/* * This is for enclave to make ocalls to untrusted runtime. */ #include "pal_linux.h" #include #include #include #include noreturn void ocall_exit (int exitcode, int is_exitgroup); int ocall_mmap_untrusted (int fd, uint64_t offset, uint64_t size, unsigned short prot, void ** mem); int ocall_munmap_untrusted (const void * mem, uint64_t size); int ocall_cpuid (unsigned int leaf, unsigned int subleaf, unsigned int values[4]); int ocall_open (const char * pathname, int flags, unsigned short mode); int ocall_close (int fd); int ocall_read (int fd, void * buf, unsigned int count); int ocall_write (int fd, const void * buf, unsigned int count); ssize_t ocall_pread(int fd, void* buf, size_t count, off_t offset); ssize_t ocall_pwrite(int fd, const void* buf, size_t count, off_t offset); int ocall_fstat (int fd, struct stat * buf); int ocall_fionread (int fd); int ocall_fsetnonblock (int fd, int nonblocking); int ocall_fchmod (int fd, unsigned short mode); int ocall_fsync (int fd); int ocall_ftruncate (int fd, uint64_t length); int ocall_mkdir (const char *pathname, unsigned short mode); int ocall_getdents (int fd, struct linux_dirent64 *dirp, unsigned int size); int ocall_listen(int domain, int type, int protocol, int ipv6_v6only, struct sockaddr* addr, unsigned int* addrlen, struct sockopt* sockopt); int ocall_accept (int sockfd, struct sockaddr * addr, unsigned int * addrlen, struct sockopt * opt); int ocall_connect(int domain, int type, int protocol, int ipv6_v6only, const struct sockaddr* addr, unsigned int addrlen, struct sockaddr* bind_addr, unsigned int* bind_addrlen, struct sockopt* sockopt); int ocall_recv (int sockfd, void * buf, unsigned int count, struct sockaddr * addr, unsigned int * addrlenptr, void * control, uint64_t * controllenptr); int ocall_send (int sockfd, const void * buf, unsigned int count, const struct sockaddr * addr, unsigned int addrlen, void * control, uint64_t controllen); int ocall_setsockopt (int sockfd, int level, int optname, const void * optval, unsigned int optlen); int ocall_shutdown (int sockfd, int how); int ocall_resume_thread (void * tcs); int ocall_clone_thread (void); int ocall_create_process(const char* uri, int nargs, const char** args, int* stream_fd, int* cargo_fd, unsigned int* pid); int ocall_futex(int* uaddr, int op, int val, int64_t timeout_us); int ocall_gettime (unsigned long * microsec); int ocall_sleep (unsigned long * microsec); int ocall_socketpair (int domain, int type, int protocol, int sockfds[2]); int ocall_poll(struct pollfd* fds, int nfds, int64_t timeout_us); int ocall_rename (const char * oldpath, const char * newpath); int ocall_delete (const char * pathname); int ocall_load_debug (const char * command); int ocall_get_attestation(const sgx_spid_t* spid, const char* subkey, bool linkable, const sgx_report_t* report, const sgx_quote_nonce_t* nonce, sgx_attestation_t* attestation); int ocall_eventfd (unsigned int initval, int flags);