## Convert a gitlog to an array To convert a gitlog to an array of commits, one can use the [git_log_to_array.py](../fetch_jira_bugs/git_log_to_array.py) script. It requires a local copy of the git repository that is aimed to be analyzed. As an example one can use the [Jenkins repository](https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins). First clone the repository to a location of your own choice. ```bash git clone https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins ``` Then decide from which commit the script should produce an array from. In this example the following commit was chosen, [02d6908ada70fcf8012833ddef628bc09c6f8389](https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/commit/02d6908ada70fcf8012833ddef628bc09c6f8389). Then run the script using: ```bash python git_log_to_array.py --repo-path /jenkins --from-commit 02d6908ada70fcf8012833ddef628bc09c6f8389 ``` The results from the script will be assembled in the file *gitlog.json*. An example of this run can be found in [data/gitlog.json](./data/gitlog.json).