/* -*- mode:c; c-file-style:"k&r"; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width:4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; mode:auto-fill; fill-column:78; -*- */ /* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et tw=78 fo=cqt wm=0: */ /* * This is for enclave to make ocalls to untrusted runtime. */ #include "linux_types.h" /* * GCC's structure padding may cause leaking from uninialized * regions (https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.09061). * A simple contermeasure is to enable packing for all ocall * argument structures. */ #pragma pack(push, 1) enum { OCALL_EXIT = 0, OCALL_PRINT_STRING, OCALL_ALLOC_UNTRUSTED, OCALL_MAP_UNTRUSTED, OCALL_UNMAP_UNTRUSTED, OCALL_CPUID, OCALL_OPEN, OCALL_CLOSE, OCALL_READ, OCALL_WRITE, OCALL_FSTAT, OCALL_FIONREAD, OCALL_FSETNONBLOCK, OCALL_FCHMOD, OCALL_FSYNC, OCALL_FTRUNCATE, OCALL_MKDIR, OCALL_GETDENTS, OCALL_WAKE_THREAD, OCALL_CREATE_PROCESS, OCALL_FUTEX, OCALL_SOCKETPAIR, OCALL_SOCK_LISTEN, OCALL_SOCK_ACCEPT, OCALL_SOCK_CONNECT, OCALL_SOCK_RECV, OCALL_SOCK_SEND, OCALL_SOCK_RECV_FD, OCALL_SOCK_SEND_FD, OCALL_SOCK_SETOPT, OCALL_SOCK_SHUTDOWN, OCALL_GETTIME, OCALL_SLEEP, OCALL_POLL, OCALL_RENAME, OCALL_DELETE, OCALL_LOAD_DEBUG, OCALL_NR, }; #define OCALL_NO_TIMEOUT ((uint64_t) -1) typedef struct { const char * ms_str; unsigned int ms_length; } ms_ocall_print_string_t; typedef struct { uint64_t ms_size; void * ms_mem; } ms_ocall_alloc_untrusted_t; typedef struct { int ms_fd; uint64_t ms_offset; uint64_t ms_size; unsigned short ms_prot; void * ms_mem; } ms_ocall_map_untrusted_t; typedef struct { const void * ms_mem; uint64_t ms_size; } ms_ocall_unmap_untrusted_t; typedef struct { unsigned int ms_leaf; unsigned int ms_subleaf; unsigned int ms_values[4]; } ms_ocall_cpuid_t; typedef struct { const char * ms_pathname; int ms_flags; unsigned short ms_mode; } ms_ocall_open_t; typedef struct { int ms_fd; } ms_ocall_close_t; typedef struct { int ms_fd; void * ms_buf; unsigned int ms_count; } ms_ocall_read_t; typedef struct { int ms_fd; const void * ms_buf; unsigned int ms_count; } ms_ocall_write_t; typedef struct { int ms_fd; struct stat ms_stat; } ms_ocall_fstat_t; typedef struct { int ms_fd; } ms_ocall_fionread_t; typedef struct { int ms_fd; int ms_nonblocking; } ms_ocall_fsetnonblock_t; typedef struct { int ms_fd; unsigned short ms_mode; } ms_ocall_fchmod_t; typedef struct { int ms_fd; } ms_ocall_fsync_t; typedef struct { int ms_fd; uint64_t ms_length; } ms_ocall_ftruncate_t; typedef struct { const char * ms_pathname; unsigned short ms_mode; } ms_ocall_mkdir_t; typedef struct { int ms_fd; struct linux_dirent64 * ms_dirp; unsigned int ms_size; } ms_ocall_getdents_t; typedef struct { unsigned int ms_pid; const char * ms_uri; int ms_proc_fds[3]; int ms_nargs; const char * ms_args[]; } ms_ocall_create_process_t; typedef struct { int * ms_futex; int ms_op, ms_val; uint64_t ms_timeout; } ms_ocall_futex_t; typedef struct { int ms_domain, ms_type, ms_protocol; int ms_sockfds[2]; } ms_ocall_socketpair_t; typedef struct { int ms_domain, ms_type, ms_protocol; const struct sockaddr * ms_addr; unsigned int ms_addrlen; struct sockopt ms_sockopt; } ms_ocall_sock_listen_t; typedef struct { int ms_sockfd; struct sockaddr * ms_addr; unsigned int ms_addrlen; struct sockopt ms_sockopt; } ms_ocall_sock_accept_t; typedef struct { int ms_domain, ms_type, ms_protocol; const struct sockaddr * ms_addr; unsigned int ms_addrlen; struct sockaddr * ms_bind_addr; unsigned int ms_bind_addrlen; struct sockopt ms_sockopt; } ms_ocall_sock_connect_t; typedef struct { int ms_sockfd; void * ms_buf; unsigned int ms_count; struct sockaddr * ms_addr; unsigned int ms_addrlen; } ms_ocall_sock_recv_t; typedef struct { int ms_sockfd; const void * ms_buf; unsigned int ms_count; const struct sockaddr * ms_addr; unsigned int ms_addrlen; } ms_ocall_sock_send_t; typedef struct { int ms_sockfd; void * ms_buf; unsigned int ms_count; unsigned int * ms_fds; unsigned int ms_nfds; } ms_ocall_sock_recv_fd_t; typedef struct { int ms_sockfd; const void * ms_buf; unsigned int ms_count; const unsigned int * ms_fds; unsigned int ms_nfds; } ms_ocall_sock_send_fd_t; typedef struct { int ms_sockfd; int ms_level; int ms_optname; const void * ms_optval; unsigned int ms_optlen; } ms_ocall_sock_setopt_t; typedef struct { int ms_sockfd; int ms_how; } ms_ocall_sock_shutdown_t; typedef struct { unsigned long ms_microsec; } ms_ocall_gettime_t; typedef struct { unsigned long ms_microsec; } ms_ocall_sleep_t; typedef struct { struct pollfd * ms_fds; int ms_nfds; uint64_t ms_timeout; } ms_ocall_poll_t; typedef struct { const char * ms_oldpath; const char * ms_newpath; } ms_ocall_rename_t; typedef struct { const char * ms_pathname; } ms_ocall_delete_t; typedef struct { unsigned int ms_tid; } ms_ocall_schedule_t; #pragma pack(pop)