/* -*- mode:c; c-file-style:"k&r"; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width:4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; mode:auto-fill; fill-column:78; -*- */ /* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et tw=78 fo=cqt wm=0: */ /* This Hello World simply print out "Hello World" */ #include "pal.h" #include "pal_debug.h" struct stack_frame { struct stack_frame* next; void* ret; }; PAL_HANDLE _fork (void * args) { register struct stack_frame * fp __asm__ ("ebp"); struct stack_frame * frame = fp; if (args == NULL) { struct stack_frame cur_frame = *frame; pal_printf("return address is %08x\n", cur_frame.ret); return DkThreadCreate(&_fork, &cur_frame); } else { struct stack_frame * las_frame = (struct stack_frame *) args; pal_printf("(in child) return address is %08x\n", las_frame->ret); return NULL; } } int main (int argc, char ** argv) { pal_printf("Enter Main Thread\n"); PAL_HANDLE out = DkStreamOpen("dev:tty", PAL_ACCESS_WRONLY, 0, 0, 0); if (out == NULL) { pal_printf("DkStreamOpen failed\n"); return -1; } void * param = NULL; PAL_HANDLE child = _fork(param); if (child == NULL) { pal_printf("in the child\n"); char *str = (void *) DkVirtualMemoryAlloc(NULL, 20, 0, PAL_PROT_READ|PAL_PROT_WRITE); if (str == NULL) { pal_printf("DkVirtualMemoryAlloc failed\n"); return -1; } str[0] = 'H'; str[1] = 'e'; str[2] = 'l'; str[3] = 'l'; str[4] = 'o'; str[5] = ' '; str[6] = 'W'; str[7] = 'o'; str[8] = 'r'; str[9] = 'l'; str[10] = 'd'; str[11] = '\n'; str[12] = 0; int bytes = DkStreamWrite(out, 0, 12, str, NULL); if (bytes < 0) { pal_printf("DkStreamWrite failed\n"); return -1; } DkVirtualMemoryFree(str, 20); DkThreadExit(); } else { pal_printf("in the parent\n"); DkThreadDelayExecution(3000); } DkObjectClose(out); pal_printf("Leave Main Thread\n"); return 0; }