#include #include "types.hpp" #include "duoram.hpp" #include "cell.hpp" // We use the cell in various ways. This function is called by // online.cpp. void cell(MPCIO &mpcio, const PRACOptions &opts, char **args) { nbits_t depth=4; if (*args) { depth = atoi(*args); ++args; } MPCTIO tio(mpcio, 0, opts.num_threads); run_coroutines(tio, [&tio, depth] (yield_t &yield) { size_t size = size_t(1)< oram(tio.player(), size); auto A = oram.flat(tio, yield); Cell init; init.key.set(0xffffffffffffffff); init.pointers.set(0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee); init.value.set(0xdddddddddddddddd); A.init(init); Cell c; c.key.set(0x0102030405060708); c.pointers.set(0x1112131415161718); c.value.set(0x2122232425262728); // Explicit write A[0] = c; RegAS idx; // Explicit read Cell expl_read_c = A[0]; printf("expl_read_c = "); expl_read_c.dump(); printf("\n"); // ORAM read Cell oram_read_c = A[idx]; printf("oram_read_c = "); oram_read_c.dump(); printf("\n"); RegXS valueupdate; valueupdate.set(0x4040404040404040 * tio.player()); RegXS pointersset; pointersset.set(0x123456789abcdef0 * tio.player()); // Explicit update and write of individual fields A[1].CELL_VALUE += valueupdate; A[3].CELL_POINTERS = pointersset; // Explicit read of individual field RegXS pointval = A[0].CELL_POINTERS; printf("pointval = "); pointval.dump(); printf("\n"); idx.set(1 * tio.player()); // ORAM read of individual field RegXS oram_value_read = A[idx].CELL_VALUE; printf("oram_value_read = "); oram_value_read.dump(); printf("\n"); valueupdate.set(0x8080808080808080 * tio.player()); // ORAM update of individual field A[idx].CELL_VALUE += valueupdate; idx.set(2 * tio.player()); // ORAM write of individual field A[idx].CELL_VALUE = valueupdate; c.key.set(0x0102030405060708 * tio.player()); c.pointers.set(0x1112131415161718 * tio.player()); c.value.set(0x2122232425262728 * tio.player()); // ORAM update of full Cell A[idx] += c; idx.set(3 * tio.player()); // ORAM write of full Cell A[idx] = c; printf("\n"); if (depth < 10) { oram.dump(); auto R = A.reconstruct(); if (tio.player() == 0) { for(size_t i=0;i