/* -*- mode:c; c-file-style:"k&r"; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width:4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; mode:auto-fill; fill-column:78; -*- */ /* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et tw=78 fo=cqt wm=0: */ /* Copyright (C) 2014 OSCAR lab, Stony Brook University This file is part of Graphene Library OS. Graphene Library OS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Graphene Library OS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* * db_pipes.c * * This file contains oeprands to handle streams with URIs that start with * "pipe:" or "pipe.srv:". */ #include "pal_defs.h" #include "pal_linux_defs.h" #include "pal.h" #include "pal_internal.h" #include "pal_linux.h" #include "pal_error.h" #include "pal_security.h" #include "pal_debug.h" #include "api.h" #include typedef __kernel_pid_t pid_t; #include #include #include static int pipe_path (int pipeid, char * path, int len) { /* use abstrace UNIX sockets for pipes */ memset(path, 0, len); return snprintf(path + 1, len - 1, GRAPHENE_UNIX_PREFIX_FMT "/%08x", pal_sec.pipe_prefix, pipeid); } static int pipe_addr (int pipeid, struct sockaddr_un * addr) { addr->sun_family = AF_UNIX; return pipe_path(pipeid, (char *) addr->sun_path, sizeof(addr->sun_path)); } static inline int pipe_type (int options) { int type = SOCK_STREAM; if (options & PAL_OPTION_NONBLOCK) type |= SOCK_NONBLOCK; return type; } static int pipe_listen (PAL_HANDLE * handle, PAL_NUM pipeid, int options) { struct sockaddr_un addr; int ret; if ((ret = pipe_addr(pipeid, &addr)) < 0) return ret; struct sockopt sock_options; ret = ocall_sock_listen(AF_UNIX, pipe_type(options), 0, (void *) &addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un), &sock_options); if (ret < 0) return ret; PAL_HANDLE hdl = malloc(HANDLE_SIZE(pipe)); SET_HANDLE_TYPE(hdl, pipesrv); HANDLE_HDR(hdl)->flags |= RFD(0); hdl->pipe.fd = ret; hdl->pipe.pipeid = pipeid; hdl->pipe.nonblocking = options & PAL_OPTION_NONBLOCK ? PAL_TRUE : PAL_FALSE; *handle = hdl; return 0; } static int pipe_waitforclient (PAL_HANDLE handle, PAL_HANDLE * client) { if (!IS_HANDLE_TYPE(handle, pipesrv)) return -PAL_ERROR_NOTSERVER; if (handle->pipe.fd == PAL_IDX_POISON) return -PAL_ERROR_DENIED; struct sockopt sock_options; int ret = ocall_sock_accept(handle->pipe.fd, NULL, NULL, &sock_options); if (ret < 0) return ret; PAL_HANDLE clnt = malloc(HANDLE_SIZE(pipe)); SET_HANDLE_TYPE(clnt, pipecli); HANDLE_HDR(clnt)->flags |= RFD(0)|WFD(0)|WRITEABLE(0); clnt->pipe.fd = ret; clnt->pipe.pipeid = handle->pipe.pipeid; *client = clnt; return 0; } static int pipe_connect (PAL_HANDLE * handle, PAL_NUM pipeid, int options) { struct sockaddr_un addr; int ret; if ((ret = pipe_addr(pipeid, &addr)) < 0) return ret; struct sockopt sock_options; ret = ocall_sock_connect(AF_UNIX, pipe_type(options), 0, (void *) &addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un), NULL, NULL, &sock_options); if (ret < 0) return ret; PAL_HANDLE hdl = malloc(HANDLE_SIZE(pipe)); SET_HANDLE_TYPE(hdl, pipe); HANDLE_HDR(hdl)->flags |= RFD(0)|WFD(0)|WRITEABLE(0); hdl->pipe.fd = ret; hdl->pipe.pipeid = pipeid; hdl->pipe.nonblocking = (options & PAL_OPTION_NONBLOCK) ? PAL_TRUE : PAL_FALSE; *handle = hdl; return 0; } static int pipe_private (PAL_HANDLE * handle, int options) { int ret, fds[2]; int type = SOCK_STREAM; if (options & PAL_OPTION_NONBLOCK) type |= SOCK_NONBLOCK; ret = ocall_socketpair(AF_UNIX, type, 0, fds); if (ret < 0) return ret; PAL_HANDLE hdl = malloc(HANDLE_SIZE(pipeprv)); SET_HANDLE_TYPE(hdl, pipeprv); HANDLE_HDR(hdl)->flags |= RFD(0)|WFD(1)|WRITEABLE(1); hdl->pipeprv.fds[0] = fds[0]; hdl->pipeprv.fds[1] = fds[1]; hdl->pipeprv.nonblocking = (options & PAL_OPTION_NONBLOCK) ? PAL_TRUE : PAL_FALSE; *handle = hdl; return 0; } /* 'open' operation of pipe stream. For each pipe stream, it is identified by a decimal number in URI. There could be two types: pipe and pipe.srv. They behave pretty much the same, except they are two ends of the pipe. */ static int pipe_open (PAL_HANDLE *handle, const char * type, const char * uri, int access, int share, int create, int options) { options &= PAL_OPTION_MASK; if (strpartcmp_static(type, "pipe:") && !*uri) return pipe_private(handle, options); char * endptr; PAL_NUM pipeid = strtol(uri, &endptr, 10); if (*endptr) return -PAL_ERROR_INVAL; if (strpartcmp_static(type, "pipe.srv:")) return pipe_listen(handle, pipeid, options); if (strpartcmp_static(type, "pipe:")) return pipe_connect(handle, pipeid, options); return -PAL_ERROR_INVAL; } /* 'read' operation of pipe stream. offset does not apply here. */ static int pipe_read (PAL_HANDLE handle, int offset, int len, void * buffer) { if (!IS_HANDLE_TYPE(handle, pipecli) && !IS_HANDLE_TYPE(handle, pipeprv) && !IS_HANDLE_TYPE(handle, pipe)) return -PAL_ERROR_NOTCONNECTION; int fd = IS_HANDLE_TYPE(handle, pipeprv) ? handle->pipeprv.fds[0] : handle->pipe.fd; int bytes = ocall_sock_recv(fd, buffer, len, NULL, NULL); if (bytes < 0) return bytes; if (!bytes) return -PAL_ERROR_ENDOFSTREAM; return bytes; } /* 'write' operation of pipe stream. offset does not apply here. */ static int pipe_write (PAL_HANDLE handle, int offset, int len, const void * buffer) { if (!IS_HANDLE_TYPE(handle, pipecli) && !IS_HANDLE_TYPE(handle, pipeprv) && !IS_HANDLE_TYPE(handle, pipe)) return -PAL_ERROR_NOTCONNECTION; int fd = IS_HANDLE_TYPE(handle, pipeprv) ? handle->pipeprv.fds[1] : handle->pipe.fd; int bytes = ocall_sock_send(fd, buffer, len, NULL, 0); PAL_FLG writeable = IS_HANDLE_TYPE(handle, pipeprv) ? WRITEABLE(1) : WRITEABLE(0); if (bytes == -PAL_ERROR_TRYAGAIN) HANDLE_HDR(handle)->flags &= ~writeable; if (bytes < 0) return bytes; if (bytes == len) HANDLE_HDR(handle)->flags |= writeable; else HANDLE_HDR(handle)->flags &= ~writeable; return bytes; } /* 'close' operation of pipe stream. */ static int pipe_close (PAL_HANDLE handle) { if (IS_HANDLE_TYPE(handle, pipeprv)) { if (handle->pipeprv.fds[0] != PAL_IDX_POISON) { ocall_close(handle->pipeprv.fds[0]); handle->pipeprv.fds[0] = PAL_IDX_POISON; } if (handle->pipeprv.fds[1] != PAL_IDX_POISON) { ocall_close(handle->pipeprv.fds[1]); handle->pipeprv.fds[1] = PAL_IDX_POISON; } return 0; } if (handle->pipe.fd != PAL_IDX_POISON) { ocall_close(handle->pipe.fd); handle->pipe.fd = PAL_IDX_POISON; } return 0; } /* 'delete' operation of pipe stream. */ static int pipe_delete (PAL_HANDLE handle, int access) { if (IS_HANDLE_TYPE(handle, pipeprv)) { switch (access) { case 0: if (handle->pipeprv.fds[0] != PAL_IDX_POISON) { ocall_close(handle->pipeprv.fds[0]); handle->pipeprv.fds[0] = PAL_IDX_POISON; } if (handle->pipeprv.fds[1] != PAL_IDX_POISON) { ocall_close(handle->pipeprv.fds[1]); handle->pipeprv.fds[1] = PAL_IDX_POISON; } break; case PAL_DELETE_RD: if (handle->pipeprv.fds[0] != PAL_IDX_POISON) { ocall_close(handle->pipeprv.fds[0]); handle->pipeprv.fds[0] = PAL_IDX_POISON; } break; case PAL_DELETE_WR: if (handle->pipeprv.fds[1] != PAL_IDX_POISON) { ocall_close(handle->pipeprv.fds[1]); handle->pipeprv.fds[1] = PAL_IDX_POISON; } break; default: return -PAL_ERROR_INVAL; } } if (IS_HANDLE_TYPE(handle, pipesrv)) { char buffer[108]; pipe_path(handle->pipe.pipeid, buffer, 108); ocall_delete(buffer); return 0; } if (handle->pipe.fd == PAL_IDX_POISON) return 0; int shutdown; switch (access) { case 0: shutdown = SHUT_RDWR; break; case PAL_DELETE_RD: shutdown = SHUT_RD; break; case PAL_DELETE_WR: shutdown = SHUT_WR; break; default: return -PAL_ERROR_INVAL; } ocall_sock_shutdown(handle->pipe.fd, shutdown); return 0; } static int pipe_attrquerybyhdl (PAL_HANDLE handle, PAL_STREAM_ATTR * attr) { if (HANDLE_HDR(handle)->fds[0] == PAL_IDX_POISON) return -PAL_ERROR_BADHANDLE; int ret = ocall_fionread(HANDLE_HDR(handle)->fds[0]); if (ret < 0) return -ret; memset(attr, 0, sizeof(PAL_STREAM_ATTR)); attr->pending_size = ret; attr->disconnected = HANDLE_HDR(handle)->flags & ERROR(0); attr->readable = (attr->pending_size > 0); attr->writeable = HANDLE_HDR(handle)->flags & ((HANDLE_TYPE(handle) == pal_type_pipeprv) ? WRITEABLE(1) : WRITEABLE(0)); attr->nonblocking = (HANDLE_HDR(handle)->type == pal_type_pipeprv) ? handle->pipeprv.nonblocking : handle->pipe.nonblocking; return 0; } static int pipe_attrsetbyhdl (PAL_HANDLE handle, PAL_STREAM_ATTR * attr) { if (HANDLE_HDR(handle)->fds[0] == PAL_IDX_POISON) return -PAL_ERROR_BADHANDLE; PAL_BOL * nonblocking = (HANDLE_HDR(handle)->type == pal_type_pipeprv) ? &handle->pipeprv.nonblocking : &handle->pipe.nonblocking; if (attr->nonblocking != *nonblocking) { int ret = ocall_fsetnonblock(HANDLE_HDR(handle)->fds[0], attr->nonblocking); if (ret < 0) return ret; *nonblocking = attr->nonblocking; } return 0; } static int pipe_getname (PAL_HANDLE handle, char * buffer, int count) { int old_count = count; int ret; const char * prefix = NULL; int prefix_len = 0; switch (HANDLE_TYPE(handle)) { case pal_type_pipesrv: case pal_type_pipecli: prefix_len = 8; prefix = "pipe.srv"; break; case pal_type_pipe: prefix_len = 4; prefix = "pipe"; break; case pal_type_pipeprv: default: return -PAL_ERROR_INVAL; } if (prefix_len >= count) return -PAL_ERROR_OVERFLOW; memcpy(buffer, prefix, prefix_len); buffer[prefix_len] = ':'; buffer += prefix_len + 1; count -= prefix_len + 1; ret = snprintf(buffer, count, "%lu\n", handle->pipe.pipeid); if (buffer[ret - 1] != '\n') { memset(buffer, 0, count); return -PAL_ERROR_OVERFLOW; } buffer[ret - 1] = 0; buffer += ret - 1; count -= ret - 1; return old_count - count; } struct handle_ops pipe_ops = { .getname = &pipe_getname, .open = &pipe_open, .waitforclient = &pipe_waitforclient, .read = &pipe_read, .write = &pipe_write, .close = &pipe_close, .delete = &pipe_delete, .attrquerybyhdl = &pipe_attrquerybyhdl, .attrsetbyhdl = &pipe_attrsetbyhdl, }; struct handle_ops pipeprv_ops = { .open = &pipe_open, .read = &pipe_read, .write = &pipe_write, .close = &pipe_close, .attrquerybyhdl = &pipe_attrquerybyhdl, .attrsetbyhdl = &pipe_attrsetbyhdl, };