/* -*- mode:c; c-file-style:"k&r"; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width:4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; mode:auto-fill; fill-column:78; -*- */ /* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et tw=78 fo=cqt wm=0: */ /* Copyright (C) 2014 OSCAR lab, Stony Brook University This file is part of Graphene Library OS. Graphene Library OS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Graphene Library OS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* * db_stream.c * * This file contains APIs to open, read, write and get attribute of * streams. */ #include "pal_defs.h" #include "pal.h" #include "pal_internal.h" #include "pal_debug.h" #include "pal_error.h" #include "api.h" /* Stream handler table: this table corresponds to all the handle type supported by PAL. Threads, Semaphores and Events are not streams, so they need no handler */ extern struct handle_ops file_ops; extern struct handle_ops pipe_ops; extern struct handle_ops pipeprv_ops; extern struct handle_ops dev_ops; extern struct handle_ops dir_ops; extern struct handle_ops tcp_ops; extern struct handle_ops udp_ops; extern struct handle_ops udpsrv_ops; extern struct hadnle_ops udppacket_ops; extern struct handle_ops thread_ops; extern struct handle_ops proc_ops; extern struct handle_ops sem_ops; extern struct handle_ops event_ops; extern struct handle_ops gipc_ops; extern struct handle_ops mcast_ops; const struct handle_ops * pal_handle_ops [PAL_HANDLE_TYPE_BOUND] = { NULL, &file_ops, &pipe_ops, &pipe_ops, &pipe_ops, &pipeprv_ops, &dev_ops, &dir_ops, &tcp_ops, &tcp_ops, &udp_ops, &udpsrv_ops, &proc_ops, &mcast_ops, &thread_ops, &sem_ops, &event_ops, &gipc_ops, }; /* parse_stream_uri scan the uri, seperate prefix and search for stream handler which will open or access the stream */ int parse_stream_uri (const char ** uri, const char ** prefix, struct handle_ops ** ops) { const char * p, * u = (*uri); for (p = u ; (*p) && (*p) != ':' ; p++); if ((*p) != ':') return -PAL_ERROR_INVAL; struct handle_ops * hops = NULL; switch (p - u) { case 3: if (memcmp(u, "dir", 3) == 0) hops = &dir_ops; else if (memcmp(u, "tcp", 3) == 0) hops = &tcp_ops; else if (memcmp(u, "udp", 3) == 0) hops = &udp_ops; else if (memcmp(u, "dev", 3) == 0) hops = &dev_ops; break; case 4: if (memcmp(u, "file", 4) == 0) hops = &file_ops; else if (memcmp(u, "pipe", 4) == 0) hops = &pipe_ops; else if (memcmp(u, "gipc", 4) == 0) hops = &gipc_ops; break; case 7: if (memcmp(u, "tcp.srv", 7) == 0) hops = &tcp_ops; else if (memcmp(u, "udp.srv", 7) == 0) hops = &udp_ops; break; case 8: if (memcmp(u, "pipe.srv", 8) == 0) hops = &pipe_ops; break; default: break; } if (!hops) return -PAL_ERROR_NOTSUPPORT; *uri = p + 1; if (prefix) *prefix = u; if (ops) *ops = hops; return 0; } /* _DkStreamOpen for internal use. Open stream based on uri. access/share/create/options are the same flags defined for DkStreamOpen. */ int _DkStreamOpen (PAL_HANDLE * handle, const char * uri, int access, int share, int create, int options) { struct handle_ops * ops = NULL; const char * type = NULL; int ret = parse_stream_uri(&uri, &type, &ops); if (ret < 0) return ret; assert(ops && ops->open); return ops->open(handle, type, uri, access, share, create, options); } /* PAL call DkStreamOpen: Open stream based on uri, as given access/share/ create/options flags. DkStreamOpen return a PAL_HANDLE to access the stream, or return NULL. Error code is notified. */ PAL_HANDLE DkStreamOpen (PAL_STR uri, PAL_FLG access, PAL_FLG share, PAL_FLG create, PAL_FLG options) { store_frame(StreamOpen); PAL_HANDLE handle; int ret = _DkStreamOpen(&handle, uri, access, share, create, options); if (ret < 0) { notify_failure (-ret); return NULL; } return handle; } int _DkStreamWaitForClient(PAL_HANDLE handle, PAL_HANDLE * client) { if (UNKNOWN_HANDLE(handle)) return -PAL_ERROR_BADHANDLE; const struct handle_ops * ops = HANDLE_OPS(handle); /* No ops or ops->delete being defined, inferring the handle can never be deleted */ if (!ops || !ops->waitforclient) return -PAL_ERROR_NOTSERVER; return ops->waitforclient(handle, client); } PAL_HANDLE DkStreamWaitForClient (PAL_HANDLE handle) { store_frame(StreamWaitForClient); union pal_handle *client; int ret = _DkStreamWaitForClient(handle, &client); if (ret < 0) { notify_failure (-ret); return NULL; } return client; } /* _DkStreamDelete for internal use. This function will explicit delete the stream. For example, file will be deleted, socket witll be disconnected, etc */ int _DkStreamDelete (PAL_HANDLE handle, int access) { if (UNKNOWN_HANDLE(handle)) return -PAL_ERROR_BADHANDLE; const struct handle_ops * ops = HANDLE_OPS(handle); /* No ops or ops->delete being defined, inferring the handle can never be deleted */ if (!ops || !ops->delete) return -PAL_ERROR_NOTSUPPORT; return ops->delete(handle, access); } /* PAL call DkStreamDelete: Explicitly delete stream as given handle. No return value, error code is notified. */ void DkStreamDelete (PAL_HANDLE handle, PAL_FLG access) { store_frame(StreamDelete); if (handle == NULL) { notify_failure (PAL_ERROR_INVAL); return; } int ret = _DkStreamDelete(handle, access); if (ret < 0) notify_failure(-ret); } /* _DkStreamRead for internal use. Read from stream as absolute offset. The actual behavior of stream read is defined by handler */ int _DkStreamRead (PAL_HANDLE handle, int offset, int count, void * buf, char * addr, int addrlen) { if (UNKNOWN_HANDLE(handle)) return -PAL_ERROR_BADHANDLE; const struct handle_ops * ops = HANDLE_OPS(handle); /* if ops or ops->read is not defined, it infers that the stream can never be read */ if (!ops) return -PAL_ERROR_NOTSUPPORT; if (!count) return -PAL_ERROR_ZEROSIZE; int ret; if (addr) { if (!ops->readbyaddr) return -PAL_ERROR_NOTSUPPORT; ret = ops->readbyaddr(handle, offset, count, buf, addr, addrlen); } else { if (!ops->read) return -PAL_ERROR_NOTSUPPORT; ret = ops->read(handle, offset, count, buf); } return ret ? : -PAL_ERROR_ENDOFSTREAM; } /* PAL call DkStreamRead: Read from stream at absolute offset. Return number of bytes if succeeded, or 0 for failure. Error code is notified. */ PAL_NUM DkStreamRead (PAL_HANDLE handle, PAL_NUM offset, PAL_NUM count, PAL_BUF buffer, PAL_BUF source, PAL_NUM size) { store_frame(StreamRead); if (!handle || !buffer) { notify_failure (PAL_ERROR_INVAL); return 0; } int ret = _DkStreamRead(handle, offset, count, buffer, size ? (char *) source : NULL, source ? size : 0); if (ret < 0) { notify_failure(-ret); ret = 0; } return ret; } /* _DkStreamWrite for internal use, write to stream at absolute offset. The actual behavior of stream write is defined by handler */ int _DkStreamWrite (PAL_HANDLE handle, int offset, int count, const void * buf, const char * addr, int addrlen) { if (UNKNOWN_HANDLE(handle)) return -PAL_ERROR_BADHANDLE; const struct handle_ops * ops = HANDLE_OPS(handle); if (!ops) return -PAL_ERROR_NOTSUPPORT; if (!count) return -PAL_ERROR_ZEROSIZE; int ret; if (addr) { if (!ops->writebyaddr) return -PAL_ERROR_NOTSUPPORT; ret = ops->writebyaddr(handle, offset, count, buf, addr, addrlen); } else { if (!ops->write) return -PAL_ERROR_NOTSUPPORT; ret = ops->write(handle, offset, count, buf); } return ret ? : -PAL_ERROR_ENDOFSTREAM; } /* PAL call DkStreamWrite: Write to stream at absolute offset. Return number of bytes if succeeded, or 0 for failure. Error code is notified. */ PAL_NUM DkStreamWrite (PAL_HANDLE handle, PAL_NUM offset, PAL_NUM count, const PAL_PTR buffer, PAL_STR dest) { store_frame(StreamWrite); if (handle == NULL || buffer == NULL) { notify_failure (PAL_ERROR_INVAL); return 0; } int ret = _DkStreamWrite(handle, offset, count, buffer, dest, dest ? strlen(dest) : 0); if (ret < 0) { notify_failure(-ret); ret = 0; } return ret; } /* _DkStreamAttributesQuery of internal use. The function query attribute of streams by their URI */ int _DkStreamAttributesQuery (PAL_STR uri, PAL_STREAM_ATTR * attr) { struct handle_ops * ops = NULL; const char * type = NULL; int ret = parse_stream_uri (&uri, &type, &ops); if (ret < 0) return ret; if (!ops->attrquery) return -PAL_ERROR_NOTSUPPORT; return ops->attrquery(type, uri, attr); } /* PAL call DkStreamAttributeQuery: query attribute of a stream by its URI, attr is memory given by user space. Return the pointer of attr if succeeded, or NULL if failed. Error code is notified */ PAL_BOL DkStreamAttributesQuery (PAL_STR uri, PAL_STREAM_ATTR * attr) { store_frame(StreamAttributesQuery); if (!uri || !attr) { notify_failure(PAL_ERROR_INVAL); return PAL_FALSE; } PAL_STREAM_ATTR attr_buf; int ret = _DkStreamAttributesQuery(uri, &attr_buf); if (ret < 0) { notify_failure(-ret); return PAL_FALSE; } memcpy(attr, &attr_buf, sizeof(PAL_STREAM_ATTR)); return PAL_TRUE; } /* _DkStreamAttributesQuerybyHandle for internal use. Query attribute of streams by their handle */ int _DkStreamAttributesQuerybyHandle (PAL_HANDLE hdl, PAL_STREAM_ATTR * attr) { if (UNKNOWN_HANDLE(hdl)) return -PAL_ERROR_BADHANDLE; const struct handle_ops * ops = HANDLE_OPS(hdl); assert(ops); /* if ops->attrquerybyhdl is not defined, the stream cannot be queried */ if (!ops->attrquerybyhdl) return -PAL_ERROR_NOTSUPPORT; return ops->attrquerybyhdl(hdl, attr); } /* PAL call DkStreamAttributesQuerybyHandle: Query attribute of a stream by its handle, attr is memory given by user space. Return the pointer of attr if succeeded, or NULL if failed. Error code is notified */ PAL_BOL DkStreamAttributesQuerybyHandle (PAL_HANDLE handle, PAL_STREAM_ATTR * attr) { store_frame(StreamAttributesQuerybyHandle); if (!handle || !attr) { notify_failure(PAL_ERROR_INVAL); return PAL_FALSE; } int ret = _DkStreamAttributesQuerybyHandle(handle, attr); if (ret < 0) { notify_failure (-ret); return PAL_FALSE; } return PAL_TRUE; } /* PAL call DkStreamAttributesSetbyHandle: Set attribute of a stream by its handle, attr is memory given by user space. Return the pointer of attr if succeeded, or NULL if failed. Error code is notified */ PAL_BOL DkStreamAttributesSetbyHandle (PAL_HANDLE handle, PAL_STREAM_ATTR * attr) { store_frame(StreamAttributesSetbyHandle); if (!handle || !attr) { notify_failure(PAL_ERROR_INVAL); return PAL_FALSE; } if (UNKNOWN_HANDLE(handle)) { notify_failure(PAL_ERROR_BADHANDLE); return PAL_FALSE; } const struct handle_ops * ops = HANDLE_OPS(handle); assert(ops); if (!ops->attrsetbyhdl) { notify_failure(PAL_ERROR_NOTSUPPORT); return PAL_FALSE; } int ret = ops->attrsetbyhdl(handle, attr); if (ret < 0) { notify_failure (-ret); return PAL_FALSE; } return PAL_TRUE; } /* PAL call DkStreamAttributesSetbyHandle: Set attribute of a stream by its handle, attr is memory given by user space. Return the pointer of attr if succeeded, or NULL if failed. Error code is notified */ PAL_NUM DkStreamGetName (PAL_HANDLE handle, PAL_BUF buffer, PAL_NUM size) { store_frame(StreamGetName); if (!handle || !buffer || !size) { notify_failure(PAL_ERROR_INVAL); return 0; } if (UNKNOWN_HANDLE(handle)) { notify_failure(PAL_ERROR_BADHANDLE); return 0; } const struct handle_ops * ops = HANDLE_OPS(handle); assert(ops); /* if ops->getname is not defined, the stream cannot be queried */ if (!ops->getname) { notify_failure(PAL_ERROR_NOTSUPPORT); return 0; } int ret = ops->getname(handle, buffer, size - 1); if (ret < 0) { notify_failure(-ret); return 0; } ((char *)buffer)[ret] = 0; return ret; } /* _DkStreamMap for internal use. Map specific handle to certain memory, with given protection, offset and size */ int _DkStreamMap (PAL_HANDLE handle, void ** paddr, int prot, int offset, size_t size) { void * addr = *paddr; int ret; const struct handle_ops * ops = HANDLE_OPS(handle); /* if ops or ops->map is not defined, the stream cannot be mapped */ if (!ops || !ops->map) return -PAL_ERROR_NOTSUPPORT; if ((ret = ops->map(handle, &addr, prot, offset, size)) < 0) return ret; *paddr = addr; return 0; } bool check_memory_overlap (void * addr, size_t size); /* PAL call DkStreamMap: Map a stream of a given handle to certain memery space. prot/offset/size are the protection, offset and size of the memory mapping. Return the address if succeeded or NULL if failed. Error code is notified. */ PAL_BUF DkStreamMap (PAL_HANDLE handle, PAL_BUF addr, PAL_FLG prot, PAL_NUM offset, PAL_NUM size) { store_frame(StreamMap); if (!handle) { notify_failure(PAL_ERROR_INVAL); return NULL; } if ((addr && !ALLOC_ALIGNED(addr)) || !size || !ALLOC_ALIGNED(size) || !ALLOC_ALIGNED(offset)) { notify_failure(PAL_ERROR_INVAL); return NULL; } if (check_memory_overlap(addr, size)) { notify_failure(PAL_ERROR_DENIED); return NULL; } int ret = _DkStreamMap(handle, &addr, prot, offset, size); if (ret < 0) { notify_failure(-ret); return NULL; } return addr; } /* PAL call DkStreamUnmap: Unmap memory mapped at an address. The memory has to be a stream map, and it got unmapped as a whole memory area. No return value. Error code is notified */ void DkStreamUnmap (PAL_BUF addr, PAL_NUM size) { store_frame(StreamUnmap); if (!addr) { notify_failure (PAL_ERROR_INVAL); return; } if (check_memory_overlap(addr, size)) { notify_failure(PAL_ERROR_DENIED); return; } int ret = _DkStreamUnmap(addr, size); if (ret < 0) notify_failure(ret); } /* _DkStreamSetLength for internal use. This function truncate the stream to certain length. This call might not be support for certain streams */ int _DkStreamSetLength (PAL_HANDLE handle, size_t length) { if (UNKNOWN_HANDLE(handle)) return -PAL_ERROR_BADHANDLE; const struct handle_ops * ops = HANDLE_OPS(handle); if (!ops || !ops->setlength) return -PAL_ERROR_NOTSUPPORT; return ops->setlength(handle, length); } /* PAL call DkStreamSetLength: Truncate the stream at certain length. Return the length if succeeded or 0 if failed. Error code is notified. */ PAL_NUM DkStreamSetLength (PAL_HANDLE handle, PAL_NUM length) { store_frame(StreamSetLength); if (!handle) { notify_failure(PAL_ERROR_INVAL); return 0; } int ret = _DkStreamSetLength(handle, length); if (ret < 0) { notify_failure(-ret); return 0; } return ret; } /* _DkStreamFlush for internal use. This function sync up the handle with devices. Some streams may not support this operations. */ int _DkStreamFlush (PAL_HANDLE handle) { if (UNKNOWN_HANDLE(handle)) return -PAL_ERROR_BADHANDLE; const struct handle_ops * ops = HANDLE_OPS(handle); if (!ops || !ops->flush) return -PAL_ERROR_NOTSUPPORT; return ops->flush(handle); } /* PAL call DkStreamFlush: Sync up a stream of a given handle. No return value. Error code is notified. */ PAL_BOL DkStreamFlush (PAL_HANDLE handle) { store_frame(StreamFlush); if (!handle) { notify_failure(PAL_ERROR_INVAL); return PAL_FALSE; } int ret = _DkStreamFlush(handle); if (ret < 0) { notify_failure(-ret); return PAL_FALSE; } return PAL_TRUE; } /* PAL call DkSendHandle: Write to a process handle. Return 1 on success and 0 on failure */ PAL_BOL DkSendHandle(PAL_HANDLE handle, PAL_HANDLE cargo) { store_frame(SendHandle); // Return error if any of the handle is NULL if (!handle || !cargo) { notify_failure(PAL_ERROR_INVAL); return PAL_FALSE; } // Call the internal function after validating input args int ret = _DkSendHandle(handle, cargo); if (ret < 0) { notify_failure(-ret); return PAL_FALSE; } return PAL_TRUE; } /* PAL call DkRecvHandle: Read a handle to a pipe/process handle. Return the received PAL_HANDLE by reference and 0 on success and negative number on failure */ /* 1. Should i take the received PAL_HANDLE as an input argument and pass by reference or return it rather? Ans - We are not aware of the size of the variable members to return 2. Would the recieved PAL_HANDLE start functioning automatically in the new process environment? Should we initialize/modify some attibutes of the handle? Ans - Yes, Initialize and make it compatibile in the target process 3. Should remalloc be done or the process shares the same references? Ans - Variables members have to allocated data again. */ PAL_HANDLE DkReceiveHandle (PAL_HANDLE handle) { store_frame(ReceiveHandle); // return error if any of the handle is NULL if(handle == NULL) { notify_failure(PAL_ERROR_INVAL); return 0; } // create a reference for the received PAL_HANDLE union pal_handle cargo; // call the internal function after validating input args int ret = _DkReceiveHandle(handle, &cargo); // notify failure would have been called from other functions if(ret < 0) { return NULL; } return remalloc(&cargo, handle_size(&cargo)); } PAL_BOL DkStreamChangeName (PAL_HANDLE hdl, PAL_STR uri) { struct handle_ops * ops = NULL; const char * type = NULL; int ret; if (uri) { ret = parse_stream_uri(&uri, &type, &ops); if (ret < 0) { notify_failure(-ret); return PAL_FALSE; } } const struct handle_ops * hops = HANDLE_OPS(hdl); if (!hops || !hops->rename || (ops && hops != ops)) { notify_failure(PAL_ERROR_NOTSUPPORT); return PAL_FALSE; } ret = hops->rename(hdl, type, uri); if (ret < 0) { notify_failure(-ret); return PAL_FALSE; } return PAL_TRUE; } /* _DkStreamRealpath is used to obtain the real path of a stream. Some streams may not have a real path. */ const char * _DkStreamRealpath (PAL_HANDLE hdl) { const struct handle_ops * ops = HANDLE_OPS(hdl); if (!ops || !ops->getrealpath) return NULL; return ops->getrealpath(hdl); }