123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881882883884885886887888889890891892893894895896897898899900901902903904905906907908909910911912913914915916917918919920921922923924925926927928929930931932933934935936937938939940941942943944945946947948949950951952953954955956957958959960961962963964965966967968969970971972973974975976977978979980981982983984985 |
- #include "pybind11/pybind11.h"
- #include "pybind11/attr.h"
- namespace py = pybind11;
- const char* cc_SetKeyGenLevel_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Set the level used for key generation
- :param level: the level to set the key generation to
- :type level: int
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_GetKeyGenLevel_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Get the level used for key generation
- :return: The level used for key generation
- :rtype: int
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_GetRingDimension_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Get the ring dimension used for this context
- :return: The ring dimension
- :rtype: int
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_Enable_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Enable a particular feature for use with this CryptoContext
- :param feature: the feature that should be enabled.
- The list of available features is defined in the PKESchemeFeature enum.
- :type feature: PKESchemeFeature
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_KeyGen_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Generate a public and private key pair
- :return: a public/secret key pair
- :rtype: KeyPair
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalMultKeyGen_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalMultKeyGen creates a key that can be used with the OpenFHE EvalMult operator.
- The new evaluation key is stored in cryptocontext.
- :param privateKey: the private key
- :type privateKey: PrivateKey
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalMultKeysGen_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalMultsKeyGen creates a vector evalmult keys that can be used with the OpenFHE EvalMult operator.
- The 1st key (for s^2) is used for multiplication of ciphertexts of depth 1.
- The 2nd key (for s^3) is used for multiplication of ciphertexts of depth 2, etc.
- A vector of new evaluation keys is stored in cryptocontext.
- :param privateKey: the private key
- :type privateKey: PrivateKey
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalRotateKeyGen_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalRotateKeyGen generates evaluation keys for a list of indices
- :param privateKey: private key
- :type privateKey: PrivateKey
- :param indexList: list of integers representing the indices
- :type indexList: list
- :param publicKey: public key (used in NTRU schemes)
- :type publicKey: PublicKey
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_MakeStringPlaintext_docs = R"pbdoc(
- MakeStringPlaintext constructs a StringEncoding in this context.
- :param str: the string to convert
- :type str: str
- :return: plaintext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_MakePackedPlaintext_docs = R"pbdoc(
- MakePackedPlaintext constructs a PackedEncoding in this context
- :param value: the vector (of integers) to convert
- :type value: list
- :param depth: is the multiplicative depth to encode the plaintext at
- :type depth: int
- :param level: is the level to encode the plaintext at
- :type level: int
- :return: plaintext
- :rtype: Plaintext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_MakeCoefPackedPlaintext_docs = R"pbdoc(
- MakeCoefPackedPlaintext constructs a CoefPackedEncoding in this context
- :param value: the vector (of integers) to convert
- :type value: list
- :param depth: is the multiplicative depth to encode the plaintext at
- :type depth: int
- :param level: is the level to encode the plaintext at
- :type level: int
- :return: plaintext
- :rtype: Plaintext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_MakeCKKSPackedPlaintextComplex_docs = R"pbdoc(
- COMPLEX ARITHMETIC IS NOT AVAILABLE STARTING WITH OPENFHE 1.10.6, AND THIS METHOD BE DEPRECATED. USE THE REAL-NUMBER METHOD INSTEAD. MakeCKKSPackedPlaintext constructs a CKKSPackedEncoding in this context from a vector of complex numbers
- :param value: input vector (of complex numbers)
- :type value: list
- :param depth: depth used to encode the vector
- :type depth: int
- :param level: level at each the vector will get encrypted
- :type level: int
- :param params: parameters to be used for the ciphertext (Only accepting params = None in this version)
- :type params: openfhe.ParmType
- :param slots: number of slots
- :type slots: int
- :return: plaintext
- :rtype: Plaintext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_MakeCKKSPlaintextReal_docs = R"pbdoc(
- MakeCKKSPlaintext constructs a CKKSPackedEncoding in this context from a vector of real numbers
- :param value: input vector (of floats)
- :type value: list
- :param depth: depth used to encode the vector
- :type depth: int
- :param level: level at each the vector will get encrypted
- :type level: int
- :param params: parameters to be used for the ciphertext (Only accepting params = None in this version)
- :type params: openfhe.ParmType
- :param slots: number of slots
- :type slots: int
- :return: plaintext
- :rtype: Plaintext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalRotate_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalRotate rotates a ciphertext by a given index
- :param ciphertext: the ciphertext to rotate
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :param index: the index of the rotation. Positive indices correspond to left rotations and negative indices correspond to right rotations.
