@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from datetime import date,timedelta
+import sys
+import argparse
+def str_to_date(string_date):
+ return date(*[int(s) for s in string_date.split('-')])
+class CryspCalendar:
+ """Representation of a CrySP weekly meeting schedule for a term"""
+ def __init__(self, start, end=None, weeks=None, names=[],\
+ constraints=[], practice_talks=[], half_practices=[], notes=[], no_repeat=False):
+ self.dates = self.meeting_dates(start, end, weeks)
+ self.names = names
+ self.constraints = self.parse_constraints(constraints)
+ self.practice_talks = self.parse_practice_talks(practice_talks)
+ self.practice_talks.update(self.parse_practice_talks(half_practices, half=True))
+ self.notes = self.parse_notes(notes)
+ self.notes.update(self.parse_notes(practice_talks))
+ self.notes.update(self.parse_notes(half_practices))
+ self.verify_constraints()
+ self.no_repeat = no_repeat
+ def meeting_dates(self, start, end=None, weeks=None):
+ first_meeting = str_to_date(start)
+ last_meeting = None
+ if end:
+ last_meeting = str_to_date(end)
+ if weeks:
+ last_meeting = max(first_meeting + timedelta(weeks=weeks), last_meeting)
+ ret = []
+ next_meeting = first_meeting
+ one_week = timedelta(weeks=1)
+ while next_meeting <= last_meeting:
+ ret.append(next_meeting)
+ next_meeting += one_week
+ return ret
+ def parse_constraints(self, constraints):
+ constraint_dict = {}
+ for constraint in constraints:
+ name = constraint[0]
+ date_strs = constraint[1:]
+ dates = []
+ for date_str in date_strs:
+ dates.append(str_to_date(date_str))
+ constraint_dict[name] = dates
+ return constraint_dict
+ def parse_practice_talks(self, practice, half=False):
+ practice_dict = {}
+ for talk in practice:
+ name = talk[0]
+ day = str_to_date(talk[1])
+ assert half or day not in practice_dict,\
+ "conflicting talks: %s and %s on %s" %\
+ (practice_dict[day][0], name, day)
+ if half:
+ practice_dict[day] = [name,]
+ else:
+ practice_dict[day] = [name, ""]
+ return practice_dict
+ def parse_notes(self, notes):
+ notes_dict = {}
+ for note in notes:
+ day = str_to_date(note[1])
+ message = note[2]
+ assert day not in notes_dict,\
+ 'conflicting notes: "%s" and "%s" on %s' %\
+ (notes_dict[day], message, note[1])
+ notes_dict[day] = message
+ return notes_dict
+ def verify_constraints(self):
+ for name in self.constraints:
+ for day in self.constraints[name]:
+ assert day in self.dates,\
+ "constraint added for %s on %s, which is not a meeting date" %\
+ (name, day)
+ for day in self.practice_talks:
+ assert day in self.dates,\
+ "talk by %s designated on %s, which is not a meeting date" %\
+ (self.practice_talks[day][0], day)
+ for day in self.notes:
+ assert day in self.dates,\
+ 'note "%s" designated on %s, which is not a meeting date' %\
+ (self.notes[day], day)
+ def pop_practice_talk(self, day, i):
+ if i < len(self.practice_talks[day]):
+ return self.practice_talks[day][i]
+ return None
+ def pop_name(self, day, names, i):
+ name = None
+ if day in self.practice_talks:
+ #name = self.practice_talks[day][i]
+ name = self.pop_practice_talk(day, i)
+ if name is None:
+ constrained_names = (name for name in names \
+ if name not in self.constraints \
+ or day not in self.constraints[name])
+ name = next(constrained_names, None)
+ if name and name in names:
+ names.remove(name)
+ return name
+ def next_speaker(self, day, names, i):
+ name = self.pop_name(day, names, i)
+ if name or self.no_repeat:
+ return name
+ names.extend(self.names)
+ return self.pop_name(day, names, i)
+ def date_to_speakers(self, day, names):
+ speaker1 = self.next_speaker(day, names, 0)
+ speaker2 = self.next_speaker(day, names, 1)
+ note = self.notes.get(day, "")
+ return speaker1, speaker2, note
+ # returns a string containing a twiki table
+ def table(self):
+ table = "| *Date* | *Speakers* | *Notes* |\n"
+ names = self.names.copy()
+ for day in self.dates:
+ table += day.strftime("| %b %e |")
