/* -*- mode:c; c-file-style:"k&r"; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width:4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; mode:auto-fill; fill-column:78; -*- */ /* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et tw=78 fo=cqt wm=0: */ /* Copyright (C) 2014 Stony Brook University This file is part of Graphene Library OS. Graphene Library OS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Graphene Library OS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* * fs.c * * This file contains codes for implementation of 'chroot' filesystem. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define URI_MAX_SIZE STR_SIZE #define TTY_FILE_MODE 0666 #define FILE_BUFMAP_SIZE (PAL_CB(pagesize) * 4) #define FILE_BUF_SIZE (PAL_CB(pagesize)) struct mount_data { int data_size; enum shim_file_type base_type; unsigned long ino_base; int root_uri_len; char root_uri[]; }; #define HANDLE_MOUNT_DATA(h) ((struct mount_data *) (h)->fs->data) #define DENTRY_MOUNT_DATA(d) ((struct mount_data *) (d)->fs->data) static int chroot_mount (const char * uri, const char * root, void ** mount_data) { enum shim_file_type type; if (strpartcmp_static(uri, "file:")) { type = FILE_UNKNOWN; uri += 5; } else if (strpartcmp_static(uri, "dev:")) { type = strpartcmp_static(uri + static_strlen("dev"), "tty") ? FILE_DEV : FILE_TTY; uri += 4; } else return -EINVAL; if (!(*uri)) uri = "."; int uri_len = strlen(uri); int data_size = uri_len + 1 + sizeof(struct mount_data); struct mount_data * mdata = (struct mount_data *) malloc(data_size); mdata->data_size = data_size; mdata->base_type = type; mdata->ino_base = hash_path(uri, uri_len, NULL); mdata->root_uri_len = uri_len; memcpy(mdata->root_uri, uri, uri_len + 1); *mount_data = mdata; return 0; } static int chroot_unmount (void * mount_data) { free(mount_data); return 0; } static inline int concat_uri (char * buffer, int size, int type, const char * root, int root_len, const char * trim, int trim_len) { char * tmp = NULL; switch (type) { case FILE_UNKNOWN: case FILE_REGULAR: tmp = strcpy_static(buffer, "file:", size); break; case FILE_DIR: tmp = strcpy_static(buffer, "dir:", size); break; case FILE_DEV: case FILE_TTY: tmp = strcpy_static(buffer, "dev:", size); break; default: return -EINVAL; } if (!tmp || tmp + root_len + trim_len + 2 > buffer + size) return -ENAMETOOLONG; if (root_len) { memcpy(tmp, root, root_len + 1); tmp += root_len; } if (trim_len) { *(tmp++) = '/'; memcpy(tmp, trim, trim_len + 1); tmp += trim_len; } return tmp - buffer; } /* simply just create data, sometimes it is individually called when the handle is not linked to a dentry */ static struct shim_file_data * __create_data (void) { struct shim_file_data * data = malloc(sizeof(struct shim_file_data)); if (!data) return NULL; memset(data, 0, sizeof(struct shim_file_data)); create_lock(data->lock); return data; } static void __destroy_data (struct shim_file_data * data) { qstrfree(&data->host_uri); destroy_lock(data->lock); free(data); } static int make_uri (struct shim_dentry * dent) { struct mount_data * mdata = DENTRY_MOUNT_DATA(dent); assert(mdata); struct shim_file_data * data = FILE_DENTRY_DATA(dent); char * uri = __alloca(URI_MAX_SIZE); int len = concat_uri(uri, URI_MAX_SIZE, data->type, mdata->root_uri, mdata->root_uri_len, qstrgetstr(&dent->rel_path), dent->rel_path.len); if (len >= 0) qstrsetstr(&data->host_uri, uri, len); return len; } /* create a data in the dentry and compose it's uri. dent->lock needs to be held */ static int create_data (struct shim_dentry * dent, const char * uri, int len) { if (dent->data) return 0; struct shim_file_data * data = __create_data(); if (!data) return -ENOMEM; dent->data = data; struct mount_data * mdata = DENTRY_MOUNT_DATA(dent); assert(mdata); data->type = (dent->state & DENTRY_ISDIRECTORY) ? FILE_DIR : mdata->base_type; if (uri) { qstrsetstr(&data->host_uri, uri, len); } else { int ret = make_uri(dent); if (ret < 0) return ret; } atomic_set(&data->version, 0); return 0; } static int chroot_readdir (struct shim_dentry * dent, struct shim_dirent ** dirent); static int __query_attr (struct shim_dentry * dent, struct shim_file_data * data, PAL_HANDLE pal_handle) { PAL_STREAM_ATTR pal_attr; enum shim_file_type old_type = data->type; if (pal_handle ? !DkStreamAttributesQuerybyHandle(pal_handle, &pal_attr) : !DkStreamAttributesQuery(qstrgetstr(&data->host_uri), &pal_attr)) return -PAL_ERRNO; /* need to correct the data type */ if (data->type == FILE_UNKNOWN) switch (pal_attr.handle_type) { case pal_type_file: data->type = FILE_REGULAR; break; case pal_type_dir: data->type = FILE_DIR; break; case pal_type_dev: data->type = FILE_DEV; break; } data->mode = (pal_attr.readable ? S_IRUSR : 0) | (pal_attr.writeable ? S_IWUSR : 0) | (pal_attr.runnable ? S_IXUSR : 0); atomic_set(&data->size, pal_attr.pending_size); if (data->type == FILE_DIR) { int ret; /* Move up the uri update; need to convert manifest-level file: * directives to 'dir:' uris */ if (old_type != FILE_DIR) { dent->state |= DENTRY_ISDIRECTORY; if ((ret = make_uri(dent)) < 0) { unlock(data->lock); return ret; } } /* DEP 3/18/17: If we have a directory, we need to find out how many * children it has by hand. */ /* XXX: Keep coherent with rmdir/mkdir/creat, etc */ struct shim_dirent *d, *dbuf = NULL; int nlink = 0; int rv = chroot_readdir(dent, &dbuf); if (rv != 0) return rv; if (dbuf) { for (d = dbuf; d; d = d->next) nlink++; free(dbuf); debug("Querying a directory; I count %d links.\n", nlink); } else nlink = 2; // Educated guess... data->nlink = nlink; } else { /* DEP 3/18/17: Right now, we don't support hard links, * so just return 1; */ data->nlink = 1; } data->queried = true; return 0; } /* do not need any lock */ static void chroot_update_ino (struct shim_dentry * dent) { if (dent->state & DENTRY_INO_UPDATED) return; struct mount_data * mdata = DENTRY_MOUNT_DATA(dent); unsigned long ino = mdata->ino_base; if (!qstrempty(&dent->rel_path)) ino = rehash_path(mdata->ino_base, qstrgetstr(&dent->rel_path), dent->rel_path.len, NULL); dent->ino = ino; dent->state |= DENTRY_INO_UPDATED; } static inline int try_create_data (struct shim_dentry * dent, const char * uri, int len, struct shim_file_data ** dataptr) { struct shim_file_data * data = FILE_DENTRY_DATA(dent); if (!data) { lock(dent->lock); int ret = create_data(dent, uri, len); data = FILE_DENTRY_DATA(dent); unlock(dent->lock); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } } *dataptr = data; return 0; } static int