123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244 |
- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- EMULATOR_EXEC="${EMULATOR_EXEC:-$HOME/Android/Sdk/emulator/emulator}"
- SSH_PORT="${SSH_PORT:-$(( $CONSOLE_PORT + 10000 ))}"
- APP_NAME="${APP_NAME:-org.thoughtcrime.securesms}"
- TCPDUMP_FILE="${TCPDUMP_FILE:-/sdcard/android.pcap}"
- SSLKEYLOGFILE="${SSLKEYLOGFILE:-/sdcard/keyfile.txt}"
- LAUNCH_PROBE='/data/data/com.termux/files/home/launch.probe'
- SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )
- function launch_emulator {
- $EMULATOR_EXEC -avd $DEVICE_NAME -port $CONSOLE_PORT -noaudio -camera-back none -qemu -enable-kvm &
- }
- function push_scripts {
- adb push manage-screen.sh '/data/data/com.termux/files/home/.'
- }
- function hit_enter {
- adb shell input keyevent 66
- }
- function hit_tab {
- adb shell input keyevent 61
- }
- function hit_back {
- adb shell input keyevent 4
- }
- function enable_airplane_mode {
- adb shell settings put global airplane_mode_on 1
- adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.AIRPLANE_MODE
- }
- function disable_airplane_mode {
- adb shell settings put global airplane_mode_on 0
- adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.AIRPLANE_MODE
- }
- function get_app_user {
- app=$1
- local app_user="$(adb shell dumpsys package $app | grep 'userId=' | cut -d= -f2 | sort -u)"
- if [[ -z "$app_user" ]]; then
- echo "Couldn't find $app install, aborting">&2
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "$app_user"
- }
- function launch_termux {
- echo "launching termux"
- adb root >/dev/null
- while ! adb shell 'am start -W -n com.termux/.HomeActivity' ; do
- # I really wish there were a better way to wait for the OS to finish booting
- # (`am` fails if you try to use it too soon after sys.boot_completed)
- echo "failed to launch termux, trying again in 10 seconds..."
- sleep 10
- done
- # the emulator can sometimes be a little slow to launch the app
- while ! adb shell "ls $LAUNCH_PROBE" 2>/dev/null; do
- echo "waiting for launch.probe"
- sleep 5
- adb shell input text "touch\ $LAUNCH_PROBE" && hit_enter
- done
- echo "found launch.probe"
- adb shell "rm $LAUNCH_PROBE" && echo "removed launch.probe"
- }
- function launch_sshd {
- adb wait-for-device shell 'while [[ -z $(getprop sys.boot_completed) ]]; do sleep 1; done'
- # Android really has no way to tell when it's booted enough to launch apps
- sleep 60
- launch_termux
- adb shell input text 'sshd' && hit_enter
- sleep 5
- echo forwarding $SSH_PORT to 8022
- adb forward tcp:$SSH_PORT tcp:8022
- echo forwarded
- }
- function run_termux_command {
- local termux_user="$(get_app_user com.termux)"
- if ! ssh -p $SSH_PORT $termux_user@localhost "$1" ; then
- echo "ssh failed to run command '$1'"
- echo "if ssh is complaining about host identification, you're running the emulator locally, and are okay with trusting the extra accepted localhost keys, you can fix this by running:"
- echo "ssh-keyscan -p $SSH_PORT localhost | sort -u >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts"
- echo "(you may need to restart the emulator after for this tool to work correctly)"
- exit 1
- fi
- }
- function apply_iptables {
- local app_uid=$(get_app_user $1)
- local command="LD_PRELOAD='' sudo iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m owner --uid-owner $app_uid -j DNAT --to --dport "
- run_termux_command "$command 80"
- run_termux_command "$command 443"
- }
- function launch_mitmproxy {
- run_termux_command "./manage-screen.sh $MITMPROXY_SCREEN && screen -S $MITMPROXY_SCREEN -X stuff 'SSLKEYLOGFILE=\"$SSLKEYLOGFILE\" mitmproxy --mode transparent -k^M'"
- }
- function attach_mitmproxy {
- local termux_user="$(get_app_user com.termux)"
- ssh -p $SSH_PORT $termux_user@localhost -t "screen -rdS '$MITMPROXY_SCREEN'"
- }
- function launch_mitmd_app {
- local termux_home='/data/data/com.termux/files/home/'
- local cert_dst='/data/local/tmp/cert-der.crt'
- run_termux_command \
- "sudo cp $termux_home/.mitmproxy/mitmproxy-ca-cert.cer $cert_dst"
- run_termux_command "sudo chmod o+r $cert_dst"
- local user=$(get_app_user $APP_NAME)
- enable_airplane_mode
- adb shell am force-stop $APP_NAME
- adb shell pm disable $APP_NAME
- adb shell pm compile -f -m space $APP_NAME
- adb shell pm enable $APP_NAME
- adb shell monkey -p $APP_NAME -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER 1
- # N.B.: Frida made a breaking change, where <v16 required --no-pause, whereas >= 16 that's the default, and adding it causes an unrecognized argument error
