@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+from openfhe import *
+# Sample Program: Step 1: Set CryptoContext
+cc = BinFHEContext()
+print("Generate cryptocontext\n")
+STD128 is the security level of 128 bits of security based on LWE Estimator
+and HE standard. Other common options are TOY, MEDIUM, STD192, and STD256. MEDIUM
+corresponds to the level of more than 100 bits for both quantum and
+classical computer attacks
+print("Finished generating cryptocontext\n")
+# Sample Program: Step 2: Key Generation
+# Generate the secret key
+sk = cc.KeyGen()
+print("Generating the bootstrapping keys...\n")
+# Generate the bootstrapping keys (refresh and switching keys)
+print("Completed the key generation.\n\n")
+# Sample Program: Step 3: Encryption
+# Encrypt two ciphertexts representing Boolean True (1).
+ct10 = cc.Encrypt(sk, 1)
+ct11 = cc.Encrypt(sk, 1)
+# Encrypt two ciphertexts representing Boolean False (0).
+ct00 = cc.Encrypt(sk, 0)
+ct01 = cc.Encrypt(sk, 0)
+# Sample Program: Step 4: Evaluation of NAND gates
+ctNAND1 = cc.EvalBinGate(NAND, ct10, ct11)
+ctNAND2 = cc.EvalBinGate(NAND, ct10, ct01)
+ctNAND3 = cc.EvalBinGate(NAND, ct00, ct01)
+ctNAND4 = cc.EvalBinGate(NAND, ct00, ct11)
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctNAND1)
+print(f"1 NAND 1 = {result}")
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctNAND2)
+print(f"1 NAND 0 = {result}")
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctNAND3)
+print(f"0 NAND 0 = {result}")
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctNAND4)
+print(f"0 NAND 1 = {result}")
+# Sample Program: Step 5: Evaluation of AND gates
+ctAND1 = cc.EvalBinGate(AND, ct10, ct11)
+ctAND2 = cc.EvalBinGate(AND, ct10, ct01)
+ctAND3 = cc.EvalBinGate(AND, ct00, ct01)
+ctAND4 = cc.EvalBinGate(AND, ct00, ct11)
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctAND1)
+print(f"1 AND 1 = {result}")
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctAND2)
+print(f"1 AND 0 = {result}")
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctAND3)
+print(f"0 AND 0 = {result}")
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctAND4)
+print(f"0 AND 1 = {result}")
+# Sample Program: Step 6: Evaluation of OR gates
+ctOR1 = cc.EvalBinGate(OR, ct10, ct11)
+ctOR2 = cc.EvalBinGate(OR, ct10, ct01)
+ctOR3 = cc.EvalBinGate(OR, ct00, ct01)
+ctOR4 = cc.EvalBinGate(OR, ct00, ct11)
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctOR1)
+print(f"1 OR 1 = {result}")
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctOR2)
+print(f"1 OR 0 = {result}")
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctOR3)
+print(f"0 OR 0 = {result}")
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctOR4)
+print(f"0 OR 1 = {result}")
+# Sample Program: Step 7: Evaluation of NOR gates
+ctNOR1 = cc.EvalBinGate(NOR, ct10, ct11)
+ctNOR2 = cc.EvalBinGate(NOR, ct10, ct01)
+ctNOR3 = cc.EvalBinGate(NOR, ct00, ct01)
+ctNOR4 = cc.EvalBinGate(NOR, ct00, ct11)
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctNOR1)
+print(f"1 NOR 1 = {result}")
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctNOR2)
+print(f"1 NOR 0 = {result}")
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctNOR3)
+print(f"0 NOR 0 = {result}")
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctNOR4)
+print(f"0 NOR 1 = {result}")
+# Sample Program: Step 8: Evaluation of XOR gates
+ctXOR1 = cc.EvalBinGate(XOR, ct10, ct11)
+ctXOR2 = cc.EvalBinGate(XOR, ct10, ct01)
+ctXOR3 = cc.EvalBinGate(XOR, ct00, ct01)
+ctXOR4 = cc.EvalBinGate(XOR, ct00, ct11)
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctXOR1)
+print(f"1 XOR 1 = {result}")
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctXOR2)
+print(f"1 XOR 0 = {result}")
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctXOR3)
+print(f"0 XOR 0 = {result}")
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctXOR4)
+print(f"0 XOR 1 = {result}")
+# Sample Program: Step 9: Evaluation of XNOR gates
+ctXNOR1 = cc.EvalBinGate(XNOR, ct10, ct11)
+ctXNOR2 = cc.EvalBinGate(XNOR, ct10, ct01)
+ctXNOR3 = cc.EvalBinGate(XNOR, ct00, ct01)
+ctXNOR4 = cc.EvalBinGate(XNOR, ct00, ct11)
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctXNOR1)
+print(f"1 XNOR 1 = {result}")
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctXNOR2)
+print(f"1 XNOR 0 = {result}")
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctXNOR3)
+print(f"0 XNOR 0 = {result}")
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctXNOR4)
+print(f"0 XNOR 1 = {result}")
+# Sample Program: Step 90: Evaluation of NOR gates
+# using XOR_FAT (1 boostrap but the probability of failure is higher)
+ctNOR1_FAST = cc.EvalBinGate(XOR_FAST, ct10, ct11)
+ctNOR2_FAST = cc.EvalBinGate(XOR_FAST, ct10, ct01)
+ctNOR3_FAST = cc.EvalBinGate(XOR_FAST, ct00, ct01)
+ctNOR4_FAST = cc.EvalBinGate(XOR_FAST, ct00, ct11)
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctNOR1_FAST)
+print(f"1 XOR_FAST 1 = {result}")
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctNOR2_FAST)
+print(f"1 XOR_FAST 0 = {result}")
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctNOR3_FAST)
+print(f"0 XOR_FAST 0 = {result}")
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctNOR4_FAST)
+print(f"0 XOR_FAST 1 = {result}")
+# Sample Program: Step 10: Evaluation of XNOR gates
+# using XNOR_FAT (1 boostrap but the probability of failure is higher)
+ctXNOR1_FAST = cc.EvalBinGate(XNOR_FAST, ct10, ct11)
+ctXNOR2_FAST = cc.EvalBinGate(XNOR_FAST, ct10, ct01)
+ctXNOR3_FAST = cc.EvalBinGate(XNOR_FAST, ct00, ct01)
+ctXNOR4_FAST = cc.EvalBinGate(XNOR_FAST, ct00, ct11)
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctXNOR1_FAST)
+print(f"1 XNOR_FAST 1 = {result}")
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctXNOR2_FAST)
+print(f"1 XNOR_FAST 0 = {result}")
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctXNOR3_FAST)
+print(f"0 XNOR_FAST 0 = {result}")
+result = cc.Decrypt(sk, ctXNOR4_FAST)
+print(f"0 XNOR_FAST 1 = {result}")