query_dentry (struct shim_dentry * dent, PAL_HANDLE pal_handle, mode_t * mode, struct stat * stat) { int ret = 0; struct shim_file_data * data; if ((ret = try_create_data(dent, NULL, 0, &data)) < 0) return ret; lock(data->lock); if (!data->queried && (ret = __query_attr(dent, data, pal_handle)) < 0) { unlock(data->lock); return ret; } if (mode) *mode = data->mode; if (stat) { struct mount_data * mdata = DENTRY_MOUNT_DATA(dent); chroot_update_ino(dent); memset(stat, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); stat->st_mode = (mode_t) data->mode; stat->st_dev = (dev_t) mdata->ino_base; stat->st_ino = (ino_t) dent->ino; stat->st_size = (off_t) atomic_read(&data->size); stat->st_atime = (time_t) data->atime; stat->st_mtime = (time_t) data->mtime; stat->st_ctime = (time_t) data->ctime; stat->st_nlink = data->nlink; switch (data->type) { case FILE_REGULAR: stat->st_mode |= S_IFREG; break; case FILE_DIR: stat->st_mode |= S_IFDIR; break; case FILE_DEV: case FILE_TTY: stat->st_mode |= S_IFCHR; break; default: break; } debug("Stat: Returning link count %d\n", stat->st_nlink); } unlock(data->lock); return 0; } static int chroot_mode (struct shim_dentry * dent, mode_t * mode, bool force) { if (!force) return -ESKIPPED; return query_dentry(dent, NULL, mode, NULL); } static int chroot_stat (struct shim_dentry * dent, struct stat * statbuf) { return query_dentry(dent, NULL, NULL, statbuf); } static int chroot_lookup (struct shim_dentry * dent, bool force) { return query_dentry(dent, NULL, NULL, NULL); } static int __chroot_open (struct shim_dentry * dent, const char * uri, int len, int flags, mode_t mode, struct shim_handle * hdl, struct shim_file_data * data) { int ret = 0; if (!uri) { uri = qstrgetstr(&data->host_uri); len = data->host_uri.len; } int version = atomic_read(&data->version); int oldmode = flags & O_ACCMODE; int accmode = oldmode; int creat = flags & PAL_CREAT_MASK; int option = flags & PAL_OPTION_MASK; if ((data->type == FILE_REGULAR || data->type == FILE_UNKNOWN) && accmode == O_WRONLY) accmode = O_RDWR; PAL_HANDLE palhdl; if (hdl && hdl->pal_handle) { palhdl = hdl->pal_handle; } else { palhdl = DkStreamOpen(uri, accmode, mode, creat, option); if (!palhdl) { if (PAL_NATIVE_ERRNO == PAL_ERROR_DENIED && accmode != oldmode) palhdl = DkStreamOpen(uri, oldmode, mode, creat, option); if (!palhdl) return -PAL_ERRNO; } } if (!data->queried) { lock(data->lock); ret = __query_attr(dent, data, palhdl); unlock(data->lock); } if (!hdl) { DkObjectClose(palhdl); return 0; } hdl->pal_handle = palhdl; hdl->info.file.type = data->type; hdl->info.file.version = version; hdl->info.file.size = atomic_read(&data->size); hdl->info.file.data = data; return ret; } static int chroot_open (struct shim_handle * hdl, struct shim_dentry * dent, int flags) { int ret = 0; struct shim_file_data * data; if ((ret = try_create_data(dent, NULL, 0, &data)) < 0) return ret; if ((ret = __chroot_open(dent, NULL, 0, flags, dent->mode, hdl, data)) < 0) return ret; struct shim_file_handle * file = &hdl->info.file; int size = atomic_read(&data->size); /* initialize hdl, does not need a lock because no one is sharing */ hdl->type = TYPE_FILE; file->marker = (flags & O_APPEND) ? size : 0; file->size = size; file->buf_type = (data->type == FILE_REGULAR) ? FILEBUF_MAP : FILEBUF_NONE; hdl->flags = flags; hdl->acc_mode = ACC_MODE(flags & O_ACCMODE); qstrcopy(&hdl->uri, &data->host_uri); return 0; } static int chroot_creat (struct shim_handle * hdl, struct shim_dentry * dir, struct shim_dentry * dent, int flags, mode_t mode) { int ret = 0; struct shim_file_data * data; if ((ret = try_create_data(dent, NULL, 0, &data)) < 0) return ret; if ((ret = __chroot_open(dent, NULL, 0, flags|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, mode, hdl, data)) < 0) return ret; if (!hdl) return 0; struct shim_file_handle * file = &hdl->info.file; int size = atomic_read(&data->size); /* initialize hdl, does not need a lock because no one is sharing */ hdl->type = TYPE_FILE; file->marker = (flags & O_APPEND) ? size : 0; file->size = size; file->buf_type = (data->type == FILE_REGULAR) ? FILEBUF_MAP : FILEBUF_NONE; hdl->flags = flags; hdl->acc_mode = ACC_MODE(flags & O_ACCMODE); qstrcopy(&hdl->uri, &data->host_uri); /* Increment the parent's link count */ struct shim_file_data *parent_data = FILE_DENTRY_DATA(dir); if (parent_data) { lock(parent_data->lock); if (parent_data->queried) parent_data->nlink++; unlock(parent_data->lock); } return 0; } static int chroot_mkdir (struct shim_dentry * dir, struct shim_dentry * dent, mode_t mode) { int ret = 0; struct shim_file_data * data; if ((ret = try_create_data(dent, NULL, 0, &data)) < 0) return ret; if (data->type != FILE_DIR) { data->type = FILE_DIR; int ret = make_uri(dent); if (ret < 0) return ret; } ret = __chroot_open(dent, NULL, 0, O_CREAT|O_EXCL, mode, NULL, data); /* Increment the parent's link count */ struct shim_file_data *parent_data = FILE_DENTRY_DATA(dir); if (parent_data) { lock(parent_data->lock); if (parent_data->queried) parent_data->nlink++; unlock(parent_data->lock); } return ret; } #define NEED_RECREATE(hdl) (!FILE_HANDLE_DATA(hdl)) static int chroot_recreate (struct shim_handle * hdl) { struct shim_file_data * data = FILE_HANDLE_DATA(hdl); int ret = 0; /* quickly bail out if the data is created */ if (data) return 0; const char * uri = qstrgetstr(&hdl->uri); int len = hdl->uri.len; if (hdl->dentry) { if ((ret = try_create_data(hdl->dentry, uri, len, &data)) < 0) return ret; } else { data = __create_data(); if (!data) return -ENOMEM; qstrsetstr(&data->host_uri, uri, len); } /* * Chia-Che Tsai 8/24/2017: * when recreating a file handle after migration, the file should * not be created again. */ return __chroot_open(hdl->dentry, uri, len, hdl->flags & ~(O_CREAT|O_EXCL), 0, hdl, data); } static inline bool check_version (struct shim_handle * hdl) { return atomic_read(&FILE_HANDLE_DATA(hdl)->version) == hdl->info.file.version; } static int chroot_hstat (struct shim_handle * hdl, struct stat * stat) { int ret; if (NEED_RECREATE(hdl) && (ret = chroot_recreate(hdl)) < 0) return ret; if (!check_version(hdl) || !hdl->dentry) { struct shim_file_handle * file = &hdl->info.file; struct shim_dentry * dent = hdl->dentry; struct mount_data * mdata = dent ? DENTRY_MOUNT_DATA(dent) : NULL; if (dent) chroot_update_ino(dent); if (stat) { memset(stat, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); stat->st_dev = mdata ? (dev_t) mdata->ino_base : 0; stat->st_ino = dent ? (ino_t) dent->ino : 0; stat->st_size = file->size; stat->st_mode |= (file->buf_type == FILEBUF_MAP) ? S_IFREG : S_IFCHR; } return 0; } return query_dentry(hdl->dentry, hdl->pal_handle, NULL, stat); } static int chroot_flush (struct shim_handle * hdl) { struct shim_file_handle * file = &hdl->info.file; if (file->buf_type == FILEBUF_MAP) { lock(hdl->lock); void * mapbuf = file->mapbuf; int mapsize = file->mapsize; file->mapoffset = 0; file->mapbuf = NULL; unlock(hdl->lock); if (mapbuf) { DkStreamUnmap(mapbuf, mapsize); int flags = VMA_INTERNAL; bkeep_munmap(mapbuf, mapsize, &flags); } } return 0; } static inline int __map_buffer (struct shim_handle * hdl, int size) { struct shim_file_handle * file = &hdl->info.file; if (file->mapbuf) { if (file->marker >= file->mapoffset && file->marker + size <= file->mapoffset + file->mapsize) return 0; DkStreamUnmap(file->mapbuf, file->mapsize); int flags = VMA_INTERNAL; bkeep_munmap(file->mapbuf, file->mapsize, &flags); file->mapbuf = NULL; file->mapoffset = 0; } /* second, reallocate the buffer */ uint64_t bufsize = file->mapsize ? : FILE_BUFMAP_SIZE; int prot = PAL_PROT_READ; uint64_t mapoff = file->marker & ~(bufsize - 1); uint64_t maplen = bufsize; if (hdl->acc_mode & MAY_WRITE) prot |= PAL_PROT_WRITE; while (mapoff + maplen < file->marker + size) maplen *= 2; void * mapbuf = (void *) DkStreamMap(hdl->pal_handle, NULL, prot, mapoff, maplen); if (!mapbuf) return -PAL_ERRNO; bkeep_mmap(mapbuf, maplen, prot, MAP_FILE|MAP_SHARED|VMA_INTERNAL, hdl, mapoff, NULL); file->mapbuf = mapbuf; file->mapoffset = mapoff; file->mapsize = maplen; return 0; } static int map_read (struct shim_handle * hdl, void * buf, size_t count) { struct shim_file_handle * file = &hdl->info.file; int ret = 0; lock(hdl->lock); struct shim_file_data * data = FILE_HANDLE_DATA(hdl); uint64_t size = atomic_read(&data->size); if (check_version(hdl) && file->size < size) file->size = size; uint64_t marker = file->marker; if (marker >= file->size) { count = 0; goto out; } if ((ret = __map_buffer(hdl, count)) < 0) { unlock(hdl->lock); return ret; } if (marker + count > file->size) count = file->size - marker; if (count) { memcpy(buf, file->mapbuf + (marker - file->mapoffset), count); file->marker = marker + count; } out: unlock(hdl->lock); return count; } static int map_write (struct shim_handle * hdl, const void * buf, size_t count) { struct shim_file_handle * file = &hdl->info.file; int ret = 0; lock(hdl->lock); struct shim_file_data * data = FILE_HANDLE_DATA(hdl); uint64_t marker = file->marker; if (file->marker + count > file->size) { file->size = file->marker + count; ret = DkStreamWrite(hdl->pal_handle, file->marker, count, (void *) buf, NULL); if (!ret) { ret = -PAL_ERRNO; goto out; } if (ret < count) { file->size -= count - ret; } if (check_version(hdl)) { uint64_t size; do { if ((size = atomic_read(&data->size)) >= file->size) { file->size = size; break; } } while (atomic_cmpxchg(&data->size, size, file->size) != size); } file->marker = marker + ret; goto out; } if ((ret = __map_buffer(hdl, count)) < 0) goto out; if (count) { memcpy(file->mapbuf + (marker - file->mapoffset), buf, count); file->marker = marker + count; } ret = count; out: unlock(hdl->lock); return ret; } static int chroot_read (struct shim_handle * hdl, void * buf, size_t count) { int ret = 0; if (count == 0) goto out; if (NEED_RECREATE(hdl) && (ret = chroot_recreate(hdl)) < 0) { goto out; } struct shim_file_handle * file = &hdl->info.file; if (file->buf_type == FILEBUF_MAP) { ret = map_read(hdl, buf, count); if (ret != -EACCES) goto out; lock(hdl->lock); file->buf_type = FILEBUF_NONE; } else { lock(hdl->lock); } ret = DkStreamRead(hdl->pal_handle, file->marker, count, buf, NULL, 0) ? : (PAL_NATIVE_ERRNO == PAL_ERROR_ENDOFSTREAM ? 0 : -PAL_ERRNO); if (ret > 0) file->marker += ret; unlock(hdl->lock); out: return ret; } static int chroot_write (struct shim_handle * hdl, const void * buf, size_t count) { int ret; if (count == 0) return 0; if (NEED_RECREATE(hdl) && (ret = chroot_recreate(hdl)) < 0) { goto out; } struct shim_file_handle * file = &hdl->info.file; if (hdl->info.file.buf_type == FILEBUF_MAP) { ret = map_write(hdl, buf, count); if (ret != -EACCES) goto out; lock(hdl->lock); file->buf_type = FILEBUF_NONE; } else { lock(hdl->lock); } ret = DkStreamWrite(hdl->pal_handle, file->marker, count, (void *) buf, NULL) ? : -PAL_ERRNO; if (ret > 0) file->marker += ret; unlock(hdl->lock); out: return ret; } static int chroot_mmap (struct shim_handle * hdl, void ** addr, size_t size, int prot, int flags, off_t offset) { int ret; if (NEED_RECREATE(hdl) && (ret = chroot_recreate(hdl)) < 0) return ret; int pal_prot = PAL_PROT(prot, flags); #if MAP_FILE == 0 if (flags & MAP_ANONYMOUS) #else if (!(flags & MAP_FILE)) #endif return -EINVAL; void * alloc_addr = (void *) DkStreamMap(hdl->pal_handle, *addr, pal_prot, offset, size); if (!alloc_addr) return -PAL_ERRNO; *addr = alloc_addr; return 0; } static int chroot_seek (struct shim_handle * hdl, off_t offset, int wence) { int ret = -EINVAL; if (NEED_RECREATE(hdl) && (ret = chroot_recreate(hdl)) < 0) return ret; struct shim_file_handle * file = &hdl->info.file; lock(hdl->lock); int marker = file->marker; int size = file->size; if (check_version(hdl)) { struct shim_file_data * data = FILE_HANDLE_DATA(hdl); if (data->type != FILE_REGULAR) { ret = -ESPIPE; goto out; } } switch (wence) { case SEEK_SET: if (offset < 0) goto out; marker = offset; break; case SEEK_CUR: marker += offset; break; case SEEK_END: marker = size + offset; break; } ret = file->marker = marker; out: unlock(hdl->lock); return ret; } static int chroot_truncate (struct shim_handle * hdl, uint64_t len) { uint64_t ret = 0; if (NEED_RECREATE(hdl) && (ret = chroot_recreate(hdl)) < 0) return ret; if (!(hdl->acc_mode & MAY_WRITE)) return -EINVAL; struct shim_file_handle * file = &hdl->info.file; lock(hdl->lock); file->size = len; if (check_version(hdl)) { struct shim_file_data * data = FILE_HANDLE_DATA(hdl); atomic_set(&data->size, len); } if ((ret = DkStreamSetLength(hdl->pal_handle, len)) != len) { goto out; } // DEP 10/25/16: Truncate returns 0 on success, not the length ret = 0; if (file->marker > len) file->marker = len; out: unlock(hdl->lock); return ret; } static int chroot_dput (struct shim_dentry * dent) { struct shim_file_data * data = FILE_DENTRY_DATA(dent); if (data) { __destroy_data(data); dent->data = NULL; } return 0; } #define DEFAULT_DBUF_SIZE 1024 static int chroot_readdir (struct shim_dentry * dent, struct shim_dirent ** dirent) { int ret; struct shim_file_data * data; if ((ret = try_create_data(dent, NULL, 0, &data)) < 0) return ret; chroot_update_ino(dent); assert(strpartcmp_static(qstrgetstr(&data->host_uri), "dir:")); PAL_HANDLE pal_hdl = DkStreamOpen(qstrgetstr(&data->host_uri), PAL_ACCESS_RDONLY, 0, 0, 0); if (!pal_hdl) return -PAL_ERRNO; int buf_size = 0, new_size = MAX_PATH; int bytes; char * buf = NULL, * new_buf; int dbufsize = MAX_PATH; struct shim_dirent * dbuf = malloc(dbufsize); struct shim_dirent * d = dbuf, ** last = NULL; retry: new_buf = __alloca(new_size); if (buf) memcpy(new_buf, buf, buf_size); buf_size = new_size; buf = new_buf; while (1) { bytes = DkStreamRead(pal_hdl, 0, buf_size, buf, NULL, 0); if (bytes == 0) { if (PAL_NATIVE_ERRNO == PAL_ERROR_ENDOFSTREAM) break; if (PAL_NATIVE_ERRNO == PAL_ERROR_OVERFLOW) { new_size = buf_size * 2; goto retry; } ret = -PAL_ERRNO; goto out; } char * b = buf, * next_b; int blen; while (b < buf + bytes) { blen = strlen(b); next_b = b + blen + 1; bool isdir = false; if (b[blen - 1] == '/') { isdir = true; b[blen - 1] = 0; blen--; } int dsize = sizeof(struct shim_dirent) + blen + 1; if ((void *) d + dsize > (void *) dbuf + dbufsize) { int newsize = dbufsize * 2; while ((void *) d + dsize > (void *) dbuf + newsize) newsize *= 2; struct shim_dirent * new_dbuf = malloc(newsize); memcpy(new_dbuf, dbuf, (void *) d - (void *) dbuf); struct shim_dirent * d1 = new_dbuf; struct shim_dirent * d2 = dbuf; while (d2 != d) { d1->next = (void *) d1 + ((void *) d2->next - (void *) d2); d1 = d1->next; d2 = d2->next; } free(dbuf); dbuf = new_dbuf; d = d1; dbufsize = newsize; } HASHTYPE hash = rehash_name(dent->ino, b, blen); d->next = (void *) (d + 1) + blen + 1; d->ino = hash; d->type = isdir ? LINUX_DT_DIR : LINUX_DT_REG; memcpy(d->name, b, blen + 1); b = next_b; last = &d->next; d = d->next; } } if (!last) { free(dbuf); goto out; } *last = NULL; *dirent = dbuf; out: DkObjectClose(pal_hdl); return ret; } static int chroot_checkout (struct shim_handle * hdl) { if (hdl->fs == &chroot_builtin_fs) hdl->fs = NULL; if (hdl->type == TYPE_FILE) { struct shim_file_data * data = FILE_HANDLE_DATA(hdl); if (data) hdl->info.file.data = NULL; } if (hdl->pal_handle) { /* * Chia-Che 8/24/2017: * if the file still exists in the host, no need to send * the handle over RPC; otherwise, send it. */ PAL_STREAM_ATTR attr; if (DkStreamAttributesQuery(qstrgetstr(&hdl->uri), &attr)) hdl->pal_handle = NULL; } hdl->info.file.mapsize = 0; hdl->info.file.mapoffset = 0; hdl->info.file.mapbuf = NULL; return 0; } static int chroot_checkpoint (void ** checkpoint, void * mount_data) { struct mount_data * mdata = mount_data; *checkpoint = mount_data; return mdata->root_uri_len + sizeof(struct mount_data) + 1; } static int chroot_migrate (void * checkpoint, void ** mount_data) { struct mount_data * mdata = checkpoint; int alloc_len = mdata->root_uri_len + sizeof(struct mount_data) + 1; void * new_data = malloc(alloc_len); memcpy(new_data, mdata, alloc_len); *mount_data = new_data; return 0; } static int chroot_unlink (struct shim_dentry * dir, struct shim_dentry * dent) { int ret; struct shim_file_data * data; if ((ret = try_create_data(dent, NULL, 0, &data)) < 0) return ret; PAL_HANDLE pal_hdl = DkStreamOpen(qstrgetstr(&data->host_uri), 0, 0, 0, 0); if (!pal_hdl) return -PAL_ERRNO; DkStreamDelete(pal_hdl, 0); DkObjectClose(pal_hdl); dent->mode = NO_MODE; data->mode = 0; atomic_inc(&data->version); atomic_set(&data->size, 0); /* Drop the parent's link count */ struct shim_file_data *parent_data = FILE_DENTRY_DATA(dir); if (parent_data) { lock(parent_data->lock); if (parent_data->queried) parent_data->nlink--; unlock(parent_data->lock); } return 0; } static int chroot_poll (struct shim_handle * hdl, int poll_type) { int ret; if (NEED_RECREATE(hdl) && (ret = chroot_recreate(hdl)) < 0) return ret; struct shim_file_data * data = FILE_HANDLE_DATA(hdl); size_t size = atomic_read(&data->size); if (poll_type == FS_POLL_SZ) return size; lock(hdl->lock); struct shim_file_handle * file = &hdl->info.file; if (check_version(hdl) && file->size < size) file->size = size; int marker = file->marker; if (file->buf_type == FILEBUF_MAP) { ret = poll_type & FS_POLL_WR; if ((poll_type & FS_POLL_RD) && file->size > marker) ret |= FS_POLL_RD; goto out; } ret = -EAGAIN; out: unlock(hdl->lock); return ret; } static int chroot_rename (struct shim_dentry * old, struct shim_dentry * new) { int ret; struct shim_file_data * old_data; if ((ret = try_create_data(old, NULL, 0, &old_data)) < 0) return ret; struct shim_file_data * new_data; if ((ret = try_create_data(new, NULL, 0, &new_data)) < 0) return ret; PAL_HANDLE pal_hdl = DkStreamOpen(qstrgetstr(&old_data->host_uri), 0, 0, 0, 0); if (!pal_hdl) return -PAL_ERRNO; if (!DkStreamChangeName(pal_hdl, qstrgetstr(&new_data->host_uri))) { DkObjectClose(pal_hdl); return -PAL_ERRNO; } new->mode = new_data->mode = old_data->mode; old->mode = NO_MODE; old_data->mode = 0; DkObjectClose(pal_hdl); atomic_inc(&old_data->version); atomic_set(&old_data->size, 0); atomic_inc(&new_data->version); return 0; } static int chroot_chmod (struct shim_dentry * dent, mode_t mode) { int ret; struct shim_file_data * data; if ((ret = try_create_data(dent, NULL, 0, &data)) < 0) return ret; PAL_HANDLE pal_hdl = DkStreamOpen(qstrgetstr(&data->host_uri), 0, 0, 0, 0); if (!pal_hdl) return -PAL_ERRNO; PAL_STREAM_ATTR attr = { .share_flags = mode }; if (!DkStreamAttributesSetbyHandle(pal_hdl, &attr)) { DkObjectClose(pal_hdl); return -PAL_ERRNO; } DkObjectClose(pal_hdl); dent->mode = data->mode = mode; return 0; } struct shim_fs_ops chroot_fs_ops = { .mount = &chroot_mount, .unmount = &chroot_unmount, .flush = &chroot_flush, .close = &chroot_flush, .read = &chroot_read, .write = &chroot_write, .mmap = &chroot_mmap, .seek = &chroot_seek, .hstat = &chroot_hstat, .truncate = &chroot_truncate, .checkout = &chroot_checkout, .checkpoint = &chroot_checkpoint, .migrate = &chroot_migrate, .poll = &chroot_poll, }; struct shim_d_ops chroot_d_ops = { .open = &chroot_open, .mode = &chroot_mode, .lookup = &chroot_lookup, .creat = &chroot_creat, .mkdir = &chroot_mkdir, .stat = &chroot_stat, .dput = &chroot_dput, .readdir = &chroot_readdir, .unlink = &chroot_unlink, .rename = &chroot_rename, .chmod = &chroot_chmod, }; struct mount_data chroot_data = { .root_uri_len = 5, .root_uri = "file:", }; struct shim_mount chroot_builtin_fs = { .type = "chroot", .fs_ops = &chroot_fs_ops, .d_ops = &chroot_d_ops, .data = &chroot_data, };