#!/usr/bin/env python2 import os, sys, mmap, random, string, binascii from regression import Regression loader = os.environ['PAL_LOADER'] def prepare_files(args): global file_exist file_exist = open('File', 'rb').read() if os.path.exists("file_nonexist.tmp"): os.remove("file_nonexist.tmp") with open("file_delete.tmp", "w") as f: f.write(file_exist) # Running File regression = Regression(loader, "File", prepare_files) regression.add_check(name="Basic File Opening", check=lambda res: "File Open Test 1 OK" in res[0].log and "File Open Test 2 OK" in res[0].log and "File Open Test 3 OK" in res[0].log) regression.add_check(name="Basic File Creation", check=lambda res: "File Creation Test 1 OK" in res[0].log and "File Creation Test 2 OK" in res[0].log and "File Creation Test 3 OK" in res[0].log) regression.add_check(name="File Reading", check=lambda res: ("Read Test 1 (0th - 40th): " + binascii.hexlify(file_exist[0:40])) in res[0].log and ("Read Test 2 (0th - 40th): " + binascii.hexlify(file_exist[0:40])) in res[0].log and ("Read Test 3 (200th - 240th): " + binascii.hexlify(file_exist[200:240])) in res[0].log) def check_write(res): global file_exist with open("file_nonexist.tmp", "r") as f: file_nonexist = f.read() return file_exist[0:40] == file_nonexist[200:240] and \ file_exist[200:240] == file_nonexist[0:40] regression.add_check(name="File Writing", check=check_write) regression.add_check(name="File Attribute Query", check=lambda res: ("Query: type = 1, size = %d" % (len(file_exist))) in res[0].log) regression.add_check(name="File Attribute Query by Handle", check=lambda res: ("Query by Handle: type = 1, size = %d" % (len(file_exist))) in res[0].log) regression.add_check(name="File Mapping", check=lambda res: ("Map Test 1 (0th - 40th): " + binascii.hexlify(file_exist[0:40])) in res[0].log and ("Map Test 2 (200th - 240th): " + binascii.hexlify(file_exist[200:240])) in res[0].log and ("Map Test 3 (4096th - 4136th): " + binascii.hexlify(file_exist[4096:4136])) in res[0].log and ("Map Test 4 (4296th - 4336th): " + binascii.hexlify(file_exist[4296:4336])) in res[0].log) regression.add_check(name="Set File Length", check=lambda res: os.stat("file_nonexist.tmp").st_size == mmap.ALLOCATIONGRANULARITY) regression.add_check(name="File Deletion", check=lambda res: not os.path.exists("file_delete.tmp")) rv = regression.run_checks() if rv: sys.exit(rv)