/* -*- mode:c; c-file-style:"k&r"; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width:4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; mode:auto-fill; fill-column:78; -*- */ /* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et tw=78 fo=cqt wm=0: */ #include "ocall_types.h" #include "ecall_types.h" #include "sgx_internal.h" #include "pal_security.h" #include "pal_linux_error.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef SOL_IPV6 # define SOL_IPV6 41 #endif #define PAL_SEC() (¤t_enclave->pal_sec) #define ODEBUG(code, ms) do {} while (0) static int sgx_ocall_exit(void * pms) { ODEBUG(OCALL_EXIT, NULL); INLINE_SYSCALL(exit, 1, 0); return 0; } static int sgx_ocall_print_string(void * pms) { ms_ocall_print_string_t * ms = (ms_ocall_print_string_t *) pms; INLINE_SYSCALL(write, 3, 2, ms->ms_str, ms->ms_length); return 0; } static int sgx_ocall_alloc_untrusted(void * pms) { ms_ocall_alloc_untrusted_t * ms = (ms_ocall_alloc_untrusted_t *) pms; void * addr; ODEBUG(OCALL_ALLOC_UNTRUSTED, ms); addr = (void *) INLINE_SYSCALL(mmap, 6, NULL, ms->ms_size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS|MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0); if (IS_ERR_P(addr)) return -PAL_ERROR_NOMEM; ms->ms_mem = addr; return 0; } static int sgx_ocall_map_untrusted(void * pms) { ms_ocall_map_untrusted_t * ms = (ms_ocall_map_untrusted_t *) pms; void * addr; ODEBUG(OCALL_MAP_UNTRUSTED, ms); addr = (void *) INLINE_SYSCALL(mmap, 6, NULL, ms->ms_size, ms->ms_prot, MAP_FILE|MAP_SHARED, ms->ms_fd, ms->ms_offset); if (IS_ERR_P(addr)) return -PAL_ERROR_NOMEM; ms->ms_mem = addr; return 0; } static int sgx_ocall_unmap_untrusted(void * pms) { ms_ocall_unmap_untrusted_t * ms = (ms_ocall_unmap_untrusted_t *) pms; ODEBUG(OCALL_UNMAP_UNTRUSTED, ms); INLINE_SYSCALL(munmap, 2, ALLOC_ALIGNDOWN(ms->ms_mem), ALLOC_ALIGNUP(ms->ms_mem + ms->ms_size) - ALLOC_ALIGNDOWN(ms->ms_mem)); return 0; } static int sgx_ocall_cpuid(void * pms) { ms_ocall_cpuid_t * ms = (ms_ocall_cpuid_t *) pms; ODEBUG(OCALL_CPUID, ms); asm volatile ("cpuid" : "=a"(ms->ms_values[0]), "=b"(ms->ms_values[1]), "=c"(ms->ms_values[2]), "=d"(ms->ms_values[3]) : "a"(ms->ms_leaf), "c"(ms->ms_subleaf) : "memory"); return 0; } static int sgx_ocall_open(void * pms) { ms_ocall_open_t * ms = (ms_ocall_open_t *) pms; int ret; ODEBUG(OCALL_OPEN, ms); ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(open, 3, ms->ms_pathname, ms->ms_flags|O_CLOEXEC, ms->ms_mode); return IS_ERR(ret) ? unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)) : ret; } static int sgx_ocall_close(void * pms) { ms_ocall_close_t * ms = (ms_ocall_close_t *) pms; ODEBUG(OCALL_CLOSE, ms); INLINE_SYSCALL(close, 1, ms->ms_fd); return 0; } static int sgx_ocall_read(void * pms) { ms_ocall_read_t * ms = (ms_ocall_read_t *) pms; int ret; ODEBUG(OCALL_READ, ms); ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(read, 3, ms->ms_fd, ms->ms_buf, ms->ms_count); return IS_ERR(ret) ? unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)) : ret; } static int sgx_ocall_write(void * pms) { ms_ocall_write_t * ms = (ms_ocall_write_t *) pms; int ret; ODEBUG(OCALL_WRITE, ms); ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(write, 3, ms->ms_fd, ms->ms_buf, ms->ms_count); return IS_ERR(ret) ? unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)) : ret; } static int sgx_ocall_fstat(void * pms) { ms_ocall_fstat_t * ms = (ms_ocall_fstat_t *) pms; int ret; ODEBUG(OCALL_FSTAT, ms); ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(fstat, 2, ms->ms_fd, &ms->ms_stat); return IS_ERR(ret) ? unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)) : ret; } static int sgx_ocall_fionread(void * pms) { ms_ocall_fionread_t * ms = (ms_ocall_fionread_t *) pms; int ret, val; ODEBUG(OCALL_FIONREAD, ms); ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(ioctl, 3, ms->ms_fd, FIONREAD, &val); return IS_ERR(ret) ? unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)) : val; } static int sgx_ocall_fsetnonblock(void * pms) { ms_ocall_fsetnonblock_t * ms = (ms_ocall_fsetnonblock_t *) pms; int ret, flags; ODEBUG(OCALL_FSETNONBLOCK, ms); ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(fcntl, 2, ms->ms_fd, F_GETFL); if (IS_ERR(ret)) return -ERRNO(ret); flags = ret; if (ms->ms_nonblocking) { if (!(flags & O_NONBLOCK)) ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(fcntl, 3, ms->ms_fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); } else { if (flags & O_NONBLOCK) ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(fcntl, 3, ms->ms_fd, F_SETFL, flags & ~O_NONBLOCK); } return IS_ERR(ret) ? unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)) : 0; } static int sgx_ocall_fchmod(void * pms) { ms_ocall_fchmod_t * ms = (ms_ocall_fchmod_t *) pms; int ret; ODEBUG(OCALL_FCHMOD, ms); ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(fchmod, 2, ms->ms_fd, ms->ms_mode); return IS_ERR(ret) ? unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)) : ret; } static int sgx_ocall_fsync(void * pms) { ms_ocall_fsync_t * ms = (ms_ocall_fsync_t *) pms; ODEBUG(OCALL_FSYNC, ms); INLINE_SYSCALL(fsync, 1, ms->ms_fd); return 0; } static int sgx_ocall_ftruncate(void * pms) { ms_ocall_ftruncate_t * ms = (ms_ocall_ftruncate_t *) pms; int ret; ODEBUG(OCALL_FTRUNCATE, ms); ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(ftruncate, 2, ms->ms_fd, ms->ms_length); return IS_ERR(ret) ? unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)) : ret; } static int sgx_ocall_mkdir(void * pms) { ms_ocall_mkdir_t * ms = (ms_ocall_mkdir_t *) pms; int ret; ODEBUG(OCALL_MKDIR, ms); ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(mkdir, 2, ms->ms_pathname, ms->ms_mode); return IS_ERR(ret) ? unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)) : ret; } static int sgx_ocall_getdents(void * pms) { ms_ocall_getdents_t * ms = (ms_ocall_getdents_t *) pms; int ret; ODEBUG(OCALL_GETDENTS, ms); ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(getdents64, 3, ms->ms_fd, ms->ms_dirp, ms->ms_size); return IS_ERR(ret) ? unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)) : ret; } int clone_thread(void (*func) (void *), void * args, unsigned