);
+  lock.unlock();
+  scheduler_.post_deferred_completions(ops);
+  return n;
+template <typename Time_Traits>
+void epoll_reactor::move_timer(timer_queue<Time_Traits>& queue,
+    typename timer_queue<Time_Traits>::per_timer_data& target,
+    typename timer_queue<Time_Traits>::per_timer_data& source)
+  mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
+  op_queue<operation> ops;
+  queue.cancel_timer(target, ops);
+  queue.move_timer(target, source);
+  lock.unlock();
+  scheduler_.post_deferred_completions(ops);
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_EPOLL)

+ 789 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,789 @@
+// detail/impl/epoll_reactor.ipp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_EPOLL)
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <sys/epoll.h>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/epoll_reactor.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/throw_error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
+# include <sys/timerfd.h>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_TIMERFD)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+epoll_reactor::epoll_reactor(boost::asio::execution_context& ctx)
+  : execution_context_service_base<epoll_reactor>(ctx),
+    scheduler_(use_service<scheduler>(ctx)),
+          REACTOR_REGISTRATION, scheduler_.concurrency_hint())),
+    interrupter_(),
+    epoll_fd_(do_epoll_create()),
+    timer_fd_(do_timerfd_create()),
+    shutdown_(false),
+    registered_descriptors_mutex_(mutex_.enabled())
+  // Add the interrupter's descriptor to epoll.
+  epoll_event ev = { 0, { 0 } };
+  ev.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLERR | EPOLLET;
+  ev.data.ptr = &interrupter_;
+  epoll_ctl(epoll_fd_, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, interrupter_.read_descriptor(), &ev);
+  interrupter_.interrupt();
+  // Add the timer descriptor to epoll.
+  if (timer_fd_ != -1)
+  {
+    ev.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLERR;
+    ev.data.ptr = &timer_fd_;
+    epoll_ctl(epoll_fd_, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, timer_fd_, &ev);
+  }
+  if (epoll_fd_ != -1)
+    close(epoll_fd_);
+  if (timer_fd_ != -1)
+    close(timer_fd_);
+void epoll_reactor::shutdown()
+  mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
+  shutdown_ = true;
+  lock.unlock();
+  op_queue<operation> ops;
+  while (descriptor_state* state = registered_descriptors_.first())
+  {
+    for (int i = 0; i < max_ops; ++i)
+      ops.push(state->op_queue_[i]);
+    state->shutdown_ = true;
+    registered_descriptors_.free(state);
+  }
+  timer_queues_.get_all_timers(ops);
+  scheduler_.abandon_operations(ops);
+void epoll_reactor::notify_fork(
+    boost::asio::execution_context::fork_event fork_ev)
+  if (fork_ev == boost::asio::execution_context::fork_child)
+  {
+    if (epoll_fd_ != -1)
+      ::close(epoll_fd_);
+    epoll_fd_ = -1;
+    epoll_fd_ = do_epoll_create();
+    if (timer_fd_ != -1)
+      ::close(timer_fd_);
+    timer_fd_ = -1;
+    timer_fd_ = do_timerfd_create();
+    interrupter_.recreate();
+    // Add the interrupter's descriptor to epoll.
+    epoll_event ev = { 0, { 0 } };
+    ev.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLERR | EPOLLET;
+    ev.data.ptr = &interrupter_;
+    epoll_ctl(epoll_fd_, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, interrupter_.read_descriptor(), &ev);
+    interrupter_.interrupt();
+    // Add the timer descriptor to epoll.
+    if (timer_fd_ != -1)
+    {
+      ev.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLERR;
+      ev.data.ptr = &timer_fd_;
+      epoll_ctl(epoll_fd_, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, timer_fd_, &ev);
+    }
+    update_timeout();
+    // Re-register all descriptors with epoll.
+    mutex::scoped_lock descriptors_lock(registered_descriptors_mutex_);
+    for (descriptor_state* state = registered_descriptors_.first();
+        state != 0; state = state->next_)
+    {
+      ev.events = state->registered_events_;
+      ev.data.ptr = state;
+      int result = epoll_ctl(epoll_fd_, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, state->descriptor_, &ev);
+      if (result != 0)
+      {
+        boost::system::error_code ec(errno,
+            boost::asio::error::get_system_category());
+        boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "epoll re-registration");
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void epoll_reactor::init_task()
+  scheduler_.init_task();
+int epoll_reactor::register_descriptor(socket_type descriptor,
+    epoll_reactor::per_descriptor_data& descriptor_data)
+  descriptor_data = allocate_descriptor_state();
+        context(), static_cast<uintmax_t>(descriptor),
+        reinterpret_cast<uintmax_t>(descriptor_data)));
+  {
+    mutex::scoped_lock descriptor_lock(descriptor_data->mutex_);
+    descriptor_data->reactor_ = this;
+    descriptor_data->descriptor_ = descriptor;
+    descriptor_data->shutdown_ = false;
+    for (int i = 0; i < max_ops; ++i)
+      descriptor_data->try_speculative_[i] = true;
+  }
+  epoll_event ev = { 0, { 0 } };
+  descriptor_data->registered_events_ = ev.events;
+  ev.data.ptr = descriptor_data;
+  int result = epoll_ctl(epoll_fd_, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, descriptor, &ev);
+  if (result != 0)
+  {
+    if (errno == EPERM)
+    {
+      // This file descriptor type is not supported by epoll. However, if it is
+      // a regular file then operations on it will not block. We will allow
+      // this descriptor to be used and fail later if an operation on it would
+      // otherwise require a trip through the reactor.
