cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.5.1) ### To use gcc/g++ on a Macintosh, you must set the Compilers ### here, not inside the project ##if(APPLE) ## set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER "/usr/local/bin/gcc-7") ## set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "/usr/local/bin/g++-7") ##endif() ### TODO: for now, we use CLang for Mac ### ### In order to create OpenFHE's static libraries you should enable ### the BUILD_STATIC option. For that, you run "cmake .. -DBUILD_STATIC=ON". ### After having your link completed you will find static libs ### with the suffix "_static" in ./build/libs/. ### Examples: OPENFHEpke_static.a, OPENFHEcore_static.a, etc. ### After you run "make install" in your build directory, you can build your custom application. ### If you need your application to be linked statically, then run "cmake .. -DBUILD_STATIC=ON" project(openfhe) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) option( BUILD_STATIC "Set to ON to include static versions of the library" OFF) find_package(OpenFHE) find_package(pybind11 REQUIRED) set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS ${OpenFHE_CXX_FLAGS} ) set( OpenFHE_Py_SOURCES src) set( OpenFHE_Py_INCLUDES include) include_directories( ${OPENMP_INCLUDES} ) include_directories( ${OpenFHE_INCLUDE} ) include_directories( ${OpenFHE_INCLUDE}/third-party/include ) include_directories( ${OpenFHE_INCLUDE}/core ) include_directories( ${OpenFHE_INCLUDE}/pke ) # include_directories( ${OpenFHE_Py_SOURCES} ) include_directories( ${OpenFHE_Py_INCLUDES}/pke ) include_directories( ${OpenFHE_Py_INCLUDES} ) ### add directories for other OpenFHE modules as needed for your project link_directories( ${OpenFHE_LIBDIR} ) link_directories( ${OPENMP_LIBRARIES} ) if(BUILD_STATIC) set( CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${OpenFHE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -static") link_libraries( ${OpenFHE_STATIC_LIBRARIES} ) else() set( CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS ${OpenFHE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} ) link_libraries( ${OpenFHE_SHARED_LIBRARIES} ) endif() ### ADD YOUR EXECUTABLE(s) HERE ### add_executable( EXECUTABLE-NAME SOURCES ) ### ### EXAMPLE: ### add_executable( test demo-simple-example.cpp ) ### Pybind Modules pybind11_add_module(openfhe src/bindings.cpp src/pke/decryption.cpp src/pke/serialization.cpp src/pke/cryptocontext_wrapper.cpp) ### Python installation find_package(Python REQUIRED COMPONENTS Interpreter Development) execute_process( COMMAND "${Python_EXECUTABLE}" -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())" OUTPUT_VARIABLE PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) message(STATUS "Python site packages directory: ${PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES}") install(TARGETS openfhe LIBRARY DESTINATION ${PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES})