/* -*- mode:c; c-file-style:"k&r"; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width:4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; mode:auto-fill; fill-column:78; -*- */ /* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et tw=78 fo=cqt wm=0: */ /* Copyright (C) 2014 Stony Brook University This file is part of Graphene Library OS. Graphene Library OS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Graphene Library OS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* * shim_epoll.c * * Implementation of system call "execve". */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static int close_on_exec (struct shim_fd_handle * fd_hdl, struct shim_handle_map * map, void * arg) { if (fd_hdl->flags & FD_CLOEXEC) { struct shim_handle * hdl = __detach_fd_handle(fd_hdl, NULL, map); close_handle(hdl); } return 0; } static int close_cloexec_handle (struct shim_handle_map * map) { return walk_handle_map(&close_on_exec, map, NULL); } DEFINE_PROFILE_CATAGORY(exec_rtld, exec); DEFINE_PROFILE_INTERVAL(alloc_new_stack_for_exec, exec_rtld); DEFINE_PROFILE_INTERVAL(arrange_arguments_for_exec, exec_rtld); DEFINE_PROFILE_INTERVAL(unmap_executable_for_exec, exec_rtld); DEFINE_PROFILE_INTERVAL(unmap_loaded_binaries_for_exec, exec_rtld); DEFINE_PROFILE_INTERVAL(unmap_all_vmas_for_exec, exec_rtld); DEFINE_PROFILE_INTERVAL(load_new_executable_for_exec, exec_rtld); static void * old_stack_top, * old_stack, * old_stack_red; static const char ** new_argp; static int new_argc; static int * new_argcp; static elf_auxv_t * new_auxp; #define REQUIRED_ELF_AUXV 6 int init_brk_from_executable (struct shim_handle * exec); int shim_do_execve_rtld (struct shim_handle * hdl, const char ** argv, const char ** envp) { BEGIN_PROFILE_INTERVAL(); struct shim_thread * cur_thread = get_cur_thread(); int ret; if ((ret = close_cloexec_handle(cur_thread->handle_map)) < 0) return ret; SAVE_PROFILE_INTERVAL(close_CLOEXEC_files_for_exec); void * tcb = malloc(sizeof(__libc_tcb_t)); if (!tcb) return -ENOMEM; populate_tls(tcb, false); __disable_preempt(&((__libc_tcb_t *) tcb)->shim_tcb); // Temporarily disable preemption // during execve(). debug("set tcb to %p\n", tcb); put_handle(cur_thread->exec); get_handle(hdl); cur_thread->exec = hdl; old_stack_top = cur_thread->stack_top; old_stack = cur_thread->stack; old_stack_red = cur_thread->stack_red; cur_thread->stack_top = NULL; cur_thread->stack = NULL; cur_thread->stack_red = NULL; initial_envp = NULL; new_argc = 0; for (const char ** a = argv ; *a ; a++, new_argc++); new_argcp = &new_argc; if ((ret = init_stack(argv, envp, &new_argcp, &new_argp, REQUIRED_ELF_AUXV, &new_auxp)) < 0) return ret; SAVE_PROFILE_INTERVAL(alloc_new_stack_for_exec); switch_stack(new_argp); cur_thread = get_cur_thread(); UPDATE_PROFILE_INTERVAL(); DkVirtualMemoryFree(old_stack, old_stack_top - old_stack); DkVirtualMemoryFree(old_stack_red, old_stack - old_stack_red); if (bkeep_munmap(old_stack, old_stack_top - old_stack, 0) < 0 || bkeep_munmap(old_stack_red, old_stack - old_stack_red, 0) < 0) bug(); remove_loaded_libraries(); clean_link_map_list(); SAVE_PROFILE_INTERVAL(unmap_loaded_binaries_for_exec); reset_brk(); size_t count = DEFAULT_VMA_COUNT; struct shim_vma_val * vmas = malloc(sizeof(struct shim_vma_val) * count); if (!vmas) return -ENOMEM; retry_dump_vmas: ret = dump_all_vmas(vmas, count); if (ret == -EOVERFLOW) { struct shim_vma_val * new_vmas = malloc(sizeof(struct shim_vma_val) * count * 2); if (!new_vmas) { free(vmas); return -ENOMEM; } free(vmas); vmas = new_vmas; count *= 2; goto retry_dump_vmas; } if (ret < 0) { free(vmas); return ret; } count = ret; for (struct shim_vma_val * vma = vmas ; vma < vmas + count ; vma++) { /* Don't free the current stack */ if (vma->addr == cur_thread->stack) continue; /* Free all the mapped VMAs */ if (!