@@ -1,7 +1,18 @@
# [Work in Progress] Official Python wrapper for OpenFHE
+## Table of Contents
+- [Building](#building)
+ - [Prerequisites](#requirements)
+ - [Linux Install](#linux)
+ - [Installing the .so: Conda](#conda)
+ - [Installing the .so: System](#system-install)
+- [Running Examples](#examples)
## Building
+### Requirements
Before building, make sure you have the following dependencies installed:
- [CMake](https://cmake.org/)
@@ -16,11 +27,40 @@ With all the dependencies set up, clone the repository, open a terminal in the r
mkdir build
cd build
-cmake ..
+cmake .. // Alternatively, cmake .. -DOpenFHE_DIR=/path/to/installed/openfhe
-make install
-Obs.: If the last command fails, try running it with sudo.
+At this point the `.so` file has been built. Your exact installation process will depend on your virtual environment.
+#### Conda
+conda create -n ${ENV_NAME} python=3.{X} anaconda
+where `${ENV_NAME}` should be replaced with the name of your environment, and `{X}` should be replaced with your desired python version. For example you might have `
+conda create -n openfhe_python python=3.9 anaconda`
+then run
+mkdir lib
+mv *.so lib
+conda develop lib
+which creates a lib folder, moves the built `.so` file into that lib folder, and tells conda where to look for external libraries.
+**Note** You may wish to copy the `.so` file to any projects of your own, or add it to your system path to source from.
+#### System install
+make install // You may have to run sudo make install
+## Examples
After that, you can run the examples in the src/pke/examples folder: