Browse Source

cleaned up client directory for slitheen code

cecylia 8 years ago

+ 0 - 5

@@ -4,11 +4,6 @@ TARGETS= socks
 all: $(TARGETS)
 all: $(TARGETS)
-rclient.o ptwist168.o testget.o:: ptwist.h
-testget: testget.c rclient.o ptwist168.o ptwist.h
-	gcc -g -o $@ $^ -I/home/sltiheen/Downloads/include/openssl libssl.a libcrypto.a -ldl
 socks: socks5proxy.c
 socks: socks5proxy.c
 	gcc -o $@ $^ -lpthread -lssl -lcrypto
 	gcc -o $@ $^ -lpthread -lssl -lcrypto

+ 0 - 85

@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-#include <openssl/evp.h>
-#include <openssl/dh.h>
-#include <openssl/bn.h>
-#include <openssl/err.h>
-#include <openssl/rand.h>
-#include <openssl/ssl.h>
-#include "crypto.h"
-/* PRF using sha384, as defined in RFC 5246 */
-int PRF(uint8_t *secret, int32_t secret_len,
-		uint8_t *seed1, int32_t seed1_len,
-		uint8_t *seed2, int32_t seed2_len,
-		uint8_t *seed3, int32_t seed3_len,
-		uint8_t *seed4, int32_t seed4_len,
-		uint8_t *output, int32_t output_len){
-	EVP_MD_CTX ctx, ctx_tmp, ctx_init;
-	EVP_PKEY *mac_key;
-	const EVP_MD *md = EVP_sha384();
-	uint8_t A[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
-	size_t len, A_len;
-	int chunk = EVP_MD_size(md);
-	int remaining = output_len;
-	uint8_t *out = output;
-	EVP_MD_CTX_init(&ctx);
-	EVP_MD_CTX_init(&ctx_tmp);
-	EVP_MD_CTX_init(&ctx_init);
-	EVP_MD_CTX_set_flags(&ctx_init, EVP_MD_CTX_FLAG_NON_FIPS_ALLOW);
-	mac_key = EVP_PKEY_new_mac_key(EVP_PKEY_HMAC, NULL, secret, secret_len);
-	/* Calculate first A value */
-	EVP_DigestSignInit(&ctx_init, NULL, md, NULL, mac_key);
-	EVP_MD_CTX_copy_ex(&ctx, &ctx_init);
-	if(seed1 != NULL && seed1_len > 0){
-		EVP_DigestSignUpdate(&ctx, seed1, seed1_len);
-	}
-	if(seed2 != NULL && seed2_len > 0){
-		EVP_DigestSignUpdate(&ctx, seed2, seed2_len);
-	}
-	if(seed3 != NULL && seed3_len > 0){
-		EVP_DigestSignUpdate(&ctx, seed3, seed3_len);
-	}
-	if(seed4 != NULL && seed4_len > 0){
-		EVP_DigestSignUpdate(&ctx, seed4, seed4_len);
-	}
-	EVP_DigestSignFinal(&ctx, A, &A_len);
-	//iterate until desired length is achieved
-	while(remaining > 0){
-		/* Now compute SHA384(secret, A+seed) */
-		EVP_MD_CTX_copy_ex(&ctx, &ctx_init);
-		EVP_DigestSignUpdate(&ctx, A, A_len);
-		EVP_MD_CTX_copy_ex(&ctx_tmp, &ctx);
-		if(seed1 != NULL && seed1_len > 0){
-			EVP_DigestSignUpdate(&ctx, seed1, seed1_len);
-		}
-		if(seed2 != NULL && seed2_len > 0){
-			EVP_DigestSignUpdate(&ctx, seed2, seed2_len);
-		}
-		if(seed3 != NULL && seed3_len > 0){
-			EVP_DigestSignUpdate(&ctx, seed3, seed3_len);
-		}
-		if(seed4 != NULL && seed4_len > 0){
-			EVP_DigestSignUpdate(&ctx, seed4, seed4_len);
-		}
-		if(remaining > chunk){
-			EVP_DigestSignFinal(&ctx, out, &len);
-			out += len;
-			remaining -= len;
-			/* Next A value */
-			EVP_DigestSignFinal(&ctx_tmp, A, &A_len);
-		} else {
-			EVP_DigestSignFinal(&ctx, A, &A_len);
-			memcpy(out, A, remaining);
-			remaining -= remaining;
-		}
-	}
-	return 1;

+ 0 - 17

@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _CRYPTO_H_
-#define _CRYPTO_H_
-# define n2s(c,s)        ((s=(((unsigned int)(c[0]))<< 8)| \
-							(((unsigned int)(c[1]))    )),c+=2)
-int PRF(uint8_t *secret, int32_t secret_len,
-		uint8_t *seed1, int32_t seed1_len,
-		uint8_t *seed2, int32_t seed2_len,
-		uint8_t *seed3, int32_t seed3_len,
-		uint8_t *seed4, int32_t seed4_len,
-		uint8_t *output, int32_t output_len);
-#define PRE_MASTER_LEN 256
-#endif /* _CRYPTO_H_ */

+ 0 - 66

@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import urllib
-#import http.client
-import urllib2
-import re
-from PIL import Image
-from io import BytesIO
-import cStringIO
-#import URLError, HTTPError
-urls = [""]
-i = 0
-regex1 = '<title>(.+?)</title>'
-pattern1 = re.compile(regex1)
-regex2 = '<img src="(.+?)"'
-pattern2 = re.compile(regex2)
-while i < len(urls):
-        htmlfile = urllib.urlopen(urls[i])
-        htmltext =
-        titles = re.findall(pattern1,htmltext)
-	images = re.findall(pattern2,htmltext)
-	size1 = htmlfile.headers.get("content-length")	
-#	size2 = len(
-	print titles
-#	print images
-	print "content-length of header: "  
-	print size1
-#	print size2 
-	print "-------"
-        i+=1
-totalImageSize = 0
-print "Output:"
-#i = 0
-#while i < len(images):
-#	url = '\''+images[i]+'\''
-#		print images[i] 
-#		i+=1
-#	try:
-i = 0
-while i < len(images):
-		response = urllib.urlopen(images[i])
-#	except URLError as e:
-#	        print "ERROR: ", e.code()
-#	else:
-		headers =
-		data =
-		print 'URL: ', response.geturl()
-		print 'DATE:', headers['date'] 
-		print 'LENGTH:', len(data)
-		totalImageSize+=len(data)
-		i+=1
-print "---------------------"
-print "Total bandwidth to download images from %s is %d KB" % (urls, totalImageSize)

+ 0 - 456

@@ -1,456 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import sys
-import os
-import socket
-import ssl
-import select
-import httplib
-import urlparse
-import threading
-import gzip
-import zlib
-import time
-import json
-import re
-from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler
-from SocketServer import ThreadingMixIn
-from cStringIO import StringIO
-from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
-from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
-#filename = 'proxyOutput-%s''%Y-%m-%d')
-f1 = open('mainData','w')
-f = open('extraData', 'w')
-def with_color(c, s):
-    #print ("def #1")
-    return "\x1b[%dm%s\x1b[0m" % (c, s)
-class ThreadingHTTPServer(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer):
-    address_family = socket.AF_INET6
-    daemon_threads = True
-    def handle_error(self, request, client_address):
-        # surpress socket/ssl related errors
-        #print ("def #2")
-        cls, e = sys.exc_info()[:2]
-        if cls is socket.error or cls is ssl.SSLError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            return HTTPServer.handle_error(self, request, client_address)
-class ProxyRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
-    cakey = 'ca.key'
-    cacert = 'ca.crt'
-    certkey = 'cert.key'
-    certdir = 'certs/'
-    timeout = 5
-    lock = threading.Lock()
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        #print ("def #3")
-        self.tls = threading.local()
-        self.tls.conns = {}
-        BaseHTTPRequestHandler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
-    def log_error(self, format, *args):
-        #print ("def #4")
-        # surpress "Request timed out: timeout('timed out',)"
-        if isinstance(args[0], socket.timeout):
-            return
-        self.log_message(format, *args)
-    def do_CONNECT(self):
-        #print ("def #5")
-        if os.path.isfile(self.cakey) and os.path.isfile(self.cacert) and os.path.isfile(self.certkey) and os.path.isdir(self.certdir):
-            self.connect_intercept()
-        else:
-            self.connect_relay()
-    def connect_intercept(self):
-        #print ("def #6")
-        hostname = self.path.split(':')[0]
-        certpath = "%s/%s.crt" % (self.certdir.rstrip('/'), hostname)
-        with self.lock:
-            if not os.path.isfile(certpath):
-                epoch = "%d" % (time.time() * 1000)
-                p1 = Popen(["openssl", "req", "-new", "-key", self.certkey, "-subj", "/CN=%s" % hostname], stdout=PIPE)
-                p2 = Popen(["openssl", "x509", "-req", "-days", "3650", "-CA", self.cacert, "-CAkey", self.cakey, "-set_serial", epoch, "-out", certpath], stdin=p1.stdout, stderr=PIPE)
-                p2.communicate()
-        self.wfile.write("%s %d %s\r\n" % (self.protocol_version, 200, 'Connection Established'))
-        self.end_headers()
-        self.connection = ssl.wrap_socket(self.connection, keyfile=self.certkey, certfile=certpath, server_side=True)
-        self.rfile = self.connection.makefile("rb", self.rbufsize)
-        self.wfile = self.connection.makefile("wb", self.wbufsize)
-        conntype = self.headers.get('Proxy-Connection', '')
-        if conntype.lower() == 'close':
-            self.close_connection = 1
-        elif (conntype.lower() == 'keep-alive' and self.protocol_version >= "HTTP/1.1"):
-            self.close_connection = 0
-    def connect_relay(self):
-        #print ("def #7")
-        address = self.path.split(':', 1)
-        address[1] = int(address[1]) or 443
-        try:
-            s = socket.create_connection(address, timeout=self.timeout)
-        except Exception as e:
-            self.send_error(502)
-            return
-        self.send_response(200, 'Connection Established')
-        self.end_headers()
-        conns = [self.connection, s]
-        self.close_connection = 0
-        while not self.close_connection:
-            rlist, wlist, xlist =, [], conns, self.timeout)
-            if xlist or not rlist:
-                break
-            for r in rlist:
-                other = conns[1] if r is conns[0] else conns[0]
-                data = r.recv(8192)
-                if not data:
-                    self.close_connection = 1
-                    break
-                other.sendall(data)
-    def do_GET(self):
-        #print ("def #8")
-        if self.path == 'http://proxy2.test/':
-            self.send_cacert()
-            return
-        #print ("mainhost: %s \n" % (self.headers['Host']))
-        ######## request ########
-        req = self
-        content_length = int(req.headers.get('Content-Length', 0))
-        req_body = if content_length else None
-        if req.path[0] == '/':
-            if isinstance(self.connection, ssl.SSLSocket):
-                req.path = "https://%s%s" % (req.headers['Host'], req.path)
-            else:
-                req.path = "http://%s%s" % (req.headers['Host'], req.path)
-      ########### request host name#########
-        print ("Working on host: %s \n" % (req.headers['Host']))
-        req_body_modified = self.request_handler(req, req_body)
-        if req_body_modified is not None:
-            req_body = req_body_modified
-            req.headers['Content-length'] = str(len(req_body))
-         #   print ("request size: %s \n" % req.headers.get('content-length')) ###########content size#########
-         #   print ("request type: %s \n" % req.headers.get('content-type'))   ###########content type#########
-        u = urlparse.urlsplit(req.path)
-        scheme, netloc, path = u.scheme, u.netloc, (u.path + '?' + u.query if u.query else u.path)
-        assert scheme in ('http', 'https')
-        if netloc:
-            req.headers['Host'] = netloc
-        req_headers = self.filter_headers(req.headers)
-        try:
-            origin = (scheme, netloc)
-            if not origin in self.tls.conns:
-                if scheme == 'https':
-                    self.tls.conns[origin] = httplib.HTTPSConnection(netloc, timeout=self.timeout)
-                else:
-                    self.tls.conns[origin] = httplib.HTTPConnection(netloc, timeout=self.timeout)
-            conn = self.tls.conns[origin]
-            conn.request(self.command, path, req_body, dict(req_headers))
-        ####### response###########
-            res = conn.getresponse()
-            res_body =
-        except Exception as e:
-            if origin in self.tls.conns:
-                del self.tls.conns[origin]
-            self.send_error(502)
-            return
-        version_table = {10: 'HTTP/1.0', 11: 'HTTP/1.1'}
-        setattr(res, 'headers', res.msg)
-        setattr(res, 'response_version', version_table[res.version])
-        content_encoding = res.headers.get('Content-Encoding', 'identity')
-        res_body_plain = self.decode_content_body(res_body, content_encoding)
-        res_body_modified = self.response_handler(req, req_body, res, res_body_plain)
-        if res_body_modified is not None:
-            res_body_plain = res_body_modified
-            res_body = self.encode_content_body(res_body_plain, content_encoding)
-            res.headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(res_body))
-   ###########content size and type#########
-  #      print (" response size: %s \n" % res.headers.get('content-length'))
-  #      print (" response type: %s \n" % res.headers.get('content-type'))
-        res_headers = self.filter_headers(res.headers)
-        self.wfile.write("%s %d %s\r\n" % (self.protocol_version, res.status, res.reason))
-        for line in res_headers.headers:
-            self.wfile.write(line)
-        self.end_headers()
-        self.wfile.write(res_body)
-        self.wfile.flush()
-        with self.lock:
-            self.save_handler(req, req_body, res, res_body_plain)
-    do_HEAD = do_GET
-    do_POST = do_GET
-    do_OPTIONS = do_GET
-    def filter_headers(self, headers):
-        #print ("def #9")
-        #
-        hop_by_hop = ('connection', 'keep-alive', 'proxy-authenticate', 'proxy-authorization', 'te', 'trailers', 'transfer-encoding', 'upgrade')
-        for k in hop_by_hop:
-            del headers[k]
-        return headers
-    def encode_content_body(self, text, encoding):
-        #print ("def #10")
-        if encoding == 'identity':
-            data = text
-        elif encoding in ('gzip', 'x-gzip'):
-            io = StringIO()
-            with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=io, mode='wb') as f:
-                f.write(text)
-            data = io.getvalue()
-        elif encoding == 'deflate':
-            data = zlib.compress(text)
-        else:
-            raise Exception("Unknown Content-Encoding: %s" % encoding)
-        return data
-    def decode_content_body(self, data, encoding):
-        #print ("def #11")  
-        if encoding == 'identity':
-            text = data
-        elif encoding in ('gzip', 'x-gzip'):
-            io = StringIO(data)
-            with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=io) as f:
-                text =
-        elif encoding == 'deflate':
-            try:
-                text = zlib.decompress(data)
-            except zlib.error:
-                text = zlib.decompress(data, -zlib.MAX_WBITS)
-        else:
-            raise Exception("Unknown Content-Encoding: %s" % encoding)
-        return text
-    def send_cacert(self):
-        #print ("def #12")
-        with open(self.cacert, 'rb') as f:
-            data =
-        self.wfile.write("%s %d %s\r\n" % (self.protocol_version, 200, 'OK'))
-        self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/x-x509-ca-cert')
-        self.send_header('Content-Length', len(data))
-        self.send_header('Connection', 'close')
-        self.end_headers()
-        self.wfile.write(data)
-    def print_info(self, req, req_body, res, res_body):
-        #print ("def #13")
-        def parse_qsl(s):
-            #print ("def #14")
-            return '\n'.join("%-20s %s" % (k, v) for k, v in urlparse.parse_qsl(s, keep_blank_values=True))
-        request_data = "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (req.headers['Referer'],req.headers['Host'],req.command,req.path)
-        f1.write('Request:\t')
-        f1.write(str(request_data))
-        f1.write(str('\n'))
-        response_data = "%s\t%s" % (res.headers.get('content-length'),res.headers.get('content-type'))
-        f1.write('Response:\t')
-        f1.write(str(response_data))
-        f1.write(str('\n'))
-    #    print (" request host: %s \n" % (req.headers['Host']))
-    #    print (" request referer: %s \n" % (req.headers['Referer']))
-    #    print (" response size: %s \n" % res.headers.get('content-length'))
-    #    print (" response type: %s \n" % res.headers.get('content-type'))
-    #    print (" req path: %s \n" % req.path)
-    #    print (" req command: %s \n" % req.command)        
-        req_header_text = "%s %s %s\n%s" % (req.command, req.path, req.request_version, req.headers)
-        res_header_text = "%s %d %s\n%s" % (res.response_version, res.status, res.reason, res.headers)
-     #   print ("\nRequest:\t %s \t %s" % (req.headers['Host']), req.command)
-     #   print ("\nResponse:\t %s \t %d" % (res.headers['Content-Type']), int(res.headers['Content-Length']))
-        print ("\n+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n")
-   #     print ("=====OUTPUT 1=====")
-   #     req_header_text = " %s \n" % (
-   #     res_header_text = "%s %d %s\n%s" % (res.response_version, res.status, res.reason, res.headers)
-    #    r1 = conn.getresponse()
-    #    data1 =
-    #    print ("+++++MY OUTPUT+++++")
-    #    print (data)
-     #   print with_color(33, req_header_text)
-        f.write(str(req_header_text))
-        u = urlparse.urlsplit(req.path)
-        if u.query:
-            query_text = parse_qsl(u.query)
-       #     print with_color(32, "==== QUERY PARAMETERS ====\n%s\n" % query_text)
-            f.write (str('==== QUERY PARAMETERS ====\n'))
-            f.write (str(query_text))
-            f.write (str('\n'))
-        cookie = req.headers.get('Cookie', '')
-        if cookie:
-            cookie = parse_qsl(re.sub(r';\s*', '&', cookie))
-      #      print with_color(32, "==== COOKIE ====\n%s\n" % cookie)
-            f.write (str('==== COOKIE ====\n'))
-            f.write (str(cookie))
-            f.write (str('\n'))
-        auth = req.headers.get('Authorization', '')
-        if auth.lower().startswith('basic'):
-            token = auth.split()[1].decode('base64')
-      #      print with_color(31, "==== BASIC AUTH ====\n%s\n" % token)
-            f.write (str('==== BASIC AUTH ====\n'))
-            f.write (str(token))
-            f.write (str('\n'))
-        if req_body is not None:
-            req_body_text = None
-            content_type = req.headers.get('Content-Type', '')
-            if content_type.startswith('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'):
-                req_body_text = parse_qsl(req_body)
-            elif content_type.startswith('application/json'):
-                try:
-                    json_obj = json.loads(req_body)
-                    json_str = json.dumps(json_obj, indent=2)
-                    if json_str.count('\n') < 50:
-                        req_body_text = json_str
-                    else:
-                        lines = json_str.splitlines()
-                        req_body_text = "%s\n(%d lines)" % ('\n'.join(lines[:50]), len(lines))
-                except ValueError:
-                    req_body_text = req_body
-            elif len(req_body) < 1024:
-                req_body_text = req_body
-            if req_body_text:
-                #print with_color(32, "==== REQUEST BODY ====\n%s\n" % req_body_text)
-                f.write (str('==== REQUEST BODY ====\n'))
-                f.write (str(req_body_text))
-                f.write (str('\n'))
-        print with_color(36, res_header_text)
-        f.write(str(res_header_text))
-        cookies = res.headers.getheaders('Set-Cookie')
-        if cookies:
-            cookies = '\n'.join(cookies)
-         #   print with_color(31, "==== SET-COOKIE ====\n%s\n" % cookies)
-            f.write (str('==== SET-COOKIE ====\n'))
-            f.write (str(cookies))
-            f.write (str('\n'))
-        if res_body is not None:
-            res_body_text = None
-            content_type = res.headers.get('Content-Type', '')
-            if content_type.startswith('application/json'):
-                try:
-                    json_obj = json.loads(res_body)
-                    json_str = json.dumps(json_obj, indent=2)
-                    if json_str.count('\n') < 50:
-                        res_body_text = json_str
-                    else:
-                        lines = json_str.splitlines()
-                        res_body_text = "%s\n(%d lines)" % ('\n'.join(lines[:50]), len(lines))
-                except ValueError:
-                    res_body_text = res_body
-            elif content_type.startswith('text/html'):
-                m ='<title[^>]*>\s*([^<]+?)\s*</title>', res_body, re.I)
-                if m:
-                    h = HTMLParser()
-                    #print with_color(32, "==== HTML TITLE ====\n%s\n" % h.unescape('utf-8')))
-                    f.write (str('==== HTML TITLE ====\n'))
-                    f.write (str(h.unescape('utf-8'))))
-                    f.write (str('\n'))
-            elif content_type.startswith('text/') and len(res_body) < 1024:
-                res_body_text = res_body
-            if res_body_text:
-              #  print with_color(32, "==== RESPONSE BODY ====\n%s\n" % res_body_text)
-                f.write (str('==== RESPONSE BODY ====\n'))
-                f.write (str(res_body_text))
-                f.write (str('\n'))
-    def request_handler(self, req, req_body):
-        #print ("def #15")
-        pass
-    def response_handler(self, req, req_body, res, res_body):
-        #print ("def #16")
-        pass
-    def save_handler(self, req, req_body, res, res_body):
-        #print ("def #17")
-        self.print_info(req, req_body, res, res_body)
-  #      req_host = req.headers(['Host'])
-  #      req_length = int(len(req_body))
-#        res_host = res.headers(['Host'])
-#        res_length = int(len(res_body))
- #       print ("===DATA===\n %s\t %d\n %s\t %d\n" % req_host, req_length, res_host, res_length  )
-def test(HandlerClass=ProxyRequestHandler, ServerClass=ThreadingHTTPServer, protocol="HTTP/1.1"):
-    #print ("def #18")
-    if sys.argv[1:]:
-        port = int(sys.argv[1])
-    else:
-        port = 8080
-    server_address = ('', port)
-    HandlerClass.protocol_version = protocol
-    httpd = ServerClass(server_address, HandlerClass)
-    sa = httpd.socket.getsockname()
-    print "Serving HTTP Proxy on", sa[0], "port", sa[1], "..."
-    httpd.serve_forever()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    test()

