/* -*- mode:c; c-file-style:"k&r"; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width:4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; mode:auto-fill; fill-column:78; -*- */ /* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et tw=78 fo=cqt wm=0: */ /* Copyright (C) 2014 OSCAR lab, Stony Brook University This file is part of Graphene Library OS. Graphene Library OS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Graphene Library OS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* * shim_handle.c * * This file contains codes to maintain bookkeeping for handles in library OS. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static LOCKTYPE handle_mgr_lock; #define HANDLE_MGR_ALLOC 32 #define system_lock() lock(handle_mgr_lock) #define system_unlock() unlock(handle_mgr_lock) #define PAGE_SIZE allocsize #define OBJ_TYPE struct shim_handle #include static MEM_MGR handle_mgr = NULL; #define INIT_HANDLE_MAP_SIZE 32 //#define DEBUG_REF static inline int init_tty_handle (struct shim_handle * hdl, bool write) { struct shim_dentry * dent = NULL; int ret; if ((ret = path_lookupat(NULL, "/dev/tty", LOOKUP_OPEN, &dent)) < 0) return ret; int flags = (write ? O_WRONLY : O_RDONLY)|O_APPEND; struct shim_mount * fs = dent->fs; ret = fs->d_ops->open(hdl, dent, flags); if (ret < 0) return ret; set_handle_fs(hdl, fs); hdl->dentry = dent; hdl->flags = O_RDWR|O_APPEND|0100000; int size; char * path = dentry_get_path(dent, true, &size); if (path) qstrsetstr(&hdl->path, path, size); else qstrsetstr(&hdl->path, "/dev/tty", 8); return 0; } static inline int init_exec_handle (struct shim_thread * thread) { if (!PAL_CB(executable)) return 0; struct shim_handle * exec = get_new_handle(); if (!exec) return -ENOMEM; set_handle_fs(exec, &chroot_builtin_fs); qstrsetstr(&exec->uri, PAL_CB(executable), strlen(PAL_CB(executable))); exec->type = TYPE_FILE; exec->flags = O_RDONLY; exec->acc_mode = MAY_READ; lock(thread->lock); thread->exec = exec; unlock(thread->lock); return 0; } static struct shim_handle_map * get_new_handle_map (FDTYPE size); PAL_HANDLE shim_stdio = NULL; static int __set_new_fd_handle(struct shim_fd_handle ** fdhdl, FDTYPE fd, struct shim_handle * hdl, int flags); static struct shim_handle_map * __enlarge_handle_map (struct shim_handle_map * map, FDTYPE size); int init_handle (void) { create_lock(handle_mgr_lock); handle_mgr = create_mem_mgr(init_align_up(HANDLE_MGR_ALLOC)); if (!handle_mgr) return -ENOMEM; return 0; } int init_important_handles (void) { struct shim_thread * thread = get_cur_thread(); if (thread->handle_map) goto done; struct shim_handle_map * handle_map = get_cur_handle_map(thread); if (!handle_map) { handle_map = get_new_handle_map(INIT_HANDLE_MAP_SIZE); if (!handle_map) return -ENOMEM; set_handle_map(thread, handle_map); } lock(handle_map->lock); if (handle_map->fd_size < 3) { if (!