use crate::lagrange::*; use crate::shine; use curve25519_dalek::ristretto::RistrettoPoint; use curve25519_dalek::scalar::Scalar; use sha2::Digest; use sha2::Sha256; pub use crate::lagrange::lagrange_polys; pub type PubKey = RistrettoPoint; pub struct SecKey { t: u32, k: u32, // This player's signature key share sk: Scalar, // This player's Shine key share shine_key: shine::PreprocKey, // The group public key pk: PubKey, } impl SecKey { pub fn delta(&self) -> usize { } } pub type R1Output = ([u8; 32], RistrettoPoint); pub type Signature = (RistrettoPoint, Scalar); // Generate Arctic keys using a trusted dealer. The output is the group // public key, a vector of each individual player's public key (unused // except in the robust Arctic case), and a vector of each individual // player's Arctic secret key. pub fn keygen(n: u32, t: u32) -> (PubKey, Vec, Vec) { assert!(t >= 1); assert!(n >= 2 * t - 1); let mut seckeys: Vec = Vec::new(); // The Shine key shares let shinekeys = shine::Key::keygen(n, t); // The signature key shares let shamirpoly = ScalarPoly::rand((t as usize) - 1); let group_pubkey = shine::commit(&shamirpoly.coeffs[0]); let signkeys: Vec = (1..=n).map(|k| shamirpoly.eval(&Scalar::from(k))).collect(); let player_pubkeys: Vec = signkeys.iter().map(shine::commit).collect(); for k in 1..=n { seckeys.push(SecKey { t, k, sk: signkeys[(k - 1) as usize], shine_key: shine::PreprocKey::preproc(&shinekeys[(k as usize) - 1]), pk: group_pubkey, }); } (group_pubkey, player_pubkeys, seckeys) } // The hash function used to generate the value y that's the input to // shine::gen. fn hash2(pk: &PubKey, msg: &[u8]) -> [u8; 32] { let mut hash = Sha256::new(); hash.update(pk.compress().as_bytes()); hash.update(msg); hash.finalize().into() } // The hash function that's used to generate the challenge c for the // Schnorr signature. This function has to match the one for the // Schnorr verification implementation you're interoperating with, and // will depend on what group you're operating over. fn hash3(combcomm: &RistrettoPoint, pk: &PubKey, msg: &[u8]) -> Scalar { let mut hash = Sha256::new(); hash.update(combcomm.compress().as_bytes()); hash.update(pk.compress().as_bytes()); hash.update(msg); let mut hashval = [0u8; 32]; hashval[0..32].copy_from_slice(&hash.finalize()); Scalar::from_bytes_mod_order(hashval) } // The first round of the signature protocol. pub fn sign1(sk: &SecKey, coalition: &[u32], msg: &[u8]) -> R1Output { assert!(coalition.len() >= 2 * (sk.t as usize) - 1); let y = hash2(&, msg); (y, sk.shine_key.gen(&y).1) } // The second round of the signature protocol. Note: it is vital that // the R1Output values received from all the parties' first round were // received over authenticated channels. If an adversary can forge // honest parties' round one messages, Arctic is _not_ secure. pub fn sign2_polys( pk: &PubKey, sk: &SecKey, coalition: &[u32], lag_polys: &[ScalarPoly], msg: &[u8], r1_outputs: &[R1Output], ) -> Option { // If the inputs are _malformed_, abort assert!(coalition.len() == lag_polys.len()); assert!(coalition.len() == r1_outputs.len()); assert!(coalition.len() >= 2 * (sk.t as usize) - 1); // Find my own entry in the coalition; abort if it's not there let kindex = coalition.iter().position(|&k| k == sk.k).unwrap(); // If the inputs are just corrupt values from malicious other // parties, return None but don't crash let y = hash2(pk, msg); // Make sure all the parties are submitting commitments for the same // y (the same pk and msg). if r1_outputs.iter().any(|(yj, _)| yj != &y) { return None; } let (my_eval, my_commit) = sk.shine_key.gen(&y); assert!(r1_outputs[kindex].1 == my_commit); let commitments: Vec = r1_outputs .iter() .map(|(_, commitment)| *commitment) .collect(); if !shine::verify_polys(sk.t, lag_polys, &commitments) { return None; } let combcomm = shine::agg_polys(sk.t, lag_polys, &commitments); let c = hash3(&combcomm, pk, msg); Some(my_eval + c * } pub fn sign2( pk: &PubKey, sk: &SecKey, coalition: &[u32], msg: &[u8], r1_outputs: &[R1Output], ) -> Option { let polys = lagrange_polys(coalition); sign2_polys(pk, sk, coalition, &polys, msg, r1_outputs) } pub fn combine_polys( pk: &PubKey, t: u32, coalition: &[u32], lag_polys: &[ScalarPoly], msg: &[u8], r1_outputs: &[R1Output], sigshares: &[Scalar], ) -> Option { assert!(coalition.len() == lag_polys.len()); assert!(coalition.len() == r1_outputs.len()); assert!(coalition.len() == sigshares.len()); assert!(coalition.len() >= 2 * (t as usize) - 1); let commitments: Vec = r1_outputs .iter() .map(|(_, commitment)| *commitment) .collect(); let combcomm = shine::agg_polys(t, lag_polys, &commitments); let c = hash3(&combcomm, pk, msg); let z = interpolate_polys_0(lag_polys, sigshares); // Check the answer if shine::commit(&z) == combcomm + c * pk { return Some((combcomm, z)); } None } pub fn combine( pk: &PubKey, t: u32, coalition: &[u32], msg: &[u8], r1_outputs: &[R1Output], sigshares: &[Scalar], ) -> Option { let polys = lagrange_polys(coalition); combine_polys(pk, t, coalition, &polys, msg, r1_outputs, sigshares) } pub fn verify(pk: &PubKey, msg: &[u8], sig: &Signature) -> bool { let c = hash3(&sig.0, pk, msg); shine::commit(&sig.1) == sig.0 + c * pk } #[test] pub fn test_arctic_good() { let n = 7u32; let t = 4u32; let (pubkey, _, seckeys) = keygen(n, t); let coalition = (1..=n).collect::>(); let msg = b"A message to be signed"; let r1_outputs: Vec = seckeys .iter() .map(|key| sign1(key, &coalition, msg)) .collect(); let sigshares: Vec = seckeys .iter() .map(|key| sign2(&pubkey, key, &coalition, msg, &r1_outputs).unwrap()) .collect(); let sig = combine(&pubkey, t, &coalition, msg, &r1_outputs, &sigshares).unwrap(); assert!(verify(&pubkey, msg, &sig)); } #[test] #[should_panic] pub fn test_arctic_bad1() { let n = 7u32; let t = 4u32; let (pubkey, _, seckeys) = keygen(n, t); let coalition = (1..=n).collect::>(); let msg = b"A message to be signed"; let mut r1_outputs: Vec = seckeys .iter() .map(|key| sign1(key, &coalition, msg)) .collect(); // Modify player 1's commitment let v = r1_outputs[1].1; r1_outputs[0].1 += v; // Player 1 should abort because its own commit is no longer in the // list sign2(&pubkey, &seckeys[0], &coalition, msg, &r1_outputs); } #[test] pub fn test_arctic_bad2() { let n = 7u32; let t = 4u32; let (pubkey, _, seckeys) = keygen(n, t); let coalition = (1..=n).collect::>(); let msg = b"A message to be signed"; let mut r1_outputs: Vec = seckeys .iter() .map(|key| sign1(key, &coalition, msg)) .collect(); // Modify player 1's commitment let v = r1_outputs[1].1; r1_outputs[0].1 += v; // Player 2 should return None because the commitments are // inconsistent assert_eq!( sign2(&pubkey, &seckeys[1], &coalition, msg, &r1_outputs), None ); } #[test] pub fn test_arctic_bad3() { let n = 7u32; let t = 4u32; let (pubkey, _, seckeys) = keygen(n, t); let coalition = (1..=n).collect::>(); let msg = b"A message to be signed"; let mut r1_outputs: Vec = seckeys .iter() .map(|key| sign1(key, &coalition, msg)) .collect(); // Modify player 1's y value r1_outputs[0].0[0] += 1; // Player 2 should return None because the y values are // inconsistent assert_eq!( sign2(&pubkey, &seckeys[1], &coalition, msg, &r1_outputs), None ); } #[test] pub fn test_arctic_bad4() { let n = 7u32; let t = 4u32; let (pubkey, _, seckeys) = keygen(n, t); let coalition = (1..=n).collect::>(); let msg = b"A message to be signed"; let r1_outputs: Vec = seckeys .iter() .map(|key| sign1(key, &coalition, msg)) .collect(); // Use a different message in round 2 let msg2 = b"A message to be signef"; // Player 2 should return None because the y values are // inconsistent assert_eq!( sign2(&pubkey, &seckeys[1], &coalition, msg2, &r1_outputs), None ); } #[test] pub fn test_arctic_bad5() { let n = 7u32; let t = 4u32; let (pubkey, _, seckeys) = keygen(n, t); let coalition = (1..=n).collect::>(); let msg = b"A message to be signed"; let r1_outputs: Vec = seckeys .iter() .map(|key| sign1(key, &coalition, msg)) .collect(); let mut sigshares: Vec = seckeys .iter() .map(|key| sign2(&pubkey, key, &coalition, msg, &r1_outputs).unwrap()) .collect(); // Modify player 0's signature share sigshares[0] += Scalar::one(); // Combine should return None because the shares don't combine to a // valid signature assert_eq!( combine(&pubkey, t, &coalition, msg, &r1_outputs, &sigshares), None ); } #[test] pub fn test_arctic_bad6() { let n = 7u32; let t = 4u32; let (pubkey, _, seckeys) = keygen(n, t); let coalition = (1..=n).collect::>(); let msg = b"A message to be signed"; let r1_outputs: Vec = seckeys .iter() .map(|key| sign1(key, &coalition, msg)) .collect(); let sigshares: Vec = seckeys .iter() .map(|key| sign2(&pubkey, key, &coalition, msg, &r1_outputs).unwrap()) .collect(); // Modify the message let msg2 = b"A message to be signef"; assert_eq!( combine(&pubkey, t, &coalition, msg2, &r1_outputs, &sigshares), None ); }