#!/usr/bin/env python3

import mmap
import os
import sys
import unittest
import subprocess

from regression import (

class TC_00_Bootstrap(RegressionTestCase):
    def test_100_basic_bootstrapping(self):
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['bootstrap'])

        # Basic Bootstrapping
        self.assertIn('User Program Started', stdout)

        # One Argument Given
        self.assertIn('# of Arguments: 1', stdout)
        self.assertIn('argv[0] = file:bootstrap', stdout)

    def test_101_basic_bootstrapping_five_arguments(self):
        # Five Arguments Given
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['bootstrap', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
        self.assertIn('# of Arguments: 5', stdout)
        self.assertIn('argv[0] = file:bootstrap', stdout)
        self.assertIn('argv[1] = a', stdout)
        self.assertIn('argv[2] = b', stdout)
        self.assertIn('argv[3] = c', stdout)
        self.assertIn('argv[4] = d', stdout)

        'This test is only meaningful on SGX PAL because only SGX catches raw '
        'syscalls and redirects to Graphene\'s LibOS. If we will add seccomp to '
        'Linux PAL, then we should allow this test on Linux PAL as well.')
    def test_102_basic_bootstrapping_static(self):
        # bootstrap_static
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['bootstrap_static'])
        self.assertIn('Hello world (file:bootstrap_static)!', stdout)

    def test_103_basic_bootstrapping_pie(self):
        # bootstrap_pie
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['bootstrap_pie'])
        self.assertIn('User program started', stdout)
        self.assertIn('Local Address in Executable: 0x', stdout)
        self.assertIn('argv[0] = file:bootstrap_pie', stdout)

    def test_110_basic_bootstrapping_cxx(self):
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['bootstrap-c++'])

        # Basic Bootstrapping (C++)
        self.assertIn('User Program Started', stdout)

    def test_200_exec(self):
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['exec'])

        # 2 page child binary
            '00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 '
            '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 '
            '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 '
            '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 '
            '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 '
            '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 '
            '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 '
            '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 '
            '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 '
            '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 '
            '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 '
            '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 '
            '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 '
            '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 '
            '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 '
            '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ',

    def test_201_fork_and_exec(self):
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['fork_and_exec'])

        # fork and exec 2 page child binary
        self.assertIn('child exited with status: 0', stdout)
        self.assertIn('test completed successfully', stdout)

    def test_202_vfork_and_exec(self):
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['vfork_and_exec'])

        # vfork and exec 2 page child binary
        self.assertIn('child exited with status: 0', stdout)
        self.assertIn('test completed successfully', stdout)

    def test_210_exec_invalid_args(self):
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['exec_invalid_args'])

        # Execve with invalid pointers in arguments
            'execve(invalid-path) correctly returned error', stdout)
            'execve(invalid-argv-ptr) correctly returned error', stdout)
            'execve(invalid-envp-ptr) correctly returned error', stdout)
            'execve(invalid-argv) correctly returned error', stdout)
            'execve(invalid-envp) correctly returned error', stdout)

    def test_300_shared_object(self):
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['shared_object'])

        # Shared Object
        self.assertIn('Hello world', stdout)

    def test_400_exit(self):
        with self.expect_returncode(113):

    def test_500_init_fail(self):
            self.fail('expected to return nonzero (and != 42)')
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
            self.assertNotEqual(e.returncode, 42, 'expected returncode != 42')

    'This test is only meaningful on SGX PAL because only SGX catches raw '
    'syscalls and redirects to Graphene\'s LibOS. If we will add seccomp to '
    'Linux PAL, then we should allow this test on Linux PAL as well.')
class TC_01_OpenMP(RegressionTestCase):
    def test_000_simple_for_loop(self):
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['openmp'])

        # OpenMP simple for loop
        self.assertIn('first: 0, last: 9', stdout)

class TC_30_Syscall(RegressionTestCase):
    def test_000_getcwd(self):
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['getcwd'])

        # Getcwd syscall
        self.assertIn('[bss_cwd_buf] getcwd succeeded: /', stdout)
        self.assertIn('[mmapped_cwd_buf] getcwd succeeded: /', stdout)

    def test_010_stat_invalid_args(self):
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['stat_invalid_args'])

        # Stat with invalid arguments
        self.assertIn('stat(invalid-path-ptr) correctly returned error', stdout)
        self.assertIn('stat(invalid-buf-ptr) correctly returned error', stdout)
        self.assertIn('lstat(invalid-path-ptr) correctly returned error', stdout)
        self.assertIn('lstat(invalid-buf-ptr) correctly returned error', stdout)

    def test_011_fstat_cwd(self):
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['fstat_cwd'])

        # fstat on a directory
        self.assertIn('fstat returned the fd type as S_IFDIR', stdout)

    def test_020_getdents(self):
        # This doesn't catch extraneous entries, but should be fine
        # until the LTP test can be run (need symlink support)

        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['getdents'])
        self.assertIn('getdents: setup ok', stdout)

        # Directory listing (32-bit)
        self.assertIn('getdents32: . [0x4]', stdout)
        self.assertIn('getdents32: .. [0x4]', stdout)
        self.assertIn('getdents32: file1 [0x8]', stdout)
        self.assertIn('getdents32: file2 [0x8]', stdout)
        self.assertIn('getdents32: dir3 [0x4]', stdout)

        # Directory listing (64-bit)
        self.assertIn('getdents64: . [0x4]', stdout)
        self.assertIn('getdents64: .. [0x4]', stdout)
        self.assertIn('getdents64: file1 [0x8]', stdout)
        self.assertIn('getdents64: file2 [0x8]', stdout)
        self.assertIn('getdents64: dir3 [0x4]', stdout)

    def test_021_getdents_large_dir(self):
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['large_dir_read', 'tmp/large_dir', '3000'])

        self.assertIn('Success!', stdout)

    def test_030_fopen(self):
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['fopen_cornercases'])

        # fopen corner cases
        self.assertIn('Successfully read from file: Hello World', stdout)

    def test_040_futex_wake(self):
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['futex'])

        # Futex Wake Test
        self.assertIn('Woke all kiddos', stdout)

    def test_041_futex_timeout(self):
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['futex-timeout'])

        # Futex Timeout Test
        self.assertIn('futex correctly timed out', stdout)

    def test_050_mmap(self):
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['mmap-file'], timeout=60)

        # Private mmap beyond file range
        self.assertIn('mmap test 6 passed', stdout)
        self.assertIn('mmap test 7 passed', stdout)

        # Private mmap beyond file range (after fork)
        self.assertIn('mmap test 1 passed', stdout)
        self.assertIn('mmap test 2 passed', stdout)
        self.assertIn('mmap test 3 passed', stdout)
        self.assertIn('mmap test 4 passed', stdout)

        'On SGX, SIGBUS isn\'t always implemented correctly, for lack '
        'of memory protection. For now, some of these cases won\'t work.')
    def test_051_mmap_sgx(self):
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['mmap-file'], timeout=60)

        # SIGBUS test
        self.assertIn('mmap test 5 passed', stdout)
        self.assertIn('mmap test 8 passed', stdout)

    def test_52_large_mmap(self):
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['large-mmap'], timeout=240)

        # Ftruncate
        self.assertIn('large-mmap: ftruncate OK', stdout)

        # Large mmap
        self.assertIn('large-mmap: mmap 1 completed OK', stdout)
        self.assertIn('large-mmap: mmap 2 completed OK', stdout)

    @unittest.skip('sigaltstack isn\'t correctly implemented')
    def test_060_sigaltstack(self):
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['sigaltstack'])

