use std::env; use std::time::Instant; use rand::RngCore; use spiral_spir::client::Client; use spiral_spir::init; use spiral_spir::server::Server; use spiral_spir::DbEntry; fn main() { let args: Vec = env::args().collect(); if args.len() < 2 || args.len() > 5 { println!( "Usage: {} r [num_threads [num_preproc [num_pirs]]]\nr = log_2(num_records)", args[0] ); return; } let r: usize = args[1].parse().unwrap(); let mut num_threads = 1usize; let mut num_preproc = 1usize; let num_pirs: usize; if args.len() > 2 { num_threads = args[2].parse().unwrap(); } if args.len() > 3 { num_preproc = args[3].parse().unwrap(); } if args.len() > 4 { num_pirs = args[4].parse().unwrap(); } else { num_pirs = num_preproc; } let num_records = 1 << r; let num_records_mask = num_records - 1; println!("===== ONE-TIME SETUP =====\n"); let otsetup_start = Instant::now(); init(num_threads); let (client, pub_params) = Client::new(r); let pub_params_len = pub_params.len(); let server = Server::new(r, pub_params); let otsetup_us = otsetup_start.elapsed().as_micros(); println!("One-time setup: {} µs", otsetup_us); println!("pub_params len = {}", pub_params_len); println!("\n===== PREPROCESSING =====\n"); println!("num_preproc = {}", num_preproc); let preproc_client_start = Instant::now(); let preproc_msg = client.preproc(num_preproc); let preproc_client_us = preproc_client_start.elapsed().as_micros(); println!("Preprocessing client: {} µs", preproc_client_us); println!("preproc_msg len = {}", preproc_msg.len()); let preproc_server_start = Instant::now(); let preproc_resp = server.preproc_process(&preproc_msg); let preproc_server_us = preproc_server_start.elapsed().as_micros(); println!("Preprocessing server: {} µs", preproc_server_us); println!("preproc_resp len = {}", preproc_resp.len()); let preproc_finish_start = Instant::now(); client.preproc_finish(&preproc_resp); let preproc_finish_us = preproc_finish_start.elapsed().as_micros(); println!("Preprocessing client finish: {} µs", preproc_finish_us); // Create a database with recognizable contents let db: Vec = ((0 as DbEntry)..(num_records as DbEntry)) .map(|x| 10000001 * x) .collect(); let dbptr = db.as_ptr(); let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); for i in 1..num_pirs + 1 { println!("\n===== SPIR QUERY {} =====\n", i); let idx = (rng.next_u64() as usize) & num_records_mask; let query_client_start = Instant::now(); let query_msg = client.query(idx); let query_client_us = query_client_start.elapsed().as_micros(); println!("Query client: {} µs", query_client_us); println!("query_msg len = {}", query_msg.len()); let query_server_start = Instant::now(); let query_resp = server.query_process(&query_msg, dbptr, 100, 20); let query_server_us = query_server_start.elapsed().as_micros(); println!("Query server: {} µs", query_server_us); println!("query_resp len = {}", query_resp.len()); } /* let spiral_params = params::get_spiral_params(r); let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); print_params_summary(&spiral_params); println!("OT one-time setup: {} µs", otsetup_us); // One-time setup for the Spiral client let spc_otsetup_start = Instant::now(); let mut clientrng = rand::thread_rng(); let mut client = Client::init(&spiral_params, &mut clientrng); let pub_params = client.generate_keys(); let pub_params_buf = pub_params.serialize(); let spc_otsetup_us = spc_otsetup_start.elapsed().as_micros(); let spiral_blocking_factor = spiral_params.db_item_size / mem::size_of::(); println!( "Spiral client one-time setup: {} µs, {} bytes", spc_otsetup_us, pub_params_buf.len() ); println!