/** * Copyright 2013 Signal Messenger, LLC * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ syntax = "proto2"; package textsecure; option java_package = "org.whispersystems.textsecuregcm.entities"; option java_outer_classname = "MessageProtos"; message Envelope { enum Type { UNKNOWN = 0; CIPHERTEXT = 1; KEY_EXCHANGE = 2; PREKEY_BUNDLE = 3; SERVER_DELIVERY_RECEIPT = 5; UNIDENTIFIED_SENDER = 6; reserved 7; PLAINTEXT_CONTENT = 8; // for decryption error receipts } optional Type type = 1; optional string source_uuid = 11; optional uint32 source_device = 7; optional uint64 timestamp = 5; optional bytes content = 8; // Contains an encrypted Content optional string server_guid = 9; optional uint64 server_timestamp = 10; optional bool ephemeral = 12; // indicates that the message should not be persisted if the recipient is offline optional string destination_uuid = 13; optional bool urgent = 14 [default=true]; optional string updated_pni = 15; optional bool story = 16; // indicates that the content is a story. optional bytes report_spam_token = 17; // token sent when reporting spam // next: 18 } message ProvisioningUuid { optional string uuid = 1; } message ServerCertificate { message Certificate { optional uint32 id = 1; optional bytes key = 2; } optional bytes certificate = 1; optional bytes signature = 2; } message SenderCertificate { message Certificate { optional string sender = 1; optional string sender_uuid = 6; optional uint32 sender_device = 2; optional fixed64 expires = 3; optional bytes identity_key = 4; optional ServerCertificate signer = 5; } optional bytes certificate = 1; optional bytes signature = 2; }