#include #include "bst.hpp" // Helper functions to reconstruct shared RegBS, RegAS or RegXS bool reconstruct_RegBS(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, RegBS flag) { RegBS reconstructed_flag; if (tio.player() < 2) { RegBS peer_flag; tio.queue_peer(&flag, 1); tio.queue_server(&flag, 1); yield(); tio.recv_peer(&peer_flag, 1); reconstructed_flag = flag; reconstructed_flag ^= peer_flag; } else { RegBS p0_flag, p1_flag; yield(); tio.recv_p0(&p0_flag, 1); tio.recv_p1(&p1_flag, 1); reconstructed_flag = p0_flag; reconstructed_flag ^= p1_flag; } return reconstructed_flag.bshare; } size_t reconstruct_RegAS(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, RegAS variable) { RegAS reconstructed_var; if (tio.player() < 2) { RegAS peer_var; tio.queue_peer(&variable, sizeof(variable)); tio.queue_server(&variable, sizeof(variable)); yield(); tio.recv_peer(&peer_var, sizeof(variable)); reconstructed_var = variable; reconstructed_var += peer_var; } else { RegAS p0_var, p1_var; yield(); tio.recv_p0(&p0_var, sizeof(variable)); tio.recv_p1(&p1_var, sizeof(variable)); reconstructed_var = p0_var; reconstructed_var += p1_var; } return reconstructed_var.ashare; } size_t reconstruct_RegXS(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, RegXS variable) { RegXS reconstructed_var; if (tio.player() < 2) { RegXS peer_var; tio.queue_peer(&variable, sizeof(variable)); tio.queue_server(&variable, sizeof(variable)); yield(); tio.recv_peer(&peer_var, sizeof(variable)); reconstructed_var = variable; reconstructed_var ^= peer_var; } else { RegXS p0_var, p1_var; yield(); tio.recv_p0(&p0_var, sizeof(variable)); tio.recv_p1(&p1_var, sizeof(variable)); reconstructed_var = p0_var; reconstructed_var ^= p1_var; } return reconstructed_var.xshare; } std::tuple compare_keys(MPCTIO tio, yield_t &yield, Node n1, Node n2) { CDPF cdpf = tio.cdpf(yield); auto [lt, eq, gt] = cdpf.compare(tio, yield, n2.key - n1.key, tio.aes_ops()); RegBS lteq = lt^eq; return {lteq, gt}; } std::tuple compare_keys(MPCTIO tio, yield_t &yield, RegAS k1, RegAS k2) { CDPF cdpf = tio.cdpf(yield); auto [lt, eq, gt] = cdpf.compare(tio, yield, k2 - k1, tio.aes_ops()); RegBS lteq = lt^eq; return {lteq, gt}; } // Assuming pointer of 64 bits is split as: // - 32 bits Left ptr // - 32 bits Right ptr // < Left, Right> inline RegXS extractLeftPtr(RegXS pointer){ return ((pointer&(0xFFFFFFFF00000000))>>32); } inline RegXS extractRightPtr(RegXS pointer){ return (pointer&(0x00000000FFFFFFFF)); } inline void setLeftPtr(RegXS &pointer, RegXS new_ptr){ pointer&=(0x00000000FFFFFFFF); pointer+=(new_ptr<<32); } inline void setRightPtr(RegXS &pointer, RegXS new_ptr){ pointer&=(0xFFFFFFFF00000000); pointer+=(new_ptr); } // Pretty-print a reconstructed BST, rooted at node. is_left_child and // is_right_child indicate whether node is a left or right child of its // parent. They cannot both be true, but the root of the tree has both // of them false. void BST::pretty_print(const std::vector &R, value_t node, const std::string &prefix = "", bool is_left_child = false, bool is_right_child = false) { if (node == 0) { // NULL pointer if (is_left_child) { printf("%s\xE2\x95\xA7\n", prefix.c_str()); // ╧ } else if (is_right_child) { printf("%s\xE2\x95\xA4\n", prefix.c_str()); // ╤ } else { printf("%s\xE2\x95\xA2\n", prefix.c_str()); // ╢ } return; } const Node &n = R[node]; value_t left_ptr = extractLeftPtr(n.pointers).xshare; value_t right_ptr = extractRightPtr(n.pointers).xshare; std::string rightprefix(prefix), leftprefix(prefix), nodeprefix(prefix); if (is_left_child) { rightprefix.append("\xE2\x94\x82"); // │ leftprefix.append(" "); nodeprefix.append("\xE2\x94\x94"); // └ } else if (is_right_child) { rightprefix.append(" "); leftprefix.append("\xE2\x94\x82"); // │ nodeprefix.append("\xE2\x94\x8C"); // ┌ } else { rightprefix.append(" "); leftprefix.append(" "); nodeprefix.append("\xE2\x94\x80"); // ─ } pretty_print(R, right_ptr, rightprefix, false, true); printf("%s\xE2\x94\xA4", nodeprefix.c_str()); // ┤ n.dump(); printf("\n"); pretty_print(R, left_ptr, leftprefix, true, false); } void BST::print_oram(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield) { auto A = oram->flat(tio, yield); auto R = A.reconstruct(); for(size_t i=0;iflat(tio, yield); auto R = A.reconstruct(); if(tio.player()==0) { pretty_print(R, reconstructed_root.xshare); } } // Check the BST invariant of the tree (that all keys to the left are // less than or equal to this key, all keys to the right are strictly // greater, and this is true recursively). Returns a // tuple, where the bool says whether the BST invariant // holds, and the address_t is the height of the tree (which will be // useful later when we check AVL trees). std::tuple BST::check_bst(const std::vector &R, value_t node, value_t min_key = 0, value_t max_key = ~0) { //printf("node = %ld\n", node); if (node == 0) { return { true, 0 }; } const Node &n = R[node]; value_t key = n.key.ashare; value_t left_ptr = extractLeftPtr(n.pointers).xshare; value_t right_ptr = extractRightPtr(n.pointers).xshare; auto [leftok, leftheight ] = check_bst(R, left_ptr, min_key, key); auto [rightok, rightheight ] = check_bst(R, right_ptr, key+1, max_key); address_t height = leftheight; if (rightheight > height) { height = rightheight; } height += 1; //printf("node = %ld, leftok = %d, rightok = %d\n", node, leftok, rightok); return { leftok && rightok && key >= min_key && key <= max_key, height }; } void BST::check_bst(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield) { auto A = oram->flat(tio, yield); auto R = A.reconstruct(); RegXS rec_root = this->root; if (tio.player() == 1) { tio.queue_peer(&(this->root), sizeof(this->root)); } else { RegXS peer_root; tio.recv_peer(&peer_root, sizeof(peer_root)); rec_root+= peer_root; } if (tio.player() == 0) { auto [ ok, height ] = check_bst(R, rec_root.xshare); printf("BST structure %s\nBST height = %u\n", ok ? "ok" : "NOT OK", height); } } void newnode(Node &a) { a.key.randomize(8); a.pointers.set(0); a.value.randomize(); } void BST::initialize(int num_players, size_t size) { this->MAX_SIZE = size; oram = new Duoram(num_players, size); } std::tuple BST::insert(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, RegXS ptr, const Node &new_node, Duoram::Flat &A, int TTL, RegBS isDummy) { if(TTL==0) { RegBS zero; return {ptr, zero}; } RegBS isNotDummy = isDummy ^ (tio.player()); Node cnode = A[ptr]; // Compare key auto [lteq, gt] = compare_keys(tio, yield, cnode, new_node); // Depending on [lteq, gt] select the next ptr/index as // upper 32 bits of cnode.pointers if lteq // lower 32 bits of cnode.pointers if gt RegXS left = extractLeftPtr(cnode.pointers); RegXS right = extractRightPtr(cnode.pointers); RegXS next_ptr; mpc_select(tio, yield, next_ptr, gt, left, right, 32); CDPF dpf = tio.cdpf(yield); size_t &aes_ops = tio.aes_ops(); // F_z: Check if this is last node on path RegBS F_z = dpf.is_zero(tio, yield, next_ptr, aes_ops); RegBS F_i; // F_i: If this was last node on path (F_z), and isNotDummy insert. mpc_and(tio, yield, F_i, (isNotDummy), F_z); isDummy^=F_i; auto [wptr, direction] = insert(tio, yield, next_ptr, new_node, A, TTL-1, isDummy); RegXS ret_ptr; RegBS ret_direction; // If we insert here (F_i), return the ptr to this node as wptr // and update direction to the direction taken by compare_keys mpc_select(tio, yield, ret_ptr, F_i, wptr, ptr); //ret_direction = direction + F_p(direction - gt) mpc_and(tio, yield, ret_direction, F_i, direction^gt); ret_direction^=direction; return {ret_ptr, ret_direction}; } // Insert(root, ptr, key, TTL, isDummy) -> (new_ptr, wptr, wnode, f_p) void BST::insert(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, const Node &node, Duoram::Flat &A) { bool player0 = tio.player()==0; // If there are no items in tree. Make this new item the root. if(num_items==0) { Node zero; A[0] = zero; A[1] = node; (root).set(1*tio.player()); num_items++; //printf("num_items == %ld!