(vma->flags & VMA_UNMAPPED)) DkVirtualMemoryFree(vma->addr, vma->length); /* Remove the VMAs */ bkeep_munmap(vma->addr, vma->length, vma->flags); } free_vma_val_array(vmas, count); SAVE_PROFILE_INTERVAL(unmap_all_vmas_for_exec); if ((ret = load_elf_object(cur_thread->exec, NULL, 0)) < 0) shim_terminate(); init_brk_from_executable(cur_thread->exec); load_elf_interp(cur_thread->exec); SAVE_PROFILE_INTERVAL(load_new_executable_for_exec); cur_thread->robust_list = NULL; #ifdef PROFILE if (ENTER_TIME) SAVE_PROFILE_INTERVAL_SINCE(syscall_execve, ENTER_TIME); #endif debug("execve: start execution\n"); execute_elf_object(cur_thread->exec, new_argcp, new_argp, REQUIRED_ELF_AUXV, new_auxp); return 0; } #include DEFINE_PROFILE_CATAGORY(exec, ); DEFINE_PROFILE_INTERVAL(search_and_check_file_for_exec, exec); DEFINE_PROFILE_INTERVAL(open_file_for_exec, exec); DEFINE_PROFILE_INTERVAL(close_CLOEXEC_files_for_exec, exec); static int migrate_execve (struct shim_cp_store * cpstore, struct shim_thread * thread, struct shim_process * process, va_list ap) { struct shim_handle_map * handle_map; const char ** envp = va_arg(ap, const char **); int ret; BEGIN_PROFILE_INTERVAL(); if ((ret = dup_handle_map(&handle_map, thread->handle_map)) < 0) return ret; set_handle_map(thread, handle_map); if ((ret = close_cloexec_handle(handle_map)) < 0) return ret; SAVE_PROFILE_INTERVAL(close_CLOEXEC_files_for_exec); /* Now we start to migrate bookkeeping for exec. The data we need to migrate are: 1. cur_threadrent thread 2. cur_threadrent filesystem 3. handle mapping 4. each handle */ BEGIN_MIGRATION_DEF(execve, struct shim_thread * thread, struct shim_process * proc, const char ** envp) { DEFINE_MIGRATE(process, proc, sizeof(struct shim_process)); DEFINE_MIGRATE(all_mounts, NULL, 0); DEFINE_MIGRATE(running_thread, thread, sizeof(struct shim_thread)); DEFINE_MIGRATE(handle_map, thread->handle_map, sizeof (struct shim_handle_map)); DEFINE_MIGRATE(migratable, NULL, 0); DEFINE_MIGRATE(environ, envp, 0); } END_MIGRATION_DEF(execve) return START_MIGRATE(cpstore, execve, thread, process, envp); } int shim_do_execve (const char * file, const char ** argv, const char ** envp) { struct shim_thread * cur_thread = get_cur_thread(); struct shim_dentry * dent = NULL; int ret = 0, argc = 0; for (const char ** a = argv ; *a ; a++, argc++); if (!envp) envp = initial_envp; BEGIN_PROFILE_INTERVAL(); DEFINE_LIST(sharg); struct sharg { LIST_TYPE(sharg) list; int len; char arg[0]; }; DEFINE_LISTP(sharg); LISTP_TYPE(sharg) shargs; INIT_LISTP(&shargs); reopen: /* XXX: Not sure what to do here yet */ assert(cur_thread); if ((ret = path_lookupat(NULL, file, LOOKUP_OPEN, &dent, NULL)) < 0) return ret; struct shim_mount * fs = dent->fs; get_dentry(dent); if (!fs->d_ops->open) { ret = -EACCES; err: put_dentry(dent); return ret; } if (fs->d_ops->mode) { __kernel_mode_t mode; if ((ret = fs->d_ops->mode(dent, &mode, 1)) < 0) goto err; } SAVE_PROFILE_INTERVAL(search_and_check_file_for_exec); struct shim_handle * exec = NULL; if (!(exec = get_new_handle())) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto err; } set_handle_fs(exec, fs); exec->flags = O_RDONLY; exec->acc_mode = MAY_READ; ret = fs->d_ops->open(exec, dent, O_RDONLY); if (qstrempty(&exec->uri)) { put_handle(exec); return -EACCES; } int pathlen; char *path = dentry_get_path(dent, true, &pathlen); qstrsetstr(&exec->path, path, pathlen); if ((ret = check_elf_object(exec)) < 0 && ret != -EINVAL) { put_handle(exec); return ret; } if (ret == -EINVAL) { /* it's a shebang */ LISTP_TYPE(sharg) new_shargs = LISTP_INIT; struct sharg * next = NULL; bool ended = false, started = false; char buf[80]; do { ret = do_handle_read(exec, buf, 80); if (ret <= 0) break; char * s = buf, * c = buf, * e = buf + ret; if (!started) { if (ret < 2 || buf[0] != '#' || buf[1] != '!') break; s += 2; c += 2; started = true; } for (; c < e ; c++) { if (*c == ' ' || *c == '\n' || c == e - 1) { int l = (*c == ' ' || * c == '\n') ? c - s : e - s; if (next) { struct sharg * sh = __alloca(sizeof(struct sharg) + next->len + l + 1); sh->len = next->len + l; memcpy(sh->arg, next->arg, next->len); memcpy(sh->arg + next->len, s, l); sh->arg[next->len + l] = 0; next = sh; } else { next = __alloca(sizeof(struct sharg) + l + 1); next->len = l; memcpy(next->arg, s, l); next->arg[l] = 0; } if (*c == ' ' || *c == '\n') { INIT_LIST_HEAD(next, list); listp_add_tail(next, &new_shargs, list); next = NULL; s = c + 1; if (*c == '\n') { ended = true; break; } } } } } while (!ended); if (started) { if (next) { INIT_LIST_HEAD(next, list); listp_add_tail(next, &new_shargs, list); } struct sharg * first = listp_first_entry(&new_shargs, struct sharg, list); assert(first); debug("detected as script: run by %s\n", first->arg); file = first->arg; listp_splice(&new_shargs, &shargs, list, sharg); put_handle(exec); goto reopen; } } SAVE_PROFILE_INTERVAL(open_file_for_exec); #if EXECVE_RTLD == 1 if (!strcmp_static(PAL_CB(host_type), "Linux-SGX")) { int is_last = check_last_thread(cur_thread) == 0; if (is_last) { debug("execve() in the same process\n"); return shim_do_execve_rtld(exec, argv, envp); } debug("execve() in a new process\n"); } #endif INC_PROFILE_OCCURENCE(syscall_use_ipc); if (!listp_empty(&shargs)) { struct sharg * sh; int shargc = 0, cnt = 0; listp_for_each_entry(sh, &shargs, list) shargc++; const char ** new_argv = __alloca(sizeof(const char *) * (argc + shargc + 1)); listp_for_each_entry(sh, &shargs, list) new_argv[cnt++] = sh->arg; for (cnt = 0 ; cnt < argc ; cnt++) new_argv[shargc + cnt] = argv[cnt]; new_argv[shargc + argc] = NULL; argv = new_argv; } lock(cur_thread->lock); put_handle(cur_thread->exec); cur_thread->exec = exec; void * stack = cur_thread->stack; void * stack_top = cur_thread->stack_top; void * tcb = cur_thread->tcb; bool user_tcb = cur_thread->user_tcb; void * frameptr = cur_thread->frameptr; cur_thread->stack = NULL; cur_thread->stack_top = NULL; cur_thread->frameptr = NULL; cur_thread->tcb = NULL; cur_thread->user_tcb = false; cur_thread->in_vm = false; unlock(cur_thread->lock); ret = do_migrate_process(&migrate_execve, exec, argv, cur_thread, envp); lock(cur_thread->lock); cur_thread->stack = stack; cur_thread->stack_top = stack_top; cur_thread->frameptr = frameptr; cur_thread->tcb = tcb; cur_thread->user_tcb = user_tcb; if (ret < 0) { cur_thread->in_vm = true; unlock(cur_thread->lock); return ret; } struct shim_handle_map * handle_map = cur_thread->handle_map; cur_thread->handle_map = NULL; unlock(cur_thread->lock); if (handle_map) put_handle_map(handle_map); if (cur_thread->dummy) switch_dummy_thread(cur_thread); try_process_exit(0, 0); return 0; }