
Complete the level upgrade protocol

Ian Goldberg 3 年之前
共有 4 个文件被更改,包括 454 次插入16 次删除
  1. 410 4
  2. 1 1
  3. 1 1
  4. 42 10

+ 410 - 4

@@ -141,7 +141,6 @@ pub struct Response {
     level_since: Scalar,
     TId: RistrettoPoint,
     TBucket: RistrettoPoint,
-    TInvRemain: RistrettoPoint,
     TInvIssued: RistrettoPoint,
     // The fields for the implicit noop migration ("nm") credential
@@ -208,6 +207,50 @@ define_proof! {
     // + ... + 256*CG8) as its value of CG0.
+define_proof! {
+    blindissue,
+    "Level Upgrade Issuing",
+    (x0, x0tilde, xid, xbucket, xlevel, xsince, xinvremain, xinvissued,
+     s, b, tid, tbucket, tinvissued,
+     x0_nm, x0tilde_nm, xid_nm, xfrom_nm, xto_nm, s_nm, b_nm, tid_nm, tbucket_nm),
+    (P, EncQ0, EncQ1, X0, Xid, Xbucket, Xlevel, Xsince, Xinvremain,
+     Xinvissued, Plevel, Psince, Pinvremain, TId, TBucket, TInvIssued,
+     P_nm, EncQ0_nm, EncQ1_nm, X0_nm, Xid_nm, Xfrom_nm, Xto_nm,
+     TId_nm, TBucket_nm,
+     D, EncId0, EncId1, EncBucket0, EncBucket1, EncInvIssued0, EncInvIssued1),
+    (A, B):
+    Xid = (xid*A),
+    Xid = (xid*A),
+    Xlevel = (xlevel*A),
+    Xbucket = (xbucket*A),
+    Xsince = (xsince*A),
+    Xinvremain = (xinvremain*A),
+    Xinvissued = (xinvissued*A),
+    X0 = (x0*B + x0tilde*A),
+    P = (b*B),
+    TId = (b*Xid),
+    TId = (tid*A),
+    TBucket = (b*Xbucket),
+    TBucket = (tbucket*A),
+    TInvIssued = (b*Xinvissued),
+    TInvIssued = (tinvissued*A),
+    EncQ0 = (s*B + tid*EncId0 + tbucket*EncBucket0 + tinvissued*EncInvIssued0),
+    EncQ1 = (s*D + tid*EncId1 + tbucket*EncBucket1
+            + tinvissued*EncInvIssued1 + x0*P + xlevel*Plevel + xsince*Psince
+            + xinvremain*Pinvremain),
+    Xid_nm = (xid_nm*A),
+    Xfrom_nm = (xfrom_nm*A),
+    Xto_nm = (xto_nm*A),
+    X0_nm = (x0_nm*B + x0tilde_nm*A),
+    P_nm = (b_nm*B),
+    TId_nm = (b_nm*Xid_nm),
+    TId_nm = (tid_nm*A),
+    TBucket_nm = (b_nm*Xfrom_nm + b_nm*Xto_nm),
+    TBucket_nm = (tbucket_nm*A),
+    EncQ0_nm = (s_nm*B + tid_nm*EncId0 + tbucket_nm*EncBucket0),
+    EncQ1_nm = (s_nm*D + tid_nm*EncId1 + tbucket_nm*EncBucket1 + x0_nm*P_nm)
 pub fn request(
     lox_cred: &cred::Lox,
     reach_cred: &cred::BucketReachability,
@@ -231,7 +274,7 @@ pub fn request(
         Some(v) => v,
         None => return Err(ProofError::VerificationFailure),
-    if trust_level < 1 {
+    if trust_level < 1 || (trust_level as usize) > MAX_LEVEL {
         return Err(ProofError::VerificationFailure);
     // The trust level has to be no higher than the highest level
@@ -260,6 +303,12 @@ pub fn request(
     if reach_date != today {
         return Err(ProofError::VerificationFailure);
+    // The new trust level
+    let new_level = if (trust_level as usize) < MAX_LEVEL {
+        trust_level + 1
+    } else {
+        trust_level
+    };
     // Blind showing the Lox credential
@@ -331,7 +380,7 @@ pub fn request(
     // Encrypt the other blinded fields (times B) to D as well
     let ebucket = Scalar::random(&mut rng);
     let EncBucket = (&ebucket * Btable, &lox_cred.bucket * Btable + ebucket * D);
-    let newinvites: Scalar = LEVEL_INVITATIONS[trust_level as usize].into();
+    let newinvites: Scalar = LEVEL_INVITATIONS[new_level as usize].into();
     let einvissued = Scalar::random(&mut rng);
     let EncInvIssued = (
         &einvissued * Btable,
@@ -561,9 +610,366 @@ pub fn request(
             bucket: lox_cred.bucket,
-            level: lox_cred.trust_level + Scalar::one(),
+            level: new_level.into(),
             invremain: newinvites,
             invissued: lox_cred.invites_issued,
+impl BridgeAuth {
+    /// Receive a level up request