+ 0 - 28

@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-var page = require('webpage').create(),
-	system = require('system'),
-	t,address;
-if (system.args.length === 1){
-	console.log ('Usage: phantomjs --proxy=localhost:8080 --proxy-type=http phantomScript.js <some URL>');
-	phantom.exit();
-t =;
-address = system.args[1];
-console.log('Loading page..'+ system.args[1]);
-, function(status){
-	if (status !== 'success'){
-		console.log('FAIL to load the address');
-		console.log(status);
-	}
-	else{
-		t = - t;
-		console.log('Loading page..'+ system.args[1]);
-		console.log('Loading time: '+ t + 'msec');
-	}
-	phantom.exit();

+ 0 - 21

@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-1. In one tab run: 
-python > consoleLog
-# there is a lot of console log generated
-2. In second tab run:
-3. Output:
-#contains essential data:
-(Request - host - subdomain - GET/POST - resource)
-(Response - resource size - resource type)
-#details headers/ cookies etc.
-currently i am running a shuffle separately on the list and then rerunning steps 1 and 2
-and fixing the script to sort the output to get domain-based, content-type-based  upstream and downstream data
-to do: 
-to get the sorting done during runtime itself

+ 0 - 4

@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-for i in `cat top5k`
-phantomjs --proxy=localhost:8080 --proxy-type=http --ssl-protocol=any --ignore-ssl-errors=true phantomScript.js $i

+ 0 - 5000

@@ -1,5000 +0,0 @@

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 35

+ 0 - 37

@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __PTWIST_H__
-#define __PTWIST_H__
-#define PTWIST_BITS 168  /* must be a multiple of 8 */
-#define PTWIST_TAG_BITS 224  /* must be a multiple of 8 */
-#define PTWIST_PUZZLE_STRENGTH 0 /*21*/  /* set to 0 to disable client puzzle */
-#define PTWIST_RESP_MASK ((1<<(((PTWIST_RESP_BITS&7)==0)?8:(PTWIST_RESP_BITS&7)))-1)
-typedef unsigned char byte;
-/* Figure out whether there's a point with x-coordinate x on the main
- * curve.  If not, then there's one on the twist curve.  (There are
- * actually two, which are negatives of each other; that doesn't
- * matter.)  Multiply that point by seckey and set out to the
- * x-coordinate of the result. */
-void ptwist_pointmul(byte out[PTWIST_BYTES], const byte x[PTWIST_BYTES],
-	const byte seckey[PTWIST_BYTES]);

