#!/usr/bin/env python2 import os import sys import subprocess import re from shutil import copyfile runtime_libs = ['libc', 'libdl', 'libm', 'libpthread', 'libutil', 'libnss_dns', 'libresolv', 'librt'] def parse_libs (bin_path) : print (bin_path) ldd_out = subprocess.check_output(['ldd', bin_path]) lib_list = [] for line in ldd_out.splitlines(): match = re.match(r'\t(.*) => (.*) \(0x', line) if match and match.group(1) and match.group(2): full_lib_name = match.group(1) name_match = re.match(r'([\w\d]*)(\.*)(.*)', full_lib_name) if name_match: lib_name = name_match.group(1) lib_path = match.group(2) if lib_name not in runtime_libs : lib_list.append((name_match.group(1), match.group(2))) return lib_list def make_exec(path) : mode = os.stat(path).st_mode mode |= (mode & 0o444) >> 2 # copy R bits to X os.chmod(path, mode) def gen_manifest(app_name, bin_name, g_path) : m_path = g_path + '/LibOS/shim/test/apps/' + app_name + "/" + app_name +"." + "manifest" print (m_path) mf = open(m_path, "w") make_exec(m_path) mf.write("#!" + g_path + "/Runtime/pal_loader \n") mf.write("loader.preload = file:../../../../../Runtime/libsysdb.so \n") # Get Path of Binary bin_path = subprocess.check_output(['which', bin_name]).strip() mf.write('loader.exec = file:' + bin_path + '\n') mf.write('loader.execname = ' + bin_name + '\n') mf.write('loader.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /graphene:/graphene/resolv:/host:/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu \n') mf.write('loader.env.PATH = /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin \n' + 'loader.env.USERNAME = \n' + 'loader.env.PWD = \n' + 'loader.debug_type = none \n') mf.write('\n') # File system setting mf.write('fs.mount.lib1.type = chroot \n' + 'fs.mount.lib1.path = /graphene \n' + 'fs.mount.lib1.uri = file:../../../../../Runtime \n \n') mf.write('fs.mount.lib2.type = chroot \n' + 'fs.mount.lib2.path = /host \n' + 'fs.mount.lib2.uri = file:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu \n \n') mf.write('fs.mount.bin.type = chroot \n' + 'fs.mount.bin.path = /bin \n' + 'fs.mount.bin.uri = file:/bin \n \n') mf.write('fs.mount.usr.type = chroot \n' + 'fs.mount.usr.path = /usr \n' + 'fs.mount.usr.uri = file:/usr \n \n') mf.write('fs.mount.etc.type = chroot \n' + 'fs.mount.etc.path = /etc \n' + 'fs.mount.etc.uri = file: \n \n') # Set Dependent Libraries mf.write('sgx.trusted_files.ld = file:../../../../../Runtime/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 \n' + 'sgx.trusted_files.libc = file:../../../../../Runtime/libc.so.6 \n' + 'sgx.trusted_files.libdl = file:../../../../../Runtime/libdl.so.2 \n' + 'sgx.trusted_files.libm = file:../../../../../Runtime/libm.so.6 \n' + 'sgx.trusted_files.libpthread = file:../../../../../Runtime/libpthread.so.0 \n' + 'sgx.trusted_files.libutil = file:../../../../../Runtime/libutil.so.1 \n' + 'sgx.trusted_files.libnss3 = file:../../../../../Runtime/libnss_dns.so.2 \n' + 'sgx.trusted_files.libresolv = file:../../../../../Runtime/libresolv.so.2 \n') lib_list = parse_libs(bin_path) for lib_name, lib_path in lib_list : print ("lib name: " + lib_name) print ("lib path: " + lib_path) mf.write('sgx.trusted_files.' + lib_name + ' = file:' + lib_path + '\n') mf.write('\n') # 'sgx.allowed_files.usr = file:/usr \n') mf.close() if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 4: print ("Usage: gen_manifest [App Name] [bin_name] [Graphene Path]") exit() app_name = sys.argv[1] bin_name = sys.argv[2] g_path = sys.argv[3] gen_manifest(app_name, bin_name, g_path)