// Knows only protobuf_sgx objects, protobuf header. #include #include #include #include #include #include "ProtobufLAMessages.pb.h" #include #include using namespace google::protobuf::io; #include "SgxProtobufLAInitiator.h" #include "crypto.h" // For socket programming #include #include #include int global_decryptor_fd; // TODO: Make these private functions int read_protobuf_msg_from_fd(int accept_fd, google::protobuf::MessageLite& message) { ZeroCopyInputStream* raw_input; CodedInputStream* coded_input; uint32_t size; CodedInputStream::Limit limit; raw_input = new FileInputStream(accept_fd); coded_input = new CodedInputStream(raw_input); if(!coded_input->ReadVarint32(&size)) { printf("Error in reading size of msg\n"); fflush(stdout); return -1; } printf("size of msg was read to be %d \n", size); fflush(stdout); limit = coded_input->PushLimit(size); if(!message.ParseFromCodedStream(coded_input)) { printf("Error in parsing msg\n"); fflush(stdout); return -1; } printf("Done parsing msg\n"); fflush(stdout); coded_input->PopLimit(limit); return 0; } // TODO: private functions int write_protobuf_msg_to_fd(int accept_fd, google::protobuf::MessageLite& message) { ZeroCopyOutputStream* raw_output = new FileOutputStream(accept_fd); CodedOutputStream* coded_output = new CodedOutputStream(raw_output); coded_output->WriteVarint32(message.ByteSize()); if(!message.SerializeToCodedStream(coded_output)) { printf("SerializeToCodedStream failed\n"); fflush(stdout); return -1; } // As per this - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22881876/protocol-buffers-how-to-serialize-and-deserialize-multiple-messages-into-a-file?noredirect=1&lq=1 // TODO: There may be a better way to do this - 1) this happens with every accept now and 2) make it happen on the stack vs heap - destructor will be called on return from this function (main) and the items will then be written out. (We probably don't want that, actually) delete coded_output; delete raw_output; fflush(stdout); return 0; } // Sets up a socket connected to the port passed as input - returns the socket FD on success and -1 on error. // Also prints the errno on error. int set_up_socket_connect(int port) { int sock = 0; if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { printf("\n Error in socket call - errno is %d \n", errno); return -1; } struct sockaddr_in serv_addr; memset(&serv_addr, '0', sizeof(serv_addr)); serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; serv_addr.sin_port = htons(port); // Convert IPv4 and IPv6 addresses from text to binary form if(inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &serv_addr.sin_addr)<=0) { printf("\nError in inet_pton - errno is %d\n", errno); return -1; } if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) { printf("\nError in connect - errno is %d \n", errno); return -1; } return sock; } int local_attestation_initiator(int port, unsigned char* base64_encoded_token) { // declare msg1, msg2, msg3 protobuf objects protobuf_sgx_dh_msg1_t protobuf_msg1; protobuf_sgx_dh_msg2_t protobuf_msg2; protobuf_sgx_dh_msg3_t protobuf_msg3; uint32_t protobuf_sgx_ret; // uint8_t encrypted_hash[32]; uint8_t encrypted_tag[16]; size_t post_la_bytes_written; // uint8_t tokenT_and_tag[176]; size_t bytes_read; // For socket to listen to the Apache enclave. // int server_fd=0; int accept_fd = 0; // std::string protobuf_encrypted_msg_string(protobuf_encrypted_msg.msg()); // memcpy(tokenT_and_tag, protobuf_encrypted_msg_string.c_str(), 176); // struct sockaddr_in own_addr; // struct sockaddr_storage apache_addr; socklen_t apache_addr_size = sizeof(apache_addr); uint32_t session_id; // int counter; int decryptor_fd; setbuf(stdout,NULL); decryptor_fd=set_up_socket_connect(port); if(decryptor_fd == -1) { perror("\nCould not set up the socket: had the following error: "); fflush(stderr); } // printf(""); if(read_protobuf_msg_from_fd(decryptor_fd, protobuf_msg1)!=0) return -1; protobuf_sgx_ret = process_protobuf_dh_msg1_generate_protobuf_dh_msg2(protobuf_msg1, protobuf_msg2, &session_id); if(protobuf_sgx_ret != 0) { printf("Error in process_protobuf_dh_msg1_generate_protobuf_dh_msg2: 0x%x", protobuf_sgx_ret); fflush(stdout); return protobuf_sgx_ret; } if(write_protobuf_msg_to_fd(decryptor_fd, protobuf_msg2)!=0) return -1; if(read_protobuf_msg_from_fd(decryptor_fd, protobuf_msg3)!=0) return -1; protobuf_sgx_ret = process_protobuf_dh_msg3(protobuf_msg3, &session_id); if(protobuf_sgx_ret != 0) { printf("Error in process_protobuf_dh_msg3: 0x%x", protobuf_sgx_ret); fflush(stdout); return protobuf_sgx_ret; } unsigned char tokenT_and_tag[176]; int protobuf_encrypted_msg_size; protobuf_post_LA_encrypted_msg_t protobuf_encrypted_msg; if(read_protobuf_msg_from_fd(decryptor_fd, protobuf_encrypted_msg)!=0) { printf("Not all of the post-LA message was read\n"); fflush(stdout); return 0xfe; } std::string protobuf_encrypted_msg_string(protobuf_encrypted_msg.msg()); memcpy(tokenT_and_tag, protobuf_encrypted_msg_string.c_str(), 176); printf("Read encrypted signature and tag from the decryptor socket.\n"); fflush(stdout); uint32_t count; printf("Encrypted data:\n"); for(count=0;count<176;count++) printf("0x%02x ", tokenT_and_tag[count]); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); uint8_t plaintext_token[160]; int plaintext_length=0; uint32_t ret_decrypt=aes_gcm_wrapper(0, tokenT_and_tag, 160, plaintext_token, &plaintext_length, tokenT_and_tag+160); //int aes_cipher(int enc, unsigned char *key, unsigned char *iv, unsigned char* plaintext, int plaintext_len, unsigned char *ciphertext, int* op_ciphertext_len, unsigned char* tag); if(ret_decrypt!=0) { printf("Errorin decryption 0x%x", ret_decrypt); fflush(stdout); return 0xed; } printf("Decryption keypair\n"); for(count=0;count<64;count++) printf("0x%02x ", plaintext_token[count]); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); printf("Decryption verifier mrenclave\n"); for(count=64;count<96;count++) printf("0x%02x ", plaintext_token[count]); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); count=base64_encoding_wrapper(plaintext_token, base64_encoded_token, 160); if(count != 216) { printf("Somehow not the entire token was encoded in base64:0x%x\n", count); fflush(stdout); return 0x55; } global_decryptor_fd=decryptor_fd; printf("Successfully done Local attestation\n"); fflush(stdout); return 0; } int extract_binary_key_and_client_ciphertext_data_from_base64(unsigned char* base64_encoded_client_pub_key, unsigned char* base64_ciphertext, uint32_t base64_ciphertext_length, unsigned char* op_client_public_key_and_ciphertext, uint32_t* op_ciphertext_length) { int openssl_ret_status; openssl_ret_status=base64_decoding_wrapper(base64_encoded_client_pub_key, op_client_public_key_and_ciphertext, 88); if(openssl_ret_status == -1) return 0xfe; *op_ciphertext_length = base64_decoding_wrapper(base64_ciphertext, op_client_public_key_and_ciphertext + 64, base64_ciphertext_length); if(*op_ciphertext_length == -1) { return 0x33; } return 0; } // should be called with the base64encoded public key and data to be decrypted // base64 encoded public key should be of length 4*(ceil(64/3)) = 88 (at least) int decrypt_client_data_through_decryptor(unsigned char* base64_client_public_key, unsigned char* base64_ciphertext_client_data, uint32_t base64_ciphertext_client_data_length, unsigned char* plaintext_client_data, uint32_t* op_plaintext_client_data_length) { int ret_status; uint32_t count; unsigned char* client_data_to_decryptor; unsigned char* client_data_encrypted_to_decryptor; unsigned char* client_data_from_decryptor; unsigned char tag[16]; const char* msg; protobuf_post_LA_encrypted_msg_t protobuf_encrypted_msg; int output_length; int input_length; uint32_t ciphertext_length; for(count=0; count