# $Id$ eval 'exec perl -Ss $0 "$@"' if 0; # A simple bargraph preprocessor for GNU pic / troff package. # Hacked into existence by Larry McVoy (lm@sun.com now lm@sgi.com). # Copyright (c) 1994 Larry McVoy. GPLed software. # # TODO # Make this work with sideways graphs. # # Input format is: # # 3 foo bar # 9 bigger foo # "Silly example # # and output is # # bigger # foo # +----------+ # | | # foo | | # bar | | # +----------+ | | # | | | | # +----------+ +----------+ # ------------------------------- # 3 9 # # Silly example # # Input options: # specifier value default # %ps 10 # %ft HB # %labelgap 1.5 # %xsize 7 # %ysize 6 # %Title n|s none # %titleplus 0 # %label%d