/* Copyright (C) 2014 Stony Brook University This file is part of Graphene Library OS. Graphene Library OS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Graphene Library OS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* * shim_sandbox.c */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct shim_sandbox { unsigned int sbid; unsigned int parent_sbid; IDTYPE parent_vmid; }; static struct shim_sandbox sandbox_info __attribute_migratable; static inline void append_uri (char * uri, int prefix_len, char * append, int append_len) { if (prefix_len && uri[prefix_len - 1] == ':') { if (append[0] == '/') memcpy(uri + prefix_len, append + 1, append_len); else memcpy(uri + prefix_len, append, append_len + 1); } else { if (append[0] != '/') uri[prefix_len++] = '/'; memcpy(uri + prefix_len, append, append_len + 1); } } static int isolate_fs (struct config_store * cfg, const char * path) { struct shim_dentry * dent = NULL; int ret = 0; if ((ret = path_lookupat(NULL, path, LOOKUP_OPEN, &dent, NULL)) < 0) return ret; if (!(dent->state & DENTRY_ISDIRECTORY)) { put_dentry(dent); return -ENOTDIR; } size_t dpath_len = 0; char * dpath = dentry_get_path(dent, true, &dpath_len); bool root_created = false; char t[CONFIG_MAX], u[CONFIG_MAX]; ssize_t prefix_len; int nkeys; ssize_t keybuf_size; keybuf_size = get_config_entries_size(cfg, "fs.mount.other"); if (keybuf_size <= 0) goto root; char * keybuf = __alloca(keybuf_size); nkeys = get_config_entries(cfg, "fs.mount.other", keybuf, keybuf_size); if (nkeys <= 0) goto root; char k[CONFIG_MAX], p[CONFIG_MAX]; char * tmp = strcpy_static(k, "fs.mount.other.", CONFIG_MAX); const char * key = keybuf, * next = NULL; for (int n = 0 ; n < nkeys ; key = next, n++) { for (next = key ; *next ; next++); next++; size_t key_len = next - key - 1; memcpy(tmp, key, key_len); char * kp = tmp + key_len; ssize_t ulen, plen; bool is_chroot = false; /* Skip FS that are not chroot */ strcpy_static(kp, ".type", (size_t) ((k + CONFIG_MAX) - kp)); if (get_config(cfg, k, t, CONFIG_MAX) <= 0) continue; if (strpartcmp_static(t, "chroot")) is_chroot = true; strcpy_static(kp, ".uri", (size_t) ((k + CONFIG_MAX) - kp)); if ((ulen = get_config(cfg, k, u, CONFIG_MAX)) <= 0) continue; strcpy_static(kp, ".path", (size_t) ((k + CONFIG_MAX) - kp)); if ((plen = get_config(cfg, k, p, CONFIG_MAX)) <= 0) continue; if ((size_t) plen >= dpath_len) { if (!memcmp(p, dpath, dpath_len)) { if (!p[dpath_len]) { root_created = true; debug("kept file rule: %s => %s\n", p, u); continue; } if (p[dpath_len] != '/') goto remove; /* keep this FS */ continue; } else { remove: if (!is_chroot) { debug("kept file rule: %s => %s\n", p, u); continue; } set_config(cfg, k, NULL); strcpy_static(kp, ".type", (size_t) ((k + CONFIG_MAX) - kp)); set_config(cfg, k, NULL); strcpy_static(kp, ".uri", (size_t) ((k + CONFIG_MAX) - kp)); set_config(cfg, k, NULL); debug("deleted file rule: %s => %s\n", p, u); } } else { if (memcmp(p, dpath, plen)) goto remove; assert(dpath[plen]); if (dpath[plen] != '/') goto remove; if (!is_chroot) { root_created = true; debug("kept file rule: %s => %s\n", p, u); continue; } append_uri(u, ulen, dpath + plen, dpath_len - plen); set_config(cfg, k, dpath); strcpy_static(kp, "uri", (size_t) ((k + CONFIG_MAX) - kp)); set_config(cfg, k, u); root_created = true; debug("added file rule: %s => %s\n", dpath, u); } } root: if ((prefix_len = get_config(cfg, "fs.mount.root.uri", u, CONFIG_MAX)) > 0) { if (get_config(cfg, "fs.mount.root.type", t, CONFIG_MAX) > 0 && strcmp_static(t, "chroot")) { /* remove the root FS */ set_config(cfg, "fs.mount.root.uri", NULL); set_config(cfg, "fs.mount.root.type", NULL); debug("deleted file rule: root\n"); /* add another FS as part of the original root FS */ if (!root_created) { append_uri(u, prefix_len, dpath, dpath_len); set_config(cfg, "fs.mount.other.root.path", dpath); set_config(cfg, "fs.mount.other.root.uri", u); set_config(cfg, "fs.mount.other.root.type", "chroot"); debug("added file rule: %s => %s\n", dpath, u); } } } return 0; } static int isolate_net (struct config_store * cfg, struct net_sb * sb) { int nkeys; ssize_t keybuf_size; char k[CONFIG_MAX], * keybuf; keybuf_size = get_config_entries_size(cfg, "net.rules"); if (keybuf_size <= 0) goto add; keybuf = __alloca(keybuf_size); nkeys = get_config_entries(cfg, "net.rules", keybuf, keybuf_size); if (nkeys <= 0) goto add; const char * key = keybuf, * next = NULL; memcpy(k, "net.rules.", 10); for (int n = 0 ; n < nkeys ; key = next, n++) { for (next = key ; *next ; next++); next++; int key_len = next - key - 1; memcpy(k + 10, key, key_len); k[10 + key_len] = 0; set_config(cfg, k, NULL); } add: if (!sb) return 0; for (int i = 0 ; i < sb->nrules ; i++) { struct net_sb_rule * r = &sb->rules[i]; char u[CONFIG_MAX]; int ulen; int family = -1; undo: ulen = 0; for (int turn = 0 ; turn < 2 ; turn++) { struct sockaddr * addr = turn ? r->r_addr : r->l_addr; if (turn) u[ulen++] = ':'; if (!addr) { if (family == -1 || family == AF_INET) ulen += snprintf(u + ulen, CONFIG_MAX - ulen, ""); else ulen += snprintf(u + ulen, CONFIG_MAX - ulen, "[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:0-65535]"); } else { if (addr->sa_family == AF_INET) { if (family == AF_INET6) goto next; family = AF_INET; struct sockaddr_in * saddr = (void *) addr; unsigned char * a = (void *) &saddr->sin_addr.s_addr; ulen += snprintf(u + ulen, CONFIG_MAX - ulen, "%d.%d.%d.%d:%u", a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], __ntohs(saddr->sin_port)); continue; } if (addr->sa_family == AF_INET6) { if (family == AF_INET) goto next; if (turn && family == -1) { family = AF_INET6; goto undo; } family = AF_INET6; struct sockaddr_in6 * saddr = (void *) addr; unsigned short * a = (void *) &saddr->sin6_addr.s6_addr; ulen += snprintf(u + ulen, CONFIG_MAX - ulen, "[%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d]:%u", a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6], a[7], __ntohs(saddr->sin6_port)); continue; } goto next; } } snprintf(k + 10, CONFIG_MAX - 10, "%d", i + 1); set_config(cfg, k, u); debug("added net rule: %s\n", u); next: continue; } return 0; } static void * __malloc (size_t size) { return malloc(size); } static void __free (void * mem) { free(mem); } struct cfg_arg { PAL_HANDLE handle; int offset; }; static int __write (void * f, void * buf, int len) { struct cfg_arg * arg = f; int bytes = DkStreamWrite(arg->handle, arg->offset, len, buf, NULL); if (!bytes) return -PAL_ERRNO; arg->offset += bytes; return bytes; } long shim_do_sandbox_create (int flags, const char * fs_sb, struct net_sb * net_sb) { unsigned int sbid; char uri[24]; PAL_HANDLE handle = NULL; int ret = create_handle("file:sandbox-", uri, 24, &handle, &sbid); if (ret < 0) return ret; debug("create manifest: %s\n", uri); struct config_store * newcfg = __alloca(sizeof(struct config_store)); memset(newcfg, 0, sizeof(struct config_store)); newcfg->malloc = __malloc; newcfg->free = __free; if ((ret = copy_config(root_config, newcfg)) < 0) { newcfg = NULL; goto err; } if (flags & SANDBOX_FS) if ((ret = isolate_fs(newcfg, fs_sb)) < 0) goto err; if (flags & SANDBOX_NET) if ((ret = isolate_net(newcfg, net_sb)) < 0) goto err; struct cfg_arg arg; arg.handle = handle; arg.offset = 0; if ((ret = write_config(&arg, __write, newcfg)) < 0) goto err; DkObjectClose(handle); PAL_BOL success = DkProcessSandboxCreate(uri, flags & SANDBOX_RPC ? PAL_SANDBOX_PIPE : 0); if (!success) { ret = -PAL_ERRNO; goto err; } if (sandbox_info.sbid) { if (!sandbox_info.parent_sbid || sandbox_info.parent_vmid != cur_process.vmid) { sandbox_info.parent_sbid = sandbox_info.sbid; sandbox_info.parent_vmid = cur_process.vmid; } } if (flags & SANDBOX_RPC) del_all_ipc_ports(); if ((ret = free_config(root_config)) < 0) goto err; handle = DkStreamOpen(uri, PAL_ACCESS_RDONLY, 0, 0, 0); if (!handle) return -PAL_ERRNO; root_config = newcfg; sandbox_info.sbid = sbid; return sbid; err: free_config(newcfg); DkStreamDelete(handle, 0); DkObjectClose(handle); return ret; } int shim_do_sandbox_attach (unsigned int sbid) { __UNUSED(sbid); return -ENOSYS; } long shim_do_sandbox_current (void) { return sandbox_info.sbid; }