+      descriptor_data->registered_events_ = 0;
+      return 0;
+    }
+    return errno;
+  }
+  return 0;
+int epoll_reactor::register_internal_descriptor(
+    int op_type, socket_type descriptor,
+    epoll_reactor::per_descriptor_data& descriptor_data, reactor_op* op)
+  descriptor_data = allocate_descriptor_state();
+        context(), static_cast<uintmax_t>(descriptor),
+        reinterpret_cast<uintmax_t>(descriptor_data)));
+  {
+    mutex::scoped_lock descriptor_lock(descriptor_data->mutex_);
+    descriptor_data->reactor_ = this;
+    descriptor_data->descriptor_ = descriptor;
+    descriptor_data->shutdown_ = false;
+    descriptor_data->op_queue_[op_type].push(op);
+    for (int i = 0; i < max_ops; ++i)
+      descriptor_data->try_speculative_[i] = true;
+  }
+  epoll_event ev = { 0, { 0 } };
+  descriptor_data->registered_events_ = ev.events;
+  ev.data.ptr = descriptor_data;
+  int result = epoll_ctl(epoll_fd_, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, descriptor, &ev);
+  if (result != 0)
+    return errno;
+  return 0;
+void epoll_reactor::move_descriptor(socket_type,
+    epoll_reactor::per_descriptor_data& target_descriptor_data,
+    epoll_reactor::per_descriptor_data& source_descriptor_data)
+  target_descriptor_data = source_descriptor_data;
+  source_descriptor_data = 0;
+void epoll_reactor::start_op(int op_type, socket_type descriptor,
+    epoll_reactor::per_descriptor_data& descriptor_data, reactor_op* op,
+    bool is_continuation, bool allow_speculative)
+  if (!descriptor_data)
+  {
+    op->ec_ = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor;
+    post_immediate_completion(op, is_continuation);
+    return;
+  }
+  mutex::scoped_lock descriptor_lock(descriptor_data->mutex_);
+  if (descriptor_data->shutdown_)
+  {
+    post_immediate_completion(op, is_continuation);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (descriptor_data->op_queue_[op_type].empty())
+  {
+    if (allow_speculative
+        && (op_type != read_op
+          || descriptor_data->op_queue_[except_op].empty()))
+    {
+      if (descriptor_data->try_speculative_[op_type])
+      {
+        if (reactor_op::status status = op->perform())
+        {
+          if (status == reactor_op::done_and_exhausted)
+            if (descriptor_data->registered_events_ != 0)
+              descriptor_data->try_speculative_[op_type] = false;
+          descriptor_lock.unlock();
+          scheduler_.post_immediate_completion(op, is_continuation);
+          return;
+        }
+      }
+      if (descriptor_data->registered_events_ == 0)
+      {
+        op->ec_ = boost::asio::error::operation_not_supported;
+        scheduler_.post_immediate_completion(op, is_continuation);
+        return;
+      }
+      if (op_type == write_op)
+      {
+        if ((descriptor_data->registered_events_ & EPOLLOUT) == 0)
+        {
+          epoll_event ev = { 0, { 0 } };
+          ev.events = descriptor_data->registered_events_ | EPOLLOUT;
+          ev.data.ptr = descriptor_data;
+          if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd_, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, descriptor, &ev) == 0)
+          {
+            descriptor_data->registered_events_ |= ev.events;
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            op->ec_ = boost::system::error_code(errno,
+                boost::asio::error::get_system_category());
+            scheduler_.post_immediate_completion(op, is_continuation);
+            return;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    else if (descriptor_data->registered_events_ == 0)
+    {
+      op->ec_ = boost::asio::error::operation_not_supported;
+      scheduler_.post_immediate_completion(op, is_continuation);
+      return;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      if (op_type == write_op)
+      {
+        descriptor_data->registered_events_ |= EPOLLOUT;
+      }
+      epoll_event ev = { 0, { 0 } };
+      ev.events = descriptor_data->registered_events_;
+      ev.data.ptr = descriptor_data;
+      epoll_ctl(epoll_fd_, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, descriptor, &ev);
+    }
+  }
+  descriptor_data->op_queue_[op_type].push(op);
+  scheduler_.work_started();
+void epoll_reactor::cancel_ops(socket_type,
+    epoll_reactor::per_descriptor_data& descriptor_data)
+  if (!descriptor_data)
+    return;
+  mutex::scoped_lock descriptor_lock(descriptor_data->mutex_);
+  op_queue<operation> ops;
+  for (int i = 0; i < max_ops; ++i)
+  {
+    while (reactor_op* op = descriptor_data->op_queue_[i].front())
+    {
+      op->ec_ = boost::asio::error::operation_aborted;
+      descriptor_data->op_queue_[i].pop();
+      ops.push(op);
+    }
+  }
+  descriptor_lock.unlock();
+  scheduler_.post_deferred_completions(ops);
+void epoll_reactor::deregister_descriptor(socket_type descriptor,
+    epoll_reactor::per_descriptor_data& descriptor_data, bool closing)
+  if (!descriptor_data)
+    return;
+  mutex::scoped_lock descriptor_lock(descriptor_data->mutex_);
+  if (!descriptor_data->shutdown_)
+  {
+    if (closing)
+    {
+      // The descriptor will be automatically removed from the epoll set when
+      // it is closed.
+    }
+    else if (descriptor_data->registered_events_ != 0)
+    {
+      epoll_event ev = { 0, { 0 } };
+      epoll_ctl(epoll_fd_, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, descriptor, &ev);
+    }
+    op_queue<operation> ops;
+    for (int i = 0; i < max_ops; ++i)
+    {
+      while (reactor_op* op = descriptor_data->op_queue_[i].front())
+      {
+        op->ec_ = boost::asio::error::operation_aborted;
+        descriptor_data->op_queue_[i].pop();
+        ops.push(op);
+      }
+    }
+    descriptor_data->descriptor_ = -1;
+    descriptor_data->shutdown_ = true;
+    descriptor_lock.unlock();
+          context(), static_cast<uintmax_t>(descriptor),
+          reinterpret_cast<uintmax_t>(descriptor_data)));
+    scheduler_.post_deferred_completions(ops);
+    // Leave descriptor_data set so that it will be freed by the subsequent
+    // call to cleanup_descriptor_data.
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    // We are shutting down, so prevent cleanup_descriptor_data from freeing
+    // the descriptor_data object and let the destructor free it instead.
+    descriptor_data = 0;
+  }
+void epoll_reactor::deregister_internal_descriptor(socket_type descriptor,
+    epoll_reactor::per_descriptor_data& descriptor_data)
+  if (!descriptor_data)
+    return;
+  mutex::scoped_lock descriptor_lock(descriptor_data->mutex_);
+  if (!descriptor_data->shutdown_)
+  {
+    epoll_event ev = { 0, { 0 } };
+    epoll_ctl(epoll_fd_, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, descriptor, &ev);
+    op_queue<operation> ops;
+    for (int i = 0; i < max_ops; ++i)
+      ops.push(descriptor_data->op_queue_[i]);
+    descriptor_data->descriptor_ = -1;
+    descriptor_data->shutdown_ = true;
+    descriptor_lock.unlock();
+          context(), static_cast<uintmax_t>(descriptor),
+          reinterpret_cast<uintmax_t>(descriptor_data)));
+    // Leave descriptor_data set so that it will be freed by the subsequent
+    // call to cleanup_descriptor_data.
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    // We are shutting down, so prevent cleanup_descriptor_data from freeing
+    // the descriptor_data object and let the destructor free it instead.
+    descriptor_data = 0;
+  }
+void epoll_reactor::cleanup_descriptor_data(
+    per_descriptor_data& descriptor_data)
+  if (descriptor_data)
+  {
+    free_descriptor_state(descriptor_data);
+    descriptor_data = 0;
+  }
+void epoll_reactor::run(long usec, op_queue<operation>& ops)
+  // This code relies on the fact that the scheduler queues the reactor task
+  // behind all descriptor operations generated by this function. This means,
+  // that by the time we reach this point, any previously returned descriptor
+  // operations have already been dequeued. Therefore it is now safe for us to
+  // reuse and return them for the scheduler to queue again.
+  // Calculate timeout. Check the timer queues only if timerfd is not in use.
+  int timeout;
+  if (usec == 0)
+    timeout = 0;
+  else
+  {
+    timeout = (usec < 0) ? -1 : ((usec - 1) / 1000 + 1);
+    if (timer_fd_ == -1)
+    {
+      mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
+      timeout = get_timeout(timeout);
+    }
+  }
+  // Block on the epoll descriptor.
+  epoll_event events[128];
+  int num_events = epoll_wait(epoll_fd_, events, 128, timeout);
+  // Trace the waiting events.
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_events; ++i)
+  {
+    void* ptr = events[i].data.ptr;
+    if (ptr == &interrupter_)
+    {
+      // Ignore.
+    }
+    else if (ptr == &timer_fd_)
+    {
+      // Ignore.
+    }
+# endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_TIMERFD)
+    else
+    {
+      unsigned event_mask = 0;
+      if ((events[i].events & EPOLLIN) != 0)
+      if ((events[i].events & EPOLLOUT))
+      if ((events[i].events & (EPOLLERR | EPOLLHUP)) != 0)
+            reinterpret_cast<uintmax_t>(ptr), event_mask));
+    }
+  }
+  bool check_timers = (timer_fd_ == -1);
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_TIMERFD)
+  bool check_timers = true;
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_TIMERFD)
+  // Dispatch the waiting events.
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_events; ++i)
+  {
+    void* ptr = events[i].data.ptr;
+    if (ptr == &interrupter_)
+    {
+      // No need to reset the interrupter since we're leaving the descriptor
+      // in a ready-to-read state and relying on edge-triggered notifications
+      // to make it so that we only get woken up when the descriptor's epoll
+      // registration is updated.
+      if (timer_fd_ == -1)
+        check_timers = true;
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_TIMERFD)
+      check_timers = true;
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_TIMERFD)
+    }
+    else if (ptr == &timer_fd_)
+    {
+      check_timers = true;
+    }
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_TIMERFD)
+    else
+    {
+      // The descriptor operation doesn't count as work in and of itself, so we
+      // don't call work_started() here. This still allows the scheduler to
+      // stop if the only remaining operations are descriptor operations.
+      descriptor_state* descriptor_data = static_cast<descriptor_state*>(ptr);
+      if (!ops.is_enqueued(descriptor_data))
+      {
+        descriptor_data->set_ready_events(events[i].events);
+        ops.push(descriptor_data);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        descriptor_data->add_ready_events(events[i].events);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (check_timers)
+  {
+    mutex::scoped_lock common_lock(mutex_);
+    timer_queues_.get_ready_timers(ops);
+    if (timer_fd_ != -1)
+    {
+      itimerspec new_timeout;
+      itimerspec old_timeout;
+      int flags = get_timeout(new_timeout);
+      timerfd_settime(timer_fd_, flags, &new_timeout, &old_timeout);
+    }
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_TIMERFD)
+  }
+void epoll_reactor::interrupt()
+  epoll_event ev = { 0, { 0 } };
+  ev.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLERR | EPOLLET;
+  ev.data.ptr = &interrupter_;
+  epoll_ctl(epoll_fd_, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, interrupter_.read_descriptor(), &ev);
+int epoll_reactor::do_epoll_create()
+#if defined(EPOLL_CLOEXEC)
+  int fd = epoll_create1(EPOLL_CLOEXEC);
+#else // defined(EPOLL_CLOEXEC)
+  int fd = -1;
+  errno = EINVAL;
+#endif // defined(EPOLL_CLOEXEC)
+  if (fd == -1 && (errno == EINVAL || errno == ENOSYS))
+  {
+    fd = epoll_create(epoll_size);
+    if (fd != -1)
+      ::fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
+  }
+  if (fd == -1)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec(errno,
+        boost::asio::error::get_system_category());
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "epoll");
+  }
+  return fd;
+int epoll_reactor::do_timerfd_create()
+# if defined(TFD_CLOEXEC)
+  int fd = timerfd_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, TFD_CLOEXEC);
+# else // defined(TFD_CLOEXEC)
+  int fd = -1;
+  errno = EINVAL;
+# endif // defined(TFD_CLOEXEC)
+  if (fd == -1 && errno == EINVAL)
+  {
+    fd = timerfd_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0);
+    if (fd != -1)
+      ::fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
+  }
+  return fd;
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_TIMERFD)
+  return -1;
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_TIMERFD)
+epoll_reactor::descriptor_state* epoll_reactor::allocate_descriptor_state()
+  mutex::scoped_lock descriptors_lock(registered_descriptors_mutex_);
+  return registered_descriptors_.alloc(BOOST_ASIO_CONCURRENCY_HINT_IS_LOCKING(
+        REACTOR_IO, scheduler_.concurrency_hint()));
+void epoll_reactor::free_descriptor_state(epoll_reactor::descriptor_state* s)
+  mutex::scoped_lock descriptors_lock(registered_descriptors_mutex_);
+  registered_descriptors_.free(s);
+void epoll_reactor::do_add_timer_queue(timer_queue_base& queue)
+  mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
+  timer_queues_.insert(&queue);
+void epoll_reactor::do_remove_timer_queue(timer_queue_base& queue)
+  mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
+  timer_queues_.erase(&queue);
+void epoll_reactor::update_timeout()
+  if (timer_fd_ != -1)
+  {
+    itimerspec new_timeout;
+    itimerspec old_timeout;
+    int flags = get_timeout(new_timeout);
+    timerfd_settime(timer_fd_, flags, &new_timeout, &old_timeout);
+    return;
+  }
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_TIMERFD)
+  interrupt();
+int epoll_reactor::get_timeout(int msec)
+  // By default we will wait no longer than 5 minutes. This will ensure that
+  // any changes to the system clock are detected after no longer than this.
+  const int max_msec = 5 * 60 * 1000;
+  return timer_queues_.wait_duration_msec(
+      (msec < 0 || max_msec < msec) ? max_msec : msec);
+int epoll_reactor::get_timeout(itimerspec& ts)
+  ts.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
+  ts.it_interval.tv_nsec = 0;
+  long usec = timer_queues_.wait_duration_usec(5 * 60 * 1000 * 1000);
+  ts.it_value.tv_sec = usec / 1000000;
+  ts.it_value.tv_nsec = usec ? (usec % 1000000) * 1000 : 1;
+  return usec ? 0 : TFD_TIMER_ABSTIME;
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_TIMERFD)
+struct epoll_reactor::perform_io_cleanup_on_block_exit
+  explicit perform_io_cleanup_on_block_exit(epoll_reactor* r)
+    : reactor_(r), first_op_(0)
+  {
+  }
+  ~perform_io_cleanup_on_block_exit()
+  {
+    if (first_op_)
+    {
+      // Post the remaining completed operations for invocation.
+      if (!ops_.empty())
+        reactor_->scheduler_.post_deferred_completions(ops_);
+      // A user-initiated operation has completed, but there's no need to
+      // explicitly call work_finished() here. Instead, we'll take advantage of
+      // the fact that the scheduler will call work_finished() once we return.
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      // No user-initiated operations have completed, so we need to compensate
+      // for the work_finished() call that the scheduler will make once this
+      // operation returns.
+      reactor_->scheduler_.compensating_work_started();
+    }
+  }
+  epoll_reactor* reactor_;
+  op_queue<operation> ops_;
+  operation* first_op_;
+epoll_reactor::descriptor_state::descriptor_state(bool locking)
+  : operation(&epoll_reactor::descriptor_state::do_complete),
+    mutex_(locking)
+operation* epoll_reactor::descriptor_state::perform_io(uint32_t events)
+  mutex_.lock();
+  perform_io_cleanup_on_block_exit io_cleanup(reactor_);
+  mutex::scoped_lock descriptor_lock(mutex_, mutex::scoped_lock::adopt_lock);
+  // Exception operations must be processed first to ensure that any
+  // out-of-band data is read before normal data.
+  static const int flag[max_ops] = { EPOLLIN, EPOLLOUT, EPOLLPRI };
+  for (int j = max_ops - 1; j >= 0; --j)
+  {
+    if (events & (flag[j] | EPOLLERR | EPOLLHUP))
+    {
+      try_speculative_[j] = true;
+      while (reactor_op* op = op_queue_[j].front())
+      {
+        if (reactor_op::status status = op->perform())
+        {
+          op_queue_[j].pop();
+          io_cleanup.ops_.push(op);
+          if (status == reactor_op::done_and_exhausted)
+          {
+            try_speculative_[j] = false;
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+        else
+          break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // The first operation will be returned for completion now. The others will
+  // be posted for later by the io_cleanup object's destructor.
