use curve25519_dalek::edwards::EdwardsPoint; use curve25519_dalek::scalar::Scalar; use curve25519_dalek::constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT; use rand::rngs::ThreadRng; pub type Secret = Scalar; pub struct Share { index: u32, value: Scalar, } pub struct Commitment { coms: Vec, } /// Create secret shares for a given secret. pub fn generate_shares(secret: Secret, numshares: u32, threshold: u32) -> Result<(Commitment, Vec), &'static str> { if threshold < 1 { return Err("Threshold cannot be 0") } if numshares < 1 { return Err("Number of shares cannot be 0") } if threshold > numshares { return Err("Threshold cannot exceed numshares") } let numcoeffs = (threshold-1) as usize; let mut coeffs: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(numcoeffs); let mut rng: ThreadRng = rand::thread_rng(); let mut shares: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(numshares as usize); let mut comm: Commitment = Commitment { coms: Vec::with_capacity(threshold as usize) }; for _ in 1..numcoeffs { coeffs.push(Scalar::random(&mut rng)); } for share_index in 1..numshares { // Evaluate the polynomial with `secret` as the constant term // and `coeffs` as the other coefficients at the point x=share_index // using Horner's method let scalar_index = Scalar::from(share_index); let mut value = Scalar::zero(); for i in (0..numcoeffs-1).rev() { value += coeffs[i]; value *= scalar_index; } value += secret; shares.push(Share{ index: share_index, value: value }); } comm.coms.push(ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT * secret); for c in coeffs { comm.coms.push(ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT * c); } Ok((comm, shares)) } /// Verify that a share is consistent with a commitment. pub fn verify_share(share: Share, commitment: Commitment) -> Result { unimplemented!("Not yet implemented") } /// Reconstruct the secret from enough (at least the threshold) already-verified shares. pub fn reconstruct_secret(shares: &Vec) -> Result { unimplemented!("Not yet implemented") } /// Create a proactive update. pub fn create_update(numshares: u32, threshold: u32) -> Result<(Commitment, Vec), &'static str> { unimplemented!("Not yet implemented") } /// Apply the commitment for the update to the master commitment. pub fn apply_commitment_update(oldcommitment: &Commitment, update: &Commitment) -> Result { unimplemented!("Not yet implemented") } /// Apply the share update to an existing share pub fn apply_share_update(oldshare: &Share, update: &Share) -> Result { unimplemented!("Not yet implemented") }