+ 0 - 1651

@@ -1,1651 +0,0 @@
-#include "ptwist.h"
-/* ptwist168.c by Ian Goldberg. Based on: */
-/* crypto/ec/ecp_nistp224.c */
- * Written by Emilia Kasper (Google) for the OpenSSL project.
- */
-/* ====================================================================
- * Copyright (c) 2000-2010 The OpenSSL Project.  All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
- *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
- *    distribution.
- *
- * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
- *    software must display the following acknowledgment:
- *    "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
- *    for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. ("
- *
- * 4. The names "OpenSSL Toolkit" and "OpenSSL Project" must not be used to
- *    endorse or promote products derived from this software without
- *    prior written permission. For written permission, please contact
- *
- *
- * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "OpenSSL"
- *    nor may "OpenSSL" appear in their names without prior written
- *    permission of the OpenSSL Project.
- *
- * 6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following
- *    acknowledgment:
- *    "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
- *    for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit ("
- *
- * ====================================================================
- *
- * This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young
- * (  This product includes software written by Tim
- * Hudson (
- *
- */
- * A 64-bit implementation of the NIST P-224 elliptic curve point multiplication
- *
- * Inspired by Daniel J. Bernstein's public domain nistp224 implementation
- * and Adam Langley's public domain 64-bit C implementation of curve25519
- */
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1))
-  /* even with gcc, the typedef won't work for 32-bit platforms */
-  typedef __uint128_t uint128_t; /* nonstandard; implemented by gcc on 64-bit platforms */
-  #error "Need GCC 3.1 or later to define type uint128_t"
-typedef uint8_t u8;
- *
- * Field elements are represented as a_0 + 2^56*a_1 + 2^112*a_2
- * where each slice a_i is a 64-bit word, i.e., a field element is an fslice
- * array a with 3 elements, where a[i] = a_i.
- * Outputs from multiplications are represented as unreduced polynomials
- * b_0 + 2^56*b_1 + 2^112*b_2 + 2^168*b_3 + 2^224*b_4
- * where each b_i is a 128-bit word. We ensure that inputs to each field
- * multiplication satisfy a_i < 2^60, so outputs satisfy b_i < 4*2^60*2^60,
- * and fit into a 128-bit word without overflow. The coefficients are then
- * again partially reduced to a_i < 2^57. We only reduce to the unique minimal
- * representation at the end of the computation.
- *
- */
-typedef uint64_t fslice;
-typedef fslice coord[3];
-typedef coord point[3];
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-/*static void dump_coord(const char *label, const coord c)
-    if (label) fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", label);
-    printf("%016lx %016lx %016lx\n", c[2], c[1], c[0]);
-/*static void dump_point(const char *label, point p)
-    if (label) fprintf(stderr, "%s:\n", label);
-    dump_coord(" x", p[0]);
-    dump_coord(" y", p[1]);
-    dump_coord(" z", p[2]);
-/* Field element represented as a byte arrary.
- * 21*8 = 168 bits is also the group order size for the elliptic curve.  */
-typedef u8 felem_bytearray[21];
-static const felem_bytearray ptwist168_curve_params[5] = {
-	{0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,    /* p */
-	 0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFE,
-	 0xFF},
-	{0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,    /* a */
-	 0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFE,
-	 0xFC},
-	{0x4E,0x35,0x5E,0x95,0xCA,0xFE,0xDD,0x48,0x6E,0xBC,    /* b */
-	 0x69,0xBA,0xD3,0x16,0x46,0xD3,0x20,0xE0,0x1D,0xC7,
-	 0xD6},
-	{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,    /* x */
-	 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-	 0x02},
-	{0xEA,0x67,0x47,0xB7,0x5A,0xF8,0xC7,0xF9,0x3C,0x1F,    /* y */
-	 0x5E,0x6D,0x32,0x0F,0x88,0xB9,0xBE,0x15,0x66,0xD2,
-	 0xF2}
-/* Helper functions to convert field elements to/from internal representation */
-static void bin21_to_felem(fslice out[3], const u8 in[21])
-	{
-	out[0] = *((const uint64_t *)(in)) & 0x00ffffffffffffff;
-	out[1] = (*((const uint64_t *)(in+7))) & 0x00ffffffffffffff;
-	out[2] = (*((const uint64_t *)(in+14))) & 0x00ffffffffffffff;
-	}
-static void felem_to_bin21(u8 out[21], const fslice in[3])
-	{
-	unsigned i;
-	for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
-		{
-		out[i]	  = in[0]>>(8*i);
-		out[i+7]  = in[1]>>(8*i);
-		out[i+14] = in[2]>>(8*i);
-		}
-	}
-#if 0
-/* To preserve endianness when using BN_bn2bin and BN_bin2bn */
-static void flip_endian(u8 *out, const u8 *in, unsigned len)
-	{
-	unsigned i;
-	for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
-		out[i] = in[len-1-i];
-	}
- *
- * Field operations, using the internal representation of field elements.
- * NB! These operations are specific to our point multiplication and cannot be
- * expected to be correct in general - e.g., multiplication with a large scalar
- * will cause an overflow.
- *
- */
-/* Sum two field elements: out += in */
-static void felem_sum64(fslice out[3], const fslice in[3])
-	{
-	out[0] += in[0];
-	out[1] += in[1];
-	out[2] += in[2];
-	}
-/* Subtract field elements: out -= in */
-/* Assumes in[i] < 2^57 */
-static void felem_diff64(fslice out[3], const fslice in[3])
-	{
-	/* a = 3*2^56 - 3 */
-	/* b = 3*2^56 - 3*257 */
-	static const uint64_t a = (((uint64_t) 3) << 56) - ((uint64_t) 3);
-	static const uint64_t b = (((uint64_t) 3) << 56) - ((uint64_t) 771);
-	/* Add 0 mod 2^168-2^8-1 to ensure out > in at each element */
-	/* a*2^112 + a*2^56 + b = 3*p */
-	out[0] += b;
-	out[1] += a;
-	out[2] += a;
-	out[0] -= in[0];
-	out[1] -= in[1];
-	out[2] -= in[2];
-	}
-/* Subtract in unreduced 128-bit mode: out128 -= in128 */
-/* Assumes in[i] < 2^119 */
-static void felem_diff128(uint128_t out[5], const uint128_t in[5])
-	{
-	/* a = 3*2^118 - 192
-	   b = 3*2^118 - 49536
-	   c = 3*2^118
-	   d = 3*2^118 - 12681408
-	   a*2^224 + a*2^168 + b*2^112 + c*2^56 + d
-	    = (3*2^174 + 3*2^118 + 49344)*p
-	*/
-	static const uint128_t a = (((uint128_t)3) << 118) - ((uint128_t) 192);
-	static const uint128_t b = (((uint128_t)3) << 118) - ((uint128_t) 49536);
-	static const uint128_t c = (((uint128_t)3) << 118);
-	static const uint128_t d = (((uint128_t)3) << 118) - ((uint128_t) 12681408);;
-	/* Add 0 mod 2^168-2^8-1 to ensure out > in */
-	out[0] += d;
-	out[1] += c;
-	out[2] += b;
-	out[3] += a;
-	out[4] += a;
-	out[0] -= in[0];
-	out[1] -= in[1];
-	out[2] -= in[2];
-	out[3] -= in[3];
-	out[4] -= in[4];
-	}
-/* Subtract in mixed mode: out128 -= in64 */
-/* in[i] < 2^63 */
-static void felem_diff_128_64(uint128_t out[5], const fslice in[3])
-	{
-	/* a = 3*2^62 - 192
-	   b = 3*2^62 - 49344
-	   a*2^112 + a*2^56 + b = 192*p
-	*/
-	static const uint128_t a = (((uint128_t) 3) << 62) - ((uint128_t) 192);
-	static const uint128_t b = (((uint128_t) 3) << 62) - ((uint128_t) 49344);
-	/* Add 0 mod 2^168-2^8-1 to ensure out > in */
-	out[0] += b;
-	out[1] += a;
-	out[2] += a;
-	out[0] -= in[0];
-	out[1] -= in[1];
-	out[2] -= in[2];
-	}
-/* Multiply a field element by a scalar: out64 = out64 * scalar
- * The scalars we actually use are small, so results fit without overflow */
-static void felem_scalar64(fslice out[3], const fslice scalar)
-	{
-	out[0] *= scalar;
-	out[1] *= scalar;
-	out[2] *= scalar;
-	}
-/* Multiply an unreduced field element by a scalar: out128 = out128 * scalar
- * The scalars we actually use are small, so results fit without overflow */
-static void felem_scalar128(uint128_t out[5], const uint128_t scalar)
-	{
-	out[0] *= scalar;
-	out[1] *= scalar;
-	out[2] *= scalar;
-	out[3] *= scalar;
-	out[4] *= scalar;
-	}
-/* Square a field element: out = in^2 */
-static void felem_square(uint128_t out[5], const fslice in[3])
-	{
-	out[0] = ((uint128_t) in[0]) * in[0];
-	out[1] = ((uint128_t) in[0]) * in[1] * 2;
-	out[2] = ((uint128_t) in[0]) * in[2] * 2 + ((uint128_t) in[1]) * in[1];
-	out[3] = ((uint128_t) in[1]) * in[2] * 2;
-	out[4] = ((uint128_t) in[2]) * in[2];
-	}
-/* Multiply two field elements: out = in1 * in2 */
-static void felem_mul(uint128_t out[5], const fslice in1[3], const fslice in2[3])
-	{
-	out[0] = ((uint128_t) in1[0]) * in2[0];
-	out[1] = ((uint128_t) in1[0]) * in2[1] + ((uint128_t) in1[1]) * in2[0];
-	out[2] = ((uint128_t) in1[0]) * in2[2] + ((uint128_t) in1[1]) * in2[1] +
-		((uint128_t) in1[2]) * in2[0];
-	out[3] = ((uint128_t) in1[1]) * in2[2] +
-		((uint128_t) in1[2]) * in2[1];
-	out[4] = ((uint128_t) in1[2]) * in2[2];
-	}
-#define M257(x) (((x)<<8)+(x))
-/* Reduce 128-bit coefficients to 64-bit coefficients. Requires in[i] < 2^126,
- * ensures out[0] < 2^56, out[1] < 2^56, out[2] < 2^57 */
-static void felem_reduce(fslice out[3], const uint128_t in[5])
-	{
-	static const uint128_t two56m1 = (((uint128_t) 1)<<56) -
-		((uint128_t)1);
-	uint128_t output[3];
-	output[0] = in[0];  /* < 2^126 */
-	output[1] = in[1];  /* < 2^126 */
-	output[2] = in[2];  /* < 2^126 */
-	/* Eliminate in[3], in[4] */
-	output[2] += M257(in[4] >> 56);       /* < 2^126 + 2^79 */
-	output[1] += M257(in[4] & two56m1);   /* < 2^126 + 2^65 */
-	output[1] += M257(in[3] >> 56);       /* < 2^126 + 2^65 + 2^79 */
-	output[0] += M257(in[3] & two56m1);   /* < 2^126 + 2^65 */
-	/* Eliminate the top part of output[2] */
-	output[0] += M257(output[2] >> 56);   /* < 2^126 + 2^65 + 2^79 */
-	output[2] &= two56m1;                 /* < 2^56 */
-	/* Carry 0 -> 1 -> 2 */
-	output[1] += output[0] >> 56;         /* < 2^126 + 2^71 */
-	output[0] &= two56m1;                 /* < 2^56 */
-	output[2] += output[1] >> 56;         /* < 2^71 */
-	output[1] &= two56m1;                 /* < 2^56 */
-	/* Eliminate the top part of output[2] */
-	output[0] += M257(output[2] >> 56);   /* < 2^57 */
-	output[2] &= two56m1;                 /* < 2^56 */
-	/* Carry 0 -> 1 -> 2 */
-	output[1] += output[0] >> 56;         /* <= 2^56 */
-	out[0] = output[0] & two56m1;         /* < 2^56 */
-	out[2] = output[2] + (output[1] >> 56);  /* <= 2^56 */
-	out[1] = output[1] & two56m1;         /* < 2^56 */
-	}
-/* Reduce to unique minimal representation */
-static void felem_contract(fslice out[3], const fslice in[3])
-	{
-	static const uint64_t two56m1 = (((uint64_t) 1)<<56) -
-		((uint64_t)1);
-	static const uint64_t two56m257 = (((uint64_t) 1)<<56) -
-		((uint64_t)257);
-	uint64_t a;
-	/* in[0] < 2^56, in[1] < 2^56, in[2] <= 2^56 */
-	/* so in < 2*p for sure */
-	/* Eliminate the top part of in[2] */
-	out[0] = in[0] + M257(in[2] >> 56);   /* < 2^57 */
-	out[2] = in[2] & two56m1;             /* < 2^56, but if out[0] >= 2^56
-	                                         then out[2] now = 0 */
-	/* Carry 0 -> 1 -> 2 */
-	out[1] = in[1] + (out[0] >> 56);      /* < 2^56 + 2, but if
-	                                         out[1] >= 2^56 then
-						 out[2] = 0 */
-	out[0] &= two56m1;                    /* < 2^56 */
-	out[2] += out[1] >> 56;               /* < 2^56 due to the above */
-	out[1] &= two56m1;                    /* < 2^56 */
-	/* Now out < 2^168, but it could still be > p */
-	a = ((out[2] == two56m1) & (out[1] == two56m1) & (out[0] >= two56m257));
-	out[2] -= two56m1*a;
-	out[1] -= two56m1*a;
-	out[0] -= two56m257*a;
-	}
-/* Negate a field element: out = -in */
-/* Assumes in[i] < 2^57 */
-static void felem_neg(fslice out[3], const fslice in[3])
-	{
-	/* a = 3*2^56 - 3 */
-	/* b = 3*2^56 - 3*257 */
-	static const uint64_t a = (((uint64_t) 3) << 56) - ((uint64_t) 3);
-	static const uint64_t b = (((uint64_t) 3) << 56) - ((uint64_t) 771);
-	static const uint64_t two56m1 = (((uint64_t) 1) << 56) - ((uint64_t) 1);
-	fslice tmp[3];
-	/* Add 0 mod 2^168-2^8-1 to ensure out > in at each element */
-	/* a*2^112 + a*2^56 + b = 3*p */
-	tmp[0] = b - in[0];
-	tmp[1] = a - in[1];
-	tmp[2] = a - in[2];
-	/* Carry 0 -> 1 -> 2 */
-	tmp[1] += tmp[0] >> 56;
-	tmp[0] &= two56m1;                 /* < 2^56 */
-	tmp[2] += tmp[1] >> 56;         /* < 2^71 */
-	tmp[1] &= two56m1;                 /* < 2^56 */
-	felem_contract(out, tmp);
-	}
-/* Zero-check: returns 1 if input is 0, and 0 otherwise.
- * We know that field elements are reduced to in < 2^169,
- * so we only need to check three cases: 0, 2^168 - 2^8 - 1,
- * and 2^169 - 2^9 - 2 */
-static fslice felem_is_zero(const fslice in[3])
-	{
-	fslice zero, two168m8m1, two169m9m2;
-	static const uint64_t two56m1 = (((uint64_t) 1)<<56) -
-		((uint64_t)1);
-	static const uint64_t two56m257 = (((uint64_t) 1)<<56) -
-		((uint64_t)257);
-	static const uint64_t two57m1 = (((uint64_t) 1)<<57) -
-		((uint64_t)1);
-	static const uint64_t two56m514 = (((uint64_t) 1)<<56) -
-		((uint64_t)514);
-	zero = (in[0] == 0) & (in[1] == 0) & (in[2] == 0);
-	two168m8m1 = (in[2] == two56m1) & (in[1] == two56m1) &
-			(in[0] == two56m257);
-	two169m9m2 = (in[2] == two57m1) & (in[1] == two56m1) &
-			(in[0] == two56m514);
-	return (zero | two168m8m1 | two169m9m2);
-	}
-/* Invert a field element */
-static void felem_inv(fslice out[3], const fslice in[3])
-	{
-	fslice ftmp[3], ftmp2[3], ftmp3[3], ftmp4[3];
-	uint128_t tmp[5];
-	unsigned i;
-	felem_square(tmp, in); felem_reduce(ftmp, tmp);		/* 2 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, in, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp, tmp);	/* 2^2 - 1 */
-								/* = ftmp */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^3 - 2 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^4 - 2^2 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp2, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^4 - 1 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^5 - 2 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^6 - 2^2 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp2, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp, tmp);	/* 2^6 - 1 */
-								/* = ftmp */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^7 - 2 */
-	for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i)					/* 2^12 - 2^6 */
-		{
-		felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-		}
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp3, tmp);	/* 2^12 - 1 */
-								/* = ftmp3 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp3); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^13 - 2 */
-	for (i = 0; i < 11; ++i)				/* 2^24 - 2^12 */
-		{
-		felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-		}
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp2, ftmp3); felem_reduce(ftmp3, tmp);	/* 2^24 - 1 */
-								/* = ftmp3 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp3); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^25 - 2 */
-	for (i = 0; i < 23; ++i)				/* 2^48 - 2^24 */
-		{
-		felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-		}
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp2, ftmp3); felem_reduce(ftmp4, tmp);	/* 2^48 - 1 */
-								/* = ftmp4 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp4); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^49 - 2 */
-	for (i = 0; i < 23; ++i)				/* 2^72 - 2^24 */
-		{
-		felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-		}
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp2, ftmp3); felem_reduce(ftmp4, tmp);	/* 2^72 - 1 */
-								/* = ftmp4 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp4); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^73 - 2 */
-	for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i)					/* 2^78 - 2^6 */
-		{
-		felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-		}
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^78 - 1 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^79 - 2 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, in, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp4, tmp);	/* 2^79 - 1 */
-								/* = ftmp4 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp4); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^80 - 2 */
-	for (i = 0; i < 78; ++i)				/* 2^158 - 2^79 */
-		{
-		felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-		}
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp4, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp); /* 2^158 - 1 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^159 - 2 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, in, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^159 - 1 */
-	for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i)					/* 2^166 - 2^7 */
-		{
-		felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-		}
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^166 - 2^6 - 1 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^167 - 2^7 - 2 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^168 - 2^8 - 4 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, in, ftmp2); felem_reduce(out, tmp);	/* 2^168 - 2^8 - 3 */
-								/* = out */
-	}
-/* Take the square root of a field element */
-static void felem_sqrt(fslice out[3], const fslice in[3])
-	{
-	fslice ftmp[3], ftmp2[3];
-	uint128_t tmp[5];
-	unsigned i;
-	felem_square(tmp, in); felem_reduce(ftmp, tmp);		/* 2 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, in, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp, tmp);	/* 2^2 - 1 */
-								/* = ftmp */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^3 - 2 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^4 - 2^2 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp2, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^4 - 1 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^5 - 2 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp2, in); felem_reduce(ftmp, tmp);	/* 2^5 - 1 */
-								/* = ftmp */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^6 - 2 */
-	for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)					/* 2^10 - 2^5 */
-		{
-		felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-		}
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp, tmp);	/* 2^10 - 1 */
-								/* = ftmp */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^11 - 2 */
-	for (i = 0; i < 9; ++i)					/* 2^20 - 2^10 */
-		{
-		felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-		}
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp2, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp, tmp);	/* 2^20 - 1 */
-								/* = ftmp */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^21 - 2 */
-	for (i = 0; i < 19; ++i)				/* 2^40 - 2^20 */
-		{
-		felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-		}
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp2, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp, tmp);	/* 2^40 - 1 */
-								/* = ftmp */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^41 - 2 */
-	for (i = 0; i < 39; ++i)				/* 2^80 - 2^40 */
-		{
-		felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-		}
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp2, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp, tmp);	/* 2^80 - 1 */
-								/* = ftmp */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^81 - 2 */
-	for (i = 0; i < 79; ++i)				/* 2^160 - 2^80 */
-		{
-		felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-		}
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^160 - 1 */
-	for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i)					/* 2^165 - 2^5 */
-		{
-		felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-		}
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(out, tmp);	/* 2^166 - 2^6 */
-								/* = out */
-	}
-/* Copy in constant time:
- * if icopy == 1, copy in to out,
- * if icopy == 0, copy out to itself. */
-static void
-copy_conditional(fslice *out, const fslice *in, unsigned len, fslice icopy)
-	{
-	unsigned i;
-	/* icopy is a (64-bit) 0 or 1, so copy is either all-zero or all-one */
-	const fslice copy = -icopy;
-	for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
-		{
-		const fslice tmp = copy & (in[i] ^ out[i]);
-		out[i] ^= tmp;
-		}
-	}
-/* Copy in constant time:
- * if isel == 1, copy in2 to out,
- * if isel == 0, copy in1 to out. */
-static void select_conditional(fslice *out, const fslice *in1, const fslice *in2,
-	unsigned len, fslice isel)
-	{
-	unsigned i;
-	/* isel is a (64-bit) 0 or 1, so sel is either all-zero or all-one */
-	const fslice sel = -isel;
-	for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
-		{
-		const fslice tmp = sel & (in1[i] ^ in2[i]);
-		out[i] = in1[i] ^ tmp;
-		}
- *
- * Points are represented in Jacobian projective coordinates:
- * (X, Y, Z) corresponds to the affine point (X/Z^2, Y/Z^3),
- * or to the point at infinity if Z == 0.
- *
- */
-/* Double an elliptic curve point:
- * (X', Y', Z') = 2 * (X, Y, Z), where
- * X' = (3 * (X - Z^2) * (X + Z^2))^2 - 8 * X * Y^2
- * Y' = 3 * (X - Z^2) * (X + Z^2) * (4 * X * Y^2 - X') - 8 * Y^2
- * Z' = (Y + Z)^2 - Y^2 - Z^2 = 2 * Y * Z
- * Outputs can equal corresponding inputs, i.e., x_out == x_in is allowed,
- * while x_out == y_in is not (maybe this works, but it's not tested). */
-static void
-point_double(fslice x_out[3], fslice y_out[3], fslice z_out[3],
-	     const fslice x_in[3], const fslice y_in[3], const fslice z_in[3])
-	{
-	uint128_t tmp[5], tmp2[5];
-	fslice delta[3];
-	fslice gamma[3];
-	fslice beta[3];
-	fslice alpha[3];
-	fslice ftmp[3], ftmp2[3];
-	memcpy(ftmp, x_in, 3 * sizeof(fslice));
-	memcpy(ftmp2, x_in, 3 * sizeof(fslice));
-	/* delta = z^2 */
-	felem_square(tmp, z_in);
-	felem_reduce(delta, tmp);
-	/* gamma = y^2 */
-	felem_square(tmp, y_in);
-	felem_reduce(gamma, tmp);
-	/* beta = x*gamma */
-	felem_mul(tmp, x_in, gamma);
-	felem_reduce(beta, tmp);
-	/* alpha = 3*(x-delta)*(x+delta) */
-	felem_diff64(ftmp, delta);
-	/* ftmp[i] < 2^57 + 2^58 + 2 < 2^59 */
-	felem_sum64(ftmp2, delta);
-	/* ftmp2[i] < 2^57 + 2^57 = 2^58 */
-	felem_scalar64(ftmp2, 3);
-	/* ftmp2[i] < 3 * 2^58 < 2^60 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp, ftmp2);
-	/* tmp[i] < 2^60 * 2^59 * 4 = 2^121 */
-	felem_reduce(alpha, tmp);
-	/* x' = alpha^2 - 8*beta */
-	felem_square(tmp, alpha);
-	/* tmp[i] < 4 * 2^57 * 2^57 = 2^116 */
-	memcpy(ftmp, beta, 3 * sizeof(fslice));
-	felem_scalar64(ftmp, 8);
-	/* ftmp[i] < 8 * 2^57 = 2^60 */
-	felem_diff_128_64(tmp, ftmp);
-	/* tmp[i] < 2^116 + 2^64 + 8 < 2^117 */
-	felem_reduce(x_out, tmp);
-	/* z' = (y + z)^2 - gamma - delta */
-	felem_sum64(delta, gamma);
-	/* delta[i] < 2^57 + 2^57 = 2^58 */
-	memcpy(ftmp, y_in, 3 * sizeof(fslice));
-	felem_sum64(ftmp, z_in);
-	/* ftmp[i] < 2^57 + 2^57 = 2^58 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp);
-	/* tmp[i] < 4 * 2^58 * 2^58 = 2^118 */
-	felem_diff_128_64(tmp, delta);
-	/* tmp[i] < 2^118 + 2^64 + 8 < 2^119 */
-	felem_reduce(z_out, tmp);
-	/* y' = alpha*(4*beta - x') - 8*gamma^2 */
-	felem_scalar64(beta, 4);
-	/* beta[i] < 4 * 2^57 = 2^59 */
-	felem_diff64(beta, x_out);
-	/* beta[i] < 2^59 + 2^58 + 2 < 2^60 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, alpha, beta);
-	/* tmp[i] < 4 * 2^57 * 2^60 = 2^119 */
-	felem_square(tmp2, gamma);
-	/* tmp2[i] < 4 * 2^57 * 2^57 = 2^116 */
-	felem_scalar128(tmp2, 8);
-	/* tmp2[i] < 8 * 2^116 = 2^119 */
-	felem_diff128(tmp, tmp2);
-	/* tmp[i] < 2^119 + 2^120 < 2^121 */
-	felem_reduce(y_out, tmp);
-	}
-/* Add two elliptic curve points:
- * (X_1, Y_1, Z_1) + (X_2, Y_2, Z_2) = (X_3, Y_3, Z_3), where
- * X_3 = (Z_1^3 * Y_2 - Z_2^3 * Y_1)^2 - (Z_1^2 * X_2 - Z_2^2 * X_1)^3 -
- * 2 * Z_2^2 * X_1 * (Z_1^2 * X_2 - Z_2^2 * X_1)^2
- * Y_3 = (Z_1^3 * Y_2 - Z_2^3 * Y_1) * (Z_2^2 * X_1 * (Z_1^2 * X_2 - Z_2^2 * X_1)^2 - X_3) -
- *        Z_2^3 * Y_1 * (Z_1^2 * X_2 - Z_2^2 * X_1)^3
- * Z_3 = (Z_1^2 * X_2 - Z_2^2 * X_1) * (Z_1 * Z_2) */
-/* This function is not entirely constant-time:
- * it includes a branch for checking whether the two input points are equal,
- * (while not equal to the point at infinity).
- * This case never happens during single point multiplication,
- * so there is no timing leak for ECDH or ECDSA signing. */
-static void point_add(fslice x3[3], fslice y3[3], fslice z3[3],
-	const fslice x1[3], const fslice y1[3], const fslice z1[3],
-	const fslice x2[3], const fslice y2[3], const fslice z2[3])
-	{
-	fslice ftmp[3], ftmp2[3], ftmp3[3], ftmp4[3], ftmp5[3];
-	fslice xout[3], yout[3], zout[3];
-	uint128_t tmp[5], tmp2[5];
-	fslice z1_is_zero, z2_is_zero, x_equal, y_equal;
-	/* ftmp = z1^2 */
-	felem_square(tmp, z1);
-	felem_reduce(ftmp, tmp);
-	/* ftmp2 = z2^2 */
-	felem_square(tmp, z2);
-	felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-	/* ftmp3 = z1^3 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp, z1);
-	felem_reduce(ftmp3, tmp);
-	/* ftmp4 = z2^3 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp2, z2);
-	felem_reduce(ftmp4, tmp);
-	/* ftmp3 = z1^3*y2 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp3, y2);
-	/* tmp[i] < 4 * 2^57 * 2^57 = 2^116 */
-	/* ftmp4 = z2^3*y1 */
-	felem_mul(tmp2, ftmp4, y1);
-	felem_reduce(ftmp4, tmp2);
-	/* ftmp3 = z1^3*y2 - z2^3*y1 */
-	felem_diff_128_64(tmp, ftmp4);
-	/* tmp[i] < 2^116 + 2^64 + 8 < 2^117 */
-	felem_reduce(ftmp3, tmp);
-	/* ftmp = z1^2*x2 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp, x2);
-	/* tmp[i] < 4 * 2^57 * 2^57 = 2^116 */
-	/* ftmp2 =z2^2*x1 */
-	felem_mul(tmp2, ftmp2, x1);
-	felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp2);
-	/* ftmp = z1^2*x2 - z2^2*x1 */
-	felem_diff128(tmp, tmp2);
-	/* tmp[i] < 2^116 + 2^64 + 8 < 2^117 */
-	felem_reduce(ftmp, tmp);
-	/* the formulae are incorrect if the points are equal
-	 * so we check for this and do doubling if this happens */
-	x_equal = felem_is_zero(ftmp);
-	y_equal = felem_is_zero(ftmp3);
-	z1_is_zero = felem_is_zero(z1);
-	z2_is_zero = felem_is_zero(z2);
-	/* In affine coordinates, (X_1, Y_1) == (X_2, Y_2) */
-	if (x_equal && y_equal && !z1_is_zero && !z2_is_zero)
-		{
-		point_double(x3, y3, z3, x1, y1, z1);
-		return;
-		}
-	/* ftmp5 = z1*z2 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, z1, z2);
-	felem_reduce(ftmp5, tmp);
-	/* zout = (z1^2*x2 - z2^2*x1)*(z1*z2) */
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp, ftmp5);
-	felem_reduce(zout, tmp);
-	/* ftmp = (z1^2*x2 - z2^2*x1)^2 */
-	memcpy(ftmp5, ftmp, 3 * sizeof(fslice));
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp);
-	felem_reduce(ftmp, tmp);
-	/* ftmp5 = (z1^2*x2 - z2^2*x1)^3 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp, ftmp5);
-	felem_reduce(ftmp5, tmp);
-	/* ftmp2 = z2^2*x1*(z1^2*x2 - z2^2*x1)^2 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp2, ftmp);
