pipeline { agent { dockerfile { filename 'Jenkinsfiles/ubuntu-16.04.dockerfile' label 'sgx_slave' args "-v /lib/modules:/lib/modules:ro -v /usr/src:/usr/src:ro -v /var/run/aesmd/aesm.socket:/var/run/aesmd/aesm.socket --device=/dev/gsgx:/dev/gsgx --device=/dev/isgx:/dev/isgx" } } stages { stage('Lint') { steps { sh ''' ./.ci/run-shellcheck || : ./.ci/run-shellcheck -f json | ./.ci/prfilter ''' } } stage('Build') { steps { sh ''' ./Scripts/clean-check-prepare ''' sh ''' cd Pal/src/host/Linux-SGX/signer/ && openssl genrsa -3 -out enclave-key.pem 3072 ''' sh ''' cd /opt/intel git clone https://github.com/01org/linux-sgx-driver.git cd linux-sgx-driver git checkout sgx_driver_1.9 make ''' sh ''' cd Pal/src/host/Linux-SGX/sgx-driver ISGX_DRIVER_PATH=/opt/intel/linux-sgx-driver ISGX_DRIVER_VERSION=1.9 make ''' sh ''' make -j 8 SGX=1 WERROR=1 ''' } } stage('Test') { steps { timeout(time: 5, unit: 'MINUTES') { sh ''' cd LibOS/shim/test/apps/python-simple make SGX=1 make SGX=1 check ''' } timeout(time: 5, unit: 'MINUTES') { sh ''' cd LibOS/shim/test/apps/python-scipy-insecure make SGX=1 make SGX=1 check ''' } timeout(time: 5, unit: 'MINUTES') { sh ''' cd LibOS/shim/test/apps/bash make SGX=1 all make SGX=1 regression ''' } timeout(time: 5, unit: 'MINUTES') { sh ''' cd LibOS/shim/test/apps/curl make SGX=1 all make SGX=1 check ''' } timeout(time: 10, unit: 'MINUTES') { sh ''' cd LibOS/shim/test/apps/gcc make SGX=1 all make SGX=1 check ''' } timeout(time: 15, unit: 'MINUTES') { sh ''' cd LibOS/shim/test/apps/lmbench make SGX=1 all make SGX=1 test N_RUNS=1 ENOUGH=100 ''' } timeout(time: 15, unit: 'MINUTES') { sh ''' cd LibOS/shim/test/apps/redis make SGX=1 USE_SELECT=1 make SGX=1 start-graphene-server & sleep 30 ./src/src/redis-benchmark ''' } timeout(time: 15, unit: 'MINUTES') { sh ''' cd LibOS/shim/test/apps/lighttpd make SGX=1 make SGX=1 start-graphene-server & sleep 10 LOOP=1 CONCURRENCY_LIST="1 32" ./benchmark-http.sh ''' } timeout(time: 15, unit: 'MINUTES') { sh ''' cd LibOS/shim/test/apps/nginx make SGX=1 make SGX=1 start-graphene-server & sleep 30 LOOP=1 CONCURRENCY_LIST="1 32" ./benchmark-http.sh ''' } timeout(time: 25, unit: 'MINUTES') { sh ''' cd LibOS/shim/test/apps/apache make SGX=1 make SGX=1 start-graphene-server & sleep 30 LOOP=1 CONCURRENCY_LIST="1 32" ./benchmark-http.sh LOOP=1 CONCURRENCY_LIST="1 32" ./benchmark-http.sh ''' } sh ''' ./Scripts/gitignore-test ''' sh ''' cd "$(./Scripts/clean-check-test-copy)" rm Pal/src/host/Linux-SGX/signer/enclave-key.pem make SGX=1 distclean make -C LibOS/shim/test/apps/python-simple SGX=1 clean make -C LibOS/shim/test/apps/python-scipy-insecure SGX=1 clean make -C LibOS/shim/test/apps/bash SGX=1 clean make -C LibOS/shim/test/apps/curl SGX=1 clean make -C LibOS/shim/test/apps/gcc SGX=1 clean make -C LibOS/shim/test/apps/lmbench SGX=1 distclean make -C LibOS/shim/test/apps/redis SGX=1 distclean make -C LibOS/shim/test/apps/lighttpd SGX=1 distclean make -C LibOS/shim/test/apps/nginx SGX=1 distclean make -C LibOS/shim/test/apps/apache SGX=1 distclean # Currently used release of LTP contains broken symlinks under # utils/ffsb-6.0-rc2/ (config.guess and config.sub); without explicit # rm of these symlinks, the clean-check utility fails. We should # update to newer release of LTP where this issue will be fixed. rm -rf /tmp/graphene-sgx-apps.clean-check.clean/LibOS/shim/test/apps/ltp/src rm -rf LibOS/shim/test/apps/ltp/src ./Scripts/clean-check ''' } } stage('Deploy') { steps { sh 'echo Deploying code' } } } post { success { echo 'Deployment successful' } failure { echo 'Failure while on the pipeline' } unstable { echo 'Pipeline marked as "unstable"' } } }