@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+from openfhe import *
+import math
+import random
+def main():
+ IterativeBootstrapExample()
+def CalculateApproximationError(result,expectedResult):
+ if len(result) != len(expectedResult):
+ raise Exception("Cannot compare vectors with different numbers of elements")
+ # using the infinity norm
+ maxError = 0
+ for i in range(len(result)):
+ # error is abs of the difference of real parts
+ error = abs(result[i].real - expectedResult[i].real)
+ if error > maxError:
+ maxError = error
+ # resturn absolute value of log base2 of the error
+ return abs(math.log(maxError,2))
+def IterativeBootstrapExample():
+ # Step 1: Set CryptoContext
+ parameters = CCParamsCKKSRNS()
+ secretKeyDist = SecretKeyDist.UNIFORM_TERNARY
+ parameters.SetSecretKeyDist(secretKeyDist)
+ parameters.SetSecurityLevel(SecurityLevel.HEStd_NotSet)
+ parameters.SetRingDim(1 << 12)
+ rescaleTech = ScalingTechnique.FLEXIBLEAUTO
+ dcrtBits = 59
+ firstMod = 60
+ parameters.SetScalingModSize(dcrtBits)
+ parameters.SetScalingTechnique(rescaleTech)
+ parameters.SetFirstModSize(firstMod)
+ # Here, we specify the number of iterations to run bootstrapping.
+ # Note that we currently only support 1 or 2 iterations.
+ # Two iterations should give us approximately double the precision of one iteration.
+ numIterations = 2
+ levelBudget = [3, 3]
+ # Each extra iteration on top of 1 requires an extra level to be consumed.
+ approxBootstrappDepth = 8 + (numIterations - 1)
+ bsgsDim = [0,0]
+ levelsUsedBeforeBootstrap = 10
+ depth = levelsUsedBeforeBootstrap + FHECKKSRNS.GetBootstrapDepth(approxBootstrappDepth, levelBudget, secretKeyDist)
+ parameters.SetMultiplicativeDepth(depth)
+ # Generate crypto context
+ cryptocontext = GenCryptoContext(parameters)
+ # Enable features that you wish to use. Note, we must enable FHE to use bootstrapping.
+ cryptocontext.Enable(PKESchemeFeature.PKE)
+ cryptocontext.Enable(PKESchemeFeature.KEYSWITCH)
+ cryptocontext.Enable(PKESchemeFeature.LEVELEDSHE)
+ cryptocontext.Enable(PKESchemeFeature.ADVANCEDSHE)
+ cryptocontext.Enable(PKESchemeFeature.FHE)
+ ringDim = cryptocontext.GetRingDimension()
+ print(f"CKKS is using ring dimension {ringDim}\n\n")
+ # Step 2: Precomputations for bootstrapping
+ # We use a sparse packing
+ numSlots = 8
+ cryptocontext.EvalBootstrapSetup(levelBudget, bsgsDim, numSlots)
+ # Step 3: Key generation
+ keyPair = cryptocontext.KeyGen()
+ cryptocontext.EvalMultKeyGen(keyPair.secretKey)
+ # Generate bootstrapping keys.
+ cryptocontext.EvalBootstrapKeyGen(keyPair.secretKey, numSlots)
+ # Step 4: Encoding and encryption of inputs
+ # Generate random input
+ x = []
+ for i in range(numSlots):
+ x.append(random.uniform(0, 1))
+ """ Encoding as plaintexts
+ We specify the number of slots as numSlots to achieve a performance improvement.
+ We use the other default values of depth 1, levels 0, and no params.
+ Alternatively, you can also set batch size as a parameter in the CryptoContext as follows:
+ parameters.SetBatchSize(numSlots);
+ Here, we assume all ciphertexts in the cryptoContext will have numSlots slots.
+ We start with a depleted ciphertext that has used up all of its levels."""
+ ptxt = cryptocontext.MakeCKKSPackedPlaintext(x, 1, depth -1,None,numSlots)
+ # Encrypt the encoded vectors
+ ciph = cryptocontext.Encrypt(keyPair.publicKey, ptxt)
+ # Step 5: Measure the precision of a single bootstrapping operation.
+ ciphertextAfter = cryptocontext.EvalBootstrap(ciph)
+ result = Decrypt(ciphertextAfter,keyPair.secretKey)
+ result.SetLength(numSlots)
+ precision = CalculateApproximationError(result.GetCKKSPackedValue(),ptxt.GetCKKSPackedValue())
+ print(f"Bootstrapping precision after 1 iteration: {precision} bits\n")
+ # Set the precision equal to empirically measured value after many test runs.
+ precision = 17
+ print(f"Precision input to algorithm: {precision}\n")
+ # Step 6: Run bootstrapping with multiple iterations
+ ciphertextTwoIterations = cryptocontext.EvalBootstrap(ciph,numIterations,precision)
+ resultTwoIterations = Decrypt(ciphertextTwoIterations,keyPair.secretKey)
+ resultTwoIterations.SetLength(numSlots)
+ actualResult = resultTwoIterations.GetCKKSPackedValue()
+ print(f"Output after two interations of bootstrapping: {actualResult}\n")
+ precisionMultipleIterations = CalculateApproximationError(actualResult,ptxt.GetCKKSPackedValue())
+ print(f"Bootstrapping precision after 2 iterations: {precisionMultipleIterations} bits\n")
+ print(f"Number of levels remaining after 2 bootstrappings: {depth - ciphertextTwoIterations.GetLevel()}\n")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()