import os, sys, mmap from regression import Regression loader = os.environ['PAL_LOADER'] sgx = os.environ.get('SGX_RUN') == '1' regression = Regression(loader, "Memory") regression.add_check(name="Memory Allocation", check=lambda res: "Memory Allocation OK" in res[0].log) regression.add_check(name="Memory Allocation with Address", check=lambda res: "Memory Allocation with Address OK" in res[0].log) # SGX1 does not support unmapping a page or changing its permission after # enclave init. Therefore the memory protection and deallocation tests will # fail. By utilizing SGX2 it's possibile to fix this. regression.add_check(name="Memory Protection", ignore_failure = sgx, check=lambda res: "Memory Allocation Protection (RW) OK" in res[0].log and "Memory Protection (R) OK" in res[0].log) regression.add_check(name="Memory Deallocation", ignore_failure = sgx, check=lambda res: "Memory Deallocation OK" in res[0].log) def check_quota(res): for line in res[0].log: if line.startswith("Total Memory:"): return line != "Total Memory: 0" return False regression.add_check(name="Get Memory Total Quota", check=check_quota) regression.add_check(name="Get Memory Available Quota", check=lambda res: "Get Memory Available Quota OK" in res[0].log) rv = regression.run_checks() if rv: sys.exit(rv)