-	felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-	/* ftmp4 = z2^3*y1*(z1^2*x2 - z2^2*x1)^3 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp4, ftmp5);
-	/* tmp[i] < 4 * 2^57 * 2^57 = 2^116 */
-	/* tmp2 = (z1^3*y2 - z2^3*y1)^2 */
-	felem_square(tmp2, ftmp3);
-	/* tmp2[i] < 4 * 2^57 * 2^57 < 2^116 */
-	/* tmp2 = (z1^3*y2 - z2^3*y1)^2 - (z1^2*x2 - z2^2*x1)^3 */
-	felem_diff_128_64(tmp2, ftmp5);
-	/* tmp2[i] < 2^116 + 2^64 + 8 < 2^117 */
-	/* ftmp5 = 2*z2^2*x1*(z1^2*x2 - z2^2*x1)^2 */
-	memcpy(ftmp5, ftmp2, 3 * sizeof(fslice));
-	felem_scalar64(ftmp5, 2);
-	/* ftmp5[i] < 2 * 2^57 = 2^58 */
-	/* xout = (z1^3*y2 - z2^3*y1)^2 - (z1^2*x2 - z2^2*x1)^3 -
-	   2*z2^2*x1*(z1^2*x2 - z2^2*x1)^2 */
-	felem_diff_128_64(tmp2, ftmp5);
-	/* tmp2[i] < 2^117 + 2^64 + 8 < 2^118 */
-	felem_reduce(xout, tmp2);
-	/* ftmp2 = z2^2*x1*(z1^2*x2 - z2^2*x1)^2 - xout */
-	felem_diff64(ftmp2, xout);
-	/* ftmp2[i] < 2^57 + 2^58 + 2 < 2^59 */
-	/* tmp2 = (z1^3*y2 - z2^3*y1)*(z2^2*x1*(z1^2*x2 - z2^2*x1)^2 - xout) */
-	felem_mul(tmp2, ftmp3, ftmp2);
-	/* tmp2[i] < 4 * 2^57 * 2^59 = 2^118 */
-	/* yout = (z1^3*y2 - z2^3*y1)*(z2^2*x1*(z1^2*x2 - z2^2*x1)^2 - xout) -
-	   z2^3*y1*(z1^2*x2 - z2^2*x1)^3 */
-	felem_diff128(tmp2, tmp);
-	/* tmp2[i] < 2^118 + 2^120 < 2^121 */
-	felem_reduce(yout, tmp2);
-	/* the result (xout, yout, zout) is incorrect if one of the
-	 * inputs is the point at infinity, so we need to check for this
-	 * separately */
-	/* if point 1 is at infinity, copy point 2 to output, and vice versa */
-	copy_conditional(xout, x2, 3, z1_is_zero);
-	select_conditional(x3, xout, x1, 3, z2_is_zero);
-	copy_conditional(yout, y2, 3, z1_is_zero);
-	select_conditional(y3, yout, y1, 3, z2_is_zero);
-	copy_conditional(zout, z2, 3, z1_is_zero);
-	select_conditional(z3, zout, z1, 3, z2_is_zero);
-	}
-/*static void affine(point P)
-    coord z1, z2, xin, yin;
-    uint128_t tmp[7];
-    if (felem_is_zero(P[2])) return;
-    felem_inv(z2, P[2]);
-    felem_square(tmp, z2); felem_reduce(z1, tmp);
-    felem_mul(tmp, P[0], z1); felem_reduce(xin, tmp);
-    felem_contract(P[0], xin);
-    felem_mul(tmp, z1, z2); felem_reduce(z1, tmp);
-    felem_mul(tmp, P[1], z1); felem_reduce(yin, tmp);
-    felem_contract(P[1], yin);
-    memset(P[2], 0, sizeof(coord));
-    P[2][0] = 1;
-static void affine_x(coord out, point P)
-    coord z1, z2, xin;
-    uint128_t tmp[7];
-    if (felem_is_zero(P[2])) return;
-    felem_inv(z2, P[2]);
-    felem_square(tmp, z2); felem_reduce(z1, tmp);
-    felem_mul(tmp, P[0], z1); felem_reduce(xin, tmp);
-    felem_contract(out, xin);
-/* Multiply the given point by s */
-static void point_mul(point out, point in, const felem_bytearray s)
-    int i;
-    point tmp;
-    point table[16];
-    memset(table[0], 0, sizeof(point));
-    memmove(table[1], in, sizeof(point));
-    for(i=2; i<16; i+=2) {
-	point_double(table[i][0], table[i][1], table[i][2],
-		     table[i/2][0], table[i/2][1], table[i/2][2]);
-	point_add(table[i+1][0], table[i+1][1], table[i+1][2],
-		  table[i][0], table[i][1], table[i][2],
-		  in[0], in[1], in[2]);
-    }
-    /*
-    for(i=0;i<16;++i) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "table[%d]:\n", i);
-	affine(table[i]);
-	dump_point(NULL, table[i]);
-    }
-    */
-    memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(point));
-    for(i=0;i<21;i++) {
-	u8 oh = s[20-i] >> 4;
-	u8 ol = s[20-i] & 0x0f;
-	point_double(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);
-	point_double(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);
-	point_double(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);
-	point_double(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);
-	point_add(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2],
-		  table[oh][0], table[oh][1], table[oh][2]);
-	point_double(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);
-	point_double(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);
-	point_double(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);
-	point_double(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);
-	point_add(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2],
-		  table[ol][0], table[ol][1], table[ol][2]);
-    }
-    memmove(out, tmp, sizeof(point));
-#if 0
-/* Select a point from an array of 16 precomputed point multiples,
- * in constant time: for bits = {b_0, b_1, b_2, b_3}, return the point
- * pre_comp[8*b_3 + 4*b_2 + 2*b_1 + b_0] */
-static void select_point(const fslice bits[4], const fslice pre_comp[16][3][4],
-	fslice out[12])
-	{
-	fslice tmp[5][12];
-	select_conditional(tmp[0], pre_comp[7][0], pre_comp[15][0], 12, bits[3]);
-	select_conditional(tmp[1], pre_comp[3][0], pre_comp[11][0], 12, bits[3]);
-	select_conditional(tmp[2], tmp[1], tmp[0], 12, bits[2]);
-	select_conditional(tmp[0], pre_comp[5][0], pre_comp[13][0], 12, bits[3]);
-	select_conditional(tmp[1], pre_comp[1][0], pre_comp[9][0], 12, bits[3]);
-	select_conditional(tmp[3], tmp[1], tmp[0], 12, bits[2]);
-	select_conditional(tmp[4], tmp[3], tmp[2], 12, bits[1]);
-	select_conditional(tmp[0], pre_comp[6][0], pre_comp[14][0], 12, bits[3]);
-	select_conditional(tmp[1], pre_comp[2][0], pre_comp[10][0], 12, bits[3]);
-	select_conditional(tmp[2], tmp[1], tmp[0], 12, bits[2]);
-	select_conditional(tmp[0], pre_comp[4][0], pre_comp[12][0], 12, bits[3]);
-	select_conditional(tmp[1], pre_comp[0][0], pre_comp[8][0], 12, bits[3]);
-	select_conditional(tmp[3], tmp[1], tmp[0], 12, bits[2]);
-	select_conditional(tmp[1], tmp[3], tmp[2], 12, bits[1]);
-	select_conditional(out, tmp[1], tmp[4], 12, bits[0]);
-	}
-/* Interleaved point multiplication using precomputed point multiples:
- * The small point multiples 0*P, 1*P, ..., 15*P are in pre_comp[],
- * the scalars in scalars[]. If g_scalar is non-NULL, we also add this multiple
- * of the generator, using certain (large) precomputed multiples in g_pre_comp.
- * Output point (X, Y, Z) is stored in x_out, y_out, z_out */
-static void batch_mul(fslice x_out[4], fslice y_out[4], fslice z_out[4],
-	const felem_bytearray scalars[], const unsigned num_points, const u8 *g_scalar,
-	const fslice pre_comp[][16][3][4], const fslice g_pre_comp[16][3][4])
-	{
-	unsigned i, j, num;
-	unsigned gen_mul = (g_scalar != NULL);
-	fslice nq[12], nqt[12], tmp[12];
-	fslice bits[4];
-	u8 byte;
-	/* set nq to the point at infinity */
-	memset(nq, 0, 12 * sizeof(fslice));
-	/* Loop over all scalars msb-to-lsb, 4 bits at a time: for each nibble,
-	 * double 4 times, then add the precomputed point multiples.
-	 * If we are also adding multiples of the generator, then interleave
-	 * these additions with the last 56 doublings. */
-	for (i = (num_points ? 28 : 7); i > 0; --i)
-		{
-		for (j = 0; j < 8; ++j)
-			{
-			/* double once */
-			point_double(nq, nq+4, nq+8, nq, nq+4, nq+8);
-			/* add multiples of the generator */
-			if ((gen_mul) && (i <= 7))
-				{
-				bits[3] = (g_scalar[i+20] >> (7-j)) & 1;
-				bits[2] = (g_scalar[i+13] >> (7-j)) & 1;
-				bits[1] = (g_scalar[i+6] >> (7-j)) & 1;
-				bits[0] = (g_scalar[i-1] >> (7-j)) & 1;
-				/* select the point to add, in constant time */
-				select_point(bits, g_pre_comp, tmp);
-				memcpy(nqt, nq, 12 * sizeof(fslice));
-				point_add(nq, nq+4, nq+8, nqt, nqt+4, nqt+8,
-					tmp, tmp+4, tmp+8);
-				}
-			/* do an addition after every 4 doublings */
-			if (j % 4 == 3)
-				{
-				/* loop over all scalars */
-				for (num = 0; num < num_points; ++num)
-					{
-					byte = scalars[num][i-1];
-					bits[3] = (byte >> (10-j)) & 1;
-					bits[2] = (byte >> (9-j)) & 1;
-					bits[1] = (byte >> (8-j)) & 1;
-					bits[0] = (byte >> (7-j)) & 1;
-					/* select the point to add */
-					select_point(bits,
-						pre_comp[num], tmp);
-					memcpy(nqt, nq, 12 * sizeof(fslice));
-					point_add(nq, nq+4, nq+8, nqt, nqt+4,
-						nqt+8, tmp, tmp+4, tmp+8);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	memcpy(x_out, nq, 4 * sizeof(fslice));
-	memcpy(y_out, nq+4, 4 * sizeof(fslice));
-	memcpy(z_out, nq+8, 4 * sizeof(fslice));
-	}
- */
-static NISTP224_PRE_COMP *nistp224_pre_comp_new()
-	{
-	NISTP224_PRE_COMP *ret = NULL;
-	ret = (NISTP224_PRE_COMP *)OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(NISTP224_PRE_COMP));
-	if (!ret)
-		{
-		return ret;
-		}
-	memset(ret->g_pre_comp, 0, sizeof(ret->g_pre_comp));
-	ret->references = 1;
-	return ret;
-	}
-static void *nistp224_pre_comp_dup(void *src_)
-	{
-	NISTP224_PRE_COMP *src = src_;
-	/* no need to actually copy, these objects never change! */
-	CRYPTO_add(&src->references, 1, CRYPTO_LOCK_EC_PRE_COMP);
-	return src_;
-	}
-static void nistp224_pre_comp_free(void *pre_)
-	{
-	int i;
-	NISTP224_PRE_COMP *pre = pre_;
-	if (!pre)
-		return;
-	i = CRYPTO_add(&pre->references, -1, CRYPTO_LOCK_EC_PRE_COMP);
-	if (i > 0)
-		return;
-	OPENSSL_free(pre);
-	}
-static void nistp224_pre_comp_clear_free(void *pre_)
-	{
-	int i;
-	NISTP224_PRE_COMP *pre = pre_;
-	if (!pre)
-		return;
-	i = CRYPTO_add(&pre->references, -1, CRYPTO_LOCK_EC_PRE_COMP);
-	if (i > 0)
-		return;
-	OPENSSL_cleanse(pre, sizeof *pre);
-	OPENSSL_free(pre);
-	}
- */
-int ec_GFp_nistp224_group_init(EC_GROUP *group)
-	{
-	int ret;
-	ret = ec_GFp_simple_group_init(group);
-	group->a_is_minus3 = 1;
-	return ret;
-	}
-int ec_GFp_nistp224_group_set_curve(EC_GROUP *group, const BIGNUM *p,
-	const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b, BN_CTX *ctx)
-	{
-	int ret = 0;
-	BN_CTX *new_ctx = NULL;
-	BIGNUM *curve_p, *curve_a, *curve_b;
-	if (ctx == NULL)
-		if ((ctx = new_ctx = BN_CTX_new()) == NULL) return 0;
-	BN_CTX_start(ctx);
-	if (((curve_p = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL) ||
-		((curve_a = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL) ||
-		((curve_b = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL)) goto err;
-	BN_bin2bn(nistp224_curve_params[0], sizeof(felem_bytearray), curve_p);
-	BN_bin2bn(nistp224_curve_params[1], sizeof(felem_bytearray), curve_a);
-	BN_bin2bn(nistp224_curve_params[2], sizeof(felem_bytearray), curve_b);
-	if ((BN_cmp(curve_p, p)) || (BN_cmp(curve_a, a)) ||
-		(BN_cmp(curve_b, b)))
-		{
-		goto err;
-		}
-	group->field_mod_func = BN_nist_mod_224;
-	ret = ec_GFp_simple_group_set_curve(group, p, a, b, ctx);
-	BN_CTX_end(ctx);
-	if (new_ctx != NULL)
-		BN_CTX_free(new_ctx);
-	return ret;
-	}
-/* Takes the Jacobian coordinates (X, Y, Z) of a point and returns
- * (X', Y') = (X/Z^2, Y/Z^3) */
-int ec_GFp_nistp224_point_get_affine_coordinates(const EC_GROUP *group,
-	const EC_POINT *point, BIGNUM *x, BIGNUM *y, BN_CTX *ctx)
-	{
-	fslice z1[4], z2[4], x_in[4], y_in[4], x_out[4], y_out[4];
-	uint128_t tmp[7];
-	if (EC_POINT_is_at_infinity(group, point))
-		{
-		return 0;
-		}
-	if ((!BN_to_felem(x_in, &point->X)) || (!BN_to_felem(y_in, &point->Y)) ||
-		(!BN_to_felem(z1, &point->Z))) return 0;
-	felem_inv(z2, z1);
-	felem_square(tmp, z2); felem_reduce(z1, tmp);
-	felem_mul(tmp, x_in, z1); felem_reduce(x_in, tmp);
-	felem_contract(x_out, x_in);
-	if (x != NULL)
-		{
-		if (!felem_to_BN(x, x_out)) {
-			ERR_R_BN_LIB);
-		return 0;
-		}
-		}
-	felem_mul(tmp, z1, z2); felem_reduce(z1, tmp);
-	felem_mul(tmp, y_in, z1); felem_reduce(y_in, tmp);
-	felem_contract(y_out, y_in);
-	if (y != NULL)
-		{
-		if (!felem_to_BN(y, y_out)) {
-			ERR_R_BN_LIB);
-		return 0;
-		}
-		}
-	return 1;
-	}
-/* Computes scalar*generator + \sum scalars[i]*points[i], ignoring NULL values
- * Result is stored in r (r can equal one of the inputs). */
-int ec_GFp_nistp224_points_mul(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_POINT *r,
-	const BIGNUM *scalar, size_t num, const EC_POINT *points[],
-	const BIGNUM *scalars[], BN_CTX *ctx)
-	{
-	int ret = 0;
-	int i, j;
-	BN_CTX *new_ctx = NULL;
-	BIGNUM *x, *y, *z, *tmp_scalar;
-	felem_bytearray g_secret;
-	felem_bytearray *secrets = NULL;
-	fslice (*pre_comp)[16][3][4] = NULL;
-	felem_bytearray tmp;
-	unsigned num_bytes;
-	int have_pre_comp = 0;
-	size_t num_points = num;
-	fslice x_in[4], y_in[4], z_in[4], x_out[4], y_out[4], z_out[4];
-	NISTP224_PRE_COMP *pre = NULL;
-	fslice (*g_pre_comp)[3][4] = NULL;
-	EC_POINT *generator = NULL;
-	const EC_POINT *p = NULL;
-	const BIGNUM *p_scalar = NULL;
-	if (ctx == NULL)
-		if ((ctx = new_ctx = BN_CTX_new()) == NULL) return 0;
-	BN_CTX_start(ctx);
-	if (((x = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL) ||
-		((y = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL) ||
-		((z = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL) ||
-		((tmp_scalar = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL))
-		goto err;
-	if (scalar != NULL)
-		{
-		pre = EC_EX_DATA_get_data(group->extra_data,
-			nistp224_pre_comp_dup, nistp224_pre_comp_free,
-			nistp224_pre_comp_clear_free);
-		if (pre)
-			/* we have precomputation, try to use it */
-			g_pre_comp = pre->g_pre_comp;
-		else
-			/* try to use the standard precomputation */
-			g_pre_comp = (fslice (*)[3][4]) gmul;
-		generator = EC_POINT_new(group);
-		if (generator == NULL)
-			goto err;
-		/* get the generator from precomputation */
-		if (!felem_to_BN(x, g_pre_comp[1][0]) ||
-			!felem_to_BN(y, g_pre_comp[1][1]) ||
-			!felem_to_BN(z, g_pre_comp[1][2]))
-			{
-			goto err;
-			}
-		if (!EC_POINT_set_Jprojective_coordinates_GFp(group,
-				generator, x, y, z, ctx))
-			goto err;
-		if (0 == EC_POINT_cmp(group, generator, group->generator, ctx))
-			/* precomputation matches generator */
-			have_pre_comp = 1;
-		else
-			/* we don't have valid precomputation:
-			 * treat the generator as a random point */
-			num_points = num_points + 1;
-		}
-	secrets = OPENSSL_malloc(num_points * sizeof(felem_bytearray));
-	pre_comp = OPENSSL_malloc(num_points * 16 * 3 * 4 * sizeof(fslice));
-	if ((num_points) && ((secrets == NULL) || (pre_comp == NULL)))
-		{
-		goto err;
-		}
-	/* we treat NULL scalars as 0, and NULL points as points at infinity,
-	 * i.e., they contribute nothing to the linear combination */
-	memset(secrets, 0, num_points * sizeof(felem_bytearray));
-	memset(pre_comp, 0, num_points * 16 * 3 * 4 * sizeof(fslice));
-	for (i = 0; i < num_points; ++i)
-		{
-		if (i == num)
-			/* the generator */
-			{
-			p = EC_GROUP_get0_generator(group);
-			p_scalar = scalar;
-			}
-		else
-			/* the i^th point */
-			{
-			p = points[i];
-			p_scalar = scalars[i];
-			}
-		if ((p_scalar != NULL) && (p != NULL))
-			{
-			num_bytes = BN_num_bytes(p_scalar);
-			/* reduce scalar to 0 <= scalar < 2^224 */
-			if ((num_bytes > sizeof(felem_bytearray)) || (BN_is_negative(p_scalar)))
-				{
-				/* this is an unusual input, and we don't guarantee
-				 * constant-timeness */
-				if (!BN_nnmod(tmp_scalar, p_scalar, &group->order, ctx))
-					{
-					goto err;
-					}
-				num_bytes = BN_bn2bin(tmp_scalar, tmp);
-				}
-			else
-				BN_bn2bin(p_scalar, tmp);
-			flip_endian(secrets[i], tmp, num_bytes);
-			/* precompute multiples */
-			if ((!BN_to_felem(x_out, &p->X)) ||
-				(!BN_to_felem(y_out, &p->Y)) ||
-				(!BN_to_felem(z_out, &p->Z))) goto err;
-			memcpy(pre_comp[i][1][0], x_out, 4 * sizeof(fslice));
-			memcpy(pre_comp[i][1][1], y_out, 4 * sizeof(fslice));
-			memcpy(pre_comp[i][1][2], z_out, 4 * sizeof(fslice));
-			for (j = 1; j < 8; ++j)
-				{
-				point_double(pre_comp[i][2*j][0],
-					pre_comp[i][2*j][1],
-					pre_comp[i][2*j][2],
-					pre_comp[i][j][0],
-					pre_comp[i][j][1],
-					pre_comp[i][j][2]);
-				point_add(pre_comp[i][2*j+1][0],
-					pre_comp[i][2*j+1][1],
-					pre_comp[i][2*j+1][2],
-					pre_comp[i][1][0],
-					pre_comp[i][1][1],
-					pre_comp[i][1][2],
-					pre_comp[i][2*j][0],
-					pre_comp[i][2*j][1],
-					pre_comp[i][2*j][2]);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	/* the scalar for the generator */
-	if ((scalar != NULL) && (have_pre_comp))
-		{
-		memset(g_secret, 0, sizeof g_secret);
-		num_bytes = BN_num_bytes(scalar);
-		/* reduce scalar to 0 <= scalar < 2^224 */
-		if ((num_bytes > sizeof(felem_bytearray)) || (BN_is_negative(scalar)))
-			{
-			/* this is an unusual input, and we don't guarantee
-			 * constant-timeness */
-			if (!BN_nnmod(tmp_scalar, scalar, &group->order, ctx))
-				{
-				goto err;
-				}
-			num_bytes = BN_bn2bin(tmp_scalar, tmp);
-			}
-		else
-			BN_bn2bin(scalar, tmp);
-		flip_endian(g_secret, tmp, num_bytes);
-		/* do the multiplication with generator precomputation*/
-		batch_mul(x_out, y_out, z_out,
-			(const felem_bytearray (*)) secrets, num_points,
-			g_secret, (const fslice (*)[16][3][4]) pre_comp,
-			(const fslice (*)[3][4]) g_pre_comp);
-		}
-	else
-		/* do the multiplication without generator precomputation */
-		batch_mul(x_out, y_out, z_out,
-			(const felem_bytearray (*)) secrets, num_points,
-			NULL, (const fslice (*)[16][3][4]) pre_comp, NULL);
-	/* reduce the output to its unique minimal representation */
-	felem_contract(x_in, x_out);
-	felem_contract(y_in, y_out);
-	felem_contract(z_in, z_out);
-	if ((!felem_to_BN(x, x_in)) || (!felem_to_BN(y, y_in)) ||
-		(!felem_to_BN(z, z_in)))
-		{
-		goto err;
-		}
-	ret = EC_POINT_set_Jprojective_coordinates_GFp(group, r, x, y, z, ctx);
-	BN_CTX_end(ctx);
-	if (generator != NULL)
-		EC_POINT_free(generator);
-	if (new_ctx != NULL)
-		BN_CTX_free(new_ctx);
-	if (secrets != NULL)
-		OPENSSL_free(secrets);
-	if (pre_comp != NULL)
-		OPENSSL_free(pre_comp);
-	return ret;
-	}
-int ec_GFp_nistp224_precompute_mult(EC_GROUP *group, BN_CTX *ctx)
-	{
-	int ret = 0;
-	NISTP224_PRE_COMP *pre = NULL;
-	int i, j;
-	BN_CTX *new_ctx = NULL;
-	BIGNUM *x, *y;
-	EC_POINT *generator = NULL;
-	/* throw away old precomputation */
-	EC_EX_DATA_free_data(&group->extra_data, nistp224_pre_comp_dup,
-		nistp224_pre_comp_free, nistp224_pre_comp_clear_free);
-	if (ctx == NULL)
-		if ((ctx = new_ctx = BN_CTX_new()) == NULL) return 0;
-	BN_CTX_start(ctx);
-	if (((x = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL) ||
-		((y = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL))
-		goto err;
-	/* get the generator */
-	if (group->generator == NULL) goto err;
-	generator = EC_POINT_new(group);
-	if (generator == NULL)
-		goto err;
-	BN_bin2bn(nistp224_curve_params[3], sizeof (felem_bytearray), x);
-	BN_bin2bn(nistp224_curve_params[4], sizeof (felem_bytearray), y);
-	if (!EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp(group, generator, x, y, ctx))
-		goto err;
-	if ((pre = nistp224_pre_comp_new()) == NULL)
-		goto err;
-	/* if the generator is the standard one, use built-in precomputation */
-	if (0 == EC_POINT_cmp(group, generator, group->generator, ctx))
-		{
-		memcpy(pre->g_pre_comp, gmul, sizeof(pre->g_pre_comp));
-		ret = 1;
-		goto err;
-		}
-	if ((!BN_to_felem(pre->g_pre_comp[1][0], &group->generator->X)) ||
-		(!BN_to_felem(pre->g_pre_comp[1][1], &group->generator->Y)) ||
-		(!BN_to_felem(pre->g_pre_comp[1][2], &group->generator->Z)))
-		goto err;
-	/* compute 2^56*G, 2^112*G, 2^168*G */
-	for (i = 1; i < 5; ++i)
-		{
-		point_double(pre->g_pre_comp[2*i][0], pre->g_pre_comp[2*i][1],
-			pre->g_pre_comp[2*i][2], pre->g_pre_comp[i][0],
-			pre->g_pre_comp[i][1], pre->g_pre_comp[i][2]);
-		for (j = 0; j < 55; ++j)
-			{
-			point_double(pre->g_pre_comp[2*i][0],
-				pre->g_pre_comp[2*i][1],
-				pre->g_pre_comp[2*i][2],
-				pre->g_pre_comp[2*i][0],
-				pre->g_pre_comp[2*i][1],
-				pre->g_pre_comp[2*i][2]);
-			}
-		}
-	/* g_pre_comp[0] is the point at infinity */
-	memset(pre->g_pre_comp[0], 0, sizeof(pre->g_pre_comp[0]));
-	/* the remaining multiples */
-	/* 2^56*G + 2^112*G */
-	point_add(pre->g_pre_comp[6][0], pre->g_pre_comp[6][1],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[6][2], pre->g_pre_comp[4][0],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[4][1], pre->g_pre_comp[4][2],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[2][0], pre->g_pre_comp[2][1],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[2][2]);
-	/* 2^56*G + 2^168*G */
-	point_add(pre->g_pre_comp[10][0], pre->g_pre_comp[10][1],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[10][2], pre->g_pre_comp[8][0],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[8][1], pre->g_pre_comp[8][2],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[2][0], pre->g_pre_comp[2][1],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[2][2]);
-	/* 2^112*G + 2^168*G */
-	point_add(pre->g_pre_comp[12][0], pre->g_pre_comp[12][1],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[12][2], pre->g_pre_comp[8][0],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[8][1], pre->g_pre_comp[8][2],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[4][0], pre->g_pre_comp[4][1],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[4][2]);
-	/* 2^56*G + 2^112*G + 2^168*G */
-	point_add(pre->g_pre_comp[14][0], pre->g_pre_comp[14][1],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[14][2], pre->g_pre_comp[12][0],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[12][1], pre->g_pre_comp[12][2],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[2][0], pre->g_pre_comp[2][1],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[2][2]);
-	for (i = 1; i < 8; ++i)
-		{
-		/* odd multiples: add G */
-		point_add(pre->g_pre_comp[2*i+1][0], pre->g_pre_comp[2*i+1][1],
-			pre->g_pre_comp[2*i+1][2], pre->g_pre_comp[2*i][0],
-			pre->g_pre_comp[2*i][1], pre->g_pre_comp[2*i][2],
-			pre->g_pre_comp[1][0], pre->g_pre_comp[1][1],
-			pre->g_pre_comp[1][2]);
-		}
-	if (!EC_EX_DATA_set_data(&group->extra_data, pre, nistp224_pre_comp_dup,
-			nistp224_pre_comp_free, nistp224_pre_comp_clear_free))
-		goto err;
-	ret = 1;
-	pre = NULL;
- err:
-	BN_CTX_end(ctx);
-	if (generator != NULL)
-		EC_POINT_free(generator);
-	if (new_ctx != NULL)
-		BN_CTX_free(new_ctx);
-	if (pre)
-		nistp224_pre_comp_free(pre);
-	return ret;
-	}
-int ec_GFp_nistp224_have_precompute_mult(const EC_GROUP *group)
-	{
-	if (EC_EX_DATA_get_data(group->extra_data, nistp224_pre_comp_dup,
-			nistp224_pre_comp_free, nistp224_pre_comp_clear_free)
-		!= NULL)
-		return 1;
-	else
-		return 0;
-	}
-#ifdef TESTING
-#include <sys/time.h>
-static u8 ctoh(char c)
-    if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return c-'0';
-    if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return c-'a'+10;
-    if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return c-'A'+10;
-    return 0;
-static void arg_to_bytearray(felem_bytearray ba, const char *arg)
-    /* Convert the arg, which is a string like "1a2637c8" to a byte
-     * array like 0xc8 0x37 0x26 0x1a. */
-    int size = sizeof(felem_bytearray);
-    int arglen = strlen(arg);
-    int argsize = (arglen+1)/2;
-    const char *argp = arg + arglen;
-    u8 *bap = ba;
-    memset(ba, 0, size);
-    if (size < argsize) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Arg too long: %s\n", arg);
-	exit(1);
-    }
-    while (argp > arg+1) {
-	argp -= 2;
-	*bap = (ctoh(argp[0])<<4)|(ctoh(argp[1]));
-	++bap;
-    }
-    if (arglen & 1) {
-	/* Handle the stray top nybble */
-	argp -= 1;
-	*bap = ctoh(argp[0]);
-    }
-static void arg_to_coord(coord c, const char *arg)
-    felem_bytearray ba;
-    arg_to_bytearray(ba, arg);
-    /* Now convert it to a coord */
-    bin21_to_felem(c, ba);
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-    point infinity, P, Q, P2, PQ;
-    felem_bytearray s;
-    int i;
-    struct timeval st, et;
-    unsigned long el;
-    int niter = 1000;
-    memset(infinity, 0, sizeof(infinity));
-    memset(P, 0, sizeof(P));
-    memset(Q, 0, sizeof(Q));
-    if (argc != 6) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s Px Py Qx Qy s\n", argv[0]);
-	exit(1);
-    }
-    arg_to_coord(P[0], argv[1]);
-    arg_to_coord(P[1], argv[2]);
-    P[2][0] = 1;
-    dump_point("P", P);
-    arg_to_coord(Q[0], argv[3]);
-    arg_to_coord(Q[1], argv[4]);
-    Q[2][0] = 1;
-    dump_point("Q", Q);
-    arg_to_bytearray(s, argv[5]);
-    point_double(P2[0], P2[1], P2[2], P[0], P[1], P[2]);
-    affine(P2);
-    point_add(PQ[0], PQ[1], PQ[2], P[0], P[1], P[2], Q[0], Q[1], Q[2]);
-    affine(PQ);
-    dump_point("P2", P2);
-    dump_point("PQ", PQ);
-    gettimeofday(&st, NULL);
-    for (i=0;i<niter;++i) {
-	point_mul(P, P, s);
-	affine(P);
-    }
-    gettimeofday(&et, NULL);
-    el = (et.tv_sec-st.tv_sec)*1000000 + (et.tv_usec-st.tv_usec);
-    fprintf(stderr, "%lu / %d = %lu us\n", el, niter, el/niter);
-    dump_point("Ps", P);
-    return 0;
-/* Figure out whether there's a point with x-coordinate x on the main
- * curve.  If not, then there's one on the twist curve.  (There are
- * actually two, which are negatives of each other; that doesn't
- * matter.)  Multiply that point by seckey and set out to the
- * x-coordinate of the result. */
-void ptwist_pointmul(byte out[PTWIST_BYTES], const byte x[PTWIST_BYTES],
-	const byte seckey[PTWIST_BYTES])
-    /* Compute z = x^3 + a*x + b */
-    point P, Q;
-    coord z, r2, Qx;
-    uint128_t tmp[5];
-    int ontwist;
-    static const coord three = { 3, 0, 0 };
-    static const coord b =
-	    { 0x46d320e01dc7d6, 0x486ebc69bad316, 0x4e355e95cafedd };
-    /* Convert the byte array to a coord */
-    bin21_to_felem(P[0], x);
-    /* Compute z = x^3 - 3*x + b */
-    felem_square(tmp, P[0]); felem_reduce(z, tmp);
-    felem_diff64(z, three);
-    felem_mul(tmp, z, P[0]); felem_reduce(z, tmp);
-    felem_sum64(z, b);
-    /*
-    dump_coord("z", z);
-    */
-    /* Compute r = P[1] = z ^ ((p+1)/4).  This will be a square root of
-     * z, if one exists. */
-    felem_sqrt(P[1], z);
-    /*
-    dump_coord("r", P[1]);
-    */
-    /* Is P[1] a square root of z? */
-    felem_square(tmp, P[1]); felem_diff_128_64(tmp, z); felem_reduce(r2, tmp);
-    if (felem_is_zero(r2)) {
-	/* P(x,r) is on the curve */
-	ontwist = 0;
-    } else {
-	/* (-x, r) is on the twist */
-	ontwist = 1;
-	felem_neg(P[0], P[0]);
-    }
-    /*
-    fprintf(stderr, "ontwist = %d\n", ontwist);
-    */
-    memset(P[2], 0, sizeof(coord));
-    P[2][0] = 1;
-    /* All set.  Now do the point multiplication. */
-    /*
-    dump_point("P", P);
-    for(i=0;i<21;++i) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "%02x", seckey[20-i]);
-    }
-    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-    */
-    point_mul(Q, P, seckey);
-    affine_x(Qx, Q);
-    /*
-    dump_point("Q", Q);
-    */
-    /* Get the x-coordinate of the result, and negate it if we're on the
-     * twist. */
-    if (ontwist) {
-	felem_neg(Qx, Qx);
-    }
-    /* Convert back to bytes */
-    felem_to_bin21(out, Qx);
-    /*
-    fprintf(stderr, "out: ");
-    for(i=0;i<21;++i) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "%02x", out[i]);
-    }
-    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-    */

+ 0 - 1766

@@ -1,1766 +0,0 @@
-#include "ptwist.h"
-/* 32-bit version of ptwist168.c by Ian Goldberg. Based on: */
-/* crypto/ec/ecp_nistp224.c */
- * Written by Emilia Kasper (Google) for the OpenSSL project.
- */
-/* ====================================================================
- * Copyright (c) 2000-2010 The OpenSSL Project.  All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
- *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
- *    distribution.
- *
- * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
- *    software must display the following acknowledgment:
- *    "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
- *    for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. ("
- *
- * 4. The names "OpenSSL Toolkit" and "OpenSSL Project" must not be used to
- *    endorse or promote products derived from this software without
- *    prior written permission. For written permission, please contact
- *
- *
- * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "OpenSSL"
- *    nor may "OpenSSL" appear in their names without prior written
- *    permission of the OpenSSL Project.
- *
- * 6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following
- *    acknowledgment:
- *    "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
- *    for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit ("
- *
- * ====================================================================
- *
- * This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young
- * (  This product includes software written by Tim
- * Hudson (
- *
- */
- * A 64-bit implementation of the NIST P-224 elliptic curve point multiplication
- *
- * Inspired by Daniel J. Bernstein's public domain nistp224 implementation
- * and Adam Langley's public domain 64-bit C implementation of curve25519
- */
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string.h>
-typedef uint8_t u8;
- *
- * Field elements are represented as sum_{i=0}^{6} 2^{24*i}*a_i
- * where each slice a_i is a 32-bit word, i.e., a field element is an fslice
- * array a with 7 elements, where a[i] = a_i.
- * Outputs from multiplications are represented as unreduced polynomials
- * sum_{i=0}^{12} 2^{24*i}*b_i
- * where each b_i is a 64-bit word. We ensure that inputs to each field
- * multiplication satisfy a_i < 2^30, so outputs satisfy b_i < 4*2^30*2^30,
- * and fit into a 128-bit word without overflow. The coefficients are then
- * again partially reduced to a_i < 2^25. We only reduce to the unique
- * minimal representation at the end of the computation.
- *
- */
-typedef uint32_t fslice;
-typedef fslice coord[7];
-typedef coord point[3];
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-static void dump_coord(const char *label, const coord c)
-    if (label) fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", label);
-    printf("%016lx %016lx %016lx %016lx %016lx %016lx %016lx\n",
-	c[6], c[5], c[4], c[3], c[2], c[1], c[0]);
-static void dump_point(const char *label, point p)
-    if (label) fprintf(stderr, "%s:\n", label);
-    dump_coord(" x", p[0]);
-    dump_coord(" y", p[1]);
-    dump_coord(" z", p[2]);
-/* Field element represented as a byte arrary.
- * 21*8 = 168 bits is also the group order size for the elliptic curve.  */
-typedef u8 felem_bytearray[21];
-static const felem_bytearray ptwist168_curve_params[5] = {
-	{0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,    /* p */
-	 0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFE,
-	 0xFF},
-	{0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,    /* a */
-	 0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFE,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFE,
-	 0xFC},
-	{0x4E,0x35,0x5E,0x95,0xCA,0xFE,0xDD,0x48,0x6E,0xBC,    /* b */
-	 0x69,0xBA,0xD3,0x16,0x46,0xD3,0x20,0xE0,0x1D,0xC7,
-	 0xD6},
-	{0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,    /* x */
-	 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-	 0x02},
-	{0xEA,0x67,0x47,0xB7,0x5A,0xF8,0xC7,0xF9,0x3C,0x1F,    /* y */
-	 0x5E,0x6D,0x32,0x0F,0x88,0xB9,0xBE,0x15,0x66,0xD2,
-	 0xF2}
-/* Helper functions to convert field elements to/from internal representation */
-static void bin21_to_felem(fslice out[7], const u8 in[21])
-	{
-	out[0] = *((const uint32_t *)(in)) & 0x00ffffff;
-	out[1] = (*((const uint32_t *)(in+3))) & 0x00ffffff;
-	out[2] = (*((const uint32_t *)(in+6))) & 0x00ffffff;
-	out[3] = (*((const uint32_t *)(in+9))) & 0x00ffffff;
-	out[4] = (*((const uint32_t *)(in+12))) & 0x00ffffff;
-	out[5] = (*((const uint32_t *)(in+15))) & 0x00ffffff;
-	out[6] = (*((const uint32_t *)(in+18))) & 0x00ffffff;
-	}
-static void felem_to_bin21(u8 out[21], const fslice in[7])
-	{
-	unsigned i;
-	for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
-		{
-		out[i]	  = in[0]>>(8*i);
-		out[i+3]  = in[1]>>(8*i);
-		out[i+6] = in[2]>>(8*i);
-		out[i+9] = in[3]>>(8*i);
-		out[i+12] = in[4]>>(8*i);
-		out[i+15] = in[5]>>(8*i);
-		out[i+18] = in[6]>>(8*i);
-		}
-	}
-#if 0
-/* To preserve endianness when using BN_bn2bin and BN_bin2bn */
-static void flip_endian(u8 *out, const u8 *in, unsigned len)
-	{
-	unsigned i;
-	for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
-		out[i] = in[len-1-i];
-	}
- *
- * Field operations, using the internal representation of field elements.
- * NB! These operations are specific to our point multiplication and cannot be
- * expected to be correct in general - e.g., multiplication with a large scalar
- * will cause an overflow.
- *
- */
-/* Sum two field elements: out += in */
-static void felem_sum64(fslice out[7], const fslice in[7])
-	{
-	out[0] += in[0];
-	out[1] += in[1];
-	out[2] += in[2];
-	out[3] += in[3];
-	out[4] += in[4];
-	out[5] += in[5];
-	out[6] += in[6];
-	}
-/* Subtract field elements: out -= in */
-/* Assumes in[i] < 2^25 */
-static void felem_diff64(fslice out[7], const fslice in[7])
-	{
-	/* a = 3*2^24 - 3 */
-	/* b = 3*2^24 - 3*257 */
-	static const uint32_t a = (((uint32_t) 3) << 24) - ((uint32_t) 3);
-	static const uint32_t b = (((uint32_t) 3) << 24) - ((uint32_t) 771);
-	/* Add 0 mod 2^168-2^8-1 to ensure out > in at each element */
-	out[0] += b;
-	out[1] += a;
-	out[2] += a;
-	out[3] += a;
-	out[4] += a;
-	out[5] += a;
-	out[6] += a;
-	out[0] -= in[0];
-	out[1] -= in[1];
-	out[2] -= in[2];
-	out[3] -= in[3];
-	out[4] -= in[4];
-	out[5] -= in[5];
-	out[6] -= in[6];
-	}
-/* Subtract in unreduced 64-bit mode: out64 -= in64 */
-/* Assumes in[i] < 2^55 */
-static void felem_diff128(uint64_t out[13], const uint64_t in[13])
-	{
-	/* a = 3*2^54
-	   b = 3*2^54 - 49536
-	   c = 3*2^54 - 49344
-	   d = 3*2^54 - 12730752
-	   a*2^{288..168} + b*2^{144..48} + c*2^24 + d = 0 mod p
-	*/
-	static const uint64_t a = (((uint64_t)3) << 54);
-	static const uint64_t b = (((uint64_t)3) << 54) - ((uint64_t) 49536);
-	static const uint64_t c = (((uint64_t)3) << 54) - ((uint64_t) 49344);
-	static const uint64_t d = (((uint64_t)3) << 54) - ((uint64_t) 12730752);
-	/* Add 0 mod 2^168-2^8-1 to ensure out > in */
-	out[0] += d;
-	out[1] += c;
-	out[2] += b;
-	out[3] += b;
-	out[4] += b;
-	out[5] += b;
-	out[6] += b;
-	out[7] += a;
-	out[8] += a;
-	out[9] += a;
-	out[10] += a;
-	out[11] += a;
-	out[12] += a;
-	out[0] -= in[0];
-	out[1] -= in[1];
-	out[2] -= in[2];
-	out[3] -= in[3];
-	out[4] -= in[4];
-	out[5] -= in[5];
-	out[6] -= in[6];
-	out[7] -= in[7];
-	out[8] -= in[8];
-	out[9] -= in[9];
-	out[10] -= in[10];
-	out[11] -= in[11];
-	out[12] -= in[12];
-	}
-/* Subtract in mixed mode: out64 -= in32 */
-/* in[i] < 2^31 */
-static void felem_diff_128_64(uint64_t out[13], const fslice in[7])
-	{
-	/* a = 3*2^30 - 192
-	   b = 3*2^30 - 49344
-	   a*2^{144..24} + b = 0 mod p
-	*/
-	static const uint64_t a = (((uint64_t) 3) << 30) - ((uint64_t) 192);
-	static const uint64_t b = (((uint64_t) 3) << 30) - ((uint64_t) 49344);
-	/* Add 0 mod 2^168-2^8-1 to ensure out > in */
-	out[0] += b;
-	out[1] += a;
-	out[2] += a;
-	out[3] += a;
-	out[4] += a;
-	out[5] += a;
-	out[6] += a;
-	out[0] -= in[0];
-	out[1] -= in[1];
-	out[2] -= in[2];
-	out[3] -= in[3];
-	out[4] -= in[4];
-	out[5] -= in[5];
-	out[6] -= in[6];
-	}
-/* Multiply a field element by a scalar: out64 = out64 * scalar
- * The scalars we actually use are small, so results fit without overflow */
-static void felem_scalar64(fslice out[7], const fslice scalar)
-	{
-	out[0] *= scalar;
-	out[1] *= scalar;
-	out[2] *= scalar;
-	out[3] *= scalar;
-	out[4] *= scalar;
-	out[5] *= scalar;
-	out[6] *= scalar;
-	}
-/* Multiply an unreduced field element by a scalar: out128 = out128 * scalar
- * The scalars we actually use are small, so results fit without overflow */
-static void felem_scalar128(uint64_t out[13], const uint128_t scalar)
-	{
-	out[0] *= scalar;
-	out[1] *= scalar;
-	out[2] *= scalar;
-	out[3] *= scalar;
-	out[4] *= scalar;
-	out[5] *= scalar;
-	out[6] *= scalar;
-	out[7] *= scalar;
-	out[8] *= scalar;
-	out[9] *= scalar;
-	out[10] *= scalar;
-	out[11] *= scalar;
-	out[12] *= scalar;
-	}
-/* Square a field element: out = in^2 */
-static void felem_square(uint64_t out[13], const fslice in[7])
-	{
-	out[0] = ((uint64_t) in[0]) * in[0];
-	out[1] = ((uint64_t) in[0]) * in[1] * 2;
-	out[2] = ((uint64_t) in[0]) * in[2] * 2 +
-		 ((uint64_t) in[1]) * in[1];
-	out[3] = ((uint64_t) in[1]) * in[2] * 2 +
-		 ((uint64_t) in[3]) * in[0] * 2;
-	out[4] = ((uint64_t) in[2]) * in[2] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in[3]) * in[1] * 2 +
-		 ((uint64_t) in[4]) * in[0] * 2;
-	out[5] = ((uint64_t) in[3]) * in[2] * 2 +
-		 ((uint64_t) in[4]) * in[1] * 2 +
-		 ((uint64_t) in[5]) * in[0] * 2;
-	out[6] = ((uint64_t) in[3]) * in[3] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in[4]) * in[2] * 2 +
-		 ((uint64_t) in[5]) * in[1] * 2 +
-		 ((uint64_t) in[6]) * in[0] * 2;
-	out[7] = ((uint64_t) in[4]) * in[3] * 2 +
-		 ((uint64_t) in[5]) * in[2] * 2 +
-		 ((uint64_t) in[6]) * in[1] * 2;
-	out[8] = ((uint64_t) in[4]) * in[4] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in[5]) * in[3] * 2 +
-		 ((uint64_t) in[6]) * in[2] * 2;
-	out[9] = ((uint64_t) in[5]) * in[4] * 2 +
-		 ((uint64_t) in[6]) * in[3] * 2;
-	out[10] = ((uint64_t) in[5]) * in[5] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in[6]) * in[4] * 2;
-	out[11] = ((uint64_t) in[6]) * in[5] * 2;
-	out[12] = ((uint64_t) in[6]) * in[6];
-	}
-/* Multiply two field elements: out = in1 * in2 */
-static void felem_mul(uint64 out[13], const fslice in1[7], const fslice in2[7])
-	{
-	out[0] = ((uint64_t) in1[0]) * in2[0];
-	out[1] = ((uint64_t) in1[0]) * in2[1] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[1]) * in2[0];
-	out[2] = ((uint64_t) in1[0]) * in2[2] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[1]) * in2[1] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[2]) * in2[0];
-	out[3] = ((uint64_t) in1[0]) * in2[3] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[1]) * in2[2] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[2]) * in2[1] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[3]) * in2[0];
-	out[4] = ((uint64_t) in1[0]) * in2[4] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[1]) * in2[3] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[2]) * in2[2] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[3]) * in2[1] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[4]) * in2[0];
-	out[5] = ((uint64_t) in1[0]) * in2[5] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[1]) * in2[4] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[2]) * in2[3] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[3]) * in2[2] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[4]) * in2[1] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[5]) * in2[0];
-	out[6] = ((uint64_t) in1[0]) * in2[6] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[1]) * in2[5] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[2]) * in2[4] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[3]) * in2[3] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[4]) * in2[2] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[5]) * in2[1] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[6]) * in2[0];
-	out[7] = ((uint64_t) in1[1]) * in2[6] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[2]) * in2[5] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[3]) * in2[4] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[4]) * in2[3] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[5]) * in2[2] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[6]) * in2[1];
-	out[8] = ((uint64_t) in1[2]) * in2[6] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[3]) * in2[5] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[4]) * in2[4] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[5]) * in2[3] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[6]) * in2[2];
-	out[9] = ((uint64_t) in1[3]) * in2[6] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[4]) * in2[5] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[5]) * in2[4] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[6]) * in2[3];
-	out[10] = ((uint64_t) in1[4]) * in2[6] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[5]) * in2[5] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[6]) * in2[4];
-	out[11] = ((uint64_t) in1[5]) * in2[6] +
-		 ((uint64_t) in1[6]) * in2[5];
-	out[12] = ((uint64_t) in1[6]) * in2[6];
-	}
-#define M257(x) (((x)<<8)+(x))
-/* XXX: here */
-/* Reduce 128-bit coefficients to 64-bit coefficients. Requires in[i] < 2^126,
- * ensures out[0] < 2^56, out[1] < 2^56, out[2] < 2^57 */
-static void felem_reduce(fslice out[7], const uint64_t in[13])
-	{
-	static const uint64_t two24m1 = (((uint64_t) 1)<<24) -
-		((uint64_t)1);
-	uint64_t output[7];
-	output[0] = in[0];  /* < 2^126 */
-	output[1] = in[1];  /* < 2^126 */
-	output[2] = in[2];  /* < 2^126 */
-	/* Eliminate in[3], in[4] */
-	output[2] += M257(in[4] >> 56);       /* < 2^126 + 2^79 */
-	output[1] += M257(in[4] & two56m1);   /* < 2^126 + 2^65 */
-	output[1] += M257(in[3] >> 56);       /* < 2^126 + 2^65 + 2^79 */
-	output[0] += M257(in[3] & two56m1);   /* < 2^126 + 2^65 */
-	/* Eliminate the top part of output[2] */
-	output[0] += M257(output[2] >> 56);   /* < 2^126 + 2^65 + 2^79 */
-	output[2] &= two56m1;                 /* < 2^56 */
-	/* Carry 0 -> 1 -> 2 */
-	output[1] += output[0] >> 56;         /* < 2^126 + 2^71 */
-	output[0] &= two56m1;                 /* < 2^56 */
-	output[2] += output[1] >> 56;         /* < 2^71 */
-	output[1] &= two56m1;                 /* < 2^56 */
-	/* Eliminate the top part of output[2] */
-	output[0] += M257(output[2] >> 56);   /* < 2^57 */
-	output[2] &= two56m1;                 /* < 2^56 */
-	/* Carry 0 -> 1 -> 2 */
-	output[1] += output[0] >> 56;         /* <= 2^56 */
-	out[0] = output[0] & two56m1;         /* < 2^56 */
-	out[2] = output[2] + (output[1] >> 56);  /* <= 2^56 */
-	out[1] = output[1] & two56m1;         /* < 2^56 */
-	}
-/* Reduce to unique minimal representation */
-static void felem_contract(fslice out[3], const fslice in[3])
-	{
-	static const uint64_t two56m1 = (((uint64_t) 1)<<56) -
-		((uint64_t)1);
-	static const uint64_t two56m257 = (((uint64_t) 1)<<56) -
-		((uint64_t)257);
-	uint64_t a;
-	/* in[0] < 2^56, in[1] < 2^56, in[2] <= 2^56 */
-	/* so in < 2*p for sure */
-	/* Eliminate the top part of in[2] */
-	out[0] = in[0] + M257(in[2] >> 56);   /* < 2^57 */
-	out[2] = in[2] & two56m1;             /* < 2^56, but if out[0] >= 2^56
-	                                         then out[2] now = 0 */
-	/* Carry 0 -> 1 -> 2 */
-	out[1] = in[1] + (out[0] >> 56);      /* < 2^56 + 2, but if
-	                                         out[1] >= 2^56 then
-						 out[2] = 0 */
-	out[0] &= two56m1;                    /* < 2^56 */
-	out[2] += out[1] >> 56;               /* < 2^56 due to the above */
-	out[1] &= two56m1;                    /* < 2^56 */
-	/* Now out < 2^168, but it could still be > p */
-	a = ((out[2] == two56m1) & (out[1] == two56m1) & (out[0] >= two56m257));
-	out[2] -= two56m1*a;
-	out[1] -= two56m1*a;
-	out[0] -= two56m257*a;
-	}
-/* Negate a field element: out = -in */
-/* Assumes in[i] < 2^57 */
-static void felem_neg(fslice out[3], const fslice in[3])
-	{
-	/* a = 3*2^56 - 3 */
-	/* b = 3*2^56 - 3*257 */
-	static const uint64_t a = (((uint64_t) 3) << 56) - ((uint64_t) 3);
-	static const uint64_t b = (((uint64_t) 3) << 56) - ((uint64_t) 771);
-	static const uint64_t two56m1 = (((uint64_t) 1) << 56) - ((uint64_t) 1);
-	fslice tmp[3];
-	/* Add 0 mod 2^168-2^8-1 to ensure out > in at each element */
-	/* a*2^112 + a*2^56 + b = 3*p */
-	tmp[0] = b - in[0];
-	tmp[1] = a - in[1];
-	tmp[2] = a - in[2];
-	/* Carry 0 -> 1 -> 2 */
-	tmp[1] += tmp[0] >> 56;
-	tmp[0] &= two56m1;                 /* < 2^56 */
-	tmp[2] += tmp[1] >> 56;         /* < 2^71 */
-	tmp[1] &= two56m1;                 /* < 2^56 */
-	felem_contract(out, tmp);
-	}
-/* Zero-check: returns 1 if input is 0, and 0 otherwise.
- * We know that field elements are reduced to in < 2^169,
- * so we only need to check three cases: 0, 2^168 - 2^8 - 1,
- * and 2^169 - 2^9 - 2 */
-static fslice felem_is_zero(const fslice in[3])
-	{
-	fslice zero, two168m8m1, two169m9m2;
-	static const uint64_t two56m1 = (((uint64_t) 1)<<56) -
-		((uint64_t)1);
-	static const uint64_t two56m257 = (((uint64_t) 1)<<56) -
-		((uint64_t)257);
-	static const uint64_t two57m1 = (((uint64_t) 1)<<57) -
-		((uint64_t)1);
-	static const uint64_t two56m514 = (((uint64_t) 1)<<56) -
-		((uint64_t)514);
-	zero = (in[0] == 0) & (in[1] == 0) & (in[2] == 0);
-	two168m8m1 = (in[2] == two56m1) & (in[1] == two56m1) &
-			(in[0] == two56m257);
-	two169m9m2 = (in[2] == two57m1) & (in[1] == two56m1) &
-			(in[0] == two56m514);
-	return (zero | two168m8m1 | two169m9m2);
-	}
-/* Invert a field element */
-static void felem_inv(fslice out[3], const fslice in[3])
-	{
-	fslice ftmp[3], ftmp2[3], ftmp3[3], ftmp4[3];
-	uint128_t tmp[5];
-	unsigned i;
-	felem_square(tmp, in); felem_reduce(ftmp, tmp);		/* 2 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, in, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp, tmp);	/* 2^2 - 1 */
-								/* = ftmp */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^3 - 2 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^4 - 2^2 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp2, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^4 - 1 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^5 - 2 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^6 - 2^2 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp2, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp, tmp);	/* 2^6 - 1 */
-								/* = ftmp */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^7 - 2 */
-	for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i)					/* 2^12 - 2^6 */
-		{
-		felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-		}
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp3, tmp);	/* 2^12 - 1 */
-								/* = ftmp3 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp3); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^13 - 2 */
-	for (i = 0; i < 11; ++i)				/* 2^24 - 2^12 */
-		{
-		felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-		}
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp2, ftmp3); felem_reduce(ftmp3, tmp);	/* 2^24 - 1 */
-								/* = ftmp3 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp3); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^25 - 2 */
-	for (i = 0; i < 23; ++i)				/* 2^48 - 2^24 */
-		{
-		felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-		}
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp2, ftmp3); felem_reduce(ftmp4, tmp);	/* 2^48 - 1 */
-								/* = ftmp4 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp4); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^49 - 2 */
-	for (i = 0; i < 23; ++i)				/* 2^72 - 2^24 */
-		{
-		felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-		}
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp2, ftmp3); felem_reduce(ftmp4, tmp);	/* 2^72 - 1 */
-								/* = ftmp4 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp4); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^73 - 2 */
-	for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i)					/* 2^78 - 2^6 */
-		{
-		felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-		}
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^78 - 1 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^79 - 2 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, in, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp4, tmp);	/* 2^79 - 1 */
-								/* = ftmp4 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp4); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^80 - 2 */
-	for (i = 0; i < 78; ++i)				/* 2^158 - 2^79 */
-		{
-		felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-		}
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp4, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp); /* 2^158 - 1 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^159 - 2 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, in, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^159 - 1 */
-	for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i)					/* 2^166 - 2^7 */
-		{
-		felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-		}
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^166 - 2^6 - 1 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^167 - 2^7 - 2 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^168 - 2^8 - 4 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, in, ftmp2); felem_reduce(out, tmp);	/* 2^168 - 2^8 - 3 */
-								/* = out */
-	}
-/* Take the square root of a field element */
-static void felem_sqrt(fslice out[3], const fslice in[3])
-	{
-	fslice ftmp[3], ftmp2[3];
-	uint128_t tmp[5];
-	unsigned i;
-	felem_square(tmp, in); felem_reduce(ftmp, tmp);		/* 2 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, in, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp, tmp);	/* 2^2 - 1 */
-								/* = ftmp */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^3 - 2 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^4 - 2^2 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp2, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^4 - 1 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^5 - 2 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp2, in); felem_reduce(ftmp, tmp);	/* 2^5 - 1 */
-								/* = ftmp */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^6 - 2 */
-	for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)					/* 2^10 - 2^5 */
-		{
-		felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-		}
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp, tmp);	/* 2^10 - 1 */
-								/* = ftmp */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^11 - 2 */
-	for (i = 0; i < 9; ++i)					/* 2^20 - 2^10 */
-		{
-		felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-		}
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp2, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp, tmp);	/* 2^20 - 1 */
-								/* = ftmp */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^21 - 2 */
-	for (i = 0; i < 19; ++i)				/* 2^40 - 2^20 */
-		{
-		felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-		}
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp2, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp, tmp);	/* 2^40 - 1 */
-								/* = ftmp */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^41 - 2 */
-	for (i = 0; i < 39; ++i)				/* 2^80 - 2^40 */
-		{
-		felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-		}
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp2, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp, tmp);	/* 2^80 - 1 */
-								/* = ftmp */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^81 - 2 */
-	for (i = 0; i < 79; ++i)				/* 2^160 - 2^80 */
-		{
-		felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-		}
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);	/* 2^160 - 1 */
-	for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i)					/* 2^165 - 2^5 */
-		{
-		felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-		}
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp2); felem_reduce(out, tmp);	/* 2^166 - 2^6 */
-								/* = out */
-	}
-/* Copy in constant time:
- * if icopy == 1, copy in to out,
- * if icopy == 0, copy out to itself. */
-static void
-copy_conditional(fslice *out, const fslice *in, unsigned len, fslice icopy)
-	{
-	unsigned i;
-	/* icopy is a (64-bit) 0 or 1, so copy is either all-zero or all-one */
-	const fslice copy = -icopy;
-	for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
-		{
-		const fslice tmp = copy & (in[i] ^ out[i]);
-		out[i] ^= tmp;
-		}
-	}
-/* Copy in constant time:
- * if isel == 1, copy in2 to out,
- * if isel == 0, copy in1 to out. */
-static void select_conditional(fslice *out, const fslice *in1, const fslice *in2,
-	unsigned len, fslice isel)
-	{
-	unsigned i;
-	/* isel is a (64-bit) 0 or 1, so sel is either all-zero or all-one */
-	const fslice sel = -isel;
-	for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
-		{
-		const fslice tmp = sel & (in1[i] ^ in2[i]);
-		out[i] = in1[i] ^ tmp;
-		}
- *
- * Points are represented in Jacobian projective coordinates:
- * (X, Y, Z) corresponds to the affine point (X/Z^2, Y/Z^3),
- * or to the point at infinity if Z == 0.
- *
- */
-/* Double an elliptic curve point:
- * (X', Y', Z') = 2 * (X, Y, Z), where
- * X' = (3 * (X - Z^2) * (X + Z^2))^2 - 8 * X * Y^2
- * Y' = 3 * (X - Z^2) * (X + Z^2) * (4 * X * Y^2 - X') - 8 * Y^2
- * Z' = (Y + Z)^2 - Y^2 - Z^2 = 2 * Y * Z
- * Outputs can equal corresponding inputs, i.e., x_out == x_in is allowed,
- * while x_out == y_in is not (maybe this works, but it's not tested). */
-static void
-point_double(fslice x_out[3], fslice y_out[3], fslice z_out[3],
-	     const fslice x_in[3], const fslice y_in[3], const fslice z_in[3])
-	{
-	uint128_t tmp[5], tmp2[5];
-	fslice delta[3];
-	fslice gamma[3];
-	fslice beta[3];
-	fslice alpha[3];
-	fslice ftmp[3], ftmp2[3];
-	memcpy(ftmp, x_in, 3 * sizeof(fslice));
-	memcpy(ftmp2, x_in, 3 * sizeof(fslice));
-	/* delta = z^2 */
-	felem_square(tmp, z_in);
-	felem_reduce(delta, tmp);
-	/* gamma = y^2 */
-	felem_square(tmp, y_in);
-	felem_reduce(gamma, tmp);
-	/* beta = x*gamma */
-	felem_mul(tmp, x_in, gamma);
-	felem_reduce(beta, tmp);
-	/* alpha = 3*(x-delta)*(x+delta) */
-	felem_diff64(ftmp, delta);
-	/* ftmp[i] < 2^57 + 2^58 + 2 < 2^59 */
-	felem_sum64(ftmp2, delta);
-	/* ftmp2[i] < 2^57 + 2^57 = 2^58 */
-	felem_scalar64(ftmp2, 3);
-	/* ftmp2[i] < 3 * 2^58 < 2^60 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp, ftmp2);
-	/* tmp[i] < 2^60 * 2^59 * 4 = 2^121 */
-	felem_reduce(alpha, tmp);
-	/* x' = alpha^2 - 8*beta */
-	felem_square(tmp, alpha);
-	/* tmp[i] < 4 * 2^57 * 2^57 = 2^116 */
-	memcpy(ftmp, beta, 3 * sizeof(fslice));
-	felem_scalar64(ftmp, 8);
-	/* ftmp[i] < 8 * 2^57 = 2^60 */
-	felem_diff_128_64(tmp, ftmp);
-	/* tmp[i] < 2^116 + 2^64 + 8 < 2^117 */
-	felem_reduce(x_out, tmp);
-	/* z' = (y + z)^2 - gamma - delta */
-	felem_sum64(delta, gamma);
-	/* delta[i] < 2^57 + 2^57 = 2^58 */
-	memcpy(ftmp, y_in, 3 * sizeof(fslice));
-	felem_sum64(ftmp, z_in);
-	/* ftmp[i] < 2^57 + 2^57 = 2^58 */
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp);
-	/* tmp[i] < 4 * 2^58 * 2^58 = 2^118 */
-	felem_diff_128_64(tmp, delta);
-	/* tmp[i] < 2^118 + 2^64 + 8 < 2^119 */
-	felem_reduce(z_out, tmp);
-	/* y' = alpha*(4*beta - x') - 8*gamma^2 */
-	felem_scalar64(beta, 4);
-	/* beta[i] < 4 * 2^57 = 2^59 */
-	felem_diff64(beta, x_out);
-	/* beta[i] < 2^59 + 2^58 + 2 < 2^60 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, alpha, beta);
-	/* tmp[i] < 4 * 2^57 * 2^60 = 2^119 */
-	felem_square(tmp2, gamma);
-	/* tmp2[i] < 4 * 2^57 * 2^57 = 2^116 */
-	felem_scalar128(tmp2, 8);
-	/* tmp2[i] < 8 * 2^116 = 2^119 */
-	felem_diff128(tmp, tmp2);
-	/* tmp[i] < 2^119 + 2^120 < 2^121 */
-	felem_reduce(y_out, tmp);
-	}
-/* Add two elliptic curve points:
- * (X_1, Y_1, Z_1) + (X_2, Y_2, Z_2) = (X_3, Y_3, Z_3), where
- * X_3 = (Z_1^3 * Y_2 - Z_2^3 * Y_1)^2 - (Z_1^2 * X_2 - Z_2^2 * X_1)^3 -
- * 2 * Z_2^2 * X_1 * (Z_1^2 * X_2 - Z_2^2 * X_1)^2
- * Y_3 = (Z_1^3 * Y_2 - Z_2^3 * Y_1) * (Z_2^2 * X_1 * (Z_1^2 * X_2 - Z_2^2 * X_1)^2 - X_3) -
- *        Z_2^3 * Y_1 * (Z_1^2 * X_2 - Z_2^2 * X_1)^3
- * Z_3 = (Z_1^2 * X_2 - Z_2^2 * X_1) * (Z_1 * Z_2) */
-/* This function is not entirely constant-time:
- * it includes a branch for checking whether the two input points are equal,
- * (while not equal to the point at infinity).
- * This case never happens during single point multiplication,
- * so there is no timing leak for ECDH or ECDSA signing. */
-static void point_add(fslice x3[3], fslice y3[3], fslice z3[3],
-	const fslice x1[3], const fslice y1[3], const fslice z1[3],
-	const fslice x2[3], const fslice y2[3], const fslice z2[3])
-	{
-	fslice ftmp[3], ftmp2[3], ftmp3[3], ftmp4[3], ftmp5[3];
-	fslice xout[3], yout[3], zout[3];
-	uint128_t tmp[5], tmp2[5];
-	fslice z1_is_zero, z2_is_zero, x_equal, y_equal;
-	/* ftmp = z1^2 */
-	felem_square(tmp, z1);
-	felem_reduce(ftmp, tmp);
-	/* ftmp2 = z2^2 */
-	felem_square(tmp, z2);
-	felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-	/* ftmp3 = z1^3 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp, z1);
-	felem_reduce(ftmp3, tmp);
-	/* ftmp4 = z2^3 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp2, z2);
-	felem_reduce(ftmp4, tmp);
-	/* ftmp3 = z1^3*y2 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp3, y2);
-	/* tmp[i] < 4 * 2^57 * 2^57 = 2^116 */
-	/* ftmp4 = z2^3*y1 */
-	felem_mul(tmp2, ftmp4, y1);
-	felem_reduce(ftmp4, tmp2);
-	/* ftmp3 = z1^3*y2 - z2^3*y1 */
-	felem_diff_128_64(tmp, ftmp4);
-	/* tmp[i] < 2^116 + 2^64 + 8 < 2^117 */
-	felem_reduce(ftmp3, tmp);
-	/* ftmp = z1^2*x2 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp, x2);
-	/* tmp[i] < 4 * 2^57 * 2^57 = 2^116 */
-	/* ftmp2 =z2^2*x1 */
-	felem_mul(tmp2, ftmp2, x1);
-	felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp2);
-	/* ftmp = z1^2*x2 - z2^2*x1 */
-	felem_diff128(tmp, tmp2);
-	/* tmp[i] < 2^116 + 2^64 + 8 < 2^117 */
-	felem_reduce(ftmp, tmp);
-	/* the formulae are incorrect if the points are equal
-	 * so we check for this and do doubling if this happens */
-	x_equal = felem_is_zero(ftmp);
-	y_equal = felem_is_zero(ftmp3);
-	z1_is_zero = felem_is_zero(z1);
-	z2_is_zero = felem_is_zero(z2);
-	/* In affine coordinates, (X_1, Y_1) == (X_2, Y_2) */
-	if (x_equal && y_equal && !z1_is_zero && !z2_is_zero)
-		{
-		point_double(x3, y3, z3, x1, y1, z1);
-		return;
-		}
-	/* ftmp5 = z1*z2 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, z1, z2);
-	felem_reduce(ftmp5, tmp);
-	/* zout = (z1^2*x2 - z2^2*x1)*(z1*z2) */
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp, ftmp5);
-	felem_reduce(zout, tmp);
-	/* ftmp = (z1^2*x2 - z2^2*x1)^2 */
-	memcpy(ftmp5, ftmp, 3 * sizeof(fslice));
-	felem_square(tmp, ftmp);
-	felem_reduce(ftmp, tmp);
-	/* ftmp5 = (z1^2*x2 - z2^2*x1)^3 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp, ftmp5);
-	felem_reduce(ftmp5, tmp);
-	/* ftmp2 = z2^2*x1*(z1^2*x2 - z2^2*x1)^2 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp2, ftmp);
-	felem_reduce(ftmp2, tmp);
-	/* ftmp4 = z2^3*y1*(z1^2*x2 - z2^2*x1)^3 */
-	felem_mul(tmp, ftmp4, ftmp5);
-	/* tmp[i] < 4 * 2^57 * 2^57 = 2^116 */
-	/* tmp2 = (z1^3*y2 - z2^3*y1)^2 */
-	felem_square(tmp2, ftmp3);
-	/* tmp2[i] < 4 * 2^57 * 2^57 < 2^116 */
-	/* tmp2 = (z1^3*y2 - z2^3*y1)^2 - (z1^2*x2 - z2^2*x1)^3 */
-	felem_diff_128_64(tmp2, ftmp5);
-	/* tmp2[i] < 2^116 + 2^64 + 8 < 2^117 */
-	/* ftmp5 = 2*z2^2*x1*(z1^2*x2 - z2^2*x1)^2 */
-	memcpy(ftmp5, ftmp2, 3 * sizeof(fslice));
-	felem_scalar64(ftmp5, 2);
-	/* ftmp5[i] < 2 * 2^57 = 2^58 */
-	/* xout = (z1^3*y2 - z2^3*y1)^2 - (z1^2*x2 - z2^2*x1)^3 -
-	   2*z2^2*x1*(z1^2*x2 - z2^2*x1)^2 */
-	felem_diff_128_64(tmp2, ftmp5);
-	/* tmp2[i] < 2^117 + 2^64 + 8 < 2^118 */
-	felem_reduce(xout, tmp2);
-	/* ftmp2 = z2^2*x1*(z1^2*x2 - z2^2*x1)^2 - xout */
-	felem_diff64(ftmp2, xout);
-	/* ftmp2[i] < 2^57 + 2^58 + 2 < 2^59 */
-	/* tmp2 = (z1^3*y2 - z2^3*y1)*(z2^2*x1*(z1^2*x2 - z2^2*x1)^2 - xout) */
-	felem_mul(tmp2, ftmp3, ftmp2);
-	/* tmp2[i] < 4 * 2^57 * 2^59 = 2^118 */
-	/* yout = (z1^3*y2 - z2^3*y1)*(z2^2*x1*(z1^2*x2 - z2^2*x1)^2 - xout) -
-	   z2^3*y1*(z1^2*x2 - z2^2*x1)^3 */
-	felem_diff128(tmp2, tmp);
-	/* tmp2[i] < 2^118 + 2^120 < 2^121 */
-	felem_reduce(yout, tmp2);
-	/* the result (xout, yout, zout) is incorrect if one of the
-	 * inputs is the point at infinity, so we need to check for this
-	 * separately */
-	/* if point 1 is at infinity, copy point 2 to output, and vice versa */
-	copy_conditional(xout, x2, 3, z1_is_zero);
-	select_conditional(x3, xout, x1, 3, z2_is_zero);
-	copy_conditional(yout, y2, 3, z1_is_zero);
-	select_conditional(y3, yout, y1, 3, z2_is_zero);
-	copy_conditional(zout, z2, 3, z1_is_zero);
-	select_conditional(z3, zout, z1, 3, z2_is_zero);
-	}
-static void affine(point P)
-    coord z1, z2, xin, yin;
-    uint128_t tmp[7];
-    if (felem_is_zero(P[2])) return;
-    felem_inv(z2, P[2]);
-    felem_square(tmp, z2); felem_reduce(z1, tmp);
-    felem_mul(tmp, P[0], z1); felem_reduce(xin, tmp);
-    felem_contract(P[0], xin);
-    felem_mul(tmp, z1, z2); felem_reduce(z1, tmp);
-    felem_mul(tmp, P[1], z1); felem_reduce(yin, tmp);
-    felem_contract(P[1], yin);
-    memset(P[2], 0, sizeof(coord));
-    P[2][0] = 1;
-static void affine_x(coord out, point P)
-    coord z1, z2, xin;
-    uint128_t tmp[7];
-    if (felem_is_zero(P[2])) return;
-    felem_inv(z2, P[2]);
-    felem_square(tmp, z2); felem_reduce(z1, tmp);
-    felem_mul(tmp, P[0], z1); felem_reduce(xin, tmp);
-    felem_contract(out, xin);
-/* Multiply the given point by s */
-static void point_mul(point out, point in, const felem_bytearray s)
-    int i;
-    point tmp;
-    point table[16];
-    memset(table[0], 0, sizeof(point));
-    memmove(table[1], in, sizeof(point));
-    for(i=2; i<16; i+=2) {
-	point_double(table[i][0], table[i][1], table[i][2],
-		     table[i/2][0], table[i/2][1], table[i/2][2]);
-	point_add(table[i+1][0], table[i+1][1], table[i+1][2],
-		  table[i][0], table[i][1], table[i][2],
-		  in[0], in[1], in[2]);
-    }
-    /*
-    for(i=0;i<16;++i) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "table[%d]:\n", i);
-	affine(table[i]);
-	dump_point(NULL, table[i]);
-    }
-    */
-    memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(point));
-    for(i=0;i<21;i++) {
-	u8 oh = s[20-i] >> 4;
-	u8 ol = s[20-i] & 0x0f;
-	point_double(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);
-	point_double(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);
-	point_double(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);
-	point_double(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);
-	point_add(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2],
-		  table[oh][0], table[oh][1], table[oh][2]);
-	point_double(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);
-	point_double(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);
-	point_double(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);
-	point_double(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);
-	point_add(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2],
-		  table[ol][0], table[ol][1], table[ol][2]);
-    }
-    memmove(out, tmp, sizeof(point));
-#if 0
-/* Select a point from an array of 16 precomputed point multiples,
- * in constant time: for bits = {b_0, b_1, b_2, b_3}, return the point
- * pre_comp[8*b_3 + 4*b_2 + 2*b_1 + b_0] */
-static void select_point(const fslice bits[4], const fslice pre_comp[16][3][4],
-	fslice out[12])
-	{
-	fslice tmp[5][12];
-	select_conditional(tmp[0], pre_comp[7][0], pre_comp[15][0], 12, bits[3]);
-	select_conditional(tmp[1], pre_comp[3][0], pre_comp[11][0], 12, bits[3]);
-	select_conditional(tmp[2], tmp[1], tmp[0], 12, bits[2]);
-	select_conditional(tmp[0], pre_comp[5][0], pre_comp[13][0], 12, bits[3]);
-	select_conditional(tmp[1], pre_comp[1][0], pre_comp[9][0], 12, bits[3]);
-	select_conditional(tmp[3], tmp[1], tmp[0], 12, bits[2]);
-	select_conditional(tmp[4], tmp[3], tmp[2], 12, bits[1]);
-	select_conditional(tmp[0], pre_comp[6][0], pre_comp[14][0], 12, bits[3]);
-	select_conditional(tmp[1], pre_comp[2][0], pre_comp[10][0], 12, bits[3]);
-	select_conditional(tmp[2], tmp[1], tmp[0], 12, bits[2]);
-	select_conditional(tmp[0], pre_comp[4][0], pre_comp[12][0], 12, bits[3]);
-	select_conditional(tmp[1], pre_comp[0][0], pre_comp[8][0], 12, bits[3]);
-	select_conditional(tmp[3], tmp[1], tmp[0], 12, bits[2]);
-	select_conditional(tmp[1], tmp[3], tmp[2], 12, bits[1]);
-	select_conditional(out, tmp[1], tmp[4], 12, bits[0]);
-	}
-/* Interleaved point multiplication using precomputed point multiples:
- * The small point multiples 0*P, 1*P, ..., 15*P are in pre_comp[],
- * the scalars in scalars[]. If g_scalar is non-NULL, we also add this multiple
- * of the generator, using certain (large) precomputed multiples in g_pre_comp.
- * Output point (X, Y, Z) is stored in x_out, y_out, z_out */
-static void batch_mul(fslice x_out[4], fslice y_out[4], fslice z_out[4],
-	const felem_bytearray scalars[], const unsigned num_points, const u8 *g_scalar,
-	const fslice pre_comp[][16][3][4], const fslice g_pre_comp[16][3][4])
-	{
-	unsigned i, j, num;
-	unsigned gen_mul = (g_scalar != NULL);
-	fslice nq[12], nqt[12], tmp[12];
-	fslice bits[4];
-	u8 byte;
-	/* set nq to the point at infinity */
-	memset(nq, 0, 12 * sizeof(fslice));
-	/* Loop over all scalars msb-to-lsb, 4 bits at a time: for each nibble,
-	 * double 4 times, then add the precomputed point multiples.
-	 * If we are also adding multiples of the generator, then interleave
-	 * these additions with the last 56 doublings. */
-	for (i = (num_points ? 28 : 7); i > 0; --i)
-		{
-		for (j = 0; j < 8; ++j)
-			{
-			/* double once */
-			point_double(nq, nq+4, nq+8, nq, nq+4, nq+8);
-			/* add multiples of the generator */
-			if ((gen_mul) && (i <= 7))
-				{
-				bits[3] = (g_scalar[i+20] >> (7-j)) & 1;
-				bits[2] = (g_scalar[i+13] >> (7-j)) & 1;
-				bits[1] = (g_scalar[i+6] >> (7-j)) & 1;
-				bits[0] = (g_scalar[i-1] >> (7-j)) & 1;
-				/* select the point to add, in constant time */
-				select_point(bits, g_pre_comp, tmp);
-				memcpy(nqt, nq, 12 * sizeof(fslice));
-				point_add(nq, nq+4, nq+8, nqt, nqt+4, nqt+8,
-					tmp, tmp+4, tmp+8);
-				}
-			/* do an addition after every 4 doublings */
-			if (j % 4 == 3)
-				{
-				/* loop over all scalars */
-				for (num = 0; num < num_points; ++num)
-					{
-					byte = scalars[num][i-1];
-					bits[3] = (byte >> (10-j)) & 1;
-					bits[2] = (byte >> (9-j)) & 1;
-					bits[1] = (byte >> (8-j)) & 1;
-					bits[0] = (byte >> (7-j)) & 1;
-					/* select the point to add */
-					select_point(bits,
-						pre_comp[num], tmp);
-					memcpy(nqt, nq, 12 * sizeof(fslice));
-					point_add(nq, nq+4, nq+8, nqt, nqt+4,
-						nqt+8, tmp, tmp+4, tmp+8);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	memcpy(x_out, nq, 4 * sizeof(fslice));
-	memcpy(y_out, nq+4, 4 * sizeof(fslice));
-	memcpy(z_out, nq+8, 4 * sizeof(fslice));
-	}
- */
-static NISTP224_PRE_COMP *nistp224_pre_comp_new()
-	{
-	NISTP224_PRE_COMP *ret = NULL;
-	ret = (NISTP224_PRE_COMP *)OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(NISTP224_PRE_COMP));
-	if (!ret)
-		{
-		return ret;
-		}
-	memset(ret->g_pre_comp, 0, sizeof(ret->g_pre_comp));
-	ret->references = 1;
-	return ret;
-	}
-static void *nistp224_pre_comp_dup(void *src_)
-	{
-	NISTP224_PRE_COMP *src = src_;
-	/* no need to actually copy, these objects never change! */
-	CRYPTO_add(&src->references, 1, CRYPTO_LOCK_EC_PRE_COMP);
-	return src_;
-	}
-static void nistp224_pre_comp_free(void *pre_)
-	{
-	int i;
-	NISTP224_PRE_COMP *pre = pre_;
-	if (!pre)
-		return;
-	i = CRYPTO_add(&pre->references, -1, CRYPTO_LOCK_EC_PRE_COMP);
-	if (i > 0)
-		return;
-	OPENSSL_free(pre);
-	}
-static void nistp224_pre_comp_clear_free(void *pre_)
-	{
-	int i;
-	NISTP224_PRE_COMP *pre = pre_;
-	if (!pre)
-		return;
-	i = CRYPTO_add(&pre->references, -1, CRYPTO_LOCK_EC_PRE_COMP);
-	if (i > 0)
-		return;
-	OPENSSL_cleanse(pre, sizeof *pre);
-	OPENSSL_free(pre);
-	}
- */
-int ec_GFp_nistp224_group_init(EC_GROUP *group)
-	{
-	int ret;
-	ret = ec_GFp_simple_group_init(group);
-	group->a_is_minus3 = 1;
-	return ret;
-	}
-int ec_GFp_nistp224_group_set_curve(EC_GROUP *group, const BIGNUM *p,
-	const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b, BN_CTX *ctx)
-	{
-	int ret = 0;
-	BN_CTX *new_ctx = NULL;
-	BIGNUM *curve_p, *curve_a, *curve_b;
-	if (ctx == NULL)
-		if ((ctx = new_ctx = BN_CTX_new()) == NULL) return 0;
-	BN_CTX_start(ctx);
-	if (((curve_p = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL) ||
-		((curve_a = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL) ||
-		((curve_b = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL)) goto err;
-	BN_bin2bn(nistp224_curve_params[0], sizeof(felem_bytearray), curve_p);
-	BN_bin2bn(nistp224_curve_params[1], sizeof(felem_bytearray), curve_a);
-	BN_bin2bn(nistp224_curve_params[2], sizeof(felem_bytearray), curve_b);
-	if ((BN_cmp(curve_p, p)) || (BN_cmp(curve_a, a)) ||
-		(BN_cmp(curve_b, b)))
-		{
-		goto err;
-		}
-	group->field_mod_func = BN_nist_mod_224;
-	ret = ec_GFp_simple_group_set_curve(group, p, a, b, ctx);
-	BN_CTX_end(ctx);
-	if (new_ctx != NULL)
-		BN_CTX_free(new_ctx);
-	return ret;
-	}
-/* Takes the Jacobian coordinates (X, Y, Z) of a point and returns
- * (X', Y') = (X/Z^2, Y/Z^3) */
-int ec_GFp_nistp224_point_get_affine_coordinates(const EC_GROUP *group,
-	const EC_POINT *point, BIGNUM *x, BIGNUM *y, BN_CTX *ctx)
-	{
-	fslice z1[4], z2[4], x_in[4], y_in[4], x_out[4], y_out[4];
-	uint128_t tmp[7];
-	if (EC_POINT_is_at_infinity(group, point))
-		{
-		return 0;
-		}
-	if ((!BN_to_felem(x_in, &point->X)) || (!BN_to_felem(y_in, &point->Y)) ||
-		(!BN_to_felem(z1, &point->Z))) return 0;
-	felem_inv(z2, z1);
-	felem_square(tmp, z2); felem_reduce(z1, tmp);
-	felem_mul(tmp, x_in, z1); felem_reduce(x_in, tmp);
-	felem_contract(x_out, x_in);
-	if (x != NULL)
-		{
-		if (!felem_to_BN(x, x_out)) {
-			ERR_R_BN_LIB);
-		return 0;
-		}
-		}
-	felem_mul(tmp, z1, z2); felem_reduce(z1, tmp);
-	felem_mul(tmp, y_in, z1); felem_reduce(y_in, tmp);
-	felem_contract(y_out, y_in);
-	if (y != NULL)
-		{
-		if (!felem_to_BN(y, y_out)) {
-			ERR_R_BN_LIB);
-		return 0;
-		}
-		}
-	return 1;
-	}
-/* Computes scalar*generator + \sum scalars[i]*points[i], ignoring NULL values
- * Result is stored in r (r can equal one of the inputs). */
-int ec_GFp_nistp224_points_mul(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_POINT *r,
-	const BIGNUM *scalar, size_t num, const EC_POINT *points[],
-	const BIGNUM *scalars[], BN_CTX *ctx)
-	{
-	int ret = 0;
-	int i, j;
-	BN_CTX *new_ctx = NULL;
-	BIGNUM *x, *y, *z, *tmp_scalar;
-	felem_bytearray g_secret;
-	felem_bytearray *secrets = NULL;
-	fslice (*pre_comp)[16][3][4] = NULL;
-	felem_bytearray tmp;
-	unsigned num_bytes;
-	int have_pre_comp = 0;
-	size_t num_points = num;
-	fslice x_in[4], y_in[4], z_in[4], x_out[4], y_out[4], z_out[4];
-	NISTP224_PRE_COMP *pre = NULL;
-	fslice (*g_pre_comp)[3][4] = NULL;
-	EC_POINT *generator = NULL;
-	const EC_POINT *p = NULL;
-	const BIGNUM *p_scalar = NULL;
-	if (ctx == NULL)
-		if ((ctx = new_ctx = BN_CTX_new()) == NULL) return 0;
-	BN_CTX_start(ctx);
-	if (((x = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL) ||
-		((y = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL) ||
-		((z = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL) ||
-		((tmp_scalar = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL))
-		goto err;
-	if (scalar != NULL)
-		{
-		pre = EC_EX_DATA_get_data(group->extra_data,
-			nistp224_pre_comp_dup, nistp224_pre_comp_free,
-			nistp224_pre_comp_clear_free);
-		if (pre)
-			/* we have precomputation, try to use it */
-			g_pre_comp = pre->g_pre_comp;
-		else
-			/* try to use the standard precomputation */
-			g_pre_comp = (fslice (*)[3][4]) gmul;
-		generator = EC_POINT_new(group);
-		if (generator == NULL)
-			goto err;
-		/* get the generator from precomputation */
-		if (!felem_to_BN(x, g_pre_comp[1][0]) ||
-			!felem_to_BN(y, g_pre_comp[1][1]) ||
-			!felem_to_BN(z, g_pre_comp[1][2]))
-			{
-			goto err;
-			}
-		if (!EC_POINT_set_Jprojective_coordinates_GFp(group,
-				generator, x, y, z, ctx))
-			goto err;
-		if (0 == EC_POINT_cmp(group, generator, group->generator, ctx))
-			/* precomputation matches generator */
-			have_pre_comp = 1;
-		else
-			/* we don't have valid precomputation:
-			 * treat the generator as a random point */
-			num_points = num_points + 1;
-		}
-	secrets = OPENSSL_malloc(num_points * sizeof(felem_bytearray));
-	pre_comp = OPENSSL_malloc(num_points * 16 * 3 * 4 * sizeof(fslice));
-	if ((num_points) && ((secrets == NULL) || (pre_comp == NULL)))
-		{
-		goto err;
-		}
-	/* we treat NULL scalars as 0, and NULL points as points at infinity,
-	 * i.e., they contribute nothing to the linear combination */
-	memset(secrets, 0, num_points * sizeof(felem_bytearray));
-	memset(pre_comp, 0, num_points * 16 * 3 * 4 * sizeof(fslice));
-	for (i = 0; i < num_points; ++i)
-		{
-		if (i == num)
-			/* the generator */
-			{
-			p = EC_GROUP_get0_generator(group);
-			p_scalar = scalar;
-			}
-		else
-			/* the i^th point */
-			{
-			p = points[i];
-			p_scalar = scalars[i];
-			}
-		if ((p_scalar != NULL) && (p != NULL))
-			{
-			num_bytes = BN_num_bytes(p_scalar);
-			/* reduce scalar to 0 <= scalar < 2^224 */
-			if ((num_bytes > sizeof(felem_bytearray)) || (BN_is_negative(p_scalar)))
-				{
-				/* this is an unusual input, and we don't guarantee
-				 * constant-timeness */
-				if (!BN_nnmod(tmp_scalar, p_scalar, &group->order, ctx))
-					{
-					goto err;
-					}
-				num_bytes = BN_bn2bin(tmp_scalar, tmp);
-				}
-			else
-				BN_bn2bin(p_scalar, tmp);
-			flip_endian(secrets[i], tmp, num_bytes);
-			/* precompute multiples */
-			if ((!BN_to_felem(x_out, &p->X)) ||
-				(!BN_to_felem(y_out, &p->Y)) ||
-				(!BN_to_felem(z_out, &p->Z))) goto err;
-			memcpy(pre_comp[i][1][0], x_out, 4 * sizeof(fslice));
-			memcpy(pre_comp[i][1][1], y_out, 4 * sizeof(fslice));
-			memcpy(pre_comp[i][1][2], z_out, 4 * sizeof(fslice));
-			for (j = 1; j < 8; ++j)
-				{
-				point_double(pre_comp[i][2*j][0],
-					pre_comp[i][2*j][1],
-					pre_comp[i][2*j][2],
-					pre_comp[i][j][0],
-					pre_comp[i][j][1],
-					pre_comp[i][j][2]);
-				point_add(pre_comp[i][2*j+1][0],
-					pre_comp[i][2*j+1][1],
-					pre_comp[i][2*j+1][2],
-					pre_comp[i][1][0],
-					pre_comp[i][1][1],
-					pre_comp[i][1][2],
-					pre_comp[i][2*j][0],
-					pre_comp[i][2*j][1],
-					pre_comp[i][2*j][2]);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	/* the scalar for the generator */
-	if ((scalar != NULL) && (have_pre_comp))
-		{
-		memset(g_secret, 0, sizeof g_secret);
-		num_bytes = BN_num_bytes(scalar);
-		/* reduce scalar to 0 <= scalar < 2^224 */
-		if ((num_bytes > sizeof(felem_bytearray)) || (BN_is_negative(scalar)))
-			{
-			/* this is an unusual input, and we don't guarantee
-			 * constant-timeness */
-			if (!BN_nnmod(tmp_scalar, scalar, &group->order, ctx))
-				{
-				goto err;
-				}
-			num_bytes = BN_bn2bin(tmp_scalar, tmp);
-			}
-		else
-			BN_bn2bin(scalar, tmp);
-		flip_endian(g_secret, tmp, num_bytes);
-		/* do the multiplication with generator precomputation*/
-		batch_mul(x_out, y_out, z_out,
-			(const felem_bytearray (*)) secrets, num_points,
-			g_secret, (const fslice (*)[16][3][4]) pre_comp,
-			(const fslice (*)[3][4]) g_pre_comp);
-		}
-	else
-		/* do the multiplication without generator precomputation */
-		batch_mul(x_out, y_out, z_out,
-			(const felem_bytearray (*)) secrets, num_points,
-			NULL, (const fslice (*)[16][3][4]) pre_comp, NULL);
-	/* reduce the output to its unique minimal representation */
-	felem_contract(x_in, x_out);
-	felem_contract(y_in, y_out);
-	felem_contract(z_in, z_out);
-	if ((!felem_to_BN(x, x_in)) || (!felem_to_BN(y, y_in)) ||
-		(!felem_to_BN(z, z_in)))
-		{
-		goto err;
-		}
-	ret = EC_POINT_set_Jprojective_coordinates_GFp(group, r, x, y, z, ctx);
-	BN_CTX_end(ctx);
-	if (generator != NULL)
-		EC_POINT_free(generator);
-	if (new_ctx != NULL)
-		BN_CTX_free(new_ctx);
-	if (secrets != NULL)
-		OPENSSL_free(secrets);
-	if (pre_comp != NULL)
-		OPENSSL_free(pre_comp);
-	return ret;
-	}
-int ec_GFp_nistp224_precompute_mult(EC_GROUP *group, BN_CTX *ctx)
-	{
-	int ret = 0;
-	NISTP224_PRE_COMP *pre = NULL;
-	int i, j;
-	BN_CTX *new_ctx = NULL;
-	BIGNUM *x, *y;
-	EC_POINT *generator = NULL;
-	/* throw away old precomputation */
-	EC_EX_DATA_free_data(&group->extra_data, nistp224_pre_comp_dup,
-		nistp224_pre_comp_free, nistp224_pre_comp_clear_free);
-	if (ctx == NULL)
-		if ((ctx = new_ctx = BN_CTX_new()) == NULL) return 0;
-	BN_CTX_start(ctx);
-	if (((x = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL) ||
-		((y = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL))
-		goto err;
-	/* get the generator */
-	if (group->generator == NULL) goto err;
-	generator = EC_POINT_new(group);
-	if (generator == NULL)
-		goto err;
-	BN_bin2bn(nistp224_curve_params[3], sizeof (felem_bytearray), x);
-	BN_bin2bn(nistp224_curve_params[4], sizeof (felem_bytearray), y);
-	if (!EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp(group, generator, x, y, ctx))
-		goto err;
-	if ((pre = nistp224_pre_comp_new()) == NULL)
-		goto err;
-	/* if the generator is the standard one, use built-in precomputation */
-	if (0 == EC_POINT_cmp(group, generator, group->generator, ctx))
-		{
-		memcpy(pre->g_pre_comp, gmul, sizeof(pre->g_pre_comp));
-		ret = 1;
-		goto err;
-		}
-	if ((!BN_to_felem(pre->g_pre_comp[1][0], &group->generator->X)) ||
-		(!BN_to_felem(pre->g_pre_comp[1][1], &group->generator->Y)) ||
-		(!BN_to_felem(pre->g_pre_comp[1][2], &group->generator->Z)))
-		goto err;
-	/* compute 2^56*G, 2^112*G, 2^168*G */
-	for (i = 1; i < 5; ++i)
-		{
-		point_double(pre->g_pre_comp[2*i][0], pre->g_pre_comp[2*i][1],
-			pre->g_pre_comp[2*i][2], pre->g_pre_comp[i][0],
-			pre->g_pre_comp[i][1], pre->g_pre_comp[i][2]);
-		for (j = 0; j < 55; ++j)
-			{
-			point_double(pre->g_pre_comp[2*i][0],
-				pre->g_pre_comp[2*i][1],
-				pre->g_pre_comp[2*i][2],
-				pre->g_pre_comp[2*i][0],
-				pre->g_pre_comp[2*i][1],
-				pre->g_pre_comp[2*i][2]);
-			}
-		}
-	/* g_pre_comp[0] is the point at infinity */
-	memset(pre->g_pre_comp[0], 0, sizeof(pre->g_pre_comp[0]));
-	/* the remaining multiples */
-	/* 2^56*G + 2^112*G */
-	point_add(pre->g_pre_comp[6][0], pre->g_pre_comp[6][1],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[6][2], pre->g_pre_comp[4][0],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[4][1], pre->g_pre_comp[4][2],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[2][0], pre->g_pre_comp[2][1],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[2][2]);
-	/* 2^56*G + 2^168*G */
-	point_add(pre->g_pre_comp[10][0], pre->g_pre_comp[10][1],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[10][2], pre->g_pre_comp[8][0],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[8][1], pre->g_pre_comp[8][2],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[2][0], pre->g_pre_comp[2][1],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[2][2]);
-	/* 2^112*G + 2^168*G */
-	point_add(pre->g_pre_comp[12][0], pre->g_pre_comp[12][1],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[12][2], pre->g_pre_comp[8][0],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[8][1], pre->g_pre_comp[8][2],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[4][0], pre->g_pre_comp[4][1],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[4][2]);
-	/* 2^56*G + 2^112*G + 2^168*G */
-	point_add(pre->g_pre_comp[14][0], pre->g_pre_comp[14][1],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[14][2], pre->g_pre_comp[12][0],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[12][1], pre->g_pre_comp[12][2],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[2][0], pre->g_pre_comp[2][1],
-		pre->g_pre_comp[2][2]);
-	for (i = 1; i < 8; ++i)
-		{
-		/* odd multiples: add G */
-		point_add(pre->g_pre_comp[2*i+1][0], pre->g_pre_comp[2*i+1][1],
-			pre->g_pre_comp[2*i+1][2], pre->g_pre_comp[2*i][0],
-			pre->g_pre_comp[2*i][1], pre->g_pre_comp[2*i][2],
-			pre->g_pre_comp[1][0], pre->g_pre_comp[1][1],
-			pre->g_pre_comp[1][2]);
-		}
-	if (!EC_EX_DATA_set_data(&group->extra_data, pre, nistp224_pre_comp_dup,
-			nistp224_pre_comp_free, nistp224_pre_comp_clear_free))
-		goto err;
-	ret = 1;
-	pre = NULL;
- err:
-	BN_CTX_end(ctx);
-	if (generator != NULL)
-		EC_POINT_free(generator);
-	if (new_ctx != NULL)
-		BN_CTX_free(new_ctx);
-	if (pre)
-		nistp224_pre_comp_free(pre);
-	return ret;
-	}
-int ec_GFp_nistp224_have_precompute_mult(const EC_GROUP *group)
-	{
-	if (EC_EX_DATA_get_data(group->extra_data, nistp224_pre_comp_dup,
-			nistp224_pre_comp_free, nistp224_pre_comp_clear_free)
-		!= NULL)
-		return 1;
-	else
-		return 0;
-	}
-#ifdef TESTING
-#include <sys/time.h>
-static u8 ctoh(char c)
-    if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return c-'0';
-    if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return c-'a'+10;
-    if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return c-'A'+10;
-    return 0;
-static void arg_to_bytearray(felem_bytearray ba, const char *arg)
-    /* Convert the arg, which is a string like "1a2637c8" to a byte
-     * array like 0xc8 0x37 0x26 0x1a. */
-    int size = sizeof(felem_bytearray);
-    int arglen = strlen(arg);
-    int argsize = (arglen+1)/2;
-    const char *argp = arg + arglen;
-    u8 *bap = ba;
-    memset(ba, 0, size);
-    if (size < argsize) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Arg too long: %s\n", arg);
-	exit(1);
-    }
-    while (argp > arg+1) {
-	argp -= 2;
-	*bap = (ctoh(argp[0])<<4)|(ctoh(argp[1]));
-	++bap;
-    }
-    if (arglen & 1) {
-	/* Handle the stray top nybble */
-	argp -= 1;
-	*bap = ctoh(argp[0]);
-    }
-static void arg_to_coord(coord c, const char *arg)
-    felem_bytearray ba;
-    arg_to_bytearray(ba, arg);
-    /* Now convert it to a coord */
-    bin21_to_felem(c, ba);
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-    point infinity, P, Q, P2, PQ;
-    felem_bytearray s;
-    int i;
-    struct timeval st, et;
-    unsigned long el;
-    int niter = 1000;
-    memset(infinity, 0, sizeof(infinity));
-    memset(P, 0, sizeof(P));
-    memset(Q, 0, sizeof(Q));
-    if (argc != 6) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s Px Py Qx Qy s\n", argv[0]);
-	exit(1);
-    }
-    arg_to_coord(P[0], argv[1]);
-    arg_to_coord(P[1], argv[2]);
-    P[2][0] = 1;
-    dump_point("P", P);
-    arg_to_coord(Q[0], argv[3]);
-    arg_to_coord(Q[1], argv[4]);
-    Q[2][0] = 1;
-    dump_point("Q", Q);
-    arg_to_bytearray(s, argv[5]);
-    point_double(P2[0], P2[1], P2[2], P[0], P[1], P[2]);
-    affine(P2);
-    point_add(PQ[0], PQ[1], PQ[2], P[0], P[1], P[2], Q[0], Q[1], Q[2]);
-    affine(PQ);
-    dump_point("P2", P2);
-    dump_point("PQ", PQ);
-    gettimeofday(&st, NULL);
-    for (i=0;i<niter;++i) {
-	point_mul(P, P, s);
-	affine(P);
-    }
-    gettimeofday(&et, NULL);
-    el = (et.tv_sec-st.tv_sec)*1000000 + (et.tv_usec-st.tv_usec);
-    fprintf(stderr, "%lu / %d = %lu us\n", el, niter, el/niter);
-    dump_point("Ps", P);
-    return 0;
-/* Figure out whether there's a point with x-coordinate x on the main
- * curve.  If not, then there's one on the twist curve.  (There are
- * actually two, which are negatives of each other; that doesn't
- * matter.)  Multiply that point by seckey and set out to the
- * x-coordinate of the result. */
-void ptwist_pointmul(byte out[PTWIST_BYTES], const byte x[PTWIST_BYTES],
-	const byte seckey[PTWIST_BYTES])
-    /* Compute z = x^3 + a*x + b */
-    point P, Q;
-    coord z, r2, Qx;
-    uint128_t tmp[5];
-    int ontwist;
-    static const coord three = { 3, 0, 0 };
-    static const coord b =
-	    { 0x46d320e01dc7d6, 0x486ebc69bad316, 0x4e355e95cafedd };
-    /* Convert the byte array to a coord */
-    bin21_to_felem(P[0], x);
-    /* Compute z = x^3 - 3*x + b */
-    felem_square(tmp, P[0]); felem_reduce(z, tmp);
-    felem_diff64(z, three);
-    felem_mul(tmp, z, P[0]); felem_reduce(z, tmp);
-    felem_sum64(z, b);
-    /*
-    dump_coord("z", z);
-    */
-    /* Compute r = P[1] = z ^ ((p+1)/4).  This will be a square root of
-     * z, if one exists. */
-    felem_sqrt(P[1], z);
-    /*
-    dump_coord("r", P[1]);
-    */
-    /* Is P[1] a square root of z? */
-    felem_square(tmp, P[1]); felem_diff_128_64(tmp, z); felem_reduce(r2, tmp);
-    if (felem_is_zero(r2)) {
-	/* P(x,r) is on the curve */
-	ontwist = 0;
-    } else {
-	/* (-x, r) is on the twist */
-	ontwist = 1;
-	felem_neg(P[0], P[0]);
-    }
-    /*
-    fprintf(stderr, "ontwist = %d\n", ontwist);
-    */
-    memset(P[2], 0, sizeof(coord));
-    P[2][0] = 1;
-    /* All set.  Now do the point multiplication. */
-    /*
-    dump_point("P", P);
-    for(i=0;i<21;++i) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "%02x", seckey[20-i]);
-    }
-    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-    */
-    point_mul(Q, P, seckey);
-    affine_x(Qx, Q);
-    /*
-    dump_point("Q", Q);
-    */
-    /* Get the x-coordinate of the result, and negate it if we're on the
-     * twist. */
-    if (ontwist) {
-	felem_neg(Qx, Qx);
-    }
-    /* Convert back to bytes */
-    felem_to_bin21(out, Qx);
-    /*
-    fprintf(stderr, "out: ");
-    for(i=0;i<21;++i) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "%02x", out[i]);
-    }
-    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-    */

+ 0 - 171

@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <openssl/rand.h>
-#include <openssl/sha.h>
-#include "ptwist.h"
-#include "rclient.h"
-byte maingen[PTWIST_BYTES];
-byte twistgen[PTWIST_BYTES];
-byte mainpub[PTWIST_BYTES];
-byte twistpub[PTWIST_BYTES];
-static void gen_tag(byte *tag, byte key[16],
-	const byte *context, size_t context_len)
-    byte seckey[PTWIST_BYTES];
-    byte sharedsec[PTWIST_BYTES+context_len];
-    byte usetwist;
-    byte taghashout[32];
-    size_t puzzle_len = 16+PTWIST_RESP_BYTES;
-    byte value_to_hash[puzzle_len];
-    byte hashout[32];
-    bn_t Rbn, Hbn;
-    int i, len, sign;
-    memset(tag, 0xAA, PTWIST_TAG_BYTES);
-    /* Use the main or the twist curve? */
-    RAND_bytes(&usetwist, 1);
-    usetwist &= 1;
-    /* Create seckey*G and seckey*Y */
-    RAND_bytes(seckey, PTWIST_BYTES);
-    ptwist_pointmul(tag, usetwist ? twistgen : maingen, seckey);
-    ptwist_pointmul(sharedsec, usetwist ? twistpub : mainpub, seckey);
-    /* Create the tag hash keys */
-    memmove(sharedsec+PTWIST_BYTES, context, context_len);
-    SHA256(sharedsec, PTWIST_BYTES, taghashout);
-    /* The puzzle is to find a response R such that SHA256(K || R)
-       starts with PTWIST_PUZZLE_STRENGTH bits of 0s.  K is the first
-       128 bits of the above hash tag keys. */
-    /* Construct our response to the puzzle.  Start looking for R in a
-     * random place. */
-    memmove(value_to_hash, taghashout, 16);
-    RAND_bytes(value_to_hash+16, PTWIST_RESP_BYTES);
-    value_to_hash[16+PTWIST_RESP_BYTES-1] &= PTWIST_RESP_MASK;
-    while(1) {
-	unsigned int firstbits;
-	md_map_sh256(hashout, value_to_hash, puzzle_len);
-	/* This assumes that you're on an architecture that doesn't care
-	 * about alignment, and is little endian. */
-	firstbits = *(unsigned int*)hashout;
-	if ((firstbits & PTWIST_PUZZLE_MASK) == 0) {
-	    break;
-	}
-	/* Increment R and try again. */
-	for(i=0;i<PTWIST_RESP_BYTES;++i) {
-	    if (++value_to_hash[16+i]) break;
-	}
-	value_to_hash[16+PTWIST_RESP_BYTES-1] &= PTWIST_RESP_MASK;
-#error "Code assumes PTWIST_PUZZLE_STRENGTH < 32"
-    }
-	/*
-	for(i=0;i<puzzle_len;++i) {
-	    printf("%02x", value_to_hash[i]);
-	    if ((i%4) == 3) printf(" ");
-	}
-	printf("\n");
-	for(i=0;i<32;++i) {
-	    printf("%02x", hashout[i]);
-	    if ((i%4) == 3) printf(" ");
-	}
-	printf("\n");
-	*/
-    /* When we get here, we have solved the puzzle.  R is in
-     * value_to_hash[16..16+PTWIST_RESP_BYTES-1], the hash output
-     * hashout starts with PTWIST_PUZZLE_STRENGTH bits of 0s, and we'll
-     * want to copy out H (the next PTWIST_HASH_SHOWBITS bits of the
-     * hash output).  The final tag is [seckey*G]_x || R || H . */
-    bn_new(Rbn);
-    bn_new(Hbn);
-    bn_read_bin(Rbn, value_to_hash+16, PTWIST_RESP_BYTES, BN_POS);
-    bn_read_bin(Hbn, hashout, PTWIST_HASH_TOTBYTES, BN_POS);
-    bn_add(Hbn, Hbn, Rbn);
-    bn_write_bin(tag+PTWIST_BYTES, &len, &sign, Hbn);
-	/*
-	for(i=0;i<PTWIST_TAG_BYTES;++i) {
-	    printf("%02x", tag[i]);
-	    if ((i%4) == 3) printf(" ");
-	}
-	printf("\n");
-	*/
-    bn_free(Rbn);
-    bn_free(Hbn);
-    /* We're not using a client puzzle, so the tag is [seckey*G]_x || H
-     * where H is the first PTWIST_HASH_SHOWBITS bits of the above hash
-     * output.  The key generated is the last 128 bits of that output.
-     * If there's no client puzzle, PTWIST_HASH_SHOWBITS must be a multiple
-     * of 8. */
-    memmove(tag+PTWIST_BYTES, taghashout, PTWIST_HASH_SHOWBITS/8);
-#error "No client puzzle used, but PWTIST_HASH_SHOWBITS > 128"
-    memmove(key, taghashout+16, 16);
-int tag_hello(unsigned char *target, byte key[16])
-    FILE *fp;
-    int res, i;
-    byte *tag;
-    /* Create the generators */
-    memset(maingen, 0, PTWIST_BYTES);
-    maingen[0] = 2;
-    memset(twistgen, 0, PTWIST_BYTES);
-    /* Read the public keys */
-    fp = fopen("pubkey", "rb");
-    if (fp == NULL) {
-		perror("fopen");
-		exit(1);
-    }
-    res = fread(mainpub, PTWIST_BYTES, 1, fp);
-    if (res < 1) {
-		perror("fread");
-		exit(1);
-    }
-    res = fread(twistpub, PTWIST_BYTES, 1, fp);
-    if (res < 1) {
-		perror("fread");
-		exit(1);
-    }
-    fclose(fp);
-	//byte key[16];
-	tag = target;
-	gen_tag(tag, key, (const byte *)"context", 7);
-    fp = fopen("tags", "wb");
-    if (fp == NULL) {
-		perror("fopen");
-		exit(1);
-    }
-	for(i=0; i< PTWIST_TAG_BYTES; i++){
-		fprintf(fp, "%02x ", tag[i]);
-	}
-	printf("\n");
-	fclose(fp);
-    return 0;

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __RCLIENT_H__
-#define __RCLIENT_H__
-int tag_hello(unsigned char *target, byte key[16]);
-#endif /* __RCLIENT_H_ */

+ 0 - 402

@@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <netdb.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <openssl/rand.h>
-#include <openssl/ssl.h>
-#include <openssl/err.h>
-#include "ptwist.h"
-#include "rclient.h"
-/* Copied from ssl_locl.h */
-# define l2n(l,c)        (*((c)++)=(unsigned char)(((l)>>24)&0xff), \
-                         *((c)++)=(unsigned char)(((l)>>16)&0xff), \
-                         *((c)++)=(unsigned char)(((l)>> 8)&0xff), \
-                         *((c)++)=(unsigned char)(((l)    )&0xff))
-//from Slitheen header
-struct slitheen_header {
-    u_char marker; /* 0x01 means censored data, 0x02 means dummy data */
-    u_char version; /* For now 0x01 */
-    u_short len;
-// Simple structure to keep track of the handle, and
-// of what needs to be freed later.
-typedef struct {
-    int socket;
-    SSL *sslHandle;
-    SSL_CTX *sslContext;
-} connection;
-int generate_backdoor_key(SSL *s, DH *dh);
-// For this example, we'll be testing on
-#define SERVER  ""
-#define PORT 443
-byte key[16];
-//Client hello callback
-int tag_flow(SSL *s){
-	unsigned char *result;
-	int len, i;
-	result = s->s3->client_random;
-	len = sizeof(s->s3->client_random);
-	if(len < PTWIST_TAG_BYTES) {
-		printf("Uhoh\n");
-		return 1;
-	}
-	unsigned long Time = (unsigned long)time(NULL);
-	unsigned char *p = result;
-	l2n(Time, p);
-	tag_hello((byte *) result+4, key);
-	printf("Hello tagged.\n");
-	return 0;
-// Establish a regular tcp connection
-int tcpConnect ()
-  int error, handle;
-  struct hostent *host;
-  struct sockaddr_in server;
-  host = gethostbyname (SERVER);
-  handle = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
-  if (handle == -1)
-    {
-      perror ("Socket");
-      handle = 0;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      server.sin_family = AF_INET;
-      server.sin_port = htons (PORT);
-      server.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *) host->h_addr);
-      bzero (&(server.sin_zero), 8);
-      error = connect (handle, (struct sockaddr *) &server,
-                       sizeof (struct sockaddr));
-      if (error == -1)
-        {
-          perror ("Connect");
-          handle = 0;
-        }
-    }
-  return handle;
-// Establish a connection using an SSL layer
-connection *sslConnect (void)
-  connection *c;
-  FILE *fp;
-  c = malloc (sizeof (connection));
-  c->sslHandle = NULL;
-  c->sslContext = NULL;
-  c->socket = tcpConnect ();
-  if (c->socket)
-    {
-      // Register the error strings for libcrypto & libssl
-      SSL_load_error_strings();
-      // Register the available ciphers and digests
-      SSL_library_init();
-      // New context saying we are a client, and using TLSv1.2
-      c->sslContext = SSL_CTX_new (TLSv1_2_method());
-	  //Tag the client hello message with Telex tag
-	SSL_CTX_set_client_hello_callback(c->sslContext, tag_flow);
-	  //Set backdoored DH callback
-	  SSL_CTX_set_generate_key_callback(c->sslContext, generate_backdoor_key);
-      if (c->sslContext == NULL)
-        ERR_print_errors_fp (stderr);
-	  //make sure DH is in the cipher list
-	  const char *ciphers = "DHE";
-	  if(!SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(c->sslContext, ciphers))
-		  printf("Failed to set cipher.\n");
-      // Create an SSL struct for the connection
-      c->sslHandle = SSL_new (c->sslContext);
-      if (c->sslHandle == NULL)
-        ERR_print_errors_fp (stderr);
-	  const unsigned char *list = SSL_get_cipher_list(c->sslHandle, 1);
-	  printf("List of ciphers: %s", list);
-      // Connect the SSL struct to our connection
-      if (!SSL_set_fd (c->sslHandle, c->socket))
-        ERR_print_errors_fp (stderr);
-      // Initiate SSL handshake
-      if (SSL_connect (c->sslHandle) != 1)
-        ERR_print_errors_fp (stderr);
-	  const unsigned char *cipher = SSL_get_cipher_name(c->sslHandle);
-	  printf("CIPHER: %s\n", cipher);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      perror ("Connect failed");
-    }
-  return c;
-// Disconnect & free connection struct
-void sslDisconnect (connection *c)
-  if (c->socket)
-    close (c->socket);
-  if (c->sslHandle)
-    {
-      SSL_shutdown (c->sslHandle);
-      SSL_free (c->sslHandle);
-    }
-  if (c->sslContext)
-    SSL_CTX_free (c->sslContext);
-  free (c);
-// Read all available text from the connection
-char *sslRead (connection *c)
-  const int readSize = 16384;
-  char *rc = NULL;
-  int received, count = 0;
-  char buffer[16384];
-  if (c)
-    {
-      while (1)
-        {
-          if (!rc)
-            rc = malloc (readSize * sizeof (char) + 1);
-          else
-            rc = realloc (rc, count + readSize * sizeof (char)
-					+ 1);
-          received = SSL_read (c->sslHandle, buffer, readSize);
-          buffer[received] = '\0';
-          if (received > 0){
-			  printf("read %d bytes\n", received);
-			  printf("Slitheen header:\n");
-			  int i;
-			  for(i=0; (i<SLITHEEN_HEADER_LEN) && (i<received); i++)
-				  printf("%02x ", buffer[i]);
-			  printf("\n");
-			  struct slitheen_header *sl_hdr = (struct slitheen_header *) buffer;
-			  printf("recieved %d bytes censored data\n", ntohs(sl_hdr->len));
-			  buffer[SLITHEEN_HEADER_LEN+ ntohs(sl_hdr->len)] = '\0';
-			  if(received > SLITHEEN_HEADER_LEN)
-				  strcat (rc, buffer+SLITHEEN_HEADER_LEN);
-		  }
-		  else if (received < 0){
-			  fprintf(stdout, "Error: %d\n", SSL_get_error(c->sslHandle, received));
-			  unsigned long err = ERR_get_error();
-			  uint8_t errbuf[256];
-			  while(err != 0){
-				  ERR_error_string(err, errbuf);
-				  fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", errbuf);
-				  err = ERR_get_error();
-				  fflush(stdout);
-			  }
-			  break;
-		  }
-		  else{
-			  printf("read %d bytes\n", received);
-			  break;
-		  }
-          count+=received;
-        }
-    }
-  return rc;
-// Write text to the connection
-void sslWrite (connection *c, char *text)
-  if (c)
-    SSL_write (c->sslHandle, text, strlen (text));
-  printf("Wrote:\n%s\n", text);
-// Very basic main: we send GET / and print the response.
-int main (int argc, char **argv)
-  connection *c;
-  char *response;
-  char *response2;
-  FILE *fp;
-  c = sslConnect ();
-  sslWrite (c, "GET /about/ HTTP/1.1\nhost:\nx-ignore: GET /index.html HTTP/1.1\\nhost:\n\n");
-  response = sslRead (c);
-  printf ("%s\n", response);
-  fflush(stdout);
-  //Now manually request image
-  sslWrite (c, "GET /about/ HTTP/1.1\r\nhost:\r\n\r\n");
-  response2 = sslRead (c);
-  printf ("%s\n", response2);
-  fflush(stdout);
-  sslDisconnect (c);
-  free (response);
-  free (response2);
-  return 0;
-//dh callback
-int generate_backdoor_key(SSL *s, DH *dh)
-    int ok = 0;
-    int generate_new_key = 0;
-    unsigned l;
-    BN_CTX *ctx;
-    BN_MONT_CTX *mont = NULL;
-    BIGNUM *pub_key = NULL, *priv_key= NULL;
-    unsigned char *buf, *seed;
-    int bytes, i;
-	FILE *fp;
-	seed = (unsigned char *) key;
-	fp = fopen("seed", "wb");
-	if (fp == NULL) {
-		perror("fopen");
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	  for(i=0; i< 16; i++){
-	      fprintf(fp, "%02x", key[i]);
-	  }
-	  fclose(fp);
-	printf("In backdoor callback.\n");
-    ctx = BN_CTX_new();
-    if (ctx == NULL)
-        goto err;
-    if (dh->priv_key == NULL) {
-        priv_key = BN_new();
-        if (priv_key == NULL)
-            goto err;
-        generate_new_key = 1;
-    } else
-        priv_key = dh->priv_key;
-    if (dh->pub_key == NULL) {
-        pub_key = BN_new();
-        if (pub_key == NULL)
-            goto err;
-    } else
-        pub_key = dh->pub_key;
-    if (dh->flags & DH_FLAG_CACHE_MONT_P) {
-        mont = BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked(&dh->method_mont_p,
-                                      CRYPTO_LOCK_DH, dh->p, ctx);
-        if (!mont)
-            goto err;
-    }
-    if (generate_new_key) {
-	/* secret exponent length */
-	l = dh->length ? dh->length : BN_num_bits(dh->p) - 1;
-	bytes = (l+7) / 8;
-	/* set exponent to seeded prg value */
-	buf = (unsigned char *)OPENSSL_malloc(bytes);
-	if (buf == NULL){
-	    goto err;
-	}
-	/*int bytes_read = RAND_load_file("/home/sltiheen/Downloads/client/seed", 16);
-	printf("read %d bytes\n", bytes_read);
-	//RAND_seed(seed, 16);
-	printf("Using the seed: ");
-	for(i=0; i< 16; i++){
-		printf(" %02x ", seed[i]);
-	}
-	printf("\n");
-	if(RAND_bytes(buf, bytes) <= 0)
-	    goto err;
-		*/
-	for(i=0; i<bytes; i++){
-		buf[i] = seed[i%16];
-	}
-	printf("Generated the following rand bytes: ");
-	for(i=0; i< bytes; i++){
-		printf(" %02x ", buf[i]);
-	}
-	printf("\n");
-	if (!BN_bin2bn(buf, bytes, priv_key))
-	    goto err;
-    }
-    {
-        BIGNUM local_prk;
-        BIGNUM *prk;
-        if ((dh->flags & DH_FLAG_NO_EXP_CONSTTIME) == 0) {
-            BN_init(&local_prk);
-            prk = &local_prk;
-            BN_with_flags(prk, priv_key, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);
-        } else
-            prk = priv_key;
-        if (!dh->meth->bn_mod_exp(dh, pub_key, dh->g, prk, dh->p, ctx, mont))
-            goto err;
-    }
-    dh->pub_key = pub_key;
-    dh->priv_key = priv_key;
-    ok = 1;
- err:
-    if (buf != NULL){
-	OPENSSL_cleanse(buf, bytes);
-	OPENSSL_free(buf);
-    }
-    if (ok != 1)
-    if ((pub_key != NULL) && (dh->pub_key == NULL))
-        BN_free(pub_key);
-    if ((priv_key != NULL) && (dh->priv_key == NULL))
-        BN_free(priv_key);
-    BN_CTX_free(ctx);
-    return (ok);

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff