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wrote a lua script for wireshark to extract timing information

cecylia 8 rokov pred
2 zmenil súbory, kde vykonal 164 pridanie a 0 odobranie
  1. 1 0
  2. 163 0

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+tshark -q -zio,phs -Xlua_script:ssl_stats.lua -r regular_capture.pcap

+ 163 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+-- $Header: /cvs/WIP/datcat-import/crawdad/bin/analysis/trace_stats.lua,v 1.1 2007/04/25 15:18:28 emile Exp $
+-- extracts various stats (subset of crl_stats)
+-- from a trace file, use like:
+-- tshark -q <other opts> -Xlua_script:trace_stats.lua <trace>
+-- wireshark/tshark needs to be compiled --with-lua
+    ip_addr_extractor ="ip.addr")
+    tcp_src_port_extractor ="tcp.srcport")
+    tcp_dst_port_extractor ="tcp.dstport")
+    tcp_stream_extractor ="")
+    tls_handshake_type_extractor ="ssl.handshake.type")
+    tls_content_type_extractor ="ssl.record.content_type")
+    tls_ccs_extractor ="ssl.change_cipher_spec")
+    icmp_type_extractor ="icmp.type")
+    local function init_listener()
+        local tap ="ssl")
+        local file = assert("handshake_stats", "w"))
+        file:write("stream,time\n")
+        file:close()
+----- stats  functions
+-- ipv4 counts
+        local ipv4_src_cache = {}
+        local ipv4_dst_cache = {}
+        local ipv4_src_count = 0
+        local ipv4_dst_count = 0
+        function stats_ipv4_counts(pinfo,tvb)
+            local ip_src
+            local ip_dst
+            ip_src, ip_dst = ip_addr_extractor()
+            if ( ip_src ) then 
+                if (not ipv4_src_cache[ tostring(ip_src) ] == true ) then
+                    ipv4_src_cache[ tostring(ip_src) ] = true 
+                    ipv4_src_count = ipv4_src_count + 1
+                else
+                     -- print("src already recorded")
+                end
+            else 
+                -- print("NO src") 
+            end
+            if ( ip_dst ) then 
+                if (not ipv4_dst_cache[ tostring(ip_dst) ] == true ) then
+                    ipv4_dst_cache[ tostring(ip_dst) ] = true 
+                    ipv4_dst_count = ipv4_dst_count + 1
+                else
+                    -- print("dst already recorded")
+                end
+            else 
+                -- print("NO dst") 
+            end
+        end
+-- tcp stream counts
+        local tcp_stream_cache = {}
+        local tcp_stream_count = 0
+        function stats_stream_counts(pinfo,tvb)
+            local stream
+            local sport, dport, saddr, daddr
+            stream = tcp_stream_extractor()
+            saddr, daddr = ip_addr_extractor()
+            sport = tcp_src_port_extractor()
+            dport = tcp_dst_port_extractor()
+            if ( stream ) then 
+                if (not tcp_stream_cache[ tostring(stream) ] == true ) then
+                    tcp_stream_cache[ tostring(stream) ] = true 
+                    tcp_stream_count = tcp_stream_count + 1
+                    print("Stream #" .. tostring(tcp_stream_count) .. " | " .. tostring(saddr) .. ":" .. tostring(sport) .. " > " .. tostring(daddr) .. ":" .. tostring(dport) )
+                else
+                     -- print("stream already recorded")
+                end
+            else 
+                -- print("NO stream") 
+            end
+        end
+-- ssl stats
+        local tls_src_starts = {}
+        local tls_ccs_cache = {}
+        function stats_tls_handshake(pinfo, tvb)
+            local hs_type, rec_type, ccs, stream
+            hs_type = tls_handshake_type_extractor()
+            ccs = tls_ccs_extractor()
+            stream = tcp_stream_extractor()
+            if(hs_type) then
+                local type_string
+                type_string = tostring(hs_type)
+                if(type_string == "1") then
+                    print("Start time for stream #" .. tostring(stream) .. " is " .. tostring(pinfo.abs_ts))
+                    tls_src_starts[ tostring(stream) ] = pinfo.abs_ts
+                end
+            end
+            if(ccs) then
+                if (not tls_ccs_cache[ tostring(stream) ] == true ) then
+                    tls_ccs_cache[ tostring(stream) ] = true 
+                    print("Received 1st CCS for stream #" .. tostring(stream))
+                else
+                    if( tls_src_starts[ tostring(stream)] ) then
+                        -- We have received both CCS and Finished messages
+                        local hs_time = pinfo.abs_ts - tls_src_starts[ tostring(stream)] 
+                        print("Total handshake time: " .. tostring(hs_time) )
+                        local file = assert("handshake_stats", "a"))
+                        file:write(tostring(stream) .. "," .. tostring(hs_time) .. "\n")
+                        file:close()
+                    end
+                end
+            end
+        end
+-- start/end times
+        local start_time
+        local end_time
+        function stats_start_end_times(pinfo)
+            if (not start_time) then
+                start_time =  pinfo.abs_ts
+                end_time  =  pinfo.abs_ts
+            else
+                if ( start_time > pinfo.abs_ts ) then start_time = pinfo.abs_ts end
+                if ( end_time < pinfo.abs_ts  ) then end_time = pinfo.abs_ts end
+            end
+        end
+----- tap functions
+        function tap.reset()
+        end
+        function tap.packet(pinfo,tvb,ip)
+            stats_ipv4_counts(pinfo,tvb)
+            stats_stream_counts(pinfo,tvb)
+            stats_start_end_times(pinfo)
+            stats_tls_handshake(pinfo, tvb)
+        end
+        function tap.draw()
+            print("=== extra stats ===================================================")
+            print("start_time: " .. start_time )
+            print("end_time: " .. end_time )
+            print("ipv4_src_address_count: " .. ipv4_src_count ) 
+            print("ipv4_dst_address_count: " .. ipv4_dst_count )
+            print("tcp_stream_count: " .. tcp_stream_count )
+            print("===================================================================")
+        end
+    end
+    init_listener()