+ speaker1, speaker2, note = self.date_to_speakers(day, names)
+ if speaker1:
+ table += ' ' + speaker1
+ if speaker2:
+ table += ", " + speaker2
+ table += " | " + note + " |\n"
+ return table
+ # returns a string containing the currently used email layout, filled in
+ def email(self, weeks=2, today=date.today()):
+ emailstr = ""
+ names = self.names.copy()
+ i = 0
+ for day in self.dates:
+ if day <= today:
+ self.date_to_speakers(day, names)
+ continue
+ i += 1
+ if i > weeks:
+ break
+ speaker1, speaker2, note = self.date_to_speakers(day, names)
+ emailstr += day.strftime("%b %e: ")
+ if speaker1:
+ emailstr += speaker1
+ if speaker2:
+ emailstr += ", " + speaker2
+ if note != "":
+ emailstr += " (" + note + ")"
+ else:
+ emailstr += note
+ emailstr += "\n"
+ emailstr += "\nhttps://cs.uwaterloo.ca/twiki/view/CrySP/SpeakerSchedule\n"
+ return emailstr
+def parse_constraintsfile(filename):
+ f = open(filename, 'r')
+ tweaks = {'c': [], 'p': [], 'h': [], 'n': []}
+ for line in f:
+ l = line.rstrip().split(',')
+ tweaks[l[0]].append(l[1:])
+ return tweaks['c'], tweaks['p'], tweaks['h'], tweaks['n']
+def make_parser():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = \
+ "Print a speaker schedule for the CrySP weekly meetings.")
+ parser.add_argument("-s", "--start",
+ metavar = "DATE", required = True,
+ help = "date of the first meeting in ISO format (yyyy-mm-dd)")
+ parser.add_argument("-e", "--end", metavar = "DATE",
+ help = "last date to schedule a meeting on or before " +\
+ "(if -w also specified, uses whatever is shortest)")
+ parser.add_argument("-w", "--weeks", type=int,
+ help = "number of weeks to schedule for " +\
+ "(if -e also specified, uses whatever is shortest)")
+ group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ group.add_argument("-n", "--names",
+ nargs = '+', default = [], metavar = "NAME",
+ help = "names to schedule in their speaking order")
+ group.add_argument("-f", "--namesfile",
+ metavar = "FILE",
+ help = "path of a file that contains a whitespace " +\
+ "and/or comma seperated list of names to schedule in " +\
+ "their speaking order")
+ parser.add_argument("-c", "--constraints",
+ metavar = ("NAME", "DATES"),
+ nargs = '+', action = "append", default = [],
+ help = 'specify someone *can\'t* speak on certain dates ' +\
+ '(e.g., "-c Justin 2018-01-01 2018-01-08 -c Ian 2018-01-01")')
+ parser.add_argument("-p", "--practice",
+ metavar = ("NAME", "DATE", "NOTE"),
+ nargs = 3, action = "append", default = [],
+ help = 'designate given DATE as a talk given by NAME, '+\
+ 'and remove the next instance of NAME in the list of names, '+\
+ 'if present (NOTE should usually be "practice talk")')
+ parser.add_argument("-C", "--constraintsfile",
+ metavar = "FILE",
+ help = 'provide constraints, practice talks, and notes ' +\
+ 'via supplied csv file')
+ parser.add_argument("-r", "--no-repeat",
+ action = 'store_true',
+ help = "disables repeating the list of names")
+ parser.add_argument("-E", "--email",
+ nargs='?', const=2, default=False, metavar="WEEKS",
+ help = "print an email for notifying who is speaking" +\
+ " the next two (or specified) weeks")
+ return parser
+def main(argv=None):
+ if argv is None:
+ argv = sys.argv
+ parser = make_parser()
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if not args.end and not args.weeks:
+ parser.error("requires -w/--weeks or -e/--end")
+ if args.namesfile:
+ f = open(args.namesfile, 'r')
+ names = f.read().replace(",", " ").split()
+ f.close()
+ else:
+ names = args.names
+ if args.constraintsfile:
+ constraints, practice, halves, notes = parse_constraintsfile(args.constraintsfile)
+ else:
+ constraints = args.constraints
+ practice = args.practice
+ cal = CryspCalendar(args.start, args.end, args.weeks, names,\
+ constraints, practice, halves, notes, args.no_repeat)
+ print(cal.table() if not args.email else cal.email(int(args.email)))
+ return 0;
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main())