\n", num_items); return; } else { // Insert node into next free slot in the ORAM int new_id; RegXS insert_address; int TTL = num_items++; bool insertAtEmptyLocation = (numEmptyLocations() > 0); if(insertAtEmptyLocation) { insert_address = empty_locations.back(); empty_locations.pop_back(); A[insert_address] = node; } else { new_id = 1 + num_items; A[new_id] = node; insert_address.set(new_id * tio.player()); } RegBS isDummy; //Do a recursive insert auto [wptr, direction] = insert(tio, yield, root, node, A, TTL, isDummy); //Complete the insertion by reading wptr and updating its pointers RegXS pointers = A[wptr].NODE_POINTERS; RegXS left_ptr = extractLeftPtr(pointers); RegXS right_ptr = extractRightPtr(pointers); RegXS new_right_ptr, new_left_ptr; mpc_select(tio, yield, new_right_ptr, direction, right_ptr, insert_address); if(player0) { direction^=1; } mpc_select(tio, yield, new_left_ptr, direction, left_ptr, insert_address); setLeftPtr(pointers, new_left_ptr); setRightPtr(pointers, new_right_ptr); A[wptr].NODE_POINTERS = pointers; //printf("num_items == %ld!\n", num_items); } } void BST::insert(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, Node &node) { auto A = oram->flat(tio, yield); auto R = A.reconstruct(); insert(tio, yield, node, A); /* // To visualize database and tree after each insert: if (tio.player() == 0) { for(size_t i=0;i::Flat &A, int TTL, RegBS isDummy, Node *ret_node) { if(TTL==0) { // Reconstruct and return isDummy // If we found the key, then isDummy will be true bool found = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, isDummy); return found; } RegBS isNotDummy = isDummy ^ (tio.player()); Node cnode = A[ptr]; // Compare key CDPF cdpf = tio.cdpf(yield); auto [lt, eq, gt] = cdpf.compare(tio, yield, key - cnode.key, tio.aes_ops()); // Depending on [lteq, gt] select the next ptr/index as // upper 32 bits of cnode.pointers if lteq // lower 32 bits of cnode.pointers if gt RegXS left = extractLeftPtr(cnode.pointers); RegXS right = extractRightPtr(cnode.pointers); RegXS next_ptr; mpc_select(tio, yield, next_ptr, gt, left, right, 32); RegBS F_found; // If we haven't found the key yet, and the lookup matches the current node key, // then we found the node to return mpc_and(tio, yield, F_found, isNotDummy, eq); mpc_select(tio, yield, ret_node->key, eq, ret_node->key, cnode.key); mpc_select(tio, yield, ret_node->value, eq, ret_node->value, cnode.value); isDummy^=F_found; bool found = lookup(tio, yield, next_ptr, key, A, TTL-1, isDummy, ret_node); return found; } bool BST::lookup(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, RegAS key, Node *ret_node) { auto A = oram->flat(tio, yield); auto R = A.reconstruct(); RegBS isDummy; bool found = lookup(tio, yield, root, key, A, num_items, isDummy, ret_node); /* // To visualize database and tree after each lookup: if (tio.player() == 0) { for(size_t i=0;i::Flat &A, RegBS af, RegBS fs, int TTL, del_return &ret_struct) { bool player0 = tio.player()==0; //printf("TTL = %d\n", TTL); if(TTL==0) { //Reconstruct and return af bool success = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, af); //printf("Reconstructed flag = %d\n", success); if(player0) ret_struct.F_r^=1; return success; } else { Node node = A[ptr]; // Compare key CDPF cdpf = tio.cdpf(yield); auto [lt, eq, gt] = cdpf.compare(tio, yield, del_key - node.key, tio.aes_ops()); /* // Reconstruct and Debug Block 0 bool lt_rec, eq_rec, gt_rec; lt_rec = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, lt); eq_rec = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, eq); gt_rec = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, gt); size_t del_key_rec, node_key_rec; del_key_rec = reconstruct_RegAS(tio, yield, del_key); node_key_rec = reconstruct_RegAS(tio, yield, node.key); printf("node.key = %ld, del_key= %ld\n", node_key_rec, del_key_rec); printf("cdpf.compare results: lt = %d, eq = %d, gt = %d\n", lt_rec, eq_rec, gt_rec); */ // c is the direction bit for next_ptr // (c=0: go left or c=1: go right) RegBS c = gt; // lf = local found. We found the key to delete in this level. RegBS lf = eq; // Depending on [lteq, gt] select the next ptr/index as // upper 32 bits of cnode.pointers if lteq // lower 32 bits of cnode.pointers if gt RegXS left = extractLeftPtr(node.pointers); RegXS right = extractRightPtr(node.pointers); CDPF dpf = tio.cdpf(yield); size_t &aes_ops = tio.aes_ops(); // Check if left and right children are 0, and compute F_0, F_1, F_2 RegBS l0 = dpf.is_zero(tio, yield, left, aes_ops); RegBS r0 = dpf.is_zero(tio, yield, right, aes_ops); RegBS F_0, F_1, F_2; // F_0 = l0 & r0 mpc_and(tio, yield, F_0, l0, r0); // F_1 = l0 \xor r0 F_1 = l0 ^ r0; // F_2 = !(F_0 + F_1) (Only 1 of F_0, F_1, and F_2 can be true) F_2 = F_0 ^ F_1; if(player0) F_2^=1; // We set next ptr based on c, but we need to handle three // edge cases where we do not go by just the comparison result RegXS next_ptr; RegBS c_prime; // Case 1: found the node here (lf): we traverse down the lone child path. // or we are finding successor (fs) and there is no left child. RegBS F_c1, F_c2, F_c3, F_c4; // Case 1: lf & F_1 mpc_and(tio, yield, F_c1, lf, F_1); // Set c_prime for Case 1 mpc_select(tio, yield, c_prime, F_c1, c, l0); /* // Reconstruct and Debug Block 1 bool F_0_rec, F_1_rec, F_2_rec, c_prime_rec; F_0_rec = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, F_0); F_1_rec = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, F_1); F_2_rec = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, F_2); c_prime_rec = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, c_prime); printf("F_0 = %d, F_1 = %d, F_2 = %d, c_prime = %d\n", F_0_rec, F_1_rec, F_2_rec, c_prime_rec); */ // s1: shares of 1 bit, s0: shares of 0 bit RegBS s1, s0; s1.set(tio.player()==1); // Case 2: found the node here (lf) and node has both children (F_2) // In find successor case, so find inorder successor // (Go right and then find leftmost child.) mpc_and(tio, yield, F_c2, lf, F_2); mpc_select(tio, yield, c_prime, F_c2, c_prime, s1); /* // Reconstruct and Debug Block 2 bool F_c2_rec, s1_rec; F_c2_rec = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, F_c2); s1_rec = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, s1); c_prime_rec = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, c_prime); printf("c_prime = %d, F_c2 = %d, s1 = %d\n", c_prime_rec, F_c2_rec, s1_rec); */ // Case 3: finding successor (fs) and node has both children (F_2) // Go left. mpc_and(tio, yield, F_c3, fs, F_2); mpc_select(tio, yield, c_prime, F_c3, c_prime, s0); // Case 4: finding successor (fs) and node has no more left children (l0) // This is the successor node then. // Go right (since no more left) mpc_and(tio, yield, F_c4, fs, l0); mpc_select(tio, yield, c_prime, F_c4, c_prime, l0); // Set next_ptr mpc_select(tio, yield, next_ptr, c_prime, left, right, 32); RegBS af_prime, fs_prime; mpc_or(tio, yield, af_prime, af, lf); // If in Case 2, set fs. We are now finding successor mpc_or(tio, yield, fs_prime, fs, F_c2); // If in Case 3. Successor found here already. Toggle fs off fs_prime=fs_prime^F_c4; bool