#include "ot_blinds.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include // SSE and AVX intrinsics //const uint64_t n_OTS = 128; ot_ext_prot test_prots[] = {IKNP}; snd_ot_flavor test_sflavor[] = {Snd_OT, Snd_C_OT, Snd_GC_OT, Snd_R_OT}; rec_ot_flavor test_rflavor[] = {Rec_OT, Rec_R_OT}; //uint64_t test_numots[] = {n_OTS, 3215, 100000}; uint64_t test_bitlen[] = {1, 3, 8, 191}; uint32_t test_nthreads[] = {1, 4}; field_type test_ftype[] = {P_FIELD, ECC_FIELD}; bool test_usemecr[] = {false}; BOOL Cleanup() { delete sndthread; delete rcvthread; return true; } void InitSender(const std::string &address, const int port, CLock *glock) { m_nPort = (uint16_t)port; m_nAddr = &address; //Server listen m_Socket = Listen(address, port); if (!m_Socket) { std::cerr << "Listen failed on " << address << ":" << port << "\n"; std::exit(1); } sndthread = new SndThread(m_Socket.get(), glock); rcvthread = new RcvThread(m_Socket.get(), glock); sndthread->Start(); rcvthread->Start(); } void InitReceiver(const std::string &address, const int port, CLock *glock) { m_nPort = (uint16_t)port; m_nAddr = &address; //Client connect m_Socket = Connect(address, port); if (!m_Socket) { std::cerr << "Connect failed on " << address << ":" << port << "\n"; std::exit(1); } sndthread = new SndThread(m_Socket.get(), glock); rcvthread = new RcvThread(m_Socket.get(), glock); sndthread->Start(); rcvthread->Start(); } OTExtSnd *InitOTExtSnd(ot_ext_prot m_eProt, uint32_t nbaseots, uint32_t nchecks, bool enablemecr, field_type ftype, crypto *crypt) { OTExtSnd *sender; switch (m_eProt) { case ALSZ: sender = new ALSZOTExtSnd(crypt, rcvthread, sndthread, nbaseots, nchecks); break; case IKNP: sender = new IKNPOTExtSnd(crypt, rcvthread, sndthread); break; case NNOB: sender = new NNOBOTExtSnd(crypt, rcvthread, sndthread); break; default: sender = new ALSZOTExtSnd(crypt, rcvthread, sndthread, nbaseots, nchecks); break; } if (enablemecr) sender->EnableMinEntCorrRobustness(); sender->ComputeBaseOTs(ftype); return sender; } OTExtRec *InitOTExtRec(ot_ext_prot m_eProt, uint32_t nbaseots, uint32_t nchecks, bool enablemecr, field_type ftype, crypto *crypt) { OTExtRec *receiver; switch (m_eProt) { case ALSZ: receiver = new ALSZOTExtRec(crypt, rcvthread, sndthread, nbaseots, nchecks); break; case IKNP: receiver = new IKNPOTExtRec(crypt, rcvthread, sndthread); break; case NNOB: receiver = new NNOBOTExtRec(crypt, rcvthread, sndthread); break; default: receiver = new ALSZOTExtRec(crypt, rcvthread, sndthread, nbaseots, nchecks); break; } if (enablemecr) receiver->EnableMinEntCorrRobustness(); receiver->ComputeBaseOTs(ftype); return receiver; } // This is P0 void run_test_sender(uint32_t numots, uint32_t bitlength, snd_ot_flavor stype, rec_ot_flavor rtype, uint32_t numthreads, crypto *crypt, OTExtSnd *sender, OTExtRec *receiver) { CBitVector delta; CBitVector X0; uint32_t nsndvals = 2; CBitVector **X = (CBitVector **)malloc(sizeof(CBitVector *) * nsndvals); CBitVector **Y = (CBitVector **)malloc(sizeof(CBitVector *) * nsndvals); CBitVector **XoplusY = (CBitVector **)malloc(sizeof(CBitVector *) * nsndvals); //The masking function with which the values that are sent in the last communication step are processed XORMasking *m_fMaskFct = new XORMasking(bitlength, delta); //creates delta as an array with "numOTs" entries of "bitlength" bit-values and fills delta with random values delta.Create(numots, bitlength, crypt); //Create X1 and X2 as two arrays with "numOTs" entries of "bitlength" bit-values and resets them to 0 //X1.Create(numots, bitlength, crypt); //X2.Create(numots, bitlength, crypt); //X[0] --> T0 //X[1] --> X0 //Y[0] --> Y0 printf("run_test_sender\n"); //(T, X0 \oplus T) for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nsndvals; i++) { X[i] = new CBitVector(); // X[i]->Create(numots, bitlength, crypt); X[i]->Create(numots, bitlength); X[i]->FillRand(numots, crypt); Y[i] = new CBitVector(); // X[i]->Create(numots, bitlength, crypt); Y[i]->Create(numots, bitlength); // Y[i]->FillRand(n_OTS, crypt); Y[i]->SetToOne(); // I added this line //X[i]->PrintBinary(); // I added this line } X0.Create(numots, bitlength); X0.Reset(); X0.XOR(X[1]); //Y[0]->Copy(X[1]); #ifdef VERBOSE printf("X0:\n"); //X[1]->PrintBinary(); // I added this line X0.PrintHex(); // I added this line printf("Y0:\n"); Y[0]->PrintHex(); // I added this line