#include // std::is_same<> #include // std::numeric_limits<> #include // CHAR_BIT #include // std::log2, std::ceil, std::floor #include // std::runtime_error #include // std::array<> #include // std::istream and std::ostream #include // std::vector<> #include // std::shared_ptr<> #include // std::move #include // std::copy #include // std::memcpy #include // arc4random_buf #include // SSE and AVX intrinsics #include #include #include #include <../boost/asio.hpp> using boost::asio::ip::tcp; using namespace std::chrono; using namespace std; using socket_t = boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket; size_t communication_cost_dep_read = 0; size_t communication_cost_write = 0; #include "prg.h" #include "prg_aes_impl.h" #include "block.h" #include "duoram-utils.h" #include "readvectors.h" #include "duoram-read.h" #include "duoram-refresh.h" #include "duoram-write.h" double dependent_read_time = 0.0; double write_time = 0.0; void accept_conncections_from_Pb(boost::asio::io_context&io_context, std::vector& sockets_, int port, size_t j) { tcp::acceptor acceptor_a(io_context, tcp::endpoint(tcp::v4(), port)); tcp::socket sb_a(acceptor_a.accept()); sockets_[j] = std::move(sb_a); } int main(const int argc, const char * argv[]) { size_t expo = atoi(argv[3]); size_t db_nitems = 1ULL << expo; size_t number_of_writes = atoi(argv[4]); size_t number_of_ind_reads = atoi(argv[5]); size_t number_of_dep_reads = atoi(argv[6]); size_t number_of_accesses = atoi(argv[7]); reading_temp = (DB_t *) std::aligned_alloc(sizeof(__m256i), db_nitems * sizeof(DB_t)); DB = (DB_t *) std::aligned_alloc(sizeof(__m256i), db_nitems * sizeof(DB_t)); updated_DB = (DB_t *) std::aligned_alloc(sizeof(__m256i), db_nitems * sizeof(DB_t)); blinded_DB = (DB_t *) std::aligned_alloc(sizeof(__m256i), db_nitems * sizeof(DB_t)); blinded_DB_recv = (DB_t *) std::aligned_alloc(sizeof(__m256i), db_nitems * sizeof(DB_t)); updated_blinded_DB_recv = (DB_t *) std::aligned_alloc(sizeof(__m256i), db_nitems * sizeof(DB_t)); b = (DB_t *) std::aligned_alloc(sizeof(__m256i), db_nitems * sizeof(DB_t)); c = (DB_t *) std::aligned_alloc(sizeof(__m256i), db_nitems * sizeof(DB_t)); d = (DB_t *) std::aligned_alloc(sizeof(__m256i), db_nitems * sizeof(DB_t)); reading_b = (int8_t *) malloc(db_nitems * sizeof(int8_t)); reading_c = (int8_t *) malloc(db_nitems * sizeof(int8_t)); reading_d = (int8_t *) malloc(db_nitems * sizeof(int8_t)); writing_b = (int8_t *) malloc(db_nitems * sizeof(int8_t)); writing_c = (int8_t *) malloc(db_nitems * sizeof(int8_t)); writing_d = (int8_t *) malloc(db_nitems * sizeof(int8_t)); size_t * rotate_by_ = new size_t[number_of_writes]; boost::asio::io_context io_context; tcp::resolver resolver(io_context); std::string addr = ""; const std::string host1 = (argc < 2) ? "" : argv[1]; const std::string host2 = (argc < 3) ? "" : argv[2]; bool party; const size_t number_of_sockets = 40; std::vector sockets_; for(size_t j = 0; j < number_of_sockets + 1; ++j) { tcp::socket emptysocket(io_context); sockets_.emplace_back(std::move(emptysocket)); } sockets_.reserve(number_of_sockets + 1); //printf("number_of_sockets = %zu\n", number_of_sockets); std::vector sockets_2; std::vector ports; for(size_t j = 0; j < number_of_sockets; ++j) { int port = 6000; ports.push_back(port + j); } std::vector ports2_0; for(size_t j = 0; j < number_of_sockets; ++j) { int port = 8000; ports2_0.push_back(port + j); } std::vector ports2_1; for(size_t j = 0; j < number_of_sockets; ++j) { int port = 9000; ports2_1.push_back(port + j); } #if (PARTY == 0) party = false; #ifdef ThreeParty for(size_t j = 0; j < number_of_sockets; ++j) { tcp::socket sb_a(io_context); boost::asio::connect(sb_a, resolver.resolve({host2, std::to_string(ports2_0[j])})); sockets_2.emplace_back(std::move(sb_a)); } #endif for(size_t j = 0; j < number_of_sockets; ++j) { tcp::socket sb_a(io_context); boost::asio::connect(sb_a, resolver.resolve({host1, std::to_string(ports[j])})); sockets_[j] = std::move(sb_a); } #else