key_found = del(tio, yield, next_ptr, del_key, A, af_prime, fs_prime, TTL-1, ret_struct); // If we didn't find the key, we can end here. if(!key_found) return 0; //printf("TTL = %d\n", TTL); RegBS F_rs; // Flag here should be direction (c_prime) and F_r i.e. we need to swap return ptr in, // F_r needs to be returned in ret_struct mpc_and(tio, yield, F_rs, c_prime, ret_struct.F_r); mpc_select(tio, yield, right, F_rs, right, ret_struct.ret_ptr); if(player0) c_prime^=1; mpc_and(tio, yield, F_rs, c_prime, ret_struct.F_r); mpc_select(tio, yield, left, F_rs, left, ret_struct.ret_ptr); /* // Reconstruct and Debug Block 3 bool F_rs_rec, F_ls_rec; size_t ret_ptr_rec; F_rs_rec = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, F_rs); F_ls_rec = reconstruct_RegBS(tio, yield, F_rs); ret_ptr_rec = reconstruct_RegXS(tio, yield, ret_struct.ret_ptr); printf("F_rs_rec = %d, F_ls_rec = %d, ret_ptr_rec = %ld\n", F_rs_rec, F_ls_rec, ret_ptr_rec); */ RegXS new_ptr; setLeftPtr(new_ptr, left); setRightPtr(new_ptr, right); A[ptr].NODE_POINTERS = new_ptr; // Update the return structure RegBS F_nd, F_ns, F_r; mpc_or(tio, yield, ret_struct.F_ss, ret_struct.F_ss, F_c2); if(player0) af^=1; mpc_and(tio, yield, F_nd, lf, af); // F_ns = fs & l0 // Finding successor flag & no more left child F_ns = F_c4; // F_r = F_d.(!F_2) if(player0) F_2^=1; // If we have to delete here, and it doesn't have two children we have to // update child pointer in parent with the returned pointer mpc_and(tio, yield, F_r, F_nd, F_2); mpc_or(tio, yield, F_r, F_r, F_ns); ret_struct.F_r = F_r; mpc_select(tio, yield, ret_struct.N_d, F_nd, ret_struct.N_d, ptr); mpc_select(tio, yield, ret_struct.N_s, F_ns, ret_struct.N_s, ptr); mpc_select(tio, yield, ret_struct.ret_ptr, F_r, ptr, ret_struct.ret_ptr); //We don't empty the key and value of the node with del_key in the ORAM return 1; } } bool BST::del(MPCTIO &tio, yield_t &yield, RegAS del_key) { if(num_items==0) return 0; if(num_items==1) { //Delete root auto A = oram->flat(tio, yield); Node zero; empty_locations.emplace_back(root); A[root] = zero; num_items--; return 1; } else { int TTL = num_items; // Flags for already found (af) item to delete and find successor (fs) // if this deletion requires a successor swap RegBS af; RegBS fs; del_return ret_struct; auto A = oram->flat(tio, yield); int success = del(tio, yield, root, del_key, A, af, fs, TTL, ret_struct); printf ("Success = %d\n", success); if(!success){ return 0; } else{ num_items--; /* printf("In delete's swap portion\n"); Node del_node = A.reconstruct(A[ret_struct.N_d]); Node suc_node = A.reconstruct(A[ret_struct.N_s]); printf("del_node key = %ld, suc_node key = %ld\n", del_node.key.ashare, suc_node.key.ashare); printf("flag_s = %d\n", ret_struct.F_ss.bshare); */ Node del_node = A[ret_struct.N_d]; Node suc_node = A[ret_struct.N_s]; RegAS zero_as; RegXS zero_xs; mpc_select(tio, yield, root, ret_struct.F_r, root, ret_struct.ret_ptr); mpc_select(tio, yield, del_node.key, ret_struct.F_ss, del_node.key, suc_node.key); mpc_select(tio, yield, del_node.value, ret_struct.F_ss, del_node.value, suc_node.value); A[ret_struct.N_d].NODE_KEY = del_node.key; A[ret_struct.N_d].NODE_VALUE = del_node.value; A[ret_struct.N_s].NODE_KEY = zero_as; A[ret_struct.N_s].NODE_VALUE = zero_xs; RegXS empty_loc; mpc_select(tio, yield, empty_loc, ret_struct.F_ss, ret_struct.N_d, ret_struct.N_s); //Add deleted (empty) location into the empty_locations vector for reuse in next insert() empty_locations.emplace_back(empty_loc); } return 1; } } // Now we use the node in various ways. This function is called by // online.cpp. void bst(MPCIO &mpcio, const PRACOptions &opts, char **args) { nbits_t depth=4; if (*args) { depth = atoi(*args); ++args; } size_t items = (size_t(1)<