## Find bugfixes from issues and a gitlog.json To link bugfixes to issues one can use the [find_bug_fixes.py](../fetch_jira_bugs/find_bug_fixes.py) script. This script uses the results from the [fetch.py](../fetch_jira_bugs/fetch.py) and the [git_log_to_array.py](../fetch_jira_bugs/git_log_to_array.py) scripts. Using the results from previous examples in [Fetch](Fetch.md) and [GitLogToArray](GitLogToArray.md), one can produce the data necessary for running the [SZZ algorithm](SZZ.md). Start by locating the *issues* directory, the one produced in the [Fetch](Fetch.md) example. This directory must contain at least one **res<0...>.json**. Second, locate the **gitlog.json** that was produced in the [GitLogToArray](GitLogToArray.md) example. Then provide these to the **find_bug_fixes.py** script. Lastly, identify how a bug fix looks like in a commit. The matching string for the Jenkins project looks like: ```python pattern = r'JENKINS-{nbr}\D|#{nbr}\D|HUDSON-{nbr}\D' ``` The script will try to find the pattern in each commit and then decide if it's a fixing commit or not. ```bash python find_bug_fixes.py --gitlog /gitlog.json --issue-list /issues --gitlog-pattern "" ``` In this example, one can use the results in [examples/data](./data) directory. Finally, when the script is done the results are found in the **issue_list.json**. An example of that file is found on [issue_list.json](./data/issue_list.json).