#ifndef PLAINTEXT_DOCSTRINGS_H #define PLAINTEXT_DOCSTRINGS_H const char* ptx_GetScalingFactor_docs = R"doc( Get the scaling factor of the plaintext for CKKS-based plaintexts. Returns ------- float: The scaling factor of the plaintext. )doc"; const char* ptx_SetScalingFactor_docs = R"doc( Set the scaling factor of the plaintext for CKKS-based plaintexts. Parameters ---------- sf (float): The scaling factor to set. )doc"; const char* ptx_GetLength_docs = R"doc( Get method to return the length of the plaintext. Returns ------- int: The length of the plaintext in terms of the number of bits. )doc"; const char* ptx_GetSchemeID_docs = R"doc( Get the encryption technique of the plaintext for BFV-based plaintexts. Returns ------- SCHEME: The scheme ID of the plaintext. )doc"; const char* ptx_SetLength_docs = R"doc( resize the plaintext; only works for plaintexts that support a resizable vector (coefpacked) Parameters ---------- newSize (int): - )doc"; const char* ptx_IsEncoded_docs = R"doc( Check if the plaintext is encoded. Returns ------- bool: True if the plaintext is encoded, False otherwise. )doc"; const char* ptx_GetLogPrecision_docs = R"doc( Get the log of the plaintext precision. Returns ------- float: The log of the plaintext precision. )doc"; const char* ptx_Encode_docs = R"doc( Encode the plaintext into a polynomial Returns ------- None )doc"; const char* ptx_Decode_docs = R"doc( Decode the polynomial into a plaintext Returns ------- None )doc"; const char* ptx_GetCKKSPackedValue_docs = R"doc( Get the packed value of the plaintext for CKKS-based plaintexts. Returns ------- List[complex]: The packed value of the plaintext. )doc"; #endif // PLAINTEXT_DOCSTRINGS_H