party = true; #ifdef ThreeParty for(size_t j = 0; j < number_of_sockets; ++j) { tcp::socket sb_a(io_context); boost::asio::connect(sb_a, resolver.resolve({host2, std::to_string(ports2_1[j])})); sockets_2.emplace_back(std::move(sb_a)); } #endif boost::asio::thread_pool pool2(number_of_sockets); for(size_t j = 0; j < number_of_sockets; ++j) { boost::asio::post(pool2, std::bind(accept_conncections_from_Pb, std::ref(io_context), std::ref(sockets_), ports[j], j)); } pool2.join(); #endif generate_random_distinguished_points(party); AES_KEY aeskey; blinds = (DB_t *) std::aligned_alloc(sizeof(__m256i), db_nitems * sizeof(DB_t)); updated_blinds = (DB_t *) std::aligned_alloc(sizeof(__m256i), db_nitems * sizeof(DB_t)); size_t * where_to_write = new size_t[number_of_writes]; size_t * where_to_read_dependent = new size_t[number_of_dep_reads]; size_t * where_to_read_independent = new size_t[number_of_ind_reads]; auto start_total = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); setup(DB, updated_DB, blinded_DB_recv, blinds, updated_blinds, updated_blinded_DB_recv, db_nitems, party); for(size_t i = 0; i < number_of_accesses; ++i) { for(size_t j = 0; j < number_of_writes; ++j) { where_to_write[j] = j + 4; } for(size_t j = 0; j < number_of_dep_reads; ++j) { where_to_read_dependent[j] = j + 4; } for(size_t j = 0; j < number_of_ind_reads; ++j) { where_to_read_independent[j] = j + 4; } for(size_t j = 0; j < db_nitems; ++j) { blinds[j] = 0; updated_blinds[j] = blinds[j]; updated_blinded_DB_recv[j] = blinded_DB_recv[j]; } // arc4random_buf(&ri, sizeof(ri)); // ri = ri % db_nitems; // boost::asio::write(sockets_[0], boost::asio::buffer(&ri, sizeof(ri))); // boost::asio::read(sockets_[0], boost::asio::buffer(&ri_recv, sizeof(ri_recv))); // if(party) ri = 2 - ri_recv; int64_t ri; read_rand_indx(party, ri); #ifdef DEBUG int64_t ri_recv; boost::asio::write(sockets_[0], boost::asio::buffer(&ri, sizeof(ri))); boost::asio::read(sockets_[0], boost::asio::buffer(&ri_recv, sizeof(ri_recv))); ri_recv = ri_recv + ri; std::cout << "ri_recv = " << ri_recv % db_nitems << std::endl; #endif #ifdef VERBOSE boost::asio::write(sockets_[0], boost::asio::buffer(&ri, sizeof(ri))); boost::asio::read(sockets_[0], boost::asio::buffer(&ri_recv, sizeof(ri_recv))); int64_t ri_reconstruction = ri + ri_recv; std::cout << "ri_reconstruction = " << ri_reconstruction << std::endl; #endif DuORAM_Write * WritePb_ = new DuORAM_Write[number_of_writes]; DuORAM_Write * WritePb_recv = new DuORAM_Write[number_of_writes]; #ifdef ThreeParty DB_t * read_out = new DB_t[number_of_writes]; DB_t * Gamma = new DB_t[number_of_writes]; #endif DB_t * CW = new DB_t[number_of_writes]; DB_t * update_message = new DB_t[number_of_writes]; auto start_writes = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); #ifdef ThreeParty for(size_t w = 0; w < number_of_writes; ++w) { DB_t FCW_read = 0; /*The definition of read_final_correction_word appears in duoram-utils.h*/ read_final_correction_word(party, FCW_read); #ifdef VERBOSE std::cout << "FCW_read (from) = " << FCW_read << std::endl; #endif DB_t alpha0 = -FCW_read; WritePb_[w].shift = where_to_write[w] -ri; WritePb_[w].CW = distinguised_value[0]; boost::asio::write(sockets_2[0], boost::asio::buffer(&WritePb_[w], sizeof(DuORAM_Write))); communication_cost_write += sizeof(DuORAM_Write); read(sockets_2[1], boost::asio::buffer(&Gamma[w], sizeof(DB_t))); boost::asio::write(sockets_[0], boost::asio::buffer(&WritePb_[w], sizeof(DuORAM_Write))); communication_cost_write += sizeof(DuORAM_Write); boost::asio::read(sockets_[0], boost::asio::buffer(&WritePb_recv[w], sizeof(DuORAM_Write))); /*The definition of read_flags_for_writing appears in duoram-utils.h*/ read_flags_for_writing(party, db_nitems); rotate_by_[w] = WritePb_[w].shift + WritePb_recv[w].shift; #ifdef VERBOSE std::cout << "print database (prints the non-zero database entries): " << std::endl; /* The