Flaky tests ----------- These should be debugged, or revisited after memory debugging PRs are merged waitpid03,1 and 2 - fails about 20% of the time preadv01 - fails intermittently in CI - perhaps an unrelated bug? preadv01,2 preadv01,3 preadv01,4 waitpid02 - Gets a segfault in debug build fairly often waitpid02,1 waitpid02,2 waitpid02,3 clock_nanosleep01,11 - Pretty prone to hanging, don't think it is a timeout sendfile05,1 - pretty prone to a segfault, perhaps an unrelated issue Internal memory fault at 0x8 (IP = +0x34f1a, VMID = 3902099696, TID = 1) Prone to hanging - I think a memory corruption issue that may have a pending fix recvfrom01,1 recvfrom01,2 futex_wait03,1 (see https://github.com/oscarlab/graphene/pull/180#issuecomment-368970338) Intermittent seg fault kill03,1 Intermittent hang send01,1 send01,2 sendto01,1 sendto01,2 sendto01,3 recv01,1 recv01,2 Intermittent failure on Linux host poll02,1 Intermittent failure on Linux debug host recvmsg01,1 recvmsg01,2