        # Sigaltstack Test
        self.assertIn('OK on sigaltstack in main thread before alarm', stdout)
        self.assertIn('&act == 0x', stdout)
        self.assertIn('sig 14 count 1 goes off with sp=0x', stdout)
        self.assertIn('OK on signal stack', stdout)
        self.assertIn('OK on sigaltstack in handler', stdout)
        self.assertIn('sig 14 count 2 goes off with sp=0x', stdout)
        self.assertIn('OK on signal stack', stdout)
        self.assertIn('OK on sigaltstack in handler', stdout)
        self.assertIn('sig 14 count 3 goes off with sp=0x', stdout)
        self.assertIn('OK on signal stack', stdout)
        self.assertIn('OK on sigaltstack in handler', stdout)
        self.assertIn('OK on sigaltstack in main thread', stdout)
        self.assertIn('done exiting', stdout)

    'This test is only meaningful on SGX PAL because only SGX catches raw '
    'syscalls and redirects to Graphene\'s LibOS. If we will add seccomp to '
    'Linux PAL, then we should allow this test on Linux PAL as well.')
class TC_31_SyscallSGX(RegressionTestCase):
    def test_000_syscall_redirect(self):
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['syscall'])

        # Syscall Instruction Redirection
        self.assertIn('Hello world', stdout)

class TC_40_FileSystem(RegressionTestCase):
    def test_000_base(self):
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['proc'])

        # Base /proc files present
        self.assertIn('/proc/1/..', stdout)
        self.assertIn('/proc/1/cwd', stdout)
        self.assertIn('/proc/1/exe', stdout)
        self.assertIn('/proc/1/root', stdout)
        self.assertIn('/proc/1/fd', stdout)
        self.assertIn('/proc/1/maps', stdout)
        self.assertIn('/proc/.', stdout)
        self.assertIn('/proc/1', stdout)
        self.assertIn('/proc/self', stdout)
        self.assertIn('/proc/meminfo', stdout)
        self.assertIn('/proc/cpuinfo', stdout)

    def test_010_path(self):
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['proc-path'])

        # Base /proc path present
        self.assertIn('proc path test success', stdout)

    def test_020_cpuinfo(self):
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['proc_cpuinfo'], timeout=50)

        # proc/cpuinfo Linux-based formatting
        self.assertIn('cpuinfo test passed', stdout)

class TC_80_Socket(RegressionTestCase):
    def test_000_getsockopt(self):
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['getsockopt'])
        self.assertIn('getsockopt: Got socket type OK', stdout)

    def test_010_epoll_wait_timeout(self):
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['epoll_wait_timeout', '8000'],

        # epoll_wait timeout
        self.assertIn('epoll_wait test passed', stdout)

    def test_100_socket_unix(self):
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['unix'])
        self.assertIn('Data: This is packet 0', stdout)
        self.assertIn('Data: This is packet 1', stdout)
        self.assertIn('Data: This is packet 2', stdout)
        self.assertIn('Data: This is packet 3', stdout)
        self.assertIn('Data: This is packet 4', stdout)
        self.assertIn('Data: This is packet 5', stdout)
        self.assertIn('Data: This is packet 6', stdout)
        self.assertIn('Data: This is packet 7', stdout)
        self.assertIn('Data: This is packet 8', stdout)
        self.assertIn('Data: This is packet 9', stdout)

    def test_200_socket_udp(self):
        stdout, stderr = self.run_binary(['udp'], timeout=50)
        self.assertIn('Data: This is packet 0', stdout)
        self.assertIn('Data: This is packet 1', stdout)
        self.assertIn('Data: This is packet 2', stdout)
        self.assertIn('Data: This is packet 3', stdout)
        self.assertIn('Data: This is packet 4', stdout)
        self.assertIn('Data: This is packet 5', stdout)
        self.assertIn('Data: This is packet 6', stdout)
        self.assertIn('Data: This is packet 7', stdout)
        self.assertIn('Data: This is packet 8', stdout)
        self.assertIn('Data: This is packet 9', stdout)