# Make HTML files that will point to the right GIF files. # Usage: bghtml file file file.... # # Hacked into existence by Larry McVoy (lm@sun.com now lm@sgi.com). # Copyright (c) 1995 Larry McVoy. GPLed software. # $Id$ eval 'exec perl -Ssw $0 "$@"' if 0; &pbm; exit 0; sub pbm { @ctx = ; pop(@ctx); @mem = ; pop(@mem); @bar = ; pop(@bar); foreach $i () { ($out = $i) =~ s/.pbm//; warn "Bitmap munging $out\n"; #system "pnmcrop < $i | ppmtogif -transparent 1,1,1 > $out"; system " pnmcrop < $i > HTML/___tmp 2>/dev/null set `pnmfile HTML/___tmp` newx=`expr \$4 - 2` newy=`expr \$6 - 2` pnmcut 1 1 \$newx \$newy < HTML/___tmp > HTML/___tmp.pnm convert -mattecolor slategrey -frame 15x15+0+6 HTML/___tmp.pnm HTML/___tmp.ppm ppmtogif < HTML/___tmp.ppm > $out.gif 2>/dev/null"; } }