#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import networkx as nx import copy if len(sys.argv) != 3: print("Usage: {} atlas.gml output.gml".format(sys.argv[0])) exit(1) # read first arg as a graph g = nx.read_gml(sys.argv[1]) # add our 10gig node at a valid IP we know won't be in an atlas probe new_node = "node at" g.add_node(new_node, label=new_node, ip_address="", city_code="4744870", country_code="US", bandwidth_down="10000000 Kibit", bandwidth_up="10000000 Kibit" ) # then duplicate all edges with source or dest of the node we're imitating, imitated_node = "node at" edges_to_copy = g.edges(imitated_node, data=True) # but remaped to our new node def remap_edge(e): if e[0] == imitated_node: e[0] = new_node if e[1] == imitated_node: e[1] = new_node return e # (list(e) also gives us a shallow copy of e, good enough for us) copied_edges = map(remap_edge, [list(e) for e in edges_to_copy]) g.add_edges_from(copied_edges) # create an edge between the new and old node edge = copy.deepcopy(g.get_edge_data(imitated_node, imitated_node)) edge['label'] = "path from to" g.add_edge(new_node, imitated_node) g[new_node][imitated_node].update(edge) # finally, save to the second arg nx.write_gml(g, sys.argv[2])