+    pub fn handle_level_up(&mut self, req: Request) -> Result<Response, ProofError> {
+        let A: &RistrettoPoint = &CMZ_A;
+        let B: &RistrettoPoint = &CMZ_B;
+        let Atable: &RistrettoBasepointTable = &CMZ_A_TABLE;
+        let Btable: &RistrettoBasepointTable = &CMZ_B_TABLE;
+        if req.P.is_identity() {
+            return Err(ProofError::VerificationFailure);
+        }
+        let today: Scalar = self.today().into();
+        // Get the level and ensure it's at most MAX_LEVEL
+        let level: usize = match scalar_u32(&req.level) {
+            Some(l) if l as usize <= MAX_LEVEL => l as usize,
+            _ => return Err(ProofError::VerificationFailure),
+        };
+        // Recompute the "error factors" using knowledge of our own
+        // (the issuer's) private key instead of knowledge of the
+        // hidden attributes
+        let Vprime =
+            (self.lox_priv.x[0] + self.lox_priv.x[1] * req.id + self.lox_priv.x[3] * req.level)
+                * req.P
+                + self.lox_priv.x[2] * req.CBucket
+                + self.lox_priv.x[4] * req.CSince
+                + self.lox_priv.x[5] * req.CInvRemain
+                + self.lox_priv.x[6] * req.CInvIssued
+                - req.CQ;
+        let Vprime_reach = (self.reachability_priv.x[0] + self.reachability_priv.x[1] * today)
+            * req.P_reach
+            + self.reachability_priv.x[2] * req.CBucket_reach
+            - req.CQ_reach;
+        // Recompute CG0 using Horner's method
+        let unt: Scalar = LEVEL_INTERVAL[level].into();
+        let CG0prime = (today - unt) * req.P
+            - req.CSince
+            - pt_dbl(
+                &(pt_dbl(
+                    &(pt_dbl(
+                        &(pt_dbl(
+                            &(pt_dbl(
+                                &(pt_dbl(&(pt_dbl(&(pt_dbl(&req.CG8) + req.CG7)) + req.CG6))
+                                    + req.CG5),
+                            ) + req.CG4),
+                        ) + req.CG3),
+                    ) + req.CG2),
+                ) + req.CG1),
+            );
+        // Verify the ZKP
+        let mut transcript = Transcript::new(b"level upgrade request");
+        requestproof::verify_compact(
+            &req.piUser,
+            &mut transcript,
+            requestproof::VerifyAssignments {
+                A: &A.compress(),
+                B: &B.compress(),
+                P: &req.P.compress(),
+                CBucket: &req.CBucket.compress(),
+                CSince: &req.CSince.compress(),
+                CInvRemain: &req.CInvRemain.compress(),
+                CInvIssued: &req.CInvIssued.compress(),
+                V: &Vprime.compress(),
+                Xbucket: &self.lox_pub.X[2].compress(),
+                Xsince: &self.lox_pub.X[4].compress(),
+                Xinvremain: &self.lox_pub.X[5].compress(),
+                Xinvissued: &self.lox_pub.X[6].compress(),
+                P_reach: &req.P_reach.compress(),
+                CBucket_reach: &req.CBucket_reach.compress(),
+                V_reach: &Vprime_reach.compress(),
+                Xbucket_reach: &self.reachability_pub.X[2].compress(),
+                D: &req.D.compress(),
+                EncIdClient0: &req.EncIdClient.0.compress(),
+                EncIdClient1: &req.EncIdClient.1.compress(),
+                EncBucket0: &req.EncBucket.0.compress(),
+                EncBucket1: &req.EncBucket.1.compress(),
+                EncInvIssued0: &req.EncInvIssued.0.compress(),
+                EncInvIssued1: &req.EncInvIssued.1.compress(),
+                CG0: &CG0prime.compress(),
+                CG1: &req.CG1.compress(),