__enlarge_handle_map(handle_map, INIT_HANDLE_MAP_SIZE)) { unlock(handle_map->lock); return -ENOMEM; } } struct shim_handle * hdl = NULL; int ret; for (int fd = 0 ; fd < 3 ; fd++) if (!HANDLE_ALLOCATED(handle_map->map[fd])) { if (!hdl) { hdl = get_new_handle(); if (!hdl) return -ENOMEM; if ((ret = init_tty_handle(hdl, fd)) < 0) { put_handle(hdl); return ret; } } else { get_handle(hdl); } __set_new_fd_handle(&handle_map->map[fd], fd, hdl, 0); put_handle(hdl); if (fd != 1) hdl = NULL; } else { if (fd == 1) hdl = handle_map->map[fd]->handle; } if (handle_map->fd_top == FD_NULL || handle_map->fd_top < 2) handle_map->fd_top = 2; unlock(handle_map->lock); done: init_exec_handle(thread); return 0; } struct shim_handle * __get_fd_handle (FDTYPE fd, int * flags, struct shim_handle_map * map) { struct shim_fd_handle * fd_handle = NULL; if (map->fd_top != FD_NULL && fd <= map->fd_top) { fd_handle = map->map[fd]; if (!HANDLE_ALLOCATED(fd_handle)) return NULL; if (flags) *flags = fd_handle->flags; return fd_handle->handle; } return NULL; } struct shim_handle * get_fd_handle (FDTYPE fd, int * flags, struct shim_handle_map * map) { if (!map) map = get_cur_handle_map(NULL); struct shim_handle * hdl = NULL; lock(map->lock); if ((hdl = __get_fd_handle(fd, flags, map))) get_handle(hdl); unlock(map->lock); return hdl; } struct shim_handle * __detach_fd_handle (struct shim_fd_handle * fd, int * flags, struct shim_handle_map * map) { struct shim_handle * handle = NULL; if (HANDLE_ALLOCATED(fd)) { int vfd = fd->vfd; handle = fd->handle; if (flags) *flags = fd->flags; fd->vfd = FD_NULL; fd->handle = NULL; fd->flags = 0; if (vfd == map->fd_top) do { map->fd_top = vfd ? vfd - 1 : FD_NULL; vfd--; } while (vfd >= 0 && !HANDLE_ALLOCATED(map->map[vfd])); } return handle; } struct shim_handle * detach_fd_handle (FDTYPE fd, int * flags, struct shim_handle_map * handle_map) { struct shim_handle * handle = NULL; if (!handle_map && !(handle_map = get_cur_handle_map(NULL))) return NULL; lock(handle_map->lock); if (fd < handle_map->fd_size) handle = __detach_fd_handle(handle_map->map[fd], flags, handle_map); unlock(handle_map->lock); return handle; } struct shim_handle * get_new_handle (void) { struct shim_handle * new_handle = get_mem_obj_from_mgr_enlarge(handle_mgr, size_align_up(HANDLE_MGR_ALLOC)); if (!new_handle) return NULL; memset(new_handle, 0, sizeof(struct shim_handle)); REF_SET(new_handle->ref_count, 1); create_lock(new_handle->lock); new_handle->owner = cur_process.vmid; return new_handle; } static int __set_new_fd_handle(struct shim_fd_handle ** fdhdl, FDTYPE fd, struct shim_handle * hdl, int flags) { struct shim_fd_handle * new_handle = *fdhdl; if (!new_handle) { new_handle = malloc(sizeof(struct shim_fd_handle)); if (!new_handle) return -ENOMEM; *fdhdl = new_handle; } new_handle->vfd = fd; new_handle->flags = flags; open_handle(hdl); new_handle->handle = hdl; return 0; } int set_new_fd_handle (struct shim_handle * hdl, int flags, struct shim_handle_map * handle_map) { FDTYPE fd = 0; int new_size = 0; int ret = 0; if (!handle_map && !(handle_map = get_cur_handle_map(NULL))) return -EBADF; lock(handle_map->lock); if (!handle_map->map || handle_map->fd_size < INIT_HANDLE_MAP_SIZE) new_size = INIT_HANDLE_MAP_SIZE; if (!handle_map->map) goto extend; if (handle_map->fd_top != FD_NULL) do { ++fd; if (fd == handle_map->fd_size) { new_size = handle_map->fd_size < new_size ? new_size : handle_map->fd_size * 2; extend: if (!