package com.oblivm.backend.rand;

 * <h3>ISAAC: a fast cryptographic pseudo-random number generator</h3>
 * ISAAC (Indirection, Shift, Accumulate, Add, and Count) generates 32-bit
 * random numbers.<br>
 * ISAAC has been designed to be cryptographically secure and is inspired by
 * RC4.<br>
 * Cycles are guaranteed to be at least 2<sup>40</sup> values long, and they are
 * 2<sup>8295</sup> values long on average.<br>
 * The results are uniformly distributed, unbiased, and unpredictable unless you
 * know the seed.<br>
 * <br>
 * This is the original implementation by Bob Jenkins with some minor changes.
 * <br>
 * <br>
 * <b>Changelog:</b><br>
 * <ul>
 * <li>050325: Added <code>supplementSeed(int[] seed )</code> method; made all
 * variables private</li>
 * <li>050320: Use <code>System.arraycopy()</code> in
 * <code>ISAACAlgorithm(int[] seed)</code></li>
 * <li>980224: Translate to Java</li>
 * <li>970719: Use context, not global variables, for internal state</li>
 * <li>960327: Creation (addition of randinit, really)</li>
 * </ul>
 * @author Bob Jenkins
 * @version 050325
class ISAACAlgorithm {
	private static final int SIZEL = 8; // Log of size of rsl[] and mem[]
	private static final int SIZE = 1 << SIZEL; // Size of rsl[] and mem[]
	private static final int MASK = (SIZE - 1) << 2; // For pseudorandom lookup
	private int count; // Count through the results in rsl[]
	private int rsl[]; // The results given to the user
	private int mem[]; // The internal state
	private int a; // Accumulator
	private int b; // The last result
	private int c; // Counter, guarantees cycle is at least 2^40

	 * This constructor creates and initializes an new instance without using a
	 * seed.<br>
	 * Equivalent to <code>randinit(ctx,FALSE)</code> in the C implementation.
	ISAACAlgorithm() {
		mem = new int[SIZE];
		rsl = new int[SIZE];


	 * This constructor creates and initializes an new instance using a
	 * user-provided seed.<br>
	 * Equivalent to <code>randinit(ctx, TRUE)</code> after putting seed in
	 * <code>randctx</code> in the C implementation.
	 * @param seed
	 *            The seed.
	ISAACAlgorithm(int[] seed) {
		mem = new int[SIZE];
		rsl = new int[SIZE];

		// This is slow and throws an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if
		// seed.length > rsl.length ...
		/* for (int i = 0; i < seed.length; ++i) rsl[i] = seed[i]; */
		// ... this is faster and safe:
		System.arraycopy(seed, 0, rsl, 0, (seed.length <= rsl.length) ? seed.length : rsl.length);


	 * Generate 256 results.<br>
	 * This is a small (not fast) implementation.
	private final void isaac() {
		int i, x, y;

		b += ++c;
		for (i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
			x = mem[i];
			switch (i & 3) {
			case 0:
				a ^= a << 13;
			case 1:
				a ^= a >>> 6;
			case 2:
				a ^= a << 2;
			case 3:
				a ^= a >>> 16;
			a += mem[(i + SIZE / 2) & (SIZE - 1)];
			mem[i] = y = mem[((x) & MASK) >> 2] + a + b;
			rsl[i] = b = mem[((y >> SIZEL) & MASK) >> 2] + x;

	 * Initialize or reinitialize this instance.
	 * @param flag
	 *            If <code>true</code> then use the seed (which the constructor
	 *            placed in <code>rsl[]</code>) for initialization.
	private final void init(boolean flag) {
		int i;
		int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h;
		a = b = c = d = e = f = g = h = 0x9e3779b9; // The golden ratio

		for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
			a ^= b << 11;
			d += a;
			b += c;
			b ^= c >>> 2;
			e += b;
			c += d;
			c ^= d << 8;
			f += c;
			d += e;
			d ^= e >>> 16;
			g += d;
			e += f;
			e ^= f << 10;
			h += e;
			f += g;
			f ^= g >>> 4;
			a += f;
			g += h;
			g ^= h << 8;
			b += g;
			h += a;
			h ^= a >>> 9;
			c += h;
			a += b;

		for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i += 8) { // Fill in mem[] with messy stuff
			if (flag) {
				a += rsl[i];
				b += rsl[i + 1];
				c += rsl[i + 2];
				d += rsl[i + 3];
				e += rsl[i + 4];
				f += rsl[i + 5];
				g += rsl[i + 6];
				h += rsl[i + 7];
			a ^= b << 11;
			d += a;
			b += c;
			b ^= c >>> 2;
			e += b;
			c += d;
			c ^= d << 8;
			f += c;
			d += e;
			d ^= e >>> 16;
			g += d;
			e += f;
			e ^= f << 10;
			h += e;
			f += g;
			f ^= g >>> 4;
			a += f;
			g += h;
			g ^= h << 8;
			b += g;
			h += a;
			h ^= a >>> 9;
			c += h;
			a += b;
			mem[i] = a;
			mem[i + 1] = b;
			mem[i + 2] = c;
			mem[i + 3] = d;
			mem[i + 4] = e;
			mem[i + 5] = f;
			mem[i + 6] = g;
			mem[i + 7] = h;

		if (flag) { // Second pass: makes all of seed affect all of mem[]
			for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i += 8) {
				a += mem[i];
				b += mem[i + 1];
				c += mem[i + 2];
				d += mem[i + 3];
				e += mem[i + 4];
				f += mem[i + 5];
				g += mem[i + 6];
				h += mem[i + 7];
				a ^= b << 11;
				d += a;
				b += c;
				b ^= c >>> 2;
				e += b;
				c += d;
				c ^= d << 8;
				f += c;
				d += e;
				d ^= e >>> 16;
				g += d;
				e += f;
				e ^= f << 10;
				h += e;
				f += g;
				f ^= g >>> 4;
				a += f;
				g += h;
				g ^= h << 8;
				b += g;
				h += a;
				h ^= a >>> 9;
				c += h;
				a += b;
				mem[i] = a;
				mem[i + 1] = b;
				mem[i + 2] = c;
				mem[i + 3] = d;
				mem[i + 4] = e;
				mem[i + 5] = f;
				mem[i + 6] = g;
				mem[i + 7] = h;

		count = SIZE;

	 * Get a random integer value.
	final int nextInt() {
		if (0 == count--) {
			count = SIZE - 1;

		return (rsl[count]);

	 * Reseeds this random object.<br>
	 * The given seed supplements (using bitwise xor), rather than replaces, the
	 * existing seed.
	 * @param seed
	 *            An integer array containing the seed.
	final void supplementSeed(int[] seed) {
		for (int i = 0; i < seed.length; i++)
			mem[i % mem.length] ^= seed[i];