printf("T0: \n"); X[0]->PrintHex(); #endif X[1]->XOR(X[0]); //X[1] --> X0 \oplus T0 //for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nsndvals; i++) { // printf("T0:\n"); // X[0]->PrintBinary(); // I added this line // printf("X0 ^ T0:\n"); // X[1]->PrintBinary(); // I added this line } sender->send(numots, bitlength, nsndvals, X, stype, rtype, numthreads, m_fMaskFct); CBitVector response; //Pre-generate the respose vector for the results response.Create(numots, bitlength); response.Reset(); //Y[0] is the choice vector. receiver->receive(numots, bitlength, nsndvals, Y[0], &response, stype, rtype, numthreads, m_fMaskFct); response.XOR(X[0]); #ifdef VERBOSE printf("\n\nLearnt Gamma0 = (X1 /cdot Y0) /oplus T------>>>>>> \n"); response.PrintHex(); #endif // std::ofstream gammafile0, X0file, Y0file; // gammafile0.open ("gamma0.txt", std::ios::out); // X0file.open("X0.txt", std::ios::out); // Y0file.open("Y0.txt", std::ios::out); int fd = open("./y0", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0600);; ssize_t bytes = write(fd, Y[0]->GetArr(), Y[0]->GetSize()); close(fd); int fd2 = open("./x0", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0600);; ssize_t bytes2 = write(fd2, X0.GetArr(), X0.GetSize()); close(fd2); int fd3 = open("./gamma0", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0600);; ssize_t bytes3 = write(fd3, response.GetArr(), response.GetSize()); close(fd3); // for(size_t j = 0; j < numots; ++j) // { // // std::cout << (int) response.GetBitNoMask(j); // gammafile0 << (int) response.GetBitNoMask(j); // X0file << (int) X0.GetBitNoMask(j); // Y0file << (int) Y[0]->GetBitNoMask(j); // } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nsndvals; i++) { delete (X[i]); } free(X); delta.delCBitVector(); delete m_fMaskFct; } // This is P1 void run_test_receiver(uint32_t numots, uint32_t bitlength, snd_ot_flavor stype, rec_ot_flavor rtype, uint32_t numthreads, crypto *crypt, OTExtSnd *sender, OTExtRec *receiver, int m_nPID) { CBitVector X1, response; uint32_t nsndvals = 2; CBitVector **X = (CBitVector **)malloc(sizeof(CBitVector *) * nsndvals); CBitVector **Y = (CBitVector **)malloc(sizeof(CBitVector *) * nsndvals); //X[0] --> T1 //X[1] --> X1 //Y[0] --> Y1 for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nsndvals; i++) { X[i] = new CBitVector(); X[i]->Create(numots, bitlength); X[i]->FillRand(numots, crypt); Y[i] = new CBitVector(); Y[i]->Create(numots, bitlength); //Y[i]->FillRand(n_OTS, crypt); Y[i]->SetToOne(); } X1.Create(numots, bitlength); X1.Reset(); X1.XOR(X[1]); #ifdef VERBOSE printf("X1:\n"); //X[1]->PrintBinary(); // I added this line X1.PrintHex(); // I added this line printf("Y1:\n"); Y[0]->PrintHex(); // I added this line printf("T1: \n"); X[0]->PrintHex(); #endif // X[1] -- > X1 \oplus T1 X[1]->XOR(X[0]); //The masking function with which the values that are sent in the last communication step are processed XORMasking *m_fMaskFct = new XORMasking(bitlength); //Pre-generate the respose vector for the results response.Create(numots, bitlength); response.Reset(); /* * The inputs of the receiver in G_OT, C_OT and R_OT are the same. The only difference is the version * variable that has to match the version of the sender. */ //Learns: (X0 \cdot Y1) \oplus T0 //Y0 is the choice bits. receiver->receive(numots, bitlength, nsndvals, Y[0], &response, stype, rtype, numthreads, m_fMaskFct); sender->send(numots, bitlength, nsndvals, X, stype, rtype, numthreads, m_fMaskFct); // printf("Learnt: (X0 /cdot Y1) /oplus T0------>>>>>> \n"); // response.PrintBinary(); response.XOR(X[0]); #ifdef VERBOSE printf("\n\nLearnt: Gamma1 = (X0 /cdot Y1) /oplus T------>>>>>> \n"); response.PrintHex(); #endif //std::ofstream gammafile1, X1file, Y1file; int fd = open("./y1", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0600);; ssize_t bytes = write(fd, Y[0]->GetArr(), Y[0]->GetSize()); #ifdef VERBOSE std::cout << "bytes = " << bytes << std::endl; #endif close(fd); int fd2 = open("./x1", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0600);; ssize_t bytes2 = write(fd2, X1.GetArr(), X1.GetSize()); close(fd2); int fd3 = open("./gamma1", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0600);; ssize_t bytes3 = write(fd3, response.GetArr(), response.GetSize()); close(fd3); #ifdef VERBOSE std::cout << "X1: \n\n"; X1.PrintHex(); #endif // gammafile1.open ("gamma1.txt", std::ios::out); // X1file.open("X1.txt", std::ios::out); // Y1file.open("Y1.txt", std::ios::out); // for(size_t j = 0; j < numots; ++j) // { // // std::cout << (int) response.GetBitNoMask(j); // gammafile1 << (int) response.GetBitNoMask(j); // X1file << (int) X1.GetBitNoMask(j); // Y1file << (int) Y[0]->GetBitNoMask(j); // } //gammafile1.close(); delete m_fMaskFct; // choices.delCBitVector(); response.delCBitVector(); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::string addr0 = argv[1]; // ""; std::string addr1 = argv[2]; // ""; int port = 7766; __m128i blinds; // if (argc != 2) // { // std::cout << "Please call with 0 if acting as server or 1 if acting as client" << std::endl; // return EXIT_FAILURE; // } //Determines whether the program is executed in the sender or receiver role m_nPID = atoi(argv[3]); int64_t nblindbits = atoi(argv[4]); std::cout << "Playing as role: " << m_nPID << std::endl; assert(m_nPID >= 0 && m_nPID <= 1); //The symmetric security parameter (80, 112, 128) uint32_t m_nSecParam = 128; crypto *crypt = new crypto(m_nSecParam, (uint8_t *)m_cConstSeed[m_nPID]); CLock *glock = new CLock(); // pass this to sender and receiver constructors uint32_t m_nBaseOTs = 190; uint32_t m_nChecks = 380; // NOTE: This vector controls the settings used by the oblivious transfer. test_options selected_options; // = {IKNP, 128, 1, Snd_C_OT, Rec_OT, 1, ECC_FIELD, false}; selected_options.prot = IKNP; selected_options.numots = nblindbits; // Number of OTs performed using the extended COT. selected_options.bitlen = 1; selected_options.sflavor = Snd_OT; //Snd_C_OT; selected_options.rflavor = Rec_OT; selected_options.nthreads = 1; // Number of threads selected_options.ftype = P_FIELD; // Type of field to use for the base OT. selected_options.usemecr = false; // test_options selected_options = {IKNP, 128, 1, Snd_C_OT, Rec_OT, 1, P_FIELD, false}; // Alternative using P_FIELD if (m_nPID == SERVER_ID) //Play as OT sender { InitSender(addr0, port, glock); OTExtSnd *sender = NULL; InitReceiver(addr1, port, glock); OTExtRec *receiver = NULL; auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); sender = InitOTExtSnd(selected_options.prot, m_nBaseOTs, m_nChecks, selected_options.usemecr, selected_options.ftype, crypt); receiver = InitOTExtRec(selected_options.prot, m_nBaseOTs, m_nChecks, selected_options.usemecr, selected_options.ftype, crypt); std::cout << "--> : " << getProt(selected_options.prot) << " Sender " << selected_options.numots << " " << getSndFlavor(selected_options.sflavor) << " / " << getRecFlavor(selected_options.rflavor) << " on " << selected_options.bitlen << " bits with " << selected_options.nthreads << " threads, " << getFieldType(selected_options.ftype) << " and" << (selected_options.usemecr ? "" : " no") << " MECR" << std::endl; run_test_sender(selected_options.numots, selected_options.bitlen, selected_options.sflavor, selected_options.rflavor, selected_options.nthreads, crypt, sender, receiver); auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); std::chrono::duration elapsed_seconds = end - start; std::cout << "time to generate and evaluate " << nblindbits << "OTs " << " is: " << elapsed_seconds.count() << "s\n"; delete sender; } else //Play as OT receiver { InitReceiver(addr0, port, glock); OTExtRec *receiver = NULL; InitSender(addr1, port, glock); OTExtSnd *sender = NULL; receiver = InitOTExtRec(selected_options.prot, m_nBaseOTs, m_nChecks, selected_options.usemecr, selected_options.ftype, crypt); sender = InitOTExtSnd(selected_options.prot, m_nBaseOTs, m_nChecks, selected_options.usemecr, selected_options.ftype, crypt); std::cout << "--> : " << getProt(selected_options.prot) << " Receiver " << selected_options.numots << " " << getSndFlavor(selected_options.sflavor) << " / " << getRecFlavor(selected_options.rflavor) << " on " << selected_options.bitlen << " bits with " << selected_options.nthreads << " threads, " << getFieldType(selected_options.ftype) << " and" << (selected_options.usemecr ? "" : " no") << " MECR" << std::endl; run_test_receiver(selected_options.numots, selected_options.bitlen, selected_options.sflavor, selected_options.rflavor, selected_options.nthreads, crypt, sender, receiver, m_nPID); delete receiver; } Cleanup(); delete crypt; delete glock; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }