/* -*- mode:c; c-file-style:"k&r"; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width:4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; mode:auto-fill; fill-column:78; -*- */ /* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et tw=78 fo=cqt wm=0: */ /* Copyright (C) 2014 Stony Brook University This file is part of Graphene Library OS. Graphene Library OS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Graphene Library OS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* * pal.h * * This file contains definition of PAL host ABI. */ #ifndef PAL_H #define PAL_H #include #include #include typedef unsigned long PAL_NUM; typedef const char * PAL_STR; typedef void * PAL_PTR; typedef uint32_t PAL_FLG; typedef uint32_t PAL_IDX; typedef bool PAL_BOL; #ifdef IN_PAL #include typedef struct atomic_int PAL_REF; typedef struct { PAL_IDX type; PAL_REF ref; PAL_FLG flags; } PAL_HDR; # include "pal_host.h" # ifndef HANDLE_HDR # define HANDLE_HDR(handle) (&((handle)->hdr)) # endif static inline void init_handle_hdr(PAL_HDR *hdr, int pal_type) { hdr->type = pal_type; hdr->ref.counter = 1; hdr->flags = 0; } # define SET_HANDLE_TYPE(handle, t) \ init_handle_hdr(HANDLE_HDR(handle), pal_type_##t) # define IS_HANDLE_TYPE(handle, t) \ (HANDLE_HDR(handle)->type == pal_type_##t) #else typedef union pal_handle { struct { PAL_IDX type; } hdr; } * PAL_HANDLE; # ifndef HANDLE_HDR # define HANDLE_HDR(handle) (&((handle)->hdr)) # endif #endif /* !IN_PAL */ typedef struct { #ifdef __x86_64__ PAL_NUM r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15; PAL_NUM rdi, rsi, rbp, rbx, rdx, rax, rcx; PAL_NUM rsp, rip; PAL_NUM efl, csgsfs, err, trapno, oldmask, cr2; #else # error "Unsupported architecture" #endif } PAL_CONTEXT; #define PAL_TRUE true #define PAL_FALSE false /********** PAL TYPE DEFINITIONS **********/ enum { pal_type_none = 0, pal_type_file, pal_type_pipe, pal_type_pipesrv, pal_type_pipecli, pal_type_pipeprv, pal_type_dev, pal_type_dir, pal_type_tcp, pal_type_tcpsrv, pal_type_udp, pal_type_udpsrv, pal_type_process, pal_type_mcast, pal_type_thread, pal_type_mutex, pal_type_event, pal_type_gipc, PAL_HANDLE_TYPE_BOUND, }; /* PAL identifier poison value */ #define PAL_IDX_POISON ((PAL_IDX) -1) #define PAL_GET_TYPE(h) (HANDLE_HDR(h)->type) #define PAL_CHECK_TYPE(h, t) (PAL_GET_TYPE(h) == pal_type_##t) typedef struct { PAL_PTR start, end; } PAL_PTR_RANGE; typedef struct { PAL_NUM cpu_num; PAL_STR cpu_vendor; PAL_STR cpu_brand; PAL_NUM cpu_family; PAL_NUM cpu_model; PAL_NUM cpu_stepping; PAL_STR cpu_flags; } PAL_CPU_INFO; typedef struct { PAL_NUM mem_total; } PAL_MEM_INFO; /********** PAL APIs **********/ typedef struct { PAL_STR host_type; /* An identifier of current picoprocess */ PAL_NUM process_id; PAL_NUM host_id; /***** Handles and executables *****/ /* program manifest */ PAL_HANDLE manifest_handle; /* executable name */ PAL_STR executable; /* handle of parent process */ PAL_HANDLE parent_process; /* handle of first thread */ PAL_HANDLE first_thread; /* debug stream */ PAL_HANDLE debug_stream; /* broadcast RPC stream */ PAL_HANDLE broadcast_stream; /***** Memory layout ******/ /* The range of user address */ PAL_PTR_RANGE user_address; /* address where executable is loaded */ PAL_PTR_RANGE executable_range; /* manifest preloaded here */ PAL_PTR_RANGE manifest_preload; /***** Host information *****/ /* host page size / allocation alignment */ PAL_NUM pagesize, alloc_align; /* CPU information (only required ones) */ PAL_CPU_INFO cpu_info; /* Memory information (only required ones) */ PAL_MEM_INFO mem_info; /* Purely for profiling */ PAL_NUM startup_time; PAL_NUM host_specific_startup_time; PAL_NUM relocation_time; PAL_NUM linking_time; PAL_NUM manifest_loading_time; PAL_NUM allocation_time; PAL_NUM tail_startup_time; PAL_NUM child_creation_time; } PAL_CONTROL; #define pal_control (*pal_control_addr()) PAL_CONTROL * pal_control_addr (void); /* The ABI includes three calls to allocate, free, and modify the * permission bits on page-base virtual memory. Permissions in- * clude read, write, execute, and guard. Memory regions can be * unallocated, reserved, or backed by committed memory */ /* Memory Allocation Flags */ #define PAL_ALLOC_RESERVE 0x0001 /* Only reserve the memory */ #ifdef IN_PAL #define PAL_ALLOC_INTERNAL 0x8000 #endif /* Memory Protection Flags */ #define PAL_PROT_NONE 0x0 /* 0x0 Page can not be accessed. */ #define PAL_PROT_READ 0x1 /* 0x1 Page can be read. */ #define PAL_PROT_WRITE 0x2 /* 0x2 Page can be written. */ #define PAL_PROT_EXEC 0x4 /* 0x4 Page can be executed. */ #define PAL_PROT_WRITECOPY 0x8 /* 0x8 Copy on write */ PAL_PTR DkVirtualMemoryAlloc (PAL_PTR addr, PAL_NUM size, PAL_FLG alloc_type, PAL_FLG prot); void DkVirtualMemoryFree (PAL_PTR addr, PAL_NUM size); PAL_BOL DkVirtualMemoryProtect (PAL_PTR addr, PAL_NUM size, PAL_FLG prot); /* The ABI includes one call to create a child process and one call to * terminate the running process. A child process does not inherit * any objects or memory from its parent process and the parent * process may not modify the execution of its children. A parent can * wait for a child to exit using its handle. Parent and child may * communicate through I/O streams provided by the parent to the * child at creation */ #define PAL_PROCESS_MASK 0x0 PAL_HANDLE DkProcessCreate (PAL_STR uri, PAL_FLG flags, PAL_STR * args); void DkProcessExit (PAL_NUM exitCode); #define PAL_SANDBOX_PIPE 0x1 PAL_BOL DkProcessSandboxCreate (PAL_STR manifest, PAL_FLG flags); /* The stream ABI includes nine calls to open, read, write, map, unmap, * truncate, flush, delete and wait for I/O streams and three calls to * access metadata about an I/O stream. The ABI purposefully does not * provide an ioctl call. Supported URI schemes include file:, pipe:, * http:, https:, tcp:, udp:, pipe.srv:, http.srv, tcp.srv:, and udp.srv:. * The latter four schemes are used to open inbound I/O streams for * server applications. */ /* DkStreamOpen * access_mode: WRONLY or RDONLY or RDWR * share_flags: permission for the created file * create_flags: the creation options for the file * options: other options */ /* Stream Access Flags */ #define PAL_ACCESS_RDONLY 00 #define PAL_ACCESS_WRONLY 01 #define PAL_ACCESS_RDWR 02 #define PAL_ACCESS_APPEND 04 #define PAL_ACCESS_MASK 07 /* Stream Sharing Flags */ #define PAL_SHARE_GLOBAL_X 01 #define PAL_SHARE_GLOBAL_W 02 #define PAL_SHARE_GLOBAL_R 04 #define PAL_SHARE_GROUP_X 010 #define PAL_SHARE_GROUP_W 020 #define PAL_SHARE_GROUP_R 040 #define PAL_SHARE_OWNER_X 0100 #define PAL_SHARE_OWNER_W 0200 #define PAL_SHARE_OWNER_R 0400 #define PAL_SHARE_MASK 0777 /* Stream Create Flags */ #define PAL_CREAT_TRY 0100 /* 0100 Create file if file not exist (O_CREAT) */ #define PAL_CREAT_ALWAYS 0200 /* 0300 Create file and fail if file already exist (O_CREAT|O_EXCL) */ #define PAL_CREAT_MASK 0300 /* Stream Option Flags */ #define PAL_OPTION_NONBLOCK 04000 #define PAL_OPTION_MASK 04000 PAL_HANDLE DkStreamOpen (PAL_STR uri, PAL_FLG access, PAL_FLG share_flags, PAL_FLG create, PAL_FLG options); PAL_HANDLE DkStreamWaitForClient (PAL_HANDLE handle); PAL_NUM DkStreamRead (PAL_HANDLE handle, PAL_NUM offset, PAL_NUM count, PAL_PTR buffer, PAL_PTR source, PAL_NUM size); PAL_NUM DkStreamWrite (PAL_HANDLE handle, PAL_NUM offset, PAL_NUM count, PAL_PTR buffer, PAL_STR dest); #define PAL_DELETE_RD 01 #define PAL_DELETE_WR 02 void DkStreamDelete (PAL_HANDLE handle, PAL_FLG access); PAL_PTR DkStreamMap (PAL_HANDLE handle, PAL_PTR address, PAL_FLG prot, PAL_NUM offset, PAL_NUM size); void DkStreamUnmap (PAL_PTR addr, PAL_NUM size); PAL_NUM DkStreamSetLength (PAL_HANDLE handle, PAL_NUM length); PAL_BOL DkStreamFlush (PAL_HANDLE handle); PAL_BOL DkSendHandle (PAL_HANDLE handle, PAL_HANDLE cargo); PAL_HANDLE DkReceiveHandle (PAL_HANDLE handle); /* stream attribute structure */ typedef struct { PAL_IDX handle_type; PAL_BOL disconnected; PAL_BOL nonblocking; PAL_BOL readable, writeable, runnable; PAL_FLG share_flags; PAL_NUM pending_size; union { struct { PAL_NUM linger; PAL_NUM receivebuf, sendbuf; PAL_NUM receivetimeout, sendtimeout; PAL_BOL tcp_cork; PAL_BOL tcp_keepalive; PAL_BOL tcp_nodelay; } socket; }; } PAL_STREAM_ATTR; PAL_BOL DkStreamAttributesQuery (PAL_STR uri, PAL_STREAM_ATTR * attr); PAL_BOL DkStreamAttributesQuerybyHandle (PAL_HANDLE handle, PAL_STREAM_ATTR * attr); PAL_BOL DkStreamAttributesSetbyHandle (PAL_HANDLE handle, PAL_STREAM_ATTR * attr); PAL_NUM DkStreamGetName (PAL_HANDLE handle, PAL_PTR buffer, PAL_NUM size); PAL_BOL DkStreamChangeName (PAL_HANDLE handle, PAL_STR uri); /* The ABI supports multithreading through five calls to create, * sleep, yield the scheduler quantum for, resume execution of, and * terminate threads, as well as seven calls to create, signal, and * block on synchronization objects */ #define PAL_THREAD_MASK 0 PAL_HANDLE DkThreadCreate (PAL_PTR addr, PAL_PTR param, PAL_FLG flags); // assuming duration to be in microseconds PAL_NUM DkThreadDelayExecution (PAL_NUM duration); void DkThreadYieldExecution (void); void DkThreadExit (void); PAL_BOL DkThreadResume (PAL_HANDLE thread); /* Exception Handling */ /* Div-by-zero */ #define PAL_EVENT_DIVZERO 1 /* segmentation fault, protection fault, bus fault */ #define PAL_EVENT_MEMFAULT 2 /* illegal instructions */ #define PAL_EVENT_ILLEGAL 3 /* terminated by external program */ #define PAL_EVENT_QUIT 4 /* suspended by external program */ #define PAL_EVENT_SUSPEND 5 /* continued by external program */ #define PAL_EVENT_RESUME 6 /* failure within PAL calls */ #define PAL_EVENT_FAILURE 7 #define PAL_EVENT_NUM_BOUND 8 #define PAL_EVENT_PRIVATE 0x0001 /* upcall specific to thread */ #define PAL_EVENT_RESET 0x0002 /* reset the event upcall */ typedef void (*PAL_EVENT_HANDLER) (PAL_PTR event, PAL_NUM arg, PAL_CONTEXT *); PAL_BOL DkSetExceptionHandler (PAL_EVENT_HANDLER handler, PAL_NUM event, PAL_FLG flags); void DkExceptionReturn (PAL_PTR event); /* parameter: keeping int threadHandle for now (to be in sync with the paper). * We may want to replace it with a PAL_HANDLE. Ideally, either use PAL_HANDLE * or threadHandle. */ /* Create a Mutex. * initialCount of 0 is totally unlocked; an initialCount of 1 * is initialized to locked. */ PAL_HANDLE DkMutexCreate (PAL_NUM initialCount); /* Destroy a mutex using DkObjectClose */ void DkMutexRelease (PAL_HANDLE mutexHandle); PAL_HANDLE DkNotificationEventCreate (PAL_BOL initialState); PAL_HANDLE DkSynchronizationEventCreate (PAL_BOL initialState); /* DkEventDestroy deprecated, replaced by DkObjectClose */ void DkEventSet (PAL_HANDLE eventHandle); /* DkEventWait deprecated, replaced by DkObjectsWaitAny */ void DkEventClear (PAL_HANDLE eventHandle); #define NO_TIMEOUT ((PAL_NUM) -1) /* assuming timeout to be in microseconds * NO_TIMEOUT means no timeout, as the name implies. */ /* Returns: NULL if the call times out, the ready handle on success */ PAL_HANDLE DkObjectsWaitAny (PAL_NUM count, PAL_HANDLE * handleArray, PAL_NUM timeout); void DkObjectReference (PAL_HANDLE objectHandle); void DkObjectClose (PAL_HANDLE objectHandle); /* the ABI includes seven assorted calls to get wall clock * time, generate cryptographically-strong random bits, flush por- * tions of instruction caches, increment and decrement the reference * counts on objects shared between threads, and to coordinate * threads with the security monitor during process serialization */ /* assuming the time to be in microseconds */ PAL_NUM DkSystemTimeQuery (void); PAL_NUM DkRandomBitsRead (PAL_PTR buffer, PAL_NUM size); PAL_BOL DkInstructionCacheFlush (PAL_PTR addr, PAL_NUM size); #define PAL_SEGMENT_FS 0x1 #define PAL_SEGMENT_GS 0x2 PAL_PTR DkSegmentRegister (PAL_FLG reg, PAL_PTR addr); PAL_HANDLE DkCreatePhysicalMemoryChannel (PAL_NUM * key); PAL_NUM DkPhysicalMemoryCommit (PAL_HANDLE channel, PAL_NUM entries, PAL_PTR * addrs, PAL_NUM * sizes, PAL_FLG flags); PAL_NUM DkPhysicalMemoryMap (PAL_HANDLE channel, PAL_NUM entries, PAL_PTR * addrs, PAL_NUM * sizes, PAL_FLG * prots); PAL_NUM DkMemoryAvailableQuota (void); PAL_BOL DkCpuIdRetrieve (PAL_IDX leaf, PAL_IDX subleaf, PAL_IDX values[4]); #endif /* PAL_H */