- screen -dmS "$FRIDA_SCREEN" frida -D $ANDROID_SERIAL --load "${SCRIPT_DIR}/frida-android-unpinning/frida-script.js" -f $APP_NAME
- disable_airplane_mode
- }
- function launch_tcpdump {
- run_termux_command "./manage-screen.sh $TCPDUMP_SCREEN && screen -S $TCPDUMP_SCREEN -X stuff 'sudo tcpdump -i any -w $TCPDUMP_FILE^M'"
- }
- function pull_keyfile {
- keyfile="$(basename "$SSLKEYLOGFILE")"
- if [ "$COLLATE_KEYS" == true ] && [ -f "$keyfile" ] ; then
- pullfile="$(mktemp)"
- sortfile="$(mktemp)"
- adb pull "$SSLKEYLOGFILE" "$pullfile"
- sort -u "$keyfile" "$pullfile" > "$sortfile"
- mv "$sortfile" "$keyfile"
- rm "$pullfile"
- else
- adb pull "$SSLKEYLOGFILE"
- fi
- }
- function print_help {
- echo "USAGE: $0 <COMMAND> [OPTIONS]"
- echo "where <COMMAND> is one of:"
- echo "emulator run the emulator, and prepare it for other commands"
- echo "mitm launch mitmproxy in a screen session on the emulator"
- echo "tcpdump launch tcpdump in a screen session on the emulator"
- echo "app launch app proxied through mitmproxy (disables then renables"
- echo " emulator network access and the app, and launches frida in a"
- echo " screen session on this machine)"
- echo "pull pull the most recent keylogfile and pcap file,"
- echo " generated from mitmproxy and tcpdump respectively,"
- echo " to the current working directory"
- echo "stop-mitm use pkill on the device to stop mitmproxy and tcpdump,"
- echo " and pkill on this machine to stop frida"
- echo "stop-emulator shut down the emulated device"
- echo "attach-mitmproxy attach this shell to the remote screen session mitmproxy is"
- echo " running in (use 'ctrl+a d' to detatch)"
- echo "ssh ssh to the device"
- echo "help print this help message"
- echo
- echo "The following environment variables are used to configure behavior"
- echo "(ordered roughly according to how likely you'll need to set it):"
- echo "EMULATOR_EXEC path to the emulator executable"
- echo " (if this is unset but ANDROID_HOME is set,"
- echo " this script will use a path relative to that)"
- echo " current value: $EMULATOR_EXEC"
- echo "DEVICE_NAME name of the emulator device to use"
- echo " current value: $DEVICE_NAME"
- echo "APP_NAME name of the app being MITM'd"
- echo " current value: $APP_NAME"
- echo "CONSOLE_PORT port on the host machine the emulator listens for console connections"
- echo " (this must be unique for each emulator running concurrently,"
- echo " and is expected by adb to be even)"
- echo " current value: $CONSOLE_PORT"
- echo "SSH_PORT port on the host machine to forward SSH traffic through to the emulator"
- echo " (this must be unique for each emulator running concurrently;"
- echo " defaults to CONSOLE_PORT + 10000)"
- echo " current value: $SSH_PORT"
- echo "TCPDUMP_FILE file on the emulator to store the packet capture"
- echo " (be sure to make this unique if capturing multiple emulators,"
- echo " else pulls will clobber each other)"
- echo " current value: $TCPDUMP_FILE"
- echo "SSLKEYLOGFILE file on the emulator to store TLS keys"
- echo " current value: $SSLKEYLOGFILE"
- echo "COLLATE_KEYS if true, pull adds new keys to the existing SSLKEYLOGFILE,"
- echo " else, pull overwites the local SSLKEYLOGFILE"
- echo " (n.b.: mitmproxy on the emulator will collate regardless)"
- echo " current value: $COLLATE_KEYS"
- echo "FRIDA_SCREEN name of the local screen session to run frida on"
- echo " current value: $FRIDA_SCREEN"
- echo "MITMPROXY_SCREEN name of the android screen session to run mitmproxy on"
- echo " current value: $MITMPROXY_SCREEN"
- echo "TCPDUMP_SCREEN name of the android screen session to run tcpdump on"
- echo " current value: $TCPDUMP_SCREEN"
- }
- case "$1" in
- emulator)
- launch_emulator;
- launch_sshd;
- apply_iptables $APP_NAME ;;
- mitm)
- push_scripts;
- launch_mitmproxy ;;
- tcpdump)
- push_scripts;
- launch_tcpdump ;;
- app)
- launch_mitmd_app ;;
- pull)
- pull_keyfile;
- adb pull "$TCPDUMP_FILE" ;;
- stop-mitm)
- run_termux_command 'sudo pkill tcpdump';
- run_termux_command 'pkill mitmproxy';
- pkill frida ;;
- stop-emulator)
- adb shell reboot -p;
- # the emulator takes some time to shut down, and can get corrupted if
- # you try to launch before it finishes. 20 seconds is what the GUI uses.
- sleep 20 ;;
- attach-mitmproxy)
- attach_mitmproxy ;;
- ssh)
- termux_user="$(get_app_user com.termux)"
- ssh -p $SSH_PORT $termux_user@localhost ;;
- h|-h|help|--help)
- print_help ;;
- *)
- print_help; exit 1 ;;
- esac