int * child_tid, unsigned int * tid); static int sgx_ocall_clone_thread(void * pms) { ms_ocall_clone_thread_t * ms = (ms_ocall_clone_thread_t *) pms; ODEBUG(OCALL_CLONE_THREAD, ms); return clone_thread(ms->ms_func, (void *) ms->ms_arg, ms->ms_child_tid, &ms->ms_tid); } int sgx_create_process (const char * uri, int nargs, const char ** args, int * retfds); static int sgx_ocall_create_process(void * pms) { ms_ocall_create_process_t * ms = (ms_ocall_create_process_t *) pms; ODEBUG(OCALL_CREATE_PROCESS, ms); int ret = sgx_create_process(ms->ms_uri, ms->ms_nargs, ms->ms_args, ms->ms_proc_fds); if (ret < 0) return ret; ms->ms_pid = ret; return 0; } static int sgx_ocall_exit_process(void * pms) { ms_ocall_exit_process_t * ms = (ms_ocall_exit_process_t *) pms; ODEBUG(OCALL_EXIT_PROCESS, ms); exit_process(ms->ms_status); return 0; } static int sgx_ocall_futex(void * pms) { ms_ocall_futex_t * ms = (ms_ocall_futex_t *) pms; int ret; ODEBUG(OCALL_FUTEX, ms); struct timespec * ts = NULL; if (ms->ms_timeout != (unsigned long) -1) { ts = __alloca(sizeof(struct timespec)); ts->tv_sec = ms->ms_timeout / 1000000; ts->tv_nsec = (ms->ms_timeout - ts->tv_sec * 1000000) * 1000; } ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(futex, 6, ms->ms_futex, ms->ms_op, ms->ms_val, ts, NULL, 0); return IS_ERR(ret) ? unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)) : ret; } static int sgx_ocall_socketpair(void * pms) { ms_ocall_socketpair_t * ms = (ms_ocall_socketpair_t *) pms; int ret; ODEBUG(OCALL_SOCKETPAIR, ms); ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(socketpair, 4, ms->ms_domain, ms->ms_type|SOCK_CLOEXEC, ms->ms_protocol, &ms->ms_sockfds); return IS_ERR(ret) ? unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)) : ret; } static int sock_getopt(int fd, struct sockopt * opt) { return 0; } static int sgx_ocall_sock_listen(void * pms) { ms_ocall_sock_listen_t * ms = (ms_ocall_sock_listen_t *) pms; int ret, fd; ODEBUG(OCALL_SOCK_LISTEN, ms); ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(socket, 3, ms->ms_domain, ms->ms_type|SOCK_CLOEXEC, ms->ms_protocol); if (IS_ERR(ret)) { ret = -PAL_ERROR_DENIED; goto err; } fd = ret; if (ms->ms_addr->sa_family == AF_INET6) { int ipv6only = 1; INLINE_SYSCALL(setsockopt, 5, fd, SOL_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, &ipv6only, sizeof(int)); } /* must set the socket to be reuseable */ int reuseaddr = 1; INLINE_SYSCALL(setsockopt, 5, fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuseaddr, sizeof(int)); ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(bind, 3, fd, ms->ms_addr, ms->ms_addrlen); if (IS_ERR(ret)) { ret = unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)); goto err_fd; } if (ms->ms_type & SOCK_STREAM) { ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(listen, 2, fd, DEFAULT_BACKLOG); if (IS_ERR(ret)) { ret = -PAL_ERROR_DENIED; goto err_fd; } } ret = sock_getopt(fd, &ms->ms_sockopt); if (ret < 0) goto err_fd; return fd; err_fd: INLINE_SYSCALL(close, 1, fd); err: return ret; } static int sgx_ocall_sock_accept(void * pms) { ms_ocall_sock_accept_t * ms = (ms_ocall_sock_accept_t *) pms; int ret, fd; ODEBUG(OCALL_SOCK_ACCEPT, ms); socklen_t addrlen = ms->ms_addrlen; ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(accept4, 4, ms->ms_sockfd, ms->ms_addr, &addrlen, O_CLOEXEC); if (IS_ERR(ret)) { ret = unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)); goto err; } fd = ret; ret = sock_getopt(fd, &ms->ms_sockopt); if (ret < 0) goto err_fd; ms->ms_addrlen = addrlen; return fd; err_fd: INLINE_SYSCALL(close, 1, fd); err: return ret; } static int sgx_ocall_sock_connect(void * pms) { ms_ocall_sock_connect_t * ms = (ms_ocall_sock_connect_t *) pms; int ret, fd; ODEBUG(OCALL_SOCK_CONNECT, ms); ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(socket, 3, ms->ms_domain, ms->ms_type|SOCK_CLOEXEC, ms->ms_protocol); if (IS_ERR(ret)) { ret = -PAL_ERROR_DENIED; goto err; } fd = ret; if (ms->ms_addr->sa_family == AF_INET6) { int ipv6only = 1; INLINE_SYSCALL(setsockopt, 5, fd, SOL_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, &ipv6only, sizeof(int)); } if (ms->ms_bind_addr && ms->ms_bind_addr->sa_family) { ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(bind, 3, fd, ms->ms_bind_addr, ms->ms_bind_addrlen); if (IS_ERR(ret)) { ret = unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)); goto err_fd; } } ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(connect, 3, fd, ms->ms_addr, ms->ms_addrlen); if (IS_ERR(ret) && ERRNO(ret) == EINPROGRESS) { do { struct pollfd pfd = { .fd = fd, .events = POLLOUT, .revents = 0, }; ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(ppoll, 4, &pfd, 1, NULL, NULL); } while (IS_ERR(ret) && ERRNO(ret) == -EWOULDBLOCK); } if (IS_ERR(ret)) { ret = unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)); goto err_fd; } if (ms->ms_bind_addr && !ms->ms_bind_addr->sa_family) { socklen_t addrlen; ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(getsockname, 3, fd, ms->ms_bind_addr, &addrlen); if (IS_ERR(ret)) { ret = -PAL_ERROR_DENIED; goto err_fd; } ms->ms_bind_addrlen = addrlen; } ret = sock_getopt(fd, &ms->ms_sockopt); if (ret < 0) goto err_fd; return fd; err_fd: INLINE_SYSCALL(close, 1, fd); err: return ret; } static int sgx_ocall_sock_recv(void * pms) { ms_ocall_sock_recv_t * ms = (ms_ocall_sock_recv_t *) pms; int ret; ODEBUG(OCALL_SOCK_RECV, ms); struct sockaddr * addr = ms->ms_addr; socklen_t addrlen = ms->ms_addr ? ms->ms_addrlen : 0; if (ms->ms_sockfd == PAL_SEC()->mcast_srv) addr = NULL; ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(recvfrom, 6, ms->ms_sockfd, ms->ms_buf, ms->ms_count, 0, addr, addr ? &addrlen : NULL); if (!IS_ERR(ret) && addr) ms->ms_addrlen = addrlen; return IS_ERR(ret) ? unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)) : ret; } static int sgx_ocall_sock_send(void * pms) { ms_ocall_sock_send_t * ms = (ms_ocall_sock_send_t *) pms; int ret; ODEBUG(OCALL_SOCK_SEND, ms); const struct sockaddr * addr = ms->ms_addr; socklen_t addrlen = ms->ms_addr ? ms->ms_addrlen : 0; if (ms->ms_sockfd == PAL_SEC()->mcast_srv) { struct sockaddr_in * mcast_addr = __alloca(sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); mcast_addr->sin_family = AF_INET; inet_pton4(MCAST_GROUP, sizeof(MCAST_GROUP), &mcast_addr->sin_addr.s_addr); mcast_addr->sin_port = htons(PAL_SEC()->mcast_port); addr = (struct sockaddr *) mcast_addr; addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); } ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(sendto, 6, ms->ms_sockfd, ms->ms_buf, ms->ms_count, MSG_NOSIGNAL, addr, addrlen); return IS_ERR(ret) ? unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)) : ret; } static int sgx_ocall_sock_recv_fd(void * pms) { ms_ocall_sock_recv_fd_t * ms = (ms_ocall_sock_recv_fd_t *) pms; int ret; ODEBUG(OCALL_SOCK_RECV_FD, ms); struct msghdr hdr; struct iovec iov[1]; // receive PAL_HANDLE contents in the body char cbuf[sizeof(struct cmsghdr) + ms->ms_nfds * sizeof(int)]; iov[0].iov_base = ms->ms_buf; iov[0].iov_len = ms->ms_count; // clear body memory memset(&hdr, 0, sizeof(struct msghdr)); // set message header values hdr.msg_iov = iov; hdr.msg_iovlen = 1; hdr.msg_control = cbuf; hdr.msg_controllen = sizeof(struct cmsghdr) + sizeof(int) * ms->ms_nfds; hdr.msg_flags = 0; ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(recvmsg, 3, ms->ms_sockfd, &hdr, 0); if (!IS_ERR(ret)) { struct cmsghdr * chdr = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&hdr); if (chdr && chdr->cmsg_type == SCM_RIGHTS) { ms->ms_nfds = (chdr->cmsg_len - sizeof(struct cmsghdr)) / sizeof(int); memcpy(ms->ms_fds, CMSG_DATA(chdr), sizeof(int) * ms->ms_nfds); } else { ms->ms_nfds = 0; } return ret; } return unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)); } static int sgx_ocall_sock_send_fd(void * pms) { ms_ocall_sock_send_fd_t * ms = (ms_ocall_sock_send_fd_t *) pms; int ret; ODEBUG(OCALL_SOCK_SEND_FD, ms); // Declare variables required for sending the message struct msghdr hdr; // message header struct cmsghdr * chdr; //control message header struct iovec iov[1]; // IO Vector /* Message Body Composition: IOVEC[0]: PAL_HANDLE IOVEC[1..n]: Additional handle member follow Control Message: file descriptors */ // Control message buffer with added space for 2 fds (ie. max size // that it will have) char cbuf[sizeof(struct cmsghdr) + ms->ms_nfds * sizeof(int)]; iov[0].iov_base = (void *) ms->ms_buf; iov[0].iov_len = ms->ms_count; hdr.msg_name = NULL; hdr.msg_namelen = 0; hdr.msg_iov = iov; hdr.msg_iovlen = 1; hdr.msg_flags = 0; hdr.msg_control = cbuf; // Control Message Buffer hdr.msg_controllen = sizeof(struct cmsghdr) + sizeof(int) * ms->ms_nfds; // Fill control message infomation for the file descriptors // Check hdr.msg_controllen >= sizeof(struct cmsghdr) to point to // cbuf, which is redundant based on the above code as we have // statically allocated memory. // or (struct cmsghdr*) cbuf chdr = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&hdr); // Pointer to msg_control chdr->cmsg_level = SOL_SOCKET; // Originating Protocol chdr->cmsg_type = SCM_RIGHTS; // Protocol Specific Type // Length of control message = sizeof(struct cmsghdr) + nfds chdr->cmsg_len = CMSG_LEN(sizeof(int) * ms->ms_nfds); // Copy the fds below control header memcpy(CMSG_DATA(chdr), ms->ms_fds, sizeof(int) * ms->ms_nfds); // Also, Update main header with control message length (duplicate) hdr.msg_controllen = chdr->cmsg_len; ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(sendmsg, 3, ms->ms_sockfd, &hdr, MSG_NOSIGNAL); return IS_ERR(ret) ? unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)) : ret; } static int sgx_ocall_sock_setopt(void * pms) { ms_ocall_sock_setopt_t * ms = (ms_ocall_sock_setopt_t *) pms; int ret; ODEBUG(OCALL_SOCK_SETOPT, ms); ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(setsockopt, 5, ms->ms_sockfd, ms->ms_level, ms->ms_optname, ms->ms_optval, ms->ms_optlen); return IS_ERR(ret) ? unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)) : ret; } static int sgx_ocall_sock_shutdown(void * pms) { ms_ocall_sock_shutdown_t * ms = (ms_ocall_sock_shutdown_t *) pms; ODEBUG(OCALL_SOCK_SHUTDOWN, ms); INLINE_SYSCALL(shutdown, 2, ms->ms_sockfd, ms->ms_how); return 0; } static int sgx_ocall_gettime(void * pms) { ms_ocall_gettime_t * ms = (ms_ocall_gettime_t *) pms; ODEBUG(OCALL_GETTIME, ms); struct timeval tv; INLINE_SYSCALL(gettimeofday, 2, &tv, NULL); ms->ms_microsec = tv.tv_sec * 1000000UL + tv.tv_usec; return 0; } static int sgx_ocall_sleep(void * pms) { ms_ocall_sleep_t * ms = (ms_ocall_sleep_t *) pms; int ret; ODEBUG(OCALL_SLEEP, ms); struct timespec req, rem; req.tv_sec = ms->ms_microsec / 1000000; req.tv_nsec = (ms->ms_microsec - req.tv_sec * 1000000) * 1000; ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(nanosleep, 2, &req, &rem); if (IS_ERR(ret) && ERRNO(ret) == EINTR) ms->ms_microsec = rem.tv_sec * 1000000 + rem.tv_nsec / 1000; return IS_ERR(ret) ? unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)) : ret; } static int sgx_ocall_poll(void * pms) { ms_ocall_poll_t * ms = (ms_ocall_poll_t *) pms; int ret; ODEBUG(OCALL_POLL, ms); struct timespec * ts = NULL; if (ms->ms_timeout != (unsigned long) -1) { ts = __alloca(sizeof(struct timespec)); ts->tv_sec = ms->ms_timeout / 1000000; ts->tv_nsec = (ms->ms_timeout - ts->tv_sec * 1000000) * 1000; } ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(ppoll, 4, ms->ms_fds, ms->ms_nfds, ts, NULL); return IS_ERR(ret) ? unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)) : ret; } static int sgx_ocall_rename(void * pms) { ms_ocall_rename_t * ms = (ms_ocall_rename_t *) pms; int ret; ODEBUG(OCALL_RENAME, ms); ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(rename, 2, ms->ms_oldpath, ms->ms_newpath); return IS_ERR(ret) ? unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)) : ret; } static int sgx_ocall_delete(void * pms) { ms_ocall_delete_t * ms = (ms_ocall_delete_t *) pms; int ret; ODEBUG(OCALL_DELETE, ms); ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(unlink, 1, ms->ms_pathname); if (IS_ERR(ret) && ERRNO(ret) == EISDIR) ret = INLINE_SYSCALL(rmdir, 1, ms->ms_pathname); return IS_ERR(ret) ? unix_to_pal_error(ERRNO(ret)) : ret; } static int sgx_ocall_schedule(void * pms) { ms_ocall_schedule_t * ms = (ms_ocall_schedule_t *) pms; ODEBUG(OCALL_SCHEDULE, ms); if (ms->ms_tid) { INLINE_SYSCALL(tgkill, 3, PAL_SEC()->pid, ms->ms_tid, SIGCONT); } else { INLINE_SYSCALL(sched_yield, 0); } return 0; } void load_gdb_command (const char * command); static int sgx_ocall_load_debug(void * pms) { const char * command = (const char *) pms; ODEBUG(OCALL_LOAD_DEBUG, (void *) command); load_gdb_command(command); return 0; } void * ocall_table[OCALL_NR] = { [OCALL_EXIT] = (void *) sgx_ocall_exit, [OCALL_PRINT_STRING] = (void *) sgx_ocall_print_string, [OCALL_ALLOC_UNTRUSTED] = (void *) sgx_ocall_alloc_untrusted, [OCALL_MAP_UNTRUSTED] = (void *) sgx_ocall_map_untrusted, [OCALL_UNMAP_UNTRUSTED] = (void *) sgx_ocall_unmap_untrusted, [OCALL_CPUID] = (void *) sgx_ocall_cpuid, [OCALL_OPEN] = (void *) sgx_ocall_open, [OCALL_CLOSE] = (void *) sgx_ocall_close, [OCALL_READ] = (void *) sgx_ocall_read, [OCALL_WRITE] = (void *) sgx_ocall_write, [OCALL_FSTAT] = (void *) sgx_ocall_fstat, [OCALL_FIONREAD] = (void *) sgx_ocall_fionread, [OCALL_FSETNONBLOCK] = (void *) sgx_ocall_fsetnonblock, [OCALL_FCHMOD] = (void *) sgx_ocall_fchmod, [OCALL_FSYNC] = (void *) sgx_ocall_fsync, [OCALL_FTRUNCATE] = (void *) sgx_ocall_ftruncate, [OCALL_MKDIR] = (void *) sgx_ocall_mkdir, [OCALL_GETDENTS] = (void *) sgx_ocall_getdents, [OCALL_CLONE_THREAD] = (void *) sgx_ocall_clone_thread, [OCALL_CREATE_PROCESS] = (void *) sgx_ocall_create_process, [OCALL_EXIT_PROCESS] = (void *) sgx_ocall_exit_process, [OCALL_FUTEX] = (void *) sgx_ocall_futex, [OCALL_SOCKETPAIR] = (void *) sgx_ocall_socketpair, [OCALL_SOCK_LISTEN] = (void *) sgx_ocall_sock_listen, [OCALL_SOCK_ACCEPT] = (void *) sgx_ocall_sock_accept, [OCALL_SOCK_CONNECT] = (void *) sgx_ocall_sock_connect, [OCALL_SOCK_RECV] = (void *) sgx_ocall_sock_recv, [OCALL_SOCK_SEND] = (void *) sgx_ocall_sock_send, [OCALL_SOCK_RECV_FD] = (void *) sgx_ocall_sock_recv_fd, [OCALL_SOCK_SEND_FD] = (void *) sgx_ocall_sock_send_fd, [OCALL_SOCK_SETOPT] = (void *) sgx_ocall_sock_setopt, [OCALL_SOCK_SHUTDOWN] = (void *) sgx_ocall_sock_shutdown, [OCALL_GETTIME] = (void *) sgx_ocall_gettime, [OCALL_SLEEP] = (void *) sgx_ocall_sleep, [OCALL_POLL] = (void *) sgx_ocall_poll, [OCALL_RENAME] = (void *) sgx_ocall_rename, [OCALL_DELETE] = (void *) sgx_ocall_delete, [OCALL_SCHEDULE] = (void *) sgx_ocall_schedule, [OCALL_LOAD_DEBUG] = (void *) sgx_ocall_load_debug, }; #define EDEBUG(code, ms) do {} while (0) int ecall_pal_main (const char ** arguments, const char ** environments) { struct pal_enclave * enclave = current_enclave; ms_ecall_pal_main_t ms; ms.ms_arguments = arguments; ms.ms_environments = environments; ms.ms_sec_info = PAL_SEC(); ms.ms_enclave_base = (void *) enclave->baseaddr; ms.ms_enclave_size = enclave->size; EDEBUG(ECALL_PAL_MAIN, &ms); return sgx_ecall(ECALL_PAL_MAIN, &ms); } int ecall_thread_start (void (*func) (void *), void * arg, unsigned int * child_tid, unsigned int tid) { ms_ecall_thread_start_t ms; ms.ms_func = func; ms.ms_arg = arg; ms.ms_child_tid = child_tid; ms.ms_tid = tid; EDEBUG(ECALL_THREAD_START, &ms); return sgx_ecall(ECALL_THREAD_START, &ms); }