#!/bin/bash set -eu -o pipefail top_dir="$(readlink -m "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}/../..")" # Also allow operation on a copy named ${orig_top_dir}.clean-check.${something} # I.e., .../graphene.clean-check.test/Scripts/clean-check will check: # .../graphene.clean-check.test against .../graphene.clean-check.clean clean_dir="${top_dir%.clean-check.*}.clean-check.clean" if [ -n "${JENKINS_HOME:-}" ]; then clean_dir="/tmp/$(basename "$clean_dir")" fi show_diff=false if [ "${1:-}" == "--show-diff" ]; then show_diff=true fi if ! [ -d "$clean_dir" ]; then echo "ERROR: Copy of clean source directory not found!" echo echo "You need to call clean-check-prepare on the clean source directory before using" echo "clean-check." exit 1 fi trap 'rm -rf "$diff"' EXIT diff="$(mktemp)" if [ "$show_diff" == true ]; then diff_opts="-u" else diff_opts="-q" fi ok=true diff "$diff_opts" -r "$clean_dir" "$top_dir" > "$diff" || ok=false if [ "$ok" == true ]; then echo "Source tree is unchanged. :]" exit 0 fi echo "================================================================================" echo " ERROR: Source tree is not unchanged after clean:" echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" cat "$diff" echo "================================================================================" exit 1