__enlarge_handle_map(handle_map, new_size)) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto out; } } } while (handle_map->fd_top != FD_NULL && fd <= handle_map->fd_top && HANDLE_ALLOCATED(handle_map->map[fd])); if (handle_map->fd_top == FD_NULL || fd > handle_map->fd_top) handle_map->fd_top = fd; ret = __set_new_fd_handle(&handle_map->map[fd], fd, hdl, flags); if (ret < 0) { if (fd == handle_map->fd_top) handle_map->fd_top = fd ? fd - 1 : FD_NULL; } else ret = fd; out: unlock(handle_map->lock); return ret; } int set_new_fd_handle_by_fd (FDTYPE fd, struct shim_handle * hdl, int flags, struct shim_handle_map * handle_map) { int new_size = 0; int ret = 0; if (!handle_map && !(handle_map = get_cur_handle_map(NULL))) return -EBADF; lock(handle_map->lock); if (!handle_map->map || handle_map->fd_size < INIT_HANDLE_MAP_SIZE) new_size = INIT_HANDLE_MAP_SIZE; if (!handle_map->map) goto extend; if (fd >= handle_map->fd_size) { new_size = handle_map->fd_size < new_size ? new_size : handle_map->fd_size; extend: while (new_size <= fd) new_size *= 2; if (!__enlarge_handle_map(handle_map, new_size)) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto out; } } if (handle_map->fd_top != FD_NULL && fd <= handle_map->fd_top && HANDLE_ALLOCATED(handle_map->map[fd])) { ret = -EBADF; goto out; } if (handle_map->fd_top == FD_NULL || fd > handle_map->fd_top) handle_map->fd_top = fd; struct shim_fd_handle * new_handle = handle_map->map[fd]; if (!new_handle) { new_handle = malloc(sizeof(struct shim_fd_handle)); if (!new_handle) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto out; } handle_map->map[fd] = new_handle; } ret = __set_new_fd_handle(&handle_map->map[fd], fd, hdl, flags); if (ret < 0) { if (fd == handle_map->fd_top) handle_map->fd_top = fd ? fd - 1 : FD_NULL; } else ret = fd; out: unlock(handle_map->lock); return fd; } void flush_handle (struct shim_handle * hdl) { if (hdl->fs && hdl->fs->fs_ops && hdl->fs->fs_ops->flush) hdl->fs->fs_ops->flush(hdl); } static inline __attribute__((unused)) const char * __handle_name (struct shim_handle * hdl) { if (!qstrempty(&hdl->path)) return qstrgetstr(&hdl->path); if (!qstrempty(&hdl->uri)) return qstrgetstr(&hdl->uri); if (hdl->fs_type[0]) return hdl->fs_type; return "(unknown)"; } void open_handle (struct shim_handle * hdl) { get_handle(hdl); #ifdef DEBUG_REF int opened = REF_INC(hdl->opened); debug("open handle %p(%s) (opened = %d)\n", hdl, __handle_name(hdl), opened); #else REF_INC(hdl->opened); #endif } void close_handle (struct shim_handle * hdl) { int opened = REF_DEC(hdl->opened); #ifdef DEBUG_REF debug("close handle %p(%s) (opened = %d)\n", hdl, __handle_name(hdl), opened); #endif if (!opened) { if (hdl->type != TYPE_DIR && hdl->fs && hdl->fs->fs_ops && hdl->fs->fs_ops->close) hdl->fs->fs_ops->close(hdl); } put_handle(hdl); } void get_handle (struct shim_handle * hdl) { #ifdef DEBUG_REF int ref_count = REF_INC(hdl->ref_count); debug("get handle %p(%s) (ref_count = %d)\n", hdl, __handle_name(hdl), ref_count); #else REF_INC(hdl->ref_count); #endif } static void destroy_handle (struct shim_handle * hdl) { destroy_lock(hdl->lock); if (MEMORY_MIGRATED(hdl)) memset(hdl, 0, sizeof(struct shim_handle)); else free_mem_obj_to_mgr(handle_mgr, hdl); } void put_handle (struct shim_handle * hdl) { int ref_count = REF_DEC(hdl->ref_count); #ifdef DEBUG_REF debug("put handle %p(%s) (ref_count = %d)\n", hdl, __handle_name(hdl), ref_count); #endif if (!ref_count) { if (hdl->fs && hdl->fs->fs_ops && hdl->fs->fs_ops->hput) hdl->fs->fs_ops->hput(hdl); qstrfree(&hdl->path); qstrfree(&hdl->uri); if (hdl->pal_handle) DkObjectClose(hdl->pal_handle); if (hdl->dentry) put_dentry(hdl->dentry); if (hdl->fs) put_mount(hdl->fs); destroy_handle(hdl); } } size_t get_file_size (struct shim_handle * hdl) { if (!hdl->fs || !hdl->fs->fs_ops) return -EINVAL; if (hdl->fs->fs_ops->poll) return hdl->fs->fs_ops->poll(hdl, FS_POLL_SZ); if (hdl->fs->fs_ops->hstat) { struct stat stat; int ret = hdl->fs->fs_ops->hstat(hdl, &stat); if (ret < 0) return ret; return stat.st_size; } return 0; } void dup_fd_handle (struct shim_handle_map * map, const struct shim_fd_handle * old, struct shim_fd_handle * new) { struct shim_handle * replaced = NULL; lock(map->lock); if (old->vfd != FD_NULL) { open_handle(old->handle); replaced = new->handle; new->handle = old->handle; } unlock(map->lock); if (replaced) close_handle(replaced); } static struct shim_handle_map * get_new_handle_map (FDTYPE size) { struct shim_handle_map * handle_map = malloc(sizeof(struct shim_handle_map)); if (handle_map == NULL) return NULL; memset(handle_map, 0, sizeof(struct shim_handle_map)); handle_map->map = malloc(sizeof(struct shim_fd_handle) * size); if (handle_map->map == NULL) { free(handle_map); return NULL; } memset(handle_map->map, 0, sizeof(struct shim_fd_handle) * size); handle_map->fd_top = FD_NULL; handle_map->fd_size = size; create_lock(handle_map->lock); return handle_map; } static struct shim_handle_map * __enlarge_handle_map (struct shim_handle_map * map, FDTYPE size) { if (size <= map->fd_size) return NULL; struct shim_fd_handle ** old_map = map->map; map->map = malloc(sizeof(struct shim_fd_handle *) * size); if (map->map == NULL) { map->map = old_map; return NULL; } size_t copy_size = sizeof(struct shim_fd_handle *) * map->fd_size; map->fd_size = size; if (old_map && copy_size) memcpy(map->map, old_map, copy_size); memset(&map->map[map->fd_size], 0, (sizeof(struct shim_fd_handle *) * size) - copy_size); if (old_map) free(old_map); return map; } int dup_handle_map (struct shim_handle_map ** new, struct shim_handle_map * old_map) { lock(old_map->lock); /* allocate a new handle mapping with the same size as the old one */ struct shim_handle_map * new_map = get_new_handle_map(old_map->fd_size); new_map->fd_top = old_map->fd_top; if (old_map->fd_top == FD_NULL) goto done; for (int i = 0 ; i <= old_map->fd_top ; i++) { struct shim_fd_handle * fd_old = old_map->map[i]; struct shim_fd_handle * fd_new; /* now we go through the handle map and reassign each of them being allocated */ if (HANDLE_ALLOCATED(fd_old)) { /* first, get the handle to prevent it from being deleted */ struct shim_handle * hdl = fd_old->handle; open_handle(hdl); /* DP: I assume we really need a deep copy of the handle map? */ fd_new = malloc(sizeof(struct shim_fd_handle)); new_map->map[i] = fd_new; fd_new->vfd = fd_old->vfd; fd_new->handle = hdl; fd_new->flags = fd_old->flags; } } done: unlock(old_map->lock); *new = new_map; return 0; } void get_handle_map (struct shim_handle_map * map) { REF_INC(map->ref_count); } void put_handle_map (struct shim_handle_map * map) { int ref_count = REF_DEC(map->ref_count); if (!ref_count) { if (map->fd_top == FD_NULL) goto done; for (int i = 0 ; i <= map->fd_top ; i++) { if (!map->map[i]) continue; if (map->map[i]->vfd != FD_NULL) { struct shim_handle * handle = map->map[i]->handle; if (handle) close_handle(handle); } free(map->map[i]); } done: destroy_lock(map->lock); free(map->map); free(map); } } int flush_handle_map (struct shim_handle_map * map) { get_handle_map(map); lock(map->lock); if (map->fd_top == FD_NULL) goto done; /* now we go through the handle map and flush each handle */ for (int i = 0 ; i <= map->fd_top ; i++) { if (!HANDLE_ALLOCATED(map->map[i])) continue; struct shim_handle * handle = map->map[i]->handle; if (handle) flush_handle(handle); } done: unlock(map->lock); put_handle_map(map); return 0; } int walk_handle_map (int (*callback) (struct shim_fd_handle *, struct shim_handle_map *, void *), struct shim_handle_map * map, void * arg) { int ret = 0; lock(map->lock); if (map->fd_top == FD_NULL) goto done; for (int i = 0 ; i <= map->fd_top ; i++) { if (!HANDLE_ALLOCATED(map->map[i])) continue; if ((ret = (*callback) (map->map[i], map, arg)) < 0) break; } done: unlock(map->lock); return ret; } DEFINE_MIGRATE_FUNC(handle) MIGRATE_FUNC_BODY(handle) { assert(size == sizeof(struct shim_handle)); struct shim_handle * hdl = (struct shim_handle *) obj; struct shim_handle * new_hdl = NULL; lock(hdl->lock); struct shim_mount * fs = hdl->fs, * new_fs = NULL; if (fs && fs->mount_point) __DO_MIGRATE(mount, fs, &new_fs, 0); unsigned long off = ADD_TO_MIGRATE_MAP(obj, *offset, sizeof(struct shim_handle)); if (ENTRY_JUST_CREATED(off)) { ADD_OFFSET(sizeof(struct shim_handle)); ADD_FUNC_ENTRY(*offset); ADD_ENTRY(SIZE, sizeof(struct shim_handle)); if (!dry) { new_hdl = (struct shim_handle *) (base + *offset); memcpy(new_hdl, hdl, sizeof(struct shim_handle)); if (fs && fs->fs_ops && fs->fs_ops->checkout) fs->fs_ops->checkout(new_hdl); new_hdl->dentry = NULL; new_hdl->fs = new_fs; REF_SET(new_hdl->opened, 0); REF_SET(new_hdl->ref_count, 0); clear_lock(new_hdl->lock); } ADD_ENTRY(PALHDL, new_hdl->pal_handle ? *offset + offsetof(struct shim_handle, pal_handle) : 0); } else if (!dry) new_hdl = (struct shim_handle *) (base + off); if (new_hdl && objp) *objp = (void *) new_hdl; DO_MIGRATE_IN_MEMBER(qstr, hdl, new_hdl, path, false); DO_MIGRATE_IN_MEMBER(qstr, hdl, new_hdl, uri, false); if (new_hdl) assert(new_hdl->uri.len < 1024); unlock(hdl->lock); } END_MIGRATE_FUNC DEFINE_PROFILE_CATAGORY(inside_resume_handle, resume_func); DEFINE_PROFILE_INTERVAL(dentry_lookup_for_handle, inside_resume_handle); RESUME_FUNC_BODY(handle) { unsigned long off = GET_FUNC_ENTRY(); assert((size_t) GET_ENTRY(SIZE) == sizeof(struct shim_handle)); GET_ENTRY(PALHDL); BEGIN_PROFILE_INTERVAL(); struct shim_handle * hdl = (struct shim_handle *) (base + off); RESUME_REBASE(hdl->fs); create_lock(hdl->lock); if (!qstrempty(&hdl->path)) { UPDATE_PROFILE_INTERVAL(); int ret = path_lookupat(NULL, qstrgetstr(&hdl->path), LOOKUP_OPEN, &hdl->dentry); if (ret < 0) return -EACCES; get_dentry(hdl->dentry); SAVE_PROFILE_INTERVAL(dentry_lookup_for_handle); } if (!hdl->fs) { if (hdl->dentry) { set_handle_fs(hdl, hdl->dentry->fs); } else { struct shim_mount * fs = NULL; assert(hdl->fs_type); search_builtin_fs(hdl->fs_type, &fs); if (fs) set_handle_fs(hdl, fs); } } if (hdl->fs && hdl->fs->fs_ops && hdl->fs->fs_ops->checkin) hdl->fs->fs_ops->checkin(hdl); #ifdef DEBUG_RESUME debug("handle: path=%s,fs_type=%s,uri=%s,flags=%03o\n", qstrgetstr(&hdl->path), hdl->fs_type, qstrgetstr(&hdl->uri), hdl->flags); #endif } END_RESUME_FUNC DEFINE_MIGRATE_FUNC(fd_handle) MIGRATE_FUNC_BODY(fd_handle) { assert(size == sizeof(struct shim_fd_handle)); struct shim_fd_handle * fdhdl = (struct shim_fd_handle *) obj; struct shim_fd_handle * new_fdhdl = NULL; ADD_OFFSET(sizeof(struct shim_fd_handle)); ADD_FUNC_ENTRY(*offset); ADD_ENTRY(SIZE, sizeof(struct shim_fd_handle)); if (!dry) { new_fdhdl = (struct shim_fd_handle *) (base + *offset); memcpy(new_fdhdl, fdhdl, sizeof(struct shim_fd_handle)); } if (new_fdhdl && objp) *objp = (void *) new_fdhdl; struct shim_handle ** phdl = dry ? NULL : &(new_fdhdl->handle); struct shim_handle * hdl = fdhdl->handle; DO_MIGRATE_IF_RECURSIVE(handle, hdl, phdl, recursive); } END_MIGRATE_FUNC RESUME_FUNC_BODY(fd_handle) { GET_FUNC_ENTRY(); assert((size_t) GET_ENTRY(SIZE) == sizeof(struct shim_fd_handle)); } END_RESUME_FUNC DEFINE_MIGRATE_FUNC(handle_map) MIGRATE_FUNC_BODY(handle_map) { assert(size >= sizeof(struct shim_handle_map)); struct shim_handle_map * handle_map = (struct shim_handle_map *) obj; struct shim_handle_map * new_handle_map = NULL; struct shim_fd_handle ** ptr_array; lock(handle_map->lock); int fd_size = handle_map->fd_top != FD_NULL ? handle_map->fd_top + 1 : 0; size = sizeof(struct shim_handle_map) + (sizeof(struct shim_fd_handle *) * fd_size); unsigned long off = ADD_TO_MIGRATE_MAP(obj, *offset, size); if (ENTRY_JUST_CREATED(off)) { ADD_OFFSET(size); ADD_FUNC_ENTRY(*offset); ADD_ENTRY(SIZE, size); if (!dry) { new_handle_map = (struct shim_handle_map *) (base + *offset); memcpy(new_handle_map, handle_map, sizeof(struct shim_handle_map)); ptr_array = (void *) new_handle_map + sizeof(struct shim_handle_map); new_handle_map->fd_size = fd_size; new_handle_map->map = fd_size ? ptr_array : NULL; REF_SET(new_handle_map->ref_count, 0); clear_lock(new_handle_map->lock); } for (int i = 0 ; i < fd_size ; i++) { if (HANDLE_ALLOCATED(handle_map->map[i])) { struct shim_fd_handle ** new_hdl = dry ? NULL : &(ptr_array[i]); __DO_MIGRATE(fd_handle, handle_map->map[i], new_hdl, 1); } else if (!dry) ptr_array[i] = NULL; } } else if (!dry) new_handle_map = (struct shim_handle_map *) (base + off); unlock(handle_map->lock); if (new_handle_map && objp) *objp = (void *) new_handle_map; } END_MIGRATE_FUNC RESUME_FUNC_BODY(handle_map) { unsigned long off = GET_FUNC_ENTRY(); assert((size_t) GET_ENTRY(SIZE) >= sizeof(struct shim_handle_map)); struct shim_handle_map * handle_map = (struct shim_handle_map *) (base + off); RESUME_REBASE(handle_map->map); assert(handle_map->map); #ifdef DEBUG_RESUME debug("handle_map: size=%d,top=%d\n", handle_map->fd_size, handle_map->fd_top); #endif create_lock(handle_map->lock); lock(handle_map->lock); if (handle_map->fd_top != FD_NULL) for (int i = 0 ; i <= handle_map->fd_top ; i++) { RESUME_REBASE(handle_map->map[i]); if (HANDLE_ALLOCATED(handle_map->map[i])) { RESUME_REBASE(handle_map->map[i]->handle); struct shim_handle * hdl = handle_map->map[i]->handle; assert(hdl); open_handle(hdl); #ifdef DEBUG_RESUME debug("handle_map[%d]: %s\n", i, !qstrempty(&hdl->uri) ? qstrgetstr(&hdl->uri) : hdl->fs_type); #endif } } unlock(handle_map->lock); } END_RESUME_FUNC