definition of reconstruct_database appears in duoram-utils.h */ reconstruct_database(sockets_[0], DB, db_nitems); #endif for(size_t j = 0; j < db_nitems; ++j) reading_temp[j] = DB[j] + updated_blinded_DB_recv[j]; /*The definition of dot_product_with_bool appears in duoram-write.h*/ if(!party) read_out[w] = dot_product_with_bool(reading_temp, writing_b, db_nitems, rotate_by_[w]) + dot_product_with_bool(updated_blinds, writing_b, db_nitems, rotate_by_[w]) - dot_product_with_bool(updated_blinds, writing_c, db_nitems, rotate_by_[w]) + Gamma[w]; if(party) read_out[w] = dot_product_with_bool(reading_temp, writing_c, db_nitems, rotate_by_[w]) + dot_product_with_bool(updated_blinds, writing_c, db_nitems, rotate_by_[w]) - dot_product_with_bool(updated_blinds, writing_d, db_nitems, rotate_by_[w]) + Gamma[w]; #ifdef VERBOSE std::cout << "read_out[" << w << "] = " << read_out[w] << std::endl; #endif #ifdef VERBOSE std::cout << "reconstructing the output: " << print_reconstruction(sockets_[0], read_out[w]) << "\n"; #endif distinguised_value[0] = 80 * (1 + w); update_message[w] = distinguised_value[0] - read_out[w] + alpha0; #ifdef VERBOSE std::cout << "The updated message shares is = " << update_message[w] << std::endl; #endif boost::asio::write(sockets_2[2], boost::asio::buffer(&update_message[w], sizeof(DB_t))); boost::asio::write(sockets_[2], boost::asio::buffer(&update_message[w], sizeof(DB_t))); communication_cost_write += 2 * sizeof(DB_t); boost::asio::read(sockets_[2], boost::asio::buffer(&CW[w], sizeof(DB_t))); CW[w] = CW[w] + update_message[w]; #ifdef VERBOSE std::cout << "cw = " << CW[w] << std::endl; #endif } #else // 2-party case for(size_t w = 0; w < number_of_writes; ++w) { WritePb_[w].shift = where_to_write[w] -ri; WritePb_[w].CW = distinguised_value[0]; boost::asio::write(sockets_[0], boost::asio::buffer(&WritePb_[w], sizeof(DuORAM_Write))); communication_cost_write += sizeof(DuORAM_Write); boost::asio::read(sockets_[0], boost::asio::buffer(&WritePb_recv[w], sizeof(DuORAM_Write))); rotate_by_[w] = WritePb_[w].shift + WritePb_recv[w].shift; } #endif delete[] WritePb_; delete[] WritePb_recv; delete[] where_to_write; for(size_t w = 0; w < number_of_writes; ++w) { /*The definition of DuoramUpdate appears in duoram-write.h*/ DuoramUpdate(party, db_nitems, rotate_by_[w], DB, updated_DB, writing_b, b, CW[w], update_message[w], writing_c, writing_d, c, d); #ifdef DEBUG #ifdef ThreeParty /*The definition debug_ appears in duoram-utils.h*/ debug_(sockets_2[0], sockets_[0], db_nitems); #endif #endif } delete[] rotate_by_; delete[] CW; delete[] update_message; auto end_writes = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); std::chrono::duration elapsed_seconds_writes = end_writes - start_writes; write_time = elapsed_seconds_writes.count(); // printf("elapsed_seconds_writes = %f\n",elapsed_seconds_writes.count()); // std::cout << "communication_cost_writes = " << communication_cost_write << std::endl; #ifdef VERBOSE std::cout << "Reconstructing the database after doing " << number_of_writes << " writes " << std::endl; reconstruct_database(sockets_[0], DB, db_nitems); #endif // WRITES END. #ifdef ThreeParty #ifdef VERBOSE std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "============== WRITES END ==============" << std::endl << std::endl; #endif auto start_ind_reads = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); size_t * WritePb_ind_reads = new size_t[number_of_ind_reads]; size_t * WritePb_ind_reads_recv = new size_t[number_of_ind_reads]; size_t * rotate = new size_t[number_of_ind_reads]; for(size_t r = 0; r < number_of_ind_reads; ++r) WritePb_ind_reads[r] = where_to_read_independent[r] -ri; delete[] where_to_read_independent; boost::asio::write(sockets_2[3], boost::asio::buffer(WritePb_ind_reads, number_of_ind_reads * sizeof(size_t))); boost::asio::write(sockets_[3], boost::asio::buffer(WritePb_ind_reads, number_of_ind_reads * sizeof(size_t))); boost::asio::read(sockets_[3], boost::asio::buffer(WritePb_ind_reads_recv, number_of_ind_reads * sizeof(size_t))); DB_t * Gamma_reads = new DB_t[number_of_ind_reads]; boost::asio::read(sockets_2[4], boost::asio::buffer(Gamma_reads, number_of_ind_reads * sizeof(DB_t))); for(size_t j = 0; j < number_of_ind_reads; ++j) { rotate[j] = WritePb_ind_reads[j] + WritePb_ind_reads_recv[j]; } DB_t * read_out_independent_reads = new DB_t[number_of_ind_reads]; for(size_t r = 0; r < number_of_ind_reads; ++r) { #ifdef VERBOSE std::cout << "rotate[r]" << rotate[r] << std::endl; std::cout << "Gamma_reads[r] = " << Gamma_reads[r] << std::endl; #endif read_out_independent_reads[r] = DuoramIndependentRead(party, db_nitems, ri, Gamma_reads, rotate, r); #ifdef VERBOSE std::cout << "---> [duoram independent reads] " << print_reconstruction(sockets_[0], read_out_independent_reads[r]) << std::endl; #endif } delete[] rotate; delete[] Gamma_reads; delete[] WritePb_ind_reads_recv; delete[] WritePb_ind_reads; auto end_ind_reads = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); std::chrono::duration elapsed_seconds_ind_reads = end_ind_reads - start_ind_reads; //printf("elapsed_seconds_ind_reads = %f\n",elapsed_seconds_ind_reads.count()); #ifdef VERBOSE std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "============== INDEPENDENT READS END ==============" << std::endl << std::endl; #endif auto start_dep_reads = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); #ifdef VERBOSE std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "============== DEPENDENT READS START ==============" << std::endl << std::endl; #endif DB_t * read_out_dependent_reads = new DB_t[number_of_dep_reads]; for(size_t r = 0; r < number_of_dep_reads; ++r) { read_out_dependent_reads[r] = DuoramRead(party, db_nitems, ri, where_to_read_dependent[r], sockets_2[5], sockets_2[6], sockets_[5]); communication_cost_dep_read += sizeof(DB_t); communication_cost_dep_read += sizeof(DB_t); #ifdef VERBOSE std::cout << "dependent read (share) " << r << " -> " << read_out_dependent_reads[r] << std::endl; std::cout << print_reconstruction(sockets_[0], read_out_dependent_reads[r]) << std::endl; #endif } delete[] where_to_read_dependent; auto end_dep_reads = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); std::chrono::duration elapsed_seconds_dep_reads = end_dep_reads - start_dep_reads; dependent_read_time = elapsed_seconds_dep_reads.count(); // printf("elapsed_seconds_dep_reads = %f\n",elapsed_seconds_dep_reads.count()); // std::cout << "communication_cost_dep_read = " << communication_cost_dep_read << std::endl; #ifdef VERBOSE std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "============== DEPENDENT READS END ==============" << std::endl << std::endl; #endif #endif free(reading_b); free(reading_c); free(reading_d); free(writing_b); free(writing_c); free(writing_d); free(reading_temp); free(DB); free(updated_DB); free(blinded_DB); free(blinded_DB_recv); free(updated_blinded_DB_recv); free(b); free(c); free(d); free(blinds); free(updated_blinds); #ifdef ThreeParty delete[] read_out; delete[] Gamma; #endif } auto end_total = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); std::chrono::duration elapsed_seconds_total = end_total - start_total; //printf("elapsed_seconds_total = %f\n",elapsed_seconds_total.count()); std::cout << "write_time = " << write_time << std::endl; std::cout << "communication_cost_writes = " << communication_cost_write << " bytes" << std::endl; #ifdef ThreeParty std::cout << "dependent_read_time = " << dependent_read_time << std::endl; std::cout << "communication_cost_dep_read = " << communication_cost_dep_read << " bytes" << std::endl; std::cout << "interleaved_time = " << dependent_read_time + write_time << std::endl; std::cout << "communication_cost_interleaved = " << (communication_cost_dep_read + communication_cost_write) << " bytes" << std::endl; #endif free(reading_temp); return 0; }