# Lox Lox is a reputation-based bridge distribution system that provides privacy protection to users and their social graph and is open to all users. Lox is written in rust and requires `cargo` to test. [Install Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) ### To run the tests used for our experimental results: ``` cargo test --release -- --nocapture stats_test > stats_test.log ``` Note that: our implementation is coded such that the reachability certificate expires at 00:00 UTC. A workaround has been included in each test to pause if it is too close to this time so the request won't fail. In reality, if the bucket is still reachable, a user could simply request a new reachability token if their request fails for this reason (a new certificate should be available prior to the outdated certificate expiring). ### To run all Lox tests: ``` cargo test --release -- --nocapture test > testing.log ```