- :type index: int
- :return: the rotated ciphertext
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalFastRotationPreCompute_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalFastRotationPrecompute implements the precomputation step of hoisted automorphisms.
- Please refer to Section 5 of Halevi and Shoup, "Faster Homomorphic
- linear transformations in HELib." for more details, link:
- https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/244.
- Generally, automorphisms are performed with three steps:
- (1) The automorphism is applied to the ciphertext.
- (2) The automorphed values are decomposed into digits.
- (3) Key switching is applied to enable further computations on the ciphertext.
- Hoisted automorphisms are a technique that performs the digit decomposition for the original ciphertext first,
- and then performs the automorphism and the key switching on the decomposed digits.
- The benefit of this is that the digit decomposition is independent of the automorphism rotation index,
- so it can be reused for multiple different indices.
- This can greatly improve performance when we have to compute many automorphisms on the same ciphertext.
- This routinely happens when we do permutations (EvalPermute).
- EvalFastRotationPrecompute implements the digit decomposition step of hoisted automorphisms.
- :param ciphertext: the input ciphertext on which to do the precomputation (digit decomposition)
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :return: the precomputed ciphertext created using the digit decomposition
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalFastRotation_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalFastRotation implements the automorphism and key switching step of hoisted automorphisms.
- Please refer to Section 5 of Halevi and Shoup, "Faster Homomorphic
- linear transformations in HELib." for more details, link:
- https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/244.
- Generally, automorphisms are performed with three steps:
- (1) The automorphism is applied to the ciphertext.
- (2) The automorphed values are decomposed into digits.
- (3) Key switching is applied to enable further computations on the ciphertext.
- Hoisted automorphisms are a technique that performs the digit decomposition for the original ciphertext first,
- and then performs the automorphism and the key switching on the decomposed digits.
- The benefit of this is that the digit decomposition is independent of the automorphism rotation index,
- so it can be reused for multiple different indices.
- This can greatly improve performance when we have to compute many automorphisms on the same ciphertext.
- This routinely happens when we do permutations (EvalPermute).
- EvalFastRotation implements the automorphism and key switching step of hoisted automorphisms.
- This method assumes that all required rotation keys exist.
- This may not be true if we are using baby-step/giant-step key switching.
- Please refer to Section 5.1 of the above reference and EvalPermuteBGStepHoisted to see how to deal with this issue.
- :param ciphertext: the input ciphertext to perform the automorphism on
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :param index: the index of the rotation. Positive indices correspond to left rotations and negative indices correspond to right rotations.
- :type index: int
- :param m: is the cyclotomic order
- :type m: int
- :param digits: the precomputed ciphertext created by EvalFastRotationPrecompute using the digit decomposition at the precomputation step
- :type digits: Ciphertext
- :return: the rotated ciphertext
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalFastRotationExt_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Only supported for hybrid key switching. Performs fast (hoisted) rotation and returns the results in the extended CRT basis P*Q
- :param ciphertext: input ciphertext
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :param index: the rotation index
- :type index: int
- :param digits: the precomputed ciphertext created by EvalFastRotationPrecompute
- :type digits: Ciphertext
- :param addFirst: if true, the first element c0 is also computed (otherwise ignored)
- :type addFirst: bool
- :return: resulting ciphertext
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalAtIndex_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Moves i-th slot to slot 0
- :param ciphertext: the ciphertext
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :param i: the index
- :type i: int
- :return: resulting ciphertext
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalAtIndexKeyGen_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalAtIndexKeyGen generates evaluation keys for a list of indices
- :param privateKey: the private key
- :type privateKey: PrivateKey
- :param indexList: list of indices
- :type indexList: list
- :param publicKey: the public key (used in NTRU schemes)
- :type publicKey: PublicKey
- :return: None
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_Encrypt_docs = R"doc(
- Encrypt a plaintext using a given public key
- :param plaintext: the plaintext to encrypt
- :type plaintext: Plaintext
- :param publicKey: the public key
- :type publicKey: PublicKey
- :return: ciphertext (or null on failure)
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )doc";
- const char* cc_Decrypt_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Decrypt a single ciphertext into the appropriate plaintext
- :param ciphertext: ciphertext to decrypt
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :param privateKey: decryption key
- :type privateKey: PrivateKey
- :return: decrypted plaintext
- :rtype: Plaintext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalAdd_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Add two ciphertexts
- :param ct1: first ciphertext
- :type ct1: Ciphertext
- :param ct2: second ciphertext
- :type ct2: Ciphertext
- :return: resulting ciphertext
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalAddfloat_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalAdd - OpenFHE EvalAdd method for a ciphertext and constant
- :param ct: ciphertext
- :type ct: Ciphertext
- :param constant: constant to add
- :type constant: float
- :return: new ciphertext for ciphertext + constant
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalAddInPlace_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalAdd - OpenFHE EvalAddInPlace method for a pair of ciphertexts
- :param ct1: Input/output ciphertext
- :type ct1: Ciphertext
- :param ct2: Input ciphertext
- :type ct2: Ciphertext
- :return: ct1 contains ct1 + ct2
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalAddInPlacePlaintext_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalAdd - OpenFHE EvalAddInPlace method for a ciphertext and plaintext
- :param ct: Input/output ciphertext
- :type ct: Ciphertext
- :param pt: Input plaintext
- :type pt: Plaintext
- :return: ct contains ct + pt
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalAddMutable_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalAdd - OpenFHE EvalAddMutable method for a pair of ciphertexts. This is a mutable version - input ciphertexts may get automatically rescaled, or level-reduced.
- :param ct1: first ciphertext
- :type ct1: Ciphertext
- :param ct2: second ciphertext
- :type ct2: Ciphertext
- :return: new ciphertext for ct1 + ct2
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalAddMutablePlaintext_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalAdd - OpenFHE EvalAddMutable method for a ciphertext and plaintext. This is a mutable version - input ciphertexts may get automatically rescaled, or level-reduced.
- :param ciphertext: ciphertext
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :param plaintext: plaintext
- :type plaintext: Plaintext
- :return: new ciphertext for ciphertext + plaintext
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalAddMutableInPlace_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalAdd - Inplace version of EvalAddMutable
- :param ct1: Input/output ciphertext
- :type ct1: Ciphertext
- :param ct2: Input ciphertext
- :type ct2: Ciphertext
- :return: ct1 contains ct1 + ct2
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalSub_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalSub - OpenFHE EvalSub method for a pair of ciphertexts
- :param ct1: first ciphertext
- :type ct1: Ciphertext
- :param ct2: second ciphertext
- :type ct2: Ciphertext
- :return: new ciphertext for ct1 - ct2
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalSubfloat_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalSub - OpenFHE EvalSub method for a ciphertext and constant
- :param ciphertext: ciphertext
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :param constant: constant to subtract
- :type constant: float
- :return: new ciphertext for ciphertext - constant
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalSubPlaintext_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalSub - OpenFHE EvalSub method for a ciphertext and plaintext
- :param ciphertext: ciphertext
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :param plaintext: plaintext
- :type plaintext: Plaintext
- :return: new ciphertext for ciphertext - plaintext
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalSubInPlace_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Inplace version of EvalSub for a pair of ciphertexts
- :param ct1: Input/output ciphertext
- :type ct1: Ciphertext
- :param ct2: Input ciphertext
- :type ct2: Ciphertext
- :return: ct1 contains ct1 - ct2
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalSubInPlacefloat_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Inplace version of EvalSub for a ciphertext and constant
- :param ciphertext: Input/output ciphertext
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :param constant: constant to subtract
- :type constant: float
- :return: ciphertext contains ciphertext - constant
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalSubMutable_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalSub - OpenFHE EvalSubMutable method for a pair of ciphertexts. This is a mutable version - input ciphertexts may get automatically rescaled, or level-reduced.
- :param ct1: first ciphertext
- :type ct1: Ciphertext
- :param ct2: second ciphertext
- :type ct2: Ciphertext
- :return: new ciphertext for ct1 - ct2
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalSubMutableInPlace_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalSub - Inplace variant for EvalSubMutable.
- :param ct1: Input/output ciphertext
- :type ct1: Ciphertext
- :param ct2: Input ciphertext
- :type ct2: Ciphertext
- :return: ct1 contains ct1 - ct2
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalSubMutablePlaintext_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalSub - OpenFHE EvalSubMutable method for a ciphertext and plaintext. This is a mutable version - input ciphertexts may get automatically rescaled, or level-reduced.
- :param ciphertext: ciphertext
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :param plaintext: plaintext
- :type plaintext: Plaintext
- :return: new ciphertext for ciphertext - plaintext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalMult_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalMult - OpenFHE EvalMult method for a pair of ciphertexts - with key switching
- :param ct1: first ciphertext
- :type ct1: Ciphertext
- :param ct2: second ciphertext
- :type ct2: Ciphertext
- :return: new ciphertext for ct1 * ct2
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalMultfloat_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalMult - OpenFHE EvalMult method for a ciphertext and constant
- :param ciphertext: the ciphertext
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :param constant: constant to multiply
- :type constant: float
- :return: new ciphertext for ciphertext * constant
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalMultPlaintext_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalMult - OpenFHE EvalMult method for a ciphertext and plaintext
- :param ciphertext: the ciphertext
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :param plaintext: the plaintext
- :type plaintext: Plaintext
- :return: new ciphertext for ciphertext * plaintext
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalMultMutable_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalMult - OpenFHE EvalMultMutable method for a pair of ciphertexts. This is a mutable version - input ciphertexts may get automatically rescaled, or level-reduced.
- :param ct1: first ciphertext
- :type ct1: Ciphertext
- :param ct2: second ciphertext
- :type ct2: Ciphertext
- :return: new ciphertext for ct1 * ct2
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalMultMutablePlaintext_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalMult - OpenFHE EvalMultMutable method for a ciphertext and plaintext. This is a mutable version - input ciphertexts may get automatically rescaled, or level-reduced.
- :param ciphertext: the ciphertext
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :param plaintext: the plaintext
- :type plaintext: Plaintext
- :return: new ciphertext for ciphertext * plaintext
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalMultMutableInPlace_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalMult - OpenFHE EvalMult method for a pair of ciphertexts - with key switching. This is a mutable version - input ciphertexts may get automatically rescaled, or level-reduced.
- :param ct1: Input/output ciphertext
- :type ct1: Ciphertext
- :param ct2: Input cipherext
- :type ct2: Ciphertext
- :return: ct1 contains ct1 * ct2
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalSquare_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalSquare - OpenFHE EvalSquare method for a ciphertext
- :param ct: the ciphertext to square
- :type ct: Ciphertext
- :return: new ciphertext for ct^2 = ct * ct
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalSquareMutable_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalSquare - OpenFHE EvalSquareMutable method for a ciphertext. This is a mutable version - input ciphertexts may get automatically rescaled, or level-reduced.
- :param ct: the ciphertext to square
- :type ct: Ciphertext
- :return: new ciphertext for ct^2 = ct * ct
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalSquareInPlace_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalSquare - OpenFHE EvalSquare method for a ciphertext. This is a mutable version - input ciphertexts may get automatically rescaled, or level-reduced.
- :param ct: Input/output ciphertext
- :type ct: Ciphertext
- :return: ct contains ct^2 = ct * ct
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalMultNoRelin_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalMultNoRelin - OpenFHE EvalMult method for a pair of ciphertexts - no key switching (relinearization)
- :param ct1: first ciphertext
- :type ct1: Ciphertext
- :param ct2: second ciphertext
- :type ct2: Ciphertext
- :return: new ciphertext for ct1 * ct2
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_Relinearize_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Function for relinearization of a ciphertext.
- :param ct: input ciphertext
- :type ct: Ciphertext
- :return: relienarized ciphertext
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_RelinearizeInPlace_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Function for inplace relinearization of a ciphertext.
- :param ct: input/output ciphertext
- :type ct: Ciphertext
- :return: ct contains relienarized ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalMultAndRelinearize_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Function for evaluating multiplication on ciphertext followed by relinearization operation. Currently it assumes that the input arguments have total depth smaller than the supported depth. Otherwise, it throws an error
- :param ct1: first input ciphertext
- :type ct1: Ciphertext
- :param ct2: second input ciphertext
- :type ct2: Ciphertext
- :return: new ciphertext
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalNegate_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalSub - OpenFHE Negate method for a ciphertext
- :param ct: input ciphertext
- :type ct: Ciphertext
- :return: new ciphertext -ct
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalNegateInPlace_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalSub - Inplace OpenFHE Negate method for a ciphertext
- :param ct: input/output ciphertext
- :type ct: Ciphertext
- :return: ct contains -ct
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalChebyshevSeries_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Method for evaluating Chebyshev polynomial interpolation; first the range [a,b] is mapped to [-1,1] using linear transformation 1 + 2 (x-a)/(b-a) If the degree of the polynomial is less than 5, use EvalChebyshevSeriesLinear, otherwise, use EvalChebyshevSeriesPS.
- :param ciphertext: input ciphertext
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :param coefficients: list of coefficients in Chebyshev expansion
- :type coefficients: list
- :param a: lower bound of argument for which the coefficients were found
- :type a: float
- :param b: upper bound of argument for which the coefficients were found
- :type b: float
- :return: the result of polynomial evaluation
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalChebyshevSeriesLinear_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Evaluate Chebyshev polynomial of degree less than 5.
- :param ciphertext: input ciphertext
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :param coefficients: list of coefficients in Chebyshev expansion
- :type coefficients: list
- :param a: lower bound of argument for which the coefficients were found
- :type a: float
- :param b: upper bound of argument for which the coefficients were found
- :type b: float
- :return: the result of polynomial evaluation
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalChebyshevSeriesPS_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Evaluate Chebyshev polynomial of degree greater or equal to 5.
- :param ciphertext: input ciphertext
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :param coefficients: list of coefficients in Chebyshev expansion
- :type coefficients: list
- :param a: lower bound of argument for which the coefficients were found
- :type a: float
- :param b: upper bound of argument for which the coefficients were found
- :type b: float
- :return: the result of polynomial evaluation
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalChebyshevFunction_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Method for calculating Chebyshev evaluation on a ciphertext for a smooth input function over the range [a,b].
- :param func: the function to be approximated
- :type func: function
- :param ciphertext: input ciphertext
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :param a: lower bound of argument for which the coefficients were found
- :type a: float
- :param b: upper bound of argument for which the coefficients were found
- :type b: float
- :param degree: Desired degree of approximation
- :type degree: int
- :return: the coefficients of the Chebyshev approximation.
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalSin_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Evaluate approximate sine function on a ciphertext using the Chebyshev approximation.
- :param ciphertext: input ciphertext
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :param a: lower bound of argument for which the coefficients were found
- :type a: float
- :param b: upper bound of argument for which the coefficients were found
- :type b: float
- :param degree: Desired degree of approximation
- :type degree: int
- :return: the result of polynomial evaluation.
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalCos_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Evaluate approximate cosine function on a ciphertext using the Chebyshev approximation.
- :param ciphertext: input ciphertext
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :param a: lower bound of argument for which the coefficients were found
- :type a: float
- :param b: upper bound of argument for which the coefficients were found
- :type b: float
- :param degree: Desired degree of approximation
- :type degree: int
- :return: the result of polynomial evaluation.
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalLogistic_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Evaluate approximate logistic function 1/(1 + exp(-x)) on a ciphertext using the Chebyshev approximation.
- :param ciphertext: input ciphertext
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :param a: lower bound of argument for which the coefficients were found
- :type a: float
- :param b: upper bound of argument for which the coefficients were found
- :type b: float
- :param degree: Desired degree of approximation
- :type degree: int
- :return: the result of polynomial evaluation.
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalDivide_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Evaluate approximate division function 1/x where x >= 1 on a ciphertext using the Chebyshev approximation.
- :param ciphertext: input ciphertext
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :param a: lower bound of argument for which the coefficients were found
- :type a: float
- :param b: upper bound of argument for which the coefficients were found
- :type b: float
- :param degree: Desired degree of approximation
- :type degree: int
- :return: the result of polynomial evaluation.
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalSumKeyGen_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalSumKeyGen generates the key map to be used by evalsum
- :param privateKey: private key
- :type privateKey: PrivateKey
- :param publicKey: public key (used in NTRU schemes)
- :type publicKey: PublicKey
- :return: None
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalSumRowsKeyGen_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalSumRowsKeyGen generates the key map to be used by EvalSumRows
- :param privateKey: private key
- :type privateKey: PrivateKey
- :param publicKey: public key (used in NTRU schemes)
- :type publicKey: PublicKey
- :param rowSize: number of rows
- :type rowSize: int
- :param subringDim: dimension of the subring
- :type subringDim: int
- :return: dict: Evaluation key map, where the keys being integer indexes and values being EvalKey objects
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalSumColsKeyGen_docs = R"pbdoc(
- EvalSumColsKeyGen generates the key map to be used by EvalSumCols
- :param privateKey: private key
- :type privateKey: PrivateKey
- :param publicKey: public key (used in NTRU schemes)
- :type publicKey: PublicKey
- :return: dict: Evaluation key map, where the keys being integer indexes and values being EvalKey objects
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalSumRows_docs = R"pbdoc(
- :param ciphertext: input ciphertext
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :param rowSize: number of rows
- :type rowSize: int
- :param evalSumKeyMap: evaluation key map, where the keys being integer indexes and values being EvalKey objects
- :type evalSumKeyMap: dict
- :param subringDim: dimension of the subring
- :type subringDim: int
- :return: Ciphertext: resulting ciphertext
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalSumCols_docs = R"pbdoc(
- :param ciphertext: input ciphertext
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :param rowSize: number of rows
- :type rowSize: int
- :param evalSumKeyMap: evaluation key map, where the keys being integer indexes and values being EvalKey objects
- :type evalSumKeyMap: dict
- :return: Ciphertext: resulting ciphertext
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalInnerProduct_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Evaluates inner product in batched encoding
- :param ciphertext1: first vector
- :type ciphertext1: Ciphertext
- :param ciphertext2: second vector
- :type ciphertext2: Ciphertext
- :param batchSize: size of the batch to be summed up
- :type batchSize: int
- :return: Ciphertext: resulting ciphertext
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalInnerProductPlaintext_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Evaluates inner product in batched encoding
- :param ciphertext: first vector - ciphertext
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :param plaintext: second vector - plaintext
- :type plaintext: Plaintext
- :param batchSize: size of the batch to be summed up
- :type batchSize: int
- :return: Ciphertext: resulting ciphertext
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalMerge_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Merges multiple ciphertexts with encrypted results in slot 0 into a single ciphertext The slot assignment is done based on the order of ciphertexts in the vector
- :param ciphertextVec: vector of ciphertexts to be merged.
- :type ciphertextVec: list
- :return: Ciphertext: resulting ciphertext
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalPoly_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Method for polynomial evaluation for polynomials represented as power series.
- :param ciphertext: input ciphertext
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :param coefficients: vector of coefficients in the polynomial; the size of the vector is the degree of the polynomial + 1
- :type coefficients: list
- :return: Ciphertext: the result of polynomial evaluation.
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalPolyLinear_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Method for polynomial evaluation for polynomials represented in the power series. This uses EvalPolyLinear, which uses a binary tree computation of the polynomial powers.
- :param ciphertext: input ciphertext
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :param coefficients: vector of coefficients in the polynomial; the size of the vector is the degree of the polynomial
- :type coefficients: list
- :return: Ciphertext: the result of polynomial evaluation.
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalPolyPS_docs = R"pbdoc(
- :param ciphertext: input ciphertext
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :param coefficients: vector of coefficients in the polynomial; the size of the vector is the degree of the polynomial
- :type coefficients: list
- :return: Ciphertext: the result of polynomial evaluation.
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_Rescale_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Rescale - An alias for OpenFHE ModReduce method. This is because ModReduce is called Rescale in CKKS.
- :param ciphertext: ciphertext
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :return: Ciphertext: mod reduced ciphertext
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalBootstrapSetup_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Bootstrap functionality: There are three methods that have to be called in this specific order:
- 1. EvalBootstrapSetup: computes and encodes the coefficients for encoding and decoding and stores the necessary parameters
- 2. EvalBootstrapKeyGen: computes and stores the keys for rotations and conjugation
- 3. EvalBootstrap: refreshes the given ciphertext Sets all parameters for the linear method for the FFT-like method
- :param levelBudget: vector of budgets for the amount of levels in encoding and decoding
- :type levelBudget: list
- :param dim1: vector of inner dimension in the baby-step giant-step routine for encoding and decodingl
- :type dim1: list
- :param slots: number of slots to be bootstraped
- :type slots: int
- :param correctionFactor: alue to rescale message by to improve precision. If set to 0, we use the default logic. This value is only used when get_native_int()=64
- :type correctionFactor: int
- :return: None
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalBootstrapKeyGen_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Generates all automorphism keys for EvalBT. EvalBootstrapKeyGen uses the baby-step/giant-step strategy.
- :param privateKey: private key.
- :type privateKey: PrivateKey
- :param slots: number of slots to support permutations on.
- :type slots: int
- :return: None
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalBootstrap_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Defines the bootstrapping evaluation of ciphertext using either the FFT-like method or the linear method
- :param ciphertext: the input ciphertext
- :type ciphertext: Ciphertext
- :param numIterations: number of iterations to run iterative bootstrapping (Meta-BTS). Increasing the iterations increases the precision of bootstrapping
- :type numIterations: int
- :param precision: precision of initial bootstrapping algorithm. This value is determined by the user experimentally by first running EvalBootstrap with numIterations = 1 and precision = 0 (unused).
- :type precision: int
- :return: Ciphertext: the refreshed ciphertext
- :rtype: Ciphertext
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalAutomorphismKeyGen_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Generate automophism keys for a given private key; Uses the private key for encryption
- :param privateKey: private key.
- :type privateKey: PrivateKey
- :param indexList: list of automorphism indices to be computed.
- :type indexList: list
- :return: dict: returns the evaluation key
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_EvalAutomorphismKeyGenPublic_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Generate automophism keys for a given private key.
- :param publicKey: original public key.
- :type publicKey: PublicKey
- :param privateKey: original private key.
- :type privateKey: PrivateKey
- :param indexList: list of automorphism indices to be computed.
- :type indexList: list
- :return: dict: returns the evaluation keys; index 0 of the vector corresponds to plaintext index 2, index 1 to plaintex index 3, etc.
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_FindAutomorphismIndex_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Find the automorphism index for a given plaintext index
- :param idx: plaintext index
- :type idx: int
- :return: int: automorphism index
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_FindAutomorphismIndices_docs = R"pbdoc(
- Find the automorphism indices for a given list of plaintext indices
- :param idxList: list of plaintext indices
- :type idxList: list
- :return: list: list of automorphism indices
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_ClearEvalMultKeys_docs = R"pbdoc(
- ClearEvalMultKeys - flush EvalMultKey cache
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_ClearEvalAutomorphismKeys_docs = R"pbdoc(
- ClearEvalAutomorphismKeys - flush EvalAutomorphismKey cache
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_SerializeEvalAutomorphismKey_docs = R"pbdoc(
- SerializeEvalAutomorphismKey for a single EvalAuto key or all of the EvalAuto keys
- :param filename: output file
- :type filename: str
- :param sertype: serialization type
- :type sertype: SERJSON, SERBINARY
- :param id: key to serialize; empty string means all keys
- :type id: str
- :return: bool: true on success
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_SerializeEvalMultKey_docs = R"pbdoc(
- SerializeEvalMultKey for a single EvalMult key or all of the EvalMult keys
- :param filename: output file
- :type filename: str
- :param sertype: type of serialization
- :type sertype: SERJSON, SERBINARY
- :param id: for key to serialize - if empty string, serialize them all
- :type id: str
- :return: bool: true on success
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_DeserializeEvalAutomorphismKey_docs = R"pbdoc(
- DeserializeEvalAutomorphismKey deserialize all keys in the serialization deserialized keys silently replace any existing matching keys deserialization will create CryptoContext if necessary
- :param filename: path for the file to deserialize from
- :type filename: str
- :param sertype: type of serialization
- :type sertype: SERJSON, SERBINARY
- :return: bool: true on success
- )pbdoc";
- const char* cc_DeserializeEvalMultKey_docs = R"pbdoc(
- DeserializeEvalMultKey deserialize all keys in the serialization deserialized keys silently replace any existing matching keys deserialization will create CryptoContext if necessary
- :param filename: path for the file to deserialize from
- :type filename: str
- :param sertype: type of serialization
- :type sertype: SERJSON, SERBINARY
- :return: bool: true on success
- )pbdoc";