@@ -62,8 +62,34 @@ pub fn verify_share(share: Share, commitment: Commitment) -> Result<bool, &'stat
/// Reconstruct the secret from enough (at least the threshold) already-verified shares.
-pub fn reconstruct_secret(shares: &Vec<Share>) -> Result<Share, &'static str> {
- unimplemented!("Not yet implemented")
+pub fn reconstruct_secret(shares: &Vec<Share>) -> Result<Secret, &'static str> {
+ let numshares = shares.len();
+ if numshares < 1 { return Err("No shares provided"); }
+ let mut lagrange_coeffs: Vec<Scalar> = Vec::with_capacity(numshares);
+ for i in 0..numshares-1 {
+ let mut num = Scalar::one();
+ let mut den = Scalar::one();
+ for j in 0..numshares-1 {
+ if j==i { continue; }
+ num *= Scalar::from(shares[j].index);
+ den *= Scalar::from(shares[j].index - shares[i].index);
+ }
+ if den == Scalar::zero() {
+ return Err("Duplicate shares provided");
+ }
+ lagrange_coeffs.push(num * den.invert());
+ }
+ let mut secret = Scalar::zero();
+ for i in 0..numshares-1 {
+ secret += lagrange_coeffs[i] * shares[i].value;
+ }
+ return Ok(secret)
/// Create a proactive update.