+                CG2: &req.CG2.compress(),
+                CG3: &req.CG3.compress(),
+                CG4: &req.CG4.compress(),
+                CG5: &req.CG5.compress(),
+                CG6: &req.CG6.compress(),
+                CG7: &req.CG7.compress(),
+                CG8: &req.CG8.compress(),
+                CG0sq: &req.CG0sq.compress(),
+                CG1sq: &req.CG1sq.compress(),
+                CG2sq: &req.CG2sq.compress(),
+                CG3sq: &req.CG3sq.compress(),
+                CG4sq: &req.CG4sq.compress(),
+                CG5sq: &req.CG5sq.compress(),
+                CG6sq: &req.CG6sq.compress(),
+                CG7sq: &req.CG7sq.compress(),
+                CG8sq: &req.CG8sq.compress(),
+            },
+        )?;
+        // Ensure the id has not been seen before, and add it to the
+        // seen list.
+        if self.id_filter.filter(&req.id) == SeenType::Seen {
+            return Err(ProofError::VerificationFailure);
+        }
+        // Blind issuing of the new Lox credential
+        // Choose a random server id component to add to the client's
+        // (blinded) id component
+        let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
+        let id_server = Scalar::random(&mut rng);
+        let EncId = (req.EncIdClient.0, req.EncIdClient.1 + &id_server * Btable);
+        // Create the trust_level attrubute (Scalar), which will be
+        // one more than the current level, unless the current level is
+        // MAX_LEVEL, in which case it stays the same
+        let new_level = if level < MAX_LEVEL { level + 1 } else { level };
+        let trust_level: Scalar = (new_level as u64).into();
+        // Create the level_since attribute (Scalar), which is today's
+        // Julian date
+        let level_since: Scalar = self.today().into();
+        // Create the invitations_remaining attribute (Scalar), which is
+        // the number of invitations at the new level
+        let invitations_remaining: Scalar = LEVEL_INVITATIONS[new_level].into();
+        // Compute the MAC on the visible attributes
+        let b = Scalar::random(&mut rng);
+        let P = &b * Btable;
+        let QHc = (self.lox_priv.x[0]
+            + self.lox_priv.x[3] * trust_level
+            + self.lox_priv.x[4] * level_since
+            + self.lox_priv.x[5] * invitations_remaining)
+            * P;
+        // El Gamal encrypt it to the public key req.D
+        let s = Scalar::random(&mut rng);
+        let EncQHc = (&s * Btable, QHc + s * req.D);
+        // Homomorphically compute the part of the MAC corresponding to
+        // the blinded attributes
+        let tid = self.lox_priv.x[1] * b;
+        let TId = &tid * Atable;
+        let EncQId = (tid * EncId.0, tid * EncId.1);
+        let tbucket = self.lox_priv.x[2] * b;
+        let TBucket = &tbucket * Atable;
+        let EncQBucket = (tbucket * req.EncBucket.0, tbucket * req.EncBucket.1);
+        let tinvissued = self.lox_priv.x[6] * b;
+        let TInvIssued = &tinvissued * Atable;
+        let EncQInvIssued = (
+            tinvissued * req.EncInvIssued.0,
+            tinvissued * req.EncInvIssued.1,
+        );
+        let EncQ = (
+            EncQHc.0 + EncQId.0 + EncQBucket.0 + EncQInvIssued.0,
+            EncQHc.1 + EncQId.1 + EncQBucket.1 + EncQInvIssued.1,
+        );
+        // Now the no-op migration credential
+        // Compute the MAC on the visible attributes (none here)
+        let b_nm = Scalar::random(&mut rng);
+        let P_nm = &b_nm * Btable;
+        let QHc_nm = (self.migration_priv.x[0]) * P_nm;
+        // El Gamal encrypt it to the public key req.D
+        let s_nm = Scalar::random(&mut rng);
+        let EncQHc_nm = (&s_nm * Btable, QHc_nm + s_nm * req.D);
+        // Homomorphically compute the part of the MAC corresponding to
+        // the blinded attributes
+        let tid_nm = self.migration_priv.x[1] * b_nm;
+        let TId_nm = &tid_nm * Atable;
+        let EncQId_nm = (tid_nm * EncId.0, tid_nm * EncId.1);
+        let tbucket_nm = (self.migration_priv.x[2] + self.migration_priv.x[3]) * b_nm;
+        let TBucket_nm = &tbucket_nm * Atable;
+        let EncQBucket_nm = (tbucket_nm * req.EncBucket.0, tbucket_nm * req.EncBucket.1);
+        let EncQ_nm = (
+            EncQHc_nm.0 + EncQId_nm.0 + EncQBucket_nm.0,
+            EncQHc_nm.1 + EncQId_nm.1 + EncQBucket_nm.1,
+        );
+        let mut transcript = Transcript::new(b"level upgrade issuing");
+        let piBlindIssue = blindissue::prove_compact(
+            &mut transcript,
+            blindissue::ProveAssignments {
+                A: &A,
+                B: &B,
+                P: &P,
+                EncQ0: &EncQ.0,
+                EncQ1: &EncQ.1,
+                X0: &self.lox_pub.X[0],
+                Xid: &self.lox_pub.X[1],
+                Xbucket: &self.lox_pub.X[2],
+                Xlevel: &self.lox_pub.X[3],
+                Xsince: &self.lox_pub.X[4],
+                Xinvremain: &self.lox_pub.X[5],
+                Xinvissued: &self.lox_pub.X[6],
+                Plevel: &(trust_level * P),
+                Psince: &(level_since * P),
+                Pinvremain: &(invitations_remaining * P),
+                TId: &TId,
+                TBucket: &TBucket,
+                TInvIssued: &TInvIssued,
+                P_nm: &P_nm,
+                EncQ0_nm: &EncQ_nm.0,
+                EncQ1_nm: &EncQ_nm.1,
+                X0_nm: &self.migration_pub.X[0],
+                Xid_nm: &self.migration_pub.X[1],
+                Xfrom_nm: &self.migration_pub.X[2],
+                Xto_nm: &self.migration_pub.X[3],
+                TId_nm: &TId_nm,
+                TBucket_nm: &TBucket_nm,
+                D: &req.D,
+                EncId0: &EncId.0,
+                EncId1: &EncId.1,
+                EncBucket0: &req.EncBucket.0,
+                EncBucket1: &req.EncBucket.1,
+                EncInvIssued0: &req.EncInvIssued.0,
+                EncInvIssued1: &req.EncInvIssued.1,
+                x0: &self.lox_priv.x[0],
+                x0tilde: &self.lox_priv.x0tilde,
+                xid: &self.lox_priv.x[1],
+                xbucket: &self.lox_priv.x[2],
+                xlevel: &self.lox_priv.x[3],
+                xsince: &self.lox_priv.x[4],
+                xinvremain: &self.lox_priv.x[5],
+                xinvissued: &self.lox_priv.x[6],
+                s: &s,
+                b: &b,
+                tid: &tid,
+                tbucket: &tbucket,
+                tinvissued: &tinvissued,
+                x0_nm: &self.migration_priv.x[0],
+                x0tilde_nm: &self.migration_priv.x0tilde,
+                xid_nm: &self.migration_priv.x[1],
+                xfrom_nm: &self.migration_priv.x[2],
+                xto_nm: &self.migration_priv.x[3],
+                s_nm: &s_nm,
+                b_nm: &b_nm,
+                tid_nm: &tid_nm,
+                tbucket_nm: &tbucket_nm,
+            },
+        )
+        .0;
+        Ok(Response {
+            P,
+            EncQ,
+            id_server,
+            level_since,
+            TId,
+            TBucket,
+            TInvIssued,
+            P_nm,
+            EncQ_nm,
+            TId_nm,
+            TBucket_nm,
+            piBlindIssue,
+        })
+    }
+/// Handle the response to the request, producing the new Lox credential
+/// if successful.
+pub fn handle_response(
+    state: State,
+    resp: Response,
+    lox_pub: &IssuerPubKey,
+    migration_pub: &IssuerPubKey,
+) -> Result<cred::Lox, ProofError> {
+    let A: &RistrettoPoint = &CMZ_A;
+    let B: &RistrettoPoint = &CMZ_B;
+    let Btable: &RistrettoBasepointTable = &CMZ_B_TABLE;
+    if resp.P.is_identity() || resp.P_nm.is_identity() {
+        return Err(ProofError::VerificationFailure);
+    }
+    // Add the server's contribution to the id to our own, both in plain
+    // and encrypted form
+    let id = state.id_client + resp.id_server;
+    let EncId = (
+        state.EncIdClient.0,
+        state.EncIdClient.1 + &resp.id_server * Btable,
+    );
+    // Verify the proof
+    let mut transcript = Transcript::new(b"level upgrade issuing");
+    blindissue::verify_compact(
+        &resp.piBlindIssue,
+        &mut transcript,
+        blindissue::VerifyAssignments {
+            A: &A.compress(),
+            B: &B.compress(),
+            P: &resp.P.compress(),
+            EncQ0: &resp.EncQ.0.compress(),
+            EncQ1: &resp.EncQ.1.compress(),
+            X0: &lox_pub.X[0].compress(),
+            Xid: &lox_pub.X[1].compress(),
+            Xbucket: &lox_pub.X[2].compress(),
+            Xlevel: &lox_pub.X[3].compress(),
+            Xsince: &lox_pub.X[4].compress(),
+            Xinvremain: &lox_pub.X[5].compress(),
+            Xinvissued: &lox_pub.X[6].compress(),
+            Plevel: &(state.level * resp.P).compress(),
+            Psince: &(resp.level_since * resp.P).compress(),
+            Pinvremain: &(state.invremain * resp.P).compress(),
+            TId: &resp.TId.compress(),
+            TBucket: &resp.TBucket.compress(),
+            TInvIssued: &resp.TInvIssued.compress(),
+            P_nm: &resp.P_nm.compress(),
+            EncQ0_nm: &resp.EncQ_nm.0.compress(),
+            EncQ1_nm: &resp.EncQ_nm.1.compress(),
+            X0_nm: &migration_pub.X[0].compress(),
+            Xid_nm: &migration_pub.X[1].compress(),
+            Xfrom_nm: &migration_pub.X[2].compress(),
+            Xto_nm: &migration_pub.X[3].compress(),
+            TId_nm: &resp.TId_nm.compress(),
+            TBucket_nm: &resp.TBucket_nm.compress(),
+            D: &state.D.compress(),
+            EncId0: &EncId.0.compress(),
+            EncId1: &EncId.1.compress(),
+            EncBucket0: &state.EncBucket.0.compress(),
+            EncBucket1: &state.EncBucket.1.compress(),
+            EncInvIssued0: &state.EncInvIssued.0.compress(),
+            EncInvIssued1: &state.EncInvIssued.1.compress(),
+        },
+    )?;
+    // Decrypt EncQ
+    let Q = resp.EncQ.1 - (state.d * resp.EncQ.0);
+    // Decrypt EncQ_nm
+    let Q_nm = resp.EncQ_nm.1 - (state.d * resp.EncQ_nm.0);
+    Ok(cred::Lox {
+        P: resp.P,
+        Q,
+        id,
+        bucket: state.bucket,
+        trust_level: state.level,
+        level_since: resp.level_since,
+        invites_remaining: state.invremain,
+        invites_issued: state.invissued,
+        P_noopmigration: resp.P_nm,
+        Q_noopmigration: Q_nm,
+    })

+ 1 - 1

@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ impl BridgeAuth {
         let EncQHc = (&s * Btable, QHc + s * req.D);
         // Homomorphically compute the part of the MAC corresponding to
-        // the blinded id attribute
+        // the blinded attributes
         let tid = self.lox_priv.x[1] * b;
         let TId = &tid * Atable;
         let EncQId = (tid * EncId.0, tid * EncId.1);

+ 1 - 1

@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ impl BridgeAuth {
         // Ensure the id has not been seen before, either in the general
-        // if filter, or the filter specifically for trust promotion.
+        // id filter, or the filter specifically for trust promotion.
         // Add the id to the latter, but not the former.
         if self.id_filter.check(&req.id) == SeenType::Seen
             || self.trust_promotion_filter.filter(&req.id) == SeenType::Seen

+ 42 - 10

@@ -147,25 +147,57 @@ fn test_level0_migration() {
-fn test_level_up() {
-    let (bdb, mut ba) = setup();
-    let loxcred = level0_migration(&bdb, &mut ba);
-    // Time passes
-    ba.advance_days(20);
-    let (id, key) = bridge_table::from_scalar(loxcred.bucket).unwrap();
+fn level_up(ba: &mut BridgeAuth, cred: &cred::Lox) -> cred::Lox {
+    // Read the bucket in the credential to get today's Bucket
+    // Reachability credential
+    let (id, key) = bridge_table::from_scalar(cred.bucket).unwrap();
     let encbuckets = ba.enc_bridge_table();
     let bucket =
         bridge_table::BridgeTable::decrypt_bucket(id, &key, &encbuckets[id as usize]).unwrap();
     let reachcred = bucket.1.unwrap();
+    // Use the Bucket Reachability credential to advance to the next
+    // level
     let (req, state) = level_up::request(
-        &loxcred,
+        &cred,
+    let resp = ba.handle_level_up(req).unwrap();
+    let cred = level_up::handle_response(state, resp, &ba.lox_pub, &ba.migration_pub).unwrap();
+    cred
+fn test_level_up() {
+    let (bdb, mut ba) = setup();
+    let cred1 = level0_migration(&bdb, &mut ba);
+    assert!(scalar_u32(&cred1.trust_level).unwrap() == 1);
+    // Time passes
+    ba.advance_days(20);
+    let cred2 = level_up(&mut ba, &cred1);
+    assert!(scalar_u32(&cred2.trust_level).unwrap() == 2);
+    println!("cred2 = {:?}", cred2);
+    assert!(ba.verify_lox(&cred2));
+    // Time passes
+    ba.advance_days(30);
+    let cred3 = level_up(&mut ba, &cred2);
+    assert!(scalar_u32(&cred3.trust_level).unwrap() == 3);
+    println!("cred3 = {:?}", cred3);
+    assert!(ba.verify_lox(&cred3));
+    // Time passes
+    ba.advance_days(60);
+    let cred4 = level_up(&mut ba, &cred3);
+    assert!(scalar_u32(&cred3.trust_level).unwrap() == 3);
+    println!("cred4 = {:?}", cred4);
+    assert!(ba.verify_lox(&cred4));