("\n===== PREPROCESSING =====\n"); // Spiral preprocessing: create a PIR lookup for an element at a // random location let spc_query_start = Instant::now(); let rand_idx = (rng.next_u64() as usize) % num_records; let rand_pir_idx = rand_idx / spiral_blocking_factor; println!("rand_idx = {} rand_pir_idx = {}", rand_idx, rand_pir_idx); let spc_query = client.generate_query(rand_pir_idx); let spc_query_buf = spc_query.serialize(); let spc_query_us = spc_query_start.elapsed().as_micros(); println!( "Spiral query: {} µs, {} bytes", spc_query_us, spc_query_buf.len() ); // Create the database encryption keys and do the OT to fetch the // right one, but don't actually encrypt the database yet let dbkeys = gen_db_enc_keys(r); let otkeyreq_start = Instant::now(); let (keystate, keyquery) = otkey_request(rand_idx, r); let keyquerysize = keyquery.len() * keyquery[0].len(); let otkeyreq_us = otkeyreq_start.elapsed().as_micros(); let otkeysrv_start = Instant::now(); let keyresponse = otkey_serve(keyquery, &dbkeys); let keyrespsize = keyresponse.len() * keyresponse[0].len(); let otkeysrv_us = otkeysrv_start.elapsed().as_micros(); let otkeyrcv_start = Instant::now(); let otkey = otkey_receive(keystate, &keyresponse); let otkeyrcv_us = otkeyrcv_start.elapsed().as_micros(); println!("key OT query in {} µs, {} bytes", otkeyreq_us, keyquerysize); println!("key OT serve in {} µs, {} bytes", otkeysrv_us, keyrespsize); println!("key OT receive in {} µs", otkeyrcv_us); // Create a database with recognizable contents let db: Vec = ((0 as DbEntry)..(num_records as DbEntry)) .map(|x| 10000001 * x) .collect(); println!("\n===== RUNTIME =====\n"); // Pick the record we actually want to query let q = (rng.next_u64() as usize) % num_records; // Compute the offset from the record index we're actually looking // for to the random one we picked earlier. Tell it to the server, // who will rotate right the database by that amount before // encrypting it. let idx_offset = (num_records + rand_idx - q) % num_records; println!("Send to server {} bytes", 8 /* sizeof(idx_offset) */); // The server rotates, blinds, and encrypts the database let blind: DbEntry = 20; let encdb_start = Instant::now(); let encdb = encdb_xor_keys(&db, &dbkeys, r, idx_offset, blind, num_threads); let encdb_us = encdb_start.elapsed().as_micros(); println!("Server encrypt database {} µs", encdb_us); // Load the encrypted database into Spiral let sps_loaddb_start = Instant::now(); let sps_db = load_db_from_slice_mt(&spiral_params, &encdb, num_threads); let sps_loaddb_us = sps_loaddb_start.elapsed().as_micros(); println!("Server load database {} µs", sps_loaddb_us); // Do the PIR query let sps_query_start = Instant::now(); let sps_query = Query::deserialize(&spiral_params, &spc_query_buf); let sps_response = process_query(&spiral_params, &pub_params, &sps_query, sps_db.as_slice()); let sps_query_us = sps_query_start.elapsed().as_micros(); println!( "Server compute response {} µs, {} bytes (*including* the above expansion time)", sps_query_us, sps_response.len() ); // Decode the response to yield the whole Spiral block let spc_recv_start = Instant::now(); let encdbblock = client.decode_response(sps_response.as_slice()); // Extract the one encrypted DbEntry we were looking for (and the // only one we are able to decrypt) let entry_in_block = rand_idx % spiral_blocking_factor; let loc_in_block = entry_in_block * mem::size_of::(); let loc_in_block_end = (entry_in_block + 1) * mem::size_of::(); let encdbentry = DbEntry::from_le_bytes( encdbblock[loc_in_block..loc_in_block_end] .try_into() .unwrap(), ); let decdbentry = otkey_decrypt(&otkey, rand_idx, encdbentry); let spc_recv_us = spc_recv_start.elapsed().as_micros(); println!("Client decode response {} µs", spc_recv_us); println!("index = {}, Response = {}", q, decdbentry); */ }