#include "mpcops.hpp" #include "bitutils.hpp" // P0 and P1 both hold additive shares of x (shares are x0 and x1) and y // (shares are y0 and y1); compute additive shares of z = x*y = // (x0+x1)*(y0+y1). x, y, and z are each at most nbits bits long. // // Cost: // 2 words sent in 1 message // consumes 1 MultTriple void mpc_mul(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, RegAS &z, RegAS x, RegAS y, nbits_t nbits) { const value_t mask = MASKBITS(nbits); // Compute z to be an additive share of (x0*y1+y0*x1) mpc_cross(tio, yield, z, x, y, nbits); // Add x0*y0 (the peer will add x1*y1) z.ashare = (z.ashare + x.ashare * y.ashare) & mask; } // P0 and P1 both hold additive shares of x (shares are x0 and x1) and y // (shares are y0 and y1); compute additive shares of z = x0*y1 + y0*x1. // x, y, and z are each at most nbits bits long. // // Cost: // 2 words sent in 1 message // consumes 1 MultTriple void mpc_cross(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, RegAS &z, RegAS x, RegAS y, nbits_t nbits) { const value_t mask = MASKBITS(nbits); size_t nbytes = BITBYTES(nbits); auto [X, Y, Z] = tio.multtriple(yield); // Send x+X and y+Y value_t blind_x = (x.ashare + X) & mask; value_t blind_y = (y.ashare + Y) & mask; tio.queue_peer(&blind_x, nbytes); tio.queue_peer(&blind_y, nbytes); yield(); // Read the peer's x+X and y+Y value_t peer_blind_x=0, peer_blind_y=0; tio.recv_peer(&peer_blind_x, nbytes); tio.recv_peer(&peer_blind_y, nbytes); z.ashare = ((x.ashare * peer_blind_y) - (Y * peer_blind_x) + Z) & mask; } // P0 holds the (complete) value x, P1 holds the (complete) value y; // compute additive shares of z = x*y. x, y, and z are each at most // nbits bits long. The parameter is called x, but P1 will pass y // there. When called by another task during preprocessing, set tally // to false so that the required halftriples aren't accounted for // separately from the main preprocessing task. // // Cost: // 1 word sent in 1 message // consumes 1 HalfTriple void mpc_valuemul(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, RegAS &z, value_t x, nbits_t nbits, bool tally) { const value_t mask = MASKBITS(nbits); size_t nbytes = BITBYTES(nbits); auto [X, Z] = tio.halftriple(yield, tally); // Send x+X value_t blind_x = (x + X) & mask; tio.queue_peer(&blind_x, nbytes); yield(); // Read the peer's y+Y value_t peer_blind_y=0; tio.recv_peer(&peer_blind_y, nbytes); if (tio.player() == 0) { z.ashare = ((x * peer_blind_y) + Z) & mask; } else if (tio.player() == 1) { z.ashare = ((-X * peer_blind_y) + Z) & mask; } } // P0 and P1 hold bit shares f0 and f1 of the single bit f, and additive // shares y0 and y1 of the value y; compute additive shares of // z = f * y = (f0 XOR f1) * (y0 + y1). y and z are each at most nbits // bits long. // // Cost: // 2 words sent in 1 message // consumes 1 MultTriple void mpc_flagmult(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, RegAS &z, RegBS f, RegAS y, nbits_t nbits) { const value_t mask = MASKBITS(nbits); // Compute additive shares of [(1-2*f0)*y0]*f1 + [(1-2*f1)*y1]*f0 value_t bs_fval = value_t(f.bshare); RegAS fval; fval.ashare = bs_fval; mpc_cross(tio, yield, z, y*(1-2*bs_fval), fval, nbits); // Add f0*y0 (and the peer will add f1*y1) z.ashare = (z.ashare + bs_fval*y.ashare) & mask; // Now the shares add up to: // [(1-2*f0)*y0]*f1 + [(1-2*f1)*y1]*f0 + f0*y0 + f1*y1 // which you can rearrange to see that it's equal to the desired // (f0 + f1 - 2*f0*f1)*(y0+y1), since f0 XOR f1 = (f0 + f1 - 2*f0*f1). } // P0 and P1 hold bit shares f0 and f1 of the single bit f, and additive // shares of the values x and y; compute additive shares of z, where // z = x if f=0 and z = y if f=1. x, y, and z are each at most nbits // bits long. // // Cost: // 2 words sent in 1 message // consumes 1 MultTriple void mpc_select(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, RegAS &z, RegBS f, RegAS x, RegAS y, nbits_t nbits) { const value_t mask = MASKBITS(nbits); // The desired result is z = x + f * (y-x) mpc_flagmult(tio, yield, z, f, y-x, nbits); z.ashare = (z.ashare + x.ashare) & mask; } // P0 and P1 hold bit shares f0 and f1 of the single bit f, and XOR // shares of the values x and y; compute XOR shares of z, where z = x if // f=0 and z = y if f=1. x, y, and z are each at most nbits bits long. // // Cost: // 2 words sent in 1 message // consumes 1 SelectTriple void mpc_select(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, RegXS &z, RegBS f, RegXS x, RegXS y, nbits_t nbits) { const value_t mask = MASKBITS(nbits); size_t nbytes = BITBYTES(nbits); // Sign-extend f (so 0 -> 0000...0; 1 -> 1111...1) value_t fext = (-value_t(f.bshare)) & mask; // Compute XOR shares of f & (x ^ y) auto [X, Y, Z] = tio.valselecttriple(yield); bit_t blind_f = f.bshare ^ X; value_t d = (x.xshare ^ y.xshare) & mask; value_t blind_d = (d ^ Y) & mask; // Send the blinded values tio.queue_peer(&blind_f, sizeof(blind_f)); tio.queue_peer(&blind_d, nbytes); yield(); // Read the peer's values bit_t peer_blind_f = 0; value_t peer_blind_d; tio.recv_peer(&peer_blind_f, sizeof(peer_blind_f)); peer_blind_f &= 1; tio.recv_peer(&peer_blind_d, nbytes); peer_blind_d &= mask; // Compute our share of f ? x : y = (f * (x ^ y))^x value_t peer_blind_fext = -value_t(peer_blind_f); z.xshare = ((fext & peer_blind_d) ^ (Y & peer_blind_fext) ^ (fext & d) ^ (Z ^ x.xshare)) & mask; } // P0 and P1 hold bit shares f0 and f1 of the single bit f, and additive // shares of the values x and y. Obliviously swap x and y; that is, // replace x and y with new additive sharings of x and y respectively // (if f=0) or y and x respectively (if f=1). x and y are each at most // nbits bits long. // // Cost: // 2 words sent in 1 message // consumes 1 MultTriple void mpc_oswap(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, RegAS &x, RegAS &y, RegBS f, nbits_t nbits) { const value_t mask = MASKBITS(nbits); // Let s = f*(y-x). Then the desired result is // x <- x + s, y <- y - s. RegAS s; mpc_flagmult(tio, yield, s, f, y-x, nbits); x.ashare = (x.ashare + s.ashare) & mask; y.ashare = (y.ashare - s.ashare) & mask; } // P0 and P1 hold XOR shares of x. Compute additive shares of the same // x. x is at most nbits bits long. When called by another task during // preprocessing, set tally to false so that the required halftriples // aren't accounted for separately from the main preprocessing task. // // Cost: // nbits-1 words sent in 1 message // consumes nbits-1 HalfTriples void mpc_xs_to_as(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, RegAS &as_x, RegXS xs_x, nbits_t nbits, bool tally) { const value_t mask = MASKBITS(nbits); // We use the fact that for any nbits-bit A and B, // A+B = (A XOR B) + 2*(A AND B) mod 2^nbits // so if we have additive shares C0 and C1 of 2*(A AND B) // (so C0 + C1 = 2*(A AND B)), then (A-C0) and (B-C1) are // additive shares of (A XOR B). // To get additive shares of 2*(A AND B) (mod 2^nbits), we first // note that we can ignore the top bits of A and B, since the // multiplication by 2 will shift it out of the nbits-bit range. // For the other bits, use valuemult to get the product of the // corresponding bit i of A and B (i=0..nbits-2), and compute // C = \sum_i 2^{i+1} * (A_i * B_i). // This can all be done in a single message, using the coroutine // mechanism to have all nbits-1 instances of valuemult queue their // message, then yield, so that all of their messages get sent at // once, then each will read their results. RegAS as_bitand[nbits-1]; std::vector coroutines; for (nbits_t i=0; i>i)&1, nbits, tally); }); } run_coroutines(yield, coroutines); value_t as_C = 0; for (nbits_t i=0; i 0000...0; 1 -> 1111...1) DPFnode fext = if128_mask[f.bshare]; // Compute XOR shares of f & (x ^ y) auto [X, Y, Z] = tio.nodeselecttriple(yield); bit_t blind_f = f.bshare ^ X; DPFnode d = x ^ y; DPFnode blind_d = d ^ Y; // Send the blinded values tio.queue_peer(&blind_f, sizeof(blind_f)); tio.queue_peer(&blind_d, sizeof(blind_d)); yield(); // Read the peer's values bit_t peer_blind_f = 0; DPFnode peer_blind_d; tio.recv_peer(&peer_blind_f, sizeof(peer_blind_f)); tio.recv_peer(&peer_blind_d, sizeof(peer_blind_d)); // Compute _our share_ of f ? x : y = (f * (x ^ y))^x DPFnode peer_blind_fext = if128_mask[peer_blind_f]; DPFnode zshare = (fext & peer_blind_d) ^ (Y & peer_blind_fext) ^ (fext & d) ^ (Z ^ x); // Now exchange shares tio.queue_peer(&zshare, sizeof(zshare)); yield(); DPFnode peer_zshare; tio.recv_peer(&peer_zshare, sizeof(peer_zshare)); z = zshare ^ peer_zshare; } // P0 and P1 hold bit shares of x and y. Set z to bit shares of x & y. // // Cost: // 1 byte sent in 1 message // consumes 1/64 AndTriple void mpc_and(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, RegBS &z, RegBS x, RegBS y) { // Compute XOR shares of x & y auto T = tio.bitselecttriple(yield); bit_t blind_x = x.bshare ^ T.X; bit_t blind_y = y.bshare ^ T.Y; // Send the blinded values uint8_t v = (blind_x << 1) | blind_y; tio.queue_peer(&v, sizeof(v)); yield(); // Read the peer's values bit_t peer_blind_x = 0; bit_t peer_blind_y = 0; uint8_t peer_v = 0; tio.recv_peer(&peer_v, sizeof(peer_v)); peer_blind_x = (peer_v >> 1) & 1; peer_blind_y = peer_v & 1; // Compute our share of x & y z.bshare = (x.bshare & peer_blind_y) ^ (T.Y & peer_blind_x) ^ (x.bshare & y.bshare) ^ T.Z; } // P0 and P1 hold bit shares of x and y. Set z to bit shares of x | y. // // Cost: // 1 byte sent in 1 message // consumes 1/64 AndTriple void mpc_or(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, RegBS &z, RegBS x, RegBS y) { if (tio.player() == 0) { x.bshare = !x.bshare; y.bshare = !y.bshare; } mpc_and(tio, yield, z, x, y); if (tio.player() == 0) { z.bshare = !z.bshare; } }