+  io_cleanup.first_op_ = io_cleanup.ops_.front();
+  io_cleanup.ops_.pop();
+  return io_cleanup.first_op_;
+void epoll_reactor::descriptor_state::do_complete(
+    void* owner, operation* base,
+    const boost::system::error_code& ec, std::size_t bytes_transferred)
+  if (owner)
+  {
+    descriptor_state* descriptor_data = static_cast<descriptor_state*>(base);
+    uint32_t events = static_cast<uint32_t>(bytes_transferred);
+    if (operation* op = descriptor_data->perform_io(events))
+    {
+      op->complete(owner, ec, 0);
+    }
+  }
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_EPOLL)

+ 167 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+// detail/impl/eventfd_select_interrupter.ipp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Copyright (c) 2008 Roelof Naude (roelof.naude at gmail dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#if __GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ < 8
+# include <asm/unistd.h>
+#else // __GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ < 8
+# include <sys/eventfd.h>
+#endif // __GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ < 8
+#include <boost/asio/detail/cstdint.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/eventfd_select_interrupter.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/throw_error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+  open_descriptors();
+void eventfd_select_interrupter::open_descriptors()
+#if __GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ < 8
+  write_descriptor_ = read_descriptor_ = syscall(__NR_eventfd, 0);
+  if (read_descriptor_ != -1)
+  {
+    ::fcntl(read_descriptor_, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
+    ::fcntl(read_descriptor_, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
+  }
+#else // __GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ < 8
+# if defined(EFD_CLOEXEC) && defined(EFD_NONBLOCK)
+  write_descriptor_ = read_descriptor_ =
+    ::eventfd(0, EFD_CLOEXEC | EFD_NONBLOCK);
+# else // defined(EFD_CLOEXEC) && defined(EFD_NONBLOCK)
+  errno = EINVAL;
+  write_descriptor_ = read_descriptor_ = -1;
+# endif // defined(EFD_CLOEXEC) && defined(EFD_NONBLOCK)
+  if (read_descriptor_ == -1 && errno == EINVAL)
+  {
+    write_descriptor_ = read_descriptor_ = ::eventfd(0, 0);
+    if (read_descriptor_ != -1)
+    {
+      ::fcntl(read_descriptor_, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
+      ::fcntl(read_descriptor_, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
+    }
+  }
+#endif // __GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ < 8
+  if (read_descriptor_ == -1)
+  {
+    int pipe_fds[2];
+    if (pipe(pipe_fds) == 0)
+    {
+      read_descriptor_ = pipe_fds[0];
+      ::fcntl(read_descriptor_, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
+      ::fcntl(read_descriptor_, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
+      write_descriptor_ = pipe_fds[1];
+      ::fcntl(write_descriptor_, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
+      ::fcntl(write_descriptor_, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      boost::system::error_code ec(errno,
+          boost::asio::error::get_system_category());
+      boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "eventfd_select_interrupter");
+    }
+  }
+  close_descriptors();
+void eventfd_select_interrupter::close_descriptors()
+  if (write_descriptor_ != -1 && write_descriptor_ != read_descriptor_)
+    ::close(write_descriptor_);
+  if (read_descriptor_ != -1)
+    ::close(read_descriptor_);
+void eventfd_select_interrupter::recreate()
+  close_descriptors();
+  write_descriptor_ = -1;
+  read_descriptor_ = -1;
+  open_descriptors();
+void eventfd_select_interrupter::interrupt()
+  uint64_t counter(1UL);
+  int result = ::write(write_descriptor_, &counter, sizeof(uint64_t));
+  (void)result;
+bool eventfd_select_interrupter::reset()
+  if (write_descriptor_ == read_descriptor_)
+  {
+    for (;;)
+    {
+      // Only perform one read. The kernel maintains an atomic counter.
+      uint64_t counter(0);
+      errno = 0;
+      int bytes_read = ::read(read_descriptor_, &counter, sizeof(uint64_t));
+      if (bytes_read < 0 && errno == EINTR)
+        continue;
+      bool was_interrupted = (bytes_read > 0);
+      return was_interrupted;
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    for (;;)
+    {
+      // Clear all data from the pipe.
+      char data[1024];
+      int bytes_read = ::read(read_descriptor_, data, sizeof(data));
+      if (bytes_read < 0 && errno == EINTR)
+        continue;
+      bool was_interrupted = (bytes_read > 0);
+      while (bytes_read == sizeof(data))
+        bytes_read = ::read(read_descriptor_, data, sizeof(data));
+      return was_interrupted;
+    }
+  }
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_EVENTFD)

+ 360 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+// detail/impl/handler_tracking.ipp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+// The handler tracking implementation is provided by the user-specified header.
+#include <cstdarg>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/handler_tracking.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/time_traits.hpp>
+#elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_CHRONO)
+# include <boost/asio/detail/chrono.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/detail/chrono_time_traits.hpp>
+# include <boost/asio/wait_traits.hpp>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_BOOST_DATE_TIME)
+# include <boost/asio/detail/socket_types.hpp>
+#elif !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+# include <unistd.h>
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+struct handler_tracking_timestamp
+  uint64_t seconds;
+  uint64_t microseconds;
+  handler_tracking_timestamp()
+  {
+    boost::posix_time::ptime epoch(boost::gregorian::date(1970, 1, 1));
+    boost::posix_time::time_duration now =
+      boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time() - epoch;
+#elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_CHRONO)
+    typedef chrono_time_traits<chrono::system_clock,
+        boost::asio::wait_traits<chrono::system_clock> > traits_helper;
+    traits_helper::posix_time_duration now(
+        chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch());
+    seconds = static_cast<uint64_t>(now.total_seconds());
+    microseconds = static_cast<uint64_t>(now.total_microseconds() % 1000000);
+  }
+struct handler_tracking::tracking_state
+  static_mutex mutex_;
+  uint64_t next_id_;
+  tss_ptr<completion>* current_completion_;
+handler_tracking::tracking_state* handler_tracking::get_state()
+  static tracking_state state = { BOOST_ASIO_STATIC_MUTEX_INIT, 1, 0 };
+  return &state;
+void handler_tracking::init()
+  static tracking_state* state = get_state();
+  state->mutex_.init();
+  static_mutex::scoped_lock lock(state->mutex_);
+  if (state->current_completion_ == 0)
+    state->current_completion_ = new tss_ptr<completion>;
+void handler_tracking::creation(execution_context&,
+    handler_tracking::tracked_handler& h,
+    const char* object_type, void* object,
+    uintmax_t /*native_handle*/, const char* op_name)
+  static tracking_state* state = get_state();
+  static_mutex::scoped_lock lock(state->mutex_);
+  h.id_ = state->next_id_++;
+  lock.unlock();
+  handler_tracking_timestamp timestamp;
+  uint64_t current_id = 0;
+  if (completion* current_completion = *state->current_completion_)
+    current_id = current_completion->id_;
+  write_line(
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+      "@asio|%I64u.%06I64u|%I64u*%I64u|%.20s@%p.%.50s\n",
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+      "@asio|%llu.%06llu|%llu*%llu|%.20s@%p.%.50s\n",
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+      timestamp.seconds, timestamp.microseconds,
+      current_id, h.id_, object_type, object, op_name);
+    const handler_tracking::tracked_handler& h)
+  : id_(h.id_),
+    invoked_(false),
+    next_(*get_state()->current_completion_)
+  *get_state()->current_completion_ = this;
+  if (id_)
+  {
+    handler_tracking_timestamp timestamp;
+    write_line(
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+        "@asio|%I64u.%06I64u|%c%I64u|\n",
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+        "@asio|%llu.%06llu|%c%llu|\n",
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+        timestamp.seconds, timestamp.microseconds,
+        invoked_ ? '!' : '~', id_);
+  }
+  *get_state()->current_completion_ = next_;
+void handler_tracking::completion::invocation_begin()
+  handler_tracking_timestamp timestamp;
+  write_line(
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+      "@asio|%I64u.%06I64u|>%I64u|\n",
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+      "@asio|%llu.%06llu|>%llu|\n",
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+      timestamp.seconds, timestamp.microseconds, id_);
+  invoked_ = true;
+void handler_tracking::completion::invocation_begin(
+    const boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  handler_tracking_timestamp timestamp;
+  write_line(
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+      "@asio|%I64u.%06I64u|>%I64u|ec=%.20s:%d\n",
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+      "@asio|%llu.%06llu|>%llu|ec=%.20s:%d\n",
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+      timestamp.seconds, timestamp.microseconds,
+      id_, ec.category().name(), ec.value());
+  invoked_ = true;
+void handler_tracking::completion::invocation_begin(
+    const boost::system::error_code& ec, std::size_t bytes_transferred)
+  handler_tracking_timestamp timestamp;
+  write_line(
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+      "@asio|%I64u.%06I64u|>%I64u|ec=%.20s:%d,bytes_transferred=%I64u\n",
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+      "@asio|%llu.%06llu|>%llu|ec=%.20s:%d,bytes_transferred=%llu\n",
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+      timestamp.seconds, timestamp.microseconds,
+      id_, ec.category().name(), ec.value(),
+      static_cast<uint64_t>(bytes_transferred));
+  invoked_ = true;
+void handler_tracking::completion::invocation_begin(
+    const boost::system::error_code& ec, int signal_number)
+  handler_tracking_timestamp timestamp;
+  write_line(
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+      "@asio|%I64u.%06I64u|>%I64u|ec=%.20s:%d,signal_number=%d\n",
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+      "@asio|%llu.%06llu|>%llu|ec=%.20s:%d,signal_number=%d\n",
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+      timestamp.seconds, timestamp.microseconds,
+      id_, ec.category().name(), ec.value(), signal_number);
+  invoked_ = true;
+void handler_tracking::completion::invocation_begin(
+    const boost::system::error_code& ec, const char* arg)
+  handler_tracking_timestamp timestamp;
+  write_line(
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+      "@asio|%I64u.%06I64u|>%I64u|ec=%.20s:%d,%.50s\n",
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+      "@asio|%llu.%06llu|>%llu|ec=%.20s:%d,%.50s\n",
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+      timestamp.seconds, timestamp.microseconds,
+      id_, ec.category().name(), ec.value(), arg);
+  invoked_ = true;
+void handler_tracking::completion::invocation_end()
+  if (id_)
+  {
+    handler_tracking_timestamp timestamp;
+    write_line(
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+        "@asio|%I64u.%06I64u|<%I64u|\n",
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+        "@asio|%llu.%06llu|<%llu|\n",
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+        timestamp.seconds, timestamp.microseconds, id_);
+    id_ = 0;
+  }
+void handler_tracking::operation(execution_context&,
+    const char* object_type, void* object,
+    uintmax_t /*native_handle*/, const char* op_name)
+  static tracking_state* state = get_state();
+  handler_tracking_timestamp timestamp;
+  unsigned long long current_id = 0;
+  if (completion* current_completion = *state->current_completion_)
+    current_id = current_completion->id_;
+  write_line(
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+      "@asio|%I64u.%06I64u|%I64u|%.20s@%p.%.50s\n",
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+      "@asio|%llu.%06llu|%llu|%.20s@%p.%.50s\n",
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+      timestamp.seconds, timestamp.microseconds,
+      current_id, object_type, object, op_name);
+void handler_tracking::reactor_registration(execution_context& /*context*/,
+    uintmax_t /*native_handle*/, uintmax_t /*registration*/)
+void handler_tracking::reactor_deregistration(execution_context& /*context*/,
+    uintmax_t /*native_handle*/, uintmax_t /*registration*/)
+void handler_tracking::reactor_events(execution_context& /*context*/,
+    uintmax_t /*native_handle*/, unsigned /*events*/)
+void handler_tracking::reactor_operation(
+    const tracked_handler& h, const char* op_name,
+    const boost::system::error_code& ec)
+  handler_tracking_timestamp timestamp;
+  write_line(
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+      "@asio|%I64u.%06I64u|.%I64u|%s,ec=%.20s:%d\n",
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+      "@asio|%llu.%06llu|.%llu|%s,ec=%.20s:%d\n",
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+      timestamp.seconds, timestamp.microseconds,
+      h.id_, op_name, ec.category().name(), ec.value());
+void handler_tracking::reactor_operation(
+    const tracked_handler& h, const char* op_name,
+    const boost::system::error_code& ec, std::size_t bytes_transferred)
+  handler_tracking_timestamp timestamp;
+  write_line(
+#if defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+      "@asio|%I64u.%06I64u|.%I64u|%s,ec=%.20s:%d,bytes_transferred=%I64u\n",
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+      "@asio|%llu.%06llu|.%llu|%s,ec=%.20s:%d,bytes_transferred=%llu\n",
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+      timestamp.seconds, timestamp.microseconds,
+      h.id_, op_name, ec.category().name(), ec.value(),
+      static_cast<uint64_t>(bytes_transferred));
+void handler_tracking::write_line(const char* format, ...)
+  using namespace std; // For sprintf (or equivalent).
+  va_list args;
+  va_start(args, format);
+  char line[256] = "";
+  int length = vsprintf_s(line, sizeof(line), format, args);
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_SECURE_RTL)
+  int length = vsprintf(line, format, args);
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_SECURE_RTL)
+  va_end(args);
+  wchar_t wline[256] = L"";
+  mbstowcs_s(0, wline, sizeof(wline) / sizeof(wchar_t), line, length);
+  ::OutputDebugStringW(wline);
+#elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+  HANDLE stderr_handle = ::GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
+  DWORD bytes_written = 0;
+  ::WriteFile(stderr_handle, line, length, &bytes_written, 0);
+#else // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+  ::write(STDERR_FILENO, line, length);
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 95 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+// detail/impl/kqueue_reactor.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Copyright (c) 2005 Stefan Arentz (stefan at soze dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+template <typename Time_Traits>
+void kqueue_reactor::add_timer_queue(timer_queue<Time_Traits>& queue)
+  do_add_timer_queue(queue);
+// Remove a timer queue from the reactor.
+template <typename Time_Traits>
+void kqueue_reactor::remove_timer_queue(timer_queue<Time_Traits>& queue)
+  do_remove_timer_queue(queue);
+template <typename Time_Traits>
+void kqueue_reactor::schedule_timer(timer_queue<Time_Traits>& queue,
+    const typename Time_Traits::time_type& time,
+    typename timer_queue<Time_Traits>::per_timer_data& timer, wait_op* op)
+  mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
+  if (shutdown_)
+  {
+    scheduler_.post_immediate_completion(op, false);
+    return;
+  }
+  bool earliest = queue.enqueue_timer(time, timer, op);
+  scheduler_.work_started();
+  if (earliest)
+    interrupt();
+template <typename Time_Traits>
+std::size_t kqueue_reactor::cancel_timer(timer_queue<Time_Traits>& queue,
+    typename timer_queue<Time_Traits>::per_timer_data& timer,
+    std::size_t max_cancelled)
+  mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
+  op_queue<operation> ops;
+  std::size_t n = queue.cancel_timer(timer, ops, max_cancelled);
+  lock.unlock();
+  scheduler_.post_deferred_completions(ops);
+  return n;
+template <typename Time_Traits>
+void kqueue_reactor::move_timer(timer_queue<Time_Traits>& queue,
+    typename timer_queue<Time_Traits>::per_timer_data& target,
+    typename timer_queue<Time_Traits>::per_timer_data& source)
+  mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
+  op_queue<operation> ops;
+  queue.cancel_timer(target, ops);
+  queue.move_timer(target, source);
+  lock.unlock();
+  scheduler_.post_deferred_completions(ops);
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_KQUEUE)

+ 568 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+// detail/impl/kqueue_reactor.ipp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Copyright (c) 2005 Stefan Arentz (stefan at soze dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/kqueue_reactor.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/scheduler.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/throw_error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+#if defined(__NetBSD__)
+# define BOOST_ASIO_KQUEUE_EV_SET(ev, ident, filt, flags, fflags, data, udata) \
+    EV_SET(ev, ident, filt, flags, fflags, data, \
+      reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(static_cast<void*>(udata)))
+# define BOOST_ASIO_KQUEUE_EV_SET(ev, ident, filt, flags, fflags, data, udata) \
+    EV_SET(ev, ident, filt, flags, fflags, data, udata)
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+kqueue_reactor::kqueue_reactor(boost::asio::execution_context& ctx)
+  : execution_context_service_base<kqueue_reactor>(ctx),
+    scheduler_(use_service<scheduler>(ctx)),
+          REACTOR_REGISTRATION, scheduler_.concurrency_hint())),
+    kqueue_fd_(do_kqueue_create()),
+    interrupter_(),
+    shutdown_(false),
+    registered_descriptors_mutex_(mutex_.enabled())
+  struct kevent events[1];
+  BOOST_ASIO_KQUEUE_EV_SET(&events[0], interrupter_.read_descriptor(),
+      EVFILT_READ, EV_ADD, 0, 0, &interrupter_);
+  if (::kevent(kqueue_fd_, events, 1, 0, 0, 0) == -1)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code error(errno,
+        boost::asio::error::get_system_category());
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(error);
+  }
+  close(kqueue_fd_);
+void kqueue_reactor::shutdown()
+  mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
+  shutdown_ = true;
+  lock.unlock();
+  op_queue<operation> ops;
+  while (descriptor_state* state = registered_descriptors_.first())
+  {
+    for (int i = 0; i < max_ops; ++i)
+      ops.push(state->op_queue_[i]);
+    state->shutdown_ = true;
+    registered_descriptors_.free(state);
+  }
+  timer_queues_.get_all_timers(ops);
+  scheduler_.abandon_operations(ops);
+void kqueue_reactor::notify_fork(
+    boost::asio::execution_context::fork_event fork_ev)
+  if (fork_ev == boost::asio::execution_context::fork_child)
+  {
+    // The kqueue descriptor is automatically closed in the child.
+    kqueue_fd_ = -1;
+    kqueue_fd_ = do_kqueue_create();
+    interrupter_.recreate();
+    struct kevent events[2];
+    BOOST_ASIO_KQUEUE_EV_SET(&events[0], interrupter_.read_descriptor(),
+        EVFILT_READ, EV_ADD, 0, 0, &interrupter_);
+    if (::kevent(kqueue_fd_, events, 1, 0, 0, 0) == -1)
+    {
+      boost::system::error_code ec(errno,
+          boost::asio::error::get_system_category());
+      boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "kqueue interrupter registration");
+    }
+    // Re-register all descriptors with kqueue.
+    mutex::scoped_lock descriptors_lock(registered_descriptors_mutex_);
+    for (descriptor_state* state = registered_descriptors_.first();
+        state != 0; state = state->next_)
+    {
+      if (state->num_kevents_ > 0)
+      {
+        BOOST_ASIO_KQUEUE_EV_SET(&events[0], state->descriptor_,
+            EVFILT_READ, EV_ADD | EV_CLEAR, 0, 0, state);
+        BOOST_ASIO_KQUEUE_EV_SET(&events[1], state->descriptor_,
+            EVFILT_WRITE, EV_ADD | EV_CLEAR, 0, 0, state);
+        if (::kevent(kqueue_fd_, events, state->num_kevents_, 0, 0, 0) == -1)
+        {
+          boost::system::error_code ec(errno,
+              boost::asio::error::get_system_category());
+          boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "kqueue re-registration");
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void kqueue_reactor::init_task()
+  scheduler_.init_task();
+int kqueue_reactor::register_descriptor(socket_type descriptor,
+    kqueue_reactor::per_descriptor_data& descriptor_data)
+  descriptor_data = allocate_descriptor_state();
+        context(), static_cast<uintmax_t>(descriptor),
+        reinterpret_cast<uintmax_t>(descriptor_data)));
+  mutex::scoped_lock lock(descriptor_data->mutex_);
+  descriptor_data->descriptor_ = descriptor;
+  descriptor_data->num_kevents_ = 0;
+  descriptor_data->shutdown_ = false;
+  return 0;
+int kqueue_reactor::register_internal_descriptor(
+    int op_type, socket_type descriptor,
+    kqueue_reactor::per_descriptor_data& descriptor_data, reactor_op* op)
+  descriptor_data = allocate_descriptor_state();
+        context(), static_cast<uintmax_t>(descriptor),
+        reinterpret_cast<uintmax_t>(descriptor_data)));
+  mutex::scoped_lock lock(descriptor_data->mutex_);
+  descriptor_data->descriptor_ = descriptor;
+  descriptor_data->num_kevents_ = 1;
+  descriptor_data->shutdown_ = false;
+  descriptor_data->op_queue_[op_type].push(op);
+  struct kevent events[1];
+  BOOST_ASIO_KQUEUE_EV_SET(&events[0], descriptor, EVFILT_READ,
+      EV_ADD | EV_CLEAR, 0, 0, descriptor_data);
+  if (::kevent(kqueue_fd_, events, 1, 0, 0, 0) == -1)
+    return errno;
+  return 0;
+void kqueue_reactor::move_descriptor(socket_type,
+    kqueue_reactor::per_descriptor_data& target_descriptor_data,
+    kqueue_reactor::per_descriptor_data& source_descriptor_data)
+  target_descriptor_data = source_descriptor_data;
+  source_descriptor_data = 0;
+void kqueue_reactor::start_op(int op_type, socket_type descriptor,
+    kqueue_reactor::per_descriptor_data& descriptor_data, reactor_op* op,
+    bool is_continuation, bool allow_speculative)
+  if (!descriptor_data)
+  {
+    op->ec_ = boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor;
+    post_immediate_completion(op, is_continuation);
+    return;
+  }
+  mutex::scoped_lock descriptor_lock(descriptor_data->mutex_);
+  if (descriptor_data->shutdown_)
+  {
+    post_immediate_completion(op, is_continuation);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (descriptor_data->op_queue_[op_type].empty())
+  {
+    static const int num_kevents[max_ops] = { 1, 2, 1 };
+    if (allow_speculative
+        && (op_type != read_op
+          || descriptor_data->op_queue_[except_op].empty()))
+    {
+      if (op->perform())
+      {
+        descriptor_lock.unlock();
+        scheduler_.post_immediate_completion(op, is_continuation);
+        return;
+      }
+      if (descriptor_data->num_kevents_ < num_kevents[op_type])
+      {
+        struct kevent events[2];
+        BOOST_ASIO_KQUEUE_EV_SET(&events[0], descriptor, EVFILT_READ,
+            EV_ADD | EV_CLEAR, 0, 0, descriptor_data);
+        BOOST_ASIO_KQUEUE_EV_SET(&events[1], descriptor, EVFILT_WRITE,
+            EV_ADD | EV_CLEAR, 0, 0, descriptor_data);
+        if (::kevent(kqueue_fd_, events, num_kevents[op_type], 0, 0, 0) != -1)
+        {
+          descriptor_data->num_kevents_ = num_kevents[op_type];
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          op->ec_ = boost::system::error_code(errno,
+              boost::asio::error::get_system_category());
+          scheduler_.post_immediate_completion(op, is_continuation);
+          return;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      if (descriptor_data->num_kevents_ < num_kevents[op_type])
+        descriptor_data->num_kevents_ = num_kevents[op_type];
+      struct kevent events[2];
+      BOOST_ASIO_KQUEUE_EV_SET(&events[0], descriptor, EVFILT_READ,
+          EV_ADD | EV_CLEAR, 0, 0, descriptor_data);
+      BOOST_ASIO_KQUEUE_EV_SET(&events[1], descriptor, EVFILT_WRITE,
+          EV_ADD | EV_CLEAR, 0, 0, descriptor_data);
+      ::kevent(kqueue_fd_, events, descriptor_data->num_kevents_, 0, 0, 0);
+    }
+  }
+  descriptor_data->op_queue_[op_type].push(op);
+  scheduler_.work_started();
+void kqueue_reactor::cancel_ops(socket_type,
+    kqueue_reactor::per_descriptor_data& descriptor_data)
+  if (!descriptor_data)
+    return;
+  mutex::scoped_lock descriptor_lock(descriptor_data->mutex_);
+  op_queue<operation> ops;
+  for (int i = 0; i < max_ops; ++i)
+  {
+    while (reactor_op* op = descriptor_data->op_queue_[i].front())
+    {
+      op->ec_ = boost::asio::error::operation_aborted;
+      descriptor_data->op_queue_[i].pop();
+      ops.push(op);
+    }
+  }
+  descriptor_lock.unlock();
+  scheduler_.post_deferred_completions(ops);
+void kqueue_reactor::deregister_descriptor(socket_type descriptor,
+    kqueue_reactor::per_descriptor_data& descriptor_data, bool closing)
+  if (!descriptor_data)
+    return;
+  mutex::scoped_lock descriptor_lock(descriptor_data->mutex_);
+  if (!descriptor_data->shutdown_)
+  {
+    if (closing)
+    {
+      // The descriptor will be automatically removed from the kqueue when it
+      // is closed.
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      struct kevent events[2];
+      BOOST_ASIO_KQUEUE_EV_SET(&events[0], descriptor,
+          EVFILT_READ, EV_DELETE, 0, 0, 0);
+      BOOST_ASIO_KQUEUE_EV_SET(&events[1], descriptor,
+          EVFILT_WRITE, EV_DELETE, 0, 0, 0);
+      ::kevent(kqueue_fd_, events, descriptor_data->num_kevents_, 0, 0, 0);
+    }
+    op_queue<operation> ops;
+    for (int i = 0; i < max_ops; ++i)
+    {
+      while (reactor_op* op = descriptor_data->op_queue_[i].front())
+      {
+        op->ec_ = boost::asio::error::operation_aborted;
+        descriptor_data->op_queue_[i].pop();
+        ops.push(op);
+      }
+    }
+    descriptor_data->descriptor_ = -1;
+    descriptor_data->shutdown_ = true;
+    descriptor_lock.unlock();
+          context(), static_cast<uintmax_t>(descriptor),
+          reinterpret_cast<uintmax_t>(descriptor_data)));
+    scheduler_.post_deferred_completions(ops);
+    // Leave descriptor_data set so that it will be freed by the subsequent
+    // call to cleanup_descriptor_data.
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    // We are shutting down, so prevent cleanup_descriptor_data from freeing
+    // the descriptor_data object and let the destructor free it instead.
+    descriptor_data = 0;
+  }
+void kqueue_reactor::deregister_internal_descriptor(socket_type descriptor,
+    kqueue_reactor::per_descriptor_data& descriptor_data)
+  if (!descriptor_data)
+    return;
+  mutex::scoped_lock descriptor_lock(descriptor_data->mutex_);
+  if (!descriptor_data->shutdown_)
+  {
+    struct kevent events[2];
+    BOOST_ASIO_KQUEUE_EV_SET(&events[0], descriptor,
+        EVFILT_READ, EV_DELETE, 0, 0, 0);
+    BOOST_ASIO_KQUEUE_EV_SET(&events[1], descriptor,
+        EVFILT_WRITE, EV_DELETE, 0, 0, 0);
+    ::kevent(kqueue_fd_, events, descriptor_data->num_kevents_, 0, 0, 0);
+    op_queue<operation> ops;
+    for (int i = 0; i < max_ops; ++i)
+      ops.push(descriptor_data->op_queue_[i]);
+    descriptor_data->descriptor_ = -1;
+    descriptor_data->shutdown_ = true;
+    descriptor_lock.unlock();
+          context(), static_cast<uintmax_t>(descriptor),
+          reinterpret_cast<uintmax_t>(descriptor_data)));
+    // Leave descriptor_data set so that it will be freed by the subsequent
+    // call to cleanup_descriptor_data.
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    // We are shutting down, so prevent cleanup_descriptor_data from freeing
+    // the descriptor_data object and let the destructor free it instead.
+    descriptor_data = 0;
+  }
+void kqueue_reactor::cleanup_descriptor_data(
+    per_descriptor_data& descriptor_data)
+  if (descriptor_data)
+  {
+    free_descriptor_state(descriptor_data);
+    descriptor_data = 0;
+  }
+void kqueue_reactor::run(long usec, op_queue<operation>& ops)
+  mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
+  // Determine how long to block while waiting for events.
+  timespec timeout_buf = { 0, 0 };
+  timespec* timeout = usec ? get_timeout(usec, timeout_buf) : &timeout_buf;
+  lock.unlock();
+  // Block on the kqueue descriptor.
+  struct kevent events[128];
+  int num_events = kevent(kqueue_fd_, 0, 0, events, 128, timeout);
+  // Trace the waiting events.
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_events; ++i)
+  {
+    void* ptr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(events[i].udata);
+    if (ptr != &interrupter_)
+    {
+      unsigned event_mask = 0;
+      switch (events[i].filter)
+      {
+      case EVFILT_READ:
+        break;
+      case EVFILT_WRITE:
+        break;
+      }
+      if ((events[i].flags & (EV_ERROR | EV_OOBAND)) != 0)
+            reinterpret_cast<uintmax_t>(ptr), event_mask));
+    }
+  }
+  // Dispatch the waiting events.
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_events; ++i)
+  {
+    void* ptr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(events[i].udata);
+    if (ptr == &interrupter_)
+    {
+      interrupter_.reset();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      descriptor_state* descriptor_data = static_cast<descriptor_state*>(ptr);
+      mutex::scoped_lock descriptor_lock(descriptor_data->mutex_);
+      if (events[i].filter == EVFILT_WRITE
+          && descriptor_data->num_kevents_ == 2
+          && descriptor_data->op_queue_[write_op].empty())
+      {
+        // Some descriptor types, like serial ports, don't seem to support
+        // EV_CLEAR with EVFILT_WRITE. Since we have no pending write
+        // operations we'll remove the EVFILT_WRITE registration here so that
+        // we don't end up in a tight spin.
+        struct kevent delete_events[1];
+        BOOST_ASIO_KQUEUE_EV_SET(&delete_events[0],
+            descriptor_data->descriptor_, EVFILT_WRITE, EV_DELETE, 0, 0, 0);
+        ::kevent(kqueue_fd_, delete_events, 1, 0, 0, 0);
+        descriptor_data->num_kevents_ = 1;
+      }
+      // Exception operations must be processed first to ensure that any
+      // out-of-band data is read before normal data.
+#if defined(__NetBSD__)
+      static const unsigned int filter[max_ops] =
+      static const int filter[max_ops] =
+      for (int j = max_ops - 1; j >= 0; --j)
+      {
+        if (events[i].filter == filter[j])
+        {
+          if (j != except_op || events[i].flags & EV_OOBAND)
+          {
+            while (reactor_op* op = descriptor_data->op_queue_[j].front())
+            {
+              if (events[i].flags & EV_ERROR)
+              {
+                op->ec_ = boost::system::error_code(
+                    static_cast<int>(events[i].data),
+                    boost::asio::error::get_system_category());
+                descriptor_data->op_queue_[j].pop();
+                ops.push(op);
+              }
+              if (op->perform())
+              {
+                descriptor_data->op_queue_[j].pop();
+                ops.push(op);
+              }
+              else
+                break;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  lock.lock();
+  timer_queues_.get_ready_timers(ops);
+void kqueue_reactor::interrupt()
+  interrupter_.interrupt();
+int kqueue_reactor::do_kqueue_create()
+  int fd = ::kqueue();
+  if (fd == -1)
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec(errno,
+        boost::asio::error::get_system_category());
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "kqueue");
+  }
+  return fd;
+kqueue_reactor::descriptor_state* kqueue_reactor::allocate_descriptor_state()
+  mutex::scoped_lock descriptors_lock(registered_descriptors_mutex_);
+  return registered_descriptors_.alloc(BOOST_ASIO_CONCURRENCY_HINT_IS_LOCKING(
+        REACTOR_IO, scheduler_.concurrency_hint()));
+void kqueue_reactor::free_descriptor_state(kqueue_reactor::descriptor_state* s)
+  mutex::scoped_lock descriptors_lock(registered_descriptors_mutex_);
+  registered_descriptors_.free(s);
+void kqueue_reactor::do_add_timer_queue(timer_queue_base& queue)
+  mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
+  timer_queues_.insert(&queue);
+void kqueue_reactor::do_remove_timer_queue(timer_queue_base& queue)
+  mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
+  timer_queues_.erase(&queue);
+timespec* kqueue_reactor::get_timeout(long usec, timespec& ts)
+  // By default we will wait no longer than 5 minutes. This will ensure that
+  // any changes to the system clock are detected after no longer than this.
+  const long max_usec = 5 * 60 * 1000 * 1000;
+  usec = timer_queues_.wait_duration_usec(
+      (usec < 0 || max_usec < usec) ? max_usec : usec);
+  ts.tv_sec = usec / 1000000;
+  ts.tv_nsec = (usec % 1000000) * 1000;
+  return &ts;
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_KQUEUE)

+ 76 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// detail/impl/null_event.ipp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+# include <thread>
+#elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+# include <boost/asio/detail/socket_types.hpp>
+# include <unistd.h>
+# if defined(__hpux)
+#  include <sys/time.h>
+# endif
+# if !defined(__hpux) || defined(__SELECT)
+#  include <sys/select.h>
+# endif
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+void null_event::do_wait()
+  std::this_thread::sleep_until((std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point::max)());
+#elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+  ::Sleep(INFINITE);
+  ::pause();
+void null_event::do_wait_for_usec(long usec)
+  std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::microseconds(usec));
+#elif defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+  ::Sleep(usec / 1000);
+#elif defined(__hpux) && defined(__SELECT)
+  timespec ts;
+  ts.tv_sec = usec / 1000000;
+  ts.tv_nsec = (usec % 1000000) * 1000;
+  ::pselect(0, 0, 0, 0, &ts, 0);
+  timeval tv;
+  tv.tv_sec = usec / 1000000;
+  tv.tv_usec = usec % 1000000;
+  ::select(0, 0, 0, 0, &tv);
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>

+ 126 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+// detail/impl/pipe_select_interrupter.ipp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#if !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+#if !defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#if !defined(__SYMBIAN32__)
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pipe_select_interrupter.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/socket_types.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/throw_error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+  open_descriptors();
+void pipe_select_interrupter::open_descriptors()
+  int pipe_fds[2];
+  if (pipe(pipe_fds) == 0)
+  {
+    read_descriptor_ = pipe_fds[0];
+    ::fcntl(read_descriptor_, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
+    write_descriptor_ = pipe_fds[1];
+    ::fcntl(write_descriptor_, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
+#if defined(FD_CLOEXEC)
+    ::fcntl(read_descriptor_, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
+    ::fcntl(write_descriptor_, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
+#endif // defined(FD_CLOEXEC)
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code ec(errno,
+        boost::asio::error::get_system_category());
+    boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "pipe_select_interrupter");
+  }
+  close_descriptors();
+void pipe_select_interrupter::close_descriptors()
+  if (read_descriptor_ != -1)
+    ::close(read_descriptor_);
+  if (write_descriptor_ != -1)
+    ::close(write_descriptor_);
+void pipe_select_interrupter::recreate()
+  close_descriptors();
+  write_descriptor_ = -1;
+  read_descriptor_ = -1;
+  open_descriptors();
+void pipe_select_interrupter::interrupt()
+  char byte = 0;
+  signed_size_type result = ::write(write_descriptor_, &byte, 1);
+  (void)result;
+bool pipe_select_interrupter::reset()
+  for (;;)
+  {
+    char data[1024];
+    signed_size_type bytes_read = ::read(read_descriptor_, data, sizeof(data));
+    if (bytes_read < 0 && errno == EINTR)
+      continue;
+    bool was_interrupted = (bytes_read > 0);
+    while (bytes_read == sizeof(data))
+      bytes_read = ::read(read_descriptor_, data, sizeof(data));
+    return was_interrupted;
+  }
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_EVENTFD)
+#endif // !defined(__SYMBIAN32__)
+#endif // !defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS)
+#endif // !defined(BOOST_ASIO_WINDOWS_RUNTIME)

+ 61 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+// detail/impl/posix_event.ipp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/posix_event.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/throw_error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+  : state_(0)
+#if (defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__)) \
+      || (defined(__ANDROID__) && (__ANDROID_API__ < 21))
+  int error = ::pthread_cond_init(&cond_, 0);
+#else // (defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__))
+      // || (defined(__ANDROID__) && (__ANDROID_API__ < 21))
+  ::pthread_condattr_t attr;
+  ::pthread_condattr_init(&attr);
+  int error = ::pthread_condattr_setclock(&attr, CLOCK_MONOTONIC);
+  if (error == 0)
+    error = ::pthread_cond_init(&cond_, &attr);
+#endif // (defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__))
+       // || (defined(__ANDROID__) && (__ANDROID_API__ < 21))
+  boost::system::error_code ec(error,
+      boost::asio::error::get_system_category());
+  boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "event");
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_PTHREADS)

+ 48 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+// detail/impl/posix_mutex.ipp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/posix_mutex.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/throw_error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/error.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>
+namespace boost {
+namespace asio {
+namespace detail {
+  int error = ::pthread_mutex_init(&mutex_, 0);
+  boost::system::error_code ec(error,
+      boost::asio::error::get_system_category());
+  boost::asio::detail::throw_error(ec, "mutex");
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace asio
+} // namespace boost
+#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>
+#endif // defined(BOOST